17 resultados para Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Se presenta una relación entre las propiedades mecánicas de los tejidos fibrados y las características geométricas y mecánicas de los fibriles que lo forman a escala mesoscópica. In this work we derive a relationship between the mechanical and geometrical properties of the fibril constituents and the soft tissue material parameters at macroscopic scale.


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Cuando se trata de Rem Koolhaas, su espejo no refleja una sola imagen sino múltiples, es un prisma poliédrico. Su espejo nos devuelve el Rem mediático, el intelectual, el conceptualizador, el constructor, el analista, el periodista, el actor... En el caso de esta investigación, fijamos el punto de mira en el Rem COMUNICADOR. “Rem a los dos lados del espejo” se enmarca en una investigación sobre los medios de comunicación de arquitectura, su reflejo en la producción arquitectónica y viceversa. Se trata de llegar a discernir si comunicación y producción arquitectónica colisionan y confluyen en el caso de grandes comunicadores como Rem Koolhaas, si el mensaje y el medio transmisor adquieren las mismas cualidades. Centrándose en la figura de Rem Koolhaas, la tesis aborda la evolución de su faceta comunicativa y las transformaciones sucesivas en el campo de la comunicación arquitectónica, en paralelo a su evolución conceptual a lo largo de su trayectoria. La investigación, por tanto, no se centra tanto en su componente teórica o en la práctica arquitectónica de OMA, sino en la exposición de su producción al mundo, especialmente a través de sus ensayos y libros. “Delirious New York” y “SMLXL” son un reflejo del momento conceptual en que se inscriben, y contienen mucha información sobre los referentes gráficos que irremediablemente han influido en su composición. Especialmente, la aparición de “SMLXL” supuso un revulsivo para el mundo de la comunicación arquitectónica, porque puso el foco sobre la importancia de dejar atrás un discurso narrativo linea y unifocal, para afrontar la comunicación barajando múltiples variables, y aproximaciones, en un proceso similar al desarrollo de un proyecto de arquitectura. Presenta un diseño muy novedoso y una edición extremadamente cuidada, que atiende a parámetros mucho más ambiciosos que los meramente narrativos. Profundiza en la necesidad de una temática global, planteando cuál es la aproximación más apropiada para cada uno de los proyectos que describe, transmitiendo al lector una percepción más allá de lo estrictamente visual, más próximo a lo sensorial. Además, su enorme repercusión a nivel internacional y el gran interés que despertó (no solamente entre los arquitectos, sino también entre diseñadores gráficos, publicistas, personas provenientes de todo tipo de tendencias artísticas y público en general), provocó la globalización del fenómeno de las publicaciones arquitectónicas y puso de manifiesto la importancia de la comunicación como una disciplina en sí misma, dentro de la producción arquitectónica en la era actual. A pesar de la importancia de “SMLXL” a todos los niveles, la presente tesis plantea que, donde realmente se culmina esa experiencia comunicativa, es en “Content”, al incluir nuevos parámetros relacionados con la fusión conceptual de continente y contenido. Es en esta publicación donde el objeto de la comunicación y la expresión de la misma se convierten en un único elemento, que se rige por leyes similares. En este caso, la ley fundamental es la aplicación hasta sus máximas consecuencias de la “cultura de la congestión”, tanto en el mensaje como en el medio, generando lo que hemos convenido en denominar “comunicación congestiva”. Esta concepción deviene en que necesariamente se materialice como un producto efímero, desechable, casi virtual, porque responde a las condiciones de un momento muy concreto y específico y fuera de ese contexto pierde su significación.. La “cultura de la congestión” empieza a surgir en los planteamientos de Koolhaas en la Architectural Association School of Architecture de Londres, bajo la tutela de Elia Zenghelis. Posteriormente se desarrolla en su manifiesto retroactivo sobre Manhattan, “Delirious New York”, donde declara la guerra abierta al urbanismo del movimiento moderno y afirma que la ciudad realmente contemporánea es aquella que es fruto de un desarrollo no planificado, hiperdensa y posible gracias a los avances tecnológicos de su era. Finalmente comienza a materializarse en la Diploma Unit 9 de la AA, donde entra como profesor en 1975, dejando una huella indeleble en las generaciones posteriores de arquitectos que pasaron dicha unidad. Rem Koolhaas es ante todo un intelectual y por ello, todo el constructo teórico sobre la metrópolis comienza a reflejarse en su obra a través de OMA desde el comienzo de su producción. Podemos decir a grandes rasgos que su carrera está marcada por dos hitos históricos fundamentales que determinan tres etapas diferenciadas en su producción. En sus primeros años de profesión, Koolhaas sigue fascinado por la metrópolis urbana y la aplicación del método paranoico crítico a su producción arquitectónica. Es un arquitecto profundamente surrealista. Entiende este método como una estrategia de conocimiento y aproximación al mundo que le rodea: “dejar salir el inconsciente pero sostenerlo con las muletas de la racionalidad”. Pero lo que en realidad le interesa es su aplicación a la gran escala, el “Bigness”, y por ello, participa en proyectos muy ambiciosos de los que surgen conceptos que, más allá de resultar premiados o no, han dejado una huella ideológica en el devenir de la arquitectura. Entre estos proyectos, cabe destacar su propuesta para el Parque de la Villette o la Très Grande Bibliotèque de París. Sus proyectos de esta época destilan una gran carga conceptual, que devienen en unos interiores sorprendentes pero una apariencia exterior sobria o incluso podríamos decir "povera", por el uso de materiales efímeros, poco habituales en la macro-arquitectura hasta ese momento. Súbitamente, en 1997, explotó el denominado “Efecto Bilbao”, de la mano de Frank Gehry (1). El Museo Guggenheim de Bilbao, con su espectacularidad, sus formas pregnantes e imposibles, impacta al mundo. Nace la era de la “Arquitectura del Espectáculo”; la transformación de la ciudad a través de ICONOS que actúen como nodos de atracción y concentración