7 resultados para Transnational Social Movement, Transnational Dinamics
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Internet fue slo el principio de los grandes cambios. Desde la invencin de la imprenta no ha habido un cambio tecnolgico con tantas repercusiones como el de la era de la digitalizacin. Ms an, con la aparicin de los primeros terminales mviles que confirmaron la nueva revolucin en esta etapa. Este proyecto se centra en el caso europeo. Para ello, se realiza un anlisis que, en primer lugar, abordar el tema econmico, en el que se explicarn los factores que han influido positiva y negativamente, tales como: el capitalismo, la globalizacin, la crisis financiera... Despus, se expondr la cuestin poltica, haciendo referencia al marco legal europeo, los proyectos y las relaciones internacionales. Otros de los aspectos a tratar (y no menos importantes) sern los relacionados con el desarrollo cultural, el movimiento social y los impactos medioambientales. Finalmente se expondrn los distintos tipos de tecnologa a los que han dado lugar estos cambios, y cmo han ido evolucionando a lo largo del tiempo, hasta la aparicin de nuevas formas de comunicacin. Una vez estudiadas las distintas disciplinas, se podr disear una posible perspectiva hacia la que se dirigen las redes mviles e Internet en Europa. En definitiva, conocer de dnde venimos, qu es lo que hacemos y hacia dnde nos dirigimos. Internet was only the beginning of great changes. Since the invention of the printing press there has been such an important technological change as the age of digitization. Moreover, with the appearance of the first mobile terminal which confirmed the new revolution at this stage. This project concentrates on the European case. To do this, an analysis is performed that, in the first place board the economic issue, which will explain the factors that have influenced positively and negatively, such as capitalism, globalization, financial crisis... Then the political question will be discussed, referring to the European legal framework, projects and international relations. Other aspects to be treated (and no less important) are those related to the cultural, social movement and environmental impacts. Finally we will present the different types of technology to which these changes have led, and how they have evolved through time, until the emergence of new forms of communication. After studying the different disciplines, you can "design" a possible perspective towards that target mobile networks and Internet in Europe. In short, knowing where we came from, what we do and where we are going.
El consumo mundial, impulsor del desarrollo y crecimiento econmico de los pueblos, no ha sido igual para todas las naciones, ya que sus efectos han sido diferentes para los ciudadanos de los pases del Norte y los del Sur, principalmente por dos razones: una, porque han originado complejos y diferentes estilos de vida y aspiraciones, lo que ha originado grandes diferencias entre los individuos de unos y otros pases, y, dos, por su falta de valores sociales y ticos. Ante esta situacin, la sociedad en su conjunto debe tomar conciencia de este hecho, y a travs de un consumo responsable y de un mayor conocimiento de las relaciones comerciales entre los pueblos, debe optar por consumir productos elaborados bajo criterios de justicia y equidad. Para ayudar a alcanzar estos objetivos de equidad, solidaridad, justicia y tica, naci el Comercio Justo, que, en el caso de Espaa, lleg con veinte aos de retraso en la dcada de los ochenta. Aunque a da de hoy sus ventas crecen a un buen ritmo, siguen siendo inferiores al resto de los pases europeos, por cuatro razones: (1) el desconocimiento que la mayora de los potenciales consumidores tienen de este movimiento social; (2) la dificultad de acceder a los productos que comercializan; (3) el poco impulso que se ofrece desde las Administraciones Pblicas; y, (4) porque hay pocas investigaciones en las que se haya analizado el Comercio Justo desde la perspectiva de la demanda, lo que ha implicado que no haya un conocimiento profundo sobre los consumidores de este tipo de productos y sobre sus motivaciones de compra. En base a todo lo expuesto, el presente trabajo se concibe como un estudio exploratorio, que tiene como objetivo principal analizar el perfil de los consumidores y no consumidores de productos de Comercio Justo, sus motivaciones de compra y no compra, as como las variables que influyen en la intencin de compra futura, tanto en el segmento de consumidores actuales, como en el segmento de no consumidores de este tipo de productos. Para la realizacin de este trabajo, se ha utilizado, por una parte, una metodologa cualitativa, que ha permitido acceder a la informacin sobre las opiniones y actitudes que intervienen en los procesos de decisin de compra; y, por otra, una metodologa cuantitativa, a travs de una encuesta online dirigida a 6.500 individuos, que ha permitido tener informacin, a travs de sendos anlisis descriptivos univariante y bivariante, de los individuos encuestados sobre el objeto del estudio. Para validar los modelos y contrastar las hiptesis planteadas, se ha utilizado el anlisis de fiabilidad y validacin de las escalas de medicin seleccionadas (Alpha de Cronbach); el anlisis factorial exploratorio, para comprobar la dimensionalidad y validez convergente de las escalas de medida; el anlisis factorial confirmatorio, para validar la idoneidad de los modelos de medida propuestos; la regresin logstica, para comprobar la validez del modelo