17 resultados para Transmissions.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Since 1996, when the first agricultural tractor with CVT transmission was shown, the presence of this type of transmissions has been increasing. All companies offer them in their products range. Nevertheless, there is little technical documentation that explains the basics of its operation. This report shows all types of CVT transmissions: non-power-split type and power-split ones, as well as the three types used in agricultural tractors, hydro-mechanical power-split transmissions (3 active shafts, input coupled planetary; 3 active shafts, output coupled planetary and 4 active shafts). The report also describes the design parameters of a type of CVT transmission, which use a power-split system with 3 active shafts as well as the fundamental relations among them. Crown Copyright 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of ISTVS. All rights reserved.


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It is clear that in the near future much broader transmissions in the HF band will replace part of the current narrow band links. Our personal view is that a real wide band signal is infeasible in this environment because the usage is typically very intensive and may suffer interferences from all over the world. Therefore, we envision that dynamic multiband transmissions may provide better satisfactory performance. From the very beginning, we observed that real links with our broadband transceiver suffered interferences out of our multiband but within the acquisition bandwidth that degrade the expected performance. Therefore, we concluded that a mitigation structure is required that operates on severely saturated signals as the interference may be of much higher power. In this paper we address a procedure based on Higher Order Crossings (HOC) statistics that are able to extract most of the signal structure in the case where the amplitude is severely distorted and allows the estimation of the interference carrier frequency to command a variable notch filter that mitigates its effect in the analog domain.


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Optical communications receivers using wavelet signals processing is proposed in this paper for dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) systems and modal-division multiplexed (MDM) transmissions. The optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) required to demodulate polarization-division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PDM-QPSK) modulation format is alleviated with the wavelet denoising process. This procedure improves the bit error rate (BER) performance and increasing the transmission distance in DWDM systems. Additionally, the wavelet-based design relies on signal decomposition using time-limited basis functions allowing to reduce the computational cost in Digital-Signal-Processing (DSP) module. Attending to MDM systems, a new scheme of encoding data bits based on wavelets is presented to minimize the mode coupling in few-mode (FWF) and multimode fibers (MMF). The Shifted Prolate Wave Spheroidal (SPWS) functions are proposed to reduce the modal interference.


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Advanced optical modulation format polarization-division multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PDM-QPSK) has become a key ingredient in the design of 100 and 200-Gb/s dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) networks. The performance of this format varies according to the shape of the pulses employed by the optical carrier: non-return to zero (NRZ), return to zero (RZ) or carrier-suppressed return to zero (CSRZ). In this paper we analyze the tolerance of PDM-QPSK to linear and nonlinear optical impairments: amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise, crosstalk, distortion by optical filtering, chromatic dispersion (CD), polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and fiber Kerr nonlinearities. RZ formats with a low duty cycle value reduce pulse-to-pulse interaction obtaining a higher tolerance to CD, PMD and intrachannel nonlinearities.


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Article New Forests November 2015, Volume 46, Issue 5, pp 869-883 First online: 17 June 2015 Establishing Quercus ilex under Mediterranean dry conditions: sowing recalcitrant acorns versus planting seedlings at different depths and tube shelter light transmissionsJuan A. OlietAffiliated withDepartamento de Sistemas y Recursos Naturales, E.T.S. Ingenieros de Montes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Email author View author's OrcID profile , Alberto Vázquez de CastroAffiliated withDepartamento de Sistemas y Recursos Naturales, E.T.S. Ingenieros de Montes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Jaime PuértolasAffiliated withLancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University $39.95 / €34.95 / £29.95 * Rent the article at a discount Rent now * Final gross prices may vary according to local VAT. Get Access AbstractSuccess of Mediterranean dry areas restoration with oaks is a challenging goal. Testing eco-techniques that mimic beneficial effects of natural structures and ameliorate stress contributes to positive solutions to overcoming establishment barriers. We ran a factorial experiment in a dry area, testing two levels of solid wall transmission of tube shelters (60 and 80 %) plus a control mesh, and two depths (shallow and 15 cm depth) of placing either planted seedlings or acorns of Quercus ilex. Microclimate of the planting or sowing spots was characterized by measuring photosynthetically active radiation, temperature and relative humidity. Plant response was evaluated in terms of survival, phenology, acorn emergence and photochemical efficiency (measured through chlorophyll fluorescence). We hypothesize that tube shelters and deep planting improve Q. ilex post-planting and sowing performance because of the combined effects of reducing excessive radiation and improving access to moist soil horizons. Results show that temperature and PAR was reduced, and relative humidity increased, in deep spots. Midsummer photochemical efficiency indicates highest level of stress for oaks in 80 % light transmission shelter. Optimum acorn emergence in spring was registered within solid wall tree shelters, and maximum summer survival of germinants and of planted seedlings occurred when acorns or seedlings were placed at 15 cm depth irrespectively of light transmission of shelter. Survival of germinants was similar to that of planted seedlings. The importance of techniques to keep high levels of viability after sowing recalcitrant seeds in the field is emphasized in the study


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Animal tracking has been addressed by different initiatives over the last two decades. Most of them rely on satellite connectivity on every single node and lack of energy-saving strategies. This paper presents several new contributions on the tracking of dynamic heterogeneous asynchronous networks (primary nodes with GPS and secondary nodes with a kinetic generator) motivated by the animal tracking paradigm with random transmissions. A simple approach based on connectivity and coverage intersection is compared with more sophisticated algorithms based on ad-hoc implementations of distributed Kalman-based filters that integrate measurement information using Consensus principles in order to provide enhanced accuracy. Several simulations varying the coverage range, the random behavior of the kinetic generator (modeled as a Poisson Process) and the periodic activation of GPS are included. In addition, this study is enhanced with HW developments and implementations on commercial off-the-shelf equipment which show the feasibility for performing these proposals on real hardware.


