10 resultados para SIZE-RAMSEY NUMBER

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Background: Several meta-analysis methods can be used to quantitatively combine the results of a group of experiments, including the weighted mean difference, statistical vote counting, the parametric response ratio and the non-parametric response ratio. The software engineering community has focused on the weighted mean difference method. However, other meta-analysis methods have distinct strengths, such as being able to be used when variances are not reported. There are as yet no guidelines to indicate which method is best for use in each case. Aim: Compile a set of rules that SE researchers can use to ascertain which aggregation method is best for use in the synthesis phase of a systematic review. Method: Monte Carlo simulation varying the number of experiments in the meta analyses, the number of subjects that they include, their variance and effect size. We empirically calculated the reliability and statistical power in each case Results: WMD is generally reliable if the variance is low, whereas its power depends on the effect size and number of subjects per meta-analysis; the reliability of RR is generally unaffected by changes in variance, but it does require more subjects than WMD to be powerful; NPRR is the most reliable method, but it is not very powerful; SVC behaves well when the effect size is moderate, but is less reliable with other effect sizes. Detailed tables of results are annexed. Conclusions: Before undertaking statistical aggregation in software engineering, it is worthwhile checking whether there is any appreciable difference in the reliability and power of the methods. If there is, software engineers should select the method that optimizes both parameters.


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La productividad es un factor importante que influye en la viabilidad económica de un cultivo energético de sauce y maximizarla se convierte en un tema primordial. Esta investigación está directamente relacionada con dicha característica. La productividad varía según los clones cultivados, que pueden ser mejorados y seleccionados genéticamente. Los programas genéticos requieren de una información previa (productividad media en función del porte y número de los tallos, características de las hojas, resistencia a las plagas, etc.) que ayudará a obtener clones más productivos y resistentes. Por ello, nuestra investigación consta de dos estudios: (1) Evaluación de la eficiencia del uso de la luz o LUE (Light Use Efficiency). El incremento de biomasa y la eficiencia del uso de la luz (LUE) fue estudiado en 15 clones del genero Salix durante los meses de junio a septiembre de 2011 en Belleville (Central New York, USA). Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: (1) Evaluar la eficiencia del uso de la luz en la explicación a la variación en la producción de biomasa y (2) Determinar si existen diferencias significativas entre clones evaluando el índice de área foliar (LAI) y algunos componentes de las hojas (N, P, K,…). Se concluye que la variación de biomasa está relacionada con la cantidad de luz interceptada y con la eficiencia de su uso. Dicha información debe de ser transferida para ayudar a mejorar genéticamente los futuros clones a comercializar, con el fin de maximizar la productividad y aumentar la resistencia a plagas. (2) Estimación de biomasa a través de modelos de regresión. Los estudios de investigación relacionados con la productividad requieren estimaciones no destructivas de la biomasa aérea. Sin embargo, el nivel de precisión requerido y la inversión de tiempo son excesivos para operaciones comerciales con grandes extensiones (plantaciones de 10.000 ha). Por esta razón, se estudia el nivel de especificidad (específico, intermedio y general) en la toma de datos de campo sobre los mismos 15 clones (12 de ellos se pueden agrupar en 5 grupos según su genotipo origen) del genero Salix, empleados en el estudio anterior. Para todos los niveles estudiados se observaron diferencias significativas. Pero desde nuestro punto de vista, las diferencias obtenidas no son relevantes. Para validar los modelos finalmente seleccionados se calcularon los porcentajes de error entre la biomasa estimada por los modelos de regresión calculados y la biomasa real obtenida tras los pesajes de biomasa, todo ello se realizó para cada clon según nivel de especificidad. ABSTRACT Productivity is an important factor in the economic viability of a willow crop´s, therefore, maximize it becomes a major factor. This study is directly related to this feature. Productivity, among other factors, may vary depending on different clones, which can be improved and selected genetically. Genetic programs require prior information (average productivity, size and number of stems, leaf characteristics, resistance to pests, etc.) to help you get more productive clones resistant to local pests. Our research consists of two studies: (1) Evaluation of the efficiency of use of light (LUE, Light Use Efficiency). The increase of biomass and light use efficiency (LUE) was tested on 15 clones of the genus Salix during June and September 2011 in Belleville (Central