4 resultados para Spectral resolution
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The aim of this thesis is to study the mechanisms of instability that occur in swept wings when the angle of attack increases. For this, a simplified model for the a simplified model for the non-orthogonal swept leading edge boundary layer has been used as well as different numerical techniques in order to solve the linear stability problem that describes the behavior of perturbations superposed upon this base flow. Two different approaches, matrix-free and matrix forming methods, have been validated using direct numerical simulations with spectral resolution. In this way, flow instability in the non-orthogonal swept attachment-line boundary layer is addressed in a linear analysis framework via the solution of the pertinent global (Bi-Global) PDE-based eigenvalue problem. Subsequently, a simple extension of the extended G¨ortler-H¨ammerlin ODEbased polynomial model proposed by Theofilis, Fedorov, Obrist & Dallmann (2003) for orthogonal flow, which includes previous models as particular cases and recovers global instability analysis results, is presented for non-orthogonal flow. Direct numerical simulations have been used to verify the stability results and unravel the limits of validity of the basic flow model analyzed. The effect of the angle of attack, AoA, on the critical conditions of the non-orthogonal problem has been documented; an increase of the angle of attack, from AoA = 0 (orthogonal flow) up to values close to _/2 which make the assumptions under which the basic flow is derived questionable, is found to systematically destabilize the flow. The critical conditions of non-orthogonal flows at 0 _ AoA _ _/2 are shown to be recoverable from those of orthogonal flow, via a simple analytical transformation involving AoA. These results can help to understand the mechanisms of destabilization that occurs in the attachment line of wings at finite angles of attack. Studies taking into account variations of the pressure field in the basic flow or the extension to compressible flows are issues that remain open. El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar los mecanismos de la inestabilidad que se producen en ciertos dispositivos aerodinámicos cuando se aumenta el ángulo de ataque. Para ello se ha utilizado un modelo simplificado del flujo de base, así como diferentes técnicas numéricas, con el fin de resolver el problema de estabilidad lineal asociado que describe el comportamiento de las perturbaciones. Estos métodos; sin y con formación de matriz, se han validado utilizando simulaciones numéricas directas con resolución espectral. De esta manera, la inestabilidad del flujo de capa límite laminar oblicuo entorno a la línea de estancamiento se aborda en un marco de análisis lineal por medio del método Bi-Global de resolución del problema de valores propios en derivadas parciales. Posteriormente se propone una extensión simple para el flujo no-ortogonal del modelo polinomial de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias, G¨ortler-H¨ammerlin extendido, propuesto por Theofilis et al. (2003) para el flujo ortogonal, que incluye los modelos previos como casos particulares y recupera los resultados del analisis global de estabilidad lineal. Se han realizado simulaciones directas con el fin de verificar los resultados del análisis de estabilidad así como para investigar los límites de validez del modelo de flujo base utilizado. En este trabajo se ha documentado el efecto del ángulo de ataque AoA en las condiciones críticas del problema no ortogonal obteniendo que el incremento del ángulo de ataque, de AoA = 0 (flujo ortogonal) hasta valores próximos a _/2, en el cual las hipótesis sobre las que se basa el flujo base dejan de ser válidas, tiende sistemáticamente a desestabilizar el flujo. Las condiciones críticas del caso no ortogonal 0 _ AoA _ _/2 pueden recuperarse a partir del caso ortogonal mediante el uso de una transformación analítica simple que implica el ángulo de ataque AoA. Estos resultados pueden ayudar a comprender los mecanismos de desestabilización que se producen en el borde de ataque de las alas de los aviones a ángulos de ataque finitos. Como tareas pendientes quedaría realizar estudios que tengan en cuenta variaciones del campo de presión en el flujo base así como la extensión de éste al caso de flujos compresibles.