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Actualmente los entornos de televisión manejan gran cantidad de señales procedentes de diferentes fuentes y suministradas en diferentes estándares: SD-SDI,HD-SDI, 3G, DVB-ASI, señales moduladas en banda L. En la gran mayoría de los centros de radiodifusión es necesario al menos en alguno de los pasos del transporte de señales o de su explotación, la replicación de las diferentes señales de entrada a sus diferentes destinos. En el siguiente PFC se tratará de dar a conocer, los principales sistemas que se emplean en los entornos de televisión para la distribución de las señales que se utilizan en los mismos. Los sistemas distributivos se encargan de distribuir y replicar la señal de entrada a ellos hacia diferentes destinos. La principal idea con la que se diseñan estos sistemas es que la señal de entrada no sufra ningún tipo de degradación como fruto de la replicación o división, siendo incluso aconsejable que determinados sistemas regeneren la señal de entrada a sus salidas. El proyecto se divide en tres capítulos: - Capítulo de conceptos teóricos: En el que se presentarán, los fundamentos teóricos que justifican la tecnología utilizada por los diferentes sistemas. - Capítulo de distribución de señales SDI y ASI: En el cual se presentarán los principales sistemas utilizados, para la distribución de señales SD-SDI, HDSDI, 3G y DVB-ASI. - Capítulo de distribución de señales en banda-L: Donde se mostrarán, los principales sistemas de distribución de señales moduladas en banda-L. Al finalizar la lectura del mismo, el lector debería conocer los principales sistemas que se utilizan en la distribución de señales SDI y ASI y en la distribución de señales en banda L. Comprender mediante la teoría expuesta, y los sistemas presentados, las diferentes problemáticas que afrontan los diferentes equipos y la tecnología que subyace en un segundo plano para solventar las problemáticas. Nowadays, broadcast environments, manage an extensive amount of signals from several sources, using differents standards: SD-SDI, HD-SDI, 3G, DVBASI, modulated L band signals. In most of the broadcast infraestructures, it´s usually needed, at any of the transmissions steps, to replicate the source signal to many destinations. This PFC is intended to shown the main systems used to distribute and replicate signals in broadcast environments. Distributive Systems are used to distribute and replicate the source signals to as many destinations as are needed. The main idea behind the design of those systems is to preserve the integrity of the original signal, due to replications or division classical pathologies. Even it is recomendad that those systems are able to regenerate the original signal, trying to avoid or compesate those pathologies. The PFC is divided in three chapters: - Chapter 1: Theorical concepts: In this chapter is presented the minimal theory needed to understand the complex of the tecnology, for those distributive systems. - Chapter 2: Distribution of SDI and ASI signals: It is shown the main systems used to replicate and distribution of the SDI and ASI signals. It will also treatment the state of the art of the actually new systems. - Chapter 3: Distribution of L band signals. It will be shown the main systems used for L band signals At the end of reading this PFC, the reader must known the main systems used for distribution SDI and ASI signals, also L band signals. It is important to understand the contents of the PFC, the systems, the several problems and the background tecnology that is needed to afront the replication known patologies.


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En el presente proyecto se realiza un estudio para la construcción de una cabecera de televisión por cable. Se trata de un proyecto puramente teórico en el que se especifican cada una de las partes que forman una cabecera de televisión y cómo funciona cada una de ellas. En un principio, se sitúa la cabecera de televisión dentro de una plataforma general de transmisión, para indicar sus funciones. Posteriormente, se analizan las distintas tecnologías que implementan esta transmisión y los estándares DVB que las rigen, como son DVB-C y DVB-C2 para las transmisiones por cable propiamente dichas y DVB-IPTV para las transmisiones por IP, para elegir cuál de las opciones es la más acertada y adaptar la cabecera de televisión a la misma. En cuanto al desarrollo teórico de la cabecera, se estudia el proceso que sigue la señal dentro de la misma, desde la recepción de los canales hasta el envío de los mismos hacia los hogares de los distintos usuarios, pasando previamente por las etapas de codificación y multiplexación. Además, se especifican los equipos necesarios para el correcto funcionamiento de cada una de las etapas. En la recepción, se reciben los canales por cada uno de los medios posibles (satélite, cable, TDT y estudio), que son demodulados y decodificados por el receptor. A continuación, son codificados (en este proyecto en MPEG-2 o H.264) para posteriormente ser multiplexados. En la etapa de multiplexación, se forma una trama Transport Stream por cada canal, compuesta por su flujo de video, audio y datos. Estos datos se trata de una serie de tablas (SI y PSI) que guían al set-topbox del usuario en la decodificación de los programas (tablas PSI) y que proporcionan información de cada uno de los mismos y del sistema (tablas SI). Con estas últimas el decodificador forma la EPG. Posteriormente, se realiza una segunda multiplexación, de forma que se incluyen múltiples programas en una sola trama Transport Stream (MPTS). Estos MPTS son los flujos que les son enviados a cada uno de los usuarios. El mecanismo de transmisión es de dos tipos en función del contenido y los destinatarios: multicast o unicast. Por último, se especifica el funcionamiento básico de un sistema de acceso condicional, así como su estructura, el cual es imprescindible en todas las cabeceras para asegurar que cada usuario solo visualiza los contenidos contratados. In this project, a study is realized for the cable television head-end construction . It is a theoretical project in which there are specified each of the parts that form a television headend and how their works each of them. At first, the television head-end places inside a general platform of transmission, to indicate its functions. Later, the different technologies that implement this transmission and the standards DVB that govern them are analyzed, since the standards that govern the cable transmissions (DVB-C and DVB-C2) to the standard that govern the IP transmissions (DVB-IPTV), to choose which of the options is the most guessed right and to adapt the television head-end to the same one. The theoretical development of the head-end, there is studied the process that follows the sign inside the same one, from the receipt of the channels up to the sending of the same ones towards the homes of the different users, happening before for the stages of codification and multiplexación. In addition, there are specified the equipments necessary for the correct functioning of each one of the stages. In the reception, the channels are receiving for each of the possible systems(satellite, cable, TDT and study), and they are demodulated and decoded by the receiver. Later, they are codified (in this project in MPEG-2 or H.264). The next stage is the stage of multiplexing. In the multiplexing stage, the channels are packetized in Transport Stream, composed by his video flow, audio and information. The information are composed by many tables(SI and PSI). The PSI tables guide the set-top-box of the user in the programs decoding and the SI tables provide information about the programs and system. With the information mentioned the decoder forms the EPG. Later, a second multiplexación is realized, so that there includes multiple programs in an alone Transport Stream (MPTS). These MPTS are the flows that are sent to each of the users. Two types of transmission are possible: unicast (VoD channels) and multicast (live channels). Finally, the basic functioning of a conditional access system is specified and his structure too, which is indispensable in all the head-end to assure that every users visualizes the contracted contents only.


