40 resultados para Technology-organization-environment
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
During the last decade, wind energy has been the fastest growing renewable source of energy worldwide. Limited sources of fossil fuel in addition to the negative effects of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment have led many countries to support development of renewable energies such as wind energy. Spain as the fourth biggest producer of wind energy plays an important global role in wind industry. In this paper, some important factors in the rapid growth of wind energy in Spain such as policy design, industry and technology, economic environment and social acceptance have been studied. The objective of this study is to introduce a model based on the successful development of wind energy in Spain which can be implemented by other countries
Background: Cognitive skills training for minimally invasive surgery has traditionally relied upon diverse tools, such as seminars or lectures. Web technologies for e-learning have been adopted to provide ubiquitous training and serve as structured repositories for the vast amount of laparoscopic video sources available. However, these technologies fail to offer such features as formative and summative evaluation, guided learning, or collaborative interaction between users. Methodology: The "TELMA" environment is presented as a new technology-enhanced learning platform that increases the user's experience using a four-pillared architecture: (1) an authoring tool for the creation of didactic contents; (2) a learning content and knowledge management system that incorporates a modular and scalable system to capture, catalogue, search, and retrieve multimedia content; (3) an evaluation module that provides learning feedback to users; and (4) a professional network for collaborative learning between users. Face validation of the environment and the authoring tool are presented. Results: Face validation of TELMA reveals the positive perception of surgeons regarding the implementation of TELMA and their willingness to use it as a cognitive skills training tool. Preliminary validation data also reflect the importance of providing an easy-to-use, functional authoring tool to create didactic content. Conclusion: The TELMA environment is currently installed and used at the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre and several other Spanish hospitals. Face validation results ascertain the acceptance and usefulness of this new minimally invasive surgery training environment.
In order to establish an active internal know-how -reserve~ in an information processing and engineering services . company, a training architecture tailored to the company as an whole must be defined. When a company' s earnings come from . advisory services dynamically structured i.n the form of projects, as is the case at hand, difficulties arise that must be taken into account in the architectural design. The first difficulties are of a psychological nature and the design method proposed here begjns wi th the definition of the highest training metasystem, which is aimed at making adjustments for the variety of perceptions of the company's human components, before the architecture can be designed. This approach may be considered as an application of the cybernetic Law of Requisita Variety (Ashby) and of the Principle of Conceptual Integrity (Brooks) . Also included is a description of sorne of the results of the first steps of metasystems at the level of company organization.
This document is the result of a process of web development to create a tool that will allow to Cracow University of Technology consult, create and manage timetables. The technologies chosen for this purpose are Apache Tomcat Server, My SQL Community Server, JDBC driver, Java Servlets and JSPs for the server side. The client part counts on Javascript, jQuery, AJAX and CSS technologies to perform the dynamism. The document will justify the choice of these technologies and will explain some development tools that help in the integration and development of all this elements: specifically, NetBeans IDE and MySQL workbench have been used as helpful tools. After explaining all the elements involved in the development of the web application, the architecture and the code developed are explained through UML diagrams. Some implementation details related to security are also deeper explained through sequence diagrams. As the source code of the application is provided, an installation manual has been developed to run the project. In addition, as the platform is intended to be a beta that will be grown, some unimplemented ideas for future development are also exposed. Finally, some annexes with important files and scripts related to the initiation of the platform are attached. This project started through an existing tool that needed to be expanded. The main purpose of the project along its development has focused on setting the roots for a whole new platform that will replace the existing one. For this goal, it has been needed to make a deep inspection on the existing web technologies: a web server and a SQL database had to be chosen. Although the alternatives were a lot, Java technology for the server was finally selected because of the big community backwards, the easiness of modelling the language through UML diagrams and the fact of being free license software. Apache Tomcat is the open source server that can use Java Servlet and JSP technology. Related to the SQL database, MySQL Community Server is the most popular open-source SQL Server, with a big community after and quite a lot of tools to manage the server. JDBC is the driver needed to put in contact Java and MySQL. Once we chose the technologies that would be part of the platform, the development process started. After a detailed explanation of the development environment installation, we used UML use case diagrams to set the main tasks of the platform; UML class diagrams served to establish the existing relations between the classes generated; the architecture of the platform was represented through UML deployment diagrams; and Enhanced entity–relationship (EER) model were used to define the tables of the database and their relationships. Apart from the previous diagrams, some implementation issues were explained to make a better understanding of the developed code - UML sequence diagrams helped to explain this. Once the whole