26 resultados para Specific Educational Needs
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Aiming to identify educational needs to promote employment in the field of Occupational Health and Safety in Spain, this paper analyses the matching degree between the existing university educational offer and the professional demand. Results indicate that the new official Masters are well driven but, at graduate level, a broad range of topics regarding occupational hazards should be promoted and the scope of cross subjects should be expanded. New profiles that are emerging within this field are also identified.
The decision to select the most suitable type of energy storage system for an electric vehicle is always difficult, since many conditionings must be taken into account. Sometimes, this study can be made by means of complex mathematical models which represent the behavior of a battery, ultracapacitor or some other devices. However, these models are usually too dependent on parameters that are not easily available, which usually results in nonrealistic results. Besides, the more accurate the model, the more specific it needs to be, which becomes an issue when comparing systems of different nature. This paper proposes a practical methodology to compare different energy storage technologies. This is done by means of a linear approach of an equivalent circuit based on laboratory tests. Via these tests, the internal resistance and the self-discharge rate are evaluated, making it possible to compare different energy storage systems regardless their technology. Rather simple testing equipment is sufficient to give a comparative idea of the differences between each system, concerning issues such as efficiency, heating and self-discharge, when operating under a certain scenario. The proposed methodology is applied to four energy storage systems of different nature for the sake of illustration.
New devices have made their way into everyday life in recent years, opening the doors to new ways of interacting with computers, providing different, and potentially better, solutions to some problems. But this raises the question of if there is any way of measuring whether or not these new devices are suitable. This paper presents a strategy for evaluating the suitability of new interaction devices in the context of teaching children with special educational needs
The development of mixed-criticality virtualized multicore systems poses new challenges that are being subject of active research work. There is an additional complexity: it is now required to identify a set of partitions, and allocate applications to partitions. In this job, a number of issues have to be considered, such as the criticality level of the application, security and dependability requirements, operating system used by the application, time requirements granularity, specific hardware needs, etc. MultiPARTES [6] toolset relies on Model Driven Engineering (MDE) [12], which is a suitable approach in this setting. In this paper, it is described the support provided for automatic system partitioning generation and toolset extensibility.
Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) tiene el objetivo incorporar el dispositivo Leap Motion [1] en un juego educativo para niños con necesidades educativas especiales para permitirles aprender de una forma divertida mientras disfrutan con los mini juegos que ofrece nuestra aplicación. Está destinado al apoyo del sistema educativo para los niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Debido al público que tenemos como objetivo debemos de tener en cuenta que hay distintos tipos de usuarios según el tipo de discapacidad que tienen. Entre ellas tenemos discapacidad visual, auditiva, cognitiva y motriz. Tenemos distintos mini juegos para facilitar el aprendizaje de las letras y nuevas palabras, los nombres de colores y diferenciarlos y la asociación de conceptos mediante ejemplos sencillos como son ropa, juguetes y comida. Para hacer que la interacción sea más divertida tenemos distintos tipos de dispositivos de interacción: unos comunes como son el teclado y la pantalla táctil y otros más novedosos como son Kinect [2] y Leap Motion que es el que se introducirá en el desarrollo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado. El otro objetivo de este proyecto es el estudio de los distintos dispositivos de interacción. Se quiere descubrir qué tipo de sistemas de interacción son más sencillos de aprender, cuáles son más intuitivos para los niños, los que les resultan más interesantes permitiendo captar mejor su atención y sus opuestos, es decir, los que son más difíciles de entender, los más monótonos y los más aburridos para ellos.---ABSTRACT---This Final Degree Project (TFG) aims to incorporate the Leap Motion device [1] in an educational game for children with special educational needs to enable them to learn in a funny way while enjoying the mini games that our application offered. It is intended to support the education system for children with special educational needs. Because the public that we have as objective we must take into account that there are different types of users depending on the type of disability they have. Among them we have visual, auditory, cognitive and motor disabilities. We have different mini games to make easier learning of letters and new words, names and distinguish colors and the association of concepts through simple examples such as clothing, toys and food. To make the interaction more fun we have different interaction devices: common such as the keyboard and the touch screen and other more innovative such as Kinect [2] and Leap Motion which is to be introduced in the development of this Final Degree Work. The other objective of this project is to study the various interaction devices. You want to find out what type of interaction systems are easier to learn, which are more intuitive for children, who are more interesting allowing better capture their attention and their opposites, that is, those that are more difficult to understand, the most monotonous and most boring for them.