general de la probabilidad de la compra o no compra de productos de Comercio Justo; y la regresin lineal mltiple, para comprobar la validez de los modelos especficos de intencin de compra futura en los segmentos de compradores y de no compradores. Para realizar todos estos anlisis, se han utilizado las herramientas informticas SPSS v21 y AMOS. Las principales conclusiones del trabajo son: (1) que se deben establecer unos criterios claros que definan quin es quin en el movimiento de Comercio Justo, sus fines, sus objetivos, los productos que comercializan, as como su funcionamiento y desarrollo en Espaa; (2) que, a pesar de las grandes ventajas y posibilidades del Comercio Justo, hay una falta de demanda de estos productos por parte de los consumidores responsables, debido principalmente a la falta de informacin-comunicacin sobre el propio movimiento, y, muy especialmente, a la falta de informacin sobre los productos, los canales de comercializacin, las polticas de precios, las polticas de comunicacin, etc., y a la necesidad de que estos productos estn accesibles en los lugares donde los consumidores hacen su compra habitual; y (3) que el Comercio Justo espaol debe afrontar una serie de desafos, como son la coordinacin entre las diferentes organizaciones que participan en su desarrollo; la sensibilizacin de los consumidores; la creacin de una imagen de marca que defina de una manera clara y sencilla qu es el Comercio Justo; la orientacin al cliente y no al producto; y extender la red de comercializacin de productos de Comercio Justo a los canales donde los consumidores hacen su compra habitualmente. ABSTRACT Global consumption, the driver of economic growth and development of nations, is not the same for all countries, since its effects have been different on people coming from the North or the South. This is due mainly to two reasons: firstly, because they have developed complex and different lifestyles and aspirations, which have led to significant differences between individuals of one country and another and secondly, because they lack social and ethical values. Given this situation, society as a whole should be aware of this fact, and through responsible consumption and a greater knowledge of trade relations between countries, should opt for consuming products produced with criteria of justice and equity. Fair Trade began as a way to help reach these goals of equity, solidarity, justice and ethics. In the case of Spain it did not start until 20 years later, in the eighties. Although today sales of Fair Trade products are growing at a good rate, they are still below that of other European countries, for four reasons: (1) unawareness of this social movement; (2) the difficult access to these products; (3) insufficient government support; (4) the limited research carried out to analyse Fair Trade from the perspective of demand, resulting in a lack of knowledge about this type of consumer and their purchasing motivations. Based on the above, the present study is designed as an exploratory investigation, aimed at analyzing the profile of consumers and non-consumers of Fair Trade, their motivations for buying and not buying, as well as the variables which influence future purchase intention in both the current consumer segment, and the non-user segment of such products. To carry out this study we have used, on the one hand, a qualitative methodology, to obtain information about the views and attitudes involved in the purchase decision process; and on the other, a quantitative methodology, through an online survey of 6,500 individuals, which provided information through two separate univariate and bivariate descriptive analysis, of the individuals interviewed about the object of this study. To validate the models and contrast hypotheses, we have used the reliability analysis and validation of the selected measurement scales (Cronbach's Alpha); exploratory factor analysis to verify the dimensionality and convergent validity of the measurement scales; confirmatory factor analysis to validate the adequacy of the models of measurement proposed; logistic regression, to verify the validity of the general model of the probability of buying or not buying Fair Trade products; and multiple linear regression to test the validity of specific models in future purchase intention in the segments of buyers and non-buyers. To carry out these analyses, we used SPSS v21 software tools and AMOS. The principal conclusions of the investigation are: (1) the need to establish clear criteria which define who is who in the Fair Trade movement, its goals, objectives, the products they sell, as well as its operation and development in Spain; (2) that despite the great advantages and possibilities of Fair Trade, there is a lack of demand for these products by responsible consumers, mainly due to the lack of information-communication about the movement itself, and especially on the range of products, sales channels, pricing policies, communication policies, etc., and the need for these products to be available in places where consumers make their usual purchase; and (3) that Spanish Fair Trade must address a number of challenges such as: coordination between the different organizations involved in trade development; consumer awareness; creation of a brand image that defines in a clear and simple way what Fair Trade is; focus on the customer rather than the product; and expansion of the network of Fair Trade sales outlets to include the channels where consumers usually make their purchases.
