7 resultados para Terricabras, Josep Maria -- Intervius
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Este artículo presenta una aplicación del Sistema de Albañilería Integral (SAI), desarrollado en Europa bajo la marca “AllWall System” para muros de albañilería de ladrillo o bloque, cerámico o de hormigón, empleando sólo mortero. En este caso el sistema se modifica para adaptarlo al adobe y permitir la construcción de viviendas sismorresistentes en países en desarrollo.Cuando el relleno empleado es de adobe, es imposible transferir las tensiones de los refuerzos por adherencia de las barras debido a que estas estructuras carecen de mortero. Se hace necesario que las armaduras transmitan los esfuerzos entre sí. Las armaduras, en forma de cercha, se pueden cruzar en las tres direcciones del espacio, lo que permite la construcción de muros y forjados. De esta manera sólo se necesita un posterior relleno con bloques de adobe o el tablero del forjado para que el conjunto tenga la rigidez suficiente. Para verificar la seguridad de este nuevo tipo de edificación para su construcción en zonas sísmicas del tercer mundo, se ha ensayado a sismo un prototipo realizado con el sistema SAI con adobe, de 6x6x6 m y dos plantas a escala 1/2 en la PUCP (Pontificia Católica Universidad del Perú) de Lima en colaboración con la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Los resultados de este ensayo muestran que el SAI con adobe permanece estable sin grietas significativas ante un sismo severo de 130 mm de desplazamiento (equivalente a un sismo de 10º en la escala de Richter)
This paper presents the application of the Integral Masonry System (IMS) to the construction of earthquake resistant houses and its experimental study. To verify the security of this new type of building in seismic areas of the third world two prototypes have been tested, one with adobe and the other with hollow brick. In both cases it’s a two-story 6x6x6 m3 house built to scale 1/2. The tests are carried out at the Laboratory of Antiseismic Structures of the Department of Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in Lima, in collaboration with the UPM (Technical University of Madrid). This article shows the design process of the prototypes to test, including the sizing of the reinforcements, the characteristics of the tests and the results obtained. These results show that the IMS with adobe or brick remains stable with no significant cracks faced with a severe earthquake, with an estimated acceleration of 1.8 g. Este artículo presenta una aplicación del Sistema de Albañilería Integral (SAI) a la construcción de viviendas sismorresistentes y su estudio experimental. Para verificar su seguridad para su construcción en zonas sísmicas del tercer mundo se han ensayado dos prototipos, uno con adobe, y otro con ladrillo hueco. Se trata de una vivienda de 6x6x6 m3 y dos plantas que se construyen a escala 1/2. Los ensayos se realizaron en el Laboratorio de Estructuras Antisísmicas del Departamento de Ingeniería de la Pontificia Católica Universidad del Perú (PUCP) de Lima en colaboración con la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Este artículo muestra el proceso de diseño de los prototipos a ensayar, incluido el dimensionado de los refuerzos, las características de los ensayos y los resultados obtenidos. Estos resultados muestran que el SAI con adobe o ladrillo permanece estable sin grietas significativas ante un sismo severo, con una aceleración estimada de 1,8 g.
Madrid Arco Solar: MAS
New PV self-orientating roof based on a balanced movement
La casa black and white de la UPM: la casa que sigue al sol
Integral Masonry System consisting of intersecting steel trusses alo ng each of the three dimensional directions of space on walls and slabs using any masonry material, had yet been backed up by the previous adobe test for seismic areas. This paper presents the comparison this last test and the adaptation of the IMS using h ollow brick. A prototype based on a two storey model house (6mx6mx6m) has being also built in two different scales in order to maximize the load and size of the shake table: the first one half size the whole building (3mx3mx3m) and the second, a quarter of the real size (3mx3mx6m). Both tests have suffered some mild to moderate damages while supporting the higher seismic action subjected by the shake table, without even fissuring the first test and with very few damages the second one. The thickness of the hollow brick wall and the diameter of the tree - dimensional truss reinforcement were scaled to the real size test in order to ascertain its great structural behaviour in relation to the previous structural model calculations. The aim of this study is to sum marize the results of the research collaboration between the ETSAM - UPM and the PUCP in whose laboratory these tests were carried out.
Brick facades are a construction type, strongly linked to local construction characteristics and methods. In Spain, particularly in Castilla, the facades have been built since the '80s with Castilian half foot (11.5 cm), resting on the edge of slabs. The design of these facades, to horizontal loads from wind, depending on the codes used, can lead to completely different valid solutions. Applying same loads, the facades studied with current European standard (Eurocode 6), have a maximum length of 7.1 m between supports, while the Spanish code, Technical Building Code - Structural Safety Masonry, (CTE SE-F), 8.4 m can be achieved. This represents an increase of flexural strength, depending on the calculation model used, which can reach until 8 times. This is due to the difference of the calculation method and the structural model in one and another standard, depending on if this facade is analyzed as a vertical or horizontal beam or by formation of a vertical or horizontal archh. This paper analyzes the constructive solution of the brick facades that results from applying Spanish or European standards and how it affects the model applied in the safety of the resulting facade.