10 resultados para Scheduling optimization
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Abstract is not available.
Dynamic scheduling increases the expressive power of logic programming languages, but also introduces some overhead. In this paper we present two classes of program transformations designed to reduce this additional overhead, while preserving the operational semantics of the original programs, modulo ordering of literals woken at the same time. The first class of transformations simplifies the delay conditions while the second class moves delayed literals later in the rule body. Application of the program transformations can be automated using information provided by compile-time analysis. We provide experimental results obtained from an implementation of the proposed techniques using the CIAO prototype compiler. Our results show that the techniques can lead to substantial performance improvement.
In this report we discuss some of the issues involved in the specialization and optimization of constraint logic programs with dynamic scheduling. Dynamic scheduling, as any other form of concurrency, increases the expressive power of constraint logic programs, but also introduces run-time overhead. The objective of the specialization and optimization is to reduce as much as possible such overhead automatically, while preserving the semantics of the original programs. This is done by program transformation based on global analysis. We present implementation techniques for this purpose and report on experimental results obtained from an implementation of the techniques in the context of the CIAO compiler.
Los problemas de programación de tareas son muy importantes en el mundo actual. Se puede decir que se presentan en todos los fundamentos de la industria moderna, de ahí la importancia de que estos sean óptimos, de forma que se puedan ahorrar recursos que estén asociados al problema. La programación adecuada de trabajos en procesos de manufactura, constituye un importante problema que se plantea dentro de la producción en muchas empresas. El orden en que estos son procesados, no resulta indiferente, sino que determinará algún parámetro de interés, cuyos valores convendrá optimizar en la medida de lo posible. Así podrá verse afectado el coste total de ejecución de los trabajos, el tiempo necesario para concluirlos o el stock de productos en curso que será generado. Esto conduce de forma directa al problema de determinar cuál será el orden más adecuado para llevar a cabo los trabajos con vista a optimizar algunos de los anteriores parámetros u otros similares. Debido a las limitaciones de las técnicas de optimización convencionales, en la presente tesis se presenta una metaheurística basada en un Algoritmo Genético Simple (Simple Genetic Algorithm, SGA), para resolver problemas de programación de tipo flujo general (Job Shop Scheduling, JSS) y flujo regular (Flow Shop Scheduling, FSS), que están presentes en un taller con tecnología de mecanizado con el objetivo de optimizar varias medidas de desempeño en un plan de trabajo. La aportación principal de esta tesis, es un modelo matemático para medir el consumo de energía, como criterio para la optimización, de las máquinas que intervienen en la ejecución de un plan de trabajo. Se propone además, un método para mejorar el rendimiento en la búsqueda de las soluciones encontradas, por parte del Algoritmo Genético Simple, basado en el aprovechamiento del tiempo ocioso. ABSTRACT The scheduling problems are very important in today's world. It can be said to be present in all the basics of modern industry, hence the importance that these are optimal, so that they can save resources that are associated with the problem. The appropriate programming jobs in manufacturing processes is an important problem that arises in production in many companies. The order in which they are processed, it is immaterial, but shall determine a parameter of interest, whose values agree optimize the possible. This may be affected the total cost of execution of work, the time needed to complete them or the stock of work in progress that will be generated. This leads directly to the problem of determining what the most appropriate order to carry out the work in order to maximize some of the above parameters or other similar. Due to the limitations of conventional optimization techniques, in this work present a metaheuristic based on a Simple Genetic Algorithm (Simple Genetic Algorithm, SGA) to solve programming problems overall flow rate (Job Shop Scheduling, JSS) and regular flow (Flow Shop Scheduling, FSS), which are present in a workshop with machining technology in order to optimize various performance measures in a plan. The main contribution of this thesis is a mathematical model to measure the energy consumption as a criterion for the optimization of the machines involved in the implementation of a work plan. It also proposes a method to improve performance in finding the solutions, by the simple genetic algorithm, based on the use of idle time.
One major problem of concurrent multi-path transfer (CMT) scheme in multi-homed mobile networks is that the utilization of different paths with diverse delays may cause packet reordering among packets of the same ?ow. In the case of TCP-like, the reordering exacerbates the problem by bringing more timeouts and unnecessary retransmissions, which eventually degrades the throughput of connections considerably. To address this issue, we ?rst propose an Out-of-order Scheduling for In-order Arriving (OSIA), which exploits the sending time discrepancy to preserve the in-order packet arrival. Then, we formulate the optimal traf?c scheduling as a constrained optimization problem and derive its closedform solution by our proposed progressive water-?lling solution. We also present an implementation to enforce the optimal scheduling scheme using cascaded leaky buckets with multiple faucets, which provides simple guidelines on maximizing the utilization of aggregate bandwidth while decreasing the probability of triggering 3 dupACKs. Compared with previous work, the proposed scheme has lower computation complexity and can also provide the possibility for dynamic network adaptability and ?ner-grain load balancing. Simulation results show that our scheme signi?cantly alleviates reordering and enhances transmission performance.
Transformation�based implementation and optimization of programs exploiting the basic Andorra model.
