14 resultados para Singing Voice

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Teaching the adequate use of the singing voice conveys a lot of knowledge in musical performance as well as in objective estimation techniques involving the use of air, muscles, room and body acoustics, and the tuning of a fine instrument as the human voice. Although subjective evaluation and training is a very delicate task to be carried out only by expert singers, biomedical engineering may help contributing with well-funded methodologies developed for the study of voice pathology. The present work is a preliminary study of exploratory character describing the performance of a student singer in a regular classroom under the point of view of vocal fold biomechanics. Estimates of biomechanical parameters obtained from singing voice are given and their potential use is discussed.


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Teaching the adequate use of the singing voice conveys a lot of knowledge in musical performance as well as in objective estimation techniques involving the use of air, muscles, room and body acoustics, and the tuning of a fine instrument as the human voice. Although subjective evaluation and training is a very delicate task to be carried out only by expert singers, biomedical engineering may help contributing with well - funded methodologies developed for the study of voice pathology. The present study is a preliminary study of exploratory character describing the performance of a student singer in a regular classroom under the point of view of vocal fold biomechanics. Estimate s of biomechanical parameters obtained from singing voice are given and their use i n the classroom is discussed.


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BioMet®Tools is a set of software applications developed for the biometrical characterization of voice in different fields as voice quality evaluation in laryngology, speech therapy and rehabilitation, education of the singing voice, forensic voice analysis in court, emotional detection in voice, secure access to facilities and services, etc. Initially it was conceived as plain research code to estimate the glottal source from voice and obtain the biomechanical parameters of the vocal folds from the spectral density of the estimate. This code grew to what is now the Glottex®Engine package (G®E). Further demands from users in medical and forensic fields instantiated the development of different Graphic User Interfaces (GUI’s) to encapsulate user interaction with the G®E. This required the personalized design of different GUI’s handling the same G®E. In this way development costs and time could be saved. The development model is described in detail leading to commercial production and distribution. Study cases from its application to the field of laryngology and speech therapy are given and discussed.


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El presente proyecto tiene el objetivo de facilitar la composición de canciones mediante la creación de las distintas pistas MIDI que la forman. Se implementan dos controladores. El primero, con objeto de transcribir la parte melódica, convierte la voz cantada o tarareada a eventos MIDI. Para ello, y tras el estudio de las distintas técnicas del cálculo del tono (pitch), se implementará una técnica con ciertas variaciones basada en la autocorrelación. También se profundiza en el segmentado de eventos, en particular, una técnica basada en el análisis de la derivada de la envolvente. El segundo, dedicado a la base rítmica de la canción, permite la creación de la percusión mediante el golpe rítmico de objetos que disponga el usuario, que serán asignados a los distintos elementos de percusión elegidos. Los resultados de la grabación de estos impactos serán señales de corta duración, no lineales y no armónicas, dificultando su discriminación. La herramienta elegida para la clasificación de los distintos patrones serán las redes neuronales artificiales (RNA). Se realizara un estudio de la metodología de diseño de redes neuronales especifico para este tipo de señales, evaluando la importancia de las variables de diseño como son el número de capas ocultas y neuronas en cada una de ellas, algoritmo de entrenamiento y funciones de activación. El estudio concluirá con la implementación de dos redes de diferente naturaleza. Una red de Elman, cuyas propiedades de memoria permiten la clasificación de patrones temporales, procesará las cualidades temporales analizando el ataque de su forma de onda. Una red de propagación hacia adelante feed-forward, que necesitará de robustas características espectrales y temporales para su clasificación. Se proponen 26 descriptores como los derivados de los momentos del espectro: centroide, curtosis y simetría, los coeficientes cepstrales de la escala de Mel (MFCCs), y algunos temporales como son la tasa de cruces por cero y el centroide de la envolvente temporal. Las capacidades de discriminación inter e intra clase de estas características serán evaluadas mediante un algoritmo de selección, habiéndose elegido RELIEF, un método basado en el algoritmo de los k vecinos mas próximos (KNN). Ambos controladores tendrán función de trabajar en tiempo real y offline, permitiendo tanto la composición de canciones, como su utilización como un instrumento más junto con mas músicos. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is to make song composition easier by creating each MIDI track that builds it. Two controllers are implemented. In order to transcribe the melody, the first controler converts singing voice or humming into MIDI files. To do this a technique based on autocorrelation is implemented after having studied different pitch detection methods. Event segmentation has also been dealt with, to be more precise a technique based on the analysis of the signal's envelope and it's derivative have been used. The second one, can be used to make the song's rhythm . It allows the user, to create percussive patterns by hitting different objects of his environment. These recordings results in short duration, non-linear and non-harmonic signals. Which makes the classification process more complicated in the traditional way. The tools to used are the artificial neural networks (ANN). We will study the neural network design to deal with this kind of signals. The goal is to get a design methodology, paying attention to the variables involved, as the number of hidden layers and neurons in each, transfer functions and training algorithm. The study will end implementing two neural networks with different nature. Elman network, which has memory properties, is capable to recognize sequences of data and analyse the impact's waveform, precisely, the attack portion. A feed-forward network, needs strong spectral and temporal features extracted from the hit. Some descriptors are proposed as the derivates from the spectrum moment as centroid, kurtosis and skewness, the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, and some temporal features as the zero crossing rate (zcr) and the temporal envelope's centroid. Intra and inter class discrimination abilities of those descriptors will be weighted using the selection algorithm RELIEF, a Knn (K-nearest neighbor) based algorithm. Both MIDI controllers can be used to compose, or play with other musicians as it works on real-time and offline.


