13 resultados para Theater education. Students directors. Scene direction. Adaptation

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Higher education students demand fast feedback about their assignments and the opportunity to repeat them in case they do in a wrong way. Here a computer based trainer for Signals and Systems students is presented. An application, that automatically generates and assesses thousands of numerically different versions of several Signals and Systems problems have been developed. This applet guides the students to find the solution and automatically assesses and grades the students proposed solution. The students can use the application to practice in solving several types of Signals and Systems basic problems. After selecting the problem type, the student introduces a seed and the application generates a numerical version of the selected problem. Then the application presents a sequence of questions that the students must solve and the application automatically assess their answers. After solving a given problem, the students can repeat the same numerical variation of the problem by introducing the same seed to the application. In this way, they can review their solution with the help of the hints given by the application for wrong solutions. This application can also be used as an automatic assessment tool by the instructor. When the assessment is made in a controlled environment (examination classroom or laboratory) the instructor can use the same seed for all students. Otherwise, different seeds can be assigned to different students and in this way they solve different numerical variation of the proposed problem, so cheating becomes an arduous task. Given a problem type, the mathematical or conceptual difficulty of the problem can vary depending on the numerical values of the parameters of the problem. The application permits to easily select groups of seeds that yield to numerical variations with similar mathematical or conceptual difficulty. This represents an advantage over a randomised task assignment where students are asked to solve tasks with different difficulty.


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Este trabajo describe el diseño y la implementación de un ejercicio virtual que es parte de una práctica que se realiza en un laboratorio virtual de biotecnología, la adaptación de la misma para que alumnos de secundaria la puedan realizar y por último, la adaptación del laboratorio a un entorno multilingüe. La práctica consiste en transformar genéticamente un árbol (chopo) para dotarlo de una mayor resistencia a enfermedades, especialmente las producidas por hongos y más en concreto, el ejercicio o fase de la práctica a desarrollar consiste en introducir en el plásmido un gen amplificado por la PCR obtenido en la fase anterior de la práctica virtual. La adaptación para alumnos de secundaria servirá para fomentar el interés de estos alumnos por la biotecnología. Asimismo, la adaptación a un entorno multilingüe permitirá que varios alumnos de distintos idiomas realicen la práctica de forma simultánea. Como parte de este trabajo, se ha realizado un análisis sobre OpenSimulator, que es la herramienta utilizada para la creación del entorno virtual, así como de sus visores gráficos para visitar y desarrollar el mundo virtual. Debido a que este proyecto toma como punto de partida un laboratorio virtual con una parte de la práctica virtual ya desarrollada, se ha incluido una descripción de dicho laboratorio para comprender mejor el trabajo que se ha realizado en este proyecto. Finalmente, en este trabajo se presentan los modelos y especificaciones para la extensión del laboratorio virtual. ---ABSTRACT---This document describes the design and implementation of virtual exercise that is part of a practice that is performed in a virtual biotechnology laboratory, the adaptation of this phase to high-school students and finally, the adaptation of laboratory for a multilingual environment. In this practice a tree is genetically modified to give it resistance to diseases produced by fungi. Specifically, the exercise or phase developed consists in introducing in the plasmid a gene amplified by PCR in the previous phase. The adaptation for high-school students will motivate to new students about biotechnology. And the adapting to the multilingual environment will allow several students, such as Erasmus, to do the practice in different languages simultaneously. We analyzed the OpenSimulator platform and the graphic viewers to visit and develop the virtual world. This tool is used for creating the virtual environment. Because of the fact that the project takes a starting point a laboratory with some parts already developed, we have included a description with information related to the laboratory to better understand the work carried out in this project. Finally, this document presents the models and specifications for the extension of the virtual laboratory.