platform was properly defined and developed, the performance of the application has been shown: it has been proved that with the current state of the code, the platform covers the use cases that were set as the main target. Nevertheless, some requisites needed for the proper working of the platform have been specified. As the project is aimed to be grown, some ideas that could not be added to this beta have been explained in order not to be missed for future development. Finally, some annexes containing important configuration issues for the platform have been added after proper explanation, as well as an installation guide that will let a new developer get the project ready. In addition to this document some other files related to the project are provided: - Javadoc. The Javadoc containing the information of every Java class created is necessary for a better understanding of the source code. - database_model.mwb. This file contains the model of the database for MySQL Workbench. This model allows, among other things, generate the MySQL script for the creation of the tables. - ScheduleManager.war. The WAR file that will allow loading the developed application into Tomcat Server without using NetBeans. - ScheduleManager.zip. The source code exported from NetBeans project containing all Java packages, JSPs, Javascript files and CSS files that are part of the platform. - config.properties. The configuration file to properly get the names and credentials to use the database, also explained in Annex II. Example of config.properties file. - db_init_script.sql. The SQL query to initiate the database explained in Annex III. SQL statements for MySQL initialization. RESUMEN. Este proyecto tiene como punto de partida la necesidad de evolución de una herramienta web existente. El propósito principal del proyecto durante su desarrollo se ha centrado en establecer las bases de una completamente nueva plataforma que reemplazará a la existente. Para lograr esto, ha sido necesario realizar una profunda inspección en las tecnologías web existentes: un servidor web y una base de datos SQL debían ser elegidos. Aunque existen muchas alternativas, la tecnología Java ha resultado ser elegida debido a la gran comunidad de desarrolladores que tiene detrás, además de la facilidad que proporciona este lenguaje a la hora de modelarlo usando diagramas UML. Tampoco hay que olvidar que es una tecnología de uso libre de licencia. Apache Tomcat es el servidor de código libre que permite emplear Java Servlets y JSPs para hacer uso de la tecnología de Java. Respecto a la base de datos SQL, el servidor más popular de código libre es MySQL, y cuenta también con una gran comunidad detrás y buenas herramientas de modelado, creación y gestión de la bases de datos. JDBC es el driver que va a permitir comunicar las aplicaciones Java con MySQL. Tras elegir las tecnologías que formarían parte de esta nueva plataforma, el proceso de desarrollo tiene comienzo. Tras una extensa explicación de la instalación del entorno de desarrollo, se han usado diagramas de caso de UML para establecer cuáles son los objetivos principales de la plataforma; los diagramas de clases nos permiten realizar una organización del código java desarrollado de modo que sean fácilmente entendibles las relaciones entre las diferentes clases. La arquitectura de la plataforma queda definida a través de diagramas de despliegue. Por último, diagramas EER van a definir las relaciones entre las tablas creadas en la base de datos. Aparte de estos diagramas, algunos detalles de implementación se van a justificar para tener una mejor comprensión del código desarrollado. Diagramas de secuencia ayudarán en estas explicaciones. Una vez que toda la plataforma haya quedad debidamente definida y desarrollada, se va a realizar una demostración de la misma: se demostrará cómo los objetivos generales han sido alcanzados con el desarrollo actual del proyecto. No obstante, algunos requisitos han sido aclarados para que la plataforma trabaje adecuadamente. Como la intención del proyecto es crecer (no es una versión final), algunas ideas que se han podido llevar acabo han quedado descritas de manera que no se pierdan. Por último, algunos anexos que contienen información importante acerca de la plataforma se han añadido tras la correspondiente explicación de su utilidad, así como una guía de instalación que va a permitir a un nuevo desarrollador tener el proyecto preparado. Junto a este documento, ficheros conteniendo el proyecto desarrollado quedan adjuntos. Estos ficheros son: - Documentación Javadoc. Contiene la información de las clases Java que han sido creadas. - database_model.mwb. Este fichero contiene el modelo de la base de datos para MySQL Workbench. Esto permite, entre otras cosas, generar el script de iniciación de la base de datos para la creación de las tablas. - ScheduleManager.war. El fichero WAR que permite desplegar la plataforma en un servidor Apache Tomcat. - ScheduleManager.zip. El código fuente exportado directamente del proyecto de Netbeans. Contiene todos los paquetes de Java generados, ficheros JSPs, Javascript y CSS que forman parte de la plataforma. - config.properties. Ejemplo del fichero de configuración que permite obtener los nombres de la base de datos - db_init_script.sql. Las consultas SQL necesarias para la creación de la base de datos.
From research groups at the universities of developed countries there is a growing interest in providing solutions to problems of developing countries. In this context we have studied typical problems in many (educational) institutions, such as the lack of technicians who repair the computers, the administration of the machines, and also the difficulty to maintain and configure the old hardware available due to the variety of characteristics of the different machines and the amount of hardware breakdowns and software issues (viruses, administration issues) that the local staff has to face up to with their equipments. We propose a thin client approach that takes into account the human, hardware and software characteristics of developing institutions to provide a complete service for a computer network. The network administration is reduced to the administration of one server only. The maintenance of the machines is simplified and old computers can simulate the running of a powerful computer. Our proposal results in a cheap, simple (from the support point of view) and powerful (in terms of achieved functionalities) design.