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Voice biometry is classically based on the parameterization and patterning of speech features mainly. The present approach is based on the characterization of phonation features instead (glottal features). The intention is to reduce intra-speaker variability due to the `text'. Through the study of larynx biomechanics it may be seen that the glottal correlates constitute a family of 2-nd order gaussian wavelets. The methodology relies in the extraction of glottal correlates (the glottal source) which are parameterized using wavelet techniques. Classification and pattern matching was carried out using Gaussian Mixture Models. Data of speakers from a balanced database and NIST SRE HASR2 were used in verification experiments. Preliminary results are given and discussed.


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The dramatic impact of neurological degenerative pathologies in life quality is a growing concern. It is well known that many neurological diseases leave a fingerprint in voice and speech production. Many techniques have been designed for the detection, diagnose and monitoring the neurological disease. Most of them are costly or difficult to extend to primary attention medical services. Through the present paper it will be shown how some neurological diseases can be traced at the level of phonation. The detection procedure would be based on a simple voice test. The availability of advanced tools and methodologies to monitor the organic pathology of voice would facilitate the implantation of these tests. The paper hypothesizes that some of the underlying mechanisms affecting the production of voice produce measurable correlates in vocal fold biomechanics. A general description of the methodological foundations for the voice analysis system which can estimate correlates to the neurological disease is shown. Some study cases will be presented to illustrate the possibilities of the methodology to monitor neurological diseases by voice


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The employment of nonlinear analysis techniques for automatic voice pathology detection systems has gained popularity due to the ability of such techniques for dealing with the underlying nonlinear phenomena. On this respect, characterization using nonlinear analysis typically employs the classical Correlation Dimension and the largest Lyapunov Exponent, as well as some regularity quantifiers computing the system predictability. Mostly, regularity features highly depend on a correct choosing of some parameters. One of those, the delay time �, is usually fixed to be 1. Nonetheless, it has been stated that a unity � can not avoid linear correlation of the time series and hence, may not correctly capture system nonlinearities. Therefore, present work studies the influence of the � parameter on the estimation of regularity features. Three � estimations are considered: the baseline value 1; a � based on the Average Automutual Information criterion; and � chosen from the embedding window. Testing results obtained for pathological voice suggest that an improved accuracy might be obtained by using a � value different from 1, as it accounts for the underlying nonlinearities of the voice signal.


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Current text-to-speech systems are developed using studio-recorded speech in a neutral style or based on acted emotions. However, the proliferation of media sharing sites would allow developing a new generation of speech-based systems which could cope with spontaneous and styled speech. This paper proposes an architecture to deal with realistic recordings and carries out some experiments on unsupervised speaker diarization. In order to maximize the speaker purity of the clusters while keeping a high speaker coverage, the paper evaluates the F-measure of a diarization module, achieving high scores (>85%) especially when the clusters are longer than 30 seconds, even for the more spontaneous and expressive styles (such as talk shows or sports).


