7 resultados para Technical tools.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The elaboration of a generic decision-making strategy to address the evolution of an emergency situation, from the stages of response to recovery, and including a planning stage, can facilitate timely, effective and consistent decision making by the response organisations at every level within the emergency management structure and between countries, helping to ensure optimal protection of health, environment, and society. The degree of involvement of stakeholders in this process is a key strategic element for strengthening the local preparedness and response and can help a successful countermeasures strategy. A significant progress was made with the multi-national European project EURANOS (2004-2009) which brought together best practice, knowledge and technology to enhance the preparedness for Europe's response to any radiation emergency and long term contamination. The subsequent establishment of a European Technology Platform and the recent launch of the research project NERIS-TP ("Towards a self sustaining European Technology Platform (NERIS-TP) on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery") are aimed to continue with the remaining tasks for gaining appropriate levels of emergency preparedness at local level in most European countries. One of the objectives of the NERIS-TP project is: Strengthen the preparedness at the local/national level by setting up dedicated fora and developing new tools or adapting the tools developed within the EURANOS projects (such as the governance framework for preparedness, the handbooks on countermeasures, the RODOS system, and the MOIRA DSS for long term contamination in catchments) to meet the needs of local communities. CIEMAT and UPM in close interaction with the Nuclear Safety Council will explore, within this project, the use and application in Spain of such technical tools, including other national tools and information and communication strategies to foster cooperation between local, national and international stakeholders. The aim is identify and involve relevant stakeholders in emergency preparedness to improve the development and implementation of appropriate protection strategies as part of the consequence management and the transition to recovery. In this paper, an overview of the "state of the art" on this area in Spain and the methodology and work Plan proposed by the Spanish group within the project NERIS to grow the stakeholder involvement in the preparedness to emergency response and recovery is presented.


