9 resultados para Text-Encoding of Medieval Manuscripts

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Este trabajo presenta una propuesta de codificación morfosintáctica para corpus de referencia en lengua española basada en los estándares de la Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), The Network of European Reference Corpora (NERC) y The Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards (EAGLES) tal y como se presenta en (Martín de Santa Olalla, 1994). Presentamos también el trabajo de creación de etiquetador morfosintáctico que utiliza el conjunto de etiquetas que ésta contiene.


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In this paper, we consider a scenario where 3D scenes are modeled through a View+Depth representation. This representation is to be used at the rendering side to generate synthetic views for free viewpoint video. The encoding of both type of data (view and depth) is carried out using two H.264/AVC encoders. In this scenario we address the reduction of the encoding complexity of depth data. Firstly, an analysis of the Mode Decision and Motion Estimation processes has been conducted for both view and depth sequences, in order to capture the correlation between them. Taking advantage of this correlation, we propose a fast mode decision and motion estimation algorithm for the depth encoding. Results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the computational burden with a negligible loss in terms of quality of the rendered synthetic views. Quality measurements have been conducted using the Video Quality Metric.


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In this article we describe a method for automatically generating text summaries of data corresponding to traces of spatial movement in geographical areas. The method can help humans to understand large data streams, such as the amounts of GPS data recorded by a variety of sensors in mobile phones, cars, etc. We describe the knowledge representations we designed for our method and the main components of our method for generating the summaries: a discourse planner, an abstraction module and a text generator. We also present evaluation results that show the ability of our method to generate certain types of geospatial and temporal descriptions.


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Nondeterminism and partially instantiated data structures give logic programming expressive power beyond that of functional programming. However, functional programming often provides convenient syntactic features, such as having a designated implicit output argument, which allow function cali nesting and sometimes results in more compact code. Functional programming also sometimes allows a more direct encoding of lazy evaluation, with its ability to deal with infinite data structures. We present a syntactic functional extensión, used in the Ciao system, which can be implemented in ISO-standard Prolog systems and covers function application, predefined evaluable functors, functional definitions, quoting, and lazy evaluation. The extensión is also composable with higher-order features and can be combined with other extensions to ISO-Prolog such as constraints. We also highlight the features of the Ciao system which help implementation and present some data on the overhead of using lazy evaluation with respect to eager evaluation.


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Certain aspects of functional programming provide syntactic convenience, such as having a designated implicit output argument, which allows function cali nesting and sometimes results in more compact code. Functional programming also sometimes allows a more direct encoding of lazy evaluation, with its ability to deal with infinite data structures. We present a syntactic functional extensión of Prolog covering function application, predefined evaluable functors, functional definitions, quoting, and lazy evaluation. The extensión is also composable with higher-order features. We also highlight the Ciao features which help implementation and present some data on the overhead of using lazy evaluation with respect to eager evaluation.


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En el presente estudio de tesis doctoral analizamos un texto literario francés del siglo XVI en el que aparecen 217 juegos. Como valor añadido se trata de parte de un texto reconocido mundialmente por la Literatura Universal como es el Gargantua de François Rabelais. A tenor de la conocida y famosa definición de Gimnasia establecida por Francisco de Amorós y Ondeano allá por 1830 en su Manuel d'éducation physique, gymnastique et morale, uno de los objetos de estudio en nuestra ciencia es la relación de nuestros movimientos con nuestras costumbres. Para ello indudablemente debemos recurrir a todo tipo de fuentes, escritas, orales o de otro tipo, para analizarlas. “La gimnasia es la ciencia razonada de nuestros movimientos, de sus relaciones con nuestros sentidos, nuestra inteligencia, nuestros sentimientos, nuestras costumbres y el desarrollo de todas nuestras facultades...” Costumbres, tradición e historia, en definitiva, que se contrasta con los medios utilizados en su análisis, herramientas TIC como son librerías digitales, buscadores de textos y palabras. A través del análisis de textos de diversa índole hemos ido obteniendo datos sobre los juegos. Estas fuentes han sido novelas, diccionarios, enciclopedias y ensayos desde el siglo XIV hasta obras contemporáneas. Se ha realizado un análisis estadístico de estas fuentes lo que ha dado a este estudio otro valor añadido desde un punto de vista metodológico. El resultado del estudio se ha plasmado en una colección de fichas creadas a partir de un estudio comparativo de diferentes fichas de juegos de autores de relevancia. ABSTRACT Gymnastics is the reasoned science of our movements, of its relations with our senses, our intelligence, our feelings, our customs and the development of all our faculties… In accordance with the all known famous definition of Gymnastics that established Don Francisco de Amorós and Ondeano in 1830 in his Manuel d'éducation physique, gymnastique et morale, one of the objects of study in our science is the relation of our movements with our customs. For it doubtlessly we must resort to all type of sources, written, oral or of another type, to analyze them. In the present doctoral thesis study we analyzed a French literary text of the XVI th century in which they appear 217 games. As added value treats world-wide from a recognized text by Universal Literature as it is the Gargantua of François Rabelais. Customs, tradition and history, really, that are resisted with means used in its analysis, TIC tools as they are digital libraries and tools to seek texts and words. Through text analysis of diverse nature we have been collecting data on the games. These sources have been novels, dictionaries, encyclopedias and tests from century XIV to contemporary works. A statistical analysis of these sources has been made which has given to this study another value added from a methodological point of view. The result of the study has been resumed in index cards created from a comparative cards study from different relevant authors.