The characteristics of CC and CLP systems are in principle very dierent However a recent trend towards convergence in the implementation techniques for these systems can be observed While CLP and Prolog systems have been incorporating capabilities to deal with userdened suspension and coroutining CC compilers have been trying to coalesce negrained tasks into coarsergrained sequential threads This convergence of techniques opens up the possibility of having a general purpose kernel language and abstract machine to serve as a compilation target for a variety of userlevel languages We propose a transformation technique directed towards such an objective In particular we report on techniques to support the Andorra computational model essentially emulating the AndorraI system via program transformation into a sequential language with delay primitives The system is automatic comprising an optional program analyzer and a basic transformer to the kernel language It turns out that a simple parallel CLP or Prolog system with dynamic scheduling is sucient as a kernel language for this purpose The preliminary results are quite encouraging performance of the resulting system is comparable to the current AndorraI implementation.
Los dispositivos móviles modernos disponen cada vez de más funcionalidad debido al rápido avance de las tecnologías de las comunicaciones y computaciones móviles. Sin embargo, la capacidad de la batería no ha experimentado un aumento equivalente. Por ello, la experiencia de usuario en los sistemas móviles modernos se ve muy afectada por la vida de la batería, que es un factor inestable de difícil de control. Para abordar este problema, investigaciones anteriores han propuesto un esquema de gestion del consumo (PM) centrada en la energía y que proporciona una garantía sobre la vida operativa de la batería mediante la gestión de la energía como un recurso de primera clase en el sistema. Como el planificador juega un papel fundamental en la administración del consumo de energía y en la garantía del rendimiento de las aplicaciones, esta tesis explora la optimización de la experiencia de usuario para sistemas móviles con energía limitada desde la perspectiva de un planificador que tiene en cuenta el consumo de energía en un contexto en el que ésta es un recurso de primera clase. En esta tesis se analiza en primer lugar los factores que contribuyen de forma general a la experiencia de usuario en un sistema móvil. Después se determinan los requisitos esenciales que afectan a la experiencia de usuario en la planificación centrada en el consumo de energía, que son el reparto proporcional de la potencia, el cumplimiento de las restricciones temporales, y cuando sea necesario, el compromiso entre la cuota de potencia y las restricciones temporales. Para cumplir con los requisitos, el algoritmo clásico de fair queueing y su modelo de referencia se extienden desde los dominios de las comunicaciones y ancho de banda de CPU hacia el dominio de la energía, y en base a ésto, se propone el algoritmo energy-based fair queueing (EFQ) para proporcionar una planificación basada en la energía. El algoritmo EFQ está diseñado para compartir la potencia consumida entre las tareas mediante su planificación en función de la energía consumida y de la cuota reservada. La cuota de consumo de cada tarea con restricciones temporales está protegida frente a diversos cambios que puedan ocurrir en el sistema. Además, para dar mejor soporte a las tareas en tiempo real y multimedia, se propone un mecanismo para combinar con el algoritmo EFQ para dar preferencia en la planificación durante breves intervalos de tiempo a las tareas más urgentes con restricciones temporales.Las propiedades del algoritmo EFQ se evaluan a través del modelado de alto nivel y la simulación. Los resultados de las simulaciones indican que los requisitos esenciales de la planificación centrada en la energía pueden lograrse. El algoritmo EFQ se implementa más tarde en el kernel de Linux. Para evaluar las propiedades del planificador EFQ basado en Linux, se desarrolló un banco de pruebas experimental basado en una sitema empotrado, un programa de banco de pruebas multihilo, y un conjunto de pruebas de código abierto. A través de experimentos específicamente diseñados, esta tesis verifica primero las propiedades de EFQ en la gestión de la cuota de consumo de potencia y la planificación en tiempo real y, a continuación, explora los beneficios potenciales de emplear la planificación EFQ en la optimización de la experiencia de usuario para sistemas móviles con energía limitada. Los resultados experimentales sobre la gestión de la cuota de energía muestran que EFQ es más eficaz que el planificador de Linux-CFS en la gestión de energía, logrando un reparto proporcional de la energía del sistema independientemente de en qué dispositivo se consume la energía. Los resultados experimentales en la planificación en tiempo real demuestran que EFQ puede lograr de forma eficaz, flexible y robusta el cumplimiento de las restricciones temporales aunque se dé el caso de aumento del el número de tareas o del error en la estimación de energía. Por último, un análisis comparativo de los resultados experimentales sobre la optimización de la experiencia del usuario demuestra que, primero, EFQ es más eficaz y flexible que los algoritmos tradicionales de planificación del procesador, como el que se encuentra por defecto en el planificador de Linux y, segundo, que proporciona la posibilidad de optimizar y preservar la experiencia de usuario para los sistemas móviles con energía limitada. Abstract Modern mobiledevices have been becoming increasingly powerful in functionality and entertainment as the next-generation mobile computing and communication technologies are rapidly advanced. However, the battery capacity has not experienced anequivalent increase. The user experience of modern mobile systems is therefore greatly affected by the battery lifetime,which is an unstable factor that is hard to control. To address this problem, previous works proposed energy-centric power management (PM) schemes to provide strong guarantee on the battery lifetime by globally managing energy as the first-class resource in the system. As the processor scheduler plays a pivotal role in power management and application performance guarantee, this thesis explores the user experience optimization of energy-limited mobile systemsfrom the perspective of energy-centric processor scheduling in an energy-centric context. This