New York, USA). The objectives of this study were: (1) evaluate the light use efficiency and its relationship with the variation in biomass production and (2) determine whether there are significant differences between clones evaluating the leaf area index (LAI) and some traits of the leaves (N, P, K). We studied the correlation with the light use efficiency. It is concluded that the variation of biomass was related to the amount of light intercepted and its efficiency. Such information must be transferred to help improve future genetically clones to market in order to maximize productivity and increase resistance to pests. (2) Estimation of biomass through regression models. Research studies related to productivity estimates require precision and non destructive biomass. However, the level of accuracy required and the investment of time are excessive for large commercial operations with extensions (plantations of 10,000 ha). Precisely for this reason, we study the level of specificity (specific, intermediate and general) in making field data on the same 15 clones (12 of them can be grouped into five groups according to their genotype origin) of the genus Salix, employees in the previous study. For all levels studied some significant differences were observed. But from our practical standpoint, the differences are not relevant. Finally, to validate the selected models, we calculated the percent of bias between estimated biomass (by the regression models) and real biomass obtained after the weighing of biomass, all this process was done for each clone by level of specificity.


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El presente trabajo se propone determinar la distribución de tamaño y número de partículas nanométricas provenientes de motores diésel con equipos embarcados en tráfico extraurbano. Para ello, se utilizaron equipos de medición de última generación en condiciones promedio de conducción en tráfico extraurbano por más de 800 km a lo largo del trayecto Madrid-Badajoz-Madrid mediante un vehículo característico del parque automotor español y se implementaron métodos novedosos y pioneros en el registro de este tipo de emisiones. Todo ello abre el camino para líneas de investigación y desarrollo que contribuirán a entender, dimensionar y cualificar el comportamiento de las partículas, así como su impacto en la calidad de vida de la población. El estudio hace dos grandes aportes al campo. Primero, permite registrar las emisiones en condiciones transitorias propias del tráfico real. Segundo, permite mantener controladas las condiciones de medición y evita la formación aleatoria de partículas provenientes de material volátil, gracias al sistema de adecuación de la muestra de gases de escape incorporado. Como resultado, se obtuvo una muestra abundante y confiable que permitió construir modelos matemáticos para calcular la emisión de partículas nanométricas, ultrafinas, finas y totales sobre las bases volumétrica, espacial y temporal en función de la pendiente del perfil orográfico de la carretera, siempre y cuando esté dentro del intervalo ±5.0%. Estos modelos de cálculo de emisiones reducen tanto los costos de experimentación como la complejidad de los equipos necesarios, y fundamentaron el desarrollo de la primera versión de una aplicación informática que calcula las partículas emitidas por un motor diésel en condiciones de tráfico extraurbano ("Partículas Emitidas por Motores Diésel, PEMDI). ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the distribution of size and number of nanometric particles that come from diesel engines by means of on-board equipment in extra-urban traffic. In order to do this, cutting-edge measuring equipment was used under average driving conditions in extra-urban traffic for more than 800 km along the Madrid-Badajoz-Madrid route using a typical vehicle from Spain's automotive population and innovative, groundbreaking registering methods for this type of emissions were used. All this paves the way for lines of research and development which should help understand, measure and characterize the behavior of such particles, as well as their impact in the quality of life of the general population. The study makes two important contributions to the field. First, it makes it possible to register emissions under transient conditions, which are characteristic to real traffic. Secondly, it provides a means to keep the measuring conditions under control and prevents the random formation of particles of volatile origin through the built-in adjustment system of the exhaust gas sample. As a result, an abundant and reliable sample was gathered, which enabled the building of mathematical models to estimate the emission of nanometric, ultrafine, fine and total particles on volumetric, spatial and temporal bases as a function of the orographic outline of the road within a ±5.0% range. These emission estimating models lower both the experimentation costs and the required equipment's complexity, and they provided the basis for the development of a first software application version that estimates the particles emitted from diesel engines under extra-urban traffic conditions (Partículas Emitidas por Motores Diésel, PEMDI).


