9 resultados para Sandhall, Åke: Ötökät

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The assessment of the accuracy of parameters related to the reactor core performance (e.g., ke) and f el cycle (e.g., isotopic evolution/transmutation) due to the uncertainties in the basic nuclear data (ND) is a critical issue. Different error propagation techniques (adjoint/forward sensitivity analysis procedures and/or Monte Carlo technique) can be used to address by computational simulation the systematic propagation of uncertainties on the final parameters. To perform this uncertainty assessment, the ENDF covariance les (variance/correlation in energy and cross- reactions-isotopes correlations) are required. In this paper, we assess the impact of ND uncertainties on the isotopic prediction for a conceptual design of a modular European Facility for Industrial Transmutation (EFIT) for a discharge burnup of 150 GWd/tHM. The complete set of uncertainty data for cross sections (EAF2007/UN, SCALE6.0/COVA-44G), radioactive decay and fission yield data (JEFF-3.1.1) are processed and used in ACAB code.


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An accurate characterization of the near-region propagation of radio waves inside tunnels is of practical importance for the design and planning of advanced communication systems. However, there has been no consensus yet on the propagation mechanism in this region. Some authors claim that the propagation mechanism follows the free space model, others intend to interpret it by the multi-mode waveguide model. This paper clarifies the situation in the near-region of arched tunnels by analytical modeling of the division point between the two propagation mechanisms. The procedure is based on the combination of the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry. Three groups of measurements are employed to verify the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Furthermore, simplified models for the division point in five specific application situations are derived to facilitate the use of the model. The results in this paper could help to deepen the insight into the propagation mechanism within tunnel environments.


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There is no unanimous consensus yet on the propagation mechanism before the break point inside tunnels. Some deem that the propagation mechanism follows the free space model, others argue that it should be described by the multimode waveguide model. Firstly, this paper analyzes the propagation loss in two mechanisms. Then, by conjunctively using the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry, a generic analytical model for the boundary between the free space mechanism and the multi-mode waveguide mechanism inside tunnels has been presented. Three measurement campaigns validate the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Furthermore, the condition of the validity of the free space model used in tunnel environment has been discussed in some specific situations. Finally, through mathematical derivation, the seemingly conflicting viewpoints on the free space mechanism and the multi-mode waveguide mechanism have been unified in some specific situations by the presented generic model. The results in this paper can be helpful to gain deeper insight and better understanding of the propagation mechanism inside tunnels


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Artículo sobre comunicaciones ferroviarias. Abstract: Along with the increase in operating frequencies in advanced radio communication systems utilised inside tunnels, the location of the break point is further and further away from the transmitter. This means that the near region lengthens considerably and even occupies the whole propagation cell or the entire length of some short tunnels. To begin with, this study analyses the propagation loss resulting from the free-space mechanism and the multi-mode waveguide mechanism in the near region of circular tunnels, respectively. Then, by conjunctive employing the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry, a general analytical model of the dividing point between two propagation mechanisms is presented for the first time. Moreover, the model is validated by a wide range of measurement campaigns in different tunnels at different frequencies. Finally, discussions on the simplified formulae of the dividing point in some application situations are made. The results in this study can be helpful to grasp the essence of the propagation mechanism inside tunnels.


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Accurate characterization of the radio channel in tunnels is of great importance for new signaling and train control communications systems. To model this environment, measurements have been taken at 2.4 GHz in a real environment in Madrid subway. The measurements were carried out with four base station transmitters installed in a 2-km tunnel and using a mobile receiver installed on a standard train. First, with an optimum antenna configuration, all the propagation characteristics of a complex subway environment, including near shadowing, path loss,shadow fading, fast fading, level crossing rate (LCR), and average fade duration (AFD), have been measured and computed. Thereafter, comparisons of propagation characteristics in a double-track tunnel (9.8-m width) and a single-track tunnel (4.8-m width) have been made. Finally, all the measurement results have been shown in a complete table for accurate statistical modeling.


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Along with the increase of the use of working frequencies in advanced radio communication systems, the near-region inside tunnels lengthens considerably and even occupies the whole propagation cell or the entire length of some short tunnels. This paper analytically models the propagation mechanisms and their dividing point in the near-region of arbitrary cross-sectional tunnels for the first time. To begin with, the propagation losses owing to the free space mechanism and the multimode waveguide mechanism are modeled, respectively. Then, by conjunctively employing the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry, the paper presents a general model for the dividing point between two propagation mechanisms. It is worthy to mention that this model can be applied in arbitrary cross-sectional tunnels. Furthermore, the general dividing point model is specified in rectangular, circular, and arched tunnels, respectively. Five groups of measurements are used to justify the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Finally, in order to facilitate the use of the model, simplified analytical solutions for the dividing point in five specific application situations are derived. The results in this paper could help deepen the insight into the propagation mechanisms in tunnels.


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In this position paper, we claim that the need for time consuming data preparation and result interpretation tasks in knowledge discovery, as well as for costly expert consultation and consensus building activities required for ontology building can be reduced through exploiting the interplay of data mining and ontology engineering. The aim is to obtain in a semi-automatic way new knowledge from distributed data sources that can be used for inference and reasoning, as well as to guide the extraction of further knowledge from these data sources. The proposed approach is based on the creation of a novel knowledge discovery method relying on the combination, through an iterative ?feedbackloop?, of (a) data mining techniques to make emerge implicit models from data and (b) pattern-based ontology engineering to capture these models in reusable, conceptual and inferable artefacts.


