18 resultados para Social influence
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
In order to achieve to minimize car-based trips, transport planners have been particularly interested in understanding the factors that explain modal choices. In the transport modelling literature there has been an increasing awareness that socioeconomic attributes and quantitative variables are not sufficient to characterize travelers and forecast their travel behavior. Recent studies have also recognized that users? social interactions and land use patterns influence travel behavior, especially when changes to transport systems are introduced, but links between international and Spanish perspectives are rarely deal. In this paper, factorial and path analyses through a Multiple-Indicator Multiple-Cause (MIMIC) model are used to understand and describe the relationship between the different psychological and environmental constructs with social influence and socioeconomic variables. The MIMIC model generates Latent Variables (LVs) to be incorporated sequentially into Discrete Choice Models (DCM) where the levels of service and cost attributes of travel modes are also included directly to measure the effect of the transport policies that have been introduced in Madrid during the last three years in the context of the economic crisis. The data used for this paper are collected from a two panel smartphone-based survey (n=255 and 190 respondents, respectively) of Madrid.
In order to achieve to minimize car-based trips, transport planners have been particularly interested in understanding the factors that explain modal choices. In the transport modelling literature there has been an increasing awareness that socioeconomic attributes and quantitative variables are not sufficient to characterize travelers and forecast their travel behavior. Recent studies have also recognized that users? social interactions and land use patterns influence travel behavior, especially when changes to transport systems are introduced, but links between international and Spanish perspectives are rarely deal. In this paper, factorial and path analyses through a Multiple-Indicator Multiple-Cause (MIMIC) model are used to understand and describe the relationship between the different psychological and environmental constructs with social influence and socioeconomic variables. The MIMIC model generates Latent Variables (LVs) to be incorporated sequentially into Discrete Choice Models (DCM) where the levels of service and cost attributes of travel modes are also included directly to measure the effect of the transport policies that have been introduced in Madrid during the last three years in the context of the economic crisis. The data used for this paper are collected from a two panel smartphone-based survey (n=255 and 190 respondents, respectively) of Madrid.
Vernacular architecture has demonstrated its perfect environmental adaptation through its empirical development and improvement by generations of user-builders. Nowadays, the sustainability of vernacular architecture is the aim of some research projects in which the same method should be applied in order to be comparable. Hence, we propose a research method putting together various steps. Through the analysis of geographical, lithology, economic, cultural and social influence as well as materials and constructive systems, vernacular architecture is analyzed. But, all this information is put together with the natural landscape (topography and vegetation) and the climatic data (temperature, winds, rain and sun exposure). In addition, the use of bioclimatic charts, such as Olgyay or Givoni’s, revealed the necessities and strategies in urban and building design. They are satisfied in the vernacular architecture by the application of different energy conservation mechanisms, some of them are shown by different examples in this paper.
In order to minimize car-based trips, transport planners have been particularly interested in understanding the factors that explain modal choices. Transport modelling literature has been increasingly aware that socioeconomic attributes and quantitative variables are not sufficient to characterize travelers and forecast their travel behavior. Recent studies have also recognized that users’ social interactions and land use patterns influence travel behavior, especially when changes to transport systems are introduced; but links between international and Spanish perspectives are rarely dealt with. The overall objective of the thesis is to develop a stepped methodology that integrate diverse perspectives to evaluate the willingness to change patterns of urban mobility in Madrid, based on four steps: (1st) analysis of causal relationships between both objective and subjective personal variables, and travel behavior to capture pro-car and pro-public transport intentions; (2nd) exploring the potential influence of individual trip characteristics and social influence variables on transport mode choice; (3rd) identifying built environment dimensions on travel behavior; and (4th) exploring the potential influence on transport mode choice of extrinsic characteristics of individual trip using panel data, land use variables using spatial characteristics and social influence variables. The data used for this thesis have been collected from a two panel smartphone-based survey (n=255 and 190 respondents, respectively) carried out in Madrid. Although the steps above are mainly methodological, the application to the area of Madrid allows deriving important results that can be directly used to forecast travel demand and to evaluate the benefits of specific policies that might be implemented in the area. The results demonstrated, respectively: (1st) transport policy actions are more likely to be effective when pro-car intention has been disrupted first; (2nd) the consideration of “helped” and “voluntary” users as tested here could have a positive and negative impact, respectively, on the use of public transport; (3rd) the importance of density, design, diversity and accessibility underlying dimensions responsible for land use variables; and (4th) there are clearly different types of combinations of social interactions, land use and time frame on travel behavior studies. Finally, with the objective to study the impact of demand measures to change urban mobility behavior, those previous results have been considered in a unique way, a hybrid discrete choice model has been used on a 5th step. Then it can be concluded that urban mobility behavior is not only ruled by the maximum utility criterion, but also by a strong psychological-environment concept, developed without the mediation of cognitive processes during choice, i.e., many people using public transport on their way to work do not do it for utilitarian reasons, but because no other choice is available. Regarding built environment dimensions, the more diversity place of residence, the more difficult the use of public transport or walking.