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A pesar de los innegables beneficios físicos y psicosociales que la práctica de actividad física tiene para la población en las últimas décadas se observa un importante descenso en el nivel de práctica de actividad física durante la adolescencia. La Educación Física (EF) es una asignatura presente en las primeras etapas educativas de los currículums de todos los países y supone para la población infantil y adolescente, durante el periodo de escolarización obligatoria, un entorno de contacto cotidiano con la actividad física y deportiva lo que explica el creciente interés que existe por investigar en este contexto y extraer conclusiones que puedan ayudar a revertir el proceso de progresivo abandono de la práctica en estas edades. El presente trabajo se centra en un periodo, la adolescencia, especialmente sensible al abandono de la práctica de actividad física. Apoyándonos en tres de los marcos teóricos más importantes de los últimos años - Teoría de Metas de Logro, Teoría de la Autodeterminación y Teoría del Flow - hemos realizado un diseño con tres estudios complementarios que nos permitan avanzar en el conocimiento de las variables que afectan a esta realidad. En el primero de los estudios, en el que participaron 3990 estudiantes de EF de España, Argentina, Colombia y Ecuador con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 18 años, se fijaron como objetivos el establecimiento de perfiles motivacionales en estudiantes de EF considerando las orientaciones motivacionales, la motivación intrínseca y el flow disposicional; la comprobación de la posible estabilidad de los perfiles establecidos en cuatro países diferentes; y el análisis de la relación entre los perfiles motivacionales establecidos con la práctica de actividad física realizada en la actualidad y la intención de ser activo en el futuro. Los resultados revelaron la existencia de tres perfiles motivacionales en los estudiantes: perfil de motivación baja-moderada, perfil de motivación de alta motivación con bajo ego y perfil de alta motivación. Se encontraron similitudes en los perfiles motivacionales obtenidos en los cuatro países analizados, sugiriéndose la posibilidad de que la lengua materna compartida pueda ser una variable de influencia en la existencia de patrones conductuales similares. La orientación al ego resultó ser un elemento diferenciador en la relación de los dos perfiles que mostraron niveles más altos de motivación intrínseca, flow disposicional y orientación a la tarea con las variables de práctica. Mayores niveles de orientación al ego determinaron mayores valores de práctica e intención de práctica. En el segundo estudio, en el que participaron 365 estudiantes de EF de España, Argentina y Colombia con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 16 años, se testó un modelo explicativo de la intención de ser físicamente activo en el futuro en estudiantes de EF poco motivados introduciendo el flow disposicional como variable explicativa junto a las orientaciones motivacionales y la motivación intrínseca. El modelo de ecuaciones estructurales testado muestra que tanto la orientación al ego como la orientación a la tarea y la motivación intrínseca predijeron el flow disposicional. No se encontró un efecto significativo de la orientación a la tarea sobre la motivación intrínseca, ni de esta sobre la intención de práctica de AFD en el futuro. El flow disposicional resultó ser un mediador entre ambas orientaciones motivacionales y dicha intención, adquiriendo un papel relevante en la predicción de la intención de realizar actividad física en el futuro en los sujetos con poca motivación hacia la clase de EF. En el último estudio, con una muestra de 53 estudiantes de EF pertenecientes a dos clases de segundo curso de ESO con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 15 años, se analizó el efecto de una intervención de apoyo a las NPB sobre la satisfacción de las mismas, la motivación intrínseca, la disposición a experimentar flow y la intención de ser físicamente activo en el futuro; estudiándose también el efecto de la misma sobre ciertas variables presentes en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje tales como la diversión, el aprendizaje y el gusto hacia el contenido y la metodología empleada. La intervención resultó efectiva en la mejora de todas las variables motivacionales analizadas a excepción de la satisfacción de la necesidad de relaciones sociales, variable que podría ser más difícilmente modificable en tanto que los grupos de clase suelen permanecer estables a lo largo de esta etapa educativa. Los alumnos de la condición experimental presentaron niveles más elevados de diversión, aprendizaje y gusto hacia el contenido y la metodología empleada. ABSTRACT Despite the undeniable physical and psychological benefits that physical activity has on health, a significant drop in the level of physical activity during adolescence has been observed over the last few decades. Physical education (PE) is present in the early stages of educational curricula of all countries, creating an environment in which children and adolescents can maintain daily contact with sport and physical activity during the period of compulsory education. There is thus a growing interest in research within this context, helping to draw conclusions aimed at reversing the progressive decline of physical activity in this age bracket. The work presented here focuses on adolescence – a period particularly sensitive when faced with declining rates of physical activity. Relying on three of the most important recent theoretical frameworks – Achievement Goal Theory, Self-Determination Theory and Flow Theory – we have carried out a design using three complementary studies that allow us to advance the understanding of variables affecting this reality. The first two studies employ a correlational methodology while the third follows a quasi-experimental design. The objectives of the first study, with the participation of 3990 PE students aged 12 to 18 from Spain, Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador, were: a) to establish motivational profiles in physical education students taking into consideration motivational orientations, intrinsic motivation and dispositional flow; b) to check the possible stability of the established profiles in the four countries; and c) to analyze the relationship between motivational profiles and both current levels of physical activity and intention to be physically active in the future. Results revealed the existence of three motivational profiles: low-moderate motivation profile, high motivation and low ego profile and high motivation profile. Similarities were found across the four countries, which presents the possibility that sharing the same mother tongue might