8 resultados para Shatter Cones

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The endemic Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis) has an effective strategy to counteract fire disturbance in the short term. It has a mixed strategy that combines the presence of serotinous cones and thick barks with the ability to re-sprout from the trunk after a fire, a rare trait in pine species. High frequency of fires in the Canary Islands is related to human action, as natural fires by lightning or vulcan activity have very low frequency; hence, the how and whys of the presence of serotinous cones in the species is still a topic of debate. Previous studies showed that the frequency of serotinous cones varies from stand to stand. Here, we analyzed the presence of serotinous cones at a local scale. We selected a Canary Island pine stand in the transition zone between dry and humid forests in the south of Tenerife. Branches were pruned from 20 trees in order to evaluate the presence of serotinous vs. non-serotinous cones by direct verticile counting on the branches. The opening temperature of serotinous cones was assessed in the laboratory. Percentages of serotinous vs. non-serotinous cones varied from 0 to 93 %, showing high variability between trees. Opening temperatures were very high (above 65 ºC) as compared to other Mediterranean pine species with serotinous cones


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The presence of Pinus nigra in central Spain, where its natural populations are very rare, has led to different interpretations of the current vegetation dynamics. Complementary to the available palynological evidence, macroremains provide local information of high taxonomic resolution that helps to reconstruct the palaeobiogeography of a given species. Here we present new macrofossil data from Tubilla del Lago, a small palaeolake located at the eastern part of the northern Iberian Meseta. We identified 17 wood samples and 71 cones on the basis of their wood anatomy and morphology, respectively. S ome of the fossil samples were radiocarbon dated (~4.230-3210 years cal BP). The results demonstrate the Holocene presence of P. nigra in the study area, where it is currently extinct. This evidence, together with other published palaeobotanical studies, indicates that the forests dominated by P. nigra must have had a larger importance on the landscape prior to the anthropogenic influence on the northern Iberian Meseta.


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The origins of some species of economic importance occurring over the Mediterranean Basin have been a traditional matter of debate that has important implications for land management. The case of Pinus pinea L. (Stone pine) is probably one of the most controversial, due to its documented long-term interaction with humans and its presence as a symbolic tree in certain areas of the Mediterranean (e.g., southwestern Iberia and Tuscany). Among the rest of the Mediterranean pines, several features make this pine unique (it has a characteristic crown shape, an edible kernel, cones that require three years to mature, and a very depauperate genetic diversity across its range). In addition, its palaeoecological information is rather limited, as the taxonomic precision attained by pollen analysts is insufficient for this tree and macroremains (such as kernels or anatomically well preserved wood) are needed to unequivocally detect the species in the fossil record. Recent findings of macrofossils of Pinus pinea in inland Iberia (Duero Basin) extend the late- Holocene range of the species, but the palaeobiogeographical information and the exhaustive genetic data available still suggest a very limited natural area (but still not sufficiently well defined) and a long and intense history of linkage to humans.


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In direct drive Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), the typical laser beam to laser beam angle is around 30o. This fact makes the study of the irradiation symmetry agenuine 3D problem. In this paper we use the three dimensional version of the MULTI hydrocode to assess the symmetry of such ICF implosions. More specifically, we study a shock-ignition proposal for the Laser-M´egajoule facility (LMJ) in which two of the equatorial beam cones are used to implode and pre compress a spherical capsule (the “reference” capsule of HiPER project) made of 0.59 mg of pure Deuterium-Tritium mixture. The symmetry of this scheme is analysed and optimized to get a design inside the operating limits of LMJ. The studied configuration has been found essentially axial-symmetric, so that the use of 2D hydrocodes would be appropriate for this specific situation.