Este articulo analiza cómo las relaciones sociales subyacentes entre alumnos universitarios pueden influir en los resultados académicos. Los resultados empíricos del estudio realizado revelan que la relación social entre los alumnos sobre discusión y generación de nuevas ideas tiene un impacto positivo. Así mismo, se observa que las relaciones sociales de consejo y confianza que puede haber entre los estudiantes fomentan la discusión y generación de nuevas ideas. Por tanto, se concluye que los modelos de enseñanza / aprendizaje a implementar deberían incluir actividades que fomenten este tipo de relaciones sociales con el objetivo de mejorar los resultados académicos.
This paper explores the potential role of individual trip characteristics and social capital network variables in the choice of transport mode. A sample of around 100 individuals living or working in one suburb of Madrid (i.e. Las Rosas district of Madrid) participated in a smartphone short panel survey, entering travel data for an entire working week. A Mixed Logit model was estimated with this data to analyze shifts to metro as a consequence of the opening of two new stations in the area. Apart from classical explanatory variables, such as travel time and cost, gender, license and car ownership, the model incorporated two “social capital network” variables: participation in voluntary activities and receiving help for various tasks (i.e. child care, housekeeping, etc.). Both variables improved the capacity of the model to explain transport mode shifts. Further, our results confirm that the shift towards metro was higher in the case of people “helped” and lower for those participating in some voluntary activities.
The real and potential road influence on soundscape is considered a relevant management aspect that can assess the negative effects of massive visitants on such sensitive species -that have been living for centuries in the area-. As a first approach to the study of human disturbances sound impact, acoustic engineering tools allow us to model noise pollution caused by the main road that crosses the state ?Cabeza de Hierro? (M-604). For these preliminary results we use the French method XPS 31-133, recommend at EU level. Noise emission levels in black vulture nesting area are analyzed to understand the influence of human activities on rural areas and road management on biodiversity conservation. This approach develops a useful tool to make compatible the public enjoyment of forest services such as recreation or landscape scenary, the conservation of biodiversity as well as a suitable social and economic activity level ?timber and firewood harvesting, industry?- at the region.
In recent years, interest has been drawn towards new inclusive business models designed to generate opportunities for human development and thus improve the living standards of the poorest. Social enterprise, defined as an organization that aims to create social value by developing an economic activity, can influence change and therefore serve as a model to create sustainable organizations in the coming years. This paper will describe the concept of social enterprise from two different points of view ? that of the traditional European social economy and the developing economies approach. In addition, it will propose a model for the organizational analysis and will apply the suggested model in the case of Grameen-Danone.
This paper shows the influence of the semantic content of urban sounds in the subjective evaluation of outer spaces. The study is based on the analysis conducted in three neighboring and integrated urban spaces with a different form of social ownership in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. It shows that the type of sound source present at each site influence, by its semantic content, in the user´s identification and permanence in the place. The noise present in a soundscape is able to have a high semantic content, and therefore the sound has a particular meaning for the perceiver. Every particular social group influences the production of their own sounds and how they perceive them. This allows to consider the sound as one of the factors that define the sense of "place" or "no place" of a certain urban space. Evidently the sounds, and their ability to evoke and characterize the environment, cannot be ignored in the construction and recovery of anthropological sites. This urban culture is unique and specific to every society. Thepublic spaces, with their soundscape, are part of the construction of the urban identity of a city. It is shown that for identical general sound levels present in each of the spaces, the level of annoyance or discomfort, in relation to the subjective acoustic quality, is different. This is the result of the influence of semantic content of the sounds present in each urban space. Coinciding with other similar research, the level of discomfort or annoyance decreases as the presence of natural sounds such as water, the wind in the trees or the birds singing increases, even when the objective values of noise level of natural sounds are higher.