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La extensión agraria entendida como transferencia de tecnología que tuvo su auge en la llamada Revolución Verde, con el paso del tiempo empezó a mostrar serias deficiencias en su objetivo de lograr que los agricultores asumieran las nuevas tecnologías, esto motivo un continuo trabajo de investigación en el área que ha generado una serie de modelos y enfoques. Sin embargo, a pesar que mucho ha cambiado, aún no se logra responder adecuadamente a la necesidad de cambio e innovación que tienen los pequeños productores de los países en desarrollo. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer un modelo para el desarrollo de la producción agrícola en el marco de un trabajo integrado sobre el territorio. Para esto se ha analizado los cambios referentes a los procesos de desarrollo rural y como éstos han impactado directamente en la forma en la que se concibe la extensión. En este recorrido podemos ver con claridad cómo los procesos de desarrollo que partían de un modelo exógeno, van cediendo a procesos endógenos y neo-endógenos, en donde el territorio tiene un valor fundamental. Se plantea que tanto la globalización como el Cambio Climático constituyen nuevos desafíos para el desarrollo rural. Posteriormente, en el análisis de la extensión agropecuaria en el mundo, se ha podido observar como la extensión ha ido cambiando hacia procesos más participativos y horizontales, introduciéndose en ella también los conceptos de innovación y de sistemas, como la posibilidad de comprender su complejidad. Al hacer el recorrido de la Extensión Agraria en el Perú se puede visualizar como, al igual que en el mundo, tuo un periodo de apogeo pero seguido de un periodo de crisis que terminó por eliminarla del espacio público. Actualmente los servicios de extensión en el Perú se manejan por entidades privadas, gobiernos locales y proyectos especiales, pero ninguno de ellos llega realmente al pequeño productor, que constituye la población más importante en países como el Perú. Este trabajo plantea un modelo para responder a este contexto, el cual se basa en tres enfoques de diferentes ámbitos: el Desarrollo Económico Local, El metamodelo WWP (Working with people) y los sistemas de innovación agrícolas. El modelo plantea un trabajo en cuatro componentes a señalar: (1) Planificación basada en herramientas técnicas y entendida como aprendizaje social, (2) Fortalecimiento del Capital Social ya existente, (3) Servicios de extensión con nuevas tecnologías y (4) Acompañamiento a los productores en el mercado. En este modelo, una consideración muy especial la tiene la entidad articuladora o bróker del presente sistema, el cual es una entidad que se encarga de activar y mantener el sistema, tomando en consideración la importancia del fortalecimiento de las redes sobre el territorio. La aplicación de este modelo se realizó en cuatro distritos de la provincia de Aymaraes (Región Apurimac) que se encuentran formando parte de la cuenca del Río Pachachaca. Para verificar la idoneidad del modelo en el fortalecimiento de las actividades agropecuarias, se realizó un análisis de una línea de base y de una línea de salida, estableciendo una serie de indicadores. Se realizó también un análisis ex – post para determinar las posibilidades de sostenibilidad del modelo. Se concluyó luego de la aplicación que el modelo tiene una serie de condiciones importantes para la eficacia y la sostenibilidad de los procesos de desarrollo de las actividades agropecuarias, aunque es necesario establecer algunos requisitos básicos para el funcionamiento de la propuesta, tales como la presencia de un actor que pueda actuar como articulador y la necesidad de trabajar a un nivel provincial en lugar de local. ABSTRACT Throughout time, agricultural extension, understood as technology transfer, that had its peak during the Green Revolution, began to show serious deficiencies in its goal of making farmers assume the new technologies. This created continuous research in the area that has generated a number of models and approaches. However, although much has changed, yet it fails to respond adequately to the need for change and innovation that small producers of developing countries have. This study aims to propose a model for the development of agricultural production in the framework of an integrated work on the territory. For this purpose, this research analyzed the changes related to rural development processes and how they have directly impacted on how the extension is conceived. On this tour it can be clearly seen how the development processes that started from an exogenous model, are giving way to neo-endogenous and endogenous processes, where the territory has a fundamental value. It is proposed that both globalization and climate change pose new challenges for rural development. Later in the analysis of agricultural extension in the world, it has been observed how the extension has been changing towards more participatory and horizontal processes, also introducing in it the innovative and systems concepts, as well as the ability to understand its complexity. When making the path of the agricultural extension in Peru, it can be seen how, same as it happened in the world, it had peak period that was followed by a crisis that eventually eliminated it from the public space. Currently, the extension services in Peru are managed by private entities, local governments and special projects, but none of them actually reach the small producer, who represents the most important population in countries like Peru. This paper proposes a model to respond to this context, which is based on three approaches of different areas: Local Economic Development, WWP metamodel (Working with people) and the agricultural innovation systems. The model presents a work in four parts to note: (1) Planning based in technical tools and understood as social learning, (2) Strengthening of the existing social capital, (3) Extension services with new technologies and (4) Support of producers in the market. In this model, special consideration is given to the coordinating entity or broker of this system, which is an entity that is responsible for activating and maintaining the system, taking into account the importance of strengthening networks in the territory. The application of this model was conducted in four districts of the Aymaraes province (Apurimac Region) which are part of the Rio Pachachaca watershed. To verify the suitability of the model in strengthening agricultural activities, an analysis of a baseline and a starting line was made, establishing a series of indicators. An analysis ex-post was also performed to determine the possibilities of sustainability of the model. After the application it was concluded that the model has a number of important conditions for the effectiveness and sustainability of development processes of agricultural activities, although it is necessary to establish some basic requirements for the operation of the proposal, such as the presence of an actor who can act as an articulator and the need to work at a provincial level rather than locally.


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The heterogeneous incoming heat flux in solar parabolic trough absorber tubes generates huge temperature difference in each pipe section. Helical internal fins can reduce this effect, homogenising the temperature profile and reducing thermal stress with the drawback of increasing pressure drop. Another effect is the decreasing of the outer surface temperature and thermal losses, improving the thermal efficiency of the collector. The application of internal finned tubes for the design of parabolic trough collectors is analysed with computational fluid dynamics tools. Our numerical approach has been qualified with the computational estimation of reported experimental data regarding phenomena involved in finned tube applications and solar irradiation of parabolic trough collector. The application of finned tubes to the design of parabolic trough collectors must take into account issues as the pressure losses, thermal losses and thermo-mechanical stress, and thermal fatigue. Our analysis shows an improvement potential in parabolic trough solar plants efficiency by the application of internal finned tubes.


