44 resultados para Two-domain architecture

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this paper the authors present an approach for the semantic annotation of RESTful services in the geospatial domain. Their approach automates some stages of the annotation process, by using a combination of resources and services: a cross-domain knowledge base like DBpedia, two domain ontologies like GeoNames and the WGS84 vocabulary, and suggestion and synonym services. The authors’ approach has been successfully evaluated with a set of geospatial RESTful services obtained from ProgrammableWeb.com, where geospatial services account for a third of the total amount of services available in this registry.


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Se recoge en esta tesis doctoral la definición y clasificación de los edificios cuya finalidad es proporcionar espacios para escuchar y producir música. Se centra en aquellos construidos a lo largo del siglo XX, en el área geográfica y cultural que forman Europa occidental y Estados Unidos. Se analizan edificios construidos en el pasado, en una serie que se origina a mediados del siglo XIX y que se culmina terciado el propio siglo XX. Son edificios que contienen espacios pensados para músicas que, sin embargo, en su mayoría fueron creadas en un periodo anterior, desde mediados del siglo XVIII hasta las primeras décadas del siglo pasado. Un auditorium es un edificio cuya idea conlleva la compleja herencia de los múltiples lugares, abiertos y cerrados, que han alojado la música a lo largo del tiempo. Es un edificio que es útil a la sociedad y que ocupa un lugar significativo dentro de la ciudad, y es consecuencia del campo de fuerzas que constituyen los avances técnicos, el progreso de las sociedades urbanas y la evolución del arte, al compartir estrechamente, música y arquitectura, el interés por hallar la expresión de una nueva relación con la naturaleza. Se parte de la hipótesis de que el auditorium puede constituir un tipo arquitectónico con entidad suficiente para generar una tipología. Entendida ésta como una herramienta que dota de conocimientos útiles a quien va a proyectar un edificio para la música y también que permita abrir el campo de pensamiento sobre el espacio musical, sin necesidad de recurrir a modelos previos, aunque se hayan manifestado útiles y precisos. Se comienza con una aproximación a una definición del término «auditorium » y se analizan a qué funciones responde y en qué es distinto de otros edificios, a través de determinar las características formales propias. Para ello se articula la tesis en varios bloques de análisis. I Elementos para una tipología Se indaga en los atributos que determinan la naturaleza de los auditorios para definir cómo son estos edificios y qué características y condiciones tienen, no sólo las salas sino también los edificios que las contienen, buscando el origen de los espacios musicales y su relación con las personas que allí se han reunido para celebrar, a través de la música, acontecimientos colectivos. Relación que ha comportado desplazamientos por los distintos espacios que ha compartido, supeditada a otras actividades, hasta que finalmente, la música ha reclamado espacios propios. Pero también se establece otra relación física entre las distintas posiciones que ocupan en el espacio cuantos intervienen en la celebración del hecho musical, músicos y público. De otra parte se analiza cómo son sus espacios interiores, salas y vestíbulos, y los volúmenes y formas de los edificios en relación con la ciudad. Su conexión con la idea del paisaje abierto y con el carácter originario de la cueva. II Cinco tiempos Los edificios sobre los que se van explorar estas capacidades son en muchos casos arquitecturas divulgadas y conocidas. Sin embargo no todas han tenido desde su aparición el mismo grado de aprecio ni reconocimiento, y sólo el paso del tiempo ha confirmado su excelencia. El estudio se estructura en los periodos marcados por los acontecimientos bélicos y las grandes crisis que sacudieron Europa y Norte América desde comienzos del siglo XX. La identificación de los elementos significativos de la tipología se hace a través del análisis de distintos tiempos que agrupan casos heterogéneos, tiempos entendidos unas veces como la relación entre edificios coetáneos y otra como proyectos pensados por un mismo arquitecto y se detiene, entre otros, en cuatro excepcionales edificios que condensan la experiencia de varias décadas y demuestran su plenitud arquitectónica, por haber evolucionado de modelos precedentes o por su novedosas aportaciones. El Royal Festival Hall (1951), el Kresge Auditorium (1954), el Kulttuuritalo (1958) y la Philharmonie de Berlín (1963), sirven de base para una clasificación del auditorium. III Cronología gráfica Este apartado es fundamentalmente gráfico y consta un inventario de más de 100 archivos correspondientes a otros tantos auditorios y sus salas, en orden cronológico. Cada archivo cuenta con una imagen del exterior del edificio y otra del interior de la sala. Se han incorporado en cada uno de los archivos, dos dibujos a la misma escala. El primero muestra la planta de la sala con tres parámetros: la ocupación del público en referencia al lugar que ocupa la orquesta, la relación de tamaño entre la sala y las de los cuatro auditorios de referencia y la distancia al foco de sonido, la orquesta, mediante una escala en metros. Estos tres parámetros están superpuestos al que he considerado espacio audible, un rectángulo de 60 por 90 metros, en el que el foco está desplazado, por considerar que el sonido de una orquesta tiene una componente directional y que en esas dimensiones la energía sonora no decae. En el friso bajo el dibujo, aparecen cuatro iconos que informan de la relación formal de la sala con la del auditorium. Puede ser una sala dentro de un edificio sin correspondencia formal, un edificio en el que se manifiesta exteriormente el volumen de la sala, un edificio que tiene la forma de la sala y resuelve el resto del programa funcional sin manifestarlo exteriormente o, finalmente un edificio complejo cuya forma absorbe dos o más salas de música. El segundo dibujo es la sección longitudinal de la sala, recortada sobre un fondo negro para destacar su forma y proporción, todas están a la misma escala y en la misma dirección respecto del escenario para facilitar su lectura y comparación. En el parte inferior de la sección, aparecen cuatro esquemas de la forma y distribución en planta sobre el que destaca la de cada caso de estudio. La forma del techo de las salas de música de los auditorios, expresada a través de la sección longitudinal, es uno de los elementos que caracteriza el espacio musical. El perímetro de la sección, determina su superficie y por tanto, el volumen total interior. Es una herramienta técnica que permite dirigir el sonido reflejado en él, hasta cualquier lugar del interior de la sala, garantizando una distribución homogénea y evitando concentraciones perjudiciales o «sombras acústicas», lugares donde no llegan las primeras reflexiones. IV Geometría de las salas El análisis efectuado permite la elaboración de paralelos de tres de los elementos fundamentales de la tipología de las salas de los auditorium y que definen el espacio musical. El perímetro de la sección y su superficie que establecen el volumen total interior, que es un factor determinante en la reverberación de una sala. La forma y superficie del techo, que interviene directamente en el cálculo de la absorción del sonido, en función de la cualidad reflejante o absorbente del material con el que está construido, y por otra parte en la distribución del sonido en el espacio. Y por último, la forma del suelo de las salas también expresada a través de la sección longitudinal, es otro de los elementos que caracteriza el espacio musical. El modelado del suelo permite mediante distintas pendientes garantizar la correcta visión del escenario y por tanto permite también una buena audición, puesto que la llegada directa del sonido está asegurada. La otra limitación dimensional es el ancho de la grada. Cuando se ha buscado incrementar al máximo la capacidad de una sala, se han establecido graderíos en balcones en voladizo para no penalizar la distancia al escenario, de manera que algunas partes del graderío quedan cubiertas, en detrimento de su calidad acústica al privarlas de las primeras reflexiones que proceden del techo. V Auditórium y ciudad El auditorium es un edificio singular que establece con la ciudad una relación particular y que contiene en su interior una o varias salas especiales destinadas a oír y ejecutar música, a las que