influence the existence of similar behavioral patterns. Amongst the profiles that showed the highest levels of intrinsic motivation, dispositional flow and task orientation with practice variables, ego orientation became apparent as a differentiating element. Higher levels of ego orientation correlated with higher levels both in current level of physical activity and intention to be physically active in the future. In the second study, with the participation of 365 PE students aged 12 to 16 from Spain, Argentina and Colombia, an explanatory model of the intention to be physically active within the low-moderate motivation profile was tested, including dispositional flow as an influence variable together with motivational orientations and intrinsic motivation. The structural model equation in the low-moderate motivation profile shows some differences with respect to findings of similar studies using heterogeneous samples in motivational profiles. It was found that ego orientation, task orientation and intrinsic motivation predicted dispositional flow. No significant effects of task orientation on intrinsic motivation, or of intrinsic motivation on intention to be physically active in the future were found. Dispositional flow emerged as a mediator between both motivational orientations and intention, acquiring an important role in the prediction of future intentions to be physically active in adolescents who show low levels of motivation towards physical education. In the last of the three studies, with the participation of 53 PE students drawn from two classes in the second year of secondary education aged 13 to 15, the effect of an intervention to support basic psychological needs was tested against the satisfaction of these needs, intrinsic motivation, disposition to experience flow and intention to be physically active in the future. Alongside this, the aforementioned intervention was tested on certain variables present in the teaching-learning process such as fun, learning and taste for the activity and methodology. Supportive intervention was effective in improving all the motivational variables, except for the satisfaction of the relatedness variable, which may be more difficult to modify as class groups tend to remain stable throughout this educational state. Students in the experimental condition showed higher levels of fun, learning and taste for the content and methodology.


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar el aprendizaje de los deportes colectivos en el alumnado de segundo ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) utilizando una herramienta denominada Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). Para ello se ha realizado una revisión de dos modelos de enseñanza existentes: el modelo técnico y el modelo comprensivo. Así mismo hemos revisado dos tipos de procesos de evaluación; por un lado la evaluación sumativa, más relacionada con el modelo técnico; por otro lado la evaluación formativa, más próxima al modelo comprensivo. A continuación se ha llevado a cabo una intervención didáctica aplicando el modelo de enseñanza comprensivo (TGfU) y el instrumento mencionado anteriormente (GPAI). Los resultados obtenidos han sido utilizados para proponer un sistema de evaluación basado en el modelo comprensivo con la utilización del GPAI y a través de la coevaluación como forma de asentar el aprendizaje en el alumnado. Se concluye que el modelo de enseñanza comprensivo (TGfU) con el GPAI y una evaluación entre iguales es bastante óptimo para favorecer el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje de los deportes colectivos en el alumnado de segundo ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). ABSTRACT The present work has the aim to assess the learning of collective sports in Secondary Education students using a tool called Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). For that we have used to revision of two teaching models: the technical model and Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU). At the same time, we have reviewed two kinds of assessment process; on one hand summative assessment which is related to technical model; on the other hand formative assessment nearest to Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU). Next it has been done a didactic intervention using the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) and that instrument mentioned beforehand. The results obtained have been used to suggest an assessment system based on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) using the GPAI through the peer assessment as a way of teaching.


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The main objective of this article is to focus on the analysis of teaching techniques, ranging from the use of the blackboard and chalk in old traditional classes, using slides and overhead projectors in the eighties and use of presentation software in the nineties, to the video, electronic board and network resources nowadays. Furthermore, all the aforementioned, is viewed under the different mentalities in which the teacher conditions the student using the new teaching technique, improving soft skills but maybe leading either to encouragement or disinterest, and including the lack of educational knowledge consolidation at scientific, technology and specific levels. In the same way, we study the process of adaptation required for teachers, the differences in the processes of information transfer and education towards the student, and even the existence of teachers who are not any longer appealed by their work due which has become much simpler due to new technologies and the greater ease in the development of classes due to the criteria described on the new Grade Programs adopted by the European Higher Education Area. Moreover, it is also intended to understand the evolution of students’ profiles, from the eighties to present time, in order to understand certain attitudes, behaviours, accomplishments and acknowledgements acquired over the semesters within the degree Programs. As an Educational Innovation Group, another key question also arises. What will be the learning techniques in the future?. How these evolving matters will affect both positively and negatively on the mentality, attitude, behaviour, learning, achievement of goals and satisfaction levels of all elements involved in universities’ education? Clearly, this evolution from chalk to the electronic board, the three-dimensional view of our works and their sequence, greatly facilitates the understanding and adaptation later on to the business world, but does not answer to the unknowns regarding the knowledge and the full development of achievement’s indicators in basic skills of a degree. This is the underlying question which steers the roots of the presented research.