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The aim of this work was to evaluate different management strategies to optimize rabbit production under chronic heat stress. To achieve it, three trials were conducted. In the first trial, to find the optimal cage density in tropical very dry forest condition, were measured growth performance, mortality rate, injured animals and carcass performance over an initial population of 300 cross-breed rabbits of New Zealand, California, Butterfly, Dutch and Satin, weaned at 30 days (535 ± 8 g, standard error). Treatments evaluated were: 6, 12, 18 and 24 rabbits/m2 (3, 6, 9 and 12 rabbits/cage, respectively, each cage of 0.5 m2). The maximal temperature-humidity index indicated a severe heat stress from weaning to 2.2 kg body weight (experimental time). At the end of experimental period 10, 20, 30 and 30 rabbits from the treatments of 6, 12, 18 and 24 rabbits/m2, respectively, were slaughtered and carcass performance recorded. Average daily gain and feed intake decreased by 0.31 ± 0.070 and 1.20 ± 0.25 g, respectively, per each unit that the density increased at the beginning of the experiment (P = 0.001). It increased the length of the fattening period by 0.91 ± 0.16 d (P = 0.001) per each unit of increment of density. However, rabbit production (kg/m2) increased linear and quadratically with the density (P < 0.008). Animals housed at the highest density compared to the lower one tended to show a higher incidence of ringworm (68.9 vs 39.4%; P = 0.075), injured animals (16.8 vs 3.03%; P = 0.12) and mortality (20.5 vs 9.63%; P = 0.043). The proportion of scapular fat (P = 0.042) increased linearly with increasing levels of density. Increasing density reduced linearly dorsal length (P = 0.001), and reduced linear and quadratically drip loss percentage (P = 0.097 and 0.018, respectively). In the second trial, 46 nulliparous rabbit does (23 clipped and 23 unclipped) with a BW of 3.67 ± 0.05 kg (s.e.) were used to evaluate heat stress and circadian rhythms comparing unclipped and clipped rabbit does, and to study if a more extensive breeding system increase litters performance at weaning without impairing rabbit doe performance,. Rectal temperature, feed and water 4 intake were recorded for 24 h. Rabbit does were mated 7 d after circadian measurements, and randomly assigned to two breeding systems. Control (C): mated at 14 d after parturition + litter weaned at 35 d of age. Extensive (E): mate at 21 after parturition + litter weaned at 42 d of age. The first three cycles were evaluated concerning to rabbit doe and litter performance. Two hundred twenty eight weaned rabbits, were divided into two cage sizes: 0.5 and 0.25 m2 with same density (16 rabbit/m2) and growing performance was recorded. Farm and rectal temperatures were minimal and feed and water intake maximal during the night (P < 0.001). Unclipped rabbit does showed higher rectal temperature (P = 0.045) and lower feed intake respect to clipped does (P = 0.019) which suggest a lower heat stress in the latter. Kits weaned per litter was reduced by 33% (P=0.038) in C group. This reduction was more important in the 2nd and 3rd cycles compared to the first (P ≤ 0.054). Rabbit doe feed efficiency tended to decrease in E respect C group (P = 0.093), whereas it was impaired from the first to the third cycle by 48% (P = 0.014). Growing rabbits from the E group were heavier at weaning (by 38%. P < 0.001), showed a higher feed intake (+7.4%) and lower feed efficiency (-8.4%) throughout the fattening period (P ≤ 0.056) respect to C group. Cage size had minor influence in growing performance. In the third trial, forty five non pregnant and non lactating rabbit does (21 nulliparous and 24 multiparous) were assigned randomly to farm water and to potable water to study if a water quality improvement can affect positively rabbit doe response to heat stress during pregnancy and lactation. A transponder was implanted in each animal to record subcutaneous