19 resultados para Spanish steel industry

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Selling on credit is rather frequent in Mediterranean countries. Its generalized use can lead to excessive enlargements of the payment periods and consequently can deteriorate the profitability of firms. In spite of the relevance of this problem there are few empirical researches. This work intends to fill this gap and to shed light on the factors related to the extension of trade credit. In the theoretical and empirical literature, different motives have been proposed to explain this issue: a mechanism to reduce transaction costs, a financial alternative to the bank system and an additional tool to improve commercial activities. To contrast these ideas a panel of 388 firms of the Spanish agrofood industry has been taken, and static and dynamic regression models have been estimated by using robust methods to heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation and endogeneity of the explanatory variables. The results confirm that trade credit receivable is associated with more active firms and with cheaper bank financing. Other factors with positive relationships are short-term bank debts and accounts payable. These findings are consistent with commercial motives, rather than a pure financial view, in the sense that financial distressed producers extend trade credit as a way of promoting their products and in turn increasing their sales.


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El hormigón armado es el material estructural más empleado en construcción, lo que exige un exhaustivo control tanto de los materiales que lo componen como de su ejecución, con el fin de garantizar la vida útil para la que ha sido proyectado. Uno de los principales problemas de la durabilidad del hormigón armado, es la corrosión de sus armaduras. Existen en la actualidad diferentes métodos que intentan detener el proceso de corrosión, entre ellos, los inhibidores superficiales de corrosión. El continuo incremento en la producción de acero desde el siglo XIX, ha producido un desequilibrio entre los productos fabricados en las industrias siderúrgicas y los residuos generados. Como consecuencia, toneladas de residuos son depositados en vertederos, provocando graves daños medioambientales con el paso del tiempo. El volumen de escorias producidas en la industria siderúrgica en España asciende a 2,55Mt al año, de ahí la importancia del reciclaje de estos productos y de su integración como materia prima en el proceso de fabricación de otros materiales. Partiendo de estas premisas, en el presente trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado el comportamiento a corrosión, de barras de acero de armar embebidas en probetas de mortero, en las que se ha sustituido parcialmente el árido y el cemento por escorias blancas de horno cuchara (LFS), mediante técnicas electroquímicas y gravimétricas. Para ello, se han fabricado probetas prismáticas de 6 x 8 x 2 cm3 con diferentes porcentajes de ión cloruro, introducidos en el momento del amasado, tanto en probetas patrón como en probetas con escorias LFS. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos permite concluir que las probetas patrón y las probetas con escorias LFS tienen comportamientos similares en presencia de cloruros por encima del 0,4% en peso de cemento y por tanto que la sustitución de escorias LFS por arena (25%) y cemento (30%) no afecta negativamente a la corrosión de las armaduras. Por tanto, el uso de escorias LFS en el proceso de fabricación de hormigón armado es una práctica que presenta ventajas competitivas respecto a las técnicas de construcción tradicionales, desde el punto de vista económico y medioambiental. En cuanto a los inhibidores superficiales de corrosión, no han resultado eficaces en probetas con escorias LFS, independientemente del porcentaje de ión cloruro, mientras que en probetas patrón han sido eficaces para porcentajes de ión cloruro igual o inferior al 0,8% en peso de cemento. ABSTRACT Reinforced concrete is the most widely used structural material. This implies that rigorous control must be applied in order to guarantee the life-span and performance of structures made using this composite material. One of the main problems regarding concrete durability is bar corrosion. At present, there are different methods adopted to stop the corrosion process, among them, surface corrosion inhibitors. The continuous growth in steel production since the 19th century has led to an imbalance between waste products generated in steel production processes and their subsequent use. As a consequence, mass dumping at waste disposal sites has been causing a significant environmental problem over the years. The amount of slag produced by the steel industry each year in Spain amounts to 2.55Mt, hence the importance of recycling by-products from steel production so they can be used as primary material in the manufacturing process of other materials. Starting from this working hypothesis, and using electrochemical and gravimetric techniques, this research work aims to analyse and study the corrosion behaviour of steel rebars embedded in mortar specimens, containing ladle furnace slag in partial substitution for aggregate and cement. Prisms were manufactured from 6 x 8 x 2 cm3 with different percentages of chloride ion introduced at the time of mixing, in standard specimens and specimens with LFS slag. Results from the analysis show that the standard specimens and those containing LFS slag display a similar behaviour in the presence of chlorides. Furthermore, when LFS slag is replaced by sand (25%) and cement (30%) corrosion of rebars is not negatively affected. Additionally, the use of LFS slag in the manufacture of reinforced structures is a practice that represents a competitive advantage over traditional construction techniques, from both an economic and environmental point of view Finally, as for surface corrosion inhibitors, they have not proved effective in specimens containing LFS slag, regardless of the percentage of the chloride ion, whereas in standard specimens they have been effective in chloride ion percentages not exceeding 0.8% (as to the cement amount).


