81 resultados para Solar Heating Systems

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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With the advent of the Universal Technical Standard for Solar Home Systems, procedures to test the compliance of SHS fluorescent lamps with the standard have been developed. Definition of the laboratory testing procedures is a necessary step in any lamp quality assurance procedure. Particular attention has been paid to test simplicity and to affordability, in order to facilitate local application of the testing procedures, for example by the organisations which carry out electrification programmes. The set of test procedures has been applied to a representative collection of 42 lamps from many different countries, directly acquired in the current photovoltaic rural electrification market. Tests apply to: lamp resistance under normal operating conditions; lamp reliability under extreme conditions; under abnormal conditions; and lamp luminosity. Results are discussed and some recommendations for updating the relevant standard are given. The selected technical standard, together with the proposed testing procedures, form the basis of a complete quality assurance tool that can be applied locally in normal electrical laboratories. Full testing of a lamp requires less than one month, which is very reasonable on the context of quality assurance programmes


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La electrificación rural fotovoltaica ha experimentado últimamente un salto de escala tanto en la dimensión de sus programas como en sus sistemas de gestión. Garantizar la calidad técnica ya no se reduce solamente a la fase de diseño e instalación, sino también a la de operación y mantenimiento. El presente trabajo trata de caracterizar la fase de operación del programa de electrificación rural fotovoltaico de Marruecos sobre el cual se ha llevado a cabo un exhaustivo estudio de fiabilidad de los distintos componentes que integran los sistemas solares (SHS), así como una evaluación de los costes unitarios ligados al mantenimiento, analizando su impacto en la estructura general de costes del programa. Los resultados van dirigidos hacia la caracterización de un modelo de la estructura de mantenimiento que logre asegurar la sostenibilidad de este tipo de programas.


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With the consolidation of the new solid state lighting LEOs devices, te5t1n9 the compliance 01 lamps based on this technology lor Solar Home Systems (SHS) have been analyzed. The definition of the laboratory procedures to be used with final products 15 a necessary step in arder to be able to assure the quality of the lamps prior to be installed [1]. As well as with CFL technology. particular attention has been given to simplicity and technical affordability in arder to facilitate the implementation of the test with basie and simple laboratory too15 even on the same SHS electrification program locations. The block of test procedures has been applied to a set of 14 low-cost lamps. They apply to lamp resistance, reliability and performance under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool 01 any LEO bulb.


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n this paper, we present a theoretical model based on the detailed balance theory of solar thermophotovoltaic systems comprising multijunction photovoltaic cells, a sunlight concentrator and spectrally selective surfaces. The full system has been defined by means of 2n + 8 variables (being n the number of sub-cells of the multijunction cell). These variables are as follows: the sunlight concentration factor, the absorber cut-off energy, the emitter-to-absorber area ratio, the emitter cut-off energy, the band-gap energy(ies) and voltage(s) of the sub-cells, the reflectivity of the cells' back-side reflector, the emitter-to-cell and cell-to-cell view factors and the emitter-to-cell area ratio. We have used this model for carrying out a multi-variable system optimization by means of a multidimensional direct-search algorithm. This analysis allows to find the set of system variables whose combined effects results in the maximum overall system efficiency. From this analysis, we have seen that multijunction cells are excellent candidates to enhance the system efficiency and the electrical power density. Particularly, multijunction cells report great benefits for systems with a notable presence of optical losses, which are unavoidable in practical systems. Also, we have seen that the use of spectrally selective absorbers, rather than black-body absorbers, allows to achieve higher system efficiencies for both lower concentration and lower emitter-to-absorber area ratio. Finally, we have seen that sun-to-electricity conversion efficiencies above 30% and electrical power densities above 50 W/cm2 are achievable for this kind of systems.


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La electrificación rural fotovoltaica ha experimentado últimamente un salto de escala tanto en la dimensión de sus programas como en sus sistemas de gestión. Garantizar la calidad técnica ya no se reduce solamente a la fase de dise~o e instalación, sino también a la de operación y mantenimiento. El estudio del Instituto de Energfa Solar de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid trata de caracterizar la fase de ope ración del programa de electrificación rural fotovoltaico de Marruecos sobre el cual se ha llevado a cabo un exhaustivo estudio de fiabilidad de los distintos componentes que integran los denominados Solar Heme 5ysrems (SHS). Ase como una evaluación de los costes unitarios ligados al mantenimiento, analizando su impacto en la estructura general de costes del programa. Los resultados van dirigidos hacia la caracterización de un modelo de la estructura de mantenimiento que logre asegurar la sostenibilidad de este tipo de programas energéticos.


