16 resultados para Social reproduction - Strategy
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Recent applications of Foucauldian categories in geography, spatial history and the history of town planning have opened up interesting new perspectives, with respect to both the evolution of spatial knowledge and the genealogy of territorial techniques and their relation to larger socio-political projects, that would be enriched if combined with other discursive traditions. This article proposes to conceptualise English parliamentary enclosureea favourite episode for Marxist historiography, frequently read in a strictly materialist fashioneas a precedent of a new form of sociospatial governmentality, a political technology that inaugurates a strategic manipulation of territory for social change on the threshold between feudal and capitalist spatial rationalities. I analyse the sociospatial dimensions of parliamentary enclosure’s technical and legal innovations and compare them to the forms of communal self-regulation of land use customs and everyday regionalisations that preceded it. Through a systematic, replicable mechanism of reterritorialisation, enclosure acts normalised spatial regulations, blurred regional differences in the social organisation of agriculture and erased the modes of autonomous social reproduction linked to common land. Their exercise of dispossession of material resources, social capital and community representations is interpreted therefore as an inaugural logic that would pervade the emergent spatial rationality later known as planning.
Recent applications of Foucauldian categories in geography, spatial history and the history of town planning have opened up interesting new perspectives, with respect to both the evolution of spatial knowledge and the genealogy of territorial techniques and their relation to larger socio-political projects, that would be enriched if combined with other discursive traditions. This article proposes to conceptualise English parliamentary enclosureea favourite episode for Marxist historiography, frequently read in a strictly materialist fashioneas a precedent of a new form of sociospatial governmentality, a political technology that inaugurates a strategic manipulation of territory for social change on the threshold between feudal and capitalist spatial rationalities. I analyse the sociospatial dimensions of parliamentary enclosure’s technical and legal innovations and compare them to the forms of communal self-regulation of land use customs and everyday regionalisations that preceded it. Through a systematic, replicable mechanism of reterritorialisation, enclosure acts normalised spatial regulations, blurred regional differences in the social organisation of agriculture and erased the modes of autonomous social reproduction linked to common land. Their exercise of dispossession of material resources, social capital and community representations is interpreted therefore as an inaugural logic that would pervade the emergent spatial rationality later known as planning.
La historiografía ha presentado tradicionalmente la planificación urbana como una técnica progresista que, nacida en el contexto de los reformismos del siglo XIX, tiene por objeto principal la mejora de la calidad de vida a través del tratamiento del espacio urbano y la ordenación del territorio. Sin embargo un estudio detallado de la articulación histórica entre planificación urbana, economía política de la producción de espacio y dinámicas de evolución y cambio de las formaciones sociales revela un escenario muy distinto. Este trabajo sintetiza los planteamientos de la tesis Urbanismo y reproducción social. La planificación territorial de la multitud. A través de una serie de estudios de caso, esta investigación presentó la planificación urbana y territorial como un dispositivo gubernamental encargado de regular espacialmente la reproducción social de las clases subalternas en beneficio de los bloques hegemónicos. Prestando especial atención al efecto de la planificación sobre la vida cotidiana y a través de una historiografía social reflexiva y crítica, se muestra cómo la multitud fue paulatinamente desposeída de recursos materiales, capitales sociales y representaciones colectivas a medida que sus prácticas cotidianas fueron reescritas, recodificadas, reterritorializadas. Historians have traditionally pictured town planning as a progressive technique. Born in the context of nineteenth-century reformist policies, its aim would have been to improve the quality of life through the regulation of urban development and the urban fabric. However a close study of the relationship between town planning, the politics of space and the dynamics of evolution and change of social formations reveals a very different scenario. This work summarizes the main findings of the PhD thesis Urbanism and social reproduction. The territorial planning of the multitude. Through a series of historical case studies, this research showed how town and regional planning evolved to become a governmental dispositif in charge of the spatial regulation of social reproduction. Paying special attention to the effect of planning over everyday life and subaltern classes, and deploying a critical, reflexive social historiography, the thesis described how the multitude was dispossessed of material resources, social capitals and collective imaginaries as its practices were spatially re-written, re-coded, re-territorialised.