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The engineering careers models were diverse in Europe, and are adopting now in Spain the Bolonia process for European Universities. Separated from older Universities, that are in part technically active, Civil Engineering (Caminos, Canales y Puertos) started at end of 18th century in Spain adopting the French models of Upper Schools for state civil servants with exam at entry. After 1800 intense wars, to conserve forest regions Ingenieros de Montes appeared as Upper School, and in 1855 also the Ingenieros Agrónomos to push up related techniques and practices. Other Engineers appeared as Upper Schools but more towards private factories. These ES got all adapted Lower Schools of Ingeniero Tecnico. Recently both grew much in number and evolved, linked also to recognized Professions. Spanish society, into European Community, evolved across year 2000, in part highly well, but with severe discordances, that caused severe youth unemployment with 2008-2011 crisis. With Bolonia process high formal changes step in from 2010-11, accepted with intense adaptation. The Lower Schools are changing towards the Upper Schools, and both that have shifted since 2010-11 various 4-years careers (Grado), some included into the precedent Professions, and diverse Masters. Acceptation of them to get students has started relatively well, and will evolve, and acceptation of new grades for employment in Spain, Europe or outside will be essential. Each Grado has now quite rigid curricula and programs, MOODLE was introduced to connect pupils, some specific uses of Personal Computers are taught in each subject. Escuela de Agronomos centre, reorganized with its old name in its precedent buildings at entrance of Campus Moncloa, offers Grados of Agronomic Engineering and Science for various public and private activities for agriculture, Alimentary Engineering for alimentary activities and control, Agro-Environmental Engineering more related to environment activities, and in part Biotechnology also in laboratories in Campus Monte-Gancedo for Biotechnology of Plants and Computational Biotechnology. Curricula include Basics, Engineering, Practices, Visits, English, ?project of end of career?, Stays. Some masters will conduce to specific professional diploma, list includes now Agro-Engineering, Agro-Forestal Biotechnology, Agro and Natural Resources Economy, Complex Physical Systems, Gardening and Landscaping, Rural Genie, Phytogenetic Resources, Plant Genetic Resources, Environmental Technology for Sustainable Agriculture, Technology for Human Development and Cooperation.


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In many university courses such as Building Engineering or Technical Architectural, the high density of the contents included in the curriculum, make the student, after graduation, unable to develop the skills already acquired and evaluated in the disciplines of the first courses. From the Group of Educational Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) "Teaching of Structural Concrete" (GIEHE) we have conducted a study in which are valued specific skills acquired by students after the first courses of career. We have worked with students from UPM fourth-year career and with Technical Architecture students who have completed their studies and also have completed the Adaptation Course of Technical Architecture to the Building Engineer. The work is part of the Educational Innovation Project funded by the UPM "Integration of training and assessment of generic and specific skills in structural concrete" We have evaluated specific skills learned in the areas of durability and control of structural concrete structures. The results show that overall, students are not able to fully develop the skills already acquired earlier, even being these essential to their professional development. Possibly, the large amount of content taught in these degrees together with a teaching and assessment of "flat profile", ie, which are presented and evaluated with the same intensity as the fundamental and the accessory, are causes enough to cause these results.


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Jóvenes Nucleares (Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, JJNN) is a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE). The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid, UPM) was chosen to host the Seminar as it is one of the most prestigious technical universities of Spain, and has a very strong curriculum in nuclear engineering training and research. Both, the UPM and the SNE, supported strongly the seminar: the opening session was conducted by the member of to board of directors of the Spanish Nuclear Society and Nuclear Engineering professor of the UPM, Emilio Mínguez and the closing session was conducted by the director of the Nuclear Fusion Institute (UPM).