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The need for the use of another surveillance system when radar cannot be used is the reason for the development of the Multilateration (MLT) Systems. However, there are many systems that operate in the L-Band (960-1215MHz) that could produce interference between systems. At airports, some interference has been detected between transmissions of MLT systems (1030MHz and 1090MHz) and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) (960-1215MHz).


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We envision that dynamic multiband transmissions taking advantage of the receiver diversity (even for collocated antennas with different polarization or radiation pattern) will create a new paradigm for these links guaranteeing high quality and reliability. However, there are many challenges to face regarding the use of broadband reception where several out of band (with respect to multiband transmission) strong interferers, but still within the acquisition band, may limit dramatically the expected performance. In this paper we address this problem introducing a specific capability of the communication system that is able to mitigate these interferences using analog beamforming principles. Indeed, Higher Order Crossing (HOCs) joint statistics of the Single Input ? Multiple Output (SIMO) system are shown to effectively determine the angle on arrival of the wavefront even operating over highly distorted signals.


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La fatiga superficial es uno de los principales problemas en las transmisiones mecánicas y es uno de los focos de atención de las investigaciones de los últimos anos en Tribología. La disminución de viscosidad de los lubricantes para la mejora de la eficiencia, el aumento de las potencias a transmitir, el aumento de la vida de los componentes o la mejora de su fiabilidad han supuesto que los fenómenos de fatiga superficial hayan cobrado especial relevancia, especialmente los fenómenos de pitting y micropitting en cajas multiplicadoras/reductoras de grandes potencias de aplicación, por ejemplo, en el sector eólico. Como todo fenómeno de fatiga, el pitting y micropitting son debidos a la aplicación de cargas ciclicas. Su aparición depende de las presiones y tensiones cortantes en el contacto entre dos superficies que al encontrarse en rodadura y deslizamiento varian con el tiempo. La principal consecuencia de la fatiga superficial es la aparición de hoyuelos de diferente magnitud segun la escala del fenómeno (pitting o micropitting) en la superficie del material. La aparición de estos hoyuelos provoca la perdida de material, induce vibraciones y sobrecargas en el elemento que finalmente acaba fallando. Debido a la influencia de la presión y tensión cortante en el contacto, la aparición de fatiga depende fuertemente del lubricante que se encuentre entre las dos superficies y de las condiciones de funcionamiento en las cuales este trabajando. Cuando el contacto trabaja en condiciones de lubricacion mixta-elastohidrodinamica tiende a aparecer micropitting debido a las altas tensiones localizadas en las proximidades de las asperezas, mientras que si el régimen es de lubricación completa el tipo de fatiga superficial suele ser pitting debido a las tensiones mas suavizadas y menos concentradas. En esta Tesis Doctoral se han analizado todos estos factores de influencia que controlan el pitting y el micropitting prestando especial atención al efecto del lubricante. Para ello, se ha dado un enfoque conjunto a ambos fenómenos resolviendo las ecuaciones involucradas en el contacto elastohidrodinamico no-Newtoniano (la ecuación de Reynolds, la deformación elástica de los sólidos y la reologia del lubricante) para conocer la presión y la tensión cortante en el contacto. Conocidas estas, se resuelve el campo de tensiones en el interior del material y, finalmente, se aplican criterios de fatiga multiaxial (Crossland, Dang Van y Liu-Mahadevan) para conocer si el material falla o no falla. Con la metodología desarrollada se ha analizado el efecto sobre las tensiones y la aparición de la fatiga superficial del coeficiente viscosidad-presion, de la compresibilidad, del espesor especifico de película y de la fricción así como de la influencia de las propiedades a fatiga del material y de las condiciones de funcionamiento (radios de contacto, velocidad, deslizamiento, carga y temperatura). Para la validación de los resultados se han utilizado resultados teóricos y experimentales de otros autores junto con normas internacionales de amplia utilización en el mundo industrial, entre otras, para el diseño y calculo de engranajes. A parte del trabajo realizado por simulación y cálculo de los diferentes modelos desarrollados, se ha realizado un importante trabajo experimental que ha servido no solo para validar la herramienta desarrollada sino que además ha permitido incorporar al estudio factores no considerados en los modelos, como los aditivos del lubricante. Se han realizado ensayos de medida del coeficiente de fricción en una maquina de ensayo puntual con la que se ha validado el cálculo del coeficiente de fricción y se ha desarrollado un proceso de mejora del coeficiente de fricción mediante texturizado superficial en contactos puntuales elastohidrodinamicos mediante fotolitografia y ataque quimico. Junto con los ensayos de medida de fricción en contacto puntual se han realizado ensayos de fricción y fatiga superficial en contacto lineal mediante una maquina de discos que ha permitido evaluar la influencia de diferentes aditivos (modificadores de fricción, antidesgaste y extrema-presion) en la aparición de fatiga superficial (pitting y micropitting) y la fricción en el contacto. Abstract Surface fatigue is one of the most important problems of mechanical transmissions and therefore has been one of the main research topics on Tribology during the last years. On the one hand, industrial demand on fuel economy has led to reduce lubricant viscosity in order to improve efficiency. On the other hand, the requirements of power and life of machine elements are continuously increasing, together with the improvements in reliability. As a consequence, surface fatigue phenomena have become critical in machinery, in particular pitting and micropitting in high power gearboxes of every kind of machines, e.g., wind turbines or cranes. In line with every fatigue phenomena, pitting and micropitting are caused by cyclic loads. Their appearance depends on the evolution of pressures and shear stresses with time, throughout the