6 resultados para Tropical tree

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Aboveground tropical tree biomass and carbon storage estimates commonly ignore tree height (H). We estimate the effect of incorporating H on tropics-wide forest biomass estimates in 327 plots across four continents using 42 656 H and diameter measurements and harvested trees from 20 sites to answer the following questions: 1. What is the best H-model form and geographic unit to include in biomass models to minimise site-level uncertainty in estimates of destructive biomass? 2. To what extent does including H estimates derived in (1) reduce uncertainty in biomass estimates across all 327 plots? 3. What effect does accounting for H have on plot- and continental-scale forest biomass estimates? The mean relative error in biomass estimates of destructively harvested trees when including H (mean 0.06), was half that when excluding H (mean 0.13). Power- andWeibull-H models provided the greatest reduction in uncertainty, with regional Weibull-H models preferred because they reduce uncertainty in smaller-diameter classes (?40 cm D) that store about one-third of biomass per hectare in most forests. Propagating the relationships from destructively harvested tree biomass to each of the 327 plots from across the tropics shows that including H reduces errors from 41.8Mgha?1 (range 6.6 to 112.4) to 8.0Mgha?1 (?2.5 to 23.0). For all plots, aboveground live biomass was ?52.2 Mgha?1 (?82.0 to ?20.3 bootstrapped 95%CI), or 13%, lower when including H estimates, with the greatest relative reductions in estimated biomass in forests of the Brazilian Shield, east Africa, and Australia, and relatively little change in the Guiana Shield, central Africa and southeast Asia. Appreciably different stand structure was observed among regions across the tropical continents, with some storing significantly more biomass in small diameter stems, which affects selection of the best height models to reduce uncertainty and biomass reductions due to H. After accounting for variation in H, total biomass per hectare is greatest in Australia, the Guiana Shield, Asia, central and east Africa, and lowest in eastcentral Amazonia, W. Africa, W. Amazonia, and the Brazilian Shield (descending order). Thus, if tropical forests span 1668 million km2 and store 285 Pg C (estimate including H), then applying our regional relationships implies that carbon storage is overestimated by 35 PgC (31?39 bootstrapped 95%CI) if H is ignored, assuming that the sampled plots are an unbiased statistical representation of all tropical forest in terms of biomass and height factors. Our results show that tree H is an important allometric factor that needs to be included in future forest biomass estimates to reduce error in estimates of tropical carbon stocks and emissions due to deforestation.


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Researchers in ecology commonly use multivariate analyses (e.g. redundancy analysis, canonical correspondence analysis, Mantel correlation, multivariate analysis of variance) to interpret patterns in biological data and relate these patterns to environmental predictors. There has been, however, little recognition of the errors associated with biological data and the influence that these may have on predictions derived from ecological hypotheses. We present a permutational method that assesses the effects of taxonomic uncertainty on the multivariate analyses typically used in the analysis of ecological data. The procedure is based on iterative randomizations that randomly re-assign non identified species in each site to any of the other species found in the remaining sites. After each re-assignment of species identities, the multivariate method at stake is run and a parameter of interest is calculated. Consequently, one can estimate a range of plausible values for the parameter of interest under different scenarios of re-assigned species identities. We demonstrate the use of our approach in the calculation of two parameters with an example involving tropical tree species from western Amazonia: 1) the Mantel correlation between compositional similarity and environmental distances between pairs of sites, and; 2) the variance explained by environmental predictors in redundancy analysis (RDA). We also investigated the effects of increasing taxonomic uncertainty (i.e. number of unidentified species), and the taxonomic resolution at which morphospecies are determined (genus-resolution, family-resolution, or fully undetermined species) on the uncertainty range of these parameters. To achieve this, we performed simulations on a tree dataset from southern Mexico by randomly selecting a portion of the species contained in the dataset and classifying them as unidentified at each level of decreasing taxonomic resolution. An analysis of covariance showed that both taxonomic uncertainty and resolution significantly influence the uncertainty range of the resulting parameters. Increasing taxonomic uncertainty expands our uncertainty of the parameters estimated both in the Mantel test and RDA. The effects of increasing taxonomic resolution, however, are not as evident. The method presented in this study improves the traditional approaches to study compositional change in ecological communities by accounting for some of the uncertainty inherent to biological data. We hope that this approach can be routinely used to estimate any parameter of interest obtained from compositional data tables when faced with taxonomic uncertainty.