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There are many industries that use highly technological solutions to improve quality in all of their products. The steel industry is one example. Several automatic surface-inspection systems are used in the steel industry to identify various types of defects and to help operators decide whether to accept, reroute, or downgrade the material, subject to the assessment process. This paper focuses on promoting a strategy that considers all defects in an integrated fashion. It does this by managing the uncertainty about the exact position of a defect due to different process conditions by means of Gaussian additive influence functions. The relevance of the approach is in making possible consistency and reliability between surface inspection systems. The results obtained are an increase in confidence in the automatic inspection system and an ability to introduce improved prediction and advanced routing models. The prediction is provided to technical operators to help them in their decision-making process. It shows the increase in improvement gained by reducing the 40 % of coils that are downgraded at the hot strip mill because of specific defects. In addition, this technology facilitates an increase of 50 % in the accuracy of the estimate of defect survival after the cleaning facility in comparison to the former approach. The proposed technology is implemented by means of software-based, multi-agent solutions. It makes possible the independent treatment of information, presentation, quality analysis, and other relevant functions.


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Se busca relacionar dos sectores que sin tener a priori nada en común, pueden verse beneficiados por una solución que mejore la situación de ambos. Hablamos del sector biocombustibles y del sector algodonero español. El sector de los biocombustibles ha visto un desarrollo espectacular en los últimos diez años, empujado por fuertes políticas gubernamentales. En general estas políticas buscan satisfacer una necesidad, la energía, mediante fórmulas que supongan un menor impacto medioambiental que las actuales. También una disminución de la dependencia exterior para el suministro de energía y otras ventajas. El sector algodonero español es un sector tradicional, que subsiste gracias a las ayudas europeas, y que se ha visto fuertemente afectado por las reformas de esas subvenciones. Se caracteriza por estar en vías de amortizar fuertes inversiones en regadío, por ser viable en suelos con alta salinidad, y por el clima propio del sur de España. Al ser un cultivo no alimentario, se evita la controversia que suscita la producción de cultivos energéticos en suelos factibles de ser usados para producción alimentaria. Se propone la sustitución del algodón por el ricino, cultivo muy experimentado en otros países (Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brasil, Chile e India) y que tendría buena acogida en la tierra andaluza. Se analizan las características del nuevo cultivo y su adecuación para esta región. Se estudian los procesos necesarios para la extracción del aceite y su procesamiento a biodiesel, con el dimensionamiento de los equipos necesarios. Por último, se realiza un estudio económico de la propuesta, haciendo hincapié en los beneficios económicos que se obtienen por la vía del ahorro, tanto en ayudas de la PAC (Política Agraria Común) de la UE (Unión Europea), cómo por la disponer de un producto, biodiesel, que de otro modo deberíamos satisfacer mediante la compra de combustible tradicional. Abstract This Project looks forward the relationship between two different sectors with different troubles in Spain, which could be benefited by a common solution. We are talking about biofuels and the cotton industry. The biofuels sector has been developed along the last ten years because of strong governmental policies. These policies try to find how to supply energy, with the less environmental impact, as well as to decrease the dependency of third countries, and other benefits. The Spanish cotton industry is traditional, it has survived because of the European grants, and it is passing through an uncertain scenario because of the alteration of these grants. It is characterized by the non amortized investment in irrigation, by the high salinity ratio in the ground (which means that is unable for a number of crops), and by weather of this Spanish region. As well as cotton is not a food crop, the controversial of to plant energetic crops in areas able to produce food is avoided. It is aimed to replace cotton with castor, an oilseed which has been experienced in other countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Chile e India) and which could be accepted in that ground. It is analyzed the main features of the new drop and its ability to be planted in this area. The processes to obtain the oil and then the biofuel are studied. The equipment is sized. At least, it is developed an economic survey about the proposal, deepening in the benefits which are obtained because of savings, in European grants and in diesel.