La historia social de la planificación espacial es un elemento clave en el proyecto de replanteamiento crítico de las políticas urbanas y territoriales. Un urbanismo comprometido con la recuperación de lo común bajo coordenadas radicalmente democráticas requiere una lectura del pasado capaz de desvelar cómo llegaron a producirse las estructuras socioespaciales contemporáneas y el papel que la planificación jugó en dicho proceso. La historia social de la planificación permite comprender la génesis sociopolítica de los discursos, técnicas y prácticas urbanísticas que empleamos en la actualidad y cuál ha sido su efecto sobre la vida cotidiana de los planificados. Este artículo analiza varios momentos conceptuales y metodológicos de ese proyecto historiográ!co. Se exploran en primer lugar el concepto gramsciano de «hegemonía» y el foucaultiano de «gubernamentalidad » como herramientas que permiten comprender la articulación entre política y vida cotidiana en el marco de una historia social general. Esta matriz de trabajo se traslada a la dimensión espacial a través de los conceptos de «territorio» y «territorialidad». Por último se estudia el modo en que la planificación ha sido movilizada históricamente como técnica de regulación espacial de los procesos de reproducción social por determinados proyectos hegemónicos/gubernamentales en un contexto de lucha de territorialidades. ........................................... The social history of spatial planning is a key element in the critical reevaluation of urban and territorial policies. In order to engage planning in the recovery of the commons and the formation of more democratic environments we need to understand its role in the historical production of our present sociospatial structures. This historiographical approach provides an alternative account of the sociopolitical genesis of contemporary planning discourses, techniques and practices, describing their effects and impact on the everyday lives of planned populations. This article analyzes several conceptual and methodological moments of this research project. Firstly I suggest that we use Gramsci’s conceptualization of «hegemony» and Foucault’s «governmentality» in order to understand the articulation between politics and everyday life in the context of a general social history. This theoretical framework is then translated into spatial terms through the concepts of «territory» and «territoriality». Finally, I study how planning has been mobilized throughout history by particular hegemonic/governmental projects in order to spatially regulate the processes of social reproduction, in a context shaped by struggles of territoriality.
Dado el impacto que las redes sociales tienen en la vida diaria de los países desarrollados o en vías de desarrollo, éstas han pasado a tener un papel clave en dicho desarrollo social. Dicha consideración no sólo debe centrarse en cómo las personas forman las redes, sino las herramientas que emplean y la forma en la que estas deben ser tratadas por las organizaciones para conseguir una posición preferencial con los usuarios que forman las redes (considerando el creciente número de éstos todos los días). El presente trabajo trata de exponer la diferencia entre medios sociales y redes sociales, estableciendo una diferencia clara entre entre ambos, define lo que son los medios sociales (Social Media en Inglés), qué se debe considerar para que el uso de los mismos tenga una carácter exitoso en sus operaciones y cómo las organizaciones perciben la diferencia competitiva que éstos aportan en sus actividades. Una vez definida, destacamos la importancia de la consideración de estos nuevos medios en las estrategias de la compañías. Para ello, debemos ver el ecosistema de los medios sociales de forma general, y focalizarnos en la relación marca-compañía con el usuario/cliente. La inclusión de los medios sociales en las estrategias de las compañías, primero de forma independiente y, posteriormente, de forma integrada, hace que los modelos de negocio de las compañías se vayan adaptando a los tiempos. Se describe el cambio de paradigma de los modelos de negocio afectados por la introducción de los medios sociales, los elementos y tipos de modelos de negocio que se pueden tener, así como la adaptación de los modelos establecidos a los nuevos modelos. Posteriormente se ve cómo las compañías incluyen los medios sociales en su estrategia, a través de una planificación de medios sociales,partiendo de qué es una estrategia y cómo debe evaluarse. Una vez se ha definido el contexto (qué son los medios sociales, redes sociales, modelo de negocio, estrategia; así como sus características), se definen los bloques funcionales de los medios sociales, con su paralelismo en términos de la estrategia de las compañías, así como se indican determinados factores de éxito para su adopción. Hasta ahora, estamos mirando la organización de forma individual pero, dentro del mercado en el que desarrollan sus actividades, éstas deben ser evaluadas sobre el grado de desarrollo de los medios sociales en sus operaciones; y poder establecer así comparativas, con otras organizaciones, en relación a su grado de implantación. Con dicho objetivo, desarrollaremos un modelo de madurez de medios sociales (Social Media Maturity Model, SMMM o SM3), de forma teórica. ¿Cómo considerar dicho modelo de forma realista?. Basándonos en el método del estudio de casos, se realizará una análisis e investigación de diferentes organizaciones que nos indicará el grado de aproximación del modelo de madurez referenciado, con respecto a la realidad. ABSTRACT Considering the impact that social networks have in the daily life in developed or developing countries, they have come to play a key role in this social development. This consideration should not only focus on how people set up networks, but the tools they use and how these ones should be addressed by organizations to achieve a preferential position with users, forming networks (considering the increasing number of them every day). This work tries to explain the difference between social media and social networking, establishing a clear difference between them, defines what is Social Media, which should be considered for its use has a successful character in their operations and how organizations perceive the competitive edge they bring in their activities. Once they are defined, we remark the importance of considering these new media in companies strategies. For this, we see the social media ecosystem in general, and to focus on brandcompany relationship with the