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Although tree ferns are an important component of temperate and tropical forests, very little is known about their ecology. Their peculiar biology (e.g., dispersal by spores and two-phase life cycle) makes it difficult to extrapolate current knowledge on the ecology of other tree species to tree ferns. In this paper, we studied the effects of negative density dependence (NDD) and environmental heterogeneity on populations of two abundant tree fern species, Cyathea caracasana and Alsophila engelii, and how these effects change across a successional gradient. Species patterns harbor information on processes such as competition that can be easily revealed using point pattern analysis techniques. However, its detection may be difficult due to the confounded effects of habitat heterogeneity. Here, we mapped three forest plots along a successional gradient in the montane forests of Southern Ecuador. We employed homogeneous and inhomogeneous K and pair correlation functions to quantify the change in the spatial pattern of different size classes and a case-control design to study associations between juvenile and adult tree ferns. Using spatial estimates of the biomass of four functional tree types (short- and long-lived pioneer, shade- and partial shade-tolerant) as covariates, we fitted heterogeneous Poisson models to the point pattern of juvenile and adult tree ferns and explored the existence of habitat dependencies on these patterns. Our study revealed NDD effects for C. caracasana and strong environmental filtering underlying the pattern of A. engelii. We found that adult and juvenile populations of both species responded differently to habitat heterogeneity and in most cases this heterogeneity was associated with the spatial distribution of biomass of the four functional tree types. These findings show the effectiveness of factoring out environmental heterogeneity to avoid confounding factors when studying NDD and demonstrate the usefulness of covariate maps derived from mapped communities.


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Abstract The cloud forest is a special type of forest ecosystem that depends on suitable conditions of humidity and temperature to exist; hence, it is a very fragile ecosystem. The cloud forest is also one of the richest ecosystems in terms of species diversity and rate of endemism. However, today, it is one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world. Little is known about tree species distribution and coexistence among cloud forest trees. Trees are essential to understanding ecosystem functioning and maintenance because they support the ecosystem in important ways. For this dissertation, an analysis of woody plant species distribution at a small scale in a north-Peruvian Andean cloud forest was performed, and some of the factors implicated in the observed patterns were identified. Towards that end, different natural factors acting on species distribution within the forest were investigated: (i) intra-specific arrangements, (ii) heterospecific spatial relationships and (iii) relationships with external environmental factors. These analyses were conducted first on standing woody plants and then on seedlings. The woody plants were found to be clumped in the forest, either considering all the species together or each species separately. However, each species presented a specific pattern and specific spatial relationship among different-age individuals. Dispersal mode, growth form and shade tolerance played roles in the final distribution of the species. Furthermore, spatial associations among species, either positive or negative, were observed. These associations were more numerous when considering individuals of the interacting species at different developmental stages, i.e., younger individuals from one species and older individuals from another. Accordingly, competition and facilitation are asymmetric processes and vary throughout the life of an individual. Moreover, some species appear to prefer certain habitat conditions and avoid other habitats. The habitat definition that best explains species distribution is that which includes both environmental and stand characteristics; thus, a combination of these factors is necessary to understanding