se accede a través de otros espacios de carácter social. Han ido evolucionando y modificándose de manera ininterrumpida, dando lugar a edificios de diversa complejidad en su programa y a salas cada vez mas especificas para cumplir mejor su cometido, perfeccionando su sonido y buscando la más elevada musicalidad. Estos edificios disponen de otros ámbitos de relación, son los espacios interiores, vestíbulos y escaleras, generalmente generosos en superficie y espacialidad, previos al espacio musical, corazón del auditorium donde suena la música en condiciones acústicas precisas. También el lugar donde se construyen los auditoriums en las ciudades tiene un especial significado, porque generalmente han buscado interponer espacios abiertos o ajardinados que suavicen el contacto directo con la ciudad y que implican, por otra parte, una preparación de las personas que asisten para escuchar los conciertos. Con el paso del tiempo, la aceptación generalizada de formas afianzadas en la ciudad, será uno de los vehículos que permita contaminar a otros tipos de edificios y alcanzar una libertad formal renovadora de los paisajes urbanos. Conclusiones La disolución del espacio musical convencional pregonado por el pabellón Philips del año 1958, no ha impedido que hoy siga vivo para el arquitecto el reto del proyecto y construcción del auditorium. Hoy conviven experiencias musicales totales; imagen, luz y movimiento, ocupando todo tipo de espacios públicos, cerrados o al aire libre, con la voluntad de conseguir espacios capaces de crear la intimidad y las precisas condiciones ambientales que hagan posible la recreación de las músicas del pasado en una especie de emocionante museo sonoro vivo. Como edificios urbanos, los auditoriums han conseguido un lugar destacado en la iconografía urbana después de un largo camino hasta conseguir el reconocimiento social. Se puede, así, establecer que estos edificios han introducido en la ciudad una nueva manera de expresarse la arquitectura. Que lo inesperado de sus formas y volúmenes en el espacio urbano, o la sorpresa de sus interiores altamente técnicos, justificados para satisfacer las nuevas necesidades impuestas por una audiencia cada vez más y más experta, obtienen la aceptación urbana por su utilidad social y por su capacidad de establecer una relación distinta entre las personas, la ciudad y la naturaleza. Coda Finalmente, el epílogo habla de la metamorfosis del espacio musical y de la convivencia de distintos espacios musicales en la actualidad. Desde la creación de las primeras y sencillas salas de música hasta las grandes salas filarmónicas que se construyen en las últimas décadas, la arquitectura ha proporcionado lugares adecuados para contener y disfrutar la música, espacios que se han modificado según cambiaban las formas musicales. Sin embargo el sonido parece mostrarse reticente a ser encerrado en el espacio y busca aliarse con el tiempo para conseguir un desplazamiento permanente. Seguramente es en el pabellón Philips de Bruselas en 1958 donde se presenta el último intento de la arquitectura de contener la música, que impulsada por tecnologías absolutamente nuevas, se mueve como dardos que atraviesan el espacio en todos los lugares y en todas las direcciones. Desde aquellas décadas centrales del pasado siglo, y superando los mas optimistas intentos de distribuir masivamente la música a través de incipientes tecnologías, se puede afirmar que vivimos en una inmersión sonora universal. Anexos Incluyen, una colección de mapas de la geografía de los auditorios europeos y norte-americanos, referenciados a los periodos de su construcción, y una relación de los auditorios estudiados con referencias bibliográficas. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis does not only look at the ways in which architecture and music relate with one another; it also seeks to be an exact, scientific study of auditoriums, a building type that first appeared in the 20th century as a place in which to produce and listen to music. It studies concert halls, raised in Europe and the United Stated in the 20th century, for the purpose of recreating older music, that were the result of the evolution of various ancient building types. Auditoriums have a complex heritage of architecture of all times, openair and covered alike, and occupy important spots in cities. They incorporate the technical innovations of their times, and are reflections not only of the music played within them, but also of the societies that built them. Music and architecture share an interest in connecting with nature. Auditorium, a 20th-century Typology tries to define this building typology, and with that, be a practical tool in designing and constructing spaces for music, besides exploring the relationship between the two disciplines, architecture and music, and establishing the foundations for an entire school of thought. It is organized in five chapters, each focusing on a particular aspect of auditoriums, all towards defining a possible typology: I Typology elements. A study of the origin of auditoriums, and of how the different parts of these buildings —the actual concert hall, the foyer, the open spaces— relate with the city and with nature, which is ever present in music and in the origin of auditoriums. II Five sequences. A chronological journey through the 20th century, in periods marked by the two world wars and the consequent crises, with case studies of four exceptional buildings: the Royal Festival Hall (1951), the Kresge Auditorium (1954), the Kulttuuritalo (1958), and the Berlin Philharmonie (1963). III Graphic chronology. A methodical sequence looking at a hundred auditoriums, with each entry presenting images of the concert hall and the building as a whole, and two drawings on the same scale. Each concert hall floor plan shows how the orchestra relates with the audience, and it is compared to the floor plans of the four case-study examples named above. We also see how the hall is set into the building. The second drawing is the longitudinal section of the hall. Ceiling shape much determines the character of concert hall spaces, while technical data like air volume and the amount of absorbent and reflecting materials used have a direct bearing on the reflection of sound and on the overall musical quality of the auditorium. IV Geometry of concert halls. Graphic analysis of the key elements of a music space: the ceiling and the floor plan. The section is a necessary tool for determining the reverberation time of a concert hall, and is closely linked to the shape of the floor plan. In concert halls, there is a strong connection between the ceiling, the walls, and the floor, as there is between different musical instruments. It also includes maps showing where these European and American buildings are located geographically as well as in time. V The auditorium in the city. This chapter presents a series of maps showing the location of auditoriums in the city. They are often located in squares and gardens, open public spaces that serve to emotionally prepare the listener for an imminent musical experience. Time has shown that concert halls have changed the urban landscape and city life. Conclusions As a building type, auditoriums —though «dissolved» by the Philips Pavilion in 1958— remain valid spaces for listening to music. As intimate and unique spaces for social gathering and musical creation, they have done their part in transforming cities. Acoustics play a key role in these technical interiors, but just as important is the rapport that is struck between the musicians and the audience, and between musical works of the past, present, and future. Auditoriums are urban buildings that have been very successful throughout history. They have enriched our cities with surprising shapes and volumes, introduced new interiors in architecture, and struck new relationships between people, the city, and nature. As such, they are necessary. Coda Finally, the epilogue presents the evolution of the music space, from the early simple music halls to the highly complex philharmonic halls of recent years. Architecture has produced spaces for the enjoyment of music that have been modified for new musical creations, while remaining useful for the historical repertoire. Sound, and thus music, has as complex a relationship with space as it does with time. The coda of this thesis is the Philips Pavilion of 1958, perhaps the last attempt to propose a new kind of architecture for music with the latest technology. Annexes The thesis includes a collection of site maps of European and American auditoriums, complete with completion dates and descriptions.