La razón de estudio del proyecto que continúa es comprobar el nivel de interacción presente entre las Administraciones Públicas y los Medios Sociales en la actualidad. El estudio se realiza desde dos perspectivas distintas: la interacción actual entre ambos y cómo puede ir más allá para conseguir la gestión electrónica de la Administración Pública (el e-Gobierno. En la interacción actual, el estudio se realiza en distintos niveles, partiendo desde la Administración Pública de la Unión Europea para, posteriormente, entrar en la española. En esta última se comprueba a distintos niveles: o Administración Central o Administración Autonómica o Administración Provincial o Administración Municipal Este estudio se realiza desde dos perspectivas. Por un lado desde el papel como regulador que toma la Administración Pública en los contenidos publicas en los Medios Sociales y cómo actúa en caso de que no sean adecuados o violen leyes. La otra perspectiva es cómo, la Administración Pública, ejerce de usuario tradicional de los Medios Sociales. Los datos presentados van desde qué plataformas son las más utilizadas, cuál es la temática de los mensajes o cómo influyen estos dos elementos en los propios mensajes. Acercando el concepto de e-Gobierno al lector se presenta una serie de pautas para usar de manera más ventajosa los Medios Sociales. Para finalizar el proyecto y hacer uso de lo analizado con anterioridad se presenta la idea de implantación de un e-Gobierno en el Ministerio de Alimentación, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA) de España. Esta idea abarca el uso de Medios Sociales, ya sean propietarios o los ya creados, tanto de cara al interior del Ministerio como hacia el exterior. De esta forma se analiza las conexiones que tiene el Ministerio con otras entidades de la Administración Pública,con empresas o ciudadanos. ABSTRACT: The reason for the study of this project is to test the level of interaction between government and Social Media today. The study was carried out from two different perspectives: the current interaction between the two and how can go further to get the electronic management of the Public Administration (e-Government.In the current interaction, the study is performed at various levels, starting from the Public Administration of the European Union. Later the study continues in the Public Administration of Spain, in different levels. o Central Administration o Regional Administration o Provincial Administration o Municipal Administration This study is conducted from two perspectives. On the one hand from the role as a regulator that takes the government as public content on Social Media and how it works if not suitable or violate laws. The other perspective is how, Public Administration, holds traditional user of SocialMedia. The data presented are from what platforms are the most used, what is the theme of the messages or how to influence these two elements in the messages.Bringing the concept of e-government presents to the reader a series of guidelines to use more advantageously Social Media. To finish the project and use the analyzed previously presented, the idea of implementing an e-Government in the Ministerio de Alimentación, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA) of Spain. This idea embraces the use of social media, whether owners or those already created,both within the Ministry face as outward. This analyzes the connections it has with other entities of Public Administration, companies or citizens.
In order to show the choice of transparency as the guiding principle of the accreditation process, the article evaluates its influence on the fundamental subprocess of self-evaluation, thereby confirming that transparency is an essential tool for continuous improvement of academic processes and those of educational quality management. It fosters educational innovation and permits the sustainability of the continuous accreditation process over time, resulting in greater probabilities of university self-regulation through systemization of the process, with the objective of continuous improvement of university degree programs. The article analyzes the influence of transparency on each activity of the self-evaluation process according to the Peruvian accreditation model prepared under the total quality approach, as a reference for other accreditation models, proposing concrete transparency actions and evaluating its influence on the stakeholder groups in the self-evaluation process, as well as on the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. It is concluded that transparency has a positive influence on the training of human capital and the formation of the university?s organizational culture, facilitating dissemination, understanding and involvement of the stakeholder groups in the continuous improvement of accreditation activities and increasing their acceptance of change and commitment to the process. It is confirmed that transparency contributes toward increasing the efficiency index of the self-evaluation process by reducing operating costs through adequate, accessible, timely contribution of information by the stakeholders and through the optimization of the time spent gathering relevant information. In addition, it is concluded that transparency contributes toward increasing the effectiveness index of self-evaluation by facilitating the achievement of its objectives through synthetic, useful, reliable interpretation of the education situation and the formulation of feasible improvement plans based on the adequacy, relevance, visibility, pertinence and truthfulness of the information analyzed.