species' niche preferences. Seedling distribution was also associated with habitat conditions, but these conditions explained less than the 30% of the spatial variation. The position of conspecific adult individuals also affected seedling distribution; although the seedlings of many tree species avoid the vicinity of conspecifics, a few species appeared to prefer the formation of cohorts around their parent trees. The importance of habitat conditions and distance dependence with conspecifics varied among regions within the forest as well as on the developmental stage of the stand. The results from this thesis suggest that different species can coexist within a given space, forming a “puzzle” of species as a result of the intra- and interspecific spatial relationships along with niche preferences and adaptations that operate at different scales. These factors not only affect each species in a different way, but specific preferences also vary throughout species' lifespans. Resumen Resumen El bosque de niebla es uno de los ecosistemas más amenazados del mundo además de ser uno de los más frágiles. Son formaciones azonales que dependen de la existencia de unas condiciones de humedad y temperatura que permitan la formación de nubes que cubran el bosque; lo que dificulta en gran medida su conservación. También es uno de los ecosistemas con mayor riqueza de especies además de tener uno de los mayores porcentajes de endemismos. Uno de los aspectos más importantes para entender el ecosistema, es identificar y entender los elementos que lo componen y los mecanismos que regulan las relaciones entre ellos. Los árboles son el soporte del ecosistema. Sin embargo, apenas hay información sobre la distribución y coexistencia de los árboles en los bosques de niebla. Esta tesis presenta un análisis de la distribución a pequeña escala de las plantas leñosas en un bosque de niebla situado en la cordillera andina del norte de Perú; así como el análisis de algunos de los factores que pueden estar implicados en que se origine la distribución observada. Para este propósito se estudia cómo influyen factores de diferente naturaleza en la distribución de las especies (i) organización intra-específica (ii) relaciones espaciales heterospecíficas y (iii) relación con factores ambientales externos. En estos análisis se estudiaron primero las plantas jóvenes y las adultas, y después las plántulas. Los árboles aparecieron agregados en el bosque, tanto considerando todos a la vez como cuando se estudió cada especie por separado. Sin embargo, cada especie mostró un patrón distinto así como una particular relación espacial entre individuos jóvenes y adultos. El modo de dispersión, la forma de vida y la tolerancia de la especies estuvieron relacionados con el patrón general observado. Se vio también que ciertas especies aparecían relacionadas con otras, tanto de forma positiva (compartiendo zonas) como negativa (apareciendo en áreas distintas). Las asociaciones fueron mucho más numerosas cuando se consideraron los pares de especies en diferente estado de desarrollo, es decir, individuos jóvenes de una especie e individuos mayores de la otra. Eso indicaría que los procesos de competencia y facilitación son asimétricos y además varían durante la vida de la planta. Por otro lado, algunas especies aparecen preferentemente bajo ciertas condiciones de hábitat y evitan otras. La definición de hábitat a la que mejor responden las especies es cuando se incluyen tanto variables ambientales como de masa; así que ambos tipos de variables son necesarias para entender la preferencia de las especies por ciertos nichos. La distribución de las plántulas también estuvo relacionada con condiciones de hábitat, pero eso sólo llegaba a explicar hasta un 30% de la variabilidad espacial. La posición de los adultos de la misma especie también afectó a la distribución de las plántulas. En bastantes especies las plántulas evitan la cercanía de adultos de su misma especie, padres potenciales, aunque algunas especies aisladas mostraron el patrón contrario y aparecieron preferentemente en las mismas áreas que sus padres. La importancia de las condiciones de hábitat y posición de los adultos en la disposición de las plántulas varía de una zona a otra del bosque y además también varía según el estado de desarrollo de la masa.