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La innovación en arquitectura reside en los desplazamientos: llevar el trópico a Dinamarca, un trasatlántico al centro de la ciudad, el pasado al presente, el presente al futuro y también lo profano a la academia. De estos últimos desplazamientos, habituales en la práctica de la teoría del proyecto, se ocupa esta tesis. La investigación profundizará en el tránsito de lo ordinario al archivo y viceversa, de lo hallado en un fragmento de paisaje existente desconocido para la literatura disciplinar: el territorio de la carretera CV500. Sus límites serán, en lo geográfico, el tramo entre Valencia y Sueca y, en lo temporal, los años desde el Plan de Urbanización del Saler en la época del desarrollismo de los 60s hasta La Ruta del Bacalao en la década de los 80s. El “intercambio innovador” será conducido a través de dos probados descriptores y formuladores de teoría de arquitectura a partir de relecturas de lo ordinario: Learning from Las Vegas y Delirious New York ABSTRACT Innovation in architecture resides on displacements: taking the tropics to Denmark and the ocean liners to the city centre, bringing the past to the present and taking the present to the future, and converting the ordinary into academia. This thesis will deal with this last displacement, common in the practice of project theory. The research will provide an in-depth view of the transition from the ordinary into cultural archives and vice versa, based on what was found in a fragment of an existing landscape absent from related literature: the territory of the CV500 road. The geographical limit will be the section between Valencia and Sueca, while the time limit will be the years from the Saler Zoning Plan during the economic development policy of the 1960s to the “Bacalao” clubbing route of the 1980s. The “innovative exchange” will be led through two proven architecture theory descriptors and formulators based on rereading the ordinary: Learning from Las Vegas and Delirious New York.


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La telepesencia combina diferentes modalidades sensoriales, incluyendo, entre otras, la visual y la del tacto, para producir una sensación de presencia remota en el operador. Un elemento clave en la implementación de sistemas de telepresencia para permitir una telemanipulación del entorno remoto es el retorno de fuerza. Durante una telemanipulación, la energía mecánica es transferida entre el operador humano y el entorno remoto. En general, la energía es una propiedad de los objetos físicos, fundamental en su mutual interacción. En esta interacción, la energía se puede transmitir entre los objetos, puede cambiar de forma pero no puede crearse ni destruirse. En esta tesis, se aplica este principio fundamental para derivar un nuevo método de control bilateral que permite el diseño de sistemas de teleoperación estables para cualquier arquitectura concebible. El razonamiento parte del hecho de que la energía mecánica insertada por el operador humano en el sistema debe transferirse hacia el entorno remoto y viceversa. Tal como se verá, el uso de la energía como variable de control permite un tratamiento más general del sistema que el control convencional basado en variables específicas del sistema. Mediante el concepto de Red de Potencia de Retardo Temporal (RPRT), el problema de definir los flujos de energía en un sistema de teleoperación es solucionado con independencia de la arquitectura de comunicación. Como se verá, los retardos temporales son la principal causa de generación de energía virtual. Este hecho se observa con retardos a partir de 1 milisegundo. Esta energía virtual es añadida al sistema de forma intrínseca y representa la causa principal de inestabilidad. Se demuestra que las RPRTs son transportadoras de la energía deseada intercambiada entre maestro y esclavo pero a la vez generadoras de energía virtual debido al retardo temporal. Una vez estas redes son identificadas, el método de Control de Pasividad en el Dominio Temporal para RPRTs se propone como mecanismo de control para asegurar la pasividad del sistema, y as__ la estabilidad. El método se basa en el simple hecho de que esta energía virtual debido al retardo debe transformarse en disipación. As__ el sistema se aproxima al sistema deseado, donde solo la energía insertada desde un extremo es transferida hacia el otro. El sistema resultante presenta dos cualidades: por un lado la estabilidad del sistema queda garantizada con independencia de la arquitectura del sistema y del canal de comunicación; por el otro, el rendimiento es maximizado en términos de fidelidad de transmisión energética. Los métodos propuestos se sustentan con sistemas experimentales con diferentes arquitecturas de control y retardos entre 2 y 900 ms. La tesis concluye con un experimento que incluye una comunicación espacial basada en el satélite geoestacionario ASTRA. ABSTRACT Telepresence combines different sensorial modalities, including vision and touch, to produce a feeling of being present in a remote location. The key element to successfully implement a telepresence system and thus to allow telemanipulation of a remote environment is force feedback. In a telemanipulation, mechanical energy must convey from the human operator to the manipulated object found in the remote environment. In general, energy is a property of all physical objects, fundamental to their mutual interactions in which the energy can be transferred among the objects and can change form but cannot be created or destroyed. In this thesis, we exploit this fundamental principle to derive a novel bilateral control mechanism that allows designing stable teleoperation systems with any conceivable communication architecture. The rationale starts from the fact that the mechanical energy injected by a human operator into the system must be conveyed to the remote environment and Vice Versa. As will be seen, setting energy as the control variable allows a more general treatment of the controlled system in contrast to the more conventional control of specific systems variables. Through the Time Delay Power Network (TDPN) concept, the issue of defining the energy flows involved in a teleoperation system is solved with independence of the communication architecture. In particular, communication time delays are found to be a source of virtual energy. This fact is observed with delays starting from 1 millisecond. Since this energy is added, the resulting teleoperation system can be non-passive and thus become unstable. The Time Delay Power Networks are found to be carriers of the desired exchanged energy but also generators of virtual energy due to the time delay. Once these networks are identified, the Time Domain Passivity Control approach for TDPNs is proposed as a control mechanism to ensure system passivity and therefore, system stability. The proposed method is based on the simple fact that this intrinsically added energy due to the communication must be transformed into dissipation. Then the system becomes closer to the ambitioned one, where only the energy injected from one end of the system is conveyed to the other one. The resulting system presents two benefits: On one hand, system stability is guaranteed through passivity independently from the chosen control architecture and communication channel; on the other, performance is maximized in terms of energy transfer faithfulness. The proposed methods are sustained with a set of experimental implementations using different control architectures and communication delays ranging from 2 to 900 milliseconds. An experiment that includes a communication Space link based on the geostationary satellite ASTRA concludes this thesis.


