16 resultados para Secure Authentication for Broadcast (DNP3-SAB)

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This article evaluates an authentication technique for mobiles based on gestures. Users create a remindful identifying gesture to be considered as their in-air signature. This work analyzes a database of 120 gestures of different vulnerability, obtaining an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 9.19% when robustness of gestures is not verified. Most of the errors in this EER come from very simple and easily forgeable gestures that should be discarded at enrollment phase. Therefore, an in-air signature robustness verification system using Linear Discriminant Analysis is proposed to infer automatically whether the gesture is secure or not. Different configurations have been tested obtaining a lowest EER of 4.01% when 45.02% of gestures were discarded, and an optimal compromise of EER of 4.82% when 19.19% of gestures were automatically rejected.


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El extraordinario auge de las nuevas tecnologías de la información, el desarrollo de la Internet de las Cosas, el comercio electrónico, las redes sociales, la telefonía móvil y la computación y almacenamiento en la nube, han proporcionado grandes beneficios en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Junto a éstos, se presentan nuevos retos para la protección y privacidad de la información y su contenido, como la suplantación de personalidad y la pérdida de la confidencialidad e integridad de los documentos o las comunicaciones electrónicas. Este hecho puede verse agravado por la falta de una frontera clara que delimite el mundo personal del mundo laboral en cuanto al acceso de la información. En todos estos campos de la actividad personal y laboral, la Criptografía ha jugado un papel fundamental aportando las herramientas necesarias para garantizar la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad tanto de la privacidad de los datos personales como de la información. Por otro lado, la Biometría ha propuesto y ofrecido diferentes técnicas con el fin de garantizar la autentificación de individuos a través del uso de determinadas características personales como las huellas dáctilares, el iris, la geometría de la mano, la voz, la forma de caminar, etc. Cada una de estas dos ciencias, Criptografía y Biometría, aportan soluciones a campos específicos de la protección de datos y autentificación de usuarios, que se verían enormemente potenciados si determinadas características de ambas ciencias se unieran con vistas a objetivos comunes. Por ello es imperativo intensificar la investigación en estos ámbitos combinando los algoritmos y primitivas matemáticas de la Criptografía con la Biometría para dar respuesta a la demanda creciente de nuevas soluciones más técnicas, seguras y fáciles de usar que potencien de modo simultáneo la protección de datos y la identificacíón de usuarios. En esta combinación el concepto de biometría cancelable ha supuesto una piedra angular en el proceso de autentificación e identificación de usuarios al proporcionar propiedades de revocación y cancelación a los ragos biométricos. La contribución de esta tesis se basa en el principal aspecto de la Biometría, es decir, la autentificación segura y eficiente de usuarios a través de sus rasgos biométricos, utilizando tres aproximaciones distintas: 1. Diseño de un esquema criptobiométrico borroso que implemente los principios de la biometría cancelable para identificar usuarios lidiando con los problemas acaecidos de la variabilidad intra e inter-usuarios. 2. Diseño de una nueva función hash que preserva la similitud (SPHF por sus siglas en inglés). Actualmente estas funciones se usan en el campo del análisis forense digital con el objetivo de buscar similitudes en el contenido de archivos distintos pero similares de modo que se pueda precisar hasta qué punto estos archivos pudieran ser considerados iguales. La función definida en este trabajo de investigación, además de mejorar los resultados de las principales funciones desarrolladas hasta el momento, intenta extender su uso a la comparación entre patrones de iris. 3. Desarrollando un nuevo mecanismo de comparación de patrones de iris que considera tales patrones como si fueran señales para compararlos posteriormente utilizando la transformada de Walsh-Hadarmard. Los resultados obtenidos son excelentes teniendo en cuenta los requerimientos de seguridad y privacidad mencionados anteriormente. Cada uno de los tres esquemas diseñados han sido implementados para poder realizar experimentos y probar su eficacia operativa en escenarios que simulan situaciones reales: El esquema criptobiométrico borroso y la función SPHF han sido implementados en lenguaje Java mientras que el proceso basado en la transformada de Walsh-Hadamard en Matlab. En los experimentos se ha utilizado una base de datos de imágenes de iris (CASIA) para simular una población de usuarios del sistema. En el caso particular de la función de SPHF, además se han realizado experimentos para comprobar su utilidad en el campo de análisis forense comparando archivos e imágenes con contenido similar y distinto. En este sentido, para cada uno de los esquemas se han calculado los ratios de falso negativo y falso positivo. ABSTRACT The extraordinary increase of new information technologies, the development of Internet of Things, the electronic commerce, the social networks, mobile or smart telephony and cloud computing and storage, have provided great benefits in all areas of society. Besides this fact, there are new challenges for the protection and privacy of information and its content, such as the loss of confidentiality and integrity of electronic documents and communications. This is exarcebated by the lack of a clear boundary between the personal world and the business world as their differences are becoming narrower. In both worlds, i.e the personal and the business one, Cryptography has played a key role by providing the necessary tools to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability both of the privacy of the personal data and information. On the other hand, Biometrics has offered and proposed different techniques with the aim to assure the authentication of individuals through their biometric traits, such as fingerprints, iris, hand geometry, voice, gait, etc. Each of these sciences, Cryptography and Biometrics, provides tools to specific problems of the data protection and user authentication, which would be widely strengthen if determined characteristics of both sciences would be combined in order to achieve common objectives. Therefore, it is imperative to intensify the research in this area by combining the basics mathematical algorithms and primitives of Cryptography with Biometrics to meet the growing demand for more secure and usability techniques which would improve the data protection and the user authentication. In this combination, the use of cancelable biometrics makes a cornerstone in the user authentication and identification process since it provides revocable or cancelation properties to the biometric traits. The contributions in this thesis involve the main aspect of Biometrics, i.e. the secure and efficient authentication of users through their biometric templates, considered from three different approaches. The first one is designing a fuzzy crypto-biometric scheme using the cancelable biometric principles to take advantage of the fuzziness of the biometric templates at the same time that it deals with the intra- and inter-user variability among users without compromising the biometric templates extracted from the legitimate users. The second one is designing a new Similarity Preserving Hash Function (SPHF), currently widely used in the Digital Forensics field to find similarities among different files to calculate their similarity level. The function designed in this research work, besides the fact of improving the results of the two main functions of this field currently in place, it tries to expand its use to the iris template comparison. Finally, the last approach of this thesis is developing a new mechanism of handling the iris templates, considering them as signals, to use the Walsh-Hadamard transform (complemented with three other algorithms) to compare them. The results obtained are excellent taking into account the security and privacy requirements mentioned previously. Every one of the three schemes designed have been implemented to test their operational efficacy in situations that simulate real scenarios: The fuzzy crypto-biometric scheme and the SPHF have been implemented in Java language, while the process based on the Walsh-Hadamard transform in Matlab. The experiments have been performed using a database of iris templates (CASIA-IrisV2) to simulate a user population. The case of the new SPHF designed is special since previous to be applied i to the Biometrics field, it has been also tested to determine its applicability in the Digital Forensic field comparing similar and dissimilar files and images. The ratios of efficiency and effectiveness regarding user authentication, i.e. False Non Match and False Match Rate, for the schemes designed have been calculated with different parameters and cases to analyse their behaviour.


