13 resultados para TOMAS DE AQUINO
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The accuracy of Tomás López´s historical cartography of the Canary Islands included in the “Atlas Particular” of the Kingdoms of Spain, Portugal and Adjacent Islands” is analyzed. For this purpose, we propose a methodology based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a comparison of digitized historical cartography population centres with current ones. This study shows that the lineal error value is small for the smaller islands: Lanzarote, El Hierro, La Palma and La Gomera. In the large islands of Tenerife, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria, the error is smaller in central zones but increases towards the coast. This indicates that Tomás López began his cartography starting from central island zones, accumulating errors due to lack of geodetic references as he moved toward the coast.
During the Peninsular War, Napoleon's and Wellington's armies were aware of the lack of precision in the maps of Spain and its provinces that appeared in Tomas Lopez \s Geographical Atlas of Spain. The errors were due to the non-topographical surveying method he used which he had learned from his teacher Jean Baptiste Bourguignon D 'Anville. To map all of the Spanish provinces, Tomas Lopez divided them into circles of three leagues in diameter (16,718 m), taking a particular town as the centre. He asked the town's priest to draw a map of the territory and to complete a questionnaire that Tomas Lopez sent to him. The priest was to return the two documents after he had completed them. Subsequently, at his desk, Tomas Lopez used the maps and reports as well as other graphic and written sources from various locations to make an outline of each map. Next, he made a mosaic that served as a pattern for drawing the final provincial map. We will see the way that this method was applied in two concrete cases: the villages ofChavaler and Monteagudo, situated in the Spanish province of Soria, and verify their degree of accuracy. We will use the maps drawn by the priests in 1767, the final map of the province which was published in 1804 by Tomás López, and a current map of the province showing the angular and linear errors in Lopez \s map.
One of the more aspects that have shaped the landscape is the human impact. The human impact has the clearest indicator of the density of settlements in a particular geographic region. In this paper we study all settlements shown on the map of the Kingdom of Valencia, Spain Geographic Atlas (AGE) of Tomas Lopez (1788), and their correspondence with the current ones. To meet this goal we have developed a specific methodology, the systematic study of all existing settlements in historical cartography. This will determine which have disappeared and which have been renamed. The material used has been the historical cartography of Tomas Lopez, part of the AGE (1789), the Kingdom of Valencia (1789), sheets numbers (78, 79, 80 and 81); Current mapping of the provinces of Alicante, Valencia, Castellon, Teruel, Tattagona and Cuenca; As main software ArcGis V.9.3. The steps followed in the methodology are as follows: 1. Check the scale of the maps. Analyze the possible use of a spherical earth model. 2. Geo-reference of maps with latitude and longitude framework. Move the historical longitude origin to the origin longitude of modern cartography. 3 Digitize of all population settlements or cities. 4 Identify historic settlements or cities corresponding with current ones. 5. If the maps have the same orientation and scale, replace the coordinate transformation of historical settlements with a new one, by a translation in latitude and longitude equal to the calculated mean value of all ancient map points corresponding to the new. 6. Calculation of absolute accuracy of the two maps, i.e. the linear distance between the points of both maps. 7 draw in the GIS, the settlements without correspondence, in the current coordinates, and with a circle of mean error of the sheet, in order to locate their current location. If there are actual settlements exist within this circle, they are candidates to be the searched settlements. We analyzed more than 2000 settlements represented in the Atlas of Tomas Lopez of the Kingdom of Valencia (1789), of which almost 14.5% have no correspondence with the existing settlements. The rural landscape evolution of the Valencia, oldest kingdom of Valencia, one can say that can be severely affected by the anthropization suffered in the period from 1789 to the present, since 70% of existing settlements actually have appeared after Tomas Lopez¿s cartography, dated on 1789
Knowledge of the development of hydrographic networks can be useful for a number of research works in hydraulic engineering. We thus, intend to analyse the cartography regarding the first work that systematically encompasses the entire hydrographic network: Tomas Lopez’s Geographic Atlas of Spain (1787). In order to achieve this goal, we will first analyze –by way of the Geographic Information System (GIS) – both the present and referred historical cartographies. In comparing them, we will use the then-existing population centres that correspond to modern ones. The aim is to compare the following research variables in the hydrographic network: former toponyms, length of riverbeds and distance to population centres. The results of this study will show the variation in the riverbeds and the probable change in their denomination.