El presente proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (enseñar a leer y a escribir) para niños con discapacidad, haciendo para ello uso de una aplicación que se ejecuta en una tablet con Sistema Operativo (S.O.) Android. Existe un vacío en el mundo de las aplicaciones para tabletas en este campo en el que se intentará poner un grano de arena para, al menos, tener una aplicación que sirva de toma de contacto a los interesados en este campo. Para establecer las funcionalidades más adecuadas al propósito de la herramienta, se ha consultado a profesionales de la logopedia de un colegio de educación especial, con cuya colaboración se ha dado forma a la estructura de la misma. La implementación de la aplicación se ha llevado a cabo con programación en entorno Java para Android. Se han incluido diferentes recursos como imágenes, pictogramas y locuciones tanto elementos con licencia libre, como elementos propios generados ‘ex profeso’ para dar la forma final a la herramienta. Podemos decir que en general esta aplicación puede ser usada para enseña a leer y escribir a cualquier niño, pero se ha dotado de unas ciertas características que la confieren una orientación especial hacia niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Para ello se ha cuidado mucho la estética, para que ésta sea lo más simple y suave posible, para hacer especial hincapié en la atención de los niños y evitar su distracción con elementos visuales innecesarios. Se ha dotado de estímulos visuales y sonoros para fomentar su interés (aplausos en caso de acierto, colores para diferenciar aciertos y errores, etc.). Se han utilizado los tamaños de letra más grandes posibles (para las discapacidades visuales), etc. El mercado cuenta con una ingente cantidad de dispositivos Android, con características muy dispares, de tamaño de pantalla, resolución y versiones del S.O. entre otras. La aplicación se ha desarrollado tratando de dar cobertura al mayor porcentaje de ellos posible. El requisito mínimo de tamaño de pantalla sería de siete pulgadas. Esta herramienta no tiene demasiado sentido en dispositivos con pantallas menores por las características intrínsecas de la misma. No obstante se ha trabajado también en la configuración para dispositivos pequeños, como “smartphones”, no por su valor como herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (aunque en algunos casos podría ser viable) sino más bien con fines de prueba y entrenamiento para profesores, padres o tutores que realizarán la labor docente con dispositivos tablet. Otro de los requisitos, como se ha mencionado, para poder ejecutar la aplicación sería la versión mínima de S.O., por debajo de la cual (versiones muy obsoletas) la aplicación sería inviable. Sirva este proyecto pues para cubrir, mediante el uso de la tecnología, un aspecto de la enseñanza con grandes oportunidades de mejora. ----------------------- This Project is aimed to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills to handicapped children with an Android application. There are no Android applications available on this field, so it is intended to provide at least one option to take contact with. Speech therapy professionals from a special needs school have been asked for the most suitable functions to be included in this tool. The structure of this tool has been made with the cooperation of these professionals. The implementation of the application has been performed through Java coding for Android. Different resources have been included such as pictures, pictograms and sounds, including free licenses resources and self-developed resources. In general, it can be said that this application can be used to teach learning and writing skills to any given kid, however it has been provided of certain features that makes it ideal for children with special educational needs. It has been strongly taken into account the whole aesthetic to be as simple and soft as possible, in order to get attention of children, excluding any visual disturbing elements. It has been provided with sound and visual stimulations, to attract their interest (applauses in cases of correct answers, different colours to differentiate right or wrong answers), etc. There are many different types of Android devices, with very heterogeneous features regarding their screen size, resolution and O.S. version, etc., available today. The application has been developed trying to cover most of them. Minimum screen resolution is seven inches. This tool doesn’t seem to be very useful for smaller screens, for its inner features. Nevertheless, it has been developed for smaller devices as well, like smartphones, not intended to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills (even it could be possible in some cases), but in a test and training context for teachers, parents or guardians who do the teaching work with tablet devices. Another requirement, as stated before, in order to be able to run the application, it would be the minimum O.S. version, below that (very obsolete versions) the application would become impracticable. Hope this project to be used to fulfill, by means of technology, one area of teaching with great improvement opportunities.