La Tesis Doctoral nace con una intensa vocación pedagógica. La hipótesis de trabajo se establece en torno a una cuestión de interés personal, un tema sobre el que se vertebran, desde el comienzo del doctorado, los diferentes cursos y trabajos de investigación: LA CASA DOMÍNGUEZ como paradigma de la dialéctica en la obra de Alejandro de la Sota. La clasificación de la realidad en categorías antagónicas determina un orden conceptual polarizado, una red de filiaciones excluyentes sobre las que Sota construye su personal protocolo operativo: la arquitectura intelectual o popular, experimental o tradicional, universal o local, ligera o pesada, elevada o enterrada, etc. Se propone el abordaje de una cuestión latente en el conjunto de la obra ‘sotiana’, desde la disección y el análisis de una de sus obras más pequeñas: la casa Domínguez. Se trata de una organización sin precedentes, que eleva la estrategia dialéctica al paroxismo: la vivienda se separa en dos estratos independientes, la zona de día, elevada, y la zona de noche, enterrada; cada uno de los estratos establece su propio orden geométrico y constructivo, su propio lenguaje y carácter, su propia identidad e incluso su propio presupuesto. Las relaciones entre interior y exterior se especializan en función de la actividad o el reposo, estableciéndose una compleja red de relaciones, algunas evidentes y otras celosamente veladas, entre los diferentes niveles. La estancia destinada a las tareas activas se proyecta como un objeto de armazón ligero y piel fría; la precisa geometría del cubo delimita la estancia vigilante sobre el paisaje conquistado. La ladera habitada se destina al reposo y se configura como una topografía verde bajo la que se desarrollan los dormitorios en torno a patios, grietas y lucernarios, generando un paisaje propio: la construcción del objeto frente a la construcción del lugar La casa Domínguez constituye uno de los proyectos menos estudiados, y por lo tanto menos celebrados, de la obra de Don Alejandro. Las publicaciones sucesivas reproducen la documentación gráfica junto a la memoria (epopeya) que el propio Sota compone para la publicación del proyecto. Apenas un par de breves textos críticos de Miguel Ángel Baldellou y, recientemente de Moisés Puente, abordan la vivienda como tema monográfico. Sin embargo, la producción de proyecto y obra ocupó a De la Sota un periodo no inferior a diez años, con casi cien planos dibujados para dos versiones de proyecto, la primera de ellas, inédita. El empeño por determinar hasta el último detalle de la ‘pequeña’ obra, conduce a Sota a controlar incluso el mobiliario interior, como hiciera en otras obras ‘importantes’ como el Gobierno Civil de Tarragona, el colegio mayor César Carlos o el edificio de Correos y Telecomunicaciones de León. La complicidad del cliente, mantenida durante casi cuarenta años, habilita el despliegue de una importante colección de recursos y herramientas de proyecto. La elección de la casa Domínguez como tema central de la tesis persigue por lo tanto un triple objetivo: en primer lugar, el abordaje del proyecto como paradigma de la dialéctica ‘sotiana’, analizando la coherencia entre el discurso de carácter heroico y la obra finalmente construida; en segundo lugar, la investigación rigurosa, de corte científico, desde la disección y progresivo desmontaje del objeto arquitectónico; y por último, la reflexión sobre los temas y dispositivos de proyecto que codifican la identificación entre la acción de construir y el hecho de habitar, registrando los aciertos y valorando con actitud crítica aquellos elementos poco coherentes con el orden interno de la propuesta. This doctoral thesis is the fruit of a profound pedagogical vocation. The central hypothesis was inspired by a question of great personal interest, and this interest has, since the very beginning of the doctorate, been the driving force behind all subsequent lines of research and investigation. The “Casa Domínguez” represents a paradigm of the dialectics found in the work of Alejandro de la Sota. The perception of reality as antagonistic categories determines a polarized conceptual order, a network of mutually excluding associations upon which Sota builds his own personal operative protocol: intellectual or popular architecture, experimental or traditional, universal or local, heavy or light, above or below ground, etc. Through the analysis and dissection of the “Casa Domínguez”, one of Sota’s smallest projects, an attempt is made to approach the underlying question posed in “Sotian” work as a whole. This is about organization without precedent, raising the strategic dialectics to levels of paroxysm. The house is divided into two separate levels, the day-time level above ground, and the lower night-time level beneath the surface of the ground. Each level has its own geometrical and stuctural order, its own language and character, its own identity and even has its own construction budget. The interaction between the two areas is centered on the two functions of rest and activity, and this in turn establishes a complex relationship network between both, which is sometimes self-evident, but at other times jealously guarded. The living area designed for daily activity is presented as an object of light structure and delicate skin; the precise geometry of the cube delimiting the ever watchful living area’s domain over the land it has conquered. A green topography is created on the slope below which lies an area adapted for rest and relaxation. Two bedrooms, built around patios, skylights and light crevices, generate an entirely independent environment: the construction of an object as opposed to the creation of a landscape. The “Casa Domínguez” project has been subject to much less scrutiny and examination than Don Alejandro’s other works, and is consequently less well-known. A succession of journals have printed the blueprint document together with a poetic description (epopee), composed by Sota himself, to mark the project’s publication. There has, however, scarcely been more than two brief critical appraisals, those by Miguel Ángel Baldellou and more recently by Moisés Puente, that have regarded the project as a monographic work. The project and works nevertheless occupied no less than ten years of De La Sota’s life, with over a hundred draft drawings for two separate versions of the project, the first of which remains unpublished. The sheer determination to design this “small” work in the most meticulous detail, drove Sota to manage and select its interior furniture, as indeed he had previously done with more “important” works like the Tarragona Civil Government, César Carlos College, or the Post Office telecommunications building in León. Client collaboration, maintained over a period of almost forty years, has facilitated an impressive array of the project’s tools and resources. The choice of “Casa Domínguez” as the central subject matter of this thesis, was made in pursuance of a triple objective: firstly, to approach the project as a paradigm of the “Sotian” dialectic, the analysis of the discourse between the heroic character and the finished building; secondly, a rigorous scientific investigation, and progressive disassembling and dissecting of the architectonic object; and finally, a reflection on aspects of the project and its technology which codify the identification between the action of construction and the reality of living, thus marking its achievements, whilst at the same time subjecting incoherent elements of the proposal’s established order to a critical evaluation.
Knowledge management is critical for the success of virtual communities, especially in the case of distributed working groups. A representative example of this scenario is the distributed software development, where it is necessary an optimal coordination to avoid common problems such as duplicated work. In this paper the feasibility of using the workflow technology as a knowledge management system is discussed, and a practical use case is presented. This use case is an information system that has been deployed within a banking environment. It combines common workflow technology with a new conception of the interaction among participants through the extension of existing definition languages.