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A case study of vocal fold paralysis treatment is described with the help of the voice quality analysis application BioMet®Phon. The case corresponds to a description of a 40 - year old female patient who was diagnosed of vocal fold paralysis following a cardio - pulmonar intervention which required intubation for 8 days and posterior tracheotomy for 15 days. The patient presented breathy and asthenic phon ation, and dysphagia. Six main examinations were conducted during a full year period that the treatment lasted consisting in periodic reviews including video - endostroboscopy, voice analysis and breathing function monitoring. The phoniatrician treatment inc luded 20 sessions of vocal rehabilitation, followed by an intracordal infiltration with Radiesse 8 months after the rehabilitation treatment started followed by 6 sessions of rehabilitation more. The videondoscopy and the voicing quality analysis refer a s ubstantial improvement in the vocal function with recovery in all the measures estimated (jitter, shimmer, mucosal wave contents, glottal closure, harmonic contents and biomechanical function analysis). The paper refers the procedure followed and the results obtained by comparing the longitudinal progression of the treatment, illustrating the utility of voice quality analysis tools in speech therapy.


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Voice therapies of muscle tension dysphonia in Germany need to be increased in effectiveness by applying intensive, manualized procedures and standardized assessment protocols. The same holds true for therapies of disturbed singer's voices. According to a Cochrane review on the effectiveness of therapies of functional dysphonia neither direct nor indirect voice therapies alone but combinations of both elements are effective (Ruotsalainen et al., 2007).


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El uso universal de síntesis de voz en diferentes aplicaciones requeriría un desarrollo sencillo de las nuevas voces con poca intervención manual. Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de datos multimedia disponibles en Internet y los medios de comunicación, un objetivo interesante es el desarrollo de herramientas y métodos para construir automáticamente las voces de estilo de varios de ellos. En un trabajo anterior se esbozó una metodología para la construcción de este tipo de herramientas, y se presentaron experimentos preliminares con una base de datos multiestilo. En este artículo investigamos más a fondo esta tarea y proponemos varias mejoras basadas en la selección del número apropiado de hablantes iniciales, el uso o no de filtros de reducción de ruido, el uso de la F0 y el uso de un algoritmo de detección de música. Hemos demostrado que el mejor sistema usando un algoritmo de detección de música disminuye el error de precisión 22,36% relativo para el conjunto de desarrollo y 39,64% relativo para el montaje de ensayo en comparación con el sistema base, sin degradar el factor de mérito. La precisión media para el conjunto de prueba es 90.62% desde 76.18% para los reportajes de 99,93% para los informes meteorológicos.


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Acoustic parameters are frequently used to assess the presence of pathologies in human voice. Many of them have demonstrated to be useful but in some cases its results could be optimized by selecting appropriate working margins. In this study two indices, CIL and RALA, obtained from Modulation Spectra are described and tuned using different frame lengths and frequency ranges to maximize AUC in normal to pathological voice detection. After the tuning process, AUC reaches 0.96 and 0.95 values for CIL and RALA respectively representing an improvement of 16 % and 12 % at each case respect to the typical tuning based only on frame length selection.