en torno a los cuales supuestamente se revitaliza la actividad económica, cultural y sociopolítica de la ciudad, como si a través de un único gesto se pudieran regenerar todos los tejidos internos de la urbe. Rem Koolhaas comprende rápidamente que la aproximación a la ciudad ha cambiado y, sobre todo, el mercado. En el mundo de la globalización, la única manera de llegar a materializar el “Bigness”, es encerrando sus ejercicios intelectuales en formas pregnantes, bellas, icónicas, espectaculares. Koolhaas encuentra su marca personal en la estética “Stealth”, proveniente de los aviones de combate facetados para evitar los radares, elaborados en los años 80. De esta época surgen proyectos como la Casa da Música de Oporto o la Biblioteca de Seattle; ambos edificios son iconos facetados, de belleza pregnante, que dejan una huella indeleble en la ciudad y provocan, al igual que el Guggenheim, un cierto efecto de recuperación y revitalización en el entorno en que se asientan, al menos de manera temporal. En cualquier caso, Koolhaas nunca abandona los ejercicios meramente teóricos, pero segrega su actividad en dos: OMA produce aquello que tiene vocación de ser construido y se rige por los parámetros del mercado global y AMO, la otra cara del espejo de Rem, aplica el pensamiento arquitectónico a campos no explorados, sin la dependencia de agentes externos, pudiendo permitirse ser un laboratorio puramente experimental. En este escenario, llega el 11 de septiembre de 2001 y el ataque a las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York tiene efectos devastadores a todos los niveles, significando, en un período de tiempo sorprendentemente corto, un cambio en el orden mundial. Rem Koolhaas da entonces un giro de 180 grados, dirige su mirada hacia China, donde entiende que sus aportaciones tienen un beneficio social más directo que en occidente. (2) Para presentar al mundo su nuevo cambio de rumbo y la creación del “Think Tank” AMO, plantea una gran exposición en la NeueGallerie de Berlín bajo el título de “Content”, experiencia paralela a la edición del libro con el mismo título, que inicialmente nace como “catálogo de la exposición, pero que internamente siempre se concibió como el documento más trascendente en el estudio desde “SMLXL”. Sin embargo, en muchos aspectos se trata de su opuesto: una publicación con formato revista, de tapa blanda, con paginado muy fino, formato de "folleto de supermercado" y contenido hiperdenso. Es un experimento efímero, fugaz, ligero, barato, de “usar y tirar”. De hecho, está fuera de stock, ya no se edita. Probablemente Rem Koolhaas desaprobaría que se hiciera una investigación que pusiera el foco sobre el mismo, porque diez años después de su publicación seguramente opine que su vigencia ha caducado. Sin embargo, muestra con una claridad meridiana el estado conceptual y vital de OMA en el momento de su publicación y representa, además un verdadero hito en la comunicación arquitectónica, un punto de no retorno, el máximo exponente de lo que hemos denominado “comunicación congestiva”. La presente tesis plantea que “Content” contiene la esencia de la mayor aportación de Rem Koolhaas al mundo de la arquitectura: la transformación profunda y definitiva de la comunicación arquitectónica mediante la convergencia del estado conceptual y la transmisión del mismo. Su legado arquitectónico y conceptual ha marcado a todas las generaciones posteriores de manera indeleble. Sus ensayos, sus teorías, sus proyectos y sus edificaciones ya pertenecen a la historia de la arquitectura, sin ninguna duda. Pero es su revisión del concepto de la comunicación en arquitectura lo que ha tenido y tendrá un reflejo inmediato en las generaciones futuras, no solamente en la comunicación sino en su arquitectura, a través de un intercambio biyectivo. El planteamiento a futuro sería determinar qué sucede tras “Content”, tras la hiperdensidad máxima, tras la cultura de la congestión visual; qué es lo que propone Koolhaas y qué se va a plantear también en el mundo de la comunicación arquitectónica. Para ello, estudiaremos en profundidad sus últimos proyectos relacionados con la comunicación, como su propuesta para la Biennale de Arquitectura de Venecia de 2014, su intensa investigación sobre el “Metabolismo” en “Project Japan: Metabolism Talks...”, o la dirección de sus últimos planteamientos territoriales. En los últimos tiempos Rem Koolhaas habla de “Preservación”, de “Sobriedad”, de “Esencialismo”, de “Performance”... El autor intelectual de la cultura de la congestión habla ahora de la “low density”...como no podía ser de otra manera en la otra cara del espejo. En definitiva, el color blanco como suma de todos los colores, todas las longitudes de onda del espectro visible recibidas al tiempo. ABSTRACT When talking about Rem Koolhaas, the mirror does not only reflect one but numerous images: it is nothing but a polyhedral prism. His mirror gives us the image of Rem the media celebrity, the intellectual, the conceptualizer, the builder, the analyst, the journalist, the actor... This research sets the spotlight on Rem the COMMUNICATOR. "Rem on both sides of the mirror" belongs to a research on architectural media, its influence on the architectural production and vice versa. It is aimed at getting to discern whether communication and architectural production collide and converge in the case of great communicators such as Rem Koolhaas, and whether the message and transmission media acquire the same features. Focusing on the figure of Rem Koolhaas, this thesis addresses the evolution of his communicative facet and the successive transformations in the field of architectural communication, parallel to the conceptual evolution he underwent throughout his career. Therefore, this research is not so much focused on his theoretical component or on the OMA’s architectural practice, but on the exhibition of his production to the world, especially through his essays and books. "Delirious New York" and "SMLXL" hold up a mirror to the conceptual moment they are part of, and contain a great deal of information about the graphic references that have inevitably influenced his work. Specially, the launch of "SMLXL" was a salutary shock for the architectural communication world, since it set the spotlight on the importance of leaving a linear and unifocal narrative behind in order to face communication considering multiple