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Esta tesis se enmarca en el ámbito de la Historia de la Construcción, se estudia la Catedral de Ávila desde un punto de vista técnico, necesario para completar la visión que de esta catedral se tenía. La interpretación de la documentación de archivo, que se encontraba dispersa e inconexa, ha permitido realizar una cronología revisada y completa de las campañas constructivas para el conjunto de la Catedral, desde el siglo XI al XXI. Mediante el análisis de los Contratos de Obra e Informes, se ha puesto de relieve conocimientos de técnicas constructivas medievales. Se plantean dos hipótesis para el orden en el proceso constructivo. En la zona del Cimorro, en relación con la supresión de la tribuna, colocación de los arbotantes y construcción de la fortificación y triple almenado. En el cuerpo de las naves, referida a la posible existencia de una tribuna, colocación del sistema de contrarresto que vemos actualmente y misión del arco entibo del coro. Se ha analizado la estabilidad estructural de la Catedral bajo el marco teórico del Análisis Límite para Estructuras de Fábrica, utilizando la restitución gráfica procedente del levantamiento topográfico realizado. Estos análisis han servido como comprobación de las hipótesis planteadas, por realizarse tanto para la situación actual como para las diferentes campañas constructivas propuestas. Se ha comprobado la validez de las reglas geométricas tradicionales para el análisis de la estructuras de fábrica en los elementos principales de la estructura gótica. Esta tesis incrementa el conocimiento de la historia mecánica del edificio interpretando el funcionamiento mecánico de sus arbotantes, proyectados de forma atípica, y la colocación de los arcos entibo y codales para conseguir la estabilidad del conjunto. La tesis cuenta con un anexo que recopila una extensa documentación gráfica: planimetría, iconografía y fotografía histórica; la trascripción inédita del Contrato de obra para la Capilla de San Segundo y un anexo de cálculo de la zona del Cimorro y del Cuerpo de Naves. This thesis aims to the field of Construction History. The Cathedral of Ávila is studied from a technical point of view, which was necessary to complete the existing knowledge about this Cathedral. The interpretation of archive documentation, which was disperse and unconnected before this work, has allowed the proposal of a revised and complete chronology of the diverse building stages of the Cathedral, dating from the XI century to the XXI century. The analysis of work contracts and of reports has revealed knowledge of medieval construction techniques. Two hypotheses are presented about the order in the construction process. The first hypothesis concerning the destruction of the tribune, the placing of the flying buttress and the building of the fortification and triple system of battlement in the area of the “Cimorro”. The second hypothesis regarding the naves: the possible existence of a tribune, the placing of the system of counterthrust, which can currently be seen, and the function of the “entibo” arch in the choir. The Structural Stability of the Cathedral has been analysed within the theoretical Framework of Limit Analysis to Masonry Structure, by using of the drawing proceeding from our lifting topographical. These analyses have proven the presented hypotheses, since they have been applied to the current situation as well as to the several building stage proposed in the chronology. The validity of the traditional geometric rules for the analysis of the masonry structure in the core elements of Gothic structures has been verified. This thesis increases the knowledge of the mechanical history of the building by interpreting the mechanical working of the flying buttress in an atypical arrangement and the placing of the “entibo” arch and “codal” arch in order to obtain the stability of the monument. The thesis incorporates supplementary material which can be categorized in three groups: 1) extensive graphic documentation (planning, iconography and history photography); 2) the hitherto unknown transcription of the “CONTRATO DE OBRA PARA LA CAPILLA DE SAN SEGUNDO”; 3) an appendix of Analysis of Calculation for the “Cimorro” and the naves.