Collaborative efforts between the Neutronics and Target Design Group at the Instituto de Fusión Nuclear and the Molecular Spectroscopy Group at the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source date back to 2012 in the context of the ESS-Bilbao project. The rationale for these joint activities was twofold, namely: to assess the realm of applicability of the low-energy neutron source proposed by ESS-Bilbao - for details; and to explore instrument capabilities for pulsed-neutron techniques in the range 0.05-3 ms, a time range where ESS-Bilbao and ISIS could offer a significant degree of synergy and complementarity. As part of this collaboration, J.P. de Vicente has spent a three-month period within the ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy Group, to gain hands-on experience on the practical aspects of neutron-instrument design and the requisite neutron-transport simulations. To date, these activities have resulted in a joint MEng thesis as well as a number of publications and contributions to national and international conferences. Building upon these previous works, the primary aim of this report is to provide a self-contained discussion of general criteria for instrument selection at ESS-Bilbao, the first accelerator-driven, low-energy neutron source designed in Spain. To this end, Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the current design parameters of the accelerator and target station. Neutron moderation is covered in Chapter 2, where we take a closer look at two possible target-moderator-reflector configurations and pay special attention to the spectral and temporal characteristics of the resulting neutron pulses. This discussion provides a necessary starting point to assess the operation of ESSB in short- and long-pulse modes. These considerations are further explored in Chapter 3, dealing with the primary characteristics of ESS-Bilbao as a short- or long-pulse facility in terms of accessible dynamic range and spectral resolution. Other practical aspects including background suppression and the use of fast choppers are also discussed. The guiding principles introduced in the first three chapters are put to use in Chapter 4 where we analyse in some detail the capabilities of a small-angle scattering instrument, as well as how specific scientific requirements can be mapped onto the optimal use of ESS-Bilbao for condensed-matter research. Part 2 of the report contains additional supporting documentation, including a description of the ESSB McStas component, a detailed characterisation of moderator response and neutron pulses, and estimates ofparameters associated with the design and operation of neutron choppers. In closing this brief foreword, we wish to thank both ESS-Bilbao and ISIS for their continuing encouragement and support along the way.
Las imágenes hiperespectrales permiten extraer información con una gran resolución espectral, que se suele extender desde el espectro ultravioleta hasta el infrarrojo. Aunque esta tecnología fue aplicada inicialmente a la observación de la superficie terrestre, esta característica ha hecho que, en los últimos años, la aplicación de estas imágenes se haya expandido a otros campos, como la medicina y, en concreto, la detección del cáncer. Sin embargo, este nuevo ámbito de aplicación ha generado nuevas necesidades, como la del procesado de las imágenes en tiempo real. Debido, precisamente, a la gran resolución espectral, estas imágenes requieren una elevada capacidad computacional para ser procesadas, lo que imposibilita la consecución de este objetivo con las técnicas tradicionales de procesado. En este sentido, una de las principales líneas de investigación persigue el objetivo del tiempo real mediante la paralelización del procesamiento, dividiendo esta carga computacional en varios núcleos que trabajen simultáneamente. A este respecto, en el presente documento se describe el desarrollo de una librería de procesado hiperespectral para el lenguaje RVC - CAL, que está específicamente pensado para el desarrollo de aplicaciones multimedia y proporciona las herramientas necesarias para paralelizar las aplicaciones. En concreto, en este Proyecto Fin de Grado se han desarrollado las funciones necesarias para implementar dos de las cuatro fases de la cadena de análisis de una imagen hiperespectral - en concreto, las fases de estimación del número de endmembers y de la estimación de la distribución de los mismos en la imagen -; conviene destacar que este trabajo se complementa con el realizado por Daniel Madroñal en su Proyecto Fin de Grado, donde desarrolla las funciones necesarias para completar las otras dos fases de la cadena. El presente documento sigue la estructura clásica de un trabajo de investigación, exponiendo, en primer lugar, las motivaciones que han cimentado este Proyecto Fin de Grado y los objetivos que se esperan alcanzar con él. A continuación, se realiza un amplio análisis del estado del arte de las tecnologías necesarias para su desarrollo, explicando, por un lado, las imágenes hiperespectrales y, por otro, todos los recursos hardware y software necesarios para la implementación de la librería. De esta forma, se proporcionarán