contact between surfaces under rolling and sliding conditions. The main consequence of surface fatigue is the appearance of pits on the surface. The size of the pits is related to the scale of the fatigue: pitting or micropitting. These pits cause material loss, vibrations and overloads until the final failure is reached. Due to the great influence of the pressures and shear stresses in surface fatigue, the appearance of pits depends directly on the lubricant and the operating conditions. When the contact works under mixed regime (or under elastohydrodynamic but close to mixed regime) the main fatigue failure is micropitting because of the high pressures located near the asperities. In contrast, when the contact works under elastohydrodynamic fully flooded conditions the typical fatigue failure is pitting. In this Ph.D. Thesis, the main factors with influence on pitting and micropitting phenomena are analyzed, with special attention to the effect of the lubricant. For this purpose, pitting and micropitting are studied together by solving the equations involved in the non-Newtonian elastohydrodynamic contact. Thus, pressure and shear stress distributions are found by taking into account Reynolds equation, elastic deflection of the solids and lubricant rheology. Subsequently, the stress field inside the material can be calculated and different multiaxial fatigue criteria (Crossland, Dang Van and Liu- Mahadevan) can be applied to predict whether fatigue failure is reached. The influences of the main parameters on pressure and surface fatigue have been studied, taking into account the lubricant compressibility and its viscosity-pressure coefficient, the specific film thickness, the friction coefficient and the fatigue properties of the contacting materials, together with the operating conditions (contact radius, mean velocity, sliding velocity, load and temperature). Several theoretical and experimental studies of different authors have been used to validate all the results obtained, together with international standards used worldwide in gear design industry. Moreover, an experimental stage has been carried out in order to validate the calculation methods and introduce additional influences not included previously, e.g., lubricant additives. The experimentation includes different friction tests in point contacts performed with a tribological equipment in order to validate the results given by the calculations. Furthermore, the reduction and optimization of the friction coefficient is analyzed by means of textured surfaces, obtained combining photolithography and chemical etching techniques. Besides the friction tests with point contact, friction and surface fatigue tests have also been performed with line contact in a tribological test rig. This equipment is also used to study the influence of different types of additives (friction modifiers, anti-wear and extreme-pressure additives) on surface fatigue (pitting and micropitting).


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Systems used for target localization, such as goods, individuals, or animals, commonly rely on operational means to meet the final application demands. However, what would happen if some means were powered up randomly by harvesting systems? And what if those devices not randomly powered had their duty cycles restricted? Under what conditions would such an operation be tolerable in localization services? What if the references provided by nodes in a tracking problem were distorted? Moreover, there is an underlying topic common to the previous questions regarding the transfer of conceptual models to reality in field tests: what challenges are faced upon deploying a localization network that integrates energy harvesting modules? The application scenario of the system studied is a traditional herding environment of semi domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in northern Scandinavia. In these conditions, information on approximate locations of reindeer is as important as environmental preservation. Herders also need cost-effective devices capable of operating unattended in, sometimes, extreme weather conditions. The analyses developed are worthy not only for the specific application environment presented, but also because they may serve as an approach to performance of navigation systems in absence of reasonably accurate references like the ones of the Global Positioning System (GPS). A number of energy-harvesting solutions, like thermal and radio-frequency harvesting, do not commonly provide power beyond one milliwatt. When they do, battery buffers may be needed (as it happens with solar energy) which may raise costs and make systems more dependent on environmental temperatures. In general, given our problem, a harvesting system is needed that be capable of providing energy bursts of, at least, some milliwatts. Many works on localization problems assume that devices have certain capabilities to determine unknown locations based on range-based techniques or fingerprinting which cannot be assumed in the approach considered herein. The system presented is akin to range-free techniques, but goes to the extent of considering very low node densities: most range-free techniques are, therefore, not applicable. Animal localization, in particular, uses to be supported by accurate devices such as GPS collars which deplete batteries in, maximum, a few days. Such short-life solutions are not particularly desirable in the framework considered. In tracking, the challenge may times addressed aims at attaining high precision levels from complex reliable hardware and thorough processing techniques. One of the challenges in this Thesis is the use of equipment with just part of its facilities in permanent operation, which may yield high input noise levels in the form of distorted reference points. The solution presented integrates a kinetic harvesting module in some nodes which are expected to be a majority in the network. These modules are capable of providing power bursts of some milliwatts which suffice to meet node energy demands. The usage of harvesting modules in the aforementioned conditions makes the system less dependent on environmental temperatures as no batteries are used in nodes with harvesters--it may be also an advantage in economic terms. There is a second kind of nodes. They are battery powered (without kinetic energy harvesters), and are, therefore, dependent on temperature and battery replacements. In addition, their operation is constrained by duty cycles in order to extend node lifetime and, consequently, their