6 resultados para Static random access storage
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Conventional dual-rail precharge logic suffers from difficult implementations of dual-rail structure for obtaining strict compensation between the counterpart rails. As a light-weight and high-speed dual-rail style, balanced cell-based dual-rail logic (BCDL) uses synchronised compound gates with global precharge signal to provide high resistance against differential power or electromagnetic analyses. BCDL can be realised from generic field programmable gate array (FPGA) design flows with constraints. However, routings still exist as concerns because of the deficient flexibility on routing control, which unfavourably results in bias between complementary nets in security-sensitive parts. In this article, based on a routing repair technique, novel verifications towards routing effect are presented. An 8 bit simplified advanced encryption processing (AES)-co-processor is executed that is constructed on block random access memory (RAM)-based BCDL in Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAs. Since imbalanced routing are major defects in BCDL, the authors can rule out other influences and fairly quantify the security variants. A series of asymptotic correlation electromagnetic (EM) analyses are launched towards a group of circuits with consecutive routing schemes to be able to verify routing impact on side channel analyses. After repairing the non-identical routings, Mutual information analyses are executed to further validate the concrete security increase obtained from identical routing pairs in BCDL.
Los resultados presentados en la memoria de esta tesis doctoral se enmarcan en la denominada computación celular con membranas una nueva rama de investigación dentro de la computación natural creada por Gh. Paun en 1998, de ahí que habitualmente reciba el nombre de sistemas P. Este nuevo modelo de cómputo distribuido está inspirado en la estructura y funcionamiento de la célula. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido analizar el poder y la eficiencia computacional de estos sistemas de computación celular. En concreto, se han analizado dos tipos de sistemas P: por un lado los sistemas P de neuronas de impulsos, y por otro los sistemas P con proteínas en las membranas. Para el primer tipo, los resultados obtenidos demuestran que es posible que estos sistemas mantengan su universalidad aunque muchas de sus características se limiten o incluso se eliminen. Para el segundo tipo, se analiza la eficiencia computacional y se demuestra que son capaces de resolver problemas de la clase de complejidad ESPACIO-P (PSPACE) en tiempo polinómico. Análisis del poder computacional: Los sistemas P de neuronas de impulsos (en adelante SN P, acrónimo procedente del inglés «Spiking Neural P Systems») son sistemas inspirados en el funcionamiento neuronal y en la forma en la que los impulsos se propagan por las redes sinápticas. Los SN P bio-inpirados poseen un numeroso abanico de características que ha cen que dichos sistemas sean universales y por tanto equivalentes, en poder computacional, a una máquina de Turing. Estos sistemas son potentes a nivel computacional, pero tal y como se definen incorporan numerosas características, quizás demasiadas. En (Ibarra et al. 2007) se demostró que en estos sistemas sus funcionalidades podrían ser limitadas sin comprometer su universalidad. Los resultados presentados en esta memoria son continuistas con la línea de trabajo de (Ibarra et al. 2007) y aportan nuevas formas normales. Esto es, nuevas variantes simplificadas de los sistemas SN P con un conjunto mínimo de funcionalidades pero que mantienen su poder computacional universal. Análisis de la eficiencia computacional: En esta tesis se ha estudiado la eficiencia computacional de los denominados sistemas P con proteínas en las membranas. Se muestra que este modelo de cómputo es equivalente a las máquinas de acceso aleatorio paralelas (PRAM) o a las máquinas de Turing alterantes ya que se demuestra que un sistema P con proteínas, es capaz de resolver un problema ESPACIOP-Completo como el QSAT(problema de satisfacibilidad de fórmulas lógicas cuantificado) en tiempo polinómico. Esta variante de sistemas P con proteínas es muy eficiente gracias al poder de las proteínas a la hora de catalizar los procesos de comunicación intercelulares. ABSTRACT The results presented at this thesis belong to membrane computing a new research branch inside of Natural computing. This new branch was created by Gh. Paun on 1998, hence usually receives the name of P Systems. This new distributed computing model is inspired on structure and functioning of cell. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the efficiency and computational power of these computational cellular systems. Specifically there have been analyzed two different classes of P systems. On the one hand it has been analyzed the Neural Spiking P Systems, and on the other hand it has been analyzed the P systems with proteins on membranes. For the first class it is shown that it is possible to reduce or restrict the characteristics of these kind of systems without loss of computational power. For the second class it is analyzed the computational efficiency solving on polynomial time PSACE problems. Computational Power Analysis: The spiking neural P systems (SN P in short) are systems inspired by the way of neural cells operate sending spikes through the synaptic networks. The bio-inspired SN Ps possess a large range of features that make these systems to be universal and therefore equivalent in computational power to a Turing machine. Such systems are computationally powerful, but by definition they incorporate a lot of features, perhaps too much. In (Ibarra et al. in 2007) it was shown that their functionality may be limited without compromising its universality. The results presented herein continue the (Ibarra et al. 2007) line of work providing new formal forms. That is, new SN P simplified variants with a minimum set of functionalities but keeping the universal computational power. Computational Efficiency Analisys: In this thesis we study the computational efficiency of P systems with proteins on membranes. We show that this computational model is equivalent to parallel random access machine (PRAM) or alternating Turing machine because, we show P Systems with proteins can solve a PSPACE-Complete problem as QSAT (Quantified Propositional Satisfiability Problem) on polynomial time. This variant of P Systems with proteins is very efficient thanks to computational power of proteins to catalyze inter-cellular communication processes.