La Unin Europea acaba de lanzar una iniciativa para fomentar Participaciones Pblico Privadas (PPPs) mediante bonos de proyecto ms atractivos a inversores institucionales para promover proyectos transeuropeos. Esto se logra a travs de mecanismos de mejora crediticia como garantas de liquidez o tramos de deuda subordinada facilitados por el Banco Europeo de Inversiones. Esta iniciativa pretende evitar los problemas de liquidez experimentados actualmente por bancos comerciales en Europa para financiar megaproyectos. En este artculo exploramos las ventajas e inconvenientes de esta iniciativa para promover redes de infraestructuras transnacionales en Europa, y analizamos su aplicabilidad a otras reas como Latino-Amrica. The European Union recently launched an initiative to foster Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) for delivering Trans-European projects by making long-term project-bonds more appealing to institutional investors. This is achieved through credit-enhancement mechanisms such as partial stand-by liquidity guarantees, or layers of subordinated debt provided by the European Investment Bank. This initiative intends to circumvent the liquidity problems currently endured by commercial banks in Europe to fund megaprojects. In this paper we explore the advantages and drawbacks of this initiative for promoting transnational infrastructure networks in Europe, and analyse its applicability to other economic areas such as Latin America.
Why should a progressive planner/urbanist pay attention to the Spanish 15M movement? From a disciplinary standpoint, its most complex and interesting aspect, which could hypothetically be transferred to other contexts (as in fact happened in the Occupy Wall Street and Occupy London movements), is its 'spatiality'. This article analyses the spatial practices of the so called #spanishrevolution, one of the 2011 social movements that showed the possibility for a new collective appropriation and self-management (autogestion) of urban public space. Although the political goals of the movement were vague at the time of its inception, the practices and spatial imaginaries deployed by it have become consolidated and proven to be yet another of its more successful facets in promoting the spreading and organisation of the protest, making it a phenomenon that calls for reflection on the part of urban thinkers and planners.
La tesis revela paralelismos y conexiones entre las arquitectas/diseadoras Charlotte Perriand (1903-1999) y Kazuyo Sejima (n. 1956), reflejados en una serie de proyectos de pequea escala que denomino arquitectura petitemobiliario tecnolgico habitable, resultado de momentos semejantes de cambio social, cultural, econmico, industrial y transnacional en Francia en la dcada de 1920 y en Japn en la dcada de 1980. Este trabajo dirige su atencin a la arquitectura domstica concebida desde el interior por arquitectos con una formacin complementaria en diseo de mobiliario. A su vez, profundiza en la relacin que se establece entre el diseo de una casa y el diseo de un mueble, una mquina o un vestido. Los pequeos proyectos, prximos al mobiliario, diseados por Sejima, no han sido suficientemente estudiados, al igual que los proyectos de arquitectura experimental proyectados por Perriand. Ambas trayectorias analizadas desde estos renovados puntos de vista se encuentran en lo que denominamos arquitectura petite. Surge as un nuevo paradigma espacial en un contexto de poder de lo femeninoen los medios de comunicaciny de intercambio cultural transnacional. Cuando el mobiliario crece y se equipa tecnolgicamente para hacerse habitable por un grupo de personas, con cualidades suficientes de confort sensorial, es arquitectura petite. En 2009, Toyo Ito mostr en una conferencia en Madrid, una imagen de Sejima posando en su proyecto Pao I. Justo ochenta aos antes, en 1929, Le Corbusier present en Buenos Aires la imagen de Perriand posando para su Chaise Longue. La coincidencia de ambas fotografas, junto con la lectura de dos inspiradores artculos de Toyo Ito, Adles dream (1984)cuyo enigmtico ttulo utiliza un nombre francs femenino para describir una casa japonesay Simple lines for Le Corbusier (1994), dieron origen a la hiptesis central de una investigacin: la comparacin de dos arquitectas, sus maestros y dos objetos pertenecientes a dos momentos y lugares distantes. Perriand y Sejima fueron emblemas del concepto de Nueva Feminidad, ambas tenan xito en la prensa generalista del momento antes de ser contratadas por Le Corbusier y Toyo Ito respectivamente. Junto a sus maestros de entonces, concibieron dos iconos de la era de la maquina y de la electrnica respectivamente, la Chaise Longue (1928) y Pao I (1985), diseados para ellas mismas. Perriand y Sejima usaron su propio cuerpo como unidad de medida y su imagen como reclamo publicitario para la promocin de los dos objetos respectivamente. La precisin tcnica, materiales de lujo y enfoque de la relajacin que compartieron la Chaise Longue y Pao I sugiri un nomadismo ldico que anticip el desarrollo posterior de lo que denominamos de arquitectura petite por parte de Perriand y