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Experiences in decentralized rural electrification programmes using solar home systems have suffered difficulties during the operation and maintenance phase, due in many cases, to the underestimation of the maintenance cost, because of the decentralized character of the activity, and also because the reliability of the solar home system components is frequently unknown. This paper reports on the reliability study and cost characterization achieved in a large photovoltaic rural electrification programme carried out in Morocco. The paper aims to determinate the reliability features of the solar systems, focusing in the in-field testing for batteries and photovoltaic modules. The degradation rates for batteries and PV modules have been extracted from the in-field experiments. On the other hand, the main costs related to the operation and maintenance activity have been identified with the aim of establishing the main factors that lead to the failure of the quality sustainability in many rural electrification programmes.


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This paper presents an assessment and evaluation of the costs of operation and maintenance (O&M) in a real PV rural electrification (PVRE) programme, with the aim of characterizing its costs structure. Based on the extracted data of the 5-years operational costs of a private operator, the programme has been analyzed to take out the most relevant costs involved in the O&M phase as well as the comparative appraisal between the 3 main activities: installation, O&M and management. Through this study we try to answer to the new challenge of decentralized rural electrification based on larger programmes (with tens of thousands of SHSs) and longer maintenance and operation periods (at least 10 years).


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The definition of technical specifications and the corresponding laboratory procedures are necessary steps in order to assure the quality of the devices prior to be installed in Solar Home Systems (SHS). To clarify and unify criteria a European project supported the development of the Universal Technical Standard for Solar Home Systems (UTSfSHS). Its principles were to generate simple and affordable technical requirements to be optimized in order to facilitate the implementation of tests with basic and simple laboratory tools even on the same SHS electrification program countries. These requirements cover the main aspects of this type of installations and its lighting chapter was developed based on the most used technology at that time: fluorescent tubes and CFLs. However, with the consolidation of the new LED solid state lighting devices, particular attention is being given to this matter and new procedures are required. In this work we develop a complete set of technical specifications and test procedures that have been designed within the frame of the UTSfSHS, based on an intense review of the scientific and technical publications related to LED lighting and their practical application. They apply to lamp reliability, performance and safety under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool for any LED bulb.


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¿Suministrarán las fuentes de energía renovables toda la energía que el mundo necesita algún día? Algunos argumentan que sí, mientras que otros dicen que no. Sin embargo, en algunas regiones del mundo, la producción de electricidad a través de fuentes de energía renovables ya está en una etapa prometedora de desarrollo en la que su costo de generación de electricidad compite con fuentes de electricidad convencionales, como por ejemplo la paridad de red. Este logro ha sido respaldado por el aumento de la eficiencia de la tecnología, la reducción de los costos de producción y, sobre todo, los años de intervenciones políticas de apoyo financiero. La difusión de los sistemas solares fotovoltaicos (PV) en Alemania es un ejemplo relevante. Alemania no sólo es el país líder en términos de capacidad instalada de sistemas fotovoltaicos (PV) en todo el mundo, sino también uno de los países pioneros donde la paridad de red se ha logrado recientemente. No obstante, podría haber una nube en el horizonte. La tasa de difusión ha comenzado a declinar en muchas regiones. Además, las empresas solares locales – que se sabe son importantes impulsores de la difusión – han comenzado a enfrentar dificultades para manejar sus negocios. Estos acontecimientos plantean algunas preguntas importantes: ¿Es ésta una disminución temporal en la difusión? ¿Los adoptantes continuarán instalando sistemas fotovoltaicos? ¿Qué pasa con los modelos de negocio de las empresas solares locales? Con base en el caso de los sistemas fotovoltaicos en Alemania a través de un análisis multinivel y dos revisiones literarias complementarias, esta tesis doctoral extiende el debate proporcionando riqueza múltiple de datos empíricos en un conocimiento de contexto limitado. El primer análisis se basa en la perspectiva del adoptante, que explora el nivel "micro" y el proceso social que subyace a la adopción de los sistemas fotovoltaicos. El segundo análisis es una perspectiva a nivel de empresa, que explora los modelos de negocio de las empresas y sus roles impulsores en la difusión de los sistemas fotovoltaicos. El tercero análisis es una perspectiva regional, la cual explora el nivel "meso", el proceso social que subyace a la adopción de sistemas fotovoltaicos y sus técnicas de modelado. Los resultados incluyen implicaciones tanto para académicos como políticos, no sólo sobre las innovaciones en energía renovable relativas a la paridad de red, sino también, de manera inductiva, sobre las innovaciones ambientales impulsadas por las políticas que logren la competitividad de costes. ABSTRACT Will renewable energy sources supply all of the world energy needs one day? Some argue yes, while others say no. However, in some regions of the world, the electricity production through renewable energy sources is already at a promising stage of development at which their electricity generation costs compete with conventional electricity sources’, i.e., grid parity. This achievement has been underpinned by the increase of technology efficiency, reduction of production costs and, above all, years of policy interventions of providing financial support. The diffusion of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in Germany is an important frontrunner case in point. Germany is not only the top country in terms of installed PV systems’ capacity worldwide but also one of the pioneer countries where the grid parity has recently been achieved. However, there might be a cloud on the horizon. The diffusion rate has started to decline in many regions. In addition, local solar firms – which are known to be important drivers of diffusion – have started to face difficulties to run their businesses. These developments raise some important questions: Is this a temporary decline on diffusion? Will adopters continue to install PV systems? What about the business models of the local solar firms? Based on the case of PV systems in Germany through a multi-level analysis and two complementary literature reviews, this PhD Dissertation extends the debate by providing multiple wealth of empirical details in a context-limited knowledge. The first analysis is based on the adopter perspective, which explores the “micro” level and the social process underlying the adoption of PV systems. The second one is a firm-level perspective, which explores the business models of firms and their driving roles in diffusion of PV systems. The third one is a regional perspective, which explores the “meso” level, i.e., the social process underlying the adoption of PV systems and its modeling techniques. The results include implications for both scholars and policymakers, not only about renewable energy innovations at grid parity, but also in an inductive manner, about policy-driven environmental innovations that achieve the cost competiveness.