variables and approaches, based on a process similar to the development of an architectural project. It offers a very innovative design and an extremely careful editing, which deals with parameters much more ambitious than those merely narrative. It explores the need for a global subject and suggests the most appropriate approach for each of the projects described, giving the reader a closer insight to the sensory that goes beyond what’s strictly visual. In addition, its huge international impact and the great interest shown, not only by architects but also by graphic designers, publishers, people from all kinds of artistic trends and the general public, led to the globalisation of the architectural publications phenomenon and brought the importance of communication as a discipline in itself, within the architectural production in the age at hand, to light. Despite the importance of "SMLXL" at all levels, this thesis suggests that the communication experience really culminates in "Content", for it includes new conceptual parameters associated with the container-content conceptual fusion. It is in this book where the purpose of communication and the expression of such become a single element, ruled by similar laws. In this particular case, the fundamental law is to implement the "culture of congestion" to its extreme consequences in both the message and the media, leading to what we have agreed to refer to as "congestive communication”. This concept leads to its inevitable materialisation into an ephemeral, disposable, almost virtual product, because it meets the conditions of a very concrete and specific time, and outside that context it loses its significance. The "culture of congestion" emerged in Koolhaas’ approaches under the guidance of Elia Zenghelis, in the Architectural Association School of Architecture of London. Subsequently, his retroactive manifesto on Manhattan, "Delirious New York" developed it, waging an all-out war against the modern movement urbanism and maintaining that the really contemporary cities are those hyperdense ones that rise as a result of an unplanned development and thanks to the typical technological advances of their time. Finally it began to materialise in the Diploma Unit 9 of the AA, in which he started lecturing in 1975, leaving an indelible mark on subsequent generations of architects who passed that unit. First and foremost, Rem Koolhaas is an intellectual and, therefore, all the theoretical construct in the metropolis began to be reflected in his work through OMA since the beginnings of his production. Broadly speaking, we can say that his career is influenced by two essential historic events, which determine three different stages in his production. In the early years of his career, Koolhaas was still fascinated by the urban metropolis and the implementation of the paranoiac-critical method to his architectural production. He was then a deeply surreal architect. He understood this method as a knowledge strategy and an approach to the world around him: "let the subconscious out but hold it with the crutches of reasonableness”. However, he was actually interested in its implementation on a broad scale, the "Bigness", and therefore, he took part in ambitious projects that led to the accrual of concepts that, beyond being rewarded, left an ideological impression on the evolution of architecture. These projects included his proposal for the Parc de la Villette or the Très Grande Bibliotèque in Paris. The projects he carried out during this period showed a great conceptual background, which evolved into surprising interiors but a sober, or even "povera", exterior appearance, thanks to the use of ephemeral materials that were atypical in the macro-architecture field until that moment. Suddenly, in 1997, the so-called "Bilbao effect" boomed thanks to Frank Gehry (1). The Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao amazed the world with its spectacular nature and its pregnant and impossible shapes. It was the beginning of the era of “The architecture of spectacle”: the transformation of the city through ICONS that would act as nodes of attraction and gathering, around which the economic, cultural and socio-political activity of the city was supposed to be revitalized, as if through a single gesture all internal tissues of the city could be rebuilt. Rem Koolhaas quickly realized that the approach to the city, and especially to the global market, had changed. In the world of globalisation, the only way to get to materialise such "Bigness" was by keeping his intellectual exercises in pregnant, beautiful, iconic and spectacular shapes. Koolhaas found his personal brand in the Stealth aesthetic, resulting from the eighties American combat aircrafts whose shape was faceted in order to avoid radars. Projects such as the Casa da Música in Porto or the Seattle Library date from this period; both buildings are faceted icons of pregnant beauty that left an indelible mark on the city and caused, like the Guggenheim, some degree of recovery and revitalization on the environment in which they were based, at least temporarily. In any case, Koolhaas never gave the merely theoretical exercises up, but he segregated his work in two: OMA produced what was destined to be built and ruled by the parameters of the global market and AMO, Rem’s other side of the mirror, applied the architectural thought in unexplored fields, notwithstanding external agents and being able to work as a purely experimental laboratory. In light of this backdrop, September 11th 2001 came and the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York had devastating effects at all levels, leading to a change in the world order, in a surprisingly short period of time. Rem Koolhaas made a 180° turn directing his vision towards China, where he believed his contributions would have a more direct social benefit than in the Western world. (2) In order to introduce his new course of direction and the creation of the AMO "Think Tank", he planned a major exhibition in the Neue Nationalgalerie of Berlin under the title "Content", in parallel with edition of the book with the same title, which was at first the "exhibition catalog” but, deep down, was always conceived as the most important document of the Office since "SMLXL". However, in many ways it was just the opposite: a publication characterised by its magazine