4 resultados para Sift

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This paper describes the participation of DAEDALUS at ImageCLEF 2011 Plant Identification task. The task is evaluated as a supervised classification problem over 71 tree species from the French Mediterranean area used as class labels, based on visual content from scan, scan-like and natural photo images. Our approach to this task is to build a classifier based on the detection of keypoints from the images extracted using Lowe’s Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm. Although our overall classification score is very low as compared to other participant groups, the main conclusion that can be drawn is that SIFT keypoints seem to work significantly better for photos than for the other image types, so our approach may be a feasible strategy for the classification of this kind of visual content.


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In this work we propose an image acquisition and processing methodology (framework) developed for performance in-field grapes and leaves detection and quantification, based on a six step methodology: 1) image segmentation through Fuzzy C-Means with Gustafson Kessel (FCM-GK) clustering; 2) obtaining of FCM-GK outputs (centroids) for acting as seeding for K-Means clustering; 3) Identification of the clusters generated by K-Means using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. 4) Performance of morphological operations over the grapes and leaves clusters in order to fill holes and to eliminate small pixels clusters; 5)Creation of a mosaic image by Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) in order to avoid overlapping between images; 6) Calculation of the areas of leaves and grapes and finding of the centroids in the grape bunches. Image data are collected using a colour camera fixed to a mobile platform. This platform was developed to give a stabilized surface to guarantee that the images were acquired parallel to de vineyard rows. In this way, the platform avoids the distortion of the images that lead to poor estimation of the areas. Our preliminary results are promissory, although they still have shown that it is necessary to implement a camera stabilization system to avoid undesired camera movements, and also a parallel processing procedure in order to speed up the mosaicking process.


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El análisis de vídeo laparoscópico ofrece nuevas posibilidades a la navegación quirúrgica al garantizar una incorporación mínima de tecnología en quirófano, evitando así alterar la ergonomía y los flujos de trabajo de las intervenciones. Una de sus principales ventajas es que puede servir como fuente de datos para reconstruir tridimensionalmente la escena laparoscópica, lo que permite dotar al cirujano de la sensación de profundidad perdida en este tipo de cirugía. En el presente trabajo de investigación se comparan dos detectores de puntos singulares, SIFT y SURF, para estimar cuál de los dos podría integrarse en un algoritmo de cálculo de coordenadas 3D, MonoSLAM, basado en la detección y el seguimiento de estos puntos singulares en los fotogramas del vídeo. Los resultados obtenidos posicionan a SURF como la mejor opción gracias a su rapidez y a su mayor capacidad de discriminación entre estructuras anatómicas e instrumental quirúrgico.


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We propose a new method to automatically refine a facial disparity map obtained with standard cameras and under conventional illumination conditions by using a smart combination of traditional computer vision and 3D graphics techniques. Our system inputs two stereo images acquired with standard (calibrated) cameras and uses dense disparity estimation strategies to obtain a coarse initial disparity map, and SIFT to detect and match several feature points in the subjects face. We then use these points as anchors to modify the disparity in the facial area by building a Delaunay triangulation of their convex hull and interpolating their disparity values inside each triangle. We thus obtain a refined disparity map providing a much more accurate representation of the the subjects facial features. This refined facial disparity map may be easily transformed, through the camera calibration parameters, into a depth map to be used, also automatically, to improve the facial mesh of a 3D avatar to match the subjects real human features.