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Esta tesis pretende contribuir al fomento y utilización de la energía solar como alternativa para la producción de agua caliente en el sector agroindustrial. La demanda de agua caliente es un aspecto clave en un gran número de agroindustrias y explotaciones agrarias. Esta demanda presenta una gran variabilidad, tanto en los horarios en que se solicita como en la temperatura del agua del depósito requerida (TADr), difiriendo del perfil de demanda habitual para uso doméstico. Existe una necesidad de profundizar en la influencia que tiene la variación de la TADr en la eficiencia y viabilidad de estos sistemas. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es caracterizar el funcionamiento de un sistema solar térmico (SST) con captador de tubos de vacío (CTV) para producir agua a temperaturas superiores a las habituales en estos sistemas. Se pretende determinar la influencia que la TADr tiene sobre la eficiencia energética del sistema, cuantificar el volumen de agua caliente que es capaz de suministrar en función de la TADr y determinar la rentabilidad del SST como sistema complementario de suministro. Para ello, se ha diseñado, instalado y puesto a punto un sistema experimental de calentamiento de agua, monitorizando su funcionamiento a diferentes TADr bajo condiciones ambientales reales. Los resultados cuantifican cómo el aumento de la TADr provoca una disminución de la energía suministrada al depósito, pudiendo superar diferencias de 1000 Wh m-2 d-1 entre 40 ºC y 80 ºC, para valores de irradiación solar próximos a 8000 Wh m-2 d-1 (la eficiencia del sistema oscila entre 73% y 56%). Esta reducción es consecuencia de la disminución de la eficiencia del captador y del aumento de las pérdidas de calor en las tuberías del circuito. En cuanto al agua suministrada, cuanto mayor es la TADr, mayor es la irradiación solar requerida para que tenga lugar la primera descarga de agua, aumentando el tiempo entre descargas y disminuyendo el número de éstas a lo largo del día. A medida que se incrementa la TADr, se produce una reducción del volumen de agua suministrado a la TADr, por factores como la pérdida de eficiencia del captador, las pérdidas en las tuberías, la energía acumulada en el agua que no alcanza la TADr y la mayor energía extraída del sistema en el agua producida. Para una TADr de 80 ºC, una parte importante de la energía permanece acumulada en el depósito sin alcanzar la TADr al final del día. Para aprovechar esta energía sería necesario disponer de un sistema complementario de suministro, ya que las pérdidas de calor nocturnas en el depósito pueden reducir considerablemente la energía útil disponible al día siguiente. La utilización del sistema solar como sistema único de suministro es inviable en la mayoría de los casos, especialmente a TADr elevadas, al no ajustarse la demanda de agua caliente a la estacionalidad de la producción del sistema solar, y al existir muchos días sin producción de agua caliente por la ausencia de irradiación mínima. Por el contrario, la inversión del sistema solar como sistema complementario para suministrar parte de la demanda térmica de una instalación es altamente recomendable. La energía útil anual del sistema solar estimada oscila entre 1322 kWh m-2 y 1084 kWh m-2. La mayor rentabilidad se obtendría suponiendo la existencia de una caldera eléctrica, donde la inversión se recuperaría en pocos años -entre 5.7 años a 40 ºC y 7.2 años a 80 ºC -. La rentabilidad también es elevada suponiendo la existencia de una caldera de gasóleo, con periodos de recuperación inferiores a 10 años. En una industria ficticia con demanda de 100 kWh d-1 y caldera de gasóleo existente, la inversión en una instalación solar optimizada sería rentable a cualquier TADr, con valores de VAN cercanos a la inversión realizada -12000 € a 80 ºC y 15000€ a 40 ºC- y un plazo de recuperación de la inversión entre 8 y 10 años. Los resultados de este estudio pueden ser de gran utilidad a la hora de determinar la viabilidad de utilización de sistemas similares para suministrar la demanda de agua caliente de agroindustrias y explotaciones agropecuarias, o para otras aplicaciones en las que se demande agua a temperaturas distintas de la habitual en uso doméstico (60 ºC). En cada caso, los rendimientos y la rentabilidad vendrán determinados por la irradiación de la zona, la temperatura del agua requerida y la curva de demanda de los procesos específicos. