6 resultados para Targeted Recombinant Aequorin
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
A proper allocation of resources targeted to solve hunger is essential to optimize the efficacy of actions and maximize results. This requires an adequate measurement and formulation of the problem as, paraphrasing Einstein, the formulation of a problem is essential to reach a solution. Different measurement methods have been designed to count, score, classify and compare hunger at local level and to allow comparisons between different places. However, the alternative methods produce significantly reach different results. These discrepancies make decisions on the targeting of resource allocations difficult. To assist decision makers, a new method taking into account the dimension of hunger and the coping capacities of countries, is proposed enabling to establish both geographical and sectoral priorities for the allocation of resources.
A proper allocation of resources targeted to solve hunger is essential to optimize the efficacy of actions and maximize results. This requires an adequate measurement and formulation of the problem as, paraphrasing Einstein, the formulation of a problem is essential to reach a solution. Different measurement methods have been designed to count, score, classify and compare hunger at local level and to allow comparisons between different places. However, the alternative methods reach significantly different results. These discrepancies make decisions on the targeting of resource allocations difficult. To assist decision makers, a new method taking into account the dimension of hunger and the coping capacities of countries is proposed enabling to establish both geographical and sectoral priorities for the allocation of resources
The plant cell wall constitutes an essential protection barrier against pathogen attack. In addition, cell-wall disruption leads to accumulation of jasmonates (JAs), which are key signaling molecules for activation of plant inducible defense responses. However, whether JAs in return modulate the cell-wall composition to reinforce this defensive barrier remains unknown. The enzyme 13-allene oxide synthase (13-AOS) catalyzes the first committed step towards biosynthesis of JAs. In potato (Solanum tuberosum), there are two putative St13-AOS genes, which we show here to be differentially induced upon wounding. We also determine that both genes complement an Arabidopsis aos null mutant, indicating that they encode functional 13-AOS enzymes. Indeed, transgenic potato plants lacking both St13-AOS genes (CoAOS1/2 lines) exhibited a significant reduction of JAs, a concomitant decrease in wound-responsive gene activation, and an increased severity of soft rot disease symptoms caused by Dickeya dadantii. Intriguingly, a hypovirulent D. dadantii pel strain lacking the five major pectate lyases, which causes limited tissue maceration on wild-type plants, regained infectivity in CoAOS1/2 plants. In line with this, we found differences in pectin methyl esterase activity and cell-wall pectin composition between wild-type and CoAOS1/2 plants. Importantly, wild-type plants had pectins with a lower degree of methyl esterification, which are the substrates of the pectate lyases mutated in the pel strain. These results suggest that, during development of potato plants, JAs mediate modification of the pectin matrix to form a defensive barrier that is counteracted by pectinolytic virulence factors from D. dadantii.
Un Service Business Framework consiste en una serie de componentes interrelacionados que permiten la gestión de servicios de negocio a través de su ciclo de vida, desde su creación, descubrimiento y comparación, hasta su monetización (incluyendo un posible reparto de beneficios). De esta manera, el denominado FIWARE Business Framework trata de permitir a los usuarios de la plataforma FIWARE mejorar sus productos con funcionalidades de búsqueda, describrimiento, comparación, monetización y reparto de beneficios. Para lograr este objetivo, el Business Framework de FIWARE proporciona la especificación abierta y las APIs de una serie de components (denominados \Generic Enablers" en terminología FIWARE), junto con una implementación de referencia de las mismas pueden ser facilmente integradas en los sitemas existentes para conseguir aplicaciones con valor a~nadido. Al comienzo de este trabajo de fin de master, el Business Framework de FIWARE no era lo suficientemente maduro como para cubrir los requisitos de sus usuarios, ya que ofrecía modelos demasiado generales y dejaba algunas funcionalidades clave para ser implementadas por los usuarios. Para solucionar estos problemas, el principal objectivo desarrollado en el contexto de este trabajo de fin de master ha consistido en mejorar y evolucionar el Business Framework de FIWARE para dar respuesta a las demandas de sus usuarios. Para alcanzar el pricipal objetivo propuesto, el Business Framework de FIWARE ha sido evaluado usando la información proporcionada por los usuarios de la plataforma, principalmente PyMEs y start-ups que usan este framework en sus soluciones, con el objetivo de obtener una lista de requisitos y de dise~nar a partir de éstos un roadmap de evolución a 6 meses. Después, los diferentes problemas identificados se han tratado uno por uno dando en cada caso una solución capaz de cubrir los requisitos de los usuarios. Finalmente, se han evaluado los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto integrando el Business Framework desarrollado con un sistema existente para la gestión de datos de consusmo energético, construyendo lo que se ha denominado Mercado de Datos de Consumo Energético. Esto además ha permitido demostrar la utilidad del framework propuesto para evolucionar una plataforma de datos abiertos bien conocida como es CKAN a un verdadero mercado de datos.