autonomy. There is, in turn, a third type of nodes (hotspots) which can be static or mobile. They are also battery-powered, and are used to retrieve information from the network so that it is presented to users. The system operational chain starts at the kinetic-powered nodes broadcasting their own identifier. If an identifier is received at a battery-powered node, the latter stores it for its records. Later, as the recording node meets a hotspot, its full record of detections is transferred to the hotspot. Every detection registry comprises, at least, a node identifier and the position read from its GPS module by the battery-operated node previously to detection. The characteristics of the system presented make the aforementioned operation own certain particularities which are also studied. First, identifier transmissions are random as they depend on movements at kinetic modules--reindeer movements in our application. Not every movement suffices since it must overcome a certain energy threshold. Second, identifier transmissions may not be heard unless there is a battery-powered node in the surroundings. Third, battery-powered nodes do not poll continuously their GPS module, hence localization errors rise even more. Let's recall at this point that such behavior is tight to the aforementioned power saving policies to extend node lifetime. Last, some time is elapsed between the instant an identifier random transmission is detected and the moment the user is aware of such a detection: it takes some time to find a hotspot. Tracking is posed as a problem of a single kinetically-powered target and a population of battery-operated nodes with higher densities than before in localization. Since the latter provide their approximate positions as reference locations, the study is again focused on assessing the impact of such distorted references on performance. Unlike in localization, distance-estimation capabilities based on signal parameters are assumed in this problem. Three variants of the Kalman filter family are applied in this context: the regular Kalman filter, the alpha-beta filter, and the unscented Kalman filter. The study enclosed hereafter comprises both field tests and simulations. Field tests were used mainly to assess the challenges related to power supply and operation in extreme conditions as well as to model nodes and some aspects of their operation in the application scenario. These models are the basics of the simulations developed later. The overall system performance is analyzed according to three metrics: number of detections per kinetic node, accuracy, and latency. The links between these metrics and the operational conditions are also discussed and characterized statistically. Subsequently, such statistical characterization is used to forecast performance figures given specific operational parameters. In tracking, also studied via simulations, nonlinear relationships are found between accuracy and duty cycles and cluster sizes of battery-operated nodes. The solution presented may be more complex in terms of network structure than existing solutions based on GPS collars. However, its main gain lies on taking advantage of users' error tolerance to reduce costs and become more environmentally friendly by diminishing the potential amount of batteries that can be lost. Whether it is applicable or not depends ultimately on the conditions and requirements imposed by users' needs and operational environments, which is, as it has been explained, one of the topics of this Thesis.


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La concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) es una de las formas más prometedoras de reducir el coste de la energía proveniente del sol. Esto es posible gracias a células solares de alta eficiencia y a una significativa reducción del tamaño de la misma, que está fabricada con costosos materiales semiconductores. Ambos aspectos están íntimamente ligados ya que las altas eficiencias solamente son posibles con materiales y tecnologías de célula caros, lo que forzosamente conlleva una reducción del tamaño de la célula si se quiere lograr un sistema rentable. La reducción en el tamaño de las células requiere que la luz proveniente del sol ha de ser redirigida (es decir, concentrada) hacia la posición de la célula. Esto se logra colocando un concentrador óptico encima de la célula. Estos concentradores para CPV están formados por diferentes elementos ópticos fabricados en materiales baratos, con el fin de reducir los costes de producción. El marco óptimo para el diseño de concentradores es la óptica anidólica u óptica nonimaging. La óptica nonimaging fue desarrollada por primera vez en la década de los años sesenta y ha ido evolucionando significativamente desde entonces. El objetivo de los diseños nonimaging es la transferencia eficiente de energía entre la fuente y el receptor (sol y célula respectivamente, en el caso de la CPV), sin tener en cuenta la formación de imagen. Los sistemas nonimaging suelen ser simples, están compuestos de un menor número de superficies que los sistemas formadores de imagen y son más tolerantes a errores de fabricación. Esto hace de los sistemas nonimaging una herramienta fundamental, no sólo en el diseño de concentradores fotovoltaicos, sino también en el diseño de otras aplicaciones como iluminación, proyección y comunicaciones inalámbricas ópticas. Los concentradores ópticos nonimaging son adecuados para aplicaciones CPV porque el objetivo no es la reproducción de una imagen exacta del sol (como sería el caso de las ópticas formadoras de imagen), sino simplemente la colección de su energía sobre la célula solar. Los concentradores para CPV pueden presentar muy diferentes arquitecturas y elementos ópticos, dando lugar a una gran variedad de posibles diseños. El primer elemento óptico que es atravesado por la luz del sol se llama Elemento Óptico Primario (POE en su nomenclatura anglosajona) y es el elemento más determinante a la hora de definir la forma y las propiedades del concentrador. El POE puede ser refractivo (lente) o reflexivo (espejo). Esta tesis se centra en los sistemas CPV que presentan lentes de Fresnel como POE, que son lentes refractivas delgadas y de bajo coste de producción que son capaces de concentrar la luz solar. El capítulo 1 expone una breve introducción a la óptica geométrica y no formadora de imagen (nonimaging), explicando sus fundamentos y conceptos básicos. Tras ello, la integración Köhler es presentada en detalle, explicando sus principios, válidos tanto para aplicaciones CPV como para