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the development and use of solar energy as an alternative for producing hot water in the agribusiness sector. Hot water supply is a key issue for a great many agribusinesses and agricultural holdings. Both hot water demand times and required tank water temperature (rTWT) are highly variable, where the demand profile tends to differ from domestic use. Further research is needed on how differences in rTWT influence the performance and feasibility of these systems. The main objective of this thesis is to characterize the performance and test the feasibility of an evacuated tube collector (ETC) solar water heating (SWH) system providing water at a higher temperature than is usual for such systems. The aim is to determine what influence the rTWT has on the system’s energy efficiency, quantify the volume of hot water that the system is capable of supplying at the respective rTWT and establish whether SWH is feasible as a booster supply system for the different analysed rTWTs. To do this, a prototype water heating system has been designed, installed and commissioned and its performance monitored at different rTWTs under real operating conditions. The quantitative results show that a higher rTWT results in a lower energy supply to the tank, where the differences may be greater than 1000 Wh m-2 d-1 from 40 ºC to 80 ºC for insolation values of around 8000 Wh m-2 d-1 (system efficiency ranges from 73% to 56%). The drop in supply is due to lower collector efficiency and greater heat losses from the pipe system. As regards water supplied at the rTWT, the insolation required for the first withdrawal of water to take place is greater at higher rTWTs, where the time between withdrawals increases and the number of withdrawals decreases throughout the day. As rTWT increases, the volume of water supplied at the rTWT decreases due to factors such as lower collector efficiency, pipe system heat losses, energy stored in the water at below the rTWT and more energy being extracted from the system by water heating. For a rTWT of 80 ºC, much of the energy is stored in the tank at below the rTWT at the end of the day. A booster supply system would be required to take advantage of this energy, as overnight tank heat losses may significantly reduce the usable energy available on the following day. It is often not feasible to use the solar system as a single supply system, especially at high rTWTs, as, unlike the supply from the solar heating system which does not produce hot water on many days of the year because insolation is below the required minimum, hot water demand is not seasonal. On the other hand, investment in a solar system as a booster system to meet part of a plant’s heat energy demand is highly recommended. The solar system’s estimated annual usable energy ranges from 1322 kWh m-2 to 1084 kWh m-2. Cost efficiency would be greatest if there were an existing electric boiler, where the payback period would be just a few years —from 5.7 years at 40 ºC to 7.2 years at 80 ºC—. Cost efficiency is also high if there is an existing diesel boiler with payback periods of under 10 years. In a fictitious industry with a demand of 100 kWh day-1 and an existing diesel boiler, the investment in the solar plant would be highly recommended at any rTWT, with a net present value similar to investment costs —12000 € at 80 ºC and 15000 € at 40 ºC— and a payback period of 10 years. The results of this study are potentially very useful for determining the feasibility of using similar systems for meeting the hot water demand of agribusinesses and arable and livestock farms or for other applications demanding water at temperatures not typical of domestic demand (60ºC). Performance and cost efficiency will be determined by the regional insolation, the required water temperature and the demand curve of the specific processes in each case.