El presente proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (enseñar a leer y a escribir) para niños con discapacidad, haciendo para ello uso de una aplicación que se ejecuta en una tablet con Sistema Operativo (S.O.) Android. Existe un vacío en el mundo de las aplicaciones para tabletas en este campo en el que se intentará poner un grano de arena para, al menos, tener una aplicación que sirva de toma de contacto a los interesados en este campo. Para establecer las funcionalidades más adecuadas al propósito de la herramienta, se ha consultado a profesionales de la logopedia de un colegio de educación especial, con cuya colaboración se ha dado forma a la estructura de la misma. La implementación de la aplicación se ha llevado a cabo con programación en entorno Java para Android. Se han incluido diferentes recursos como imágenes, pictogramas y locuciones tanto elementos con licencia libre, como elementos propios generados ‘ex profeso’ para dar la forma final a la herramienta. Podemos decir que en general esta aplicación puede ser usada para enseña a leer y escribir a cualquier niño, pero se ha dotado de unas ciertas características que la confieren una orientación especial hacia niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Para ello se ha cuidado mucho la estética, para que ésta sea lo más simple y suave posible, para hacer especial hincapié en la atención de los niños y evitar su distracción con elementos visuales innecesarios. Se ha dotado de estímulos visuales y sonoros para fomentar su interés (aplausos en caso de acierto, colores para diferenciar aciertos y errores, etc.). Se han utilizado los tamaños de letra más grandes posibles (para las discapacidades visuales), etc. El mercado cuenta con una ingente cantidad de dispositivos Android, con características muy dispares, de tamaño de pantalla, resolución y versiones del S.O. entre otras. La aplicación se ha desarrollado tratando de dar cobertura al mayor porcentaje de ellos posible. El requisito mínimo de tamaño de pantalla sería de siete pulgadas. Esta herramienta no tiene demasiado sentido en dispositivos con pantallas menores por las características intrínsecas de la misma. No obstante se ha trabajado también en la configuración para dispositivos pequeños, como “smartphones”, no por su valor como herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (aunque en algunos casos podría ser viable) sino más bien con fines de prueba y entrenamiento para profesores, padres o tutores que realizarán la labor docente con dispositivos tablet. Otro de los requisitos, como se ha mencionado, para poder ejecutar la aplicación sería la versión mínima de S.O., por debajo de la cual (versiones muy obsoletas) la aplicación sería inviable. Sirva este proyecto pues para cubrir, mediante el uso de la tecnología, un aspecto de la enseñanza con grandes oportunidades de mejora. ABSTRACT. This Project is aimed to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills to handicapped children with an Android application. There are no Android applications available on this field, so it is intended to provide at least one option to take contact with. Speech therapy professionals from a special needs school have been asked for the most suitable functions to be included in this tool. The structure of this tool has been made with the cooperation of these professionals. The implementation of the application has been performed through Java coding for Android. Different resources have been included such as pictures, pictograms and sounds, including free licenses resources and self-developed resources. In general, it can be said that this application can be used to teach learning and writing skills to any given kid, however it has been provided of certain features that makes it ideal for children with special educational needs. It has been strongly taken into account the whole aesthetic to be as simple and soft as possible, in order to get attention of children, excluding any visual disturbing elements. It has been provided with sound and visual stimulations, to attract their interest (applauses in cases of correct answers, different colours to differentiate right or wrong answers), etc. There are many different types of Android devices, with very heterogeneous features regarding their screen size, resolution and O.S. version, etc., available today. The application has been developed trying to cover most of them. Minimum screen resolution is seven inches. This tool doesn’t seem to be very useful for smaller screens, for its inner features. Nevertheless, it has been developed for smaller devices as well, like smartphones, not intended to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills (even it could be possible in some cases), but in a test and training context for teachers, parents or guardians who do the teaching work with tablet devices. Another requirement, as stated before, in order to be able to run the application, it would be the minimum O.S. version, below that (very obsolete versions) the application would become impracticable. Hope this project to be used to fulfill, by means of technology, one area of teaching with great improvement opportunities.