format, soft cover, very fine paging, "supermarket brochure" form and hyperdense content. It was an ephemeral, brief, light, cheap and "disposable" experiment. In fact, it is currently out of stock and out of print. Rem Koolhaas would probably disapprove of a research that sets the spotlight on him, for he would probably say that his validity has expired given that it has been ten years since its publication. However, it shows OMA’s conceptual and vital status at the time of its publication with crystalline clarity and it is also a true milestone in architectural communication. A point of no return. The epitome of the so-called "congestive communication ". This thesis suggests that "Content" contains the essence of Rem Koolhaas’ greatest contribution to the world of architecture: the deep and definitive transformation of architectural communication through the convergence of the conceptual state and the transmission thereof. His architectural and conceptual legacy has left an indelible mark on all subsequent generations. There is no doubt his essays, theories, projects and buildings already belong to the history of architecture. But it is his review on the concept of communication in architecture that has had and shall have an immediate influence on future generations, not only in their communication but also in their architecture, through a bijective exchange. Future approaches should try to determine what happens after "Content", after the maximum hyperdensity, after the visual culture of congestion; what shall Koolhaas suggest as well as what shall happen in the world of architectural communication. To this end, we shall study his latest communication-related projects, such as the design of the Venetian Architecture Biennale in 2014, his intensive research on the "Metabolism" in "Project Japan: Metabolism Talks ...", or the course of his latest territorial approaches in depth. Most recently, Rem Koolhaas has talked about "Preservation", "Sobriety" of "Essentialism", "Performance", etc. The mastermind of the culture of congestion now speaks of the "low density"... as it could not be otherwise, on the other side of the mirror. Summarizing, the white color as the sum of all colors; all wavelengths of the visible spectrum received at the same time.


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Transports of radioactive wastes in Spain are becoming issues of renewed interest, due to the increased mobility of these materials which can be expected after the building and operation of the planned central repository for this country in a near future. Such types of residues will be mainly of the medium and high activity classes and have raised concerns on the safety of the operations, the radiological protection of the individuals, the compliance with the legal regulations and their environmental consequences of all kind. In this study, relevant information for the assessment of radiological risk of road transport were taken into account, as the sources and destination of the radioactive transports, the amount of traveling to be done, the preferred routes and populations affected, the characterization of the residues and containers, their corresponding testing, etc. These data were supplied by different organizations fully related with these activities, like the nuclear power stations, the companies in charge of radioactive transports, the enterprises for inspection and control of the activities, etc., as well as the government institutions which are responsible for the selection and location of the storage facility and other decisions on the nuclear policies of the country. Thus, we have developed a program for computing the data in such a form that by entering the radiation levels at one meter of the transport loads and by choosing a particular displacement, the computer application is capable to calculate the corresponding radiological effects, like the global estimated impact, its relevance to the population in general or on those people living and driving near the main road routes, the doses received by the most exposed individuals (e.g. the workers for loading or driving the vehicle), or the probability of detrimental on the human health. The results of this work could be of help for a better understanding and management of these activities and their related impacts; at the same time that the generated reports of the computer application are considered of particular interest as innovative and complementary information to the current legal documentation, which is basically required for transporting radioactive wastes in the country, according with the international safety rules (like IAEA and ADR).Though main studies are still in progress, as the definite location for the Spanish storage facility has not been decided yet, preliminary results with the existing transports of residues of medium activity indicate that the radiological impact is very low in conventional operations. Nevertheless, the management of these transports is complex and laborious, making it convenient to progress further in the analysis and quantification of this kind of events, which constitutes one of the main objectives of the present study for the radioactive road mobility in Spain.


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In a series of attempts to research and document relevant sloshing type phenomena, a series of experiments have been conducted. The aim of this paper is to describe the setup and data processing of such experiments. A sloshing tank is subjected to angular motion. As a result pressure registers are obtained at several locations, together with the motion data, torque and a collection of image and video information. The experimental rig and the data acquisition systems are described. Useful information for experimental sloshing research practitioners is provided. This information is related to the liquids used in the experiments, the dying techniques, tank building processes, synchronization of acquisition systems, etc. A new procedure for reconstructing experimental data, that takes into account experimental uncertainties, is presented. This procedure is based on a least squares spline approximation of the data. Based on a deterministic approach to the first sloshing wave impact event in a sloshing experiment, an uncertainty analysis procedure of the associated first pressure peak value is described.