Sejima. Ambos prototipos son los antecedentes de una arquitectura de talla precisa o petite (objetos hbridos entre casa, mueble y mquina con la sensualidad como caracterstica distintiva) que ambas arquitectas han proyectado a lo largo de su carrera, y que anan su inters mutuo por las propiedades fsicas de los materiales, as como su formacin en diseo de mobiliario y su fascinacin por la moda. La tesis concluye que la arquitectura petite es la depositaria de los manifiestos de una poca, la que sigue a la era de la mquina enunciada por Le Corbusier y a la era de la electrnica descrita por Toyo Ito. En este sentido, la tesis evidencia la forma en la que importantes arquitectos han concentrado ideas ambiciosas en pequeos proyectos. Las caractersticas de petite se resumen en el hecho de ser una arquitectura de lmites precisos, desmontable y por tanto temporal, que explora el potencial tcnico y formal de nuevos materiales importados de otras industrias, incorpora condiciones sensuales propias de su escala antropomtrica, y est destinada al ocio de un grupo de personas. A modo de colofn, la tesis descubre la existencia de una historia de ficcin que vincula a Charlotte Perriand y Kazuyo Sejima a travs de Toyo Ito: El diario de Adle. ABSTRACT This dissertation reveals parallels between the architects/designers Charlotte Perriand (1903- 1999) and Kazuyo Sejima (b. 1956), reflected in a series of small projects I call petite architecturehabitable technological furniture, which formed during similar periods of social, cultural, economic, industrial and transnational change in France in the 1920s and in Japan in the 1980s. This research focuses on domestic architecture conceived from the inside by architects with additional training in furniture design. At the same time, it explores the relationships established between the design of a house, a piece of furniture, a machine, or a dress. Small architectural projects, close to the furniture, designed by Sejima have not been sufficiently studied, as well as the experimental architectural projects designed by Perriand. Both of their experimental trajectories analyzed from this renovated point of view converge on what we call petite architecture. Thus, it raises a new spatial paradigm in the context of feminine power within the media, as direct consumers, and transnational cultural exchange. When furniture expands and is technologically equipped to the point where it becomes habitable by a group, or groups of people, providing its occupants with sensorial comfort, it is petite architecture. In 2009, at a conference in Madrid, Ito showed a picture of Sejima posing at his Pao I (1985). Just eighty years earlier, in 1929, Le Corbusier exhibited in a conference in Buenos Aires an image of Perriand posing for his Chaise Longue (1928). The coincidence of the two photographs, along with two inspiring articles by Toyo Ito "Adle's dream" (1984) whose enigmatic title uses a French female name to describe a Japanese house and "Simple lines for Le Corbusier" (1994) led to a hypothesis and an investigation comparing the two architects, their mentors, and two objects, each belonging to two distant times and places. Perriand and Sejima were emblems of the concept of New Femininity, both had success in the media of their time before being hired by Le Corbusier and Toyo Ito respectively. Together with their mentors they designed two objects that became icons of the Machine Age and the Electronic Age respectively: the Chaise Longue (1928) and Pao I (1985). Designed "for themselves," Perriand and Sejima used their own bodies as a measuring unit and their image as a publicity stunt to promote the two objects respectively. Both objects are the embryonic capsules of the architecture that pampers the scale or petite (objects that conflate residence, machine and furniture, and have sensuality as a distinctive feature). From the technical precision, luxurious materials, and approach towards relaxation, emerged a playful nomadism, which anticipated the further development of what we call petite architecture. Perriand and Sejima would develop these ideas throughout their career, pooling their interests on the physical properties of materials, formation in furniture design, and their intense interest in fashion. The dissertation concludes that petite architecture is the manifestation of an age, which follows the Machine Age defined by Le Corbusier and the Electronic Age described by Toyo Ito. In this sense, the dissertation demonstrates the way in which important architects have focused their ambitious ideas on small projects. petite characteristics are summarized as being: architecture that pampers the scale, is (de)mountable and therefore temporary, explores the formal and technical potential of novel materials and techniques imported from other industries, incorporates sensual conditions according with its anthropometric scale, and is conceived for the leisure of a group of people. In addition, by way of colophon, the dissertation discovers the existence of a fictional story that links Charlotte Perriand and Kazuyo Sejima through Toyo Ito: "Adle's Diary".