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La Tesis Doctoral nace con una intensa vocación pedagógica. La hipótesis de trabajo se establece en torno a una cuestión de interés personal, un tema sobre el que se vertebran, desde el comienzo del doctorado, los diferentes cursos y trabajos de investigación: LA CASA DOMÍNGUEZ como paradigma de la dialéctica en la obra de Alejandro de la Sota. La clasificación de la realidad en categorías antagónicas determina un orden conceptual polarizado, una red de filiaciones excluyentes sobre las que Sota construye su personal protocolo operativo: la arquitectura intelectual o popular, experimental o tradicional, universal o local, ligera o pesada, elevada o enterrada, etc. Se propone el abordaje de una cuestión latente en el conjunto de la obra ‘sotiana’, desde la disección y el análisis de una de sus obras más pequeñas: la casa Domínguez. Se trata de una organización sin precedentes, que eleva la estrategia dialéctica al paroxismo: la vivienda se separa en dos estratos independientes, la zona de día, elevada, y la zona de noche, enterrada; cada uno de los estratos establece su propio orden geométrico y constructivo, su propio lenguaje y carácter, su propia identidad e incluso su propio presupuesto. Las relaciones entre interior y exterior se especializan en función de la actividad o el reposo, estableciéndose una compleja red de relaciones, algunas evidentes y otras celosamente veladas, entre los diferentes niveles. La estancia destinada a las tareas activas se proyecta como un objeto de armazón ligero y piel fría; la precisa geometría del cubo delimita la estancia vigilante sobre el paisaje conquistado. La ladera habitada se destina al reposo y se configura como una topografía verde bajo la que se desarrollan los dormitorios en torno a patios, grietas y lucernarios, generando un paisaje propio: la construcción del objeto frente a la construcción del lugar La casa Domínguez constituye uno de los proyectos menos estudiados, y por lo tanto menos celebrados, de la obra de Don Alejandro. Las publicaciones sucesivas reproducen la documentación gráfica junto a la memoria (epopeya) que el propio Sota compone para la publicación del proyecto. Apenas un par de breves textos críticos de Miguel Ángel Baldellou y, recientemente de Moisés Puente, abordan la vivienda como tema monográfico. Sin embargo, la producción de proyecto y obra ocupó a De la Sota un periodo no inferior a diez años, con casi cien planos dibujados para dos versiones de proyecto, la primera de ellas, inédita. El empeño por determinar hasta el último detalle de la ‘pequeña’ obra, conduce a Sota a controlar incluso el mobiliario interior, como hiciera en otras obras ‘importantes’ como el Gobierno Civil de Tarragona, el colegio mayor César Carlos o el edificio de Correos y Telecomunicaciones de León. La complicidad del cliente, mantenida durante casi cuarenta años, habilita el despliegue de una importante colección de recursos y herramientas de proyecto. La elección de la casa Domínguez como tema central de la tesis persigue por lo tanto un triple objetivo: en primer lugar, el abordaje del proyecto como paradigma de la dialéctica ‘sotiana’, analizando la coherencia entre el discurso de carácter heroico y la obra finalmente construida; en segundo lugar, la investigación rigurosa, de corte científico, desde la disección y progresivo desmontaje del objeto arquitectónico; y por último, la reflexión sobre los temas y dispositivos de proyecto que codifican la identificación entre la acción de construir y el hecho de habitar, registrando los aciertos y valorando con actitud crítica aquellos elementos poco coherentes con el orden interno de la propuesta. This doctoral thesis is the fruit of a profound pedagogical vocation. The central hypothesis was inspired by a question of great personal interest, and this interest has, since the very beginning of the doctorate, been the driving force behind all subsequent lines of research and investigation. The “Casa Domínguez” represents a paradigm of the dialectics found in the work of Alejandro de la Sota. The perception of reality as antagonistic categories determines a polarized conceptual order, a network of mutually excluding associations upon which Sota builds his own personal operative protocol: intellectual or popular architecture, experimental or traditional, universal or local, heavy or light, above or below ground, etc. Through the analysis and dissection of the “Casa Domínguez”, one of Sota’s smallest projects, an attempt is made to approach the underlying question posed in “Sotian” work as a whole. This is about organization without precedent, raising the strategic dialectics to levels of paroxysm. The house is divided into two separate levels, the day-time level above ground, and the lower night-time level beneath the surface of the ground. Each level has its own geometrical and stuctural order, its own language and character, its own identity and even has its own construction budget. The interaction between the two areas is centered on the two functions of rest and activity, and this in turn establishes a complex relationship network between both, which is sometimes self-evident, but at other times jealously guarded. The living area designed for daily activity is presented as an object of light structure and delicate skin; the precise geometry of the cube delimiting the ever watchful living area’s domain over the land it has conquered. A green topography is created on the slope below which lies an area adapted for rest and relaxation. Two bedrooms, built around patios, skylights and light crevices, generate an entirely independent environment: the construction of an object as opposed to the creation of a landscape. The “Casa Domínguez” project has been subject to much less scrutiny and examination than Don Alejandro’s other works, and is consequently less well-known. A succession of journals have printed the blueprint document together with a poetic description (epopee), composed by Sota himself, to mark the project’s publication. There has, however, scarcely been more than two brief critical appraisals, those by Miguel Ángel Baldellou and more recently by Moisés Puente, that have regarded the project as a monographic work. The project and works nevertheless occupied no less than ten years of De La Sota’s life, with over a hundred draft drawings for two separate versions of the project, the first of which remains unpublished. The sheer determination to design this “small” work in the most meticulous detail, drove Sota to manage and select its interior furniture, as indeed he had previously done with more “important” works like the Tarragona Civil Government, César Carlos College, or the Post Office telecommunications building in León. Client collaboration, maintained over a period of almost forty years, has facilitated an impressive array of the project’s tools and resources. The choice of “Casa Domínguez” as the central subject matter of this thesis, was made in pursuance of a triple objective: firstly, to approach the project as a paradigm of the “Sotian” dialectic, the analysis of the discourse between the heroic character and the finished building; secondly, a rigorous scientific investigation, and progressive disassembling and dissecting of the architectonic object; and finally, a reflection on aspects of the project and its technology which codify the identification between the action of construction and the reality of living, thus marking its achievements, whilst at the same time subjecting incoherent elements of the proposal’s established order to a critical evaluation.


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The electroencephalograph (EEG) signal is one of the most widely used signals in the biomedicine field due to its rich information about human tasks. This research study describes a new approach based on i) build reference models from a set of time series, based on the analysis of the events that they contain, is suitable for domains where the relevant information is concentrated in specific regions of the time series, known as events. In order to deal with events, each event is characterized by a set of attributes. ii) Discrete wavelet transform to the EEG data in order to extract temporal information in the form of changes in the frequency domain over time- that is they are able to extract non-stationary signals embedded in the noisy background of the human brain. The performance of the model was evaluated in terms of training performance and classification accuracies and the results confirmed that the proposed scheme has potential in classifying the EEG signals.


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Runtime management of distributed information systems is a complex and costly activity. One of the main challenges that must be addressed is obtaining a complete and updated view of all the managed runtime resources. This article presents a monitoring architecture for heterogeneous and distributed information systems. It is composed of two elements: an information model and an agent infrastructure. The model negates the complexity and variability of these systems and enables the abstraction over non-relevant details. The infrastructure uses this information model to monitor and manage the modeled environment, performing and detecting changes in execution time. The agents infrastructure is further detailed and its components and the relationships between them are explained. Moreover, the proposal is validated through a set of agents that instrument the JEE Glassfish application server, paying special attention to support distributed configuration scenarios.