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Globalization has intensified competition, as evidenced by the growing number of international classification systems (rankings) and the attention paid to them. Doctoral education has an international character in itself. It should promote opportunities for graduate students lo participate in these international studies. The quality and competitiveness are two of the most important issues for universities. To promote the interest of graduates to continue their education after the graduate level, it would be necessary to improve the published information of ihe doctoral programs. It should increase the visibility and provide high-quality, easily accessible and comparable information which includes all the relevant aspects of these programs. The authors analysed the website contents of doctoral programs, it was observed a lack of quality of them and very poor information about the contents, so that it was decided that any of them could constitute a model for creating new websites. The recommendations on the format and contents in the web were made by a discussion group. They recommended an attractive design; a page with easy access to contents and easy to find on Ihe net and with the information in more than one language. It should include complete program and academic staff information. It should also be included the study's results which should be easily accessible and includes quantitative data, such as number of students who completed scholars, publications, research projects, average duration of the studies, etc. It will facilitate the choice of program


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Time domain laser reflectance spectroscopy (TDRS) was applied for the first time to evaluate internal fruit quality. This technique, known in medicine-related knowledge areas, has not been used before in agricultural or food research. It allows the simultaneous non-destructive measuring of two optical characteristics of the tissues: light scattering and absorption. Models to measure firmness, sugar & acid contents in kiwifruit, tomato, apple, peach, nectarine and other fruits were built using sequential statistical techniques: principal component analysis, multiple stepwise linear regression, clustering and discriminant analysis. Consistent correlations were established between the two parameters measured with TDRS, i.e. absorption & transport scattering coefficients, with chemical constituents (sugars and acids) and firmness, respectively. Classification models were built to sort fruits into three quality grades, according to their firmness, soluble solids and acidity.


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The recognition of an increasing and worldwide demand for high quality in fruits and vegetables has grown in recent years. Evidence of severe problems of mechanical damage is increasing, and this is affecting the trade of fruits in European and other countries. The potential market for fresh high-quality vegetables and fruits remains restricted by the lack of quality of the majority of products that reach consumers; this is the case for local as well as import/export markets, so a reduction in the consumption of fresh fruits in favour of other fixed-quality products (dairy in particular) may become widespread. In a recent survey (King, 1988, cited in Bellon, 1989), it appears that, for the moment, one third of the surveyed consumers are still continuing to increase their fresh produce consumption. The factors that appear as being most important in influencing the shopping behaviour of these consumers are taste/flavour, freshness/ripeness, appealing look, and cleanliness. Research on mechanical damage in fruit and vegetables has been underway for several years. The first research made on physical properties of fruits was in fact directed towards analysing the response to slow or rapid loading of selected fruits (Fridley et al, 1968; Horsefield et al., 1972). From that time on, research has expanded greatly, and different aspects of the problem have been approached. These include applicable mechanical models for the contact problem, the response of biological tissues to loading, devices for detecting damage causes in machines and equipment, and procedures for sensing bruises in grading and sorting. This chapter will be devoted to the study of actual research results relative to the cause and mechanisms of mechanical damage in fruits (secondarily in vegetables), the development of bruises in these commodities, the models that have been used up to now, and the different factors which have been recognized as influencing the appearance and development of mechanical damage in fruits. The study will be focused mainly on contact-damage - that is, slow or rapid loads applied to the surface of the products and causing bruises. (A bruise is defined as an altered volume of fruit tissues below the skin that is discoloured and softened.) Other types of mechanical damage, like abrasion and scuffing, punctures and cuts, will be also mentioned briefly.