It is essential to remotely and continuously monitor the movements of individuals in many social areas, for example, taking care of aging people, physical therapy, athletic training etc. Many methods have been used, such as video record, motion analysis or sensor-based methods. Due to the limitations in remote communication, power consumption, portability and so on, most of them are not able to fulfill the requirements. The development of wearable technology and cloud computing provides a new efficient way to achieve this goal. This paper presents an intelligent human movement monitoring system based on a smartwatch, an Android smartphone and a distributed data management engine. This system includes advantages of wide adaptability, remote and long-term monitoring capacity, high portability and flexibility. The structure of the system and its principle are introduced. Four experiments are designed to prove the feasibility of the system. The results of the experiments demonstrate the system is able to detect different actions of individuals with adequate accuracy.
Aunque los conjuntos de vivienda social carecen en Europa de un nivel de proteccin patrimonial comparable a otras reas urbanas, las negociaciones que surgen a raz del anuncio de su remodelacin o rehabilitacin resultan inexplicables si no se supone su aceptacin como patrimonio por parte de algunos de los actores implicados. Nos encontraramos entonces no con un repertorio patrimonial consolidado, sino ante un proceso de patrimonializacin, entendido no slo como el paso de la categora de no-patrimonio a la de patrimonio mediante la proteccin jurdica o urbanstica, sino tambin como la construccin del consenso social suficiente en torno la posesin de ciertos valores preexistentes, as como la produccin y reproduccin social e histrica de estos valores. Ante el incipiente proceso de patrimonializacin de determinados Barrios de Promocin Oficial madrileos, la tesis aborda dos cuestiones fundamentales, los mecanismos que conducen a su construccin social e histrica como nuevos elementos patrimoniales, y la evolucin y estado actual del conjunto de elementos eventualmente patrimonializables, los Barrios de Promocin Oficial madrileos. De esta forma, propone un modelo terico del proceso de patrimonializacin de los conjuntos de vivienda social, basado en la identificacin de discursos, valores, sujetos y etapas, as como de su relacin con las caractersticas fsicas y sociales originales de los barrios y su evolucin hasta la actualidad. Para ello, se reconstruye la evolucin fsica, social y de la proteccin patrimonial de los Barrios de Promocin Oficial madrileos, y se analizan tres procesos concretos de patrimonializacin, la participacin de la Colonia del Tercio y Terol en la defensa ciudadana de las Colonias Histricas madrileas (1973-1979), la incorporacin de criterios patrimoniales en la rehabilitacin integral del Poblado Dirigido de Cao Roto (1991-2004), y la proteccin patrimonial como obstculo para la remodelacin de la U.V.A. de Hortaleza (2004-2015). ABSTRACT Comparatively speaking, few social housing estates are legally protected as cultural heritage in Europe. However, when a physical intervention is announced, the ensuing negotiation often defies explanation unless one assumes that the estate is regarded as cultural heritage by some of the players involved. Therefore, one should not so much talk of social housing as heritage, but of the process of patrimonialisation, which refers not only to the change of these estates from the status of non-heritage to that of cultural heritage through their legal recognition, but also to the process that leads to the acknowledgment of certain values in these estates, and even the social and cultural shaping of these values. This thesis tackles two main issues: the mechanisms that lead to the social and historical construction of new heritage elements or repertoires, and the evolution and current status of the Barrios de Promocin Oficial in Madrid. It proposes a theoretical model of the process of patrimonialisation of social housing estates, based on the identification of discourses, values, subjects and phases, as well as its relationship with the original physical and social features of these estates and their further evolution up to the present. In order to do so, the changes in the physical and social features of the Barrios de Promocin Oficial and in their heritage protection are reconstructed, and three particular processes are analysed. These are the role of Colonia del Tercio y Terol in the citizens movement for the preservation of the Colonias Histricas in Madrid (1973-1979), the incorporation of conservation criteria in the refurbishment of Poblado Dirigido de Cao Roto (1991-2004), and heritage as an obstacle to urban renewal in U.V.A. de Hortaleza (2004-2015).