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Los estudios paleoecológicos holocenos basados en macro- y megafósiles encierran un gran valor debido a que su información tiene generalmente carácter local, su origen es conocido, pueden ser datados directamente mediante el método radiocarbónico, y pueden identificarse a un nivel taxonómicamente preciso. Sin embargo son pocas las áreas del Sur de Europa en las que sea conocida una alta densidad de yacimientos con restos leñosos de gran tamaño. En esta tesis, se presentan datos de 53 yacimientos de la sierra de Gredos y de la cordillera Cantábrica (Península Ibérica). Los restos fueron hallados en ambientes variados, como zonas higroturbosas, turberas erosionadas o lagos, y fueron identificadas mediante el estudio de la anatomía de la madera o mediante rasgos morfológicos. En la sierra de Gredos, la evidencia paleobotánica indica la existencia de un panorama relativamente estable a lo largo del Holoceno medio y principio del Holoceno final y sugiere la persistencia, a lo largo de milenios, de un piso de pinares ampliamente distribuído en cotas altas de la sierra. La información obtenida de piñas y frutos mejoran la información taxonómica disponible y revelan la existencia tanto de Pinus sylvestris como de Pinus nigra en estas sierras durante el Holoceno. La datación radiocarbónica, medición de anillos de crecimiento y sincronización preliminar de 26 secciones de troncos de subfósiles demuestran el potencial de este material de las montañas de Iberia central en la obtención de cronologías holocenas de pino. En la cordillera Cantábrica, los datos aportan información espacialmente precisa de distribuciones de ciertas especies arbóreas durante el Holoceno. En las zonas centrales de la cordillera, han sido hallados fundamentalmente restos de pino, mientras que en las zonas más occidentales los pinos estás ausentes y los restos encontrados corresponden a otras especies de caducifolios (Betula, Salix, Quercus) y arbustos (Erica, Fabaceae) Esta información paleobiogeográfica constrasta con la distribución natural actual de Pinus sylvestris y Pinus nigra en el área de estudio. En la sierra de Gredos, la naturalidad de las escasos rodales de pinos que aún persisten ha sido discutida, mientras que en la cordillera Cantábrica, la única especie del grupo que persiste es P. sylvestris y está localizada en unos pocos relictos. El clima pudo haber jugado un papel importante en una primera fase de declive de los pinares durante el Holoceno inicial, mostrado en numerosos registros polínicos de manera casi sincrónica y asociada a una expansión de frondosas. Sin embargo la información histórica disponible y la comparación entre las áreas de distribución de los pinares en el presente, modelizada y en momentos anteriores a la la generalización de la presión antrópica sugiere que durante los últimos dos milenios, la actividad humana ha sido responsable de la desaparición de estas especies como árboles naturales en áreas extensas. ABSTRACTMacro- and megafossil studies provide information of great value in palaeoecology because such evidence is spatially precise, directly radiocarbon dated and usually taxon-specific. However, few areas of southern Europe have a high density of sites with Holocene woody remains. Here, local data from 53 sites in the Gredos Mountains and the Cantabrian Range (Iberian Peninsula) is presented. Woody remains were recovered from mires, eroded peat bogs and lakes and were identified by their wood anatomy or morphological traits. In the Gredos Mountains, palaeobotanical evidence portrays a relatively stable picture of tree distribution over the mid- and beggining of the late-Holocene, and suggests the persistence of a widespread belt of pinewoods. Cones and fruits enlarge the taxonomic information available and reveal that both Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra were present locally during the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating, tree ring measurement and preliminary cross-dating of 26 pine sub-fossil logs demonstrate the potential of obtaining a long pine chronology from subfossil wood from the mountains of Central Iberia. In the Cantabrian Range the data provide spatially precise evidence of tree distribution in the region during the Holocene. Pines were mostly identified in the central areas, whereas at the western edge no pine evidence was detected and deciduous trees (Betula, Salix, Quercus) and shrubs (Erica, Fabaceae) were identified. This palaeoecological information contrasts with the current natural distribution ranges of P. sylvestris and P. nigra in the study area. In the Gredos Mountains, the naturality of the few pine stands currently growing has been heavily debated. In the Cantabrian Range P. sylvestris is the only pine species that is today present, and its natural presence is now limited to a few enclaves. Climate may have played a key role in the early-Holocene, as pollen archives document a pine demise that is synchronous with the spread of broadleaved taxa. However, available historical data and the comparison of the reconstructed distribution of pinewoods before extensive human forest disturbance with both present and modelled distributions suggests that during the last two millennia, anthropogenic activity may have removed these species as native trees from a large territory.