La evolución de Internet al modelo Web 2.0, ha creado el nuevo sistema denominado Social Media, donde han proliferado un número ingente de redes sociales, que han cambiado las formas de relación y colaboración entre los usuarios, así como la relaciones de éstos y las empresas. En respuesta a estos dramáticos cambios sociales y tecnológicos, que actualmente están dando forma a las relaciones negocio-empresa, las empresas están descubriendo que es necesario modificar la estrategia de utilización del CRM (Customer Relationship Management) con sus clientes y desarrollar nuevas capacidades que permitan la creación de valor con los clientes. Y es aquí donde aparece el concepto de Social CRM, entendido como una estrategia centrada en entender, anticiparse y responder mejor a las necesidades de los clientes existentes o potenciales, aprovechando los datos sociales, para crear unas fuertes relaciones beneficiosas para ambas partes. En este trabajo se describe un modelo de adopción de Social CRM, aplicando un método de análisis “Top-Down”, y basado en el modelo de Gartner denominado “The Eight Building Blocks of CRM” [1]. El presente trabajo descompone el modelo de adopción descrito por Gartner, en los siguientes puntos. - Una decisión estratégica de la compañía - Asomarse a la realidad social - Analizar las redes sociales. - Metodología de adopción. - Despliegue y extensión en todos los departamentos de la compañía y la adaptación de los recursos humanos. - Selección e integración con las plataformas tradicionales de CRM - Análisis de herramientas de monitorización de Social CRM El modelo propuesto tiene dos objetivos, por un lado pretende proporcionar la visión de cómo CRM puede influir en los resultados empresariales en la era del cliente social, y por otro, proporcionar a los administradores cómo las inversiones y los recursos existentes de CRM puede ser integrados con las nuevas tecnologías y procesos para formar capacidades que pueden mejorar el rendimiento del negocio. ABSTRACT. “The Internet evolution to Web 2.0 model has created a new system called Social Media, where have proliferated a huge number of social networks which have changed the relationship and collaboration forms user-to-user and user-to-company. In response to these dramatic social and technological changes that are currently shaping the business-business relationships, companies are finding it necessary to modify the strategy for use of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with customers and develop new capabilities to creating value with customers. And here is where the concept of Social CRM appears, understood as a focus on understanding, anticipating and responding to the needs of existing and potential customers strategy, leveraging social data to create a strong mutually beneficial relationships. In this paper describes an adoption model of Social CRM, using a "Top-Down" analysis method and based on the model of Gartner called "The Eight Building Blocks of CRM" [1]. This paper decomposes the adoption model described by Gartner in the following points. - A company strategic decision. - Look at social reality. - Analyze social networks. - Methodology adoption. - Deployment and extension in all departments of the company and the adaptation of human resources. - Selection and integration with traditional CRM platforms. - Analysis of monitoring tools for Social CRM. The proposed model has two objectives, firstly aims to provide insight into how CRM can influence business outcomes in the era of the social customer, and secondly, to provide administrators how investments and existing resources can be integrated CRM with new technologies and processes for developing capabilities that can increase business performance”.