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In current communication systems, there are many new challenges like various competitive standards, the scarcity of frequency resource, etc., especially the development of personal wireless communication systems result the new system update faster than ever before, the conventional hardware-based wireless communication system is difficult to adapt to this situation. The emergence of SDR enabled the third revolution of wireless communication which from hardware to software and build a flexible, reliable, upgradable, reusable, reconfigurable and low cost platform. The Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) products are commonly used with the GNU Radio software suite to create complex SDR systems. GNU Radio is a toolkit where digital signal processing blocks are written in C++, and connected to each other with Python. This makes it easy to develop more sophisticated signal processing systems, because many blocks already written by others and you can quickly put them together to create a complete system. Although the main function of GNU Radio is not be a simulator, but if there is no RF hardware components,it supports to researching the signal processing algorithm based on pre-stored and generated data by signal generator. This thesis introduced SDR platform from hardware (USRP) and software(GNU Radio), as well as some basic modulation techniques in wireless communication system. Based on the examples provided by GNU Radio, carried out some related experiments, for example GSM scanning and FM radio station receiving on USRP. And make a certain degree of improvement based on the experience of some investigators to observe OFDM spectrum and simulate real-time video transmission. GNU Radio combine with USRP hardware proved to be a valuable lab platform for implementing complex radio system prototypes in a short time. RESUMEN. Software Defined Radio (SDR) es una tecnología emergente que está creando un impacto revolucionario en la tecnología de radio convencional. Un buen ejemplo de radio software son los sistemas de código abierto llamados GNU Radio que emplean un kit de herramientas de desarrollo de software libre. En este trabajo se ha empleado un kit de desarrollo comercial (Ettus Research) que consiste en un módulo de procesado de señal y un hardaware sencillo. El módulo emplea un software de desarrollo basado en Linux sobre el que se pueden implementar aplicaciones de radio software muy variadas. El hardware de desarrollo consta de un microprocesador de propósito general, un dispositivo programable (FPGA) y un interfaz de radiofrecuencia que cubre de 50 a 2200MHz. Este hardware se conecta al PC por medio de un interfaz USB de 8Mb/s de velocidad. Sobre la plataforma de Ettus se pueden ejecutar aplicaciones GNU radio que utilizan principalmente lenguaje de programación Python para implementarse. Sin embargo, su módulo de procesado de señal está construido en C + + y emplea un microprocesador con aritmética de coma flotante. Por lo tanto, los desarrolladores pueden rápida y fácilmente construir aplicaciones en tiempo real sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica de alta capacidad. Aunque su función principal no es ser un simulador, si no puesto que hay componentes de hardware RF, Radio GNU sirve de apoyo a la investigación del algoritmo de procesado de señales basado en pre-almacenados y generados por los datos del generador de señal. En este trabajo fin de máster se ha evaluado la plataforma de hardware de DEG (USRP) y el software (GNU Radio). Para ello se han empleado algunas técnicas de modulación básicas en el sistema de comunicación inalámbrica. A partir de los ejemplos proporcionados por GNU Radio, hemos realizado algunos experimentos relacionados, por ejemplo, escaneado del espectro, demodulación de señales de FM empleando siempre el hardware de USRP. Una vez evaluadas aplicaciones sencillas se ha pasado a realizar un cierto grado de mejora y optimización de aplicaciones complejas descritas en la literatura. Se han empleado aplicaciones como la que consiste en la generación de un espectro de OFDM y la simulación y transmisión de señales de vídeo en tiempo real. Con estos resultados se está ahora en disposición de abordar la elaboración de aplicaciones complejas.


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El cáncer de próstata es el tipo de cáncer con mayor prevalencia entre los hombres del mundo occidental y, pese a tener una alta tasa de supervivencia relativa, es la segunda mayor causa de muerte por cáncer en este sector de la población. El tratamiento de elección frente al cáncer de próstata es, en la mayoría de los casos, la radioterapia externa. Las técnicas más modernas de radioterapia externa, como la radioterapia modulada en intensidad, permiten incrementar la dosis en el tumor mientras se reduce la dosis en el tejido sano. Sin embargo, la localización del volumen objetivo varía con el día de tratamiento, y se requieren movimientos muy pequeños de los órganos para sacar partes del volumen objetivo fuera de la región terapéutica, o para introducir tejidos sanos críticos dentro. Para evitar esto se han desarrollado técnicas más avanzadas, como la radioterapia guiada por imagen, que se define por un manejo más preciso de los movimientos internos mediante una adaptación de la planificación del tratamiento basada en la información anatómica obtenida de imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC) previas a la sesión terapéutica. Además, la radioterapia adaptativa añade la información dosimétrica de las fracciones previas a la información anatómica. Uno de los fundamentos de la radioterapia adaptativa es el registro deformable de imágenes, de gran utilidad a la hora de modelar los desplazamientos y deformaciones de los órganos internos. Sin embargo, su utilización conlleva nuevos retos científico-tecnológicos en el procesamiento de imágenes, principalmente asociados a la variabilidad de los órganos, tanto en localización como en apariencia. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es mejorar los procesos clínicos de delineación automática de contornos y de cálculo de dosis acumulada para la planificación y monitorización de tratamientos con radioterapia adaptativa, a partir de nuevos métodos de procesamiento de imágenes de TC (1) en presencia de contrastes variables, y (2) cambios de apariencia del recto. Además, se pretende (3) proveer de herramientas para la evaluación de la calidad de los contornos obtenidos en el caso del gross tumor volumen (GTV). Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral son las siguientes: _ 1. La adaptación, implementación y evaluación de un algoritmo de registro basado en el flujo óptico de la fase de la imagen como herramienta para el cálculo de transformaciones no-rígidas en presencia de cambios de intensidad, y su aplicabilidad a tratamientos de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata con uso de agentes de contraste radiológico. Los resultados demuestran que el algoritmo seleccionado presenta mejores resultados cualitativos en presencia de contraste radiológico en la vejiga, y no distorsiona la imagen forzando deformaciones poco realistas. 2. La definición, desarrollo y validación de un nuevo método de enmascaramiento de los contenidos del recto (MER), y la evaluación de su influencia en el procedimiento de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. Las segmentaciones obtenidas mediante el MER para la creación de máscaras homogéneas en las imágenes de sesión permiten mejorar sensiblemente los resultados de los algoritmos de registro en la región rectal. Así, el uso de la metodología propuesta incrementa el índice de volumen solapado entre los contornos manuales y automáticos del recto hasta un valor del 89%, cercano a los resultados obtenidos usando máscaras manuales para el registro de las dos imágenes. De esta manera se pueden corregir tanto el cálculo de los nuevos contornos como el cálculo de la dosis acumulada. 