user/client. The inclusion of social media strategies in the companies, independently and in a integrated way, makes the business models of companies evolve along the time. It is described the paradigm shift in business models affected by the introduction of social media, elements and types of business models that can be had, and the adaptation of established models to new models. After that, it’s shown how companies include social media strategy through social media planning and building on what is a strategy and how it should be evaluated. Once the context is defined (what is social media, social networking, business model, strategy, and its features), the functional blocks of social media are defined, with its parallelism in terms of the strategy of companies and specific success factors are indicated. So far, we are looking at the organization individually but within the market in which they operate, they must be evaluated on the degree of development of social media in their operations; and to establish and compare with other organizations in relation to their degree of implementation. With this goal, we will develop a maturity model for social media (Social Media Maturity Model, SMMM or SM3), theoretically. How to consider the model realistically?. Based on the case study method, the analysis and research of different organizations that it will indicate the accuracy of the maturity model referenced with respect to the actually performed.
Taking advantage of economic opportunities has led to numerous conflicts between society and business in various geographies of the world. Companies have developed social responsibility programs to prevent and manage these types of problems. However, some authors comment that these programs lack a strategic vision. Starting with the Working with People model, created for the field of rural development planning, this paper proposes a methodology to prevent the generation of social conflicts from business strategy: the territorial dimension. The proposal emphasizes that local development support prevents the generation of social conflicts. Finally, an experience in Peru, a country that has been characterized in recent years by high economic growth and also by the presence of social conflicts that have stopped entrepreneurship is analyzed.
This article presents an alternative approach to the decision-making process in transport strategy design. The study explores the possibility of integrating forecasting, assessment and optimization procedures in support of a decision-making process designed to reach the best achievable scenario through mobility policies. Long-term evaluation, as required by a dynamic system such as a city, is provided by a strategic Land-Use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) model. The social welfare achieved by implementing mobility LUTI model policies is measured through a cost-benefit analysis and maximized through an optimization process throughout the evaluation period. The method is tested by optimizing a pricing policy scheme in Madrid on a cordon toll in a context requiring system efficiency, social equity and environmental quality. The optimized scheme yields an appreciable increase in social surplus through a relatively low rate compared to other similar pricing toll schemes. The results highlight the different considerations regarding mobility impacts on the case study area, as well as the major contributors to social welfare surplus. This leads the authors to reconsider the cost-analysis approach, as defined in the study, as the best option for formulating sustainability measures.
Assessing social benefits in transport policy implementation has been studied by many researchers using theoretical or empirical measures. However, few of them measure social benefit using different discount rates including the inter-temporal preferences rate of users, the private investment discount rate and the inter-temporal preferences rate of the government. In general, the social discount rate used is the same for all social actors. Therefore, this paper aims to assess a new method by integrating different types of discount rate belonging to different social actors in order to measure the real benefits of each actor in the short, medium and long term. A dynamic simulation is provided by a strategic Land-Use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) model. The method is tested by optimizing a cordon toll scheme in Madrid considering socio- economic efficiency and environmental criteria. Based on the modified social welfare function (WF), the effects on the measure of social benefits are estimated and compared with the classical WF results as well. The results of this research could be a key issue to understanding the relationship between transport system policies and social actors' benefits distribution in a metropolitan context. The results show that the use of more suitable discount rates for each social actor had an effect on the selection and definition of optimal strategy of congestion pricing. The usefulness of the measure of congestion toll declines more quickly overtime.
Many researchers have used theoretical or empirical measures to assess social benefits in transport policy implementation. However, few have measured social benefits by using discount rates, including the intertemporal preference rate of users, the private investment discount rate, and the intertemporal preference rate of the government. In general, the social discount rate used is the same for all social actors. This paper aims to assess a new method by integrating different types of discount rates belonging to different social actors to measure the real benefits of each actor in the short term, medium term, and long term. A dynamic simulation is provided by a strategic land use and transport interaction model. The method was tested by optimizing a cordon toll scheme in Madrid, Spain. Socioeconomic efficiency and environmental criteria were considered. On the basis of the modified social welfare function, the effects on the measure of social benefits were estimated and compared with the classical welfare function measures. The results show that the use of more suitable discount rates for each social actor had an effect on the selection and definition of optimal strategy of congestion pricing. The usefulness of the measure of congestion toll declines more quickly over time. This result could be the key to understanding the relationship between transport system policies and the distribution of social actors? benefits in a metropolitan context.