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Extensive spatial and temporal surveys, over 15 years, have been conducted in soil in urban parks and street dusts in one of the most polluted cities in western Europe, Avilés (NW Spain). The first survey was carried out in 1996, and since then monitoring has been undertaken every five years. Whilst the sampling site is a relatively small town, industrial activities (mainly the steel industry and Zn and Al metallurgy) and other less significant urban sources, such as traffic, strongly affect the load of heavy metals in the urban aerosol. Elemental tracers have been used to characterise the influence of these sources on the composition of soil and dust. Although PM10 has decreased over these years as a result of environmental measures undertaken in the city, some of the “industrial” elements still remain in concentrations of concern for example, up to 4.6% and 0.5% of Zn in dust and soil, respectively. Spatial trends in metals such as Zn and Cd clearly reflect sources from the processing industries. The concentrations of these elements across Europe have reduced over time, however the most recent results from Avilés revealed an upward trend in concentration for Zn, Cd, Hg and As. A risk assessment of the soil highlighted As as an element of concern since its cancer risk in adults was more than double the value above which regulatory agencies deem it to be unacceptable. If children were considered to be the receptors, then the risk nearly doubles from this element.


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La industria metalúrgica estatal venezolana ha vivido, desde sus inicios, procesos cíclicos de cambios y ajustes tecnológicos. Estos procesos no han sido objeto de sistematización que asegure el aprendizaje y apropiación del conocimiento. Este hecho, aún hoy, ha obstaculizado los procesos de apropiación y mejora de las tecnologías asociadas al sector. A partir del acompañamiento a iniciativas de participación de grupos de interés surgidos del seno de los trabajadores, se planteó esta investigación que tuvo como propósito la determinación de condiciones y relaciones para su participación directa en los procesos de mejora de las tecnologías existentes y el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje asociado. Se consideraron dos ámbitos Latinoamericanos donde hay manifestación de gestión colectiva y participación: Venezuela y Argentina. En el caso venezolano, el abordaje se realizó bajo la Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP), desarrollando la “investigación próxima”, como estrategia de acompañamiento, mediante “talleres de formación-investigación” y la sistematización de experiencias considerando la perspectiva y necesidades de los actores. En el caso argentino, el abordaje se realizó mediante visitas, entrevistas, reuniones y encuentros. Los talleres realizados en Venezuela, en un contexto de diálogo de saberes, facilitaron el surgimiento de herramientas prácticas para la sistematización de su propia experiencia (“Preguntas generadoras”, “Mi historia con la tecnología”, “Bitácora de aprendizaje”). El intercambio con los pares argentinos ha generado una red que plantea la posibilidad de construcción y nucleación conjunta de saberes y experiencia, tanto para los trabajadores como para los investigadores. Los casos estudiados referidos a las empresas recuperadas por los trabajadores (ERTs) argentinos evidencian un proceso de participación marcada por su autonomía en la gestión de la empresa, dadas las circunstancias que los llevó a asumirla para conservar sus puestos de trabajo. De estos casos emergieron categorías asociadas con elementos de gestión de un proceso técnico–tecnológico, como la participación en la planificación, concepción o diseño de la mejora. La participación en general está asociada al hecho asambleario, vinculado a las prácticas de toma de decisiones autogestionarias como expresión de una alta participación. La Asamblea, como máxima instancia de participación, y el Consejo de Administración son las formas de participación prevalecientes. En cuanto al aprendizaje, los trabajadores de las ERTs argentinas aportaron categorías de gran significación a los procesos de socialización del conocimiento: conocimiento colectivo y cooperación del conocimiento, rescate de los saberes y formación de trabajadores que tomen el relevo. Las categorías surgidas de las ERTs argentinas, los referentes teóricos y el interés de los trabajadores venezolanos fueron la base para la valoración tanto de su grado de participación en las mejoras a procesos tecnológicos emprendidas, como del aprendizaje asociado. Ésta valoración se realizó bajo una aproximación borrosa dado el carácter ambiguo de estas categorías que fueron trabajadas como conjuntos que se relacionan, más que como variables. Se encontró que la participación, se configura como un sub-conjunto del aprendizaje para contribuir a su fortalecimiento. Las condiciones y relaciones para fortalecer la participación en los asuntos tecnológicos surgieron a