temperature at 07:30 and 14:30 h. Experimental period extended from pregnancy (with no lactation) to the next lactation (until day 28). Body temperature and milk production were recorded daily, and body condition, feed and water intake weekly. Water quality did not affect any trait (P ≥ 0.15). Pregnant rabbit does were classified as does that weaned (W: 47%), not weaned (NW: 44%) or those pregnant that did not deliver (NB: 9%). Body temperature and feed intake decreased during pregnancy (P ≤ 0.031), but water intake remained constant. In this period body temperature decreased with metabolic weight (P ≤ 0.009). In W and NW does, 5 from mating to birth energy and protein balance impaired (P≤0.011). Body temperature of W does tended to be the lowest (P ≤ 0.090). Pregnancy length and total number of kits born tended to be longer and higher in NW than in W does (P = 0.10 and 0.053, respectively). Kit mortality at birth and from birth to 14 d of lactation was high, being worse for NW than for W does (97 vs. 40%; P<0.001). Body temperature during lactation was maximal at day 12, and milk production increased it (P ≤ 0.025). . In conclusion, in our heat stress conditions densities higher than 18 rabbits/m2 (34 kg/m2) at the end of fattening, are not recommended despite cage size, gestation and lactation productivity impaired not only when lactation is extended and along successive reproductive cycles but also due to a reduced embryo/kit survival and finally water quality improvement did not attenuate negative effect of heat stress. RESUMEN El propósito de éste trabajo fue evaluar diferentes estrategias de manejo para optimizar la producción de conejos bajo estrés térmico. Para lo cual se desarrollaron tres experimentos. En el primer experimento, para encontrar el número óptimo de gazapos por m2 de jaula durante el cebo en condiciones de bosque muy seco tropical, se estudiaron los rendimientos durante el cebo, mortalidad, animales lesionados y rendimiento de la canal sobre una población inicial de 300 conejos mestizos de Nueva Zelanda, California, Mariposa, Holandés y Satin, destetados a los 30 días de edad (535 ± 8g, error estándar). Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: 6, 12, 18 y 24 conejos/m2 (3, 6, 9 y 12 conejos/jaula, respectivamente, en jaulas de 0.5 m2). Durante el período experimental (destete a 2.2 kg de peso vivo), se observaron valores de THI correspondientes con un estrés térmico severo (THI max. De 31 a 35). Al final del período experimental, 10, 20, 30, y 30 conejos de los tratamientos con densidades de 6, 12, 18 y 24 conejos/m2, respectivamente, fueron sacrificados y su canal fue valorada. El promedio de la ganancia diaria y el consumo de alimento disminuyeron en 0.31 ± 0.070 y 1.20 ± 0.25 g, respectivamente, por cada unidad de incremento en la densidad al inicio del experimento (P=0.001). Esto alargó el período de engorde en 0.91 ± 0.16 d (P=0.001) por cada unidad de incremento de la densidad. Sin embargo, la producción de conejos (kg/m2) aumentó lineal y cuadráticamente con la densidad (P<0.008). Los animales alojados en las mayores densidades en comparación con el resto tendieron a mostrar una mayore incidencia de tiña (68.9 vs 39.4%; P=0.075), de cantidad de animales heridos (16.8 vs 3.03%; P=0.12), así como de mortalidad (20.5 vs 9.63%; P=0.043). El aumento en la densidad aumentó linealmente la proporción de grasa escapular (P=0.042) y redujo linealmente la longitud dorsal (P=0.001), y lineal y cuadráticamente el porcentaje de pérdida por goteo (P=0.018). En el segundo experimento, 46 conejas nulliparas (23 rasuradas y 23 no rasuradas) con un peso vivo de 3.67 ± 0.05 kg (e.e.) fueron usadas para evaluar el estrés 8 térmico y los ritmos circadianos comparando conejas rasuradas o no, y estudiar si un sistema de crianza más extensivo mejora el desempeño de la camada al destete sin perjudicar la productividad de la coneja. Durante 24 h se midió la temperatura rectal, consumo de alimento y de agua. Las