Entre los años 2004 y 2007 se hundieron por problemas de estabilidad cinco pesqueros españoles de pequeña eslora, de características parecidas, de relativamente poca edad, que habían sido construidos en un intervalo de pocos años. La mayoría de los tripulantes de esos pesqueros fallecieron o desaparecieron en esos accidentes. Este conjunto de accidentes tuvo bastante repercusión social y mediática. Entre ingenieros navales y marinos del sector de la pesca se relacionó estos accidentes con los condicionantes a los diseños de los pesqueros impuestos por la normativa de control de esfuerzo pesquero. Los accidentes fueron investigados y publicados sus correspondientes informes; en ellos no se exploró esta supuesta relación. Esta tesis pretende investigar la relación entre esos accidentes y los cambios de la normativa de esfuerzo pesquero. En la introducción se expone la normativa de control de esfuerzo pesquero analizada, se presentan datos sobre la estructura de la flota pesquera en España y su accidentalidad, y se detallan los criterios de estabilidad manejados durante el trabajo, explicando su relación con la seguridad de los pesqueros. Seguidamente se realiza un análisis estadístico de la siniestralidad en el sector de la pesca para establecer si el conjunto de accidentes estudiados supone una anomalía, o si por el contrario el conjunto de estos accidentes no es relevante desde el punto de vista estadístico. Se analiza la siniestralidad a partir de diversas bases de datos de buques pesqueros en España y se concluye que el conjunto de accidentes estudiados supone una anomalía estadística, ya que la probabilidad de ocurrencia de los cinco sucesos es muy baja considerando la frecuencia estimada de pérdidas de buques por estabilidad en el subsector de la flota pesquera en el que se encuadran los cinco buques perdidos. A continuación el trabajo se centra en la comparación de los buques accidentados con los buques pesqueros dados de baja para construir aquellos, según exige la normativa de control de esfuerzo pesquero; a estos últimos buques nos referiremos como “predecesores” de los buques accidentados. Se comparan las dimensiones principales de cada buque y de su predecesor, resultando que los buques accidentados comparten características de diseño comunes que son sensiblemente diferentes en los buques predecesores, y enlazando dichas características de diseño con los requisitos de la nueva normativa de control del esfuerzo pesquero bajo la que se construyeron estos barcos. Ello permite establecer una relación entre los accidentes y el mencionado cambio normativo. A continuación se compara el margen con que se cumplían los criterios reglamentarios de estabilidad entre los buques accidentados y los predecesores, encontrándose que en cuatro de los cinco casos los predecesores cumplían los criterios de estabilidad con mayor holgura que los buques accidentados. Los resultados obtenidos en este punto permiten establecer una relación entre el cambio de normativa de esfuerzo pesquero y la estabilidad de los buques. Los cinco buques accidentados cumplían con los criterios reglamentarios de estabilidad en vigor, lo que cuestiona la relación entre esos criterios y la seguridad. Por ello se extiende la comparativa entre pesqueros a dos nuevos campos relacionados con la estabilidad y la seguridad delos buques: • Movimientos a bordo (operatividad del buque), y • Criterios de estabilidad en condiciones meteorológicas adversas El estudio de la operatividad muestra que los buques accidentados tenían, en general, una mayor operatividad que sus predecesores, contrariamente a lo que sucedía con el cumplimiento de los criterios reglamentarios de estabilidad. Por último, se comprueba el desempeño de los diez buques en dos criterios específicos de estabilidad en caso de mal tiempo: el criterio IMO de viento y balance intenso, y un criterio de estabilidad de nueva generación, incluyendo la contribución original del autor de considerar agua en cubierta. Las tendencias observadas en estas dos comparativas son opuestas, lo que permite cuestionar la validez del último criterio sin un control exhaustivo de los parámetros de su formulación, poniendo de manifiesto la necesidad de más investigaciones sobre ese criterio antes de su adopción para uso regulatorio. El conjunto de estos resultados permite obtener una serie de conclusiones en la comparativa entre ambos conjuntos de buques pesqueros. Si bien los resultados de este trabajo no muestran que la aprobación de la nueva normativa de esfuerzo pesquero haya significado una merma general de seguridad en sectores enteros de la flota pesquera, sí se concluye que permitió que algunos diseños de buques pesqueros, posiblemente en busca de la mayor eficiencia compatible con dicha normativa, quedaran con una estabilidad precaria, poniendo de manifiesto que la relación entre seguridad y criterios de estabilidad no es unívoca, y la necesidad de que éstos evolucionen y se adapten a los nuevos diseños de buques pesqueros para continuar garantizando su seguridad. También se concluye que la estabilidad es un aspecto transversal del diseño de los buques, por lo que cualquier reforma normativa que afecte al diseño de los pesqueros o su forma de operar debería estar sujeta a evaluación por parte de las autoridades responsables de la seguridad marítima con carácter previo a su aprobación. ABSTRACT Between 2004 and 2007 five small Spanish fishing vessels sank in stability related accidents. These