3. La definición de una metodología de evaluación de la calidad de los contornos del GTV, que permite la representación de la distribución espacial del error, adaptándola a volúmenes no-convexos como el formado por la próstata y las vesículas seminales. Dicha metodología de evaluación, basada en un nuevo algoritmo de reconstrucción tridimensional y una nueva métrica de cuantificación, presenta resultados precisos con una gran resolución espacial en un tiempo despreciable frente al tiempo de registro. Esta nueva metodología puede ser una herramienta útil para la comparación de distintos algoritmos de registro deformable orientados a la radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. En conclusión, el trabajo realizado en esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas, y pretende servir como cimiento de futuros avances en el procesamiento de imagen médica en los tratamientos de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. Asimismo, se siguen abriendo nuevas líneas de aplicación futura de métodos de procesamiento de imágenes médicas con el fin de mejorar los procesos de radioterapia adaptativa en presencia de cambios de apariencia de los órganos, e incrementar la seguridad del paciente. I.2 Inglés Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer amongst men in the Western world and, despite having a relatively high survival rate, is the second leading cause of cancer death in this sector of the population. The treatment of choice against prostate cancer is, in most cases, external beam radiation therapy. The most modern techniques of external radiotherapy, as intensity modulated radiotherapy, allow increasing the dose to the tumor whilst reducing the dose to healthy tissue. However, the location of the target volume varies with the day of treatment, and very small movements of the organs are required to pull out parts of the target volume outside the therapeutic region, or to introduce critical healthy tissues inside. Advanced techniques, such as the image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), have been developed to avoid this. IGRT is defined by more precise handling of internal movements by adapting treatment planning based on the anatomical information obtained from computed tomography (CT) images prior to the therapy session. Moreover, the adaptive radiotherapy adds dosimetric information of previous fractions to the anatomical information. One of the fundamentals of adaptive radiotherapy is deformable image registration, very useful when modeling the displacements and deformations of the internal organs. However, its use brings new scientific and technological challenges in image processing, mainly associated to the variability of the organs, both in location and appearance. The aim of this thesis is to improve clinical processes of automatic contour delineation and cumulative dose calculation for planning and monitoring of adaptive radiotherapy treatments, based on new methods of CT image processing (1) in the presence of varying contrasts, and (2) rectum appearance changes. It also aims (3) to provide tools for assessing the quality of contours obtained in the case of gross tumor volume (GTV). The main contributions of this PhD thesis are as follows: 1. The adaptation, implementation and evaluation of a registration algorithm based on the optical flow of the image phase as a tool for the calculation of non-rigid transformations in the presence of intensity changes, and its applicability to adaptive radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer with use of radiological contrast agents. The results demonstrate that the selected algorithm shows better qualitative results in the presence of radiological contrast agents in the urinary bladder, and does not distort the image forcing unrealistic deformations. 2. The definition, development and validation of a new method for masking the contents of the rectum (MER, Spanish acronym), and assessing their impact on the process of adaptive radiotherapy in prostate cancer. The segmentations obtained by the MER for the creation of homogenous masks in the session CT images can improve significantly the results of registration algorithms in the rectal region. Thus, the use of the proposed methodology increases the volume overlap index between manual and automatic contours of the rectum to a value of 89%, close to the results obtained using manual masks for both images. In this way, both the calculation of new contours and the calculation of the accumulated dose can be corrected. 3. The definition of a methodology for assessing the quality of the contours of the GTV, which allows the representation of the spatial distribution of the error, adapting it to non-convex volumes such as that formed by the prostate and seminal vesicles. Said evaluation methodology, based on a new three-dimensional reconstruction algorithm and a new quantification metric, presents accurate results with high spatial resolution in a time negligible compared to the registration time. This new approach may be a useful tool to compare different deformable registration algorithms oriented to adaptive radiotherapy in prostate cancer In conclusion, this PhD thesis corroborates the postulated research hypotheses, and is intended to serve as a foundation for future advances in medical image processing in adaptive radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer. In addition, it opens new future applications for medical image processing methods aimed at improving the adaptive radiotherapy processes in the presence of organ’s appearance changes, and increase the patient safety.


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Introduction Diffusion weighted Imaging (DWI) techniques are able to measure, in vivo and non-invasively, the diffusivity of water molecules inside the human brain. DWI has been applied on cerebral ischemia, brain maturation, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, etc. [1]. Nowadays, there is a very high availability of these images. DWI allows the identification of brain tissues, so its accurate segmentation is a common initial step for the referred applications. Materials and Methods We present a validation study on automated segmentation of DWI based on the Gaussian mixture and hidden Markov random field models. This methodology is widely solved with iterative conditional modes algorithm, but some studies suggest [2] that graph-cuts (GC) algorithms improve the results when initialization is not close to the final solution. We implemented a segmentation tool integrating ITK with a GC algorithm [3], and a validation software using fuzzy overlap measures [4]. Results Segmentation accuracy of each tool is tested against a gold-standard segmentation obtained from a T1 MPRAGE magnetic resonance image of the same subject, registered to the DWI space. The proposed software shows meaningful improvements by using the GC energy minimization approach on DTI and DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) data. Conclusions The brain tissues segmentation on DWI is a fundamental step on many applications. Accuracy and robustness improvements are achieved with the proposed software, with high impact on the application’s final result.


