6 resultados para URBAN REHABILITATION

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This paper explores the urban rehabilitation projects promoted by the Spanish Government between 1992 and 2012 through housing plans. The analysis is based on the comparison of programmes and estimations gathered in these plans with actual housing production within this period in order to find the connection between sectoral housing planning and real estate cycles in these last twenty years. During the period under review, six state housing plans, that were mainly focused on the promotion of newly-constructed state-subsidised housing, were developed, including the Areas of Integrated Rehabilitation programmes (ARI programmes). In spite of the relevance and growing complexity of these programmes, these played a subsidiary role in the government housing policy and were insignificant regarding the whole real estate production in this period.


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At this moment of extended economic, social and environmental crisis within which new interventions on the consolidated city are being set out, it is essential to count on the acquired experience in urban rehabilitation processes that were carried out in Spain during the last thirty years. Despite the complexity of this kind of processes and the diversity of the situations and actions that happened, this paper addresses the analysis of common patterns in twenty urban rehabilitation experiences. Different stages of the processes were studied, from the management to the regenerated areas in order to ease the design of new intervention initiatives.


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La expansión de las ciudades hacia la periferia en las últimas décadas ha generado una serie de tejidos en colisión, donde los intersticios y los espacios residuales muestran la realidad de una ciudad dispersa. A esta serie de espacios intermedios los denominaremos “vacíos urbanos” y determinaremos una serie de factores que hagan posible su identificación Los vacíos urbanos son el objeto de la Tesis. El concepto “vacío urbano” adquiere un determinado significado para la investigación y se acota formulando una serie de parámetros para su definición. Definiremos los “vacíos urbanos” como espacios que han aparecido en el extrarradio de las ciudades, fruto de una expansión sin precedentes de las áreas urbanas. Han surgido como lugares residuales condicionados por elementos naturales o por infraestructuras, ligados a una temporalidad incierta, no inmersos en la dinámicas urbanas o habiendo perdido su funcionalidad. El objetivo de esta investigación es localizar y clasificar los vacíos existentes en la ciudad partiendo de la hipótesis de que es posible establecer una metodología para su reconocimiento y comprobación de los parámetros que los definen. La investigación centra su estudio en la ciudad de Zaragoza, como un ejemplo paradigmático, confirmando que la nueva fenomenología territorial, no sólo se manifiesta en dicha ciudad y en las áreas en concreto donde se ha estudiado, sino que más bien se trata de observarla como una serie de modelos tipológicos que respondan a un proceso de análisis. La propuesta metodológica de loa tesis pasa por reconocerlos, mostrarlos y darles una visibilidad que permita su clasificación, el desarrollo de un estudio de Áreas de la ciudad donde se localizan y un análisis de cada tipología de vacío urbano. Como instrumento metodológico se ha elaborado una detallada cartografía a diferentes escalas. La realización de los planos ha sido el medio de análisis que ha permitido localizar e interpretar los vacíos, complementado con unas escogidas fotografías de estos entornos. La metodología se convierte en un modo de descubrir y analizar los vacíos, el proceso conlleva la comprobación y la clasificación en una tipología. Según se han ido analizando nuevas áreas, se confirma como un hecho repetitivo exitoso y se observa que es aplicable a otras áreas urbanas de similares características, donde se den las condiciones principales de cada tipo. En general, deberán ser espacios localizados en la periferia de núcleos urbanos donde aparezcan fenómenos ligados a una expansión discontinua. Parece probable que el futuro de la ciudad se tenga que resolver en las próximas décadas sobre su actual extensión; bajo este supuesto, es trascendente la función que los vacíos puedan desempeñar en el futuro desarrollo urbano. Toda posibilidad de intervención precisará de una necesaria reinterpretación, puestas las miras en su potencial como elementos capaces de generar una rehabilitación urbana. A su vez se hace conveniente plantear una reflexión sobre estos espacios cargados de una dimensión social y cultural, como lugares capaces de articular y dotar de identidad al medio urbano. Los vacíos deberían protagonizar un papel relevante en la estructuración urbana, abriendo posibilidades para el tramado de la ciudad desde nuevas perspectivas. Una apuesta para que estos espacios libres pasen de ser el objetivo de procesos urbanizadores tradicionales, a ser considerados como oportunos elementos vertebradores de los entornos periurbanos, colaborando en el objetivo de una ciudad contemporánea sostenible. ABSTRACT In the last decades the city periphary expansion has provoked a series of matters to collide, where interstices and waste lands show the reality of a divided city. We shall determine a number of factors allowing us to treat these “in between” spaces, also called "urban voids" as identifiable elements. We will consider them the subject of the thesis and establish them as a "concept", delimiting the meaning of the research specifically acquired, defining, and formulating a set of parameters. "Urban voids" are defined as spaces that have appeared on the outskirts of cities, the result of an unprecedented expansion of urban areas. They have emerged as waste lands, conditioned by natural elements or infrastructure, related to uncertain temporality, not immersed in the urban dynamics, or having lost their functionality. It seems likely that in the upcoming decades, the future of the city will have to resolve its current way of expanding . It is under this assumption that urban voids, as intermediate spaces, will play an important role in future urban developments. Any possible intervention will require a necessary reinterpretation, closely watching their potential as elements capable of generating an urban rehabilitation. At the same time, we wish to reflect on these spaces, in many cases loaded with a social and cultural dimension, as places able to articulate and give identity to the urban environment. Based on the hypothesis that it is possible to establish a methodology for recognition and verification, the purpose of this research is to locate and classify the existing urban voids in the city. The research focuses its study on the city of Saragossa which can be seen as a paradigmatic example. The objective is to confirm that this new territorial phenomenology, not only manifests itself in Saragossa and specific areas under study, but also, can be observed as a series of typological models that respond to a review process. The methodological proposal will recognize, demonstrate, and exhibit these urban voids, in a light that will allow us to classify them, examine the different areas where they can be found, and develop a tipology analysis of each type of urban void found. The technical tool used in this research is a detailed mapping at different scales. A realization of plans, as a mean of analysis, supplemented with a few selected pictures of these environments, will facilitate the location and interpretation of these voids. This scholarly approach to discover and analyze urban voids will involve checking and classifying them in a typology. It has been confirmed as a successful constant regulator while exploring new areas. It will be apply to other urban areas with similar characteristics, that is, spaces located on the periphery of urban areas where expansion is linked to the appearence of discontinuous phenomena. The urban voids play a fundamental role within the urban structure, providing the city a weaving scheme with opportunities of fresh perspectives. The challenge for these free spaces is to move from being the consequence of traditional urban development processes, to being considered opportune backbone elements of peri-urban environments, and to finally contribute to the objectives of a sustainable contemporary city.


