11 resultados para Teaching method

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Active learning is one of the most efficient mechanisms for learning, according to the psychology of learning. When students act as teachers for other students, the communication is more fluent and knowledge is transferred easier than in a traditional classroom. This teaching method is referred to in the literature as reciprocal peer teaching. In this study, the method is applied to laboratory sessions of a higher education institution course, and the students who act as teachers are referred to as ‘‘laboratory monitors.’’ A particular way to select the monitors and its impact in the final marks is proposed. A total of 181 students participated in the experiment, experiences with laboratory monitors are discussed, and methods for motivating and training laboratory monitors and regular students are proposed. The types of laboratory sessions that can be led by classmates are discussed. This work is related to the changes in teaching methods in the Spanish higher education system, prompted by the Bologna Process for the construction of the European Higher Education Area


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One of the fundamental aspects in the adaptation of the teaching to the European higher education is changing based models of teacher education to models based on student learning. In this work we present an educational experience developed with the teaching method based on the case method, with a clearly multidisciplinary. The experience has been developed in the teaching of analysis and verification of safety rails. This is a multidisciplinary field that presents great difficulties during their teaching. The use of the case method has given good results in the competences achieved by students


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There has been much discussion on the primacy of theory over practice. Today prevails the exaggeration of practice. This idea forgets too that teaching problem is a problem of right balance. The approach of the action lines on the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework provides for such balance. Applied Geology subject represents the first real contact with the physical environment with the practice profession and works. Besides, the situation of the topic in the first trace of Study Plans for many students implies the link to other subjects and topics of the career. This work analyses in depth the justification of such practical trips only on Applied Geology. This methodology could be usual in Study Plans of pure sciences career, Geology or Biology, but not in Civil Engineering like teaching method. It shows the criteria and methods of planning and the result which manifests itself in pupils. Therefore, work shows a methodology taking in account the engineering perspective, the practical point of view and the learning process inside students and their evaluation and, hence, their marks.


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Actualmente las redes VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) están adquiriendo una mayor importancia en las comunicaciones por satélite debido a las nuevas aplicaciones que se están desarrollando tanto a nivel empresarial como a nivel de usuario final. El presente proyecto pretende hacer un estudio de este tipo de red para presentarla como una solución al problema de querer conectar estaciones dispersas, que por el perfil del terreno hace difícil la conexión de las mismas a través de las redes terrestres convencionales. Los nuevos estándares están haciendo que este tipo de redes proliferen muy deprisa ya que se consigue una mayor flexibilidad que con los estándares precedentes para este tipo de red. En concreto, en este proyecto se ha estudiado el estándar abierto DVB-S desarrollado por el grupo de trabajo DVB por ser uno de los más aceptado internacionalmente. Para comprender este sistema de comunicaciones, el proyecto está estructurado en dos partes. En la primera parte se hace una revisión de cómo han evolucionado las comunicaciones satelitales VSAT, indicando las ventajas y desventajas de su implementación y sobre todo la orientación que éstas muestran a la utilización de los estándares DVB. Posteriormente se realiza un estudio de los estándares DVB-S y DVBRCS en donde se profundiza en conceptos claves tales como el Multiplexado de Transporte MPEG-2, los mecanismos de envío de mensajes de señalización, etc. En la segunda parte del proyecto se presta atención a la seguridad de la red, analizando los mecanismos propios que presenta el estándar DVB así como los diferentes protocolos de seguridad existentes en las capas superiores para una protección adicional. Para concluir el proyecto se han creado dos aplicaciones, la primera como método didáctico para comprender mejor el comportamiento de las redes VSAT con el estándar DVB-S, y una segunda aplicación con carácter comercial para la transferencia de ficheros de manera segura con características específicas, enfocada particularmente en redes VSAT, aunque siendo posible su uso en otras redes. ABSTRACT. Nowadays VSAT networks (Very Small Aperture Terminal) are becoming more important in satellite communications, due to several new applications that are being developed both at company level and end user level. This project aims to make a study of this type of network to present it as a solution to the problem of wanting to connect scattered stations, because the terrain profile makes difficult to connect them via conventional terrestrial networks. New standards are making that such networks proliferate very quickly for the reason that a more flexibility than the previous standards for this type of network is achieved. Specifically, this project has studied the open standard DVB-S developed by the DVB workgroup as one of the most internationally accepted. To understand this communication system, this project is structured in two different parts: On one hand, in the first part a review about how VSAT satellite communications have evolved, indicating the advantages and disadvantages of its implementation and above all, the guidance that they show to the use of the DVB standards. Subsequently, a study of the DVB-S and DVB-RCS standards is developed, where delves into key concepts such as MPEG-2 Multiplexed Transport, mechanisms of transmission of signaling messages, etc. On the other hand, in the second part of the project, we focus on network security, analyzing the mechanisms presented by the DVB standard and various existing security protocols in the upper layers for an extra protection. To complete the project two different applications have been developed: the first one as a teaching method to better understand the behavior of VSAT networks in DVB-S standard, and the second one with a commercial basis for transferring files securely with specific features applications focused particularly in VSAT networks, although with a possible use on other networks.