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Animal models and human functional imaging data implicate the dopamine system in mediating enhanced encoding of novel stimuli into human memory. A separate line of investigation suggests an association between a functional polymorphism in the promoter region for the human dopamine 4 receptor gene (DRD4) and sensitivity to novelty. We demonstrate, in two independent samples, that the -521Cmayor queT DRD4 promoter polymorphism determines the magnitude of human memory enhancement for contextually novel, perceptual oddball stimuli in an allele dose-dependent manner. The genotype-dependent memory enhancement conferred by the C allele is associated with increased neuronal responses during successful encoding of perceptual oddballs in the ventral striatum, an effect which is again allele dose-dependent. Furthermore, with repeated presentations of oddball stimuli, this memory advantage decreases, an effect mirrored by adaptation of activation in the hippocampus and substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area in C carriers only. Thus, a dynamic modulation of human memory enhancement for perceptually salient stimuli is associated with activation of a dopaminergic-hippocampal system, which is critically dependent on a functional polymorphism in the DRD4 promoter region.


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Esta tesis recoje un trabajo experimental centrado en profundizar sobre el conocimiento de los bloques detectores monolíticos como alternativa a los detectores segmentados para tomografía por emisión de positrones (Positron Emission Tomography, PET). El trabajo llevado a cabo incluye el desarrollo, la caracterización, la puesta a punto y la evaluación de prototipos demostradores PET utilizando bloques monolíticos de ortosilicato de lutecio ytrio dopado con cerio (Cerium-Doped Lutetium Yttrium Orthosilicate, LYSO:Ce) usando sensores compatibles con altos campos magnéticos, tanto fotodiodos de avalancha (Avalanche Photodiodes, APDs) como fotomultiplicadores de silicio (Silicon Photomultipliers, SiPMs). Los prototipos implementados con APDs se construyeron para estudiar la viabilidad de un prototipo PET de alta sensibilidad previamente simulado, denominado BrainPET. En esta memoria se describe y caracteriza la electrónica frontal integrada utilizada en estos prototipos junto con la electrónica de lectura desarrollada específicamente para los mismos. Se muestran los montajes experimentales para la obtención de las imágenes tomográficas PET y para el entrenamiento de los algoritmos de red neuronal utilizados para la estimación de las posiciones de incidencia de los fotones γ sobre la superficie de los bloques monolíticos. Con el prototipo BrainPET se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios de resolución energética (13 % FWHM), precisión espacial de los bloques monolíticos (~ 2 mm FWHM) y resolución espacial de la imagen PET de 1,5 - 1,7 mm FWHM. Además se demostró una capacidad resolutiva en la imagen PET de ~ 2 mm al adquirir simultáneamente imágenes de fuentes radiactivas separadas a distancias conocidas. Sin embargo, con este prototipo se detectaron también dos limitaciones importantes. En primer lugar, se constató una falta de flexibilidad a la hora de trabajar con un circuito integrado de aplicación específica (Application Specific Integrated Circuit, ASIC) cuyo diseño electrónico no era propio sino comercial, unido al elevado coste que requieren las modificaciones del diseño de un ASIC con tales características. Por otra parte, la caracterización final de la electrónica integrada del BrainPET mostró una resolución temporal con amplio margen de mejora (~ 13 ns FWHM). Tomando en cuenta estas limitaciones obtenidas con los prototipos BrainPET, junto con la evolución tecnológica hacia matrices de SiPM, el conocimiento adquirido con los bloques monolíticos se trasladó a la nueva tecnología de sensores disponible, los SiPMs. A su vez se inició una nueva estrategia para la electrónica frontal, con el ASIC FlexToT, un ASIC de diseño propio basado en un esquema de medida del tiempo sobre umbral (Time over Threshold, ToT), en donde la duración del pulso de salida es proporcional a la energía depositada. Una de las características más interesantes de este esquema es la posibilidad de manejar directamente señales de pulsos digitales, en lugar de procesar la amplitud de las señales analógicas. Con esta arquitectura electrónica se sustituyen los conversores analógicos digitales (Analog to Digital Converter, ADCs) por conversores de tiempo digitales (Time to Digital Converter, TDCs), pudiendo implementar éstos de forma sencilla en matrices de puertas programmable ‘in situ’ (Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA), reduciendo con ello el consumo y la complejidad del diseño. Se construyó un nuevo prototipo demostrador FlexToT para validar dicho ASIC para bloques monolíticos o segmentados. Se ha llevado a cabo el diseño y caracterización de la electrónica frontal necesaria para