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En esta investigación se aborda el tema del comportamiento acústico de las Iglesias Jesuíticas de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina) y San Ignacio Mini ubicada en la localidad de San Ignacio, provincia de Misiones (Argentina), construidas hace dos siglos atrás y declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad, con el objetivo de evaluar los parámetros que determinan la comprensión de la palabra y la aptitud de cada una de las iglesias para el canto y la música religiosa. En una primera etapa la investigación se orientó a profundizar en las características constructivas interiores de cada templo y a proponer una metodología de análisis para comparar los resultados de las mediciones objetivas, realizadas mediante la implementación de mediciones in situ, con los resultados de las apreciaciones subjetivas resultantes de la elaboración de encuestas, a los fines de caracterizar acústicamente cada espacio sonoro. Se seleccionaron, para la caracterización objetiva de cada templo, aquellos parámetros que permiten sintetizar las propiedades acústicas relacionadas con la música y la palabra, y aquellos que posibilitan medir la proporción efectiva de las primeras reflexiones, consideradas como índices subjetivos de la capacidad de distinción del sonido por parte del oyente. Se comparan los valores alcanzados con las preferencias subjetivas obtenidas en las encuestas de opinión. Se relevaron tiempos de reverberación altos en todas iglesias, fuera de los considerados óptimos para cada recinto. Se analizaron los índices de calidad y se comprobó cómo influyen los diferentes materiales en el comportamiento acústico de cada recinto. Para la evaluación subjetiva se implementó una encuesta ya validada en la que se privilegió la fácil asociación entre parámetros acústicos y psicoacústicos, esto posibilitó encontrar aquellos parámetros objetivos, simulados con público, que estuviesen fuertemente relacionados con el juicio subjetivo, así como aquellos con menor correlación. La búsqueda y relevamiento de material grafico, fotográfico y otros documentos históricos posibilitó la reconstrucción de cada iglesia para su modelización y la evaluación del comportamiento de todos los templos con la presencia de feligreses, no habiéndose podido realizar mediciones bajo esta condición. El interés por obtener datos acústicos más precisos de la Iglesia San Ignacio Mini, que actualmente se encuentra en ruinas, llevó a utilizar herramientas más poderosas de cálculo como el método de las fuentes de imagen “Ray Tracing Impact” por medio del cual se logró la auralización. Para ello se trabajó con un archivo de audio que representó la voz masculina de un sacerdote en el idioma jesuítico-guaraní, recuperando así el patrimonio cultural intangible. ABSTRACT This research addresses the acoustic behavior of the Jesuit Churches in Cordoba City (Argentina) and San Ignacio Mini (located in the town of San Ignacio, Misiones, Argentina), built two centuries ago and declared World Heritage Sites, with the objective to evaluate the parameters that determine the speech comprehension and the ability of each of the churches for singing of religious music. The first step of the work was aimed to further investigate the internal structural characteristics of each temple and to propose an analysis methodology to compare the objective results of in situ measurements with the subjective results of surveys, in order to characterize acoustically each sound-space. For the subjective characterization of each temple, those parameters that allow synthesizing the acoustic properties related to music & speech and measuring the subjective indices for the recognition of sounds, were selected. Also, the values were compared with the ones obtained from the surveys. High reverberation times were found in all churches, which is not considered optimal for the enclosed areas of the temples. The quality indices were analyzed and it was found how the different materials influence in the acoustic behavior of each enclosure. For subjective evaluation, a survey was implemented (that was previously validated) where the association between acoustic and psychoacoustic parameters was privileged; this allowed to find those objective parameters who were strongly related to the subjective ones, as well as those with lower correlation. Photographic and graphic material and other historical documents allowed the reconstruction of each church for its modeling, and also the evaluation of the performance of all the temples in the presence of their congregation. The interest in obtaining more accurate acoustic data of the San Ignacio Mini Church, which is now in ruins, led to the use of most powerful methods, as for example the image-sources "Ray Tracing Impact" method. For this, an audio archive was used, representing a male voice of a priest in the Jesuit-Guaraní language; recovering in this way intangible cultural heritage.


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Phonation distortion leaves relevant marks in a speaker's biometric profile. Dysphonic voice production may be used for biometrical speaker characterization. In the present paper phonation features derived from the glottal source (GS) parameterization, after vocal tract inversion, is proposed for dysphonic voice characterization in Speaker Verification tasks. The glottal source derived parameters are matched in a forensic evaluation framework defining a distance-based metric specification. The phonation segments used in the study are derived from fillers, long vowels, and other phonation segments produced in spontaneous telephone conversations. Phonated segments from a telephonic database of 100 male Spanish native speakers are combined in a 10-fold cross-validation task to produce the set of quality measurements outlined in the paper. Shimmer, mucosal wave correlate, vocal fold cover biomechanical parameter unbalance and a subset of the GS cepstral profile produce accuracy rates as high as 99.57 for a wide threshold interval (62.08-75.04%). An Equal Error Rate of 0.64 % can be granted. The proposed metric framework is shown to behave more fairly than classical likelihood ratios in supporting the hypothesis of the defense vs that of the prosecution, thus ofering a more reliable evaluation scoring. Possible applications are Speaker Verification and Dysphonic Voice Grading.