Las limitaciones en la capacidad de movilidad pueden ser consideradas en la actualidad como una forma de discriminación tremenda y a la vez invisible dentro de la sociedad. Para poder evitar esta discriminación es necesario que las políticas de transporte, que hasta ahora han basado sus actuaciones particularmente sobre las necesidades de acceso al empleo, reconozcan las exigencias de las personas dependientes y de aquellas que realizan las tareas no remuneradas del cuidado de otros y de atención a la familia. Las personas que trabajan en las tareas domésticas, en la mayoría de los casos mujeres, tienen muchas dificultades para sincronizar sus obligaciones con los tiempos y las distancias. Estas personas desempeñan un trabajo diario, que tiene lugar tanto fuera como dentro del hogar y tienen necesidades específicas de movilidad. El problema principal es que este tipo de trabajo no suele ser tomado en consideración, ya que no entra en la esfera del trabajo remunerado. Pero es una labor que está estrictamente ligada a la actividad de la sociedad y es un elemento indispensable para el funcionamiento de la vida urbana. Es un trabajo real, que tiene lugar en el espacio urbano, que exige un considerable esfuerzo físico y emocional, y que ayuda a garantizar la calidad de la vida cotidiana. Es un aspecto indispensable a tener en cuenta en el ejercicio de las políticas públicas y sociales. Sobre la base de estas consideraciones se introduce el concepto “Movilidad del cuidado” (Sánchez de Madariaga, 2009a y 2009b), mediante el cual se reconoce la necesidad de evaluar y hacer visible los desplazamientos diarios asociados con el trabajo del cuidado. Por trabajo del cuidado se entiende el trabajo no remunerado, realizado por los adultos para los niños u otras personas dependientes, incluido el trabajo relacionado con el mantenimiento del hogar. El análisis de este tipo de viajes exige ciertos cambios significativos en las formas de recoger datos estadísticos. No se trata solo de sumar los desplazamientos que actualmente aparecen en las estadísticas como viajes de compras, acompañamiento, gestiones, cuidado de otros, etc. El problema es que los datos sobre movilidad se recogen con una serie de sesgos que infravaloran los viajes de cuidado: las estadísticas no cuentan los viajes cortos a pie y tampoco reflejan bien los viajes encadenados, ambos típicamente femeninos; no se deslindan con precisión los viajes de cuidado de otro tipo de viajes, de manera que muchos desplazamientos relacionados con la esfera reproductiva aparecen como viajes personales o de ocio y en muchos casos se encasillan en la categoría otros. Mediante esta investigación se pretende estimar el peso que la movilidad del cuidado tiene en el total de la movilidad y describirla de manera precisa en un contexto geográfico determinado, en el caso específico Madrid. Los estudios sobre el tema realizados hasta el momento reconocen la necesidad de llevar a cabo encuestas de movilidad que tengan en cuenta las variables socio económicas que caracterizan a la población y también se demanda la segregación de los datos recogidos por sexo, así como el uso del género como una categoría analítica. Igualmente es indispensable atribuir la misma importancia que tienen los viajes relacionados con la esfera productiva a los que están relacionados con la esfera reproductiva. No obstante, es solo mediante la introducción del concepto de “movilidad del cuidado” que se propone una nueva categorización de los motivos de desplazamiento dentro de las “clásicas” encuestas de movilidad y, por primera vez, mediante esta investigación se aplica este concepto a un ejemplo práctico a partir del cual queda en evidencia la necesidad de un cambio de enfoque en las políticas de transporte. Así, a través el uso de encuestas cuantitativas y cualitativas realizadas ad hoc sobre la base de la metodología propuesta, se capturan los patrones de viajes significativos para poder describir en maneara exhaustiva la movilidad de las personas que tienen responsabilidades de cuidado. El objetivo es crear una base de conocimiento más amplia sobre los patrones de movilidad, comportamientos y necesidades, además de mejorar los conceptos operacionales y establecer políticas de transporte más equitativas, que respondan