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In direct drive Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), the typical laser beam to laser beam angle is around 30o. This fact makes the study of the irradiation symmetry agenuine 3D problem. In this paper we use the three dimensional version of the MULTI hydrocode to assess the symmetry of such ICF implosions. More specifically, we study a shock-ignition proposal for the Laser-M´egajoule facility (LMJ) in which two of the equatorial beam cones are used to implode and pre compress a spherical capsule (the “reference” capsule of HiPER project) made of 0.59 mg of pure Deuterium-Tritium mixture. The symmetry of this scheme is analysed and optimized to get a design inside the operating limits of LMJ. The studied configuration has been found essentially axial-symmetric, so that the use of 2D hydrocodes would be appropriate for this specific situation


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En esta memoria de Tesis Doctoral se aborda el estudio paleobotánico de seis yacimientos tobáceos situados en las localidades burgalesas de Tubilla del Agua, Sedano, Herrán, Tobera y Frías, y en la alavesa de Ocio. El registro fósil encontrado en estos afloramientos se analiza de forma conjunta con el objetivo de conocer la evolución de la vegetación en el sector biogeográfico Castellano Cantábrico. Este sector se considera el territorio para el cual los hallazgos paleobotánicos son representativos y extrapolables, en tanto que constituye una región homogénea desde el punto de vista florístico, que abarca todos los yacimientos prospectados. El contexto temporal en el que se enmarca este estudio es el final del Cuaternario, desde el Pleistoceno Medio hasta la actualidad. Este intervalo se ha establecido a partir de la edad de los depósitos estudiados, la cual ha sido determinada —para los yacimientos de los que no se disponía de edades fiables— mediante la datación de muestras extraídas de las diferentes unidades litológicas identificadas. Para ello han sido empleadas las técnicas de carbono-14, desequilibrio de las series del uranio y racemización de aminoácidos. Los resultados geocronológicos obtenidos junto con el análisis geomorfológico de los yacimientos han permitido vincular la génesis de las 13 unidades litológicas identificadas con diferentes estadíos climáticos. Estos abarcan un amplio rango de condiciones ambientales, desde las más extremas del Último Máximo Glacial, hasta las más benignas de los Estadíos Isotópicos Marinos interglaciares 1 y 5. Como resultado de la prospección de los depósitos de toba fueron recuperados 1.820 fósiles, la mayoría impresiones foliares, pero también moldes de estróbilos femeninos, ramas y corteza, así como 42 carbones y restos subfósiles de Pinus sp. La identificación taxonómica de estos restos se ha realizado fundamentalmente a partir del análisis de caracteres diagnósticos morfológicos. Como resultado de ello, han sido descritos 28 taxones pertenecientes a las subclases Bryidae, Polypodiidae, Pinidae y Magnoliidae. La flora de los yacimientos estudiados se puede clasificar en tres grupos en función de sus requerimientos ecológicos: (i) uno formado por dos especies de alta tolerancia a la continentalidad —Pinus nigra y Quercus faginea—, las cuales aparecen bien representadas en la mayoría de los depósitos; (ii) otro constituido fundamentalmente por un conjunto de árboles y arbustos que habitualmente tienen el papel de especies acompañantes en los bosques ibéricos submediterráneos y eurosiberianos; y (iii) un tercer grupo compuesto por taxones hidrófitos o edafohigrófilos asociados al ecosistema del fitohermo activo y la vegetación de ribera. En el capítulo de Discusión se propone y analiza la hipótesis de que P. nigra y Q. faginea habrían sido las especies protagonistas de la vegetación zonal del sector Castellano Cantábrico durante el Cuaternario Final. Estas podrían haber persistido como tal incluso durante las épocas más frías, debido a su amplia valencia ecológica y a la capacidad de reproducirse vegetativamente en el caso del quejigo. Por el contrario, los taxones mesofíticos y eurosiberianos pudieron haber sufrido la expansión y retracción de sus poblaciones al ritmo de las oscilaciones