vessels had similar characteristics, had relatively short age, and had been built in a period of a few years. Most crewmembers of these five vessels died or disappeared in those accidents. This set of accidents had significant social and media impact. Among naval architects and seamen of the fishing sector these accidents were related to the design constraints imposed by the fishing control effort regulations. The accidents were investigated and the official reports issued; this alleged relationship was not explored. This thesis aims to investigate the relationship between those accidents and changes in fishing effort control regulations. In the introduction, the fishing effort control regulation is exposed, data of the Spanish fishing fleet structure and its accident rates are presented, and stability criteria dealt with in this work are explained, detailing its relationship with fishing vessel safety. A statistical analysis of the accident rates in the fishing sector in Spain is performed afterwards. The objective is determining whether the set of accidents studied constitute an anomaly or, on the contrary, they are not statistically relevant. Fishing vessels accident rates is analyzed from several fishing vessel databases in Spain. It is concluded that the set of studied accidents is statistically relevant, as the probability of occurrence of the five happenings is extremely low, considering the loss rates in the subsector of the Spanish fishing fleet where the studied vessels are fitted within. From this point the thesis focuses in comparing the vessels lost and the vessels that were decommissioned to build them as required by the fishing effort control regulation; these vessels will be referred to as “predecessors” of the sunk vessels. The main dimensions between each lost vessel and her predecessor are compared, leading to the conclusion that the lost vessels share design characteristics which are sensibly different from the predecessors, and linking these design characteristics with the requirements imposed by the new fishing control effort regulations. This allows establishing a relationship between the accidents and this regulation change. Then the margin in fulfilling the regulatory stability criteria among the vessels is compared, resulting, in four of the five cases, that predecessors meet the stability criteria with greater clearance than the sunk vessels. The results obtained at this point would establish a relationship between the change of fishing effort control regulation and the stability of vessels. The five lost vessels complied with the stability criteria in force, so the relation between these criteria and safety is put in question. Consequently, the comparison among vessels is extended to other fields related to safety and stability: • Motions onboard (operability), and • Specific stability criteria in rough weather The operability study shows that the lost vessels had in general greater operability than their predecessors, just the opposite as when comparing stability criteria. Finally, performance under specific rough weather stability criteria is checked. The criteria studied are the IMO Weather Criterion, and one of the 2nd generation stability criteria under development by IMO considering in this last case the presence of water on deck, which is an original contribution by the author. The observed trends in these two cases are opposite, allowing to put into question the last criterion validity without an exhaustive control of its formulation parameters; indicating that further research might be necessary before using it for regulatory purposes. The analysis of this set of results leads to some conclusions when comparing both groups of fishing vessels. While the results obtained are not conclusive in the sense that the entry into force of a new fishing effort control in 1998 caused a generalized safety reduction in whole sectors of the Spanish fishing fleet, it can be concluded that it opened the door for some vessel designs resulting with precarious stability. This evidences that the relation between safety and stability criteria is not univocal, so stability criteria needs to evolve for adapting to new fishing vessels designs so their safety is still guaranteed. It is also concluded that stability is a transversal aspect to ship design and operability, implying that any legislative reform affecting ship design or operating modes should be subjected to assessing by the authorities responsible for marine safety before being adopted.
Sight distance plays an important role in road traffic safety. Two types of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are utilized for the estimation of available sight distance in roads: Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and Digital Surface Models (DSMs). DTMs, which represent the bare ground surface, are commonly used to determine available sight distance at the design stage. Additionally, the use of DSMs provides further information about elements by the roadsides such as trees, buildings, walls or even traffic signals which may reduce available sight distance. This document analyses the influence of three classes of DEMs in available sight distance estimation. For this purpose, diverse roads within the Region of Madrid (Spain) have been studied using software based on geographic information systems. The study evidences the influence of using each DEM in the outcome as well as the pros and cons of using each model.