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El bosque tropical de montaña, es considerado zona de mega diversidad y de alto grado de endemismo, por las diferentes zonas ecológicas que presenta. Durante las últimas décadas estos bosques han recibido mayor atención por parte de investigadores, sin embargo, aún existe poca investigación en determinar cuáles son las respuestas de los bosques a los cambios ambientales a los que son sometidos. Estos bosques están sufriendo serias amenazas como pérdida de cobertura vegetal y cambios en los ciclos de nutrientes. El trabajo se dividió en cuatro objetivos específicos. i) Caracterización y análisis de patrones altitudinales de la riqueza de especies en el bosque tropical de montaña en el sur del Ecuador; con el fin de conocer cómo varía la diversidad de especies riqueza lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal. ii) Conocer los patrones espaciales del crecimiento en tres remanentes boscosos de un bosque tropical de montaña para determinar cómo la vecindad y la semejanza funcional de ésta influyen en el crecimiento forestal. iii) Conocer los efectos de la fertilización en el crecimiento diamétrico de especies arbóreas, en el bosque tropical de montaña; se analizó cómo reaccionan los árboles a la adición de nutrientes N y P en tres tipos de bosque. iv) Saber la respuesta de la comunidad de árboles a la adición de nutrientes en el bosque montano andino; este objetivo se basó con el supuesto de la deficiencia de tres tipos de nutrientes N, P y Ca, en esta formación boscosa y cómo reaccionan los árboles a la adición de nutrientes. El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo, en el bosque tropical de montaña que se encuentra localizada en la parte adyacente del Parque Nacional Podocarpus (PNP) en la cordillera del Consuelo, forma parte de la cadena oriental de los Andes del sur del Ecuador El trabajo de desarrollo entre los años 2008 y 2014. Para abordar el primer objetivo se establecieron 54 parcelas ubicadas aleatoriamente a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal (3 niveles de altitud) y se e midieron e identificaron todos los individuos mayores a 5cm de DAP. Se construyó una filogenia con Phylocom y se calcularon diferentes componentes de diversidad para cada parcela ( riqueza taxonómica, diversidad filogenética y edad media de las especies). Ajustando modelos lineares se contrastó el efecto de la altitud sobre dichos componentes y se vio que la riqueza taxonómica y la edad media de las especies aumentaron con la altitud, en sentido contrario a las predicciones de la "hipótesis del conservadurismo tropical" (Tropical Conservatism Hypothesis). Para abordar el segundo objetivo se realizó una remedición de todos los árboles cartografiados en tres parcelas permanentes de alrededor de 5000 m2 cada una, representativas de tres estados diferentes de la sucesión del bosque montano. A partir de las coordenadas y de los datos de registrados, y empleando diferentes funciones de correlación de marca se analizó la distribución espacial del tamaño y del crecimiento relativo y del tamaño. Se constató que mientras que el tamaño de los árboles presentó una correlación espacial negativa, el crecimiento presentó correlación espacial positiva, en ambos casos a distancias cortas. El rango y la magnitud de ambas correlaciones aumentaron al avanzar la sucesión. La distribución espacial del crecimiento mostró una correlación negativa con la distribución espacial de tamaños. Por otro lado, la distribución espacial del crecimiento mostró una correlación negativa para árboles semejantes funcionalmente y positiva cuando se calculó entre árboles con diferente estrategia funcional. En conjunto, los resultados obtenidos señalan un aumento de la importancia de procesos competitivos y una mayor estructuración espacial del crecimiento y de la distribución de tamaños al avanzar la sucesión. Para el tercer y cuarto objetivo se instalaron 52 parcelas distribuidas en bloques donde se fertilizaron dos veces al año durante 6,4 años, se identificaron todos los individuos mayores a 10 cm de DAP, y se midió el crecimiento diamétrico durante estos años Con la adición de nutrientes realizada a los diferentes tipos de bosque en la gradiente altitudinal, encontramos que el efecto sobre el crecimiento diamétrico en la comunidad varia con el rango altitudinal, y el tipo de nutriente, analizando a nivel de las especies, en la mayoría de los casos las especies comunes no tuvieron cambios significativos a la adición de nutrientes. Los resultados de este estudio aportan nuevas evidencias para el entendimiento de la diversidad, estructura y dinámica de los bosques tropicales de montaña. ABSTRACT The montane tropical forest is considered a megadiverse habitat that harbor an enormous degree of endemism. This is mainly due to the high degree of environmental heterogeneity found and the presence of different well defined ecological areas. These forests have received more attention during the last decades, however, the information regarding the responses of these forests to environmental change, is still scarce. These forests are seriously endangered and are suffering serious threats, such as loss of vegetative cover, changes in the nutrient cycles. The work was divided in four specific objectives: i) Characterization and analysis of the species richness altitudinal patterns in the montane tropical forest of south Ecuador. Specifically, how species diversity changes along altitudinal gradients. ii) Exploring