partir de la sistematización y síntesis de ambas experiencias (Venezuela y Argentina) conjugando una estructura que contempla la formación para la nucleación de colectivos de saberes (proyectos de mejora o innovaciones), las redes por afinidad, la sistematización de su propia experiencia técnica y los enlaces institucionales. Estos resultados dan cuenta de la integración de los intereses de las partes (trabajadores, investigadores, instituciones), mediante las estrategias de encuentro, de sistematización de los propios métodos y de conformación de los “colectivos de saberes”, la red de IAP en la industria (IAP Industrial) considerando la “deriva de la investigación”, bajo discursos práctico–teóricos propios, como posibilidad de posicionamiento de su participación en los asuntos tecnológicos de sus respectivas organizaciones, abriendo una oportunidad de ampliación de la experiencia en otros ámbitos y sectores. ABSTRACT Venezuelan's state owned steel industry has experienced since its earliest years, cycles of change and technological adjustments. These processes have not been systematized to ensure learning and knowledge in those organizations. This fact, even today, has hindered the processes of appropriation and improving the technologies associated with the sector. In order to support initiatives involving metalworker interest groups, this research was aimed at determining conditions and relations for their direct participation in process improvements to existing technologies and strengthening the associated learning. Two Latin American countries, Venezuela and Argentina, were considered on the base of their collective management and participation experiences. The Venezuelan approach was carried out under the Participatory Action Research (PAR) strategy, through the ‘proximal research’ as support strategy, by means of ‘workshops–research’ and systematization of experiences considering the perspective and needs of actors. Workshops were carried out in metallurgical enterprises from steel and aluminum at Guayana, Venezuela and its affiliates in the Central region. Those industries have been promoted collective management. The Argentine approach was carried out through visits, interviews, meetings and gatherings. The workshops held in Venezuela, in a dialogue of knowledge context, facilitated the emergence of tools for the systematization of their own experience (‘generating questions’, ‘My history with technology’, ‘Learning Log’). The relation with Argentine peers has generated a network that creates opportunities of knowledge and experience construction and its nucleation for both, workers and researchers. The cases studied relating to Argentine workers’ recuperated enterprises show a participatory process marked by autonomy in the management of the factory, given the circumstances that led them to take it in order to maintain their jobs. From these cases emerged categories associated with management aspects about technical-technology process, such as participation in planning, design or implementation of the improvement. Participation, in general, is associated with assemblies, joined to the practices of self-management decision-making as an expression of a high participation. The Cooperative General Assembly, as the highest instance of participation, and the Board of Directors are the prevalent forms of participation. In relation to learning, Argentine workers’ recuperated enterprises provided categories of great significance to the process of socialization of knowledge: collective knowledge and knowledge cooperation, recovery of knowledge and training workers for replacement. Based on categories arising from the Argentine experience, theoretical framework and the interest of the Venezuelan workers the assessment of both, their degree of participation on technical improvements and the associated technological learning were made considering a fuzzy approach, given the ambiguous nature of these categories that were worked as sets rather than variables. It was found that participation is configured as a subset of learning to contribute to its strengthening. The conditions and relations to strengthen participation in technology issues emerged from the systematization and synthesis of both experiences (Venezuela and Argentina) combining a structure which provides training for the nucleation of collectives of knowledge (improvement projects or innovations), affinity networks, systematization of their own expertise and institutional links. These results show the integration of the interests of stakeholders (workers, researchers, institutions) through strategies like meetings, systematization of their own methods, forming ‘collectives of technological knowledge’ and a participative action research network in this industry (Industrial PAR) considering the ‘research drift’, under their own practical-theoretical discourses positioned as a possibility of their participation in technological activities in their respective organizations, opening an opportunity for scaling to other areas and sectors.