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Minimally invasive surgery is a highly demanding surgical approach regarding technical requirements for the surgeon, who must be trained in order to perform a safe surgical intervention. Traditional surgical education in minimally invasive surgery is commonly based on subjective criteria to quantify and evaluate surgical abilities, which could be potentially unsafe for the patient. Authors, surgeons and associations are increasingly demanding the development of more objective assessment tools that can accredit surgeons as technically competent. This paper describes the state of the art in objective assessment methods of surgical skills. It gives an overview on assessment systems based on structured checklists and rating scales, surgical simulators, and instrument motion analysis. As a future work, an objective and automatic assessment method of surgical skills should be standardized as a means towards proficiency-based curricula for training in laparoscopic surgery and its certification.


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The definition of technical specifications and the corresponding laboratory procedures are necessary steps in order to assure the quality of the devices prior to be installed in Solar Home Systems (SHS). To clarify and unify criteria a European project supported the development of the Universal Technical Standard for Solar Home Systems (UTSfSHS). Its principles were to generate simple and affordable technical requirements to be optimized in order to facilitate the implementation of tests with basic and simple laboratory tools even on the same SHS electrification program countries. These requirements cover the main aspects of this type of installations and its lighting chapter was developed based on the most used technology at that time: fluorescent tubes and CFLs. However, with the consolidation of the new LED solid state lighting devices, particular attention is being given to this matter and new procedures are required. In this work we develop a complete set of technical specifications and test procedures that have been designed within the frame of the UTSfSHS, based on an intense review of the scientific and technical publications related to LED lighting and their practical application. They apply to lamp reliability, performance and safety under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool for any LED bulb.


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Empirical Software Engineering (ESE) replication researchers need to store and manipulate experimental data for several purposes, in particular analysis and reporting. Current research needs call for sharing and preservation of experimental data as well. In a previous work, we analyzed Replication Data Management (RDM) needs. A novel concept, called Experimental Ecosystem, was proposed to solve current deficiencies in RDMapproaches. The empirical ecosystem provides replication researchers with a common framework that integrates transparently local heterogeneous data sources. A typical situation where the Empirical Ecosystem is applicable, is when several members of a research group, or several research groups collaborating together, need to share and access each other experimental results. However, to be able to apply the Empirical Ecosystem concept and deliver all promised benefits, it is necessary to analyze the software architectures and tools that can properly support it.


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According to cognitive linguistics, language has an experiential origin based on perception, sensory motor activities and our knowledge of the world. Our thought operates by establishing similarities, links and associations that enable us to talk about one thing in terms of another as shown in the example of love as a journey (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980). Metaphor and metonymy are conceptual and linguistic tools that make possible most of these cognitive operations. Since metaphor is an essential element of human communication, the discourse of specialised disciplines includes metaphorical mappings and numerous examples of metaphorical expressions, for example in economics, where business is mapped in terms of war (White, 2004; Herrera & White, 2000), electrotechnics with electrical components understood as couples (Roldán- Riejos in preparation) or in civil engineering where a bridge is conceptualized as a person (Roldán-Riejos, 2013). In this paper, the metaphors: WORKING WITH METALS IS COOKING/ TRABAJAR CON METALES ES COCINAR and METALS ARE CULINARY OBJECTS/ LOS METALES SON OBJETOS CULINARIOS are explored. The main aim is to show that the cooking metaphor is widely spread in the metallurgical domain in English and Spanish, although with different nuances in each language due to socio-cultural factors. The method adopted consists of analysing examples taken from the: Bilingual Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Metaphors and Metonymies Spanish- English/English-Spanish, a forthcoming and rigorously documented bilingual dictionary that sums up research on conceptual, linguistic and visual metaphor and metonymy in different areas of engineering (Roldán-Riejos and Molina, 2013). The present paper studies in detail English and Spanish cross-linguistic correspondences related to types of metals and processes. It is suggested that they reflect synesthetic metaphoric mappings. The exploitation of cognitive conceptual metaphor in the ESP classroom is lastly recommended.