10 resultados para Spain -- Politics and government -- 19th century

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Análisis de la teoría y práctica de la restauración en Inglaterra en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, enfocada al trabajo realizado por el arquitecto George Edmund Street, desde el punto de vista de su investigación sobre la historia de la construcción de la arquitectura gótica en Europa.


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Durante el s. XIX las bóvedas tabicadas se desarrollan enormemente, ampliando sus usos a nuevos tipos y extendiendose por zonas dónde no se habían utilizado tradicionalmente. Además, comienza a utilizarse el cemento como aglomerante en lugar del yeso. En este contexto se realizan muchos ensayos sobre ellas, con el objeto de validar un sistema que resultaba nuevo por estas razones. Se estudian a continuación una serie de ensayos de resistencia realizados en Francia entre 1837 y 1865, todos ellos sobre bóvedas de tamaño y geometría similar: entre 4 y 5 m de luz, y con flecha 1/10 de la luz, un tipo muy empleado en ese momento para la construcción de fábricas. El primero de ellos busca medir experimentalmente el empuje de una de estas bóvedas, para cerrar un debate sobre la existencia o no de empujes en las bóvedas tabicadas. Los siguientes quieren obtener la carga de rotura de las bóvedas, con el objeto de construir después unas similares.


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This paper deals with petrological and petrophysical features of the Hontaria's stone, Burgos (Spain), with which many important monuments were built in northern Spain, in orderr to establish a basis for individual monument restoration. The study contains an historical reference to sorne buildings in which this stone was employed, geological considerations of the origin area, laboratory analysis of the samples, and results of the most common characterization tests. As a conclusion, it can be stated that the Hontoria's stone is apure limestone, with good mechanical and hydrological behaviour, resistent to weathering, easy to quarry (underground mining) and with large resources


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River restoration is becoming a priority in many countries because of increasing the awareness of environmental degradation. In Europe, the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) has significantly reinforced river restoration, encouraging the improvement of ecological status for water bodies. To fulfill the WFD requirements, the Spanish Ministry of the Environment developed in 2006 a National Strategy for River Restoration whose design and implementation are described in this paper. At the same time many restoration projects have been conducted, and sixty of them have been evaluated in terms of stated objectives and pressures and implemented restoration measures. Riparian vegetation enhancement, weir removal and fish passes were the most frequently implemented restoration measures, although the greatest pressures came from hydrologic alteration caused by flow regulation for irrigation purposes. Water deficits in quantity and quality associated with uncontrolled water demands seriously affect Mediterranean rivers and represent the main constraint to achieving good ecological status of Spanish rivers, most of them intensively regulated. Proper environmental allocation of in-stream flows would need deep restrictions in agricultural water use which seem to be of very difficult social acceptance. This situation highlights the need to integrate land-use and rural development policies with water resources and river management, and identifies additional difficulties in achieving the WFD objectives and good ecological status of rivers in Mediterranean countries.


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In this work the results of a geochemical and isotopic survey of 37 gas discharges was carried out in continental Spain are presented and discussed. On the basis of the gas chemical composition, four different areas can be distinguished, as follows: 1) Selva-Emborda (SE) region; 2) Guadalentin Valley (GV); 3) Campo de Calatrava (CC) and 3) the inner part of Spain (IS). The SE, GV and CC areas are characterized by CO2-rich gases, while IS has N2 as main gas compound. The CO2-rich gases can be distinguished at their turn on the basis on the helium and carbon isotopic composition. The SE and CC areas have a strong mantle signature (up to 3 Ra). Nevertheless, the carbon isotopic composition of CC is within the mantle range and that of SE is slightly more negative (down to -8‰ PDB). The GV gases have a lower mantle signature (61 Ra) with respect to SE and CC and more negative carbon isotopes (6-10‰ PDB). It is worth to mention that the SE, GV and CC areas are related to the youngest volcanic activity in continental Spain, for example the Garrotxa Volcanic Field in Catalonia records the latest event dated at 10,000 years, and the isotopic features, particularly those of helium, are suggesting the presence of magmatic bodies still cooling at depth. The N2-rich gases, i.e. those from the IS area, has an atmospheric origin, as highlighted by the N2/Ar ratio that ranges between those of air and ASW (Air Saturated Water). The isotopic composition of carbon is distinctly negative (down to -21‰ PDB) and that of helium is typically crustal (0.02-0.08 Ra), confirming that these gas discharges are related to a relatively shallow source.


