10 resultados para Triangular norms

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Los conjuntos borrosos de tipo 2 (T2FSs) fueron introducidos por L.A. Zadeh en 1975 [65], como una extensión de los conjuntos borrosos de tipo 1 (FSs). Mientras que en estos últimos el grado de pertenencia de un elemento al conjunto viene determinado por un valor en el intervalo [0, 1], en el caso de los T2FSs el grado de pertenencia de un elemento es un conjunto borroso en [0,1], es decir, un T2FS queda determinado por una función de pertenencia μ : X → M, donde M = [0, 1][0,1] = Map([0, 1], [0, 1]), es el conjunto de las funciones de [0,1] en [0,1] (ver [39], [42], [43], [61]). Desde que los T2FSs fueron introducidos, se han generalizado a dicho conjunto (ver [39], [42], [43], [61], por ejemplo), a partir del “Principio de Extensión” de Zadeh [65] (ver Teorema 1.1), muchas de las definiciones, operaciones, propiedades y resultados obtenidos en los FSs. Sin embargo, como sucede en cualquier área de investigación, quedan muchas lagunas y problemas abiertos que suponen un reto para cualquiera que quiera hacer un estudio profundo en este campo. A este reto se ha dedicado el presente trabajo, logrando avances importantes en este sentido de “rellenar huecos” existentes en la teoría de los conjuntos borrosos de tipo 2, especialmente en las propiedades de autocontradicción y N-autocontradicción, y en las operaciones de negación, t-norma y t-conorma sobre los T2FSs. Cabe destacar que en [61] se justifica que las operaciones sobre los T2FSs (Map(X,M)) se pueden definir de forma natural a partir de las operaciones sobre M, verificando las mismas propiedades. Por tanto, por ser más fácil, en el presente trabajo se toma como objeto de estudio a M, y algunos de sus subconjuntos, en vez de Map(X,M). En cuanto a la operación de negación, en el marco de los conjuntos borrosos de tipo 2 (T2FSs), usualmente se emplea para representar la negación en M, una operación asociada a la negación estándar en [0,1]. Sin embargo, dicha operación no verifica los axiomas que, intuitivamente, debe verificar cualquier operación para ser considerada negación en el conjunto M. En este trabajo se presentan los axiomas de negación y negación fuerte en los T2FSs. También se define una operación asociada a cualquier negación suprayectiva en [0,1], incluyendo la negación estándar, y se estudia, junto con otras propiedades, si es negación y negación fuerte en L (conjunto de las funciones de M normales y convexas). Además, se comprueba en qué condiciones se cumplen las leyes de De Morgan para un extenso conjunto de pares de operaciones binarias en M. Por otra parte, las propiedades de N-autocontradicción y autocontradicción, han sido suficientemente estudiadas en los conjuntos borrosos de tipo 1 (FSs) y en los conjuntos borrosos intuicionistas de Atanassov (AIFSs). En el presente trabajo se inicia el estudio de las mencionadas propiedades, dentro del marco de los T2FSs cuyos grados de pertenencia están en L. En este sentido, aquí se extienden los conceptos de N-autocontradicción y autocontradicción al conjunto L, y se determinan algunos criterios para verificar tales propiedades. En cuanto a otras operaciones, Walker et al. ([61], [63]) definieron dos familias de operaciones binarias sobre M, y determinaron que, bajo ciertas condiciones, estas operaciones son t-normas (normas triangulares) o t-conormas sobre L. En este trabajo se introducen operaciones binarias sobre M, unas más generales y otras diferentes a las dadas por Walker et al., y se estudian varias propiedades de las mismas, con el objeto de deducir nuevas t-normas y t-conormas sobre L. ABSTRACT Type-2 fuzzy sets (T2FSs) were introduced by L.A. Zadeh in 1975 [65] as an extension of type-1 fuzzy sets (FSs). Whereas for FSs the degree of membership of an element of a set is determined by a value in the interval [0, 1] , the degree of membership of an element for T2FSs is a fuzzy set in [0,1], that is, a T2FS is determined by a membership function μ : X → M, where M = [0, 1][0,1] is the set of functions from [0,1] to [0,1] (see [39], [42], [43], [61]). Later, many definitions, operations, properties and results known on FSs, have been generalized to T2FSs (e.g. see [39], [42], [43], [61]) by employing Zadeh’s Extension Principle [65] (see Theorem 1.1). However, as in any area of research, there are still many open problems which represent a challenge for anyone who wants to make a deep study in this field. Then, we have been dedicated to such challenge, making significant progress in this direction to “fill gaps” (close open problems) in the theory of T2FSs, especially on the properties of self-contradiction and N-self-contradiction, and on the operations of negations, t-norms (triangular norms) and t-conorms on T2FSs. Walker and Walker justify in [61] that the operations on Map(X,M) can be defined naturally from the operations onMand have the same properties. Therefore, we will work onM(study subject), and some subsets of M, as all the results are easily and directly extensible to Map(X,M). About the operation of negation, usually has been employed in the framework of T2FSs, a operation associated to standard negation on [0,1], but such operation does not satisfy the negation axioms on M. In this work, we introduce the axioms that a function inMshould satisfy to qualify as a type-2 negation and strong type-2 negation. Also, we define a operation on M associated to any suprajective negation on [0,1], and analyse, among others properties, if such operation is negation or strong negation on L (all normal and convex functions of M). Besides, we study the De Morgan’s laws, with respect to some binary operations on M. On the other hand, The properties of self-contradiction and N-self-contradiction have been extensively studied on FSs and on the Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy sets (AIFSs). Thereon, in this research we begin the study of the mentioned properties on the framework of T2FSs. In this sense, we give the definitions about self-contradiction and N-self-contradiction on L, and establish the criteria to verify these properties on L. Respect to the t-norms and t-conorms, Walker et al. ([61], [63]) defined two families of binary operations on M and found that, under some conditions, these operations are t-norms or t-conorms on L. In this work we introduce more general binary operations on M than those given by Walker et al. and study which are the minimum conditions necessary for these operations satisfy each of the axioms of the t-norm and t-conorm.


