3 resultados para Stepper motor
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
En este proyecto se desarrolla un sistema electrónico para variar la geometría de un motor de un monoplaza que participa en la competición Fórmula SAE. Fórmula SAE es una competición de diseño de monoplazas para estudiantes, organizado por “Society of Automotive Enginners” (SAE). Este concurso busca la innovación tecnológica de la automoción, así como que estudiantes participen en un trabajo real, en el cual el objetivo es obtener resultados competitivos cumpliendo con una serie de requisitos. La variación de la geometría de un motor en un vehículo permite mejorar el rendimiento del monoplaza consiguiendo elevar el par de potencia del motor. Cualquier mejora en del vehículo en un ámbito de competición puede resultar determinante en el desenlace de la misma. El objetivo del proyecto es realizar esta variación mediante el control de la longitud de los tubos de admisión de aire o “runners” del motor de combustión, empleando un motor lineal paso a paso. A partir de la información obtenida por sensores de revoluciones del motor de combustión y la posición del acelerador se debe controlar la distancia de dichos tubos. Integrando este sistema en el bus CAN del vehículo para que comparta la información medida al resto de módulos. Por todo esto se realiza un estudio aclarando los aspectos generales del objetivo del trabajo, para la comprensión del proyecto a realizar, las posibilidades de realización y adquisición de conocimientos para un mejor desarrollo. Se presenta una solución basada en el control del motor lineal paso a paso mediante el microcontrolador PIC32MX795F512-L. Dispositivo del fabricante Microchip con una arquitectura de 32 bits. Este dispone de un módulo CAN integrado y distintos periféricos que se emplean en la medición de los sensores y actuación sobre el motor paso a paso empleando el driver de Texas Instruments DRV8805. Entonces el trabajo se realiza en dos líneas, una parte software de programación del control del sistema, empleando el software de Microchip MPLABX IDE y otra parte hardware de diseño de una PCB y circuitos acondicionadores para la conexión del microcontrolador, con los sensores, driver, motor paso a paso y bus CAN. El software empleado para la realización de la PCB es Orcad9.2/Layout. Para la evaluación de las medidas obtenidas por los sensores y la comprobación del bus CAN se emplea el kit de desarrollo de Microchip, MCP2515 CAN Bus Monitor Demo Board, que permite ver la información en el bus CAN e introducir tramas al mismo. ABSTRACT. This project develops an electronic system to vary the geometry of a car engine which runs the Formula SAE competition. Formula SAE is a design car competition for students, organized by "Society of Automotive Engineers" (SAE). This competition seeks technological innovation in the automotive industry and brings in students to participate in a real job, in which the objective is to obtain competitive results in compliance with certain requirements. Varying engine’s geometry in a vehicle improves car’s performance raising engine output torque. Any improvement in the vehicle in a competition field can be decisive in the outcome of it. The goal of the project is the variation by controlling the length of the air intake pipe or "runners" in a combustion engine, using a linear motor step. For these, uses the information gathered by speed sensors from the combustion engine and by the throttle position to control the distance of these tubes. This system is integrated in the vehicle CAN bus to share the information with the other modules. For all this is made a study to clarify the general aspects of the project in order to understand the activities developed inside the project, the different options available and also, to acquire knowledge for a better development of the project. The solution is based on linear stepper motor control by the microcontroller PIC32MX795F512-L. Device from manufacturer Microchip with a 32-bit architecture. This module has an integrated CAN various peripherals that are used in measuring the performance of the sensors and drives the stepper motor using Texas Instruments DRV8805 driver. Then the work is done in two lines, first, control programming software system using software MPLABX Microchip IDE and, second, hardware design of a PCB and conditioning circuits for connecting the microcontroller, with sensors, driver stepper motor and CAN bus. The software used to carry out the PCB is Orcad9.2/Layout. For the evaluation of the measurements obtained by the sensors and CAN bus checking is used Microchip development kit, MCP2515 CAN Bus Monitor Demo Board, that allows you to see the information on the CAN bus and enter new frames in the bus.