conejas fueron montadas 7 días después, y distribuidas en dos sistemas de crianza. El control (C): monta a 14 días posparto y destete a 35 d de edad. El extensivo (E): monta a 21 días posparto y destete a 42 d de edad. Se controló la productividad de la coneja y la camada durante los tres primeros ciclos. Doscientos veintiocho gazapos fueron distribuidos en dos tamaños de jaulas (0.5 y 0.25 m2) con la misma densidad (16 conejos/m2) y se controlaron sus rendimientos productivos. Durante la noche se observaron los valores mínimos para la temperatura ambiental y rectal, y los máximos para consumo de alimento y agua (P< 0.001). Las conejas no rasuradas mostraron mayor temperatura rectal (P=0.045) y menores valores de consumo de alimento con respecto a las conejas rasuradas (P=0.019), lo que sugiere un menor estrés térmico en las últimas. El número de gazapos destetados por camada se redujo en 33% (P=0.038) en el grupo C. Este comportamiento se acentuó en el 2do y 3er ciclo en comparación con el primero (P≤0.054). La eficiencia alimenticia de las conejas tendió a disminuir en el grupo E con respecto al grupo C (P=0.093), dicha tendencia se acentúa del primer al tercer ciclo en un 48% (P=0.014). Los gazapos en fase de crecimiento provenientes del grupo E fueron más pesados al momento del destete (en 38% P<0.001), mostrando un mayor consumo de alimento (+7.4%) y menor eficiencia alimenticia (-8.4%) a lo largo del engorde (P≤0.056) con respecto al grupo C. El tamaño de la jaula tuvo una mínima influencia en el comportamiento durante el crecimiento de éstos gazapos. En el tercer experimento, cuarenta y cinco conejas no gestantes ni lactantes (21 nulíparas y 24 multíparas) se les asignó al azar agua dos tipos de agua: común de la granja y agua potable, con el fin de estudiar si una mejora en la calidad del agua puede afectar positivamente la respuesta de la coneja al estrés térmico durante la gestación y la lactancia. Se les implantó un transponder para registrar la temperatura subcutánea a las 7:30 y a las 14:30 h. El período experimental se extendió desde la gestación (sin 9 lactancia) hasta la lactanción consecutiva (hasta los 28 días). La temperatura corporal y la producción de leche se controlaron diariamente, y la condición corporal, consumo de agua y alimento, semanalmente. La calidad del agua no afectó a ninguna variable (P≥0.15). Las conejas preñadas fueron clasificadas como conejas que destetaron (W: 47%), que no destetaron (NW:44%) o aquellas que no parieron (NB: 9%). La temperatura corporal y consumo de alimento disminuyeron durante la gestación (P≤0.031), mientras que el consumo de agua se mantuvo constante. La temperatura corporal descendió con el peso metabólico durante la gestación (P≤0.009). El balance de energía y proteína disminuyó desde la monta al parto para las conejas W y NW (P≤0.011). Durante la gestación la temperatura corporal tendió a ser menor en las conejas W (P≤0.090). La longitud de la gestación y el número total de gazapos nacidos tendieron a ser mayores en conejas NW que en conejas W (P=0.10 y 0.053, respectivamente). La mortalidad de los gazapos al parto y del parto a los 14 días de lactancia fue alta, siendo peor para las conejas NW que para las W (97 vs 40%; P<0.001). Durante la lactancia la temperatura corporal alcanzó su valor máximo para el día 12, y la producción de leche indujo un incremento en la misma (P≤0.025). En conclusión, en nuestras condiciones de estrés térmico y sin importar el tamaño de la jaula, no se recomiendan densidades mayores a 18 conejos/m2 (34 kg/m2) al final del engorde. La productividad de la gestación y la lactancia disminuyen cuando la lactancia es mayor y se suceden varios ciclos reproductivos seguidos. Esto se debe al efecto negativo del estrés térmico sobre la vitalidad y supervivencia del embrión/gazapo. La mejora de la calidad del agua atenuó el efecto negativo del estrés térmico. Las conejas más productoras parece que son aquéllas que consiguen manejar mejor el estrés térmico.