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The evolution of the television market is led by 3DTV technology, and this tendency can accelerate during the next years according to expert forecasts. However, 3DTV delivery by broadcast networks is not currently developed enough, and acts as a bottleneck for the complete deployment of the technology. Thus, increasing interest is dedicated to ste-reo 3DTV formats compatible with current HDTV video equipment and infrastructure, as they may greatly encourage 3D acceptance. In this paper, different subsampling schemes for HDTV compatible transmission of both progressive and interlaced stereo 3DTV are studied and compared. The frequency characteristics and preserved frequency content of each scheme are analyzed, and a simple interpolation filter is specially designed. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the different schemes and filters are evaluated through quality testing on several progressive and interlaced video sequences.


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Although 3DTV has led the evolution of television market, its delivery by broadcast networks is still small. Now, 3DTV transmis-sions are usually done by combining both views into one common frame (side by side) to be able to use standard HDTV transmission equipment. Today, orthogonal subsampling is mostly used, but other alternatives will appear soon. Here, different subsampling schemes for both progressive and interlaced 3DTV are considered. For each possible scheme, its pre-served frequency content is analyzed and a simple interpolation filter is designed. The analysis is carried out for progressive and interlaced video and the designed filters are applied on different sequences, showing the advantages and disadvantages of the different options


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This paper proposes a stress detection system based on fuzzy logic and the physiological signals heart rate and galvanic skin response. The main contribution of this method relies on the creation of a stress template, collecting the behaviour of previous signals under situations with a different level of stress in each individual. The creation of this template provides an accuracy of 99.5% in stress detection, improving the results obtained by current pattern recognition techniques like GMM, k-NN, SVM or Fisher Linear Discriminant. In addition, this system can be embedded in security systems to detect critical situations in accesses as cross-border control. Furthermore, its applications can be extended to other fields as vehicle driver state-of-mind management, medicine or sport training.