de mejor manera a las necesidades de género, beneficiando así a toda la sociedad. ABSTRACT Nowadays, limitations in urban mobility can be considered as some type of extreme discrimination, which remains invisible to the society. In order to avoid this kind of discrimination, new transport policies are required, especially considering that so far they have been based and organized particularly in relation to the needs derived from the access to employment. These policies must take into account the demands of people depending on the support of others as well as of unpaid caregivers in charge of looking after other individuals and taking care of the family. Most of the people devoted to domestic work, which in the vast majority of cases is carried out by women, find it difficult to coordinate their obligations with time and distances. These people carry out a daily job that takes place both inside their homes as well as outside, and they have specific mobility needs. The main issue is that this type of work is usually not taken into consideration, since it is not included under the scope of paid employment. However, this work is strictly related to the activities of society and is therefore a crucial element in the functioning of urban life. It is an actual job that takes place in an urban space, requires a considerable amount of physical and emotional effort and guarantees quality of life on a daily basis. This is an important aspect that should be taken into account when drafting public and social policies. The concept of “Mobility of care” (Sánchez de Madariaga, 2009a and 2009b) is introduced under these considerations. This concept acknowledges the need to evaluate and identify daily movements from one place to another that are related to caregiving. Caregiving is understood, in this case, as unpaid work that is carried out by adults for children and other people that depend on the support of others, and it also includes duties related to home maintenance. The analysis of these types of movements requires some significant changes in the way in which statistic data is gathered. The idea is to not only add up the movements that appear in statistics such as shopping trips, accompanying someone, dealings, caregiving, etc. The problem with data on mobility is that it is gathered with bias that undervalues mobility related to caregiving: statistics do not take into consideration short trips that are made walking nor do they properly reflect connected trips, both of which are typically feminine; moreover, there is an imprecise differentiation of trips related to caregiving and other kind of trips, and because of that, many of the trips related to the reproductive sphere are considered personal or recreational trips, and are many times labelled as others. This investigation aims to evaluate the importance that mobility of care has in mobility in general, describing it in a precise manner within a specific geographical context that in this case is Madrid. To this date, most of the studies on this subject have acknowledged the need to carry out mobility surveys that include socio economic variables that characterize the population and they have also requested that collected data is segregated by sex and that gender is used as an analytical category. Likewise, it is fundamental to give the same importance to mobility related to the sphere of reproduction as to that related to the sphere of productiveness. However, it is only through the implementation of the concept of “mobility of care” that a new categorization of mobility, within classic mobility surveys, is proposed. Also, for the first time and by this investigation, this concept is applied to a practical case, shining a light on the need to change the focus of transport policies. Through the use of ad hoc quantitative and qualitative surveys based on the proposed methodology, the patterns of relevant movements are identified in order to thoroughly describe the mobility of people responsible of caregiving. The aim is to create a broader knowledge base on patterns of mobility, behaviour and necessities, in addition to improving functional concepts and transport policies to make them more equitable and responsive to gender needs, thus benefitting society as a whole.