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The real increase in energy prices and the intention of reducing pollutant emissions in developed countries makes interesting to use solar energy in all the processes where its application is possible. As it is demonstrated in countries sited at latitudes with optimal conditions of solar radiation and temperature, it is possible to use solar energy as heat source for small-scale hatchery [1,2], but beyond, making a design for proper installation; it is possible to use solar energy as main or support energy source in medium and large size incubators . Monitoring of a normal actual process using temperature and relative humidity sensors is necessary to know the actual operating conditions that the solar heating system must be designed and sized for. Moreover, the identification and analysis of temperature and enthalpy gradients inside the incubator is of major importance.


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Many efforts have been made in order to adequate the production of a solar thermal collector field to the consumption of domestic hot water of the inhabitants of a building. In that sense, much has been achieved in different domains: research agencies, government policies and manufacturers. However, most of the design rules of the solar plants are based on steady state models, whereas solar irradiance, consumption and thermal accumulation are inherently transient processes. As a result of this lack of physical accuracy, thermal storage tanks are sometimes left to be as large as the designer decides without any aforementioned precise recommendation. This can be a problem if solar thermal systems are meant to be implemented in nowadays buildings, where there is a shortage of space. In addition to that, an excessive storage volume could not result more efficient in many residential applications, but costly, extreme in space consumption and in some cases too heavy. A proprietary transient simulation program has been developed and validated with a detailed measurement campaign in an experimental facility. In situ environmental data have been obtained through a whole year of operation. They have been gathered at intervals of 10 min for a solar plant of 50 m2 with a storage tank of 3 m3, including the equipment for domestic hot water production of a typical apartment building. This program has been used to obtain the design and dimensioning criteria of DHW solar plants under daily transient conditions throughout a year and more specifically the size of the storage tank for a multi storey apartment building. Comparison of the simulation results with the current Spanish regulation applicable, “Código Técnico de la Edificación” (CTE 2006), offers fruitful details and establishes solar facilities dimensioning criteria.


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During the last 10 years the Spanish photovoltaic market has experienced one of the most important increases worldwide. The continuous raise on the price of the electricity in Spain, as in other European countries, USA and Japan, as well as the decrease of the cost of solar photovoltaic systems along this decade is opening a new way to reach grid parity point in some particular scenarios. A new Spanish legislation is being performed toward selfconsumption, and it is in this new context where the grid parity in a wide sense could be achieved. This work will study different cases in Spain, in order to determine whether grid parity would be possible along 2012. Keywords: grid parity, self-consumption, photovoltaic, net-metering


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Assuring the sustainability of quality in photovoltaic rural electrification programmes involves enhancing the reliability of the components of solar home systems as well as the characterization of the overall programme cost structure. Batteries and photovoltaic modules have a great impact on both the reliability and the cost assessment, the battery being the weakest component of the solar home system and consequently the most expensive element of the programme. The photovoltaic module, despite being the most reliable component, has a significant impact cost-wise on the initial investment, even at current market prices. This paper focuses on the in-field testing of both batteries and photovoltaic modules working under real operating conditions within a sample of 41 solar home systems belonging to a large photovoltaic rural electrification programme with more than 13,000 installed photovoltaic systems. Different reliability parameters such as lifetime have been evaluated, taking into account different factors, for example energy consumption rates, or the manufacturing quality of batteries. A degradation model has been proposed relating both loss of capacity and time of operation. The user e solar home system binomial is also analysed in order to understand the meaning of battery lifetime in rural electrification.