Cultural content on the Web is available in various domains (cultural objects, datasets, geospatial data, moving images, scholarly texts and visual resources), concerns various topics, is written in different languages, targeted to both laymen and experts, and provided by different communities (libraries, archives museums and information industry) and individuals (Figure 1). The integration of information technologies and cultural heritage content on the Web is expected to have an impact on everyday life from the point of view of institutions, communities and individuals. In particular, collaborative environment scan recreate 3D navigable worlds that can offer new insights into our cultural heritage (Chan 2007). However, the main barrier is to find and relate cultural heritage information by end-users of cultural contents, as well as by organisations and communities managing and producing them. In this paper, we explore several visualisation techniques for supporting cultural interfaces, where the role of metadata is essential for supporting the search and communication among end-users (Figure 2). A conceptual framework was developed to integrate the data, purpose, technology, impact, and form components of a collaborative environment, Our preliminary results show that collaborative environments can help with cultural heritage information sharing and communication tasks because of the way in which they provide a visual context to end-users. They can be regarded as distributed virtual reality systems that offer graphically realised, potentially infinite, digital information landscapes. Moreover, collaborative environments also provide a new way of interaction between an end-user and a cultural heritage data set. Finally, the visualisation of metadata of a dataset plays an important role in helping end-users in their search for heritage contents on the Web.
decade has raised the interest among the research community on the acceptance and use of these systems by both teachers and students. At first, the implementation of LMS was based on their technical design and the adaptation of the learning processes to the virtual environment, neglecting students’ characteristics when the systems were deployed, which led to expensive and failing implementations. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) proposes a framework which allows the study of the acceptance and use of technology that takes into consideration the students’ characteristics and how they affect the acceptance and the degree of use of educational technology. This study questions the role of the user’s attitude towards use of LMS and uses the UTAUT to examine the moderating effect of technological culture in the adoption of LMS in Spain. The results from the comparison and analysis of three different models confirm the relevance of attitude towards use as an antecedent of intention to use the system, as well as the important moderating effect of gender and technological culture. The discussion of results suggests the need for a more in-depth analysis and interrelations of cultural dimensions in the adoption of educational technologies and learning management systems
The main objective of this course, conducted by Jóvenes Nucleares (Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE) is to pass on basic knowledge about Science and Nuclear Technology to the general public, mostly students and introduce them to its most relevant points. The purposes of this course are to provide general information, to answer the most common questions about Nuclear Energy and to motivate the young students to start a career in nuclear. Therefore, it is directed mainly to high school and university students, but also to general people that wants to learn about the key issues of such an important matter in our society. Anybody could attend the course, as no specific scientific education is required. The course is done at least once a year, during the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, which takes place in a different Spanish city each time. The course is done also to whichever university or institution that asks for it to JJNN, with the only limit of the presenter´s availability. The course is divided into the following chapters: Physical nuclear and radiation principles, Nuclear power plants, Nuclear safety, Nuclear fuel, Radioactive waste, Decommission of nuclear facilities, Future nuclear power plants, Other uses of nuclear technology, Nuclear energy, climate change and sustainable development. The course is divided into 15 minutes lessons on the above topics, imparted by young professionals, experts in the field that belongs either to the Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, either to companies and institutions related with nuclear energy. At the end of the course, a 200 pages book with the contents of the course is handed to every member of the audience. This book is also distributed in other course editions at high schools and universities in order to promote the scientific dissemination of the Nuclear Technology. As an extra motivation, JJNN delivers a course certificate to the assistants. At the end of the last edition course, in Santiago de Compostela, the assistants were asked to provide a feedback about it. Some really interesting lessons were learned, that will be very useful to improve next editions of the course. As a general conclusion of the courses it can be said that many of the students that have assisted to the course have increased their motivation in the nuclear field, and hopefully it will help the young talents to choose the nuclear field to develop their careers
En los años recientes se ha producido un rápido crecimiento del comercio internacional en productos semielaborados que son diseñados, producidos y ensamblados en diferentes localizaciones a lo largo de diferentes países, debido principalmente a los siguientes motivos: el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información, la reducción de los costes de transporte, la liberalización de los mercados de capitales, la armonización de factores institucionales, la integración económica regional que implica la reducción y la eliminación de las barreras al comercio, el desarrollo económico de los países emergentes, el uso de economías de escala, así como una desregulación del comercio internacional. Todo ello ha incrementado la competencia a nivel mundial en los mercados y ha posibilitado a las compañías tener más facilidad de acceso a potenciales mercados, así como a la adquisición de capacidades y conocimientos en otros países y a la realización de alianzas estratégicas internacionales con terceros, creando un entorno con mayor incertidumbre y más exigente para las compañías que componen una industria, y que tiene consecuencias directas en las operaciones de las compañías y en la organización de su producción. Las compañías, para adaptarse, ser competitivas y beneficiarse de este nuevo escenario globalizado y más competitivo, han externalizado partes del proceso productivo hacia proveedores especializados, creando un nuevo mercado intermedio que divide el proceso productivo, anteriormente