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En un mercado de educación superior cada vez más competitivo, la colaboración entre universidades es una efectiva estrategia para acceder al mercado global. El desarrollo de titulaciones conjuntas es un importante mecanismo para fortalecer las colaboraciones académicas y diversificar los conocimientos. Las titulaciones conjuntas están siendo cada vez más implementadas en las universidades de todo el mundo. En Europa, el proceso de Bolonia y el programa Erasmus, están fomentado el reconocimiento de titulaciones conjuntas y dobles y promoviendo la colaboración entre las instituciones académicas. En el imparable proceso de la globalización y convergencia educativa, el uso de sistemas de e-learning para soportar cursos tanto semipresencial como online es una tendencia en crecimiento. Dado que los sistemas de e-learning soportan una amplia variedad de cursos, es necesario encontrar una solución adecuada que permita a las universidades soportar y gestionar las titulaciones conjuntas a través de sus sistemas de e-learning en conformidad con los acuerdos de colaboración establecidos por las universidades participantes. Esta tesis doctoral abordará las siguientes preguntas de investigación: 1. ¿Qué factores deben tenerse en cuenta en la implementación y gestión de titulaciones conjuntas? 2. ¿Cómo pueden los sistemas actuales de e-learning soportar el desarrollo de titulaciones conjuntas? 3. ¿Qué otros servicios y sistemas necesitan ser adaptados por las universidades interesadas en participar en una titulación conjunta a través de sus sistemas de e-learning? La implementación de titulaciones conjuntas a través de sistemas de e-learning es compleja e implica retos técnicos, administrativos, culturales, financieros, jurídicos y de seguridad. Esta tesis doctoral propone una serie de contribuciones que pueden ayudar a resolver algunos de los retos identificados. En primer lugar se ha elaborado un modelo conceptual que incluye la información del contexto de las titulaciones conjuntas que es relevante para la implementación de estas titulaciones en los sistemas de e-learning. Después de definir el modelo conceptual, se ha propuesto una arquitectura basada en políticas para la implementación de titulaciones interinstitucionales a través de sistemas de e-learning de acuerdo a los términos estipulados en los acuerdos de colaboración que son firmados por las universidades participantes. El autor se ha centrado en el componente de gestión de flujos de trabajo de esta arquitectura. Por último y con el fin de permitir la interoperabilidad de repositorios de objetos educativos, los componentes básicos a implementar han sido identificados y validados. El uso de servicios multimedia en educación es una tendencia creciente, proporcionando servicios de e-learning que permiten mejorar la comunicación y la interacción entre profesores y alumnos. Dentro de estos servicios, nos hemos centrado en el uso de la videoconferencia y la grabación de clases como servicios adecuados para el desarrollo de cursos impartidos en escenarios de educación colaborativos. Las contribuciones han sido validadas en proyectos de investigación de ámbito nacional y europeo en los que el autor ha participado. Abstract In an increasingly competitive higher education market, collaboration between universities is an effective strategy for gaining access to the global market. The development of joint degrees is an important mechanism for strengthening academic research collaborations and diversifying knowledge. Joint degrees are becoming increasingly implemented in universities around the world. In Europe, the Bologna process and the Erasmus programme have encouraged both the global recognition of joint and double degrees and promoted close collaboration between academic institutions. In the unstoppable process of globalization and educational convergence, the use of e-learning systems for supporting both blended and online courses is becoming a growing trend. Since e-learning systems covers a wide range of courses, it becomes necessary to find a suitable solution that enables universities to support and manage joint degrees through their e-learning systems in accordance with the collaboration agreements established by the universities involved. This dissertation will address the following research questions: 1. What factors need to be considered in the implementation and management of joint degrees? 2. How can the current e-learning systems support the development of joint degrees? 3. What other services and systems need to be adapted by universities interested in participating in a joint degree through their e-learning systems? The implementation of joint degrees using e-learning systems is complex and involves technical, administrative, security, cultural, financial and legal challenges. This dissertation proposes a series of contributions to help solve some of the identified challenges. One of the cornerstones of this proposal is a conceptual model of all the relevant issues related to the support of joint degrees by means of e-learning systems. After defining the conceptual model, this dissertation proposes a policy-driven architecture for implementing inter-institutional degree collaborations through e-learning systems as stipulated by a collaboration agreement signed by two universities. The author has focused on the workflow management component of this architecture. Finally, the building blocks for achieving interoperability of learning object repositories have been identified and validated. The use of multimedia services in education is a growing trend, providing rich e-learning services that improve the communication and interaction between teachers and students. Within these e-learning services, we have focused on the use of videoconferencing and lecture recording as the best-suited services to support collaborative learning scenarios. The contributions have been validated within national and European research projects that the author has been involved in.


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This article proposes a MAS architecture for network diagnosis under uncertainty. Network diagnosis is divided into two inference processes: hypothesis generation and hypothesis confirmation. The first process is distributed among several agents based on a MSBN, while the second one is carried out by agents using semantic reasoning. A diagnosis ontology has been defined in order to combine both inference processes. To drive the deliberation process, dynamic data about the influence of observations are taken during diagnosis process. In order to achieve quick and reliable diagnoses, this influence is used to choose the best action to perform. This approach has been evaluated in a P2P video streaming scenario. Computational and time improvements are highlight as conclusions.


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Emission inventories are databases that aim to describe the polluting activities that occur across a certain geographic domain. According to the spatial scale, the availability of information will vary as well as the applied assumptions, which will strongly influence its quality, accuracy and representativeness. This study compared and contrasted two emission inventories describing the Greater Madrid Region (GMR) under an air quality simulation approach. The chosen inventories were the National Emissions Inventory (NEI) and the Regional Emissions Inventory of the Greater Madrid Region (REI). Both of them were used to feed air quality simulations with the CMAQ modelling system, and the results were compared with observations from the air quality monitoring network in the modelled domain. Through the application of statistical tools, the analysis of emissions at cell level and cell – expansion procedures, it was observed that the National Inventory showed better results for describing on – road traffic activities and agriculture, SNAP07 and SNAP10. The accurate description of activities, the good characterization of the vehicle fleet and the correct use of traffic emission factors were the main causes of such a good correlation. On the other hand, the Regional Inventory showed better descriptions for non – industrial combustion (SNAP02) and industrial activities (SNAP03). It incorporated realistic emission factors, a reasonable fuel mix and it drew upon local information sources to describe these activities, while NEI relied on surrogation and national datasets which leaded to a poorer representation. Off – road transportation (SNAP08) was similarly described by both inventories, while the rest of the SNAP activities showed a marginal contribution to the overall emissions.