iluminación. Una introducción a los conceptos fundamentales de CPV también ha sido incluida en este capítulo, donde se analizan las propiedades de las células solares multiunión y de los concentradores ópticos empleados en los sistemas CPV. El capítulo se cierra con una descripción de las tecnologías existentes empleadas para la fabricación de elementos ópticos que componen los concentradores. El capítulo 2 se centra principalmente en el diseño y desarrollo de los tres concentradores ópticos avanzados Fresnel Köhler que se presentan en esta tesis: Fresnel-Köhler (FK), Fresnel-Köhler curvo (DFK) y Fresnel-Köhler con cavidad (CFK). Todos ellos llevan a cabo integración Köhler y presentan una lente de Fresnel como su elemento óptico primario. Cada uno de estos concentradores CPV presenta sus propias propiedades y su propio procedimiento de diseño. Además, presentan todas las características que todo concentrador ha de tener: elevado factor de concentración, alta tolerancia de fabricación, alta eficiencia óptica, irradiancia uniforme sobre la superficie de la célula y bajo coste de producción. Los concentradores FK y DFK presentan una configuración de cuatro sectores para lograr la integración Köhler. Esto quiere decir que POE y SOE se dividen en cuatro sectores simétricos cada uno, y cada sector del POE trabaja conjuntamente con su correspondiente sector de SOE. La principal diferencia entre los dos concentradores es que el POE del FK es una lente de Fresnel plana, mientras que una lente curva de Fresnel es empleada como POE del DFK. El concentrador CFK incluye una cavidad de confinamiento externo integrada, que es un elemento óptico capaz de recuperar los rayos reflejados por la superficie de la célula con el fin de ser reabsorbidos por la misma. Por tanto, se aumenta la absorción de la luz, lo que implica un aumento en la eficiencia del módulo. Además, este capítulo también explica un método de diseño alternativo para los elementos faceteados, especialmente adecuado para las lentes curvas como el POE del DFK. El capítulo 3 se centra en la caracterización y medidas experimentales de los concentradores ópticos presentados en el capítulo 2, y describe sus procedimientos. Estos procedimientos son en general aplicables a cualquier concentrador basado en una lente de Fresnel, e incluyen tres tipos principales de medidas experimentales: eficiencia eléctrica, ángulo de aceptancia y uniformidad de la irradiancia en el plano de la célula. Los resultados que se muestran a lo largo de este capítulo validarán a través de medidas a sol real las características avanzadas que presentan los concentradores Köhler, y que se demuestran en el capítulo 2 mediante simulaciones de rayos. Cada concentrador (FK, DFK y CFK) está diseñado y optimizado teniendo en cuenta condiciones de operación realistas. Su rendimiento se modela de forma exhaustiva mediante el trazado de rayos en combinación con modelos distribuidos para la célula. La tolerancia es un asunto crítico de cara al proceso de fabricación, y ha de ser máxima para obtener sistemas de producción en masa rentables. Concentradores con tolerancias limitadas generan bajadas significativas de eficiencia a nivel de array, causadas por el desajuste de corrientes entre los diferentes módulos (principalmente debido a errores de alineación en la fabricación). En este sentido, la sección 3.5 presenta dos métodos matemáticos que estiman estas pérdidas por desajuste a nivel de array mediante un análisis de sus curvas I-V, y por tanto siendo innecesarias las medidas a nivel de mono-módulo. El capítulo 3 también describe la caracterización indoor de los elementos ópticos que componen los concentradores, es decir, de las lentes de Fresnel que actúan como POE y de los secundarios free-form. El objetivo de esta caracterización es el de evaluar los adecuados perfiles de las superficies y las transmisiones ópticas de los diferentes elementos analizados, y así hacer que el rendimiento del módulo sea el esperado. Esta tesis la cierra el capítulo 4, en el que la integración Köhler se presenta como una buena alternativa para obtener distribuciones uniformes en aplicaciones de iluminación de estado sólido (iluminación con LED), siendo particularmente eficaz cuando se requiere adicionalmente una buena mezcla de colores. En este capítulo esto se muestra a través del ejemplo particular de un concentrador DFK, el cual se ha utilizado para aplicaciones CPV en los capítulos anteriores. Otra alternativa para lograr mezclas cromáticas apropiadas está basada en un método ya conocido (deflexiones anómalas), y también se ha utilizado aquí para diseñar una lente TIR aplanética delgada. Esta lente cumple la conservación de étendue, asegurando así que no hay bloqueo ni dilución de luz simultáneamente. Ambos enfoques presentan claras ventajas sobre las técnicas clásicas empleadas en iluminación para obtener distribuciones de iluminación uniforme: difusores y mezcla caleidoscópica mediante guías de luz. ABSTRACT Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV) is one of the most promising ways of reducing the cost of energy collected from the sun. This is possible thanks to both, very high-efficiency solar cells and a large decrease in the size of cells, which are made of costly semiconductor materials. Both issues are closely linked since high efficiency values are only possible with expensive cell materials and technologies, implying a compulsory area reduction if cost-effectiveness is desired. The reduction in the cell size requires that light coming from the sun must be redirected (i.e. concentrated) towards the cell position. This is achieved by placing an optical concentrator system on top of the cell. These CPV concentrators consist of different optical elements manufactured on cheap materials in order to maintain low production costs. The optimal framework for the design of concentrators is nonimaging optics. Nonimaging optics was first developed in the 60s decade and has been largely developed ever since. The aim of nonimaging devices is the efficient transfer of light power between the source and the receiver (sun and cell respectively in the case of CPV), disregarding image formation. Nonimaging systems are usually simple, comprised of fewer surfaces than imaging systems and are more tolerant to manufacturing errors. This renders nonimaging optics a fundamental tool, not only in the design of photovoltaic concentrators, but also in the design of other applications as illumination, projection and wireless optical communications. Nonimaging optical concentrators are well suited for CPV