Durante la realización de este trabajo de fin de grado se realizará el diseño y desarrollo de un juego orientado a niños con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo. Este grupo de usuarios repercute en el diseño de los elementos del juego los cuales han de ser simples, sin distracciones, textos de ayuda claros y bien definidos, alto contraste en los elementos, ayuda textual y visual, selección de colores evitando referencias conocidas (rojo como referencia a peligro); y una serie de patrones más, que se han tenido que tener en cuenta. El juego es compatible con distintos dispositivos (teclado, pantalla táctil y Kinect), por lo que, como parte del análisis previo, se ha tenido que ver el trabajo realizado anteriormente referente a estos dispositivos (un reconocedor de gestos de pantalla táctil y un reconocedor de gestos de Kinect), que realizaron otros alumnos. En este sentido y como parte de este y otros proyectos, se han tenido que mejorar o complementar las implementaciones de estos reconocedores. Además se han tenido que definir los distintos gestos o teclas, que producirán respuestas en el juego. Como parte de la interacción de los usuarios con el juego mediante los distintos dispositivos, el juego se ha diseñado de tal forma, que es capaz de capturar ciertos datos de forma automática (precisión al realizar un gesto en pantalla, realización de un gesto incorrecto, etc.). Además como soporte adicional a la obtención de datos con el juego, se han planteado distintos formularios (según el dispositivo), los cuales aportan información que el juego no es capaz de recoger de forma automática, y que serán capturados por el pedagogo. Toda esta información recogida será parte de un modelo de datos el cual, en un futuro, servirá para analizar el comportamiento de este grupo de usuarios frente a los distintos dispositivos analizados. Viendo sus ventajas y desventajas tanto en tiempo de respuesta, curva de aprendizaje, dificultad de realización de los gestos, etc.---ABSTRACT---This thesis project will showcase the design and development of a game oriented towards children with special educational needs. This group impacts the design of the game elements, which have to be simple and avoid distractions. There must be clear and well defined help text, high contrast in the elements, text and visual help, color selection that avoids known references (red as a reference to danger), and more series of patterns. The game is compatible with various devices (keyboard, touchscreen and Kinect), by which, as part of the preliminary analysis, the work previously conducted by other students concerning these devices was researched (a touch screen gesture recognizer and a Kinect gesture recognizer). In this regard, and as part of this and other projects, the use of these recognizers must be improved or complemented. In addition the different gestures or keys that will produce answers in the game must be defined. As part of the users’ interaction with the game through the various devices, the game is designed in such a way that it is able to capture certain data automatically (precision making a gesture to the screen, making an improper gesture, etc.). Also as additional support to obtain data with the game, different forms were used (depending on the device), which provide information that the game is not able to pick up automatically, and that will be caught by the teacher. The information collected will be part of a data model which, in the future, will serve to analyze the behavior of this user group with the various devices analyzed. Seeing their advantages and disadvantages both in response time, learning curve and difficulty of making gestures, etc.
The main objective of this course, conducted by Jóvenes Nucleares (Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE) is to pass on basic knowledge about Science and Nuclear Technology to the general public, mostly students and introduce them to its most relevant points. The purposes of this course are to provide general information, to answer the most common questions about Nuclear Energy and to motivate the young students to start a career in nuclear. Therefore, it is directed mainly to high school and university students, but also to general people that wants to learn about the key issues of such an important matter in our society. Anybody could attend the course, as no specific scientific education is required. The course is done at least once a year, during the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, which takes place in a different Spanish city each time. The course is done also to whichever university or institution that asks for it to JJNN, with the only limit of the presenter´s availability. The course is divided into the following chapters: Physical nuclear and radiation principles, Nuclear power plants, Nuclear safety, Nuclear fuel, Radioactive waste, Decommission of nuclear facilities, Future nuclear power plants, Other uses of nuclear technology, Nuclear energy, climate change and sustainable development. The course is divided into 15 minutes lessons on the above topics, imparted by young professionals, experts in the field that belongs either to the Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, either to companies and institutions related with nuclear energy. At the end of the course, a 200 pages book with the contents of the course is handed to every member of the audience. This book is also distributed in other course editions at high schools and universities in order to promote the scientific dissemination of the Nuclear Technology. As an extra motivation, JJNN delivers a course certificate to the assistants. At the end of the last edition course, in Santiago de Compostela, the assistants were asked to provide a feedback about it. Some really interesting lessons were learned, that will be very useful to improve next editions of the course. As a general conclusion of the courses it can be said that many of the students that have assisted to the course have increased their motivation in the nuclear field, and hopefully it will help the young talents to choose the nuclear field to develop their careers
One of the key scrutiny issues of new coming energy era would be the environmental impact of fusion facilities managing one kg of tritium. The potential change of committed dose regulatory limits together with the implementation of nuclear design principles (As Low as Reasonably achievable - ALARA -, Defense in Depth -D-i-D-) for fusion facilities could strongly impact on the cost of deployment of coming fusion technology. Accurate modeling of environmental tritium transport forms (HT, HTO) for the assessment of fusion facility dosimetric impact in Accidental case appears as of major interest. This paper considers different short-term releases of tritium forms (HT and HTO) to the atmosphere from a potential fusion reactor located in the Mediterranean Basin. This work models in detail the dispersion of tritium forms and dosimetric impact of selected environmental patterns both inland and in-sea using real topography and forecast meteorological data-fields (ECMWF/FLEXPART). We explore specific values of this ratio in different levels and we examine the influence of meteorological conditions in the HTO behavior for 24 hours. For this purpose we have used a tool which consists on a coupled Lagrangian ECMWF/FLEXPART model useful to follow real time releases of tritium at 10, 30 and 60 meters together with hourly observations of wind (and in some cases precipitations) to provide a short-range approximation of tritium cloud behavior. We have assessed inhalation doses. And also HTO/HT ratios in a representative set of cases during winter 2010 and spring 2011 for the 3 air levels.