---ABSTRACT---Service Business Frameworks consist on a number of interrelated components that support the management of business services across their whole lifecycle, from their creation, publication, discovery and comparison, to their monetization (possibly including revenue settlement and sharing). In this regard, the FIWARE Business Framework aims at allowing FIWARE users to enhance their solutions with search, discovery, comparison, monetization and revenue settlement and sharing features. To achieve this objective, the FIWARE Business Framework provides the open specification and APIs of a comprehensive set of components (called Generic Enablers in FIWARE terminology), along with a reference implementation of these APIs,, that can be easily integrated with existing systems in order to create value added applications. At the beginning of the current Master's Thesis, the FIWARE Business Framework was not mature enough to cover the requirements of the its users, since it provided too general models and leaved some key functionality to be implemented by those users. To deal with these issues, the main objective carried out in the context of this Master's Thesis have been enhancing and evolving the FIWARE Business Framework to accomplish with the demands of its users. For achieving the main objective of this Master's Thesis, the FWARE Business Framework has been evaluated using the feedback provided by FIWARE users, mainly SMEs and start-ups, actually using the framework in their solutions, in order to determine a list of requirements and to design a roadmap for the evolution and improvement of the existing framework in the next 6 months. Then, the diferent issues detected have been tackle one by one enhancing them, and trying to give a solution able to cover users requirements. Finally, the results of the project have been evaluated by integrating the evolved FIWARE Business Framework with an existing system in charge of the management of energy consumption data, building what has been called the Energy Consumption Data Market. This has also allowed demonstrating the usefulness of the proposed business framework to evolve CKAN, a renowned open data platform, into an actual, fully- edged data market.
Tree nut allergies are considered an important health issue in developed countries. To comply with the regulations on food labeling, reliable allergen detection methods are required. In this work we isolated almond-specific recombinant antibody fragments (scFv) from a commercial phage display library bypassing the use of live animals, hence being consistent with the latest policies on animal welfare. To this end an iterative selection procedure employing the Tomlinson I phage display library and a crude almond protein extract was carried out. Two different almond-specific scFv (named PD1F6 and PD2C9) were isolated after two rounds of biopanning, and an indirect phage ELISA was implemented to detect the presence of almond protein in foodstuffs. The isolated scFvs demonstrated to be highly specific and allowed detection of 40 ng mL?1 and 100 ng mL?1 of raw and roasted almond protein, respectively. The practical detection limit of the assay in almond spiked food products was 0.1 mg g?1 (110e120 ppm). The developed indirect phage ELISA was validated by analysis of 92 commercial food products, showing good correlation with the results obtained by a previously developed real-time PCR method for the detection of almond in foodstuffs. The selected phage clones can be affinity maturated to improve their sensitivity and genetically engineered to be employed in different assay formats.
The incidence of Amaranthaceae pollen allergy has increased due to the desertification occurring in many countries. In some regions of Spain, Salsola kali is the main cause of pollinosis, at almost the same level as olive and grass pollen. Sal k 1 - the sensitization marker of S. kali pollinosis - is used in clinical diagnosis, but is purified at a low yield from pollen. We aimed to produce a recombinant (r)Sal k 1 able to span the structural and immunological properties of the natural isoforms from pollen, and validate its potential use for diagnosis. METHODS: Specific cDNA was amplified by PCR, cloned into the pET41b vector and used to transform BL21 (DE3) Escherichia coli cells. Immunoblotting, ELISA, basophil activation and skin-prick tests were used to validate the recombinant protein against Sal k 1 isolated from pollen. Sera and blood cells from S. kali pollen-sensitized patients and specific monoclonal and polyclonal antisera were used. RESULTS: rSal k 1 was produced in bacteria with a yield of 7.5 mg/l of cell culture. The protein was purified to homogeneity and structural and immunologically validated against the natural form. rSal k 1 exhibited a higher IgE cross-reactivity with plant-derived food extracts such as peanut, almond or tomato than with pollen sources such as Platanus acerifolia and Oleaceae members. CONCLUSIONS: rSal k 1 expressed in bacteria retains intact structural and immunological properties in comparison to the pollen-derived allergen. It spans the immunological properties of most of the isoforms found in pollen, and it might substitute natural Sal k 1 in clinical diagnosis.