integrado en las compañías que conforman una industria, entre dos conjuntos de empresas especializadas en esa industria. Dicho proceso suele ocurrir conservando la industria en que tiene lugar, los mismos servicios y productos, la tecnología empleada y las compañías originales que la conformaban previamente a la desintegración vertical. Todo ello es así debido a que es beneficioso tanto para las compañías originales de la industria como para las nuevas compañías de este mercado intermedio por diversos motivos. La desintegración vertical en una industria tiene unas consecuencias que la transforman completamente, así como la forma de operar de las compañías que la integran, incluso para aquellas que permanecen verticalmente integradas. Una de las características más importantes de esta desintegración vertical en una industria es la posibilidad que tiene una compañía de adquirir a una tercera la primera parte del proceso productivo o un bien semielaborado, que posteriormente será finalizado por la compañía adquiriente con la práctica del outsourcing; así mismo, una compañía puede realizar la primera parte del proceso productivo o un bien semielaborado, que posteriormente será finalizado por una tercera compañía con la práctica de la fragmentación. El principal objetivo de la presente investigación es el estudio de los motivos, los facilitadores, los efectos, las consecuencias y los principales factores significativos, microeconómicos y macroeconómicos, que desencadenan o incrementan la práctica de la desintegración vertical en una industria; para ello, la investigación se divide en dos líneas completamente diferenciadas: el estudio de la práctica del outsourcing y, por otro lado, el estudio de la fragmentación por parte de las compañías que componen la industria del automóvil en España, puesto que se trata de una de las industrias más desintegradas verticalmente y fragmentadas, y este sector posee una gran importancia en la economía del país. En primer lugar, se hace una revisión de la literatura existente relativa a los siguientes aspectos: desintegración vertical, outsourcing, fragmentación, teoría del comercio internacional, historia de la industria del automóvil en España y el uso de las aglomeraciones geográficas y las tecnologías de la información en el sector del automóvil. La metodología empleada en cada uno de ellos ha sido diferente en función de la disponibilidad de los datos y del enfoque de investigación: los factores microeconómicos, utilizando el outsourcing, y los factores macroeconómicos, empleando la fragmentación. En el estudio del outsourcing, se usa un índice basado en las compras externas sobre el valor total de la producción. Así mismo, se estudia su correlación y significación con las variables económicas más importantes que definen a una compañía del sector del automóvil, utilizando la técnica estadística de regresión lineal. Aquellas variables relacionadas con la competencia en el mercado, la externalización de las actividades de menor valor añadido y el incremento de la modularización de las actividades de la cadena de valor, han resultado significativas con la práctica del outsourcing. En el estudio de la fragmentación se seleccionan un conjunto de factores macroeconómicos, comúnmente usados en este tipo de investigaciones, relacionados con las principales magnitudes económicas de un país, y un conjunto de factores macroeconómicos, no comúnmente usados en este tipo de investigaciones, relacionados con la libertad económica y el comercio internacional de un país. Se emplea un modelo de regresión logística para identificar qué factores son significativos en la práctica de la fragmentación. De entre todos los factores usados en el modelo, los relacionados con las economías de escala y los costes de servicio han resultado significativos. Los resultados obtenidos de los test estadísticos realizados en el modelo de regresión logística han resultado satisfactorios; por ello, el modelo propuesto de regresión logística puede ser considerado sólido, fiable y versátil; además, acorde con la realidad. De los resultados obtenidos en el estudio del outsourcing y de la fragmentación, combinados conjuntamente con el estado del arte, se concluye que el principal factor que desencadena la desintegración vertical en la industria del automóvil es la competencia en el mercado de vehículos. Cuanto mayor es la demanda de vehículos, más se reducen los beneficios y la rentabilidad para sus fabricantes. Estos, para ser competitivos, diferencian sus productos de la competencia centrándose en las actividades que mayor valor añadido aportan al producto final, externalizando las actividades de menor valor añadido a proveedores especializados, e incrementando la modularidad de las actividades de la cadena de valor. Las compañías de la industria del automóvil se especializan en alguna o varias de estas actividades modularizadas que, combinadas con el uso de factores facilitadores como las economías de escala, las tecnologías de la información, las ventajas de la globalización económica y la aglomeración geográfica de una industria, incrementan y motivan la desintegración vertical en la industria del automóvil, desencadenando la coespecialización en dos sectores claramente diferenciados: el sector de fabricantes de vehículos y el sector de proveedores especializados. Cada uno de ellos se especializa en unas actividades y en unos productos o servicios específicos de la cadena de valor, lo cual genera las siguientes consecuencias en la industria del automóvil: se reducen los costes de transacción en los productos o servicios intercambiados; se incrementan la relación de dependencia entre fabricantes de vehículos y proveedores especializados, provocando un aumento en la cooperación y la coordinación, acelerando el proceso de aprendizaje, posibilitando a ambos adquirir nuevas capacidades, conocimientos y recursos, y creando nuevas ventajas competitivas para ambos; por último, las barreras de entrada a la industria del automóvil y el número de compañías se ven alteradas cambiando su estructura. Como futura línea de investigación, los fabricantes de vehículos tenderán a centrarse en investigar, diseñar y comercializar el producto o servicio, delegando el ensamblaje en manos de nuevos especialistas en la materia, el contract manufacturer; por ello, sería conveniente investigar qué factores motivantes o facilitadores existen y qué consecuencias tendría la implantación de los contract manufacturer en la industria del automóvil. 