University education in Peru is based on models of teacher-centered teaching and a conception of knowledge which is closed and static and under the dominance of an information model now overwhelmed by multiple factors hastened by international change. The worlds most prestigious universities have chosen cultural diversity as a sign of quality and are hence interested in the mobility of teachers and students through exchange and cooperation with foreign educational institutions. These universities respond more effectively to pressure from the international business sector, better satisfy training demands, introduce new information and communication technologies into education and research and have improved administration and management structures. While there is progress, the university system in Peru is a planning model defined "as a discipline that seeks to respond to the needs of an organization defined by new cultural and social models" (A. Cazorla, et al 2007).This paper studies the non-Euclidean thinking of planning and development of John Friedmann (2001). Based on the four domains of social practice, it proposes a planning model for Peruvian universities that meets international requirements.
This article presents an alternative approach to the decision-making process in transport strategy design. The study explores the possibility of integrating forecasting, assessment and optimization procedures in support of a decision-making process designed to reach the best achievable scenario through mobility policies. Long-term evaluation, as required by a dynamic system such as a city, is provided by a strategic Land-Use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) model. The social welfare achieved by implementing mobility LUTI model policies is measured through a cost-benefit analysis and maximized through an optimization process throughout the evaluation period. The method is tested by optimizing a pricing policy scheme in Madrid on a cordon toll in a context requiring system efficiency, social equity and environmental quality. The optimized scheme yields an appreciable increase in social surplus through a relatively low rate compared to other similar pricing toll schemes. The results highlight the different considerations regarding mobility impacts on the case study area, as well as the major contributors to social welfare surplus. This leads the authors to reconsider the cost-analysis approach, as defined in the study, as the best option for formulating sustainability measures.
La evolución de Internet al modelo Web 2.0, ha creado el nuevo sistema denominado Social Media, donde han proliferado un número ingente de redes sociales, que han cambiado las formas de relación y colaboración entre los usuarios, así como la relaciones de éstos y las empresas. En respuesta a estos dramáticos cambios sociales y tecnológicos, que actualmente están dando forma a las relaciones negocio-empresa, las empresas están descubriendo que es necesario modificar la estrategia de utilización del CRM (Customer Relationship Management) con sus clientes y desarrollar nuevas capacidades que permitan la creación de valor con los clientes. Y es aquí donde aparece el concepto de Social CRM, entendido como una estrategia centrada en entender, anticiparse y responder mejor a las necesidades de los clientes existentes o potenciales, aprovechando los datos sociales, para crear unas fuertes relaciones beneficiosas para ambas partes. En este trabajo se describe un modelo de adopción de Social CRM, aplicando un método de análisis “Top-Down”, y basado en el modelo de Gartner denominado “The Eight Building Blocks of CRM” [1]. El presente trabajo descompone el modelo de adopción descrito por Gartner, en los siguientes puntos. - Una decisión estratégica de la compañía - Asomarse a la realidad social - Analizar las redes sociales. - Metodología de adopción. - Despliegue y extensión en todos los departamentos de la compañía y la adaptación de los recursos humanos. - Selección e integración con las plataformas tradicionales de CRM - Análisis de herramientas de monitorización de Social CRM El modelo propuesto tiene dos objetivos, por un lado pretende proporcionar la visión de cómo CRM puede influir en los resultados empresariales en la era del cliente social, y por otro, proporcionar a los administradores cómo las inversiones y los recursos existentes de CRM puede ser integrados con las nuevas tecnologías y procesos para formar capacidades que pueden mejorar el rendimiento del negocio. ABSTRACT. “The Internet evolution to Web 2.0 model has created a new system called Social Media, where have proliferated a huge number of social networks which have changed the relationship and collaboration forms user-to-user and user-to-company. In response to these dramatic social and technological changes that are currently shaping the business-business relationships, companies are finding it necessary to modify the strategy for use of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with customers and develop new capabilities to creating value with customers. And here is where the concept of Social CRM appears, understood as a focus on understanding, anticipating and responding to the needs of existing and potential customers strategy, leveraging social data to create a strong mutually beneficial relationships. In this paper describes an adoption model of Social CRM, using a "Top-Down" analysis method and based on the model of Gartner called "The Eight Building Blocks of CRM" [1]. This paper decomposes the adoption model described by Gartner in the following points. - A company strategic decision. - Look at social reality. - Analyze social networks. - Methodology adoption. - Deployment and extension in all departments of the company and the adaptation of human resources. - Selection and integration with traditional CRM platforms. - Analysis of monitoring tools for Social CRM. The proposed model has two objectives, firstly aims to provide insight into how CRM can influence business outcomes in the era of the social customer, and secondly, to provide administrators how investments and existing resources can be integrated CRM with new technologies and processes for developing capabilities that can increase business performance”.