applications because the goal is not the reproduction of an exact image of the sun (as imaging optics would provide), but simply the collection of its energy on the solar cell. Concentrators for CPV may present very different architectures and optical elements, resulting in a vast variety of possible designs. The first optical element that sunlight goes through is called the Primary Optical Element (POE) and is the most determinant element in order to define the shape and properties of the whole concentrator. The POE can be either refractive (lens) or reflective (mirror). This thesis focuses on CPV systems based on Fresnel lenses as POE, which are thin and inexpensive refractive lenses able to concentrate sunlight. Chapter 1 exposes a short introduction to geometrical and nonimaging optics, explaining their fundamentals and basic concepts. Then, the Köhler integration is presented in detail, explaining its principles, valid for both applications: CPV and illumination. An introduction to CPV fundamental concepts is also included in this chapter, analyzing the properties of multijunction solar cells and optical concentrators employed in CPV systems. The chapter is closed with a description of the existing technologies employed for the manufacture of optical elements composing the concentrator. Chapter 2 is mainly devoted to the design and development of the three advanced Fresnel Köhler optical concentrators presented in this thesis work: Fresnel-Köhler (FK), Dome-shaped Fresnel-Köhler (DFK) and Cavity Fresnel-Köhler (CFK). They all perform Köhler integration and comprise a Fresnel lens as their Primary Optical Element. Each one of these CPV concentrators presents its own characteristics, properties and its own design procedure. Their performances include all the key issues in a concentrator: high concentration factor, large tolerances, high optical efficiency, uniform irradiance on the cell surface and low production cost. The FK and DFK concentrators present a 4-fold configuration in order to perform the Köhler integration. This means that POE and SOE are divided into four symmetric sectors each one, working each POE sector with its corresponding SOE sector by pairs. The main difference between both concentrators is that the POE of the FK is a flat Fresnel lens, while a dome-shaped (curved) Fresnel lens performs as the DFK’s POE. The CFK concentrator includes an integrated external confinement cavity, which is an optical element able to recover rays reflected by the cell surface in order to be re-absorbed by the cell. It increases the light absorption, entailing an increase in the efficiency of the module. Additionally, an alternative design method for faceted elements will also be explained, especially suitable for dome-shaped lenses as the POE of the DFK. Chapter 3 focuses on the characterization and experimental measurements of the optical concentrators presented in Chapter 2, describing their procedures. These procedures are in general applicable to any Fresnel-based concentrator as well and include three main types of experimental measurements: electrical efficiency, acceptance angle and irradiance uniformity at the solar cell plane. The results shown along this chapter will validate through outdoor measurements under real sun operation the advanced characteristics presented by the Köhler concentrators, which are demonstrated in Chapter 2 through raytrace simulation: high optical efficiency, large acceptance angle, insensitivity to manufacturing tolerances and very good irradiance uniformity on the cell surface. Each concentrator (FK, DFK and CFK) is designed and optimized looking at realistic performance characteristics. Their performances are modeled exhaustively using ray tracing combined with cell modeling, taking into account the major relevant factors. The tolerance is a critical issue when coming to the manufacturing process in order to obtain cost-effective mass-production systems. Concentrators with tight tolerances result in significant efficiency drops at array level caused by current mismatch among different modules (mainly due to manufacturing alignment errors). In this sense, Section 3.5 presents two mathematical methods that estimate these mismatch losses for a given array just by analyzing its full-array I-V curve, hence being unnecessary any single mono-module measurement. Chapter 3 also describes the indoor characterization of the optical elements composing the concentrators, i.e. the Fresnel lenses acting as POEs and the free-form SOEs. The aim of this characterization is to assess the proper surface profiles and optical transmissions of the different elements analyzed, so they will allow for the expected module performance. This thesis is closed by Chapter 4, in which Köhler integration is presented as a good approach to obtain uniform distributions in Solid State Lighting applications (i.e. illumination with LEDs), being particularly effective when dealing with color mixing requirements. This chapter shows it through the particular example of a DFK concentrator, which has been used for CPV applications in the previous chapters. An alternative known method for color mixing purposes (anomalous deflections) has also been used to design a thin aplanatic TIR lens. This lens fulfills conservation of étendue, thus ensuring no light blocking and no light dilution at the same time. Both approaches present clear advantages over the classical techniques employed in lighting to obtain uniform illumination distributions: diffusers and kaleidoscopic lightpipe mixing.


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This paper assesses the main challenges associated with the propagation and channel modeling of broadband radio systems in a complex environment of high speed and metropolitan railways. These challenges comprise practical simulation, modeling interferences, radio planning, test trials and performance evaluation in different railway scenarios using Long Term Evolution (LTE) as test case. This approach requires several steps; the first is the use of a radio propagation simulator based on ray-tracing techniques to accurately predict propagation. Besides the radio propagation simulator, a complete test bed has been constructed to assess LTE performance, channel propagation conditions and interference with other systems in real-world environments by means of standard-compliant LTE transmissions. Such measurement results allowed us to evaluate the propagation and performance of broadband signals and to test the suitability of LTE radio technology for complex railway scenarios.