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OntoTag - A Linguistic and Ontological Annotation Model Suitable for the Semantic Web 1. INTRODUCTION. LINGUISTIC TOOLS AND ANNOTATIONS: THEIR LIGHTS AND SHADOWS Computational Linguistics is already a consolidated research area. It builds upon the results of other two major ones, namely Linguistics and Computer Science and Engineering, and it aims at developing computational models of human language (or natural language, as it is termed in this area). Possibly, its most well-known applications are the different tools developed so far for processing human language, such as machine translation systems and speech recognizers or dictation programs. These tools for processing human language are commonly referred to as linguistic tools. Apart from the examples mentioned above, there are also other types of linguistic tools that perhaps are not so well-known, but on which most of the other applications of Computational Linguistics are built. These other types of linguistic tools comprise POS taggers, natural language parsers and semantic taggers, amongst others. All of them can be termed linguistic annotation tools. Linguistic annotation tools are important assets. In fact, POS and semantic taggers (and, to a lesser extent, also natural language parsers) have become critical resources for the computer applications that process natural language. Hence, any computer application that has to analyse a text automatically and ‘intelligently’ will include at least a module for POS tagging. The more an application needs to ‘understand’ the meaning of the text it processes, the more linguistic tools and/or modules it will incorporate and integrate. However, linguistic annotation tools have still some limitations, which can be summarised as follows: 1. Normally, they perform annotations only at a certain linguistic level (that is, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, etc.). 2. They usually introduce a certain rate of errors and ambiguities when tagging. This error rate ranges from 10 percent up to 50 percent of the units annotated for unrestricted, general texts. 3. Their annotations are most frequently formulated in terms of an annotation schema designed and implemented ad hoc. A priori, it seems that the interoperation and the integration of several linguistic tools into an appropriate software architecture could most likely solve the limitations stated in (1). Besides, integrating several linguistic annotation tools and making them interoperate could also minimise the limitation stated in (2). Nevertheless, in the latter case, all these tools should produce annotations for a common level, which would have to be combined in order to correct their corresponding errors and inaccuracies. Yet, the limitation stated in (3) prevents both types of integration and interoperation from being easily achieved. In addition, most high-level annotation tools rely on other lower-level annotation tools and their outputs to generate their own ones. For example, sense-tagging tools (operating at the semantic level) often use POS taggers (operating at a lower level, i.e., the morphosyntactic) to identify the grammatical category of the word or lexical unit they are annotating. Accordingly, if a faulty or inaccurate low-level annotation tool is to be used by other higher-level one in its process, the errors and inaccuracies of the former should be minimised in advance. Otherwise, these errors and inaccuracies would be transferred to (and even magnified in) the annotations of the high-level annotation tool. Therefore, it would be quite useful to find a way to (i) correct or, at least, reduce the errors and the inaccuracies of lower-level linguistic tools; (ii) unify the annotation schemas of different linguistic annotation tools or, more generally speaking, make these tools (as well as their annotations) interoperate. Clearly, solving (i) and (ii) should ease the automatic annotation of web pages by means of linguistic tools, and their transformation into Semantic Web pages (Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila, 2001). Yet, as stated above, (ii) is a type of interoperability problem. There again, ontologies (Gruber, 1993; Borst, 1997) have been successfully applied thus far to solve several interoperability problems. Hence, ontologies should help solve also the problems and limitations of linguistic annotation tools aforementioned. Thus, to summarise, the main aim of the present work was to combine somehow these separated approaches, mechanisms and tools for annotation from Linguistics and Ontological Engineering (and the Semantic Web) in a sort of hybrid (linguistic and ontological) annotation model, suitable for both areas. This hybrid (semantic) annotation model should (a) benefit from the advances, models, techniques, mechanisms and tools of these two areas; (b) minimise (and even solve, when possible) some of the problems found in each of them; and (c) be suitable for the Semantic Web. The concrete goals that helped attain this aim are presented in the following section. 2. GOALS OF THE PRESENT WORK As mentioned above, the main goal of this work was to specify a hybrid (that is, linguistically-motivated and ontology-based) model of annotation suitable for the Semantic Web (i.e. it had to produce a semantic annotation of web page contents). This entailed that the tags included in the annotations of the model had to (1) represent linguistic concepts (or linguistic categories, as they are termed in ISO/DCR (2008)), in order for this model to be linguistically-motivated; (2) be ontological terms (i.e., use an ontological vocabulary), in order for the model to be ontology-based; and (3) be structured (linked) as a collection of ontology-based triples, as in the usual Semantic Web languages (namely RDF(S) and OWL), in order for the model to be considered suitable for the Semantic Web. Besides, to be useful for the Semantic Web, this model should provide a way to automate the annotation of web pages. As for the present work, this requirement involved reusing the linguistic annotation tools purchased by the OEG research group (http://www.oeg-upm.net), but solving beforehand (or, at least, minimising) some of their limitations. Therefore, this model had to minimise these limitations by means of the integration of several linguistic annotation tools into a common architecture. Since this integration required the interoperation of tools and their annotations, ontologies were proposed as the main technological component to make them effectively interoperate. From the very beginning, it seemed that the formalisation of the elements and the knowledge underlying linguistic annotations within an appropriate set of ontologies would be a great step forward towards the formulation of such a model (henceforth referred to as OntoTag). Obviously, first, to combine the results of the linguistic annotation tools that operated at the same level, their annotation schemas had to be unified (or, preferably, standardised) in advance. This entailed the unification (id. standardisation) of their tags (both their representation and their meaning), and their format or syntax. Second, to merge the results of the linguistic annotation tools operating at different levels, their respective annotation schemas had to be (a) made interoperable and (b) integrated. And third, in order for the resulting annotations to suit the Semantic Web, they had to be specified by means of an ontology-based vocabulary, and structured by means of ontology-based triples, as hinted above. Therefore, a new annotation scheme had to be devised, based both on ontologies and on this type of triples, which allowed for the combination and the integration of the annotations of any set of linguistic annotation tools. This annotation scheme was considered a fundamental part of the model proposed here, and its development was, accordingly, another major objective of the present work. All these goals, aims and objectives could be re-stated more clearly as follows: Goal 1: Development of a set of ontologies for the formalisation of the linguistic knowledge relating linguistic annotation. Sub-goal 1.1: Ontological formalisation of the EAGLES (1996a; 1996b) de facto standards for morphosyntactic and syntactic annotation, in a way that helps respect the triple structure recommended for annotations in these works (which is isomorphic to the triple structures used in the context of the Semantic Web). Sub-goal 1.2: Incorporation into this preliminary ontological formalisation of other existing standards and standard proposals relating the levels mentioned above, such as those currently under development within ISO/TC 37 (the ISO Technical Committee dealing with Terminology, which deals also with linguistic resources and annotations). Sub-goal 1.3: Generalisation and extension of the recommendations in EAGLES (1996a; 1996b) and ISO/TC 37 to the semantic level, for which no ISO/TC 37 standards have been developed yet. Sub-goal 1.4: Ontological formalisation of the generalisations and/or extensions obtained in the previous sub-goal as generalisations and/or extensions of the corresponding ontology (or ontologies). Sub-goal 1.5: Ontological formalisation of the knowledge required to link, combine and unite the knowledge represented in the previously developed ontology (or ontologies). Goal 2: Development of OntoTag’s annotation scheme, a standard-based abstract scheme for the hybrid (linguistically-motivated and ontological-based) annotation of texts. Sub-goal 2.1: Development of the standard-based morphosyntactic annotation level of OntoTag’s scheme. This level should include, and possibly extend, the recommendations of EAGLES (1996a) and also the recommendations included in the ISO/MAF (2008) standard draft. Sub-goal 2.2: Development of the standard-based syntactic annotation level of the hybrid abstract scheme. This level should include, and possibly extend, the recommendations of EAGLES (1996b) and the ISO/SynAF (2010) standard draft. Sub-goal 2.3: Development of the standard-based semantic annotation level of OntoTag’s (abstract) scheme. Sub-goal 2.4: Development of the mechanisms for a convenient integration of the three annotation levels already mentioned. These mechanisms should take into account the recommendations included in the ISO/LAF (2009) standard draft. Goal 3: Design of OntoTag’s (abstract) annotation architecture, an abstract architecture for the hybrid (semantic) annotation of texts (i) that facilitates the integration and interoperation of different linguistic annotation tools, and (ii) whose results comply with OntoTag’s annotation scheme. Sub-goal 3.1: Specification of the decanting processes that allow for the classification and separation, according to their corresponding levels, of the results of the linguistic tools annotating at several different levels. Sub-goal 3.2: Specification of the standardisation processes that allow (a) complying with the standardisation requirements of OntoTag’s annotation scheme, as well as (b) combining the results of those linguistic tools that share some level of annotation. Sub-goal 3.3: Specification of the merging processes that allow for the combination of the output annotations and the interoperation of those linguistic tools that share some level of annotation. Sub-goal 3.4: Specification of the merge processes that allow for the integration of the results and the interoperation of those tools performing their annotations at different levels. Goal 4: Generation of OntoTagger’s schema, a concrete instance of OntoTag’s abstract scheme for a concrete set of linguistic annotations. These linguistic annotations result from the tools and the resources available in the research group, namely • Bitext’s DataLexica (http://www.bitext.com/EN/datalexica.asp), • LACELL’s (POS) tagger (http://www.um.es/grupos/grupo-lacell/quees.php), • Connexor’s FDG (http://www.connexor.eu/technology/machinese/glossary/fdg/), and • EuroWordNet (Vossen et al., 1998). This schema should help evaluate OntoTag’s underlying hypotheses, stated below. Consequently, it should implement, at least, those levels of the abstract scheme dealing with the annotations of the set of tools considered in this implementation. This includes the morphosyntactic, the syntactic and the semantic levels. Goal 5: Implementation of OntoTagger’s configuration, a concrete instance of OntoTag’s abstract architecture for this set of linguistic tools and annotations. This configuration (1) had to use the schema generated in the previous goal; and (2) should help support or refute the hypotheses of this work as well (see the next section). Sub-goal 5.1: Implementation of the decanting processes that facilitate the classification and separation of the results of those linguistic resources that provide annotations at several different levels (on the one hand, LACELL’s tagger operates at the morphosyntactic level and, minimally, also at the semantic level; on the other hand, FDG operates at the morphosyntactic and the syntactic levels and, minimally, at the semantic level as well). Sub-goal 5.2: Implementation of the standardisation processes that allow (i) specifying the results of those linguistic tools that share some level of annotation according to the requirements of OntoTagger’s schema, as well as (ii) combining these shared level results. In particular, all the tools selected perform morphosyntactic annotations and they had to be conveniently combined by means of these processes. Sub-goal 5.3: Implementation of the merging processes that allow for the combination (and possibly the improvement) of the annotations and the interoperation of the tools that share some level of annotation (in particular, those relating the morphosyntactic level, as in the previous sub-goal). Sub-goal 5.4: Implementation of the merging processes that allow for the integration of the different standardised and combined annotations aforementioned, relating all the levels considered. Sub-goal 5.5: Improvement of the semantic level of this configuration by adding a named entity recognition, (sub-)classification and annotation subsystem, which also uses the named entities annotated to populate a domain ontology, in order to provide a concrete application of the present work in the two areas involved (the Semantic Web and Corpus Linguistics). 