En un mundo en el que cada vez son más las personas que utilizan Internet para llevar a cabo sus comunicaciones y relaciones, tanto a nivel personal como profesional, las Redes Sociales se han convertido en una herramienta, para muchos imprescindible, de interacción social. A lo largo de este proyecto se realizará un análisis exhaustivo de las características del ya conocido como Fenómeno Social Media, para posteriormente centrar toda la atención en las ventajas y desventajas de dicha actividad en el ámbito empresarial. Dado que hasta el momento no se ha encontrado ningún otro estudio que trate el Fenómeno Social Media en la Pequeña Empresa del sector TIC español, el objetivo principal del proyecto se centra en conocer la influencia que las Redes Sociales están generando en la estrategia empresarial de dicho sector de empresas, cuyas características y particularidades hacen de ellas un modelo de negocio único y diferente y cuyo número se ha visto incrementado en los últimos años, debido quizás, a la situación de crisis que atraviesa el país. Para ello, se analizarán las ventajas e inconvenientes que se derivan de su uso, como afecta a la creación de valor, y, finalmente, cual es el nivel de implicación y/o inversión que la Pequeña Empresa ha adoptado al respecto. Dentro de este marco, se pretende realizar un énfasis especial en el concepto de cocreación de valor y sus variantes (Crowdsourcing, Open Innovation e Innovación Orientada por las Personas), que permita determinar el grado de importancia del usuario como generador de valor. Posteriormente, en la parte práctica, se llevará a cabo un amplio estudio de mercado, a partir de una encuesta online realizada a un conjunto de empresas, cuidadosamente seleccionadas de entre más de 100.000 compañías, según su sector de actividad, número de empleados y volumen de negocios anual, y cuyos resultados serán analizados con la intención de obtener una visión clara del comportamiento global de las empresas seleccionadas. Por último, tomaremos de referencia las dos últimas publicaciones anuales del “Observatorio sobre el uso de las Redes Sociales en las Pymes españolas” (2011 y 2013), estudios dedicados íntegramente a Redes Sociales y Pymes, y cuya información, junto con los resultados obtenidos de nuestro estudio, nos permitirán determinar la tendencia actual y futura, y en consecuencia, obtener las conclusiones oportunas que nos permitan dar respuesta a las cuestiones planteadas durante la realización del proyecto, y determinar si nos encontramos o no ante una verdadera fuente de éxito empresarial. ABSTRACT. In a world where more and more people are using the Internet to perform their communications and relationships, both personally and professionally, Social Networks have become a social interaction tool, indispensable for many people. Throughout this project we will perform a thorough analysis of the characteristics of the Social Media Phenomenon, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of such activity in a business scope. Given that we have not found no study on the Social Media Phenomenon in Small Business of the Spanish ICT sector, the main objective of this project is to establish the influence that Social Networks are generating in the business strategy of this business sector, the characteristics and peculiarities that make them a unique and different business model and whose number has increased in recent years, perhaps due to the crisis the country is facing. To do this, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages derived from its use, how it affects value creation, and finally, what is the level of involvement and / or investment that the Small Business has taken in this regard. In this context, we intend to make a special emphasis on the concept of value co-creation and its variants (Crowdsourcing, Open Innovation and People Oriented Innovation), to determine the degree of importance of the user to value generator. Subsequently, on the practical section, out a comprehensive market study will be carried, based on an online test to a group of enterprises, carefully selected from more than 100,000 companies, according to their sector of activity, number of employees and annual turnover, and the results will be analyzed with the intention to get a clear view of the selected company's overall performance. Finally, we will take as reference the last two annual publications of the "Observatory on the use of Social Networks in Spanish SMEs" (2011 and 2013), entirely dedicated to Social Media and SMEs studies, and whose information, together with the results obtained in our study will allow us to determine the current and future trends, and consequently, obtain the appropriate conclusions to respond to the raised questions throughout the project, and determine whether or not they are a real source of business success.