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In the framework ofthe National Research Plan2008-2011, our research poses estrategy for the design and evaluation of plans and programmes of urban integrated regeneration. The objective is to develop a study on the role of rehabilitation of buildings in concepts like urban integration, social cohesion and environmental responsibility. The research proposes a methodological tool for evaluating urban regeneration processes from a holistic perspective that can serve as a guide for governments and technical teams to address intervention in consolidated urban areas with physical and socio-economic problems. The development of the tool has inevitably led to delve into different areas where you can intervene but has not lost sight of the complex interplay of factors involved in the process.It is an open source tool to visualize Urban Integrated Rehabilitation processes.


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La envolvente de la edificación es la responsable de equilibrar el intercambio energético entre el interior y el exterior, por lo tanto cualquier actuación encaminada a la reducción del consumo energético ha de establecer, como uno de sus objetivos prioritarios, la mejora del comportamiento de la misma. Las edificaciones anteriores a 1940 constituyen la mayor parte de las existentes en áreas rurales y centros urbanos. En ellas, la repercusión de la fachada sobre las transmitancias globales pone de manifiesto la necesidad de intervención. Sin embargo, su elevada inercia térmica y los importantes saltos térmicos característicos de gran parte de España plantean la importancia de que aquélla se efectúe por el exterior. A tal respecto, la falta de disponibilidad de espesor suficiente para implantar sistemas tipo SATE deriva en que, frecuentemente, la única solución viable sea la de aislar por el interior perdiendo con ello la capacidad de acumulación térmica del muro y con el asociado riesgo de condensaciones. La amplia tradición en el empleo de revestimientos, especialmente en base de cal, permiten que éstos sean utilizados no sólo como elemento estético o de protección de la obra de fábrica antigua sino también para la mejora del comportamiento térmico del soporte, si se aprovecha el mecanismo de transmisión térmica por radiación. Éste es el objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral en la que se estudia la modificación de las propiedades radiantes de los morteros de revestimiento para la mejora de la eficiencia energética de las construcciones históricas, principalmente las constituidas por muros monolíticos, aunque podría ser de aplicación a otro tipo de construcciones compuestas por diversas capas. Como punto de partida, se estudió y revisó la documentación disponible sobre las investigaciones de las tres áreas científico-tecnológicas que convergen en la Tesis Doctoral: rehabilitación, material y comportamiento térmico, a partir de lo cual se comprobó la inexistencia de estudios similares al objeto de la presente Tesis Doctoral. Complementariamente, se analizaron los revestimientos en lo concerniente a los materiales que los constituyen, la composición de las mezclas y características de cada una de las capas así como al enfoque que, desde el punto de vista térmico, se estimaba más adecuado para la obtención de los objetivos propuestos. Basándonos en dichos análisis, se preseleccionaron ochenta materiales que fueron ensayados en términos de reflectancia y emisividad para elegir cuatro con los que se continuó la investigación. Éstos, junto con la cal elegida para la investigación y el árido marmóreo característico de la última capa de revestimiento, fueron caracterizados térmicamente, de forma pormenorizada, así como química y físicamente. Los fundamentos teóricos y los estudios preliminares desarrollados con distintos materiales, en estado fresco y endurecido, fueron empleados en la dosificación de componentes de las mezclas, en dos proporciones distintas, para el estudio del efecto del agregado. Éstas se ensayaron en estado fresco, para comprobar su adecuación de puesta en obra y prever su VI adherencia al soporte, así como en estado endurecido a 28 y 90 días de curado, para conocer las propiedades que permitieran prever su compatibilidad con aquél y estimar el alcance de la reducción de transferencias térmicas lograda. Además, se estudiaron las características generales de las mezclas que sirvieron para establecer correlaciones entre distintas propiedades y entender los resultados mecánicos, físicos (comportamiento frente al agua) y energéticos. Del estudio conjunto de las distintas propiedades analizadas se propusieron dos mezclas, una blanca y otra coloreada, cuyas características permiten garantizar la compatibilidad con la obra de fábrica antigua, desde el punto de vista físico y mecánico, y preservar la autenticidad de los revestimientos, en cuanto a la técnica de aplicación tradicional en sistemas multicapa. El comportamiento térmico de las mismas, sobre una obra de fábrica de 40 cm de espesor, se estimó, en estado estacionario y pseudo-transitorio, demostrándose reducciones del flujo térmico entre 16-48%, en condiciones de verano, y entre el 6-11%, en invierno, en función de la coloración y de la rugosidad de la superficie, en comparación con el empleo