Purpose: In this paper we study all settlements shown on the map of the Province of Madrid, sheet number 1 of AGE (Atlas Geográfico de España of Tomas Lopez 1804) and their correspondence with the current ones. This map is divided in to zones: Madrid and Almonacid de Zorita. Method: The steps followed in the methodology are as follow: 1. Geo-reference of maps with latitude and longitude framework. Move the historical longitude origin to the origin longitude of modern cartography. 2 Digitize of all population settlements or cities (97 on Madrid and 42 on Almonacid de Zorita), 3 Identify historic settlements or cities corresponding with current ones. 4. If the maps have the same orientation and scale, replace the coordinate transformation of historical settlements with a new one, by a translation in latitude and longitude equal to the calculated mean value of all ancient map points corresponding to the new. 5. Calculation of absolute accuracy of the two maps. 6 draw in the GIS, the settlements accuracy. Result: It was found that all AGE settlements have good correspondence with current, ie only 27 settlements lost in Madrid and 2 in Almonacid. The average accuracy is 2.3 and 5.7 km to Madrid and Almonacid de Zorita respectively. Discussion & Conclusion: The final accuracy map obtained shows that there is less error in the middle of the map. This study highlights the great work done by Tomas Lopez in performing this mapping without fieldwork. This demonstrates the great value that has been the work of Tomas Lopez in the history of cartography.
Discurso pronunciado por el Excmo. y Magfco. Sr. Rector de la UPM en 1993, D. Rafael Portaencasa Baeza, con motivo del solemne acto académico de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino. En dicho discurso, Portaencasa hace balance del año anterior, reconoce los méritos del nuevo doctor "honoris causa", el profesor Doctor Tom Patten, alaba a los alumnos y profesores destacados por sus méritos y reflexiona sobre el difícil año que les espera, con recortes presupuestarios.
Discurso ofrecido por el Rector de la UPM, D. Rafael Portaencasa Baeza, con motivo de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino en 1988.
Discurso ofrecido por D. Rafael Portaencasa, en calidad de Rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, con motivo de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Se menciona a D. Fernando Ruíz García, Catedrático de la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Agrícola, recientemente jubilado, y a D. José Antonio Martín Pereda, entre otras personalidades destacadas de la UPM. El autor reflexiona posteriormente sobre la situación que se vive en Europa y en España en 1989 y cómo la universidad debe ofrecer un servicio de calidad a la sociedad
Discurso ofrecido por D. Rafael Portaencasa en el acto académico de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino (1983), en el que el Rector rinde homenaje, entre otros, a la memoria del Profesor Vázquez Maure y del Profesor Segovia, fallecidos recientemente. El autor reflexiona también sobre la situación del personal universitario y sobre el lugar que debe ocupar la Universidad en la sociedad.
Discurso pronunciado por D. Rafael Portaencasa, en calidad de Rector de la UPM, en el acto celebrado con motivo de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino y la investidura de Doctor "Honoris Causa" de D. Juan Antonio Samaranch. En sus palabras el Rector resume los principales hitos acaecidos en esta universidad madrileña durante el curso 1989-1990 y agradece a Samaranch su presencia y las palabras que ha pronunciado durante el acto.
Discurso pronunciado por D. Rafael Portaencasa con motivo de la Festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino e investidura de Doctores "Honoris Causa" de los profesores Lacombe (científico de renombre en el campo de Minas), MacCarthy (destacado investigador en el campo de la inteligencia artificial) y Carpentier.
Discurso pronunciado por D. Rafael Portaencasa Baeza, Rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, con motivo de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino e investidura de doctores honoris causa de los profesores Dres. Yuri M. Davydov, Vagan V. Shajguildan y Gabriel Ferraté. En este discurso se repasan los principales méritos académicos y de investigación de estas tres personalidades del mundo de la ciencia.
Discurso pronunciado por D. Rafael Portaencasa Baeza, Rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, con motivo de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino e investidura de doctores honoris causa de los profesores Doctores William A. Gambling y Rem V. Petrov. En sus palabras el autor repasa los principales logros académicos de estas dos personalidades del mundo de la ciencia.