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Double layer and edge-location via techniques are combined for electromagnetic band gap (EBG) size reduction. The study of the required number of elements and their dimensions is carried out in order to suppress the surface wave propagation modes and consequently to reduce the mutual coupling between radiating elements in low-permittivity substrates. By applying these techniques, the size of the EBG mushroom is reduced by 30%; however, the bandwidth operation maintains its value, and these structures can be integrated between radiating elements in broad bandwidth antennas.


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A study has been made on the influence of the leading edge imperfections in airfoils used in different devices relating their aerodynamic performances. Wind tunnel tests have been made at different Reynolds numbers and angle of attacks in order to show this effect. Later, a quantitative study of the aerodynamic properties has been made based on the different leading edge imperfections and their size.


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A 2D computer simulation method of random packings is applied to sets of particles generated by a self-similar uniparametric model for particle size distributions (PSDs) in granular media. The parameter p which controls the model is the proportion of mass of particles corresponding to the left half of the normalized size interval [0,1]. First the influence on the total porosity of the parameter p is analyzed and interpreted. It is shown that such parameter, and the fractal exponent of the associated power scaling, are efficient packing parameters, but this last one is not in the way predicted in a former published work addressing an analogous research in artificial granular materials. The total porosity reaches the minimum value for p = 0.6. Limited information on the pore size distribution is obtained from the packing simulations and by means of morphological analysis methods. Results show that the range of pore sizes increases for decreasing values of p showing also different shape in the volume pore size distribution. Further research including simulations with a greater number of particles and image resolution are required to obtain finer results on the hierarchical structure of pore space.


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Existe normalmente el propósito de obtener la mejor solución posible cuando se plantea un problema estructural, entendiendo como mejor la solución que cumpliendo los requisitos estructurales, de uso, etc., tiene un coste físico menor. En una primera aproximación se puede representar el coste físico por medio del peso propio de la estructura, lo que permite plantear la búsqueda de la mejor solución como la de menor peso. Desde un punto de vista práctico, la obtención de buenas soluciones—es decir, soluciones cuyo coste sea solo ligeramente mayor que el de la mejor solución— es una tarea tan importante como la obtención de óptimos absolutos, algo en general difícilmente abordable. Para disponer de una medida de la eficiencia que haga posible la comparación entre soluciones se propone la siguiente definición de rendimiento estructural: la razón entre la carga útil que hay que soportar y la carga total que hay que contabilizar (la suma de la carga útil y el peso propio). La forma estructural puede considerarse compuesta por cuatro conceptos, que junto con el material, definen una estructura: tamaño, esquema, proporción, y grueso.Galileo (1638) propuso la existencia de un tamaño insuperable para cada problema estructural— el tamaño para el que el peso propio agota una estructura para un esquema y proporción dados—. Dicho tamaño, o alcance estructural, será distinto para cada material utilizado; la única información necesaria del material para su determinación es la razón entre su resistencia y su peso especifico, una magnitud a la que denominamos alcance del material. En estructuras de tamaño muy pequeño en relación con su alcance estructural la anterior definición de rendimiento es inútil. En este caso —estructuras de “talla nula” en las que el peso propio es despreciable frente a la carga útil— se propone como medida del coste la magnitud adimensional que denominamos número de Michell, que se deriva de la “cantidad” introducida por A. G. M. Michell en su artículo seminal de 1904, desarrollado a partir de un lema de J. C. Maxwell de 1870. A finales del siglo pasado, R. Aroca combino las teorías de Galileo y de Maxwell y Michell, proponiendo una regla de diseño de fácil aplicación (regla GA), que permite la estimación del alcance y del rendimiento de una forma estructural. En el presente trabajo se estudia la eficiencia de estructuras trianguladas en problemas estructurales de flexión, teniendo en cuenta la influencia del tamaño. Por un lado, en el caso de estructuras de tamaño nulo se exploran esquemas cercanos al optimo mediante diversos métodos de minoración, con el objetivo de obtener formas cuyo coste (medido con su numero deMichell) sea muy próximo al del optimo absoluto pero obteniendo una reducción importante de su complejidad. Por otro lado, se presenta un método para determinar el alcance estructural de estructuras trianguladas (teniendo en cuenta