1.1. ABSTRACT In recent years there has been a rapid growth of international trade in semi-finished products designed, produced and assembled in different locations across different countries, mainly due to the following reasons: development of information technologies, reduction of transportation costs, liberalisation of capital markets, harmonisation of institutional factors, regional economic integration, which involves the reduction and elimination of trade barriers, economic development of emerging countries, use of economies of scale and deregulation of international trade. All these factors have increased competition in markets at a global level and have allowed companies to gain easier access to potential markets and to the acquisition of skills and knowledge in other countries, as well as to the completion of international strategic alliances with third parties, thus creating a more demanding and uncertain environment for these companies constituting an industry, which has a direct impact on the companies' operations and the organization of their production. In order to adapt, be competitive and benefit from this new and more competitive global scenario, companies have outsourced some parts of their production process to specialist suppliers, generating a new intermediate market which divides the production process, previously integrated in the companies that made up the industry, into two sets of companies specialized in that industry. This process often occurs while preserving the industry where it takes place, its same services and products, the technology used and the original companies that formed it prior to vertical disintegration. This is because it is beneficial for both the industry's original companies and the companies belonging to this new intermediate market, for various reasons. Vertical disintegration has consequences which completely transform the industry where it takes place as well as the modus operandi of the companies that are part of it, even of those who remain vertically integrated. One of the most important features of vertical disintegration of an industry is the possibility for a company to acquire from a third one the first part of the production process or a semi-finished product, which will then be finished by the acquiring company through the practice of outsourcing; also, a company can perform the first part of the production process or a semi-finish product, which will then be completed by a third company through the practice of fragmentation. The main objective of this research is to study the motives, facilitators, effects, consequences and major significant microeconomic and macroeconomic factors that trigger or increase the practice of vertical disintegration in a certain industry; in order to do so, research is divided into two completely differentiated lines: on the one hand, the study of the practise of outsourcing and, on the other, the study of fragmentation by companies constituting the automotive industry in Spain, since this is one of the most vertically disintegrated and fragmented industries and this particular sector is of major significance in this country's economy. First, a review is made of the existing literature, on the following aspects: vertical disintegration, outsourcing, fragmentation, international trade theory, history of the automobile industry in Spain and the use of geographical agglomeration and information technologies in the automotive sector. The methodology used for each of these aspects has been different depending on the availability of data and the research approach: the microeconomic factors, using outsourcing, and the macroeconomic factors, using fragmentation. In the study on outsourcing, an index is used based on external purchases in relation to the total value of production. Likewise, their significance and correlation with the major economic variables that define an automotive company are studied, using the statistical technique of linear regression. Variables related to market competition, outsourcing of lowest value-added activities and increased modularisation of the activities of the value chain have turned out to be significant with the practice of outsourcing. In the study of fragmentation, a set of macroeconomic factors commonly used for this type of research, is selected, related to the main economic indicators of a country, as well as a set of macroeconomic factors, not commonly used for this type of research, which are related to economic freedom and the international trade of a certain country. A logistic regression model is used to identify which factors are significant in the practice of fragmentation. Amongst all factors used in the model, those related to economies of scale and service costs have turned out to be significant. The results obtained from the statistical tests performed on the logistic regression model have been successful; hence, the suggested logistic regression model can be considered to be solid, reliable and versatile; likewise, it is in line with reality. From the results obtained in the study of outsourcing and fragmentation, combined with the state of the art, it is concluded that the main factor that triggers vertical disintegration in the automotive industry is competition within the vehicle market. The greater the vehicle demand, the lower the earnings and profitability for manufacturers. These, in order to be competitive, differentiate their products from the competition by focusing on those activities that contribute with the highest added value to the final product, outsourcing the lower valueadded activities to specialist suppliers, and increasing the modularity of the activities of the value chain. Companies in the automotive industry specialize in one or more of these modularised activities which, combined with the use of enabling factors such as economies of scale, information technologies, the advantages of economic globalisation and the geographical agglomeration of an industry, increase and encourage vertical disintegration in the automotive industry, triggering co-specialization in two clearly distinct sectors: the sector of vehicle manufacturers and the specialist suppliers sector. Each of them specializes in certain activities and specific products or services of the value chain, generating the following consequences in the automotive industry: reduction of transaction costs of the goods or services exchanged; growth of the relationship of dependency between vehicle manufacturers and specialist suppliers, which causes an increase in cooperation and coordination, accelerates the learning process, enables both to acquire new skills, knowledge and resources, and creates new competitive advantages for both; finally, barriers to entry the automotive industry and the number of companies are altered, changing their structure. As a future line of research, vehicle manufacturers will tend to focus on researching, designing and marketing the product or service, delegating the assembly in the hands of new specialists in the field, the contract manufacturer; for this reason, it would be useful to investigate what motivating or facilitating factors exist in this respect and what consequences would the implementation of contract manufacturers have in the automotive industry.