thesis first analyzes the general contributing factors of the mobile system user experience.Then itdetermines the essential requirements on the energy-centric processor scheduling for user experience optimization, which are proportional power sharing, time-constraint compliance, and when necessary, a tradeoff between the power share and the time-constraint compliance. To meet the requirements, the classical fair queuing algorithm and its reference model are extended from the network and CPU bandwidth sharing domain to the energy sharing domain, and based on that, the energy-based fair queuing (EFQ) algorithm is proposed for performing energy-centric processor scheduling. The EFQ algorithm is designed to provide proportional power shares to tasks by scheduling the tasks based on their energy consumption and weights. The power share of each time-sensitive task is protected upon the change of the scheduling environment to guarantee a stable performance, and any instantaneous power share that is overly allocated to one time-sensitive task can be fairly re-allocated to the other tasks. In addition, to better support real-time and multimedia scheduling, certain real-time friendly mechanism is combined into the EFQ algorithm to give time-limited scheduling preference to the time-sensitive tasks. Through high-level modelling and simulation, the properties of the EFQ algorithm are evaluated. The simulation results indicate that the essential requirements of energy-centric processor scheduling can be achieved. The EFQ algorithm is later implemented in the Linux kernel. To assess the properties of the Linux-based EFQ scheduler, an experimental test-bench based on an embedded platform, a multithreading test-bench program, and an open-source benchmark suite is developed. Through specifically-designed experiments, this thesis first verifies the properties of EFQ in power share management and real-time scheduling, and then, explores the potential benefits of employing EFQ scheduling in the user experience optimization for energy-limited mobile systems. Experimental results on power share management show that EFQ is more effective than the Linux-CFS scheduler in managing power shares and it can achieve a proportional sharing of the system power regardless of on which device the energy is spent. Experimental results on real-time scheduling demonstrate that EFQ can achieve effective, flexible and robust time-constraint compliance upon the increase of energy estimation error and task number. Finally, a comparative analysis of the experimental results on user experience optimization demonstrates that EFQ is more effective and flexible than traditional processor scheduling algorithms, such as those of the default Linux scheduler, in optimizing and preserving the user experience of energy-limited mobile systems.
The operating theatres are the engine of the hospitals; proper management of the operating rooms and its staff represents a great challenge for managers and its results impact directly in the budget of the hospital. This work presents a MILP model for the efficient schedule of multiple surgeries in Operating Rooms (ORs) during a working day. This model considers multiple surgeons and ORs and different types of surgeries. Stochastic strategies are also implemented for taking into account the uncertain in surgery durations (pre-incision, incision, post-incision times). In addition, a heuristic-based methods and a MILP decomposition approach is proposed for solving large-scale ORs scheduling problems in computational efficient way. All these computer-aided strategies has been implemented in AIMMS, as an advanced modeling and optimization software, developing a user friendly solution tool for the operating room management under uncertainty.
Background: This study examined the daily surgical scheduling problem in a teaching hospital. This problem relates to the use of multiple operating rooms and different types of surgeons in a typical surgical day with deterministic operation durations (preincision, incision, and postincision times). Teaching hospitals play a key role in the health-care system; however, existing models assume that the duration of surgery is independent of the surgeon's skills. This problem has not been properly addressed in other studies. We analyze the case of a Spanish public hospital, in which continuous pressures and budgeting reductions entail the more efficient use of resources. Methods: To obtain an optimal solution for this problem, we developed a mixed-integer programming model and user-friendly interface that facilitate the scheduling of planned operations for the following surgical day. We also implemented a simulation model to assist the evaluation of different dispatching policies for surgeries and surgeons. The typical aspects we took into account were the type of surgeon, potential overtime, idling time of surgeons, and the use of operating rooms. Results: It is necessary to consider the expertise of a given surgeon when formulating a schedule: such skill can decrease the probability of delays that could affect subsequent surgeries or cause cancellation of the final surgery. We obtained optimal solutions for a set of given instances, which we obtained through surgical information related to acceptable times collected from a Spanish public hospital. Conclusions: We developed a computer-aided framework with a user-friendly interface for use by a surgical manager that presents a 3-D simulation of the problem. Additionally, we obtained an efficient formulation for this complex problem. However, the spread of this kind of operation research in Spanish public health hospitals will take a long time since there is a lack of knowledge of the beneficial techniques and possibilities that operational research can offer for the health-care system.
The railway planning problem is usually studied from two different points of view: macroscopic and microscopic. We propose a macroscopic approach for the high-speed rail scheduling problem where competitive effects are introduced. We study train frequency planning, timetable planning and rolling stock assignment problems and model the problem as a multi-commodity network flow problem considering competitive transport markets. The aim of the presented model is to maximize the total operator profit. We solve the optimization model using realistic probleminstances obtained from the network of the Spanish railwa operator RENFE, including other transport modes in Spain