Samples of "Golden" and "Granny Smith" apples and "Conference" and "Doyenne of Cornice" pears have been tested. A great effect of storage conditions has been detected for pear but not for apple varieties. Both apple cultivars show to be equally resistant to quasi-static and to dinamic loading while pear varieties show great differences. All these effects can be quantified in order to describe mathematically species and varieties behavior.
In just a few years cloud computing has become a very popular paradigm and a business success story, with storage being one of the key features. To achieve high data availability, cloud storage services rely on replication. In this context, one major challenge is data consistency. In contrast to traditional approaches that are mostly based on strong consistency, many cloud storage services opt for weaker consistency models in order to achieve better availability and performance. This comes at the cost of a high probability of stale data being read, as the replicas involved in the reads may not always have the most recent write. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, named Harmony, which adaptively tunes the consistency level at run-time according to the application requirements. The key idea behind Harmony is an intelligent estimation model of stale reads, allowing to elastically scale up or down the number of replicas involved in read operations to maintain a low (possibly zero) tolerable fraction of stale reads. As a result, Harmony can meet the desired consistency of the applications while achieving good performance. We have implemented Harmony and performed extensive evaluations with the Cassandra cloud storage on Grid?5000 testbed and on Amazon EC2. The results show that Harmony can achieve good performance without exceeding the tolerated number of stale reads. For instance, in contrast to the static eventual consistency used in Cassandra, Harmony reduces the stale data being read by almost 80% while adding only minimal latency. Meanwhile, it improves the throughput of the system by 45% while maintaining the desired consistency requirements of the applications when compared to the strong consistency model in Cassandra.
In professional video production, users have to access to huge multimedia files simultaneously in an error-free environment, this restriction force the use of expensive disk architectures for video servers. Previous researches proposed different RAID systems for each specific task (ingest, editing, file, play-out, etc.). Video production companies have to acquire different servers with different RAIDs systems in order to support each task in the production workflow. The solution has multiples disadvantages, duplicated material in several RAIDs, duplicated material for different qualities, transfer and transcoding processes, etc. In this work, an architecture for video servers based on the spreading of JPEG200 data in different RAIDs is presented, each individual part of the data structure goes to a specific RAID type depending on the effect that produces the data on the overall image quality, the method provide a redundancy correlated with the data rank. The global storage can be used in all the different tasks of the production workflow saving disk space, redundant files and transfers procedures.
This paper describes the authors? experience with static analysis of both WCET and stack usage of a satellite on-board software subsystem. The work is a continuation of a previous case study that used a dynamic WCET analysis tool on an earlier version of the same software system. In particular, the AbsInt aiT tool has been evaluated by analysing both C and Ada code generated by Simulink within the UPMSat-2 project. Some aspects of the aiT tool, specifically those dealing with SPARC register windows, are compared to another static analysis tool, Bound-T. The results of the analysis are discussed, and some conclusions on the use of static WCET analysis tools on the SPARC architecture are commented in the paper.