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This article focuses on the evaluation of a biometric technique based on the performance of an identifying gesture by holding a telephone with an embedded accelerometer in his/her hand. The acceleration signals obtained when users perform gestures are analyzed following a mathematical method based on global sequence alignment. In this article, eight different scores are proposed and evaluated in order to quantify the differences between gestures, obtaining an optimal EER result of 3.42% when analyzing a random set of 40 users of a database made up of 80 users with real attempts of falsification. Moreover, a temporal study of the technique is presented leeding to the need to update the template to adapt the manner in which users modify how they perform their identifying gesture over time. Six updating schemes have been assessed within a database of 22 users repeating their identifying gesture in 20 sessions over 4 months, concluding that the more often the template is updated the better and more stable performance the technique presents.


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This article presents a solution to the problem of strong authentication, portable and expandable using a combination of Java technology and storage of X.509 digital certificate in Java cards to access services offered by an institution, in this case, the technology of the University of Panama, ensuring the authenticity, confidentiality, integrity and non repudiation.


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This paper describes an automatic-dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) implementation for air-to-air and ground-based experimental surveillance within a prototype of a fully automated air traffic management (ATM) system, under a trajectory-based-operations paradigm. The system is built using an air-inclusive implementation of system wide information management (SWIM). This work describes the relations between airborne and ground surveillance (SURGND), the prototype surveillance systems, and their algorithms. System's performance is analyzed with simulated and real data. Results show that the proposed ADS-B implementation can fulfill the most demanding surveillance accuracy requirements.


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Si una red inalámbrica de sensores se implementa en un entorno hostil, las limitaciones intrínsecas a los nodos conllevan muchos problemas de seguridad. En este artículo se aborda un ataque particular a los protocolos de localización y descubrimiento de vecinos, llevada a cabo por dos nodos que actúan en connivencia y establecen un "agujero de gusano" para tratar de engañar a un nodo aislado, haciéndole creer que se encuentra en la vecindad de un conjunto de nodos locales. Para contrarrestar este tipo de amenazas, se presenta un marco de actuación genéricamente denominado "detection of wormhole attacks using range-free methods" (DWARF) dentro del cual derivamos dos estrategias para de detección de agujeros de gusano: el primer enfoque (DWARFLoc) realiza conjuntamente la localización y la detección de ataques, mientras que el otro (DWARFTest) valida la posición estimada por el nodo una vez finalizado el protocolo de localización. Las simulaciones muestran que ambas estrategias son eficaces en la detección de ataques tipo "agujero de gusano", y sus prestaciones se comparan con las de un test convencional basado en la razón de verosimilitudes.


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This article proposes an innovative biometric technique based on the idea of authenticating a person on a mobile device by gesture recognition. To accomplish this aim, a user is prompted to be recognized by a gesture he/she performs moving his/her hand while holding a mobile device with an accelerometer embedded. As users are not able to repeat a gesture exactly in the air, an algorithm based on sequence alignment is developed to correct slight differences between repetitions of the same gesture. The robustness of this biometric technique has been studied within 2 different tests analyzing a database of 100 users with real falsifications. Equal Error Rates of 2.01 and 4.82% have been obtained in a zero-effort and an active impostor attack, respectively. A permanence evaluation is also presented from the analysis of the repetition of the gestures of 25 users in 10 sessions over a month. Furthermore, two different gesture databases have been developed: one made up of 100 genuine identifying 3-D hand gestures and 3 impostors trying to falsify each of them and another with 25 volunteers repeating their identifying 3- D hand gesture in 10 sessions over a month. These databases are the most extensive in published studies, to the best of our knowledge.