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The one-dimensional self-similar motion of an initially cold, half-space plasma of electron density 0,produced by the (anomalous) absorption of a laser pulse of irradiation = (j>0f/T(0< (< T) at the critical density nc(«c/«0=eoKe)213, where k, m, are Boltzmann's constant and the ion mass, and Ke X (electron temperature)5'2 = heat conductivity. If a >e- 4 ' 3 , a deflagration wave separates an isentropic compression with a shock bounding the undisturbed plasma, and an isentropic expansion flow to the vacuum. The structures of these three regions are completely determined; in particular, the Chapman-Jouguet condition is proved and the density behind the deflagration is found. The deflagration-compression thickness ratio is large (small) for a^e- 5 ' 3(a>e- 5 ' 3 ) . The compression to expansion ratio for both energy and thickness is 0(e"2). For Z,- large, a deflagration exists even if a~e~413. Condition a>e~4'3 may be applied to pulses that are not linear.


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El objetivo de esta Tesis es crear un Modelo de Diseño Orientado a Marcos que, intermedio entre el Mundo Externo y el Modelo Interno del Mundo que supone el sistema ímplementado, disminuya la pérdida de conocimiento que se produce al formalizar la realidad en Bases de Conocimientos. El modelo disminuye la pérdida de conocimiento al formalizar Bases de Conocimiento, acercando el formalismo de Marcos al Mundo Externo, porque: 1. Crea una base teórica que uniformiza el concepto de Marco en el plano de la Formalización, estableciendo un conjunto de restricciones sintácticas y semánticas que impedirán, al Ingeniero del Conocimiento (IC) cuando formaliza, definir elementos no permitidos o el uso indebido de ellos. 2. Se incrementa la expresividad del formalismo al asociar a cada una de las propiedades de un marco clase un parámetro adicional que simboliza la representatividad de la propiedad en el concepto. Este parámetro, y las técnicas de inferencia que trabajan con él, permitirán al IC introducir en el Modelo Formalizado conocimiento que antes no introducía al construir la base de conocimientos y que, sin embargo, sí existía en la realidad. 3. Se propone una técnica de equiparación que trabaja con el conocimiento incierto presente en el dominio. Esta técnica de equiparación, utiliza la representatividad de las propiedades en los marcos clase y el grado de certeza de las propiedades de las entidades para calcular el valor de equiparación y, así, determinar en qué medida los marcos clase seleccionados son consistentes con la descripción de la situación actual dada por una entidad. 4. Proporciona nuevas técnicas de inferencia basadas en la transferencia de propiedades y modifica las ya existentes. Las transferencias de propiedades realizadas sobre relaciones "ad hoc" definidas por el IC al construir el sistema, es una nueva técnica de inferencia independiente y complementaria a la transferencia de propiedades llamada tradicionalmente Herencia (cesión de propiedades entre padres e hijos). A esta nueva técnica, se le ha llamado Donación, es decir, cesión de propiedades entre marcos sin parentesco. Como aportación práctica, se ha construido un entorno de construcción de Sistemas Basados en el Conocimiento formalizados en Marcos, donde se han introducido todos los nuevos conceptos del Modelo Teórico de la Tesis. Se trata de una cierta anidación. Es decir, son marcos que permiten formalizar cualquier SBC en marcos. El entorno permitirá al IC formalizar bases de conocimientos automáticamente y éste podrá validar el conocimiento del dominio en la fase de formalización en lugar de tener que esperar a que la BC esté implementada. Todo ello lleva a describir el Modelo de Diseño Orientado a Marcos como un puente que aproxima y comunica el Mundo Externo con el Modelo Interno asociado a la realidad e implementado en una computadora, disminuyendo así las diversas pérdidas de conocimiento que si bien no ocurren simultáneamente al construir Sistemas Basados en el Conocimiento, sí coexisten en él.---ABSTRACT---The goal of this thesis is to créate a Frame-Orlented Deslgn Model that, bridging the Outside World and the implemented system's Internal Model of the World, reduces the amount of knowledge lost when reality is formalized in Knowledge Bases (KB). The model diminishes the loss of knowledge when formalizing a KB and brings the Frame-formalized Model closer to the Outside World because: 1. It creates a theory that standardizes the concept of trame at the formalization level to establish a set of syntactic and semantic constraints that will prevent the Knowledge Engineer (KE) from defining forbidden elements or their undue use in the formalization process. 2. The formalism's expressiveness is increased by associating an additional parameter to each of the properties of a class frame to symbolize the representativeness of the concept property. This parameter and the related inference techniques will allow the KE to enter knowledge into the Formalized Model that actually existed but that was not used previously when building the KB. 3. The proposed technique involves matching and works with uncertain knowledge present in the domain. This matching technique takes the representativeness of the properties in the class frame and the degree of certainty of the properties of the entities to calcúlate the matching valué and thus determine to what extent the class frames selected are consistent with the description of the present situation given by an entity. 4. It offers new inference techniques based on property transfer and alters existing ones. Property transfer on ad hoc relations defined by the KE when building a system is a new inference technique independent of and complementary to property transfer traditionally termed Inheritance (transfer of properties between parents and children). This new technique has been callad Donation (transfer of properties between trames without relationships). 5. It improves control of the procedural knowledge defined in the trames by introducing OO concepta. A frame-formalized KBS building environment has been constructed, incorporating all the new concepts of the theoretical model set out in the thesis. There is some embedding, that is, they are trames that provide for any KBS to be formalizad in trames. The environment will enable the KE to formaliza KB automatically, and he will be able to valídate the domain knowledge in the formalization stage instead of havíng to wait until the KB has been implemented. This is a description of the Frame-oriented Design Model, a bridge that brings closer and communicates the Outside World with the Interna! Model associated to reality and implemented on a computar, thus reducing the different losses in knowledge that, though they do not occur simultaneosly when building a Knowledge-based System, coexist within it.