todos los conceptos técnicos necesarios para el correcto seguimiento de este documento. Tras ello, se detallará la metodología seguida para la generación de la mencionada librería, así como el proceso de implementación de una cadena completa de procesado de imágenes hiperespectrales que permita la evaluación tanto de la bondad de la librería como del tiempo necesario para analizar una imagen hiperespectral completa. Una vez expuesta la metodología utilizada, se analizarán en detalle los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas realizadas; en primer lugar, se explicarán los resultados individuales extraídos del análisis de las dos etapas implementadas y, posteriormente, se discutirán los arrojados por el análisis de la ejecución de la cadena completa, tanto en uno como en varios núcleos. Por último, como resultado de este estudio se extraen una serie de conclusiones, que engloban aspectos como bondad de resultados, tiempos de ejecución y consumo de recursos; asimismo, se proponen una serie de líneas futuras de actuación con las que se podría continuar y complementar la investigación desarrollada en este documento. ABSTRACT. Hyperspectral imaging collects information from across the electromagnetic spectrum, covering a wide range of wavelengths. Although this technology was initially developed for remote sensing and earth observation, its multiple advantages - such as high spectral resolution - led to its application in other fields, as cancer detection. However, this new field has shown specific requirements; for example, it needs to accomplish strong time specifications, since all the potential applications - like surgical guidance or in vivo tumor detection - imply real-time requisites. Achieving this time requirements is a great challenge, as hyperspectral images generate extremely high volumes of data to process. For that reason, some new research lines are studying new processing techniques, and the most relevant ones are related to system parallelization: in order to reduce the computational load, this solution executes image analysis in several processors simultaneously; in that way, this computational load is divided among the different cores, and real-time specifications can be accomplished. This document describes the construction of a new hyperspectral processing library for RVC - CAL language, which is specifically designed for multimedia applications and allows multithreading compilation and system parallelization. This Diploma Project develops the required library functions to implement two of the four stages of the hyperspectral imaging processing chain - endmember and abundance estimations -. The two other stages - dimensionality reduction and endmember extraction - are studied in the Diploma Project of Daniel Madroñal, which complements the research work described in this document. The document follows the classical structure of a research work. Firstly, it introduces the motivations that have inspired this Diploma Project and the main objectives to achieve. After that, it thoroughly studies the state of the art of the technologies related to the development of the library. The state of the art contains all the concepts needed to understand the contents of this research work, like the definition and applications of hyperspectral imaging and the typical processing chain. Thirdly, it explains the methodology of the library implementation, as well as the construction of a complete processing chain in RVC - CAL applying the mentioned library. This chain will test both the correct behavior of the library and the time requirements for the complete analysis of one hyperspectral image, either executing the chain in one processor or in several ones. Afterwards, the collected results will be carefully analyzed: first of all, individual results -from endmember and abundance estimations stages - will be discussed and, after that, complete results will be studied; this results will be obtained from the complete processing chain, so they will analyze the effects of multithreading and system parallelization on the mentioned processing chain. Finally, as a result of this discussion, some conclusions will be gathered regarding some relevant aspects, such as algorithm behavior, execution times and processing performance. Likewise, this document will conclude with the proposal of some future research lines that could continue the research work described in this document.
This paper reports on design studies concerning a moderator concept which aims to maximize the time averaged flux. The idea is to provide neutron spectra showing two clear maxima, with peaks at View the MathML source and View the MathML source arising from leakage from both cryogenic and thermal moderators. Such a concept known as a bi-spectral moderator (Mezei, 2006 [1]) while proven on a reactor source has only been examined for the ESS 2003 proposal. Filges et al. (2003 [2]), which featured a different design than the current ESS. This paper thus reports on a baseline design for such a moderator concept and shows that it can provide substantial gains in count rates for those applications not requiring high resolution in time-of-flight.