climáticas. Sin embargo, la orografía diversa del sector Castellano Cantábrico proporciona emplazamientos en los que se combinan las diversas variables fisiográficas, de tal forma que pudieron haber existido microrrefugios en los que encontraron cobijo algunos taxones mesotérmicos y eurosiberianos durante los periodos glaciales. Por último, la historia evolutiva reciente de la vegetación de este territorio ha estado marcada por la acción antrópica, la cual empezó a ser manifiesta a partir del Neolítico. Esta se tradujo en la degradación y reducción de la cubierta forestal, así como en la extinción del pino laricio del Sector Castellano Cantábrico en los dos últimos milenios. ABSTRACT This PhD Dissertation focuses in the study of six tufa formations located nearby the villages of Tubilla del Agua, Sedano, Herrán, Tobera y Frías, all of them in the province of Burgos, and Ocio, which belongs to the province of Álava. We analyze the palaeobotanical archives of these sites with the purpose of unveiling and understanding the evolution of the vegetation of the Castilian Cantabrian biogeographical sector. This area is considered to be the territory that is represented in the palaeobotanical sample of the studied tufa archives. It is the homogeneous phitogeographical area with the lowest rank that include all the sites. The time frame of this study is the last part of the Quaternary, since the Middle Pleistocene to the present time. This interval is defined by the age of the tufa deposits, which were dated —for the ones that there were not available datings— throughout the analysis of 20 tufa samples taken from the 13 identified lithostratigraphic units. The age of the samples has been determined by using the methods of radiocarbon, U-Th dating and amino acid racemization. Chronological results, along with the chronostratigraphic study of the sites has allowed us to relate the build-up of the 13 identified lithostratigraphic units with different climatic stages. These structures were deposited in a wide range of climatic conditions, from the most extreme ones of the Last Glacial Maximum, to the warmer ones of the Marine Isotopic Stages 1 and 5. A total of 1,820 fossils were recovered from the tufa deposits, most of them were leaf impressions, but also pine cones, branches and bark moulds, along with charcoal and Pinus nigra macro remains. The taxonomical identification of these remains has been done mainly through the analysis of morphological traits. As a result of this process, 28 taxa belonging to the subclass of Bryidae, Polypodiidae, Pinidae and Magnoliidae were identified. The persistency of some taxa can be traced along different climatic stages in this fossil record. This fossil flora can be classified in three different groups: (i) the first one would be composed of two species with high continental climate tolerance —Pinus nigra y Quercus faginea—, which can be found in most of the deposits, (ii) the second group would be mostly formed by trees and shrubs that usually grow in the Iberian forests as an accessory species and (iii) the third one is composed of hydrophytes or hydrophilic taxa associate to the streams, riparian zones or the active tufa ecosystem. In the Discussion chapter we propose and analyse the hypothesis that P.nigra and Q. faginea were the main species of the zonal vegetation of the Castilian Cantabrian biogeographical sector during the last part of the Quaternary. This species could have persisted due to their wide ecological amplitude and also due to the capacity of asexual reproduction in the cases of the oak. On the other hand, mesophitic taxa could have suffered the retraction and expansion of their population following the climate oscillations. However, the diverse orography of the Castilian Cantabrian biogeographical sector provides a variety of combinations of physiographic variables, which could have been suitable refuges for some of the mesophitic taxa. The recent evolutionary history of the vegetation in this territory has been affected by human activities, which started to be relevant since the Neolithic. This led to a reduction of the forests and eventually, to the extinction of P. nigra in the Castilian Cantabrian biogeographical sector in the last two thousands of years.