Desde el 23 de febrero de 2004 la ETS Ingenieros Informáticos posee un perfil en dos redes sociales: Twitter y Facebook. Desde un primer momento el departamento de Unidad de Imagen y Comunicación, encargado de dichos perfiles, ha tenido claro que este era solo el primer paso para aprovechar al máximo las ventajas de las redes sociales en un contexto educativo universitario. En este trabajo se quiere dar forma a esa aspiración desarrollando una expansión del uso de las redes sociales. En este trabajo se analizan los seis primeros meses de trabajo con el perfil de Twitter y la página de Facebook con el objetivo de averiguar qué ha funcionado y qué ha fallado en la estrategia inicial prevista. Primero, se plantea un acercamiento desde el punto de vista estadístico con los datos que arrojan diferentes herramientas de análisis social y después, desde el punto de vista personal con las respuestas de la propia comunidad de la Escuela a una encuesta de satisfacción con los nuevos canales de comunicación. Además, de cara a la creación de nuevos perfiles se analiza el trabajo que realizan en ellas otras universidades y escuelas de informáticas. Con todos los datos sobre el trabajo previo se construyen una serie de buenas prácticas para instituciones universitarias en redes sociales que servirán para desarrollar los planes editoriales de dos nuevos perfiles: un canal de YouTube y una página de LinkedIn. Para terminar, se deja constancia de todo el proceso realizado en una metodología propia que servirá para poder seguir aumentando la red social de la escuela en el futuro con un enfoque en el alumno y que se fundamentará en el análisis y la mejora constante. Se espera que esta metodología pueda servir de modelo para la creación de perfiles sociales en otras universidades o para mejorar las ya existentes.---aBSTRACT---Since February 23rd of 2014, ETS Ingenieros Informáticos had a profile in two of the most popular social networks: Twitter and Facebook. From the beginning, the Communication Department in charge of these profiles knew that this was only a starting point to take advantage of all the advantages that social networks can bring to a higher education context. Thus, this paper aims at developing an expansion of the use of social networks. The present paper analyses the first sixth months of the use of the Twitter profile and the Facebook page to determine the aspects of the initial strategy that worked successfully and those that needed improvement. Firstly, I present a statistical approach the data from a statistical point of view taking into account all the information provided by the different social analysis tools. Then, I complement this first approach with a more personal point of view including the answers of the university community to a satisfaction survey regarding the new communication channels. Finally, in order to create new profiles, other universities’ work is reviewed and examined in depth. Taking into account the previous work, a series of good practices for university institutions is developed in order to be used as the basis of the new social plan to include two new social networks: a YouTube channel and a LinkedIn page. Finally, the whole process is described in a methodology that could be used to increase the School’s social network in the future. This procedure is student-centred and based on the constant analysis and improvement of the results. It is hoped that this methodology could be used as an example of a social network profile creation or improvement for other universities’ strategy.
Fashion is one of the most vibrant sectors in Europe and important contributors to the European Union (EU) economy. In particular, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a major part in European fashion industry (EU 2012). Just like fashion, where people¿s style has inherently meant to be shared as it is foremost a representation of one¿s self-image, social media allow the reflection of ones' personality and emotions. Although fashion practitioners have embraced social media in their marketing activities, it is still relatively few known at an academic level about the specificities of fashion industry when approaching social media marketing (SMM) strategies. This study sets out to explore fashion companies' SMM strategy and its activities. From an exploratory approach, we present case studies of two Spanish SME fashion companies, anonymously named hereafter as Company A and Company B, to deepen our understanding on how fashion brands implement their SMM strategy. Company A offers high-end fashion products while Company B produces medium fashion products. We analyzed the case studies using qualitative (interviews to companies' executives) and a mix of qualitative and quantitative (content analysis of companies' social media platform) methods. Public posts data of both companies' Facebook brand pages were used to perform the content analysis. Our findings through case studies of the two companies reveal that branding-oriented strategic objectives are the main drivers of their SMM implementations. There are significant differences between both companies. The main strategic action employed by Company A is engaging customers to participate into brand's offline social gathering events by inviting them through social media platform, while Company B focuses its effort on posting product promotion related contents and engaging influencers such as fashion bloggers. Our results are expected to serve as a basis of further investigations on how SMM strategy and strategic actions implemented by fashion brands may influence marketing outcomes.