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The technique of reinforcement of wooden floors is a matter clearly multidisciplinary. The teaching of the subject using the "traditional" method, explaining the theory first and then proposing and solving problems has not been successful. This paper discusses the results of a teaching experiencie. It has been the teaching of the subject by the case method. The results are clearly superior to those obtained with the traditional methodology.


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The European Union has been promoting linguistic diversity for many years as one of its main educational goals. This is an element that facilitates student mobility and student exchanges between different universities and countries and enriches the education of young undergraduates. In particular, a higher degree of competence in the English language is becoming essential for engineers, architects and researchers in general, as English has become the lingua franca that opens up horizons to internationalisation and the transfer of knowledge in today’s world. Many experts point to the Integrated Approach to Contents and Foreign Languages System as being an option that has certain benefits over the traditional method of teaching a second language that is exclusively based on specific subjects. This system advocates teaching the different subjects in the syllabus in a language other than one’s mother tongue, without prioritising knowledge of the language over the subject. This was the idea that in the 2009/10 academic year gave rise to the Second Language Integration Programme (SLI Programme) at the Escuela Arquitectura Técnica in the Universidad Politécnica Madrid (EUATM-UPM), just at the beginning of the tuition of the new Building Engineering Degree, which had been adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) model. This programme is an interdisciplinary initiative for the set of subjects taught during the semester and is coordinated through the Assistant Director Office for Educational Innovation. The SLI Programme has a dual goal; to familiarise students with the specific English terminology of the subject being taught, and at the same time improve their communication skills in English. A total of thirty lecturers are taking part in the teaching of eleven first year subjects and twelve in the second year, with around 120 students who have voluntarily enrolled in a special group in each semester. During the 2010/2011 academic year the degree of acceptance and the results of the SLI Programme have been monitored. Tools have been designed to aid interdisciplinary coordination and to analyse satisfaction, such as coordination records and surveys. The results currently available refer to the first and second year and are divided into specific aspects of the different subjects involved and into general aspects of the ongoing experience.


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This paper presents a novel method for the calibration of a parallel robot, which allows a more accurate configuration instead of a configuration based on nominal parameters. It is used, as the main sensor with one camera installed in the robot hand that determines the relative position of the robot with respect to a spherical object fixed in the working area of the robot. The positions of the end effector are related to the incremental positions of resolvers of the robot motors. A kinematic model of the robot is used to find a new group of parameters, which minimizes errors in the kinematic equations. Additionally, properties of the spherical object and intrinsic camera parameters are utilized to model the projection of the object in the image and thereby improve spatial measurements. Finally, several working tests, static and tracking tests are executed in order to verify how the robotic system behaviour improves by using calibrated parameters against nominal parameters. In order to emphasize that, this proposed new method uses neither external nor expensive sensor. That is why new robots are useful in teaching and research activities.


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This paper presents ASYTRAIN, a new tool to teach and learn antennas, based on the use of a modular building kit and a low cost portable antenna measurement system that lets the students design and build different types of antennas and observe their characteristics while learning the insights of the subjects. This tool has a methodology guide for try-and-test project development and, makes the students be active antenna engineers instead of passive learners. This experimental learning method arises their motivation during the antenna courses.


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The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help lecturers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with the objective of developing a model for teaching and evaluating core competences and providing support to lecturers. This paper deals with the problem-solving competence. The first step has been to elaborate a guide for teachers to provide a homogeneous way to asses this competence. This guide considers several levels of acquisition of the competence and provides the rubrics to be applied for each one. The guide has been subsequently validated with several pilot experiences. In this paper we will explain the problem-solving assessment guide for teachers and will show the pilot experiences that has been carried out. We will finally justify the validity of the method to assess the problem-solving competence.


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We present an undergraduate course on concurrent programming where formal models are used in different stages of the learning process. The main practical difference with other approaches lies in the fact that the ability to develop correct concurrent software relies on a systematic transformation of formal models of inter-process interaction (so called shared resources), rather than on the specific constructs of some programming language. Using a resource-centric rather than a language-centric approach has some benefits for both teachers and students. Besides the obvious advantage of being independent of the programming language, the models help in the early validation of concurrent software design, provide students and teachers with a lingua franca that greatly simplifies communication at the classroom and during supervision, and help in the automatic generation of tests for the practical assignments. This method has been in use, with slight variations, for some 15 years, surviving changes in the programming language and course length. In this article, we describe the components and structure of the current incarnation of the course?which uses Java as target language?and some tools used to support our method. We provide a detailed description of the different outcomes that the model-driven approach delivers (validation of the initial design, automatic generation of tests, and mechanical generation of code) from a teaching perspective. A critical discussion on the perceived advantages and risks of our approach follows, including some proposals on how these risks can be minimized. We include a statistical analysis to show that our method has a positive impact in the student ability to understand concurrency and to generate correct code.


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The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help lecturers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with the objective of developing a model for teaching and evaluating core competences and providing support to lecturers. This paper deals with the problem solving competence. The first step has been to elaborate a guide for teachers to provide an homogeneous way to asses this competence. This guide considers several levels of acquisition of the competence and provided the rubrics to be applied for each one. The guide has been subsequently validated with several pilot experiences. In this paper we will explain the problem-solving assessment guide for teachers and will show the pilot experiences that has been carried out. We will finally justify the validity of the method to assess the problem solving competence.