In many university courses such as Building Engineering or Technical Architectural, the high density of the contents included in the curriculum, make the student, after graduation, unable to develop the skills already acquired and evaluated in the disciplines of the first courses. From the Group of Educational Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) "Teaching of Structural Concrete" (GIEHE) we have conducted a study in which are valued specific skills acquired by students after the first courses of career. We have worked with students from UPM fourth-year career and with Technical Architecture students who have completed their studies and also have completed the Adaptation Course of Technical Architecture to the Building Engineer. The work is part of the Educational Innovation Project funded by the UPM "Integration of training and assessment of generic and specific skills in structural concrete" We have evaluated specific skills learned in the areas of durability and control of structural concrete structures. The results show that overall, students are not able to fully develop the skills already acquired earlier, even being these essential to their professional development. Possibly, the large amount of content taught in these degrees together with a teaching and assessment of "flat profile", ie, which are presented and evaluated with the same intensity as the fundamental and the accessory, are causes enough to cause these results.
One of the major problems related to cancer treatment is its recurrence. Without knowing in advance how likely the cancer will relapse, clinical practice usually recommends adjuvant treatments that have strong side effects. A way to optimize treatments is to predict the recurrence probability by analyzing a set of bio-markers. The NeoMark European project has identified a set of preliminary bio-markers for the case of oral cancer by collecting a large series of data from genomic, imaging, and clinical evidence. This heterogeneous set of data needs a proper representation in order to be stored, computed, and communicated efficiently. Ontologies are often considered the proper mean to integrate biomedical data, for their high level of formality and for the need of interoperable, universally accepted models. This paper presents the NeoMark system and how an ontology has been designed to integrate all its heterogeneous data. The system has been validated in a pilot in which data will populate the ontology and will be made public for further research.
This document explains the process of designing a methodology to evaluate Educational Innovation Groups, which are structures created within universities in the context of adaptation to the European Higher Education Area. These groups are committed to introduce innovation in educational processes as a means to improve educational quality. The assessment design is based on a participatory model of planning called Working With People, that tries to integrate the perspectives of all stakeholders. The aim of the methodology is to be a useful tool for the university to evaluate the work done by the groups, encourage the members to continue improving the quality of teaching and reorient the activities to fulfill the emergent needs that the university faces.
People in industrial societies carry more and more portable electronic devices (e.g., smartphone or console) with some kind of wireles connectivity support. Interaction with auto-discovered target devices present in the environment (e.g., the air conditioning of a hotel) is not so easy since devices may provide inaccessible user interfaces (e.g., in a foreign language that the user cannot understand). Scalability for multiple concurrent users and response times are still problems in this domain. In this paper, we assess an interoperable architecture, which enables interaction between people with some kind of special need and their environment. The assessment, based on performance patterns and antipatterns, tries to detect performance issues and also tries to enhance the architecture design for improving system performance. As a result of the assessment, the initial design changed substantially. We refactorized the design according to the Fast Path pattern and The Ramp antipattern. Moreover, resources were correctly allocated. Finally, the required response time was fulfilled in all system scenarios. For a specific scenario, response time was reduced from 60 seconds to less than 6 seconds.