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El motivo de abordar esta Tesis responde al hecho personal de haber vivido históricamente momentos cumbre de la Construcción Naval en España y no dejar de plantearme, a pesar de mi distancia del sector desde el punto de vista profesional, en las opciones de futuro para volver a ser competitivos en un sector que ha tenido un peso tan importante en la economía española, y que tanto ha ilusionado a centenares de profesionales y compañeros a lo largo de muchas décadas con el optimismo de estar aportando valor para que España fuera competitiva. A lo largo de los últimos años, y la relación con el ámbito de la dirección de Empresas desde el punto de vista de una Escuela de Negocios, así como el contacto con enfoques estratégicos en sectores muy diversos me animó a plantearme la Tesis con el objetivo de reflejar el estado actual del sector y poder valorar alternativas de futuro para la Construcción Naval española, aun sabiendo que son muchos los “maestros” realmente autorizados en nuestros país, con amplios conocimientos y experiencia, que muchas veces, a pesar de las propuestas y de los esfuerzos que han realizado para impulsar el sector, se han encontrado con situaciones adversas, bien de tipo económico, social‐laboral, político ‐a nivel nacional, europeo o global‐, etc., que han impedido un fortalecimiento del sector como todos hubiéramos deseado. La presión histórica ejercida por los países competidores en Construcción naval del ámbito asiático y lejano oriente, así como los compromisos derivados de las Directivas europeas, han obligado al sector de la Construcción Naval en España a buscar unos nuevos posicionamientos estratégicos presentes y, sobre todo, de futuro. Partiendo de un análisis del sector naval, tanto del mercado nacional como del internacional, con especial foco en los países líderes, se plantea investigar, siguiendo el modelo de Porter, las fuerzas competitivas que han influido en estas últimas décadas y que han conducido a la situación actual, valorando la estructura competitiva, el entorno relevante y los efectos de la globalización, con las amenazas de los nuevos y actuales competidores y las barreras existentes. Para abordar esta investigación se ha realizado un análisis del sector naval con la siguiente metodología: 1. Análisis del estado actual de la construcción naval en España. 2. Análisis del estado actual de la construcción naval en el mundo. 3. Estudio de la demanda en el mercado y evolución de la misma en los últimos años: muy centrada en los países líderes y más competitivos. 4. Estudio de las perspectivas de negocio en el sector marítimo y oceánico: estudio particular del transporte marítimo y una comparativa con la explotación de recursos oceánicos. Finalmente se decidió no abordar por falta de datos de futuro las construcciones militares. 5. Estudio de características de la industria naval española y capacidad de los astilleros. Se ha focalizado especialmente en la construcción para valorar la capacidad de futuro. 6. Análisis de fuerzas competitivas de la industria naval española a partir del modelo de Porter. En esta parte se incluyen alguno de los factores críticos externos e internos que ayudan a identificar barreras y estrategias en el entorno de la construcción naval como sector global. 7. Identificación de las oportunidades de negocio hacia el 2050. 8. Alternativas para una estrategia competitiva de actuación frente a las oportunidades de futuro en el 2050. Con esta Tesis se aporta un estudio competitivo actualizado, de acuerdo con el modelo de Porter, con el fin de proponer una posible estrategia competitiva de futuro, que posicione competitivamente la industria naval y el sector marítimo en España en las próximas décadas. ABSTRACT The reason for addressing this thesis responds to my personal experience about having lived historical moments summit Shipbuilding in Spain. Despite my distance from this industry from a professional point of view, I have never stopped wonder myself which are the options for the future to become competitive in an industry that has had such an important weight in the Spanish economy, which has excited so hundreds of professionals and peers through many decades with optimism to be adding value to Spain in order to be competitive again. Over recent years, and the relationship with the field of business management from the point of view of a business school, as well as contact with strategic approaches in diverse sectors encouraged me to wonder Thesis order to reflect the current state of the sector and to evaluate future alternatives for the Spanish Shipbuilding, knowing that many "teachers" really allowed in our country, with extensive knowledge and experience that often, despite proposals and the efforts that have been made to boost the sector, have met with adverse situations, whether economic, social and labor, political kind ‐at national, European or global‐level, etc., that have prevented a strengthening of all sectors we wished. The historical pressure from competing countries in Shipbuilding Asian area and Far East, as well as commitments arising from EU directives, have forced the shipbuilding industry in Spain to seek a new strategic positions present and, above all, future. Starting from an analysis of the shipbuilding sector, both national and international market, with special focus on the leading countries, we propose to investigate, following the model of Porter, the competitive forces that have influenced recent decades and have led to the current situation, assessing the competitive structure of the relevant environment and the effects of globalization, with the threat of new and existing competitors and barriers. To address this research has analyzed the naval sector with the following methodology: 1. Analysis of the current state of shipbuilding in Spain. 2. Analysis of the current state of shipbuilding in the world. 3. Study of the demand in the market and evolution of the same in recent years: very focused on the leading and most competitive countries. 4. Study of business prospects in the maritime and oceanic sector: private study of maritime transport and a comparison with the exploitation of ocean resources. Finally it was decided not to address a lack of data future military construction. 5. Study of characteristics of the Spanish shipbuilding and shipyard capacity. It is particularly focused on building the capacity to assess future. 6. Analysis of competitive forces of the Spanish shipbuilding industry from the model of Porter. In this part they include some critics of the external and internal factors that help identify barriers and strategies in the environment of global shipbuilding sector. 7. Identification of business opportunities by 2050. 8. Alternatives to a competitive strategy of action against future opportunities in 2050. This thesis has sought to provide a competitive study updated according to Porter's model, in order to propose a possible future competitive strategy to reach a competitive position at the shipbuilding industry and the maritime sector in Spain in the coming decades. The historical pressure from competing countries in the Asian sphere Shipbuilding and Far East, as well as commitments arising from EU directives have forced the shipbuilding industry in Spain to seek a new strategic positioning. Starting from an analysis of the shipbuilding sector, both national and international market, with a special focus on the leading countries, it is proposed to analyze, following the model of Porter, the competitive forces that have influenced in recent decades and have led to the current situation, studying the competitive structure of the relevant environment and the effects of globalization, with the threat of new and existing competitors and barriers. It concludes with a forecast of future market and business opportunities arising in the global environment of maritime and naval Industry, in order to propose a possible competitive strategy for the near future, which could help to achieve a competitive position on the shipbuilding and maritime sector in Spain for the coming decades.