3. MAIN RESULTS: ASSESSMENT OF ONTOTAG’S UNDERLYING HYPOTHESES The model developed in the present thesis tries to shed some light on (i) whether linguistic annotation tools can effectively interoperate; (ii) whether their results can be combined and integrated; and, if they can, (iii) how they can, respectively, interoperate and be combined and integrated. Accordingly, several hypotheses had to be supported (or rejected) by the development of the OntoTag model and OntoTagger (its implementation). The hypotheses underlying OntoTag are surveyed below. Only one of the hypotheses (H.6) was rejected; the other five could be confirmed. H.1 The annotations of different levels (or layers) can be integrated into a sort of overall, comprehensive, multilayer and multilevel annotation, so that their elements can complement and refer to each other. • CONFIRMED by the development of: o OntoTag’s annotation scheme, o OntoTag’s annotation architecture, o OntoTagger’s (XML, RDF, OWL) annotation schemas, o OntoTagger’s configuration. H.2 Tool-dependent annotations can be mapped onto a sort of tool-independent annotations and, thus, can be standardised. • CONFIRMED by means of the standardisation phase incorporated into OntoTag and OntoTagger for the annotations yielded by the tools. H.3 Standardisation should ease: H.3.1: The interoperation of linguistic tools. H.3.2: The comparison, combination (at the same level and layer) and integration (at different levels or layers) of annotations. • H.3 was CONFIRMED by means of the development of OntoTagger’s ontology-based configuration: o Interoperation, comparison, combination and integration of the annotations of three different linguistic tools (Connexor’s FDG, Bitext’s DataLexica and LACELL’s tagger); o Integration of EuroWordNet-based, domain-ontology-based and named entity annotations at the semantic level. o Integration of morphosyntactic, syntactic and semantic annotations. H.4 Ontologies and Semantic Web technologies (can) play a crucial role in the standardisation of linguistic annotations, by providing consensual vocabularies and standardised formats for annotation (e.g., RDF triples). • CONFIRMED by means of the development of OntoTagger’s RDF-triple-based annotation schemas. H.5 The rate of errors introduced by a linguistic tool at a given level, when annotating, can be reduced automatically by contrasting and combining its results with the ones coming from other tools, operating at the same level. However, these other tools might be built following a different technological (stochastic vs. rule-based, for example) or theoretical (dependency vs. HPS-grammar-based, for instance) approach. • CONFIRMED by the results yielded by the evaluation of OntoTagger. H.6 Each linguistic level can be managed and annotated independently. • REJECTED: OntoTagger’s experiments and the dependencies observed among the morphosyntactic annotations, and between them and the syntactic annotations. In fact, Hypothesis H.6 was already rejected when OntoTag’s ontologies were developed. We observed then that several linguistic units stand on an interface between levels, belonging thereby to both of them (such as morphosyntactic units, which belong to both the morphological level and the syntactic level). Therefore, the annotations of these levels overlap and cannot be handled independently when merged into a unique multileveled annotation. 4. OTHER MAIN RESULTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS First, interoperability is a hot topic for both the linguistic annotation community and the whole Computer Science field. The specification (and implementation) of OntoTag’s architecture for the combination and integration of linguistic (annotation) tools and annotations by means of ontologies shows a way to make these different linguistic annotation tools and annotations interoperate in practice. Second, as mentioned above, the elements involved in linguistic annotation were formalised in a set (or network) of ontologies (OntoTag’s linguistic ontologies). • On the one hand, OntoTag’s network of ontologies consists of − The Linguistic Unit Ontology (LUO), which includes a mostly hierarchical formalisation of the different types of linguistic elements (i.e., units) identifiable in a written text; − The Linguistic Attribute Ontology (LAO), which includes also a mostly hierarchical formalisation of the different types of features that characterise the linguistic units included in the LUO; − The Linguistic Value Ontology (LVO), which includes the corresponding formalisation of the different values that the attributes in the LAO can take; − The OIO (OntoTag’s Integration Ontology), which  Includes the knowledge required to link, combine and unite the knowledge represented in the LUO, the LAO and the LVO;  Can be viewed as a knowledge representation ontology that describes the most elementary vocabulary used in the area of annotation. • On the other hand, OntoTag’s ontologies incorporate the knowledge included in the different standards and recommendations for linguistic annotation released so far, such as those developed within the EAGLES and the SIMPLE European projects or by the ISO/TC 37 committee: − As far as morphosyntactic annotations are concerned, OntoTag’s ontologies formalise the terms in the EAGLES (1996a) recommendations and their corresponding terms within the ISO Morphosyntactic Annotation Framework (ISO/MAF, 2008) standard; − As for syntactic annotations, OntoTag’s ontologies incorporate the terms in the EAGLES (1996b) recommendations and their corresponding terms within the ISO Syntactic Annotation Framework (ISO/SynAF, 2010) standard draft; − Regarding semantic annotations, OntoTag’s ontologies generalise and extend the recommendations in EAGLES (1996a; 1996b) and, since no stable standards or standard drafts have been released for semantic annotation by ISO/TC 37 yet, they incorporate the terms in SIMPLE (2000) instead; − The terms coming from all these recommendations and standards were supplemented by those within the ISO Data Category Registry (ISO/DCR, 2008) and also of the ISO Linguistic Annotation Framework (ISO/LAF, 2009) standard draft when developing OntoTag’s ontologies. Third, we showed that the combination of the results of tools annotating at the same level can yield better results (both in precision and in recall) than each tool separately. In particular, 1. OntoTagger clearly outperformed two of the tools integrated into its configuration, namely DataLexica and FDG in all the combination sub-phases in which they overlapped (i.e. POS tagging, lemma annotation and morphological feature annotation). As far as the remaining tool is concerned, i.e. LACELL’s tagger, it was also outperformed by OntoTagger in POS tagging and lemma annotation, and it did not behave better than OntoTagger in the morphological feature annotation layer. 2. As an immediate result, this implies that a) This type of combination architecture configurations can be applied in order to improve significantly the accuracy of linguistic annotations; and b) Concerning the morphosyntactic level, this could be regarded as a way of constructing more robust and more accurate POS tagging systems. Fourth, Semantic Web annotations are usually performed by humans or else by machine learning systems. Both of them leave much to be desired: the former, with respect to their annotation rate; the latter, with respect to their (average) precision and recall. In this work, we showed how linguistic tools can be wrapped in order to annotate automatically Semantic Web pages using ontologies. This entails their fast, robust and accurate semantic annotation. As a way of example, as mentioned in Sub-goal 5.5, we developed a particular OntoTagger module for the recognition, classification and labelling of named entities, according to the MUC and ACE tagsets (Chinchor, 1997; Doddington et al., 2004). These tagsets were further specified by means of a domain ontology, namely the Cinema Named Entities Ontology (CNEO). This module was applied to the automatic annotation of ten different web pages containing cinema reviews (that is, around 5000 words). In addition, the named entities annotated with this module were also labelled as instances (or individuals) of the classes included in the CNEO and, then, were used to populate this domain ontology. • The statistical results obtained from the evaluation of this particular module of OntoTagger can be summarised as follows. On the one hand, as far as recall (R) is concerned, (R.1) the lowest value was 76,40% (for file 7); (R.2) the highest value was 97, 50% (for file 3); and (R.3) the average value was 88,73%. On the other hand, as far as the precision rate (P) is concerned, (P.1) its minimum was 93,75% (for file 4); (R.2) its maximum was 100% (for files 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10); and (R.3) its average value was 98,99%. • These results, which apply to the tasks of named entity annotation and ontology population, are extraordinary good for both of them. They can be explained on the basis of the high accuracy of the annotations provided by OntoTagger at the lower levels (mainly at the morphosyntactic level). However, they should be conveniently qualified, since they might be too domain- and/or language-dependent. It should be further experimented how our approach works in a different domain or a different language, such as French, English, or German. • In any case, the results of this application of Human Language Technologies to Ontology Population (and, accordingly, to Ontological Engineering) seem very promising and encouraging in order for these two areas to collaborate and complement each other in the area of semantic annotation. Fifth, as shown in the State of the Art of this work, there are different approaches and models for the semantic annotation of texts, but all of them focus on a particular view of the semantic level. Clearly, all these approaches and models should be integrated in order to bear a coherent and joint semantic annotation level. OntoTag shows how (i) these semantic annotation layers could be integrated together; and (ii) they could be integrated with the annotations associated to other annotation levels. Sixth, we identified some recommendations, best practices and lessons learned for annotation standardisation, interoperation and merge. They show how standardisation (via ontologies, in this case) enables the combination, integration and interoperation of different linguistic tools and their annotations into a multilayered (or multileveled) linguistic annotation, which is one of the hot topics in the area of Linguistic Annotation. And last but not least, OntoTag’s annotation scheme and OntoTagger’s annotation schemas show a way to formalise and annotate coherently and uniformly the different units and features associated to the different levels and layers of linguistic annotation. This is a great scientific step ahead towards the global standardisation of this area, which is the aim of ISO/TC 37 (in particular, Subcommittee 4, dealing with the standardisation of linguistic annotations and resources).