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) prevé que para el año 2020, el Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) estará entre las 10 causas más comunes de discapacidad. Estas lesiones, dadas sus consecuencias físicas, sensoriales, cognitivas, emocionales y socioeconómicas, cambian dramáticamente la vida de los pacientes y sus familias. Las nuevas técnicas de intervención precoz y el desarrollo de la medicina intensiva en la atención al DCA han mejorado notablemente la probabilidad de supervivencia. Sin embargo, hoy por hoy, las lesiones cerebrales no tienen ningún tratamiento quirúrgico que tenga por objetivo restablecer la funcionalidad perdida, sino que las terapias rehabilitadoras se dirigen hacia la compensación de los déficits producidos. Uno de los objetivos principales de la neurorrehabilitación es, por tanto, dotar al paciente de la capacidad necesaria para ejecutar las Actividades de Vida Diaria (AVDs) necesarias para desarrollar una vida independiente, siendo fundamentales aquellas en las que la Extremidad Superior (ES) está directamente implicada, dada su gran importancia a la hora de la manipulación de objetos. Con la incorporación de nuevas soluciones tecnológicas al proceso de neurorrehabilitación se pretende alcanzar un nuevo paradigma centrado en ofrecer una práctica personalizada, monitorizada y ubicua con una valoración continua de la eficacia y de la eficiencia de los procedimientos y con capacidad de generar conocimientos que impulsen la ruptura del paradigma de actual. Los nuevos objetivos consistirán en minimizar el impacto de las enfermedades que afectan a la capacidad funcional de las personas, disminuir el tiempo de incapacidad y permitir una gestión más eficiente de los recursos. Estos objetivos clínicos, de gran impacto socio-económico, sólo pueden alcanzarse desde una apuesta decidida en nuevas tecnologías, metodologías y algoritmos capaces de ocasionar la ruptura tecnológica necesaria que permita superar las barreras que hasta el momento han impedido la penetración tecnológica en el campo de la rehabilitación de manera universal. De esta forma, los trabajos y resultados alcanzados en la Tesis son los siguientes: 1. Modelado de AVDs: como paso previo a la incorporación de ayudas tecnológicas al proceso rehabilitador, se hace necesaria una primera fase de modelado y formalización del conocimiento asociado a la ejecución de las actividades que se realizan como parte de la terapia. En particular, las tareas más complejas y a su vez con mayor repercusión terapéutica son las AVDs, cuya formalización permitirá disponer de modelos de movimiento sanos que actuarán de referencia para futuros desarrollos tecnológicos dirigidos a personas con DCA. Siguiendo una metodología basada en diagramas de estados UML se han modelado las AVDs 'servir agua de una jarra' y 'coger un botella' 2. Monitorización ubícua del movimiento de la ES: se ha diseñado, desarrollado y validado un sistema de adquisición de movimiento basado en tecnología inercial que mejora las limitaciones de los dispositivos comerciales actuales (coste muy elevado e incapacidad para trabajar en entornos no controlados); los altos coeficientes de correlación y los bajos niveles de error obtenidos en los corregistros llevados a cabo con el sistema comercial BTS SMART-D demuestran la alta precisión del sistema. También se ha realizado un trabajo de investigación exploratorio de un sistema de captura de movimiento de coste muy reducido basado en visión estereoscópica, habiéndose detectado los puntos clave donde se hace necesario incidir desde un punto de vista tecnológico para su incorporación en un entorno real 3. Resolución del Problema Cinemático Inverso (PCI): se ha diseñado, desarrollado y validado una solución al PCI cuando el manipulador se corresponde con una ES humana estudiándose 2 posibles alternativas, una basada en la utilización de un Perceptrón Multicapa (PMC) y otra basada en sistemas Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). La validación, llevada a cabo utilizando información relativa a los modelos disponibles de AVDs, indica que una solución basada en un PMC con 3 neuronas en la capa de entrada, una capa oculta también de 3 neuronas y una capa de salida con tantas neuronas como Grados de Libertad (GdLs) tenga el modelo de la ES, proporciona resultados, tanto de precisión como de tiempo de cálculo, que la hacen idónea para trabajar en sistemas con requisitos de tiempo real 4. Control inteligente assisted-as-needed: se ha diseñado, desarrollado y validado un algoritmo de control assisted-as-needed para una ortesis robótica con capacidades de actuación anticipatoria de la que existe un prototipo implementado en la actualidad. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran cómo el sistema es capaz de adaptarse al perfil disfuncional del paciente activando la ayuda en instantes anteriores a la ocurrencia de movimientos incorrectos. Esta estrategia implica un aumento en la participación del paciente y, por tanto, en su actividad muscular, fomentándose los procesos la plasticidad cerebral responsables del reaprendizaje o readaptación motora 5. Simuladores robóticos para planificación: se propone la utilización de un simulador robótico assisted-as-needed como herramienta de planificación de sesiones de rehabilitación personalizadas y con un objetivo clínico marcado en las que interviene una ortesis robotizada. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian como, tras la ejecución de ciertos algoritmos sencillos, es posible seleccionar automáticamente una configuración para el algoritmo de control assisted-as-needed que consigue que la ortesis se adapte a los criterios establecidos desde un punto de vista clínico en función del paciente estudiado. Estos resultados invitan a profundizar en el desarrollo de algoritmos más avanzados de selección de parámetros a partir de baterías de simulaciones Estos trabajos han servido para corroborar las hipótesis de investigación planteadas al inicio de la misma, permitiendo, asimismo, la apertura de nuevas líneas de investigación. Summary The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that by the year 2020, Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) will be among the ten most common ailments. These injuries dramatically change the life of the patients and their families due to their physical, sensory, cognitive, emotional and socio-economic consequences. New techniques of early intervention and the development of intensive ABI care have noticeably improved the survival rate. However, in spite of these advances, brain injuries still have no surgical or pharmacological treatment to re-establish the lost functions. Neurorehabilitation therapies address this problem by restoring, minimizing or compensating the functional alterations in a person disabled because of a nervous system injury. One of the main objectives of Neurorehabilitation is to provide patients with the capacity to perform specific Activities of the Daily Life (ADL) required for an independent life, especially those in which the Upper Limb (UL) is directly involved due to its great importance in manipulating objects within the patients' environment. The incorporation of new technological aids to the neurorehabilitation process tries to reach a new paradigm focused on offering a personalized, monitored and ubiquitous practise with continuous assessment of both the efficacy and the efficiency of the procedures and with the capacity of generating new knowledge. New targets will be to minimize the impact of the sicknesses affecting the functional capabilitiies of the subjects, to