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Damages -reduced in fruit packing lines is a major cause of grace reduction and quality loos in fresh marks: fruit. Fruit must be treated gently during in sir handling to improve their qualityin order to get a good price in a competitive market. The correct post-hardvest handling in fruit packing lines is a prerequisite to cut down the heavy post-harvest losses. Fruit packing lines must be evaluated, studying their design, the impacts applied to the fruits, the characteristics of the materials, etc. This study establishes the possibility of carrying out modifications and tests in a packing line during a long period of time. For this purpose, an experimental fruit packing line has been designed and located in the Agricultural Engineering Department of the Polythecnic University of Madrid with the aim of improving mechanical devices and fruit handling conditions to minimize damage to fruit. The experimental line consists of several transporting belts, one rollers transporter, one sizer, one elevator, one singularizer, and three trays to receive the calibrated fruit. The line has a length of 6.15 m and a width cf 1.9 m. Movement of the different components is regulated by electric motors with variable velocity electronically controlled. The height of the transfer points is variable and can be easily modified. The experimental line has been calibrated using two instrumented spheres IS 100 (8.8 cm Ø and6.2cm Ø). Average acceleration values obtained in all the transfers of the experimental line lay under 80 g's, although there is big variation for some of them being some values above 100 g's.


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In Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) of a structure, the data acquisition process may be repeated many times. In these cases, the analyst has several similar records for the modal analysis of the structure that have been obtained at di�erent time instants (multiple records). The solution obtained varies from one record to another, sometimes considerably. The differences are due to several reasons: statistical errors of estimation, changes in the external forces (unmeasured forces) that modify the output spectra, appearance of spurious modes, etc. Combining the results of the di�erent individual analysis is not straightforward. To solve the problem, we propose to make the joint estimation of the parameters using all the records. This can be done in a very simple way using state space models and computing the estimates by maximum-likelihood. The method provides a single result for the modal parameters that combines optimally all the records.


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Modern sensor technologies and simulators applied to large and complex dynamic systems (such as road traffic networks, sets of river channels, etc.) produce large amounts of behavior data that are difficult for users to interpret and analyze. Software tools that generate presentations combining text and graphics can help users understand this data. In this paper we describe the results of our research on automatic multimedia presentation generation (including text, graphics, maps, images, etc.) for interactive exploration of behavior datasets. We designed a novel user interface that combines automatically generated text and graphical resources. We describe the general knowledge-based design of our presentation generation tool. We also present applications that we developed to validate the method, and a comparison with related work.


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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the main greenhouse gas (GHG) produced by agricultural soils due to microbial processes. The application of N fertilizers is associated with an increase of N2O losses. However, it is possible to mitigate these emissions by the introduction of adequate management practices (Snyder et al., 2009). Soil conservation practices (i.e.no tillage, NT) have recently become widespread because they promote several positive effects (increases in soil organic carbonand soil fertility, reduction of soil erosion, etc). In terms of GHG emissions, there is no consensus in the literature on the effects of tillage on N2O. Several studies found that NT can produce greater (Baggs et al., 2003), lower (Malhi et al., 2006) or similar (Grandey et al., 2006) N2O emissions compared to traditional tillage (TT). This large uncertainty is associated with the duration of tillage practices and climatic variability. Liming is widely use to solve problems of soil acidity (Al toxicity, yield penalties, etc). Several studies show a decrease in N2O emissions with liming (Barton et al., 2013) whereas no significant effects or increases were observed in others (Galbally et al., 2010). The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of tillage (NT vs TT) and liming application or not of Ca-amendment) on N2O emissions from an acid soil during a rainfed crop.


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Dynamic weighing systems based on load cells are commonly used to estimate crop yields in the field. There is lack of data, however, regarding the accuracy of such weighing systems mounted on harvesting machinery, especially on that used to collect high value crops such as fruits and vegetables. Certainly, dynamic weighing systems mounted on the bins of grape harvesters are affected by the displacement of the load inside the bin when moving over terrain of changing topography. In this work, the load that would be registered in a grape harvester bin by a dynamic weighing system based on the use of a load cell was inferred by using the discrete element method (DEM). DEM is a numerical technique capable of accurately describing the behaviour of granular materials under dynamic situations and it has been proven to provide successful predictions in many different scenarios. In this work, different DEM models of a grape harvester bin were developed contemplating different influencing factors. Results obtained from these models were used to infer the output given by the load cell of a real bin. The mass detected by the load cell when the bin was inclined depended strongly on the distribution of the load within the bin, but was underestimated in all scenarios. The distribution of the load was found to be dependent on the inclination of the bin caused by the topography of the terrain, but also by the history of inclination (inclination rate, presence of static periods, etc.) since the effect of the inertia of the particles (i.e., representing the grapes) was not negligible. Some recommendations are given to try to improve the accuracy of crop load measurement in the field.