4 resultados para Sagrat Cor de Jesús-Oracions
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El material recopilado permite la reconstrucción del proceso de proyecto. Una edificación “abierta y tan ligera que no cueste trabajo demoler”, desarrollando un pabellón-itinerario a partir de los objetos expuestos, son “criterios” expresados en la memoria. La restitución del pabellón en el contexto de los años 50, a partir de la relación entre arquitectos y artistas plásticos, se concreta en el grupo de la calle Bretón de los Herreros culminando con la instalación interior del pabellón de Bruselas de J.A Corales y R.V. Molezún, en 1958. La similitud de temas con Le Corbusier y experiencias del Independent Group, con la incorporación directa de alusiones al Constructivismo, Dadaismo y Neoplasticismo, en contraste con el pensamiento de otros arquitectos expresado en las Sesiones de Crítica de Arquitectura, permiten concluir que este “eslabón perdido” es imprescindible en el proceso de depuración formal del arquitecto, que concluirá con los cubos o “cajas mágicas”.
Readlng Italo Calvlno's book of llterary medltatlons, Six Memos for the Next Millennium, I was remlnded of the young Spanlsh archltect JESUS APARICIO. Calvlno descrlbes a story from Boccacclo's Decameron and attrlbutes a vlrtue - lntellectual gravlty - to lts protagonlst, the poet Guldo Cavalcantl. The vlrtue of profundlty ls, for Calvlno, cause for hope ln the future.
Collaborator: Antonio Domínguez
This work shows the objective results of the acoustic quality of the Compañia de Jesús Church in Cordoba, Argentina. The acoustics of this Temple, built by the Orden Jesuita (Jesuit Order) two centuries ago and declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000, is currently considered optimal by musicians as well as general public. In the second half of XVI century, with the Catholic reform, the need for improved speech intelligibility was given priority, being the Jesuit one of the orders that gave most importance to the construction of their temples. This church has constructive and spatial characteristics consistent with those needs. With the purpose of carrying out the acoustic assessment of the precincts, a work methodology that allowed comparing the results obtained from objective measures was developed by means of implementation of field measurements and space modeling, with subjective appreciation results, by developing surveys, with the aim of characterizing acoustically the sound space. This paper shows the comparison between the subjective results and objective criteria, which allowed important conclusions on the acoustic behavior of the temple to be obtained. In this way interesting data were obtained in relation to the subjective response of the acoustics of the church.