la lectura del ASIC FlexToT, evaluando su linealidad y rango dinámico, el comportamiento frente a ruido así como la no linealidad diferencial obtenida con los TDCs implementados en la FPGA. Además, la electrónica presentada en este trabajo es capaz de trabajar con altas tasas de actividad y de discriminar diferentes centelleadores para aplicaciones phoswich. El ASIC FlexToT proporciona una excelente resolución temporal en coincidencia para los eventos correspondientes con el fotopico de 511 keV (128 ps FWHM), solventando las limitaciones de resolución temporal del prototipo BrainPET. Por otra parte, la resolución energética con bloques monolíticos leidos por ASICs FlexToT proporciona una resolución energética de 15,4 % FWHM a 511 keV. Finalmente, se obtuvieron buenos resultados en la calidad de la imagen PET y en la capacidad resolutiva del demostrador FlexToT, proporcionando resoluciones espaciales en el centro del FoV en torno a 1,4 mm FWHM. ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on the development of experimental activities used to deepen the knowledge of monolithic detector blocks as an alternative to segmented detectors for Positron Emission Tomography (PET). It includes the development, characterization, setting up, running and evaluation of PET demonstrator prototypes with monolithic detector blocks of Cerium-doped Lutetium Yttrium Orthosilicate (LYSO:Ce) using magnetically compatible sensors such as Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) and Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). The prototypes implemented with APDs were constructed to validate the viability of a high-sensitivity PET prototype that had previously been simulated, denominated BrainPET. This work describes and characterizes the integrated front-end electronics used in these prototypes, as well as the electronic readout system developed especially for them. It shows the experimental set-ups to obtain the tomographic PET images and to train neural networks algorithms used for position estimation of photons impinging on the surface of monolithic blocks. Using the BrainPET prototype, satisfactory energy resolution (13 % FWHM), spatial precision of monolithic blocks (~ 2 mm FWHM) and spatial resolution of the PET image (1.5 – 1.7 mm FWHM) in the center of the Field of View (FoV) were obtained. Moreover, we proved the imaging capabilities of this demonstrator with extended sources, considering the acquisition of two simultaneous sources of 1 mm diameter placed at known distances. However, some important limitations were also detected with the BrainPET prototype. In the first place, it was confirmed that there was a lack of flexibility working with an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) whose electronic design was not own but commercial, along with the high cost required to modify an ASIC design with such features. Furthermore, the final characterization of the BrainPET ASIC showed a timing resolution with room for improvement (~ 13 ns FWHM). Taking into consideration the limitations obtained with the BrainPET prototype, along with the technological evolution in magnetically compatible devices, the knowledge acquired with the monolithic blocks were transferred to the new technology available, the SiPMs. Moreover, we opted for a new strategy in the front-end electronics, the FlexToT ASIC, an own design ASIC based on a Time over Threshold (ToT) scheme. One of the most interesting features underlying a ToT architecture is the encoding of the analog input signal amplitude information into the duration of the output signals, delivering directly digital pulses. The electronic architecture helps substitute the Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) for Time to Digital Converters (TDCs), and they are easily implemented in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), reducing the consumption and the complexity of the design. A new prototype demonstrator based on SiPMs was implemented to validate the FlexToT ASIC for monolithic or segmented blocks. The design and characterization of the necessary front-end electronic to read-out the signals from the ASIC was carried out by evaluating its linearity and dynamic range, its performance with an external noise signal, as well as the differential nonlinearity obtained with the TDCs implemented in the FPGA. Furthermore, the electronic presented in this work is capable of working at high count rates and discriminates different phoswich scintillators. The FlexToT ASIC provides an excellent coincidence time resolution for events that correspond to 511 keV photopeak (128 ps FWHM), resolving the limitations of the poor timing resolution of the BrainPET prototype. Furthermore, the energy resolution with monolithic blocks read by FlexToT ASICs provides an energy resolution of 15.4 % FWHM at 511 keV. Finally, good results were obtained in the quality of the PET image and the resolving power of the FlexToT demonstrator, providing spatial resolutions in the centre of the FoV at about 1.4 mm FWHM.