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Walker et al. defined two families of binary operations on M (set of functions of [0,1] in [0,1]), and they determined that, under certain conditions, those operations are t-norms (triangular norm) or t-conorms on L (all the normal and convex functions of M). We define binary operations on M, more general than those given by Walker et al., and we study many properties of these general operations that allow us to deduce new t-norms and t-conorms on both L, and M.


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Linear three-dimensional modal instability of steady laminar two-dimensional states developing in a lid-driven cavity of isosceles triangular cross-section is investigated theoretically and experimentally for the case in which the equal sides form a rectangular corner. An asymmetric steady two-dimensional motion is driven by the steady motion of one of the equal sides. If the side moves away from the rectangular corner, a stationary three-dimensional instability is found. If the motion is directed towards the corner, the instability is oscillatory. The respective critical Reynolds numbers are identified both theoretically and experimentally. The neutral curves pertinent to the two configurations and the properties of the respective leading eigenmodes are documented and analogies to instabilities in rectangular lid-driven cavities are discussed.


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Nowadays, more a more base stations are equipped with active conformal antennas. These antenna designs combine phase shift systems with multibeam networks providing multi-beam ability and interference rejection, which optimize multiple channel systems. GEODA is a conformal adaptive antenna system designed for satellite communications. Operating at 1.7 GHz with circular polarization, it is possible to track and communicate with several satellites at once thanks to its adaptive beam. The antenna is based on a set of similar triangular arrays that are divided in subarrays of three elements called `cells'. Transmission/Receiver (T/R) modules manage beam steering by shifting the phases. A more accurate steering of the antenna GEODA could be achieved by using a multibeam network. Several multibeam network designs based on Butler network will be presented


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A multibeam antenna study based on Butler network will be undertaken in this document. These antenna designs combines phase shift systems with multibeam networks to optimize multiple channel systems. The system will work at 1.7 GHz with circular polarization. Specifically, result simulations and measurements of 3 element triangular subarray will be shown. A 45 element triangular array will be formed by the subarrays. Using triangular subarrays, side lobes and crossing points are reduced.


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A six inputs and three outputs structure which can be used to obtain six simultaneous beams with a triangular array of 3 elements is presented. The beam forming network is obtained combining balanced and unbalanced hybrid couplers and allows to obtain six main beams with sixty degrees of separation in azimuth direction. Simulations and measurements showing the performance of the array and other detailed results are presented


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In this talk we show a construction for characterising developable surfaces in the form of Bézier triangular patches. It is shown that constructions used for rectangular patches are not useful, since they provide degenerate triangular patches. Explicit constructions of non-degenerate developable triangular patches are provided.


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Transverse galloping is a type of aeroelastic instability characterised by large amplitude, low frequency oscillation of a structure in the direction normal to the mean wind direction. It normally appears in bodies with small stiffness and structural damping, provided the incident flow velocity is high enough. In the simplest approach transverse galloping can be considered as a one-degree-of-freedom oscillator subjected to aerodynamic forces, which in turn can be described by using a quasi-steady description. In this frame it has been demonstrated that hysteresis phenomena in transverse galloping is related to the existence of inflection points in the curve giving the dependence with the angle of attack of the aerodynamic coefficient normal to the incident flow. Aiming at experimentally checking such a relationship between these inflection points and hysteresis, wind tunnel experiments have been conducted. Experiments have been restricted to isosceles triangular cross-section bodies, whose galloping behaviour is well documented. Experimental results show that, according to theoretical predictions, hysteresis takes place at the angles of attack where there are inflection points in the lift coefficient curve, provided that the body is prone to gallop at these angles of attack.


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An innovative dissipative multi-beam network for triangular arrays of three radiating elements is proposed. This novel network provides three orthogonal beams in θ0 elevation angle and a fourth one in the broadside steering direction. The network is composed of 90º hybrid couplers and fixed phase shifters. In this paper, a relation between network components, radiating element distance and beam steering directions will be shown. Application of the proposed dissipative network to the triangular cells of three radiating elements that integrate the intelligent antenna GEODA will be exhibited. This system works at 1.7 GHz, it has a 60º single radiating element beamwidth and a distance between array elements of 0.57 λ. Both beam patterns, theoretical and simulated, obtained with the network will be depicted. Moreover, the whole system, dissipative network built with GEODA cell array, has been measured in the anechoic chamber of the Radiation Group of Technical University of Madrid, demonstrating expected performance.


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An innovative dissipative multi-beam network for triangular arrays of three radiating elements is proposed. This novel network provides three orthogonal beams in θ0 elevation angle and a fourth one in the broadside steering direction. The network is composed of 90º hybrid couplers and fixed phase shifters. In this paper, a relation between network components, radiating element distance and beam steering directions will be shown. Application of the proposed dissipative network to the triangular cells of three radiating elements that integrate the intelligent antenna GEODA will be exhibited. This system works at 1.7 GHz, it has a 60º single radiating element beamwidth and a distance between array elements of 0.57λ. Both beam patterns, theoretical and simulated, obtained with the network will be depicted. Moreover, the whole system, dissipative network built with GEODA cell array, has been measured in the anechoic chamber of the Radiation Group of Technical University of Madrid, demonstrating expected performance