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El presente trabajo ahonda en el conocimiento del viento urbano. La investigación pasa revista a la historia de la relación del viento y la ciudad y revisa tres pares de disciplinas implicadas en comprender mejor dicha relación: la arquitectura y el urbanismo, la meteorología y la climatología y, por último, la ingeniería aeroespacial y la aerodinámica civil. Se estudian el comportamiento y la fluidez del viento al desplazarse por cuerpos romos no fuselados (los edificios y la trama urbana), así como sus efectos dentro de la ciudad. Asimismo, se examinan las metodologías existentes para comprenderlo, medirlo y analizarlo, desde los estudios de proporción y modelamiento en túneles de viento hasta las simulaciones virtuales y las dinámicas de fluidos CFD. Posteriormente se reconoce un caso de estudio que permite analizar el viento como un factor aislado, pero desde los parámetros morfológicos de una ciudad en la que se generan patrones aerodinámicos muy característicos: Punta Arenas, la ciudad más austral del mundo, donde los vientos corren casi siempre desde la misma dirección, el “oeste”, a más de 33,3 m/s, lo que equivale a 120 Km/h. La hipótesis de la investigación es que la morfología del casco histórico de Punta Arenas genera patrones aerodinámicos que condicionan el bienestar en los espacios públicos. El objetivo general de la investigación es estudiar los efectos aerodinámicos presentes en la morfología urbana para mejorar la permanencia en los espacios públicos, proponiendo estrategias para el desarrollo morfológico y volumétrico de los cuerpos edificados. En el desarrollo del caso de estudio se reconocen, al interior del cañón urbano, las temperaturas, los índices de asoleamiento y sus conos de sombra, la dirección del viento y la visualización del vórtice al interior del cañón urbano, para determinar cómo estos factores impactan en el espacio público. Las conclusiones indican que los patrones aerodinámicos presentes en la morfología urbana conducen el viento hacia los espacios públicos que se encuentran o desprotegidos del viento o con excesiva turbulencias, por tanto, los patrones aerodinámicos inciden en el uso estancial de los espacios públicos, generando problemas mecánicos al peatón e incidiendo en la sensación térmica en dichos espacios. Ello permite confirmar que es posible modificar y mejorar el uso de los espacios públicos si somos capaces de modelar la morfología urbana con el fin de reorientar los patrones aerodinámicos que afectan significativamente a dichos espacios. ABSTRACT This work deepens into the knowledge of urban wind. The study reviews the history of the relationship between the wind and the city and reviews three pairs of disciplines involved in understanding better these relationship: Architecture and Urbanism, Meteorology and Climatology and, finally, Aerospace and Civil Aerodynamics. The behavior and flow of wind through blunt bodies not fairings (the buildings and the urban fabric) and its effects within the city are studied. Also, existing methodologies to understand, measure and analyze the wind are examined, from the studios of proportion and modeling in wind tunnels to virtual simulations and fluid dynamics CFD. Subsequently, a case study to analyze the wind as an isolated factor is recognized, but from the morphological parameters of a city where very characteristic aerodynamic patterns are generated: Punta Arenas, the southernmost city in the world, where the winds run almost always from the same direction, the "West", at more than 33.3 m/s, which is equivalent to 120 km/h. The research hypothesis is that the morphology of the historic center of Punta Arenas generates aerodynamic patterns that determine the well-being in public spaces. The overall objective of the research is to study the aerodynamic effects present in the urban morphology to improve retention in public spaces, proposing strategies for morphological and volumetric development of the built bodies. In developing the case study are recognized, within the urban canyon, temperatures, rates of sunlight and shadow cones, wind direction and visualization of the vortex into the urban canyon, to determine how these factors impact in public space. The findings indicate that the aerodynamic patterns in urban morphology lead wind to public spaces that are unprotected or find themselves in a condition of excessive wind or turbulence; therefore, aerodynamic patterns affect the use of public spaces, generating mechanical problems for pedestrians and affecting the thermal sensation in such spaces. This confirms that it is possible to modify and improve the use of public spaces if we are able to model the urban morphology in order to reorient the aerodynamic patterns that significantly affect those spaces.