the spatial patterns of tree growth in three remnants of a montane tropical forest, and analyze how tree neighborhood and functional similarity among trees influence tree growth. Tropical Conservatism Hypothesis iii) Understanding the effects of fertilization in arboreal species growth (increase in diameter) of the montane tropical forest. Specifically we studied the effects of P and N addition on three different forests across an altitudinal gradient. iv) Know the response of the community of trees to the addition of nutrients in the Andean montane forest; this objective was based on the supposition of deficiency of three types of nutrients: P, N and Ca in this forest all formation and how the trees react to the addition of these nutrients. The present work was carried out in the montane tropical forest located in Bombuscaro, San Francisco and Cajanuma close to Podocarpus National Park (PNP) on Consuelo mountain range (Andean oriental range) at South of Ecuador. Field work was carried out during 2008 and 2014. To address the first objective, we randomly placed 54 plots along an altitudinal gradient. In these plots, every individual larger than 5 cm of DBH was measured and identified. A phylogeny was build with Phylocom and different diversity components (taxonomic richness, phylogenetic diversity and average species age) were computed for each plot. Linear models were used to test the effects of altitude on the diversity components. Our results showed that, contrary to the Tropical Conservatism Hypothesis, both taxonomic richness and average species age increased with altitude. To address our second objective, all mapped trees in three successional permanent plots (around ~5000 m2 each) were re-measured. Using different mark correlation functions, we analyzed the spatial distribution of tree-size and tree relative growth rate. Whereas tree size showed negative spatial correlation at fine spatial scales, relative growth rate showed positive correlation at the same scales. The range and magnitude of those correlations increased along successional stage. The spatial distribution of the relative growth rate was negatively correlated with the spatial distribution of tree sizes. Additionally, we found that the spatial correlation of the relative growth rate was negative for functionally similar trees and positive when computed for functionally different trees. In synthesis, our results point to an increase of competitive processes and strong spatial structure of relative growth rate and tree size along succession. For the third and fourth objectives, 52 plots were placed in a block design and were fertilized twice a year for 6,4 years. In these plots all the individuals with DBH > 10 cm were identified, and the diametrical growth was measured during these years. The nutrient addition at the three different altitude forests, revealed that the effect on the diametrical growth in the community varied with the altitudinal range. When analyzed at species level, the addition of nutrients was no significant in most cases. These results represent new evidences that will improved our understanding of diversity patterns and structure, and the dynamics of tropical montane forests.


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The study of functional morphological traits enables us to know fundamental aspects of the dynamics of plant communities in local and global habitats. Regenerative morphological traits play an important role in defining plant history and ecological behavior. Seed and fruit characteristics determine to a large extent the patterns for dispersal, germination, establishment and seedling recruitment a given species exhibits on its natural habitat. Despite their prominent role, seed and fruit traits have been poorly studied at the community level of woody plant species in neo-tropical dry forests. In the present study we aimed at i) evaluate the functional role of morphological traits of seeds, fruits and embryo in woody plant species; ii) determine which are the morphological patterns present in seeds collected from the community of woody species that occur in neo-tropical dry forests; and iii) compare woody plant species seed mass values comparatively between neo-tropical dry and tropical forests. To do so, mature seeds were collected from 79 plant species that occur in the Tumbesian forest of Southwest Ecuador. The studied species included the 42 and 37 most representative tree and shrubbery species of the Tumbesian forest respectively. A total of 18 morphological traits (seven quantitative and 11 qualitative) were measured and evaluated in the seeds, fruits and embryos of the selected species, and we compared the seeds mass with other forest types. Our results showed a huge heterogeneity among traits values in the studied species. Seed mass, volume and number were the traits that vary the most at the community level, i.e. seed length ranged from 1.3 to 39 mm, and seed width from 0.6 to 25 mm. Only six embryo types were found among the 79 plant species. In 40 % of the cases, fully developed inverted embryos with large and thick cotyledons to store considerable amount of nutrients were recorded. We concluded that highly variable and functionally complementary morphological traits occur among the studied woody plants of the dry Tumbesian forest. The latter favors a plethora of behavioral mechanisms to coexist among woody species of the dry forest in response to the environmental stress that is typical of arid areas.