decrease the time of the physical handicap and to allow a more efficient resources handling. These targets, of a great socio-economic impact, can only be achieved by means of new technologies and algorithms able to provoke the technological break needed to beat the barriers that are stopping the universal penetration of the technology in the field of rehabilitation. In this way, this PhD Thesis has achieved the following results: 1. ADL Modeling: as a previous step to the incorporation of technological aids to the neurorehabilitation process, it is necessary a first modelling and formalization phase of the knowledge associated to the execution of the activities that are performed as a part of the therapy. In particular, the most complex and therapeutically relevant tasks are the ADLs, whose formalization will produce healthy motion models to be used as a reference for future technological developments. Following a methodology based on UML state-chart diagrams, the ADLs 'serving water from a jar' and 'picking up a bottle' have been modelled 2. Ubiquitous monitoring of the UL movement: it has been designed, developed and validated a motion acquisition system based on inertial technology that improves the limitations of the current devices (high monetary cost and inability of working within uncontrolled environments); the high correlation coefficients and the low error levels obtained throughout several co-registration sessions with the commercial sys- tem BTS SMART-D show the high precision of the system. Besides an exploration of a very low cost stereoscopic vision-based motion capture system has been carried out and the key points where it is necessary to insist from a technological point of view have been detected 3. Inverse Kinematics (IK) problem solving: a solution to the IK problem has been proposed for a manipulator that corresponds to a human UL. This solution has been faced by means of two different alternatives, one based on a Mulilayer Perceptron (MLP) and another based on Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). The validation of these solutions, carried out using the information regarding the previously generated motion models, indicate that a MLP-based solution, with an architecture consisting in 3 neurons in the input layer, one hidden layer of 3 neurons and an output layer with as many neurons as the number of Degrees of Freedom (DoFs) that the UL model has, is the one that provides the best results both in terms of precission and in terms of processing time, making in idoneous to be integrated within a system with real time restrictions 4. Assisted-as-needed intelligent control: an assisted-as-needed control algorithm with anticipatory actuation capabilities has been designed, developed and validated for a robotic orthosis of which there is an already implemented prototype. Obtained results demonstrate that the control system is able to adapt to the dysfunctional profile of the patient by triggering the assistance right before an incorrect movement is going to take place. This strategy implies an increase in the participation of the patients and in his or her muscle activity, encouraging the neural plasticity processes in charge of the motor learning 5. Planification with a robotic simulator: in this work a robotic simulator is proposed as a planification tool for personalized rehabilitation sessions under a certain clinical criterium. Obtained results indicate that, after the execution of simple parameter selection algorithms, it is possible to automatically choose a specific configuration that makes the assisted-as-needed control algorithm to adapt both to the clinical criteria and to the patient. These results invite researchers to work in the development of more complex parameter selection algorithms departing from simulation batteries Obtained results have been useful to corroborate the hypotheses set out at the beginning of this PhD Thesis. Besides, they have allowed the creation of new research lines in all the studied application fields.
Accurate characterization of the radio channel in tunnels is of great importance for new signaling and train control communications systems. To model this environment, measurements have been taken at 2.4 GHz in a real environment in Madrid subway. The measurements were carried out with four base station transmitters installed in a 2-km tunnel and using a mobile receiver installed on a standard train. First, with an optimum antenna configuration, all the propagation characteristics of a complex subway environment, including near shadowing, path loss,shadow fading, fast fading, level crossing rate (LCR), and average fade duration (AFD), have been measured and computed. Thereafter, comparisons of propagation characteristics in a double-track tunnel (9.8-m width) and a single-track tunnel (4.8-m width) have been made. Finally, all the measurement results have been shown in a complete table for accurate statistical modeling.
Commitment and involvement from the different members of an organization are two key elements for an organization to achieve its environmental excellence. Firstly, businesses are aware of the close relationship between their activities and the environment, for they are not only polluting agents but also agents with the capacity to reduce adverse environmental impacts. Secondly, the fact that employees can play a relevant role in terms of the socially responsible measures to be taken by organizations has started to become an irrefutably important issue. This piece of research is intended to help gain knowledge concerning the attitude of the two main actors in productive activity toward the environmental, that is, employers and employees; as well, this research intends to identify factors determining behaviour towards the environmental. For this, we have gathered the ideas and assessments contained in the discourse of a group of small and medium-sized businesses, large company owners and officers, employees, and work related risk prevention representatives. Qualitative work consisted of in-depth interviews and the creation of discussion groups.
Carbon management has gradually gained attention within the overall environmental management and corporate social responsibility agendas. The clean development mechanism, from Kyoto Protocol, was envisioned as connecting carbon market and sustainable development objectives in developing countries. Previous research has shown that this potential is rarely being achieved. The paper explores how the incorporation of the human side into carbon management reinforces its contribution to generate human development in local communities and to improve the company's image. A case study of a Brazilian company is presented, with the results of the application of an analytical model that incorporates the human side and human development. The selected project is an "efficient stoves" programme. "Efficient stoves" are recognised in Brazil as social technologies. Results suggest that the fact that social technologies value the human side of the technology plays a key role when it comes to analysing the co-benefits of the project implementation.