Hybrid Stepper Motors are widely used in open-loop position applications. They are the choice of actuation for the collimators in the Large Hadron Collider, the largest particle accelerator at CERN. In this case the positioning requirements and the highly radioactive operating environment are unique. The latter forces both the use of long cables to connect the motors to the drives which act as transmission lines and also prevents the use of standard position sensors. However, reliable and precise operation of the collimators is critical for the machine, requiring the prevention of step loss in the motors and maintenance to be foreseen in case of mechanical degradation. In order to make the above possible, an approach is proposed for the application of an Extended Kalman Filter to a sensorless stepper motor drive, when the motor is separated from its drive by long cables. When the long cables and high frequency pulse width modulated control voltage signals are used together, the electrical signals difer greatly between the motor and drive-side of the cable. Since in the considered case only drive-side data is available, it is therefore necessary to estimate the motor-side signals. Modelling the entire cable and motor system in an Extended Kalman Filter is too computationally intensive for standard embedded real-time platforms. It is, in consequence, proposed to divide the problem into an Extended Kalman Filter, based only on the motor model, and separated motor-side signal estimators, the combination of which is less demanding computationally. The efectiveness of this approach is shown in simulation. Then its validity is experimentally demonstrated via implementation in a DSP based drive. A testbench to test its performance when driving an axis of a Large Hadron Collider collimator is presented along with the results achieved. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of achieving position and load torque estimates which allow step loss to be detected and mechanical degradation to be evaluated without the need for physical sensors. These estimation algorithms often require a precise model of the motor, but the standard electrical model used for hybrid stepper motors is limited when currents, which are high enough to produce saturation of the magnetic circuit, are present. New model extensions are proposed in order to have a more precise model of the motor independently of the current level, whilst maintaining a low computational cost. It is shown that a significant improvement in the model It is achieved with these extensions, and their computational performance is compared to study the cost of model improvement versus computation cost. The applicability of the proposed model extensions is demonstrated via their use in an Extended Kalman Filter running in real-time for closed-loop current control and mechanical state estimation. An additional problem arises from the use of stepper motors. The mechanics of the collimators can wear due to the abrupt motion and torque profiles that are applied by them when used in the standard way, i.e. stepping in open-loop. Closed-loop position control, more specifically Field Oriented Control, would allow smoother profiles, more respectful to the mechanics, to be applied but requires position feedback. As mentioned already, the use of sensors in radioactive environments is very limited for reliability reasons. Sensorless control is a known option but when the speed is very low or zero, as is the case most of the time for the motors used in the LHC collimator, the loss of observability prevents its use. In order to allow the use of position sensors without reducing the long term reliability of the whole system, the possibility to switch from closed to open loop is proposed and validated, allowing the use of closed-loop control when the position sensors function correctly and open-loop when there is a sensor failure. A different approach to deal with the switched drive working with long cables is also presented. Switched mode stepper motor drives tend to have poor performance or even fail completely when the motor is fed through a long cable due to the high oscillations in the drive-side current. The design of a stepper motor output fillter which solves this problem is thus proposed. A two stage filter, one devoted to dealing with the diferential mode and the other with the common mode, is designed and validated experimentally. With this ?lter the drive performance is greatly improved, achieving a positioning repeatability even better than with the drive working without a long cable, the radiated emissions are reduced and the overvoltages at the motor terminals are eliminated.
The use of ion microbeams as probes for computedtomography has proven to be a powerful tool for the three-dimensional characterization of specimens a few tens of micrometers in size. Compared to other types of probes, the main advantage is that quantitative information about mass density and composition can be obtained directly, using specific reconstruction codes. At the Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan (CENBG), this technique was initially developed for applications in cellular biology. However, the observation of the cell ultrastructure requires a sub-micron resolution. The construction of the nanobeamline at the Applications Interdisciplinaires des Faisceaux d’Ions en Region Aquitaine (AIFIRA) irradiation facility has opened new perspectives for such applications. The implementation of computedtomography on the nanobeamline of CENBG has required a careful design of the analysis chamber, especially microscopes for precise sample visualization, and detectors for scanning transmission ion microscopy (STIM) and for particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE). The sample can be precisely positioned in the three directions X, Y, Z and a stepper motor coupled to a goniometer ensures the rotational motion. First images of 3D tomography were obtained on a reference sample containing microspheres of certified diameter, showing the good stability of the beam and the sample stage, and the precision of the motion.