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Esta investigación tiene por fin poner en valor la obra del arquitecto chileno Luciano Kulczewski, profesional que cumplió un rol clave y distintivo en la primera mitad del siglo XX, considerado como un período crucial para el desarrollo de la arquitectura nacional, ya que es el momento en que se produce el advenimiento de la modernidad en el país. Si bien su figura goza de un gran reconocimiento, solamente una parte de su obra es (re)conocida por la historiografía nacional. Su labor en el libre ejercicio de la profesión, como asimismo los distintos cargos administrativos y políticos que desempeñó en su vida, hacían suponer un corpus más amplio, como finalmente se pudo constatar en este estudio. El amplio catastro documentado permitió fehacientemente identificar el rol y el significado que esta obra cumpliera en la transición que hizo posible dejar atrás los valores impuesto por el Academicismo, para incorporar los procesos de modernización en los distintos ámbitos de la arquitectura. Por tanto, el quehacer de Kulczewski se reveló como ejemplar y paradigmático. Una de las ilustraciones más elocuentes a este respecto fue la precursora realización de edificios en altura para uso residencial. Esta tipología lo obligó a trabajar con nuevos materiales y técnicas constructivas, junto a la necesidad de introducir las modernas tecnologías que estos portentos arquitectónicos requerían para su funcionamiento, como era el uso de ascensores y los sistemas de calefacción centralizada. El estudio del contexto urbano de sus obras permitió dar cuenta también de los procesos que estaban convirtiendo a las principales ciudades del país en urbes ‘modernas’. En este ámbito, destaca la nueva concepción urbanística que llegaba vinculada a los barrios-jardín, que contrariamente a lo establecido por el urbanismo tradicional, implicó inéditas maneras de articular la ciudad y el empleo de nuevas tipologías residenciales. Estas concepciones de ciudad encontraron eco principalmente en las urbanizaciones que se estaban realizando en las nuevas comunas de la capital, contexto elegido por el arquitecto para llevar a cabo algunos innovadores conjuntos habitacionales, hoy considerados modélicos, y que estaban destinados a un nuevo estrato social empoderado y demandante: la clase media. Su particular preocupación por las cuestiones sociales, las que entraron en crisis con el devenir del siglo XX, lo llevaron a desarrollar una activa vida política, que culminó con un importante puesto administrativo en el primer Gobierno Radical que tuvo lugar en el país. Desde esa posición, pudo gestionar y dar solución apropiada a la urgente necesidad de viviendas obreras que requería el país, creando los primeros edificios colectivos destinados a este grupo social. Esto a la vez supuso un acercamiento más sustancial a las nuevas propuestas vinculadas al Movimiento Moderno. En conclusión, su quehacer hizo eco de los estilos vanguardistas y modernos que arribaron provenientes de Europa, pero reconociendo las realidades propias del país, de tal forma que la apropiación, y no la reproducción, fue su sello. En este proceso de adecuación al medio local, los modelos foráneos se desprenderán de muchas de sus principios rectores originales, lo que sumado a la impronta de un imaginario propio y original, convierten a sus creaciones en un caso singular en el contexto del la arquitectura chilena. ABSTRACT This research aims to add value to the work of Chilean architect Luciano Kulczewski, a professional who accomplished a key and distinctive role in the first half of the twentieth century, which is considered as a crucial period for the development of the Chilean architecture, since it corresponds to the arrive of Modernity in this country. While his figure is widely recognized, only a portion of his oeuvre is known (or acknowledged) by national historiography. Because of his work as a freelance professional and another administrative and political position he held in his life, it is possible to assume a larger corpus, as it was finally confirmed by this study. The copious documented cadastre allowed convincingly to identify the role and significance that this work fulfilled in the transition that made possible leaving behind the values imposed by Academicism, and thus to incorporate the modernization processes in the different fields of architecture. Therefore, the work of Kulczewski revealed itself as exemplary and paradigmatic. One of the most eloquent illustrations to this regard was the pioneering construction of high-rise buildings with a residential purpose. This typology drove him to work with new materials and constructive techniques, alongside with the need of introducing new modern technologies required by these architectonical advances for its operations, like the use of elevators and central heating systems. The study of the urban context of his work allowed also accounting the processes the major cities of the country went through in order to become 'modern' cities. In this context, it stands out the new urban conception linked to the idea of garden city, which was contrary to the practices of the traditional urbanism, and that implied new ways of articulating the city and that the use of new residential typologies. These urban notions were mainly echoed in the urbanizations that were made in the new districts of the city, scenario chosen by the architect for the concretion of innovative housing projects, nowadays thought as paradigmatic, and that were oriented for a new empowered and demanding social group: the middle class. His particular concern for social issues, which ones came into crisis with the arrival of the twentieth century, led him to take an active political role, culminating with an important administrative position in the first Radical Government that took place in the country. From that position, he could manage and provide adequate solutions to the urgent worker’s housing needs that required the country, creating the first collective buildings for this social group. This supposed a more substantial approach to new proposals of the Modern Movement. To conclude, his oeuvre was influenced by the avant-garde and modern styles that arrived from Europe, but with the proper adjustments to the local requirements, so that it is possible to say that appropriation more than reproduction was his hallmark. In this process, these features were transformed in order to get more flexibility for their adaptation to the Chilean needs that added to a personal and peculiar imaginary, which transformed his works into a unique case in the national architecture history.