4 resultados para Solar sensor

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Solar drying is one of the important processes used for extending the shelf life of agricultural products. Regarding consumer requirements, solar drying should be more suitable in terms of curtailing total drying time and preserving product quality. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a fuzzy logic-based control system, which performs a ?human-operator-like? control approach through using the previously developed low-cost model-based sensors. Fuzzy logic toolbox of MatLab and Borland C++ Builder tool were utilized to develop a required control system. An experimental solar dryer, constructed by CONA SOLAR (Austria) was used during the development of the control system. Sensirion sensors were used to characterize the drying air at different positions in the dryer, and also the smart sensor SMART-1 was applied to be able to include the rate of wood water extraction into the control system (the difference of absolute humidity of the air between the outlet and the inlet of solar dryer is considered by SMART-1 to be the extracted water). A comprehensive test over a 3 week period for different fuzzy control models has been performed, and data, obtained from these experiments, were analyzed. Findings from this study would suggest that the developed fuzzy logic-based control system is able to tackle difficulties, related to the control of solar dryer process.


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In this paper we present a heterogeneous collaborative sensor network for electrical management in the residential sector. Improving demand-side management is very important in distributed energy generation applications. Sensing and control are the foundations of the “Smart Grid” which is the future of large-scale energy management. The system presented in this paper has been developed on a self-sufficient solar house called “MagicBox” equipped with grid connection, PV generation, lead-acid batteries, controllable appliances and smart metering. Therefore, there is a large number of energy variables to be monitored that allow us to precisely manage the energy performance of the house by means of collaborative sensors. The experimental results, performed on a real house, demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed collaborative system to reduce the consumption of electrical power and to increase energy efficiency.


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The crop diseases sometimes are related to the irradiance that the crop receives. When an experiment requires the measurement of the irradiance, usually it results in an expensive data acquisition system. If it is necessary to check many test points, the use of traditional sensors will increase the cost of the experiment. By using low cost sensors based in the photovoltaic effect, it is possible to perform a precise test of irradiance with a reduced price. This work presents an experiment performed in Ademuz (Valencia, Spain) during September of 2011 to check the validity of low cost sensors based on solar cells.


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Con objeto de conocer la influencia de las características geométricas de viñedos (Vitis vinifera L.) conducidos en espaldera sobre la interceptación de radiación solar, se desarrolló un estudio en dos viñedos de la variedad ¿Tempranillo¿ entre los años 2005 y 2008. Estos viñedos tenían diferentes distancias entre filas -2, 2,5 y 3 m-, alturas de vegetación -de 0,9 a 1,4 m- y densidades de vegetación -de 6 a 14 pámpanos/metro lineal. Desde cuajado hasta mediados de maduración se midió la radiación interceptada (Ri), a lo largo del día y con frecuencia horaria, con un sensor lineal de PAR, posicionándolo por encima de la vegetación en horizontal para medir la radiación incidente (Ro), y por debajo de la vegetación en horizontal, consecutivamente hasta cubrir la distancia entre dos filas adyacentes, para medir la radiación transmitida (Rt). También se midieron el índice de área foliar total (IAFT), el índice de área foliar externa (IAFE) y el volumen ocupado por la vegetación (V). IAFT varió entre 0,9 y 2,4 m2m-2, y IAFE entre 0,7 y 1,6 m2m-2. La eficiencia de interceptación de radiación (Ei) aumentó desde 0,2 hasta 0,6 al aumentar la superficie foliar. La disminución de la distancia entre filas y el aumento de la altura de vegetación supusieron aumentos de Ei. IAFTse relacionó con el coeficiente de transmisión de la radiación (T) de forma exponencial, de acuerdo con la ley de Beer. El coeficiente de transmisión global diario (T) y el coeficiente de transmisión mínimo diario (Tmin) se mostraron como buenos estimadores de IAFT. El amontonamiento de la vegetación redujo Ei. Así, a medida que aumentaron las relacionesIAFT/IAFE, y IAFT/V(densidad de superficie foliar) disminuyó el coeficiente de extinción (K). De estos dos índices, IAFT/V fue el que más estrechamente se relacionó con K.