9 resultados para Tanner, Riikka
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
High performance materials are needed for the reconstruction of such a singular building as a cathedral, since in addition to special mechanical properties, high self compact ability, high durability and high surface quality, are specified. Because of the project’s specifications, the use of polypropylene fiber-reinforced, self-compacting concrete was selected by the engineering office. The low quality of local materials and the lack of experience in applying macro polypropylene fiber for structural reinforcement with these components materials required the development of a pretesting program. To optimize the mix design, performance was evaluated following technical, economical and constructability criteria. Since the addition of fibers reduces concrete self-compactability, many trials were run to determine the optimal mix proportions. The variables introduced were paste volume; the aggregate skeleton of two or three fractions plus limestone filler; fiber type and dosage. Two mix designs were selected from the preliminary results. The first one was used as reference for self-compactability and mechanical properties. The second one was an optimized mix with a reduction in cement content of 20 kg/m3and fiber dosage of 1 kg/m3. For these mix designs, extended testing was carried out to measure the compression and flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, toughness, and water permeability resistance
La realización de obras en las que se emplean materiales no tradicionales lleva asociada una complejidad estructural y constructiva. Con la comprobación in situ mediante la realización de un prototipo, se podrá poner a punto los equipos materiales y personales, los procedimientos de definición y ejecución, modelos de cálculos utilizados, etc. Con este objetivo se realizó un prototipo de una bóveda representativa a escala real que permitiera: seleccionar la dosificación de hormigón, entre las estudiadas previamente; optimizar el proceso de colocación, ajustando la localización de los puntos de hormigonado; y comprobar la adecuación de los equipos de hormigonado. Con las lecciones aprendidas de la fabricación de este prototipo se plantearon las modificaciones que se deben incorporar en obra. La experiencia adquirida llevó a modificar las fases de hormigonado y permitió adaptar los materiales al elemento construido.
Corrosion can affect the bond between reinforcing bars and concrete and hence the transfer of longitudinal stresses. Although a number of experimental studies on bond failure have been conducted in recent years, the findings have diverged rather widely, due primarily to differing test conditions. The present paper reports on an experimental programme consisting of eccentric pull-out tests run on corroded steel bars in specimens subjected to accelerated or natural corrosion. An axisymmetric bi-dimensional FE model with finite deformations initially developed to study bond mechanics with sound steel bars, has been enhanced to consider bond effects in corroded steel bars. The model simulation is compared to some of the experimental results for corroded and sound bars and the findings are analysed.
The courthouse at El Ejido has a trapezoid floor plan (47 m × 55/26 m) and comprises two distinct volumes that are structurally connected at the basement level and by the footbridges on the upper storeys. A third trapezoid unit featuring a glazed curtain wall facade cantilevers 8 m off the main facade of the front volume. This facade is a structural diaphragm wall, constituted by nine rows of vertical precast concrete members separated by horizontal cast-in-place, self-compacting concrete chords. The location of the courthouse in a seismic area and the small number of horizontal supports for the facade make this wall potentially vulnerable. The high risk, in particular, during construction required careful planning based on a detailed analysis of the interaction between the structure and the ancillary resources used to build it
Bridge building is a highly uncertain endeavour that entails considerable risk, as attested to by the succession of construction-related incidents and accidents recently reported in Spain and elsewhere. While efforts are being made to improve on-site safety, many issues are still outstanding, such as the establishment of reliability requirements for the ancillary systems used. The problems that must be dealt with in everyday practice, however, are more elementary and often attributable to human error. The overall organisation of the use of bridge construction equipment is in need of improvement. Close cooperation between the bridge engineers responsible for construction planning and ancillary element suppliers is imperative, for flawed interaction between building equipment and the bridge under construction may generate structural vulnerability. External quality assurance should likewise be mandatory
El puente mixto sobre la A-30 se engloba dentro de las obras para la construcción de la autovía A-33, que conecta 3 corredores de gran importancia entre el centro peninsular y levante, concretamente la A-31 (Madrid-Alicante), la A-30 (Albacete-Cartagena) y la A-35 (Albacete-Valencia); y permite la conexión entre las autovías A-30 y A-33. Para esta estructura se adoptó una tipología del tablero de viga de canto constante con cartelas de refuerzo sobre apoyos, más propia de puentes de hormigón que de puentes mixtos, para lograr una mayor ligereza y transparencia de la estructura. El canto necesario para salvar el gran vano central derivado del esviaje en el cruce de vías y el estricto gálibo previsto, implican la necesidad de disminuir el peso visual del tablero para equilibrarlo con la luz aparente del vano principal, que es la percibida por los usuarios de la vía, y la reducida altura de pilas.
El paso superior sobre la GI-40, incluido en la conexión entre Martutene-Hospitales y la A-8, se resuelve, debido a la imposibilidad de disponer pilas intermedias, mediante un vano único de 37,6 m, minimizando, a su vez, la afección al tráfico durante la construcción. La estructura metálica principal sustenta un tablero inferior mixto encofrado con chapa grecada, satisfaciendo los requerimientos de gálibo de la vía inferior y mejorando la seguridad durante la construcción. El esquema estructural, a medio camino entre un arco ?bow-string? y una viga Vierendeel de canto variable, permite alcanzar una disposición robusta, de formas limpias y de alta permeabilidad visual, que, junto con el acabado ofrecido por los estribos de suelo reforzado, configuran un marco estético de calidad que resulta compatible con una alta optimización económica y funcional de la estructura.
La sede judicial en El Ejido, edificio de planta trapezoidal de 47 m x 55 / 26 m, presenta dos volúmenes claramente diferenciados, unidos a nivel de sótano y conectados mediante pasarelas en niveles superiores. Una tercera pieza, de planta trapezoidal y fachada frontal de muro cortina de vidrio, vuela 8 m del plano vertical del edificio más alto. La fachada principal desempeña una función estructural de pantalla y está constituida por 9 filas de pilares prefabricados de hormigón armado entre las que se intercalan unos cordones horizontales de hormigón autocompactante, ejecutados in situ. Debido a la ubicación del edificio en una zona sísmica y el reducido número de apoyos horizontales, la fachada resulta potencialmente vulnerable. Para mitigar los elevados riesgos, particularmente durante las fases constructivas, se hacía necesaria una planificación rigurosa de todo el proceso sobre la base de un análisis específico de la interacción entre la estructura evolutiva de la fachada y la cimbra empleada en su construcción.
The courthouse at El Ejido has a trapezoid floor plan (47 m. x 55 / 26 m.) and comprises two distinct volumes that are structurally connected at basement level and by footbridges on the upper storeys. A third trapezoid unit featuring a glazed curtain wall façade cantilevers 8 m. off the main façade of the front volume. This façade is a structural diaphragm wall, constituted by nine rows of vertical precast concrete members separated by horizontal cast-in-place, self-compacting concrete chords. The location of the courthouse in a seismic area and the short number of horizontal supports for the façade make this wall potentially vulnerable. The particularly high risk during construction called for careful planning based on a detailed analysis of the interaction between the structure and the ancillary resources used to build it