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Una de las maneras más efectivas para asentar conocimientos se produce cuando, además de realizar un aprendizaje práctico, se intentan transmitir a otra persona. De hecho, los alumnos muchas veces prestan más atención a sus compañeros que al profesor. En la E.T.S.I. Minas de Madrid se ha llevado a cabo un programa de innovación educativa en asignaturas relacionadas con la Geología mediante nuevas tecnologías para mejorar el aprendizaje basado en el trabajo práctico personal del alumno, con la realización de vídeos en el medio físico (campo) en los que explican los aspectos geológicos visibles a diferentes escalas. Estos vídeos se han subido a las plataformas “moodle”, “facebook” y canal “youtube” donde compañeros, alumnos de otras Universidades y personas interesadas pueden consultarlos. De esta manera se pretende que, además de adquirir conocimientos geológicos, los alumnos adquieren el hábito de expresarse en público con un lenguaje técnico. Los alumnos manifestaron su satisfacción por esta actividad, aunque idea del rodaje de vídeos no resultó inicialmente muy popular. Se ha observado una mejora en las calificaciones, así como un incremento de la motivación. De hecho, los estudiantes manifestaron haber adquirido, además de los conceptos geológicos, seguridad a la hora de expresarse en público. Palabras clave: innovación educativa, nuevas tecnologías (TIC), Geología Abstract- Knowledge is gained by practice, but one of the most effective ways is when one tries to transmit it to others. Likewise, students pay more attention to their classmates than to teachers. In the Geological Engineering Department of the Madrid School of Mines, we have run an educational innovation program in courses related to Geology using new technologies (ITC) in order to increase the acquisition of geological knowledge. This program is designed mainly on the basis of individual and group work with video recordings in the field in which students explain geological concepts at various scales. These videos have been uploaded to the “Moodle”, “Facebook” and “YouTube” channel of the Madrid School of Mines, where other students from the same university or elsewhere can view them. Students acquire geological knowledge and the ability to address the general public using technical language. The realization of these videos has been warmly welcomed by students. Notably, they show increased motivation, accompanied by an improvement in grades, although at the beginning this program was not very popular because of student insecurity. Students have expressed that they learnt geological concepts but also gained confidence in public speaking using technical language


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This paper aims to analyse the use of anabolic drugs among Greek students participating in school championships of physical education (PE). In order to do it, a survey was conducted during the 2008 to 2009 academic year in suburban, urban and metropolitan areas in Greece. The sample was 2,535 high school students from the 10 to 12th grade, participating in the school physical education championships. The results showed that 9.6% of boys and 3.7% of girls reported that they had used anabolic drugs sometime in the past whereas 11.2% boys and 4.8% girls reported that they would intend to use them in the future. This confirms that anabolic steroids are an important problem among adolescents, and educational programs should increase their knowledge about these drugs. Information should come not only from the state, but also from coaches, teachers, trainers and parents.


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The convergence process among European academic degrees pursues the exchange of graduate students and the adaptation of university programs to social demand. Within the framework of the European Higher Education, European universities will need to be more competitive not only by increasing or maintaining the student enrolment, but also in their academic performance. Thus, the reinforcing of English language education within the University Programs might play an important role to reach these objectives. In this sense, a complete survey was accomplished at the Agricultural Egineering School of Madrid (ETSIA ) addressing issues such as: identification the needs for bilingual instruction at ETSIA, identification resources needed and interest and background in English language of students and professors (San José et al., 2013). The conclusions and recommendations to promote the bilingual instruction in the ETSIA, taking into account the approaches followed by other Spanish universities, are presented in this work.


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Los recientes avances tecnológicos han encontrado un potencial campo de explotación en la educación asistida por computador. A finales de los años 90 surgió un nuevo campo de investigación denominado Entornos Virtuales Inteligentes para el Entrenamiento y/o Enseñanza (EVIEs), que combinan dos áreas de gran complejidad: Los Entornos Virtuales (EVs) y los Sistemas de Tutoría Inteligente (STIs). De este modo, los beneficios de los entornos 3D (simulación de entornos de alto riesgo o entornos de difícil uso, etc.) pueden combinarse con aquéllos de un STIs (personalización de materias y presentaciones, adaptación de la estrategia de tutoría a las necesidades del estudiante, etc.) para proporcionar soluciones educativas/de entrenamiento con valores añadidos. El Modelo del Estudiante, núcleo de un SIT, representa el conocimiento y