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Knowledge of the development of hydrographic networks can be useful for a number of research works in hydraulic engineering. We thus, intend to analyse the cartography regarding the first work that systematically encompasses the entire hydrographic network: Tomas Lopez’s Geographic Atlas of Spain (1787). In order to achieve this goal, we will first analyze –by way of the Geographic Information System (GIS) – both the present and referred historical cartographies. In comparing them, we will use the then-existing population centres that correspond to modern ones. The aim is to compare the following research variables in the hydrographic network: former toponyms, length of riverbeds and distance to population centres. The results of this study will show the variation in the riverbeds and the probable change in their denomination.


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Occupations in the labor market are linked with to a minimum basic training and other capacities. Hired workers should be able to accomplish required functions related to their specific job. Regarding the rural development labor market, local action groups? workers have defined performance areas?projects, strategy, organization and training & market?but specific functions within each of these areas are not as clearly defined. Neither both, basic training and capacities needed to perform each job profile within the local action group are defined. This communication analyses training and other capacities linked to each of the job profiles within the local action group. Functions within each of the performance areas previously defined are also analyzed regarding the job profiles.


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This paper addresses the historical evolution of, from its inception, to the present day, within the changing context of EHEA and linked to professional competences. The research methodology, although it is mainly a historical document review, expert opinions on university educational planning of university education of forestry engineering in Spain are also included. The results show the evolution of centralized planning, based on technical knowledge transmission to an approach based on competences (technical, contextual and behavioral) focusing on learning for improving employability.


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Intervention has taken different forms in different countries and periods of time. Moreover, recent episodes showed that in front of an imminent crisis, the promise of no interventions made by governments is barely credible. In this paper we address the problem of resolving banking crises from the government perspective, taking into account the fact that preventing banking crises is crucial for the government. In addition, we introduce the moral hazard problem, inherent in the banking system, and consider the interaction between regulation, policy measures and banks’ behavior. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that compares different policy plans to resolve banking crises in an environment where insufficiently capitalized banks have incentives to take risk, and the government has to decide whether to provide public services or impede crises. We show that when individuals highly value public services then the best policy in terms of welfare is to apply the tax on early withdrawals, as the government can transfer those taxes to the whole population by investing in public services (although at some cost). Conversely, when individuals assign a low value to consuming public services, recapitalization is the dominant policy. Finally, when the probability of a crisis is sufficiently high, capital requirements should be used


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The lipid content of three cores from Lake Enol (Picos de Europa National Park, Asturias, Northern Spain) was studied. The n-alkane profiles indicated a major input from terrigenous plants [predominance of high molecular weight (HMW) alkanes] since ca. 1695 AD to the water body, although the uppermost cm revealed a predominance of organic matter (OM) derived from algae, as the most abundant alkane was C17. Three units revealing different environmental conditions were defined. Unit A (ca. 1695–1860 AD) in the lowermost parts of ENO13-10 (< 12 cm) and ENO13-15 (< 28 cm) was identified and was characterized by higher OM input and evidence of minimal degradation (high CPI values, predominance of HMW n-alkanoic acids and good correspondence between the predominant n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid chains). These findings could be linked to the Little Ice Age, when cold and humid conditions may have favored an increase in total organic carbon (TOC) and n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid content (greater terrigenous OM in-wash), and may have also reduced bacterial activity. In Unit B (ca. 1860–1980 AD) the lack of correspondence between the n-alkane and n-alkanoic acid profiles of ENO13-10 (12–4 cm) and ENO13-15 (28–8 cm) suggested a certain preferential microbial synthesis of long chain saturated fatty acids from primary OM and/or bacterial activity, coinciding with a decrease in OM input, which could be linked to the global warming that started in the second half of the 19th century. In ENO13-7 the low OM input (low TOC) was accompanied by some bacterial degradation (predominance ofHMWn-alkanoic acids but with a bimodal distribution) in the lowermost 16–5 cm. Evidence of considerable phytoplankton productivity and microbial activity was especially significant in Unit C (ca. 1980–2013 AD) identified in the uppermost part of all three cores (5 cm in ENO13-7, 4 cm in ENO13-10 and 8 cm in ENO13-15), coinciding with higher concentrations of n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids, which were considered to be linked to warmer and drier conditions, as well as to greater anthropogenic influence in modern times. Plant sterols, such as b-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol, were significantly present in the cores. In addition, fecal stanols, such as 24-ethylcoprostanol from herbivores, were present, thereby indicating a continuous and significant pollution input derived from these animals since the 17th century, being more important in the last 20 years.