4 resultados para Safety equipment.
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Desde 1995, el derecho internacional se ha integrado en el ordenamiento jurídico español en lo referente a seguridad y salud. Sin embargo, la situación de la seguridad en los aprovechamientos forestales no ha mejorado notablemente, puesto que se detectan frecuentes casos de personal trabajando sin equipo de protección e incumpliendo las instrucciones de trabajo seguro, y son abundantes las referencias a una elevada accidentalidad. Para evaluar estos aspectos, primeramente se han comparado y valorado los datos de accidentalidad de los taladores de una empresa de referencia con los de los sectores agrario y de la construcción a través de las estadísticas nacionales y con los datos depurados del sector forestal a partir de la base de datos de declaración electrónica de accidentes de la C.A. de Castilla y León. En segundo lugar, se han identificado las deficiencias en materia de prevención, diseñando para ello una encuesta que se ha llevado a cabo en 35 aprovechamientos de Castilla y León. Posteriormente, se ha verificado que la reducción de la accidentalidad en la empresa de referencia se debe a la aplicación del plan de prevención. Se han caracterizado los riesgos en los que habían incurrido los taladores y se han descrito las medidas adoptadas para la reducción de los accidentes en la empresa estudiada, lo que ha conducido a una serie de recomendaciones para reducir la accidentalidad. Por otro lado se han analizado las causas de los picos de accidentalidad detectados. Como conclusión, se puede reducir sensiblemente la accidentalidad sólo si la empresa integra la política de prevención como un objetivo más de la gestión empresarial, en todos los niveles de su organización, acompañando las herramientas técnicas con formación temprana y motivación adecuada. Palabras clave: aprovechamientos forestales, riesgos laborales, prevención, trabajador forestal, accidentalidad, incidencia, gravedad. From 1995, Spanish safety legislation has been adapted to the Internationa! framework. However, operationally the situation is not so good, at least in the wood harvesting activity. Some forest workers are still found not wearing the compulsory safety equipment, working without respecting safety rules and references to high accidents rates are frequent. To assess those aspects, firstly some comparisons have been made between the accident records in a reference company and the accident indexes at national and regional level for building and farming activities. Secondly, using a purpose-designed questionnaire applied to 35 logging worksites in Castilla y Leon Region, deficiencies in prevention have been identified. The relation between the accident reduction and the prevention methods used by the reference studied company has been confirmed. Also the main causes and peaks of the accidents have been analyzed. Finally, some recommendations to reduce the risk of accidents in harvesting operations are provided. The main conclusion confirms that the possibility of reducing the accident risk is conditioned to the commitment of all the staff of the timber harvesting company, at every level of responsibility, to search for excellence in safety as one more entrepreneurial goal. This fact should be accompanied by the staff early training and the adequate motivation means. Keywords: logging, labor risk, safety and health, prevention, logging workers, accident incidence, accident severity.
Aim of study: to review the present state of the art in relation to the main labour risks and the most relevant results of recent studies evaluating the safety and health conditions of the forest harvesting work and better ways to reduce accidents. Area of study: It focuses mainly on developed Countries, where the general concern about work risks prevention, together with the complex idiosyncrasy of forest work in forest harvesting operations, has led to a growing interest from the forest scientific and technical community. Material and Methods: The main bibliographic and Internet references have been identified using common reference analysis tools. Their conclusions and recommendations have been comprehensively summarized. Main results: Collection of the principal references and their most important conclusions relating to the main accident risk factors, their causes and consequences, the means used towards their prevention, both instrumental as well as in the aspects of training and business management, besides the influence of the growing mechanization of logging operations on those risks. Research highlights: Accident risk is higher in forest harvesting than in most other work sectors, and the main risk factors such as experience, age, seasonality, training, protective equipment, mechanization degree, etc. have been identified and studied. The paper summarizes some relevant results, one of the principal being that the proper entrepreneurial risk management is a key factor leading to the success in minimizing labour risks..
The Safety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components project, in short SafeCer (www.safecer.eu),is targeting increased efficiency and reduced time-to-market by composable safety certification of safety- relevant embedded systems. The industrial domains targeted are within automotive and construction equipment, avionics, and rail. Some of the companies involved are: Volvo Tech- nology, Thales, TTTech, and Intecs among others. SafeCer includes more than 30 partners in six different countries and has a budget of e25.7 millions. A primary objective is to provide support for system safety arguments based on arguments and properties of system components as well as to provide support for generation of corresponding evidence in a similar compositional way. By providing support for efficient reuse of certification and stronger links between certification and development, compo- nent reuse will be facilitated, and by providing support for reuse across domains the amount of components available for reuse will increase dramatically. The resulting efficiency and reduced time to market will, together with increased quality and reduced risk, increase competitiveness and pave the way for a cross-domain market for software components qualified for certification.
(ENG) IDPSA (Integrated Deterministic-Probabilistic Safety Assessment) is a family of methods which use tightly coupled probabilistic and deterministic approaches to address respective sources of uncertainties, enabling Risk informed decision making in a consistent manner. The starting point of the IDPSA framework is that safety justification must be based on the coupling of deterministic (consequences) and probabilistic (frequency) considerations to address the mutual interactions between stochastic disturbances (e.g. failures of the equipment, human actions, stochastic physical phenomena) and deterministic response of the plant (i.e. transients). This paper gives a general overview of some IDPSA methods as well as some possible applications to PWR safety analyses (SPA)DPSA (Metodologías Integradas de Análisis Determinista-Probabilista de Seguridad) es un conjunto de métodos que utilizan métodos probabilistas y deterministas estrechamente acoplados para abordar las respectivas fuentes de incertidumbre, permitiendo la toma de decisiones Informada por el Riesgo de forma consistente. El punto de inicio del marco IDPSA es que la justificación de seguridad debe estar basada en el acoplamiento entre consideraciones deterministas (consecuencias) y probabilistas (frecuencia) para abordar la interacción mutua entre perturbaciones estocásticas (como por ejemplo fallos de los equipos, acciones humanas, fenómenos físicos estocásticos) y la respuesta determinista de la planta (como por ejemplo los transitorios). Este artículo da una visión general de algunos métodos IDSPA así como posibles aplicaciones al análisis de seguridad de los PWR.