características del estudiante, y refleja el proceso de razonamiento del estudiante. Su complejidad es incluso superior cuando los STIs se aplican a EVs porque las nuevas posibilidades de interacción proporcionadas por estos entornos deben considerarse como nuevos elementos de información clave para el modelado del estudiante, incidiendo en todo el proceso educativo: el camino seguido por el estudiante durante su navegación a través de escenarios 3D; el comportamiento no verbal tal como la dirección de la mirada; nuevos tipos de pistas e instrucciones que el módulo de tutoría puede proporcionar al estudiante; nuevos tipos de preguntas que el estudiante puede formular, etc. Por consiguiente, es necesario que la estructura de los STIs, embebida en el EVIE, se enriquezca con estos aspectos, mientras mantiene una estructura clara, estructurada, y bien definida. La mayoría de las aproximaciones al Modelo del Estudiante en STIs y en IVETs no consideran una taxonomía de posibles conocimientos acerca del estudiante suficientemente completa. Además, la mayoría de ellas sólo tienen validez en ciertos dominios o es difícil su adaptación a diferentes STIs. Para vencer estas limitaciones, hemos propuesto, en el marco de esta tesis doctoral, un nuevo mecanismo de Modelado del Estudiante basado en la Ingeniería Ontológica e inspirado en principios pedagógicos, con un modelo de datos sobre el estudiante amplio y flexible que facilita su adaptación y extensión para diferentes STIs y aplicaciones de aprendizaje, además de un método de diagnóstico con capacidades de razonamiento no monótono. El método de diagnóstico es capaz de inferir el estado de los objetivos de aprendizaje contenidos en el SIT y, a partir de él, el estado de los conocimientos del estudiante durante su proceso de aprendizaje. La aproximación almodelado del estudiante propuesta ha sido implementada e integrada en un agente software (el agente de modelado del estudiante) dentro de una plataforma software existente para el desarrollo de EVIEs denominadaMAEVIF. Esta plataforma ha sido diseñada para ser fácilmente configurable para diferentes aplicaciones de aprendizaje. El modelado del estudiante presentado ha sido implementado e instanciado para dos tipos de entornos de aprendizaje: uno para aprendizaje del uso de interfaces gráficas de usuario en una aplicación software y para un Entorno Virtual para entrenamiento procedimental. Además, se ha desarrollado una metodología para guiar en la aplicación del esta aproximación de modelado del estudiante a cada sistema concreto.---ABSTRACT---Recent technological advances have found a potential field of exploitation in computeraided education. At the end of the 90’s a new research field emerged, the so-called Intelligent Virtual Environments for Training and/or Education (IVETs), which combines two areas of great complexity: Virtual Environments (VE) and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). In this way, the benefits of 3D environments (simulation of high risk or difficult-to-use environments, etc.) may be combined with those of an ITS (content and presentation customization, adaptation of the tutoring strategy to the student requirements, etc.) in order to provide added value educational/training solutions. The StudentModel, core of an ITS, represents the student’s knowledge and characteristics, and reflects the student’s reasoning process. Its complexity is even higher when the ITSs are applied on VEs because the new interaction possibilities offered by these environments must be considered as new key information pieces for student modelling, impacting all the educational process: the path followed by the student during their navigation through 3D scenarios; non-verbal behavior such as gaze direction; new types of hints or instructions that the tutoring module can provide to the student; new question types that the student can ask, etc. Thus, it is necessary for the ITS structure, which is embedded in the IVET, to be enriched by these aspects, while keeping a clear, structured and well defined architecture. Most approaches to SM on ITSs and IVETs don’t consider a complete enough taxonomy of possible knowledge about the student. In addition, most of them have validity only in certain domains or they are hard to be adapted for different ITSs. In order to overcome these limitations, we have proposed, in the framework of this doctoral research project, a newStudentModeling mechanism that is based onOntological Engineering and inspired on pedagogical principles, with a wide and flexible data model about the student that facilitates its adaptation and extension to different ITSs and learning applications, as well as a rich diagnosis method with non-monotonic reasoning capacities. The diagnosis method is able to infer the state of the learning objectives encompassed by the ITS and, fromit, the student’s knowledge state during the student’s process of learning. The proposed student modelling approach has been implemented and integrated in a software agent (the student modeling agent) within an existing software platform for the development of IVETs called MAEVIF. This platform was designed to be easily configurable for different learning applications. The proposed student modeling has been implemented and it has been instantiated for two types of learning environments: one for learning to use the graphical user interface of a software application and a Virtual Environment for procedural training. In addition, a methodology to guide on the application of this student modeling approach to each specific system has been developed.