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There are a number of research and development activities that are exploring Time and Space Partition (TSP) to implement safe and secure flight software. This approach allows to execute different real-time applications with different levels of criticality in the same computer board. In order to do that, flight applications must be isolated from each other in the temporal and spatial domains. This paper presents the first results of a partitioning platform based on the Open Ravenscar Kernel (ORK+) and the XtratuM hypervisor. ORK+ is a small, reliable real-time kernel supporting the Ada Ravenscar Computational model that is central to the ASSERT development process. XtratuM supports multiple virtual machines, i.e. partitions, on a single computer and is being used in the Integrated Modular Avionics for Space study. ORK+ executes in an XtratuM partition enabling Ada applications to share the computer board with other applications.


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Protecting signals is one of the main tasks in information transmission. A large number of different methods have been employed since many centuries ago. Most of them have been based on the use of certain signal added to the original one. When the composed signal is received, if the added signal is known, the initial information may be obtained. The main problem is the type of masking signal employed. One possibility is the use of chaotic signals, but they have a first strong limitation: the need to synchronize emitter and receiver. Optical communications systems, based on chaotic signals, have been proposed in a large number of papers. Moreover, because most of the communication systems are digital and conventional chaos generators are analogue, a conversion analogue-digital is needed. In this paper we will report a new system where the digital chaos is obtained from an optically programmable logic structure. This structure has been employed by the authors in optical computing and some previous results in chaotic signals have been reported. The main advantage of this new system is that an analogue-digital conversion is not needed. Previous works by the authors employed Self-Electrooptical Effect Devices but in this case more conventional structures, as semiconductor laser amplifiers, have been employed. The way to analyze the characteristics of digital chaotic signals will be reported as well as the method to synchronize the chaos generators located in the emitter and in the receiver.


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Abstract—In this paper we explore how recent technologies can improve the security of optical networks. In particular, we study how to use quantum key distribution(QKD) in common optical network infrastructures and propose a method to overcome its distance limitations. QKD is the first technology offering information theoretic secretkey distribution that relies only on the fundamental principles of quantum physics. Point-to-point QKDdevices have reached a mature industrial state; however, these devices are severely limited in distance, since signals at the quantum level (e.g., single photons) are highly affected by the losses in the communication channel and intermediate devices. To overcome this limitation, intermediate nodes (i.e., repeaters) are used. Both quantum-regime and trusted, classical repeaters have been proposed in the QKD literature, but only the latter can be implemented in practice. As a novelty, we propose here a new QKD network model based on the use of not fully trusted intermediate nodes, referred to as weakly trusted repeaters. This approach forces the attacker to simultaneously break several paths to get access to the exchanged key, thus improving significantly the security of the network. We formalize the model using network codes and provide real scenarios that allow users to exchange secure keys over metropolitan optical networks using only passive components. Moreover, the theoretical framework allows one to extend these scenarios not only to accommodate more complex trust constraints, but also to consider robustness and resiliency constraints on the network.


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The present work is a preliminary study to settle the optimum experimental conditions and data processing for accomplishing the strategies established by the Action Plan for the EU olive oil sector. The objectives of the work were: a) to monitor the evolution of extra virgin olive oil exposed to indirect solar light in transparent glass bottles during four months; b) to identify spectral differences between edible and lampant virgin olive oil by applying high resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HR-NMR) Spectroscopy. Pr esent study could contribute to determine the date of minimum storage, their optimum conditions, and to properly characterize olive oil.


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This document will be divided into two main parts. The first one will be the classification of the authentication techniques. We will search the main electronic databases for papers related to authentication techniques. We will then summarize the related papers and show what classifications they use for the authentication techniques. After all of the documents have been read and summarized we will analyse them and group the authentication techniques into the classifications found. For the second part of the document we will focus on the study of usability attributes in the authentication techniques. This to know how authentications techniques compare to one another based on their usability attributes. We will search the main electronic databases for papers related to the usability attributes of authentication techniques based on the usability definition of ISO/IEC 25010 (SQuaRE) and its attributes. We will then summarize the related papers and show what authentication methods they describe and which usability attributes they measure. After all of the documents have been read and summarized we will analyse them depending on their usability attribute. At the end we will elaborate those results to show which authentication techniques have better usability in terms of a specific usability attribute. This will help practitioners who are interested in using authentication methods but want or need to focus on a specific usability attribute. They will be able to use this as a guide to help them chose the best option that fits their purpose.