de la mezcla tradicional. Por lo que, se constata la viabilidad de los materiales compuestos propuestos y su adecuación al objetivo de la investigación. VII ABSTRACT The envelope is responsible for balancing the energy exchange between the inside and outside in buildings. For this reason, any action aimed at reducing energy consumption must establish, as one of its key priorities, its improvement. In rural areas and urban centers, most of the constructions were built before 1940. In them, the impact of the façade on the global transmittance highlights the need for intervention. However, its high thermal inertia and fluctuation of temperatures in the majority of Spain bring up that it should be placed outside the insulation. In this regard, the lack of availability of enough thickness to implement systems such as ETICS results in that often the only viable solution is to isolate the interior, losing thereby the wall’s heat storage capacity with the associated risk of condensation. The tradition in the use of renders, especially lime-based, allows us to use them not only as an aesthetic element or to protect the ancient masonry, but also for improved thermal performance of the support by taking advantage of the heat transfer mechanism by radiation. This is the aim of this Doctoral Thesis in which the modification of the radiative properties of lime mortars for renders to improve the energy efficiency of historic buildings, mainly composed of monolithic walls, is studied, although it could be applied to other structures composed of several layers. As a starting point, the available literature in the three scientific-technological areas that converge at the Doctoral Thesis: rehabilitation, material and thermal behaviour, was reviewed, and confirmed the absence of researches similar to this Doctoral Thesis. Additionally, the renders were studied with regard to the materials that constitute them, the composition of the mixtures and the characteristics of each layer, as well as to the approach which, from a thermal point of view, was deemed the most suitable for achieving the objectives sets. Based on thre aforementioned analysis, eighty materials tested in terms of reflectance and emissivity were pre-selected, to choose four with which the research was continued. Common marble sand, used in the last layer of the renders, together with the appointed materials and hydrated lime were characterized thermally, in detail, as well as chemically and physically. The theoretical bases and preliminary studies with different materials, in fresh and hardened state, were used in the dosage of the composition of the mixtures. In order to study their effect they were used in two different proportions, that is, ten mixtures in total. These were tested in their fresh state to evaluate their setting-up suitability and foresee their adhesion to the support, as well as in their hardened state, at 28 and 90 days of curing, to establish the properties which enabled us to anticipate their compatibility with the old masonry walls and estimate the scope of the reduction of heat transfers achieved. In addition, the general characteristics of the mixtures used to establish correlations and to understand the mechanical, physical and energy results were studied. Two mixtures, one white and one colored, were proposed as the result of the different properties analysed, whose characteristics allow the guarantee of mechanical and physical compatibility VIII with the old masonry and preserve the authenticity of the renders. The thermal behavior of both, applied on a masonry wall 40 cm thick, was estimated at a steady and pseudo-transient state, with heat flow reductions between 16-48% during summertime and 6-11% during wintertime, depending on the color and surface roughness, compared to the use of the traditional mixture. So, the viability of the proposed composite materials and their fitness to the aim of the research are established.


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Present research is framed within the project MODIFICA (MODelo predictivo - edIFIcios - Isla de Calor Urbana) aimed at developing a predictive model for dwelling energy performance under the urban heat island effect in order to implement it in the evaluation of real energy demand and consumption of dwellings as well as in the selection of energy retrofitting strategies. It is funded by Programa de I+D+i orientada a los retos de la sociedad 'Retos Investigación' 2013. The scope of our predictive model is defined by the heat island effect (UHI) of urban structures that compose the city of Madrid. In particular, we focus on the homogeneous areas for urban structures with the same urban and building characteristics. Data sources for the definition of such homogeneous areas were provided by previous research on the UHI of Madrid. The objective is to establish a critical analysis of climate records used for energy simulation tools, which data come from weather stations placed in decontextualized areas from the usual urban reality, where the thermal conditions differs by up to 6ºC. In this way, we intend to develop a new predictive model for the consumption and demand in buildings depending on their location, the urban structure and the associated UHI, improving the future energy rehabilitation interventions