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The real and potential road influence on soundscape is considered a relevant management aspect that can assess the negative effects of massive visitants on such sensitive species -that have been living for centuries in the area-. As a first approach to the study of human disturbances sound impact, acoustic engineering tools allow us to model noise pollution caused by the main road that crosses the state ?Cabeza de Hierro? (M-604). For these preliminary results we use the French method XPS 31-133, recommend at EU level. Noise emission levels in black vulture nesting area are analyzed to understand the influence of human activities on rural areas and road management on biodiversity conservation. This approach develops a useful tool to make compatible the public enjoyment of forest services such as recreation or landscape scenary, the conservation of biodiversity as well as a suitable social and economic activity level ?timber and firewood harvesting, industry?- at the region.


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As in each country of Europe with nuclear power, there is a clear gap between those generation that have built the power plants in the eighties and the new generations with less than ten years of experience in the nuclear field. From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares) has as an important scope to help transferring the knowledge between those generations in the way that it can be possible. Some years ago, JJNN have started organizing seminars periodically trying to cover as many areas as possible in the nuclear engineering field, and some of them outside the industry but related with it.


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The magazine of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), “Nuclear España” is a scientific-technical publication with almost thirty years of uninterrupted edition and more than 300 numbers published. Their pages approach technical subjects related to the nuclear energy, as well as the activities developed by the SNE, especially in national and international meetings. The main part of the magazine is composed by articles written by known specialist of the energy industry. One of the top goals of the magazine is to help on transferring the knowledge from the generation that built the nuclear power plants in Spain and the new generation of professionals that have started its nuclear career in the last years. Each number is monographic, trying to cover as many aspects on an issue as it is possible, with collaborations from the companies, the research centers and universities that helps to have complementary points of view. On the other hand the articles help to deep in the issue´s topic, broadening the view of the readers about the nuclear field and helping to share knowledge across the industry. The news section of the Magazine picks up the actuality of the sector as a whole. The editorial section reflects the opinion of the SNE Governing Board and the Magazine Committee on the subjects of interest in this field. On the other hand, the monthly interview sets out the professional outstanding opinions. With a total of eleven numbers per year, three of them have a noticeable international character: the one dedicated to the operative experiences on the Spanish and European nuclear power plants, the monographic issue devoted tothe Annual Meeting of the SNE and the international issue, which covers the last activities of the Spanish industry in international projects. Both first are bilingual issues (Spanish-English), whereas the international edition is published completely in English. Besides its diffusion through all the members of the SNE, the Magazine is distributed, in the national scope, to companies and organisms related to the nuclear power, universities, research centers, representatives of the Central, Autonomic and Local Administrations, mass media and communication professionals. It is also sent to the utilities and research centers in Europe, United States, South America and Asia.