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Un nuevo sistema de gobernanza para afrontar los retos del siglo XXI en la educación universitaria en Perú basado en el modelo de análisis de políticas, surge de observar el efecto de la competencia en los mercados, de la distribución de los escasos recursos según productividad y rendimiento, y de la gestión ineficiente de las universidades ya que estos parámetros están cambiando los criterios de confianza y legitimidad del sistema universitario en Perú. Las universidades se perciben más como instituciones del sector público, mientras que los servicios que ofrecen deben más bien contribuir a la modernización de la sociedad emergente y a la economía del conocimiento. Las reformas universitarias- iniciadas en los años 80 - han estado inspiradas en las organizaciones universitarias exitosas que han logrado modificar su gobernanza y van dirigidas a transformar ciertas instituciones burocráticas en organizaciones capaces de desempeñar la función de actores en esta competición global por los recursos y los mejores talentos. En este contexto, la universidad peruana se enfrenta a dos grandes desafíos: el de adaptarse a las nuevas perspectivas mundiales, y el poder dar mejor respuesta a las demandas, necesidades y expectativas de la sociedad. Un cambio en el sistema de gobernanza para la educación superior universitaria dará una solución integral a estos desafíos permitiéndole enfrentar los problemas de la universidad para su desarrollo e inserción en las corrientes mundiales. La metodología planteada en la investigación es cualitativa parte del análisis de la realidad como un TODO, sin reducirlos a sus partes integrantes, con la interpretación de los hechos, buscando entender las variables que intervienen. Se propone una política para la educación universitaria en Perú que se permeabilice a la sociedad, cambiando el modelo de planificación de un modelo de reforma social a un modelo de análisis de políticas, donde el Estado Peruano actúe como único responsable de responder a la sociedad demandante como su representante legal, y con unos organismo externo e independiente que siente las bases de la práctica, como se está haciendo en muchos modelos universitarios del mundo. Esta investigación presenta una primera fase conceptual, que aborda la evolución histórica de las universidades en el Perú, analizando y clarificando las fuerzas impulsoras a través del tiempo y distinguir las principales líneas que le imprimen dirección y sentido a los cambios de una realidad educativa universitaria. Así mismo, en esta fase se hace un análisis de la situación actual de las universidades en el Perú para llegar a determinar en qué situación se encuentra y si está preparada para enfrentar los retos de la educación universitaria mundial, para esto se analizan los modelos universitarios de mayor prestigio en el mundo. El marco teórico anterior permite sentar, en una segunda fase de la investigación, las bases científicas del modelo que se propone: el modelo de planificación de análisis de políticas para el sistema universitario peruano. Este modelo de ámbito público propuesto para la educación universitaria peruana basa su estrategia en un modelo de planificación con un objetivo común: “Mejorar la calidad de la educación superior universitaria peruana con el fin de aumentar la empleabilidad y la movilidad de los ciudadanos así como la competitividad internacional de la educación universitaria en Perú”, y con unas líneas de acción concretadas en cuatro objetivos específicos: 1) competencias (genéricas y específicas de las áreas temáticas); 2) enfoques de enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación; 3) créditos académicos; 4) calidad de los programa. Así como los fundamentos metodológicos del modelo de análisis de políticas, utilizado como estructura política, teniendo en cuenta las características básicas del modelo: a) Planificación desde arriba; b) Se centra en la toma de decisiones; c) Separación entre conocimiento experto y decisión; d) El estudio de los resultados orienta el proceso decisor. Finalmente, se analiza una fase de validación del modelo propuesto para la educación superior universitaria peruana, con los avances ya realizados en Perú en temas de educación superior, como es, el actual contexto de la nueva Ley Universitaria N°30220 promulgada el 8 de julio de 2014, la creación del SUNEDU y la reorganización del SINEACE, que tienen como propósito atender la crisis universitaria centrada en tres ejes principales incluidos en la ley, considerados como bases para una reforma. Primero, el Estado asume la rectoría de las políticas educativas en todos los niveles educativos. El segundo aspecto consiste en instalar un mecanismo de regulación de la calidad que junto con la reestructuración de aquellos otros existentes debieran sentar las bases para que las familias y estudiantes tengan la garantía pública de que el servicio que se ofrece, sin importar sus características particulares, presenten un mínimo común de calidad y un tercer aspecto es que la ley se reafirma en que la universidad es un espacio de construcción de conocimiento basado en la investigación y la formación integral. Las finalidades, la estructura y organización, las formas de graduación, las características del cuerpo docente, la obligatoriedad por los estudios generales, etc., indican que la reflexión académica es el centro articulador de la vida universitaria. Esta validación también se ha confrontado con los resultados de las entrevistas cualitativas a juicio de experto que se han realizado a rectores de universidades públicas y privadas así como a rectores miembros de la ex ANR, miembros de organizaciones como CONCYTEC, IEP, CNE, CONEAU, ICACIT e investigadores en educación superior, con la finalidad de analizar la sostenibilidad del modelo propuesto en el tiempo. Los resultados evidencian, que en el sistema universitario peruano se puede implementar un cambio hacía un modelo de educación superior universitaria, con una política educativa que se base en un objetivo común claramente definido, un calendario para lograrlo y un conjunto objetivos específicos, con un cambio de estructura política de reforma social a un modelo de análisis de políticas. Así mismo se muestran los distintos aspectos que los interesados en la educación superior universitaria deben considerar, si se quiere ocupar un espacio en el futuro y si interesa que la universidad peruana pueda contribuir para que la sociedad se forje caminos posibles a través de una buena