En un mundo en el que cada vez son más las personas que utilizan Internet para llevar a cabo sus comunicaciones y relaciones, tanto a nivel personal como profesional, las Redes Sociales se han convertido en una herramienta, para muchos imprescindible, de interacción social. A lo largo de este proyecto se realizará un análisis exhaustivo de las características del ya conocido como Fenómeno Social Media, para posteriormente centrar toda la atención en las ventajas y desventajas de dicha actividad en el ámbito empresarial. Dado que hasta el momento no se ha encontrado ningún otro estudio que trate el Fenómeno Social Media en la Pequeña Empresa del sector TIC español, el objetivo principal del proyecto se centra en conocer la influencia que las Redes Sociales están generando en la estrategia empresarial de dicho sector de empresas, cuyas características y particularidades hacen de ellas un modelo de negocio único y diferente y cuyo número se ha visto incrementado en los últimos años, debido quizás, a la situación de crisis que atraviesa el país. Para ello, se analizarán las ventajas e inconvenientes que se derivan de su uso, como afecta a la creación de valor, y, finalmente, cual es el nivel de implicación y/o inversión que la Pequeña Empresa ha adoptado al respecto. Dentro de este marco, se pretende realizar un énfasis especial en el concepto de cocreación de valor y sus variantes (Crowdsourcing, Open Innovation e Innovación Orientada por las Personas), que permita determinar el grado de importancia del usuario como generador de valor. Posteriormente, en la parte práctica, se llevará a cabo un amplio estudio de mercado, a partir de una encuesta online realizada a un conjunto de empresas, cuidadosamente seleccionadas de entre más de 100.000 compañías, según su sector de actividad, número de empleados y volumen de negocios anual, y cuyos resultados serán analizados con la intención de obtener una visión clara del comportamiento global de las empresas seleccionadas. Por último, tomaremos de referencia las dos últimas publicaciones anuales del “Observatorio sobre el uso de las Redes Sociales en las Pymes españolas” (2011 y 2013), estudios dedicados íntegramente a Redes Sociales y Pymes, y cuya información, junto con los resultados obtenidos de nuestro estudio, nos permitirán determinar la tendencia actual y futura, y en consecuencia, obtener las conclusiones oportunas que nos permitan dar respuesta a las cuestiones planteadas durante la realización del proyecto, y determinar si nos encontramos o no ante una verdadera fuente de éxito empresarial. ABSTRACT. In a world where more and more people are using the Internet to perform their communications and relationships, both personally and professionally, Social Networks have become a social interaction tool, indispensable for many people. Throughout this project we will perform a thorough analysis of the characteristics of the Social Media Phenomenon, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of such activity in a business scope. Given that we have not found no study on the Social Media Phenomenon in Small Business of the Spanish ICT sector, the main objective of this project is to establish the influence that Social Networks are generating in the business strategy of this business sector, the characteristics and peculiarities that make them a unique and different business model and whose number has increased in recent years, perhaps due to the crisis the country is facing. To do this, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages derived from its use, how it affects value creation, and finally, what is the level of involvement and / or investment that the Small Business has taken in this regard. In this context, we intend to make a special emphasis on the concept of value co-creation and its variants (Crowdsourcing, Open Innovation and People Oriented Innovation), to determine the degree of importance of the user to value generator. Subsequently, on the practical section, out a comprehensive market study will be carried, based on an online test to a group of enterprises, carefully selected from more than 100,000 companies, according to their sector of activity, number of employees and annual turnover, and the results will be analyzed with the intention to get a clear view of the selected company's overall performance. Finally, we will take as reference the last two annual publications of the "Observatory on the use of Social Networks in Spanish SMEs" (2011 and 2013), entirely dedicated to Social Media and SMEs studies, and whose information, together with the results obtained in our study will allow us to determine the current and future trends, and consequently, obtain the appropriate conclusions to respond to the raised questions throughout the project, and determine whether or not they are a real source of business success.