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En la última década, los sistemas de telecomunicación de alta frecuencia han evolucionado tremendamente. Las bandas de frecuencias, los anchos de banda del usuario, las técnicas de modulación y otras características eléctricas están en constante cambio de acuerdo a la evolución de la tecnología y la aparición de nuevas aplicaciones. Las arquitecturas de los transceptores modernos son diferentes de las tradicionales. Muchas de las funciones convencionalmente realizadas por circuitos analógicos han sido asignadas gradualmente a procesadores digitales de señal, de esta manera, las fronteras entre la banda base y las funcionalidades de RF se difuminan. Además, los transceptores inalámbricos digitales modernos son capaces de soportar protocolos de datos de alta velocidad, por lo que emplean una elevada escala de integración para muchos de los subsistemas que componen las diferentes etapas. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo de investigación es realizar un estudio de las nuevas configuraciones en el desarrollo de demostradores de radiofrecuencia (un receptor y un transmisor) y transpondedores para fines de comunicaciones y militares, respectivamente. Algunos trabajos se han llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto TECRAIL, donde se ha implementado un demostrador de la capa física LTE para evaluar la viabilidad del estándar LTE en el entorno ferroviario. En el ámbito militar y asociado al proyecto de calibración de radares (CALRADAR), se ha efectuado una actividad importante en el campo de la calibración de radares balísticos Doppler donde se ha analizado cuidadosamente su precisión y se ha desarrollado la unidad generadora de Doppler de un patrón electrónico para la calibración de estos radares. Dicha unidad Doppler es la responsable de la elevada resolución en frecuencia del generador de “blancos” radar construido. Por otro lado, se ha elaborado un análisis completo de las incertidumbres del sistema para optimizar el proceso de calibración. En una segunda fase se han propuesto soluciones en el desarrollo de dispositivos electro-ópticos para aplicaciones de comunicaciones. Estos dispositivos son considerados, debido a sus ventajas, tecnologías de soporte para futuros dispositivos y subsistemas de RF/microondas. Algunas demandas de radio definida por software podrían cubrirse aplicando nuevos conceptos de circuitos sintonizables mediante parámetros programables de un modo dinámico. También se ha realizado una contribución relacionada con el diseño de filtros paso banda con topología “Hairpin”, los cuales son compactos y se pueden integrar fácilmente en circuitos de microondas en una amplia gama de aplicaciones destinadas a las comunicaciones y a los sistemas militares. Como importante aportación final, se ha presentado una propuesta para ecualizar y mejorar las transmisiones de señales discretas de temporización entre los TRMs y otras unidades de procesamiento, en el satélite de última generación SEOSAR/PAZ. Tras un análisis exhaustivo, se ha obtenido la configuración óptima de los buses de transmisión de datos de alta velocidad basadas en una red de transceptores. ABSTRACT In the last decade, high-frequency telecommunications systems have extremely evolved. Frequency bands, user bandwidths, modulation techniques and other electrical characteristics of these systems are constantly changing following to the evolution of technology and the emergence of new applications. The architectures of modern transceivers are different from the traditional ones. Many of the functions conventionally performed by analog circuitry have gradually been assigned to digital signal processors. In this way, boundaries between baseband and RF functionalities are diffused. The design of modern digital wireless transceivers are capable of supporting high-speed data protocols. Therefore, a high integration scale is required for many of the components in the block chain. One of the goals of this research work is to investigate new configurations in the development of RF demonstrators (a receiver and a transmitter) and transponders for communications and military purposes, respectively. A LTE physical layer demonstrator has been implemented to assess the viability of LTE in railway scenario under the framework of the TECRAIL project. An important activity, related to the CALRADAR project, for the calibration of Doppler radars with extremely high precision has been performed. The contribution is the Doppler unit of the radar target generator developed that reveals a high frequency resolution. In order to assure the accuracy of radar calibration process, a complete analysis of the uncertainty in the above mentioned procedure has been carried out. Another important research topic has been the development of photonic devices that are considered enabling technologies for future RF and microwave devices and subsystems. Some Software Defined Radio demands are addressed by the proposed novel circuit concepts based on photonically tunable elements with dynamically programmable parameters. A small contribution has been made in the field of Hairpin-line bandpass filters. These filters are compact and can also be easily integrated into microwave circuits finding a wide range of applications in communication and military systems. In this research field, the contributions made have been the improvements in the design and the simulations of wideband filters. Finally, an important proposal to balance and enhance transmissions of discrete timing signals between TRMs and other processing units into the state of the art SEOSAR/PAZ Satellite has been carried out obtaining the optimal configuration of the high-speed data transmission buses based on a transceiver network. RÉSUMÉ Les systèmes d'hyperfréquence dédiés aux télécommunications ont beaucoup évolué dans la dernière décennie. Les bandes de fréquences, les bandes passantes par utilisateur, les techniques de modulation et d'autres caractéristiques électriques sont en constant changement en fonction de l'évolution des technologies et l'émergence de nouvelles applications. Les architectures modernes des transcepteurs sont différentes des traditionnelles. Un grand nombre d’opérations normalement effectuées par les circuits analogiques a été progressivement alloué à des processeurs de signaux numériques. Ainsi, les frontières entre la bande de base et la fonctionnalité RF sont floues. Les transcepteurs sans fils numériques modernes sont capables de transférer des données à haute vitesse selon les différents protocoles de communication utilisés. C'est pour cette raison qu’un niveau élevé d'intégration est nécessaire pour un grand nombre de composants qui constitue les différentes étapes des systèmes. L'un des objectifs de cette recherche est d'étudier les nouvelles configurations dans le développement des démonstrateurs RF (récepteur et émetteur) et des transpondeurs à des fins militaire et de communication. Certains travaux ont été réalisés dans le cadre du projet TECRAIL, où un démonstrateur de la couche physique LTE a été mis en place pour évaluer la faisabilité de la norme LTE dans l'environnement ferroviaire. Une contribution importante, liée au projet CALRADAR, est proposée dans le domaine des systèmes d’étalonnage de radar Doppler de haute précision. Cette contribution est le module Doppler de génération d’hyperfréquence intégré dans le système électronique de génération de cibles radar virtuelles que présente une résolution de fréquence très élevée. Une analyse complète de l'incertitude dans l'étalonnage des radars Doppler a été effectuée, afin d'assurer la précision du calibrage. La conception et la mise en oeuvre de quelques dispositifs photoniques sont un autre sujet important du travail de recherche présenté dans cette thèse. De tels dispositifs sont considérés comme étant des technologies habilitantes clés pour les futurs dispositifs et sous-systèmes RF et micro-ondes grâce à leurs avantages. Certaines demandes de radio définies par logiciel pourraient être supportées par nouveaux concepts de circuits basés sur des éléments dynamiquement programmables en utilisant des paramètres ajustables. Une petite contribution a été apportée pour améliorer la conception et les simulations des filtres passe-bande Hairpin à large bande. Ces filtres sont compacts et peuvent également être intégrés dans des circuits à micro-ondes compatibles avec un large éventail d'applications dans les systèmes militaires et de communication. Finalement, une proposition a été effectuée visant à équilibrer et améliorer la transmission des signaux discrets de synchronisation entre les TRMs et d'autres unités de traitement dans le satellite SEOSAR/PAZ de dernière génération et permettant l’obtention de la configuration optimale des bus de transmission de données à grande vitesse basés sur un réseau de transcepteurs.