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The problem is general: modern architects and engineers are trying to understand historic structures using the wrong theoretical frame, the classic (elastic) thery of structures developed in the 19th Century for iron and stell, and in the 20th century for reinforced concrete, disguised with "modern" computer packages, mainly FEM, but also others. Masonry is an essentially different material, and the structural equations must be adapted accordingly. It is not a matter of "taste" or "opinion", and the consequences are before us. Since, say 1920s, historic monuments have suffered the aggression of generations of archietcts and engineers, trying to transform masonry in reinfored concrete or steel. The damage to the monuments and the expense has been, and is, enormous. However, as we have an adequate theory (modern limit analysis of masonry structures, Heyman 1966) which encompasses the "old theory" used successfully by the 18th and 19th Century practical engineers (from Perronet to Sejourné), it is a matter of "Ethics" not to use the wrong approach. It is also "contra natura" to modify the material masonry with indiscriminate injections, stitchings, etc. It is insane to consider, suddenly, that buildings which are Centuries or milennia old, are suddenly in danger of collapse. Maintenance is necessary but not the actual destruction of the constructive essence of the monument. A cocktail of "ignorance, fear and greed" is acting under the best of intentions.


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The principal risks in the railway industry are mainly associated with collisions, derailments and level crossing accidents. An understanding of the nature of previous accidents on the railway network is required to identify potential causes and develop safety systems and deploy safety procedures. Risk assessment is a process for determining the risk magnitude to assist with decision-making. We propose a three-step methodology to predict the mean number of fatalities in railway accidents. The first is to predict the mean number of accidents by analyzing generalized linear models and selecting the one that best fits to the available historical data on the basis of goodness-offit statistics. The second is to compute the mean number of fatalities per accident and the third is to estimate the mean number of fatalities. The methodology is illustrated on the Spanish railway system. Statistical models accounting for annual and grouped data for the 1992-2009 time period have been analyzed. After identifying the models for broad and narrow gauges, we predicted mean number of accidents and the number of fatalities for the 2010-18 time period.


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When we look at the history of electricity and electromagnetism in Spain we discover that the most important Spanish researchers are generally out of the official institutions or stable research groups until the 20th century [1] [2]. In the 20th century most of the scientific research is done in stable research institutions and universities and the most important electromagnetism research centres in Spain are located in the Faculty of Physics of the most important universities, the National Scientific Research Council (CSIC) and the School for Telecommunication Engineering created in 1923. But the greatest impulse of research in the antenna and radiowave propagation field is done after 1960 reaching the first national URSI conference in 1980. After that year, the relation between groups and the number of research groups is continuously growing and the relation to industry is also increasing. When Spain joins the European research organizations (COST, ERC...) and the European Union in 1985 the research support experience a fast growing and the participation in the European research structures. In the antenna design field, there exist some specializations although most of the groups have dome specific projects in almost all the antenna analysis and design fields. Here, we have selected the most important and characteristic area related to each of the research groups and institutions. The easiest way to classify the research work in antennas is the selection between antenna analysis, design and measurement. After that the selected frequency bands technology, the type of antennas and the related circuits can be a good criterion to describe the variety of research work and specialization between groups.


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The writer would like to point out the existence of a very remarkable Spanish cable-stayed bridge built in 1925, wich is thus older than the first one recorded by the authors (and probably the pioneer in concrete-deck type). The Tempul Aqueduct was designed by the famous Professor Educardo Torroja. The deck is a concrete box girder sustained by two planes of 3 mm diam 37-wire double cables working at 27 kg/mm2.


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This paper shows the Gini Coefficient of the Spanish bunkering, for the Spanish Port System 1960 to the year 2010 with the aim to describe the Spanish bunkering in these periods and propose future strategies. The stage of bunkering must change due to new regulations of marine fuels but to predict the future you must know the past On December 17 came into force on community standard marine fuels. After a complicated negotiation with the industry moves forward a project that is fully compliant with the guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and limiting the sulphur and particulate matter of marine fuels used by ships calling or transit through maritime space of the European Union. The impact of a possible extension at European level of the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) as they are introduced in the Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL) adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).