docencia que se refleje en su investigación, con alumnos internacionales, sobre todo, en los postgrados; con un investigación que se traduzca en publicaciones, patentes, etc., de impacto mundial, con relevancia en la sociedad porque contribuye a su desarrollo, concretándose en trabajos de muy diversos tipos, promovidos junto con empresas, gobiernos en sus diversos niveles, instituciones públicas o privadas, etc., para que aporten financiación a la universidad. ABSTRACT A new system of governance to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century university education in Peru based on the model of policy analysis, comes to observe the effect of market competition, distribution of scarce resources according to productivity and performance, and inefficient management of universities as these parameters are changing the criteria of trust and legitimacy of the university system in Peru. Universities are perceived more as public sector institutions, while the services provided should rather contribute to the modernization of society and the emerging knowledge economy. The-university reforms initiated in the 80s - have been inspired by successful university organizations that have succeeded in changing its governance and as attempting to transform certain bureaucratic institutions into organizations that act as actors in this global competition for resources and top talent. In this context, the Peruvian university faces two major challenges: to adapt to the new global outlook, and to better respond to the demands, needs and expectations of society. A change in the system of governance for university education give a comprehensive solution to address these challenges by allowing the problems of the university development and integration into global flows. The methodology proposed in this research is qualitative part of the analysis of reality as a whole, without reducing them to their constituent parts, with the interpretation of the facts, seeking to understand the variables involved. a policy for university education in Peru that permeabilizes society is proposed changing the planning model of a model of social reform a model of policy analysis, where the Peruvian State to act as the sole responsible for responding to the applicant as its legal representative, and with external and independent body that provides the basis of practice, as is being done in many university models in the world. This research presents an initial conceptual phase, which deals with the historical development of universities in Peru, analyzing and clarifying the driving forces over time and distinguish the main lines that give direction and meaning to changes in university educational reality. Also, at this stage an analysis of the current situation of universities in Peru is done to be able to determine what the situation is and whether it is prepared to meet the challenges of the global higher education, for this university models are analyzed most prestigious in the world. The above theoretical framework allows to lay in a second phase of research, the scientific basis of the model proposed: the planning model of policy analysis for the Peruvian university system. This proposed model of public sphere for the Peruvian college bases its strategy on a planning model with a common goal: "To improve the quality of the Peruvian university education in order to enhance the employability and mobility of citizens and the international competitiveness of higher education in Peru ", and lines of action materialized in four specific objectives: 1) competences (generic and specific subject areas); 2) approaches to teaching, learning and assessment; 3) credits; 4) quality of the program. As well as the methodological foundations of policy analysis model, used as political structure, taking into account the basic characteristics of the model: a) Planning from above; b) focuses on decision making; c) Separation between expertise and decision; d) The study of the results process guides the decision maker. Finally, a validation phase of the proposed Peruvian university higher education, with the progress already made in Peru on issues of higher education model is analyzed, as is the current context of the new University Law No. 30220 promulgated on July 8 2014, the creation of SUNEDU and reorganization of SINEACE, which are intended to serve the university crisis centered on three main areas included in the law, considered as the basis for reform. First, the State assumes the stewardship of education policies at all educational levels. The second aspect is to install a mechanism for regulating the quality along with the restructuring of those existing ones should lay the foundation for families and students to guarantee that public service is offered, regardless of their individual characteristics, are of common minimum quality and a third aspect is that the law reaffirms that the university is building a space of research-based knowledge and comprehensive training. The aims, structure and organization, forms of graduation, faculty characteristics, the requirement for the general studies, etc., indicate that the academic reflection is the coordinating center of university life. This validation has also been confronted with the results of qualitative interviews with expert judgment that has been made to directors of public and private universities as well as leading members of the former ANR members of organizations like CONCYTEC, IEP, CNE, CONEAU, ICACIT and researchers in higher education, in order to analyze the sustainability of the proposed model in time. The results show, that the Peruvian university system can implement a change to a model of university education, an educational policy based on clearly defined common goal, a timetable for achieving specific objectives set and, with a change social policy structure to a model of reform policy analysis. It also shows the various aspects that those interested in university education should consider, if you want to occupy a space in the future and if interested in the Peruvian university can contribute to society possible paths is forged through research good teaching, international students, especially in graduate programs; with research that results in publications, patents, etc., global impact, relevance to society because it contributes to their development taking shape in very different types of jobs, promoted with businesses, governments at various levels, public institutions or private, etc., to provide funding to the university.