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Cloud computing is one the most relevant computing paradigms available nowadays. Its adoption has increased during last years due to the large investment and research from business enterprises and academia institutions. Among all the services cloud providers usually offer, Infrastructure as a Service has reached its momentum for solving HPC problems in a more dynamic way without the need of expensive investments. The integration of a large number of providers is a major goal as it enables the improvement of the quality of the selected resources in terms of pricing, speed, redundancy, etc. In this paper, we propose a system architecture, based on semantic solutions, to build an interoperable scheduler for federated clouds that works with several IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) providers in a uniform way. Based on this architecture we implement a proof-of-concept prototype and test it with two different cloud solutions to provide some experimental results about the viability of our approach.


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Set-Sharing analysis, the classic Jacobs and Langen's domain, has been widely used to infer several interesting properties of programs at compile-time such as occurs-check reduction, automatic parallelization, flnite-tree analysis, etc. However, performing abstract uniflcation over this domain implies the use of a closure operation which makes the number of sharing groups grow exponentially. Much attention has been given in the literature to mitígate this key inefficiency in this otherwise very useful domain. In this paper we present two novel alternative representations for the traditional set-sharing domain, tSH and tNSH. which compress efficiently the number of elements into fewer elements enabling more efficient abstract operations, including abstract uniflcation, without any loss of accuracy. Our experimental evaluation supports that both representations can reduce dramatically the number of sharing groups showing they can be more practical solutions towards scalable set-sharing.


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In this introductory chapter we put in context and give a brief outline of the work that we thoroughly present in the rest of the dissertation. We consider this work divided in two main parts. The first part is the Firenze Framework, a knowledge level description framework rich enough to express the semantics required for describing both semantic Web services and semantic Grid services. We start by defining what the Semantic Grid is and its relation with the Semantic Web; and the possibility of their convergence since both initiatives have become mainly service-oriented. We also introduce the main motivators of the creation of this framework, one is to provide a valid description framework that works at knowledge level; the other to provide a description framework that takes into account the characteristics of Grid services in order to be able to describe them properly. The other part of the dissertation is devoted to Vega, an event-driven architecture that, by means of proposed knowledge level description framework, is able to achieve high scale provisioning of knowledge-intensive services. In this introductory chapter we portrait the anatomy of a generic event-driven architecture, and we briefly enumerate their main characteristics, which are the reason that make them our choice.


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The fragmented condition of our everyday brings us closer to the risks of hyper-expression. Against it two positions unfold to help us face a world that escapes our capacities: familiarity and poetic recognition. In the latter it is crucial the role of the insignificant as dynamic and relational instigator of a conscious threading of reality through the actions of the Poeta Faber and his careful look onto the world. / The production of the common as the material and symbolic fabric of the city, unstable reality in a perpetual becoming, leads us to a new and much needed reconsideration of the public/private division born from the modern state. Immersed in the confusion between public and common, we have not perceived that through the expropriation of the first we have been prepared for the willing surrendering of the second. / From insignificance to rebellion as affirmative going into action related to the idea of minor architecture as common and intensely political production, born from the inside of a society that has no more outsides.