el efecto local de las flexiones en los elementos de dichas estructuras), comparando su resultado con el obtenido al aplicar la regla GA, mostrando las condiciones en las que es de aplicación. Por último se identifican las líneas de investigación futura: la medida de la complejidad; la contabilidad del coste de las cimentaciones y la extensión de los métodos de minoración cuando se tiene en cuenta el peso propio. ABSTRACT When a structural problem is posed, the intention is usually to obtain the best solution, understanding this as the solution that fulfilling the different requirements: structural, use, etc., has the lowest physical cost. In a first approximation, the physical cost can be represented by the self-weight of the structure; this allows to consider the search of the best solution as the one with the lowest self-weight. But, from a practical point of view, obtaining good solutions—i.e. solutions with higher although comparable physical cost than the optimum— can be as important as finding the optimal ones, because this is, generally, a not affordable task. In order to have a measure of the efficiency that allows the comparison between different solutions, a definition of structural efficiency is proposed: the ratio between the useful load and the total load —i.e. the useful load plus the self-weight resulting of the structural sizing—. The structural form can be considered to be formed by four concepts, which together with its material, completely define a particular structure. These are: Size, Schema, Slenderness or Proportion, and Thickness. Galileo (1638) postulated the existence of an insurmountable size for structural problems—the size for which a structure with a given schema and a given slenderness, is only able to resist its self-weight—. Such size, or structural scope will be different for every different used material; the only needed information about the material to determine such size is the ratio between its allowable stress and its specific weight: a characteristic length that we name material structural scope. The definition of efficiency given above is not useful for structures that have a small size in comparison with the insurmountable size. In this case—structures with null size, inwhich the self-weight is negligible in comparisonwith the useful load—we use as measure of the cost the dimensionless magnitude that we call Michell’s number, an amount derived from the “quantity” introduced by A. G. M. Michell in his seminal article published in 1904, developed out of a result from J. C.Maxwell of 1870. R. Aroca joined the theories of Galileo and the theories of Maxwell and Michell, obtaining some design rules of direct application (that we denominate “GA rule”), that allow the estimation of the structural scope and the efficiency of a structural schema. In this work the efficiency of truss-like structures resolving bending problems is studied, taking into consideration the influence of the size. On the one hand, in the case of structures with null size, near-optimal layouts are explored using several minimization methods, in order to obtain forms with cost near to the absolute optimum but with a significant reduction of the complexity. On the other hand, a method for the determination of the insurmountable size for truss-like structures is shown, having into account local bending effects. The results are checked with the GA rule, showing the conditions in which it is applicable. Finally, some directions for future research are proposed: the measure of the complexity, the cost of foundations and the extension of optimization methods having into account the self-weight.


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Three-dimensional direct numerical simulations (DNS) have been performed on a finite-size hemispherecylinder model at angle of attack AoA = 20◦ and Reynolds numbers Re = 350 and 1000. Under these conditions, massive separation exists on the nose and lee-side of the cylinder, and at both Reynolds numbers the flow is found to be unsteady. Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) and dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) are employed in order to study the primary instability that triggers unsteadiness at Re = 350. The dominant coherent flow structures identified at the lower Reynolds number are also found to exist at Re = 1000; the question is then posed whether the flow oscillations and structures found at the two Reynolds numbers are related. POD and DMD computations are performed using different subdomains of the DNS computational domain. Besides reducing the computational cost of the analyses, this also permits to isolate spatially localized oscillatory structures from other, more energetic structures present in the flow. It is found that POD and DMD are in general sensitive to domain truncation and noneducated choices of the subdomain may lead to inconsistent results. Analyses at Re = 350 show that the primary instability is related to the counter rotating vortex pair conforming the three-dimensional afterbody wake, and characterized by the frequency St ≈ 0.11, in line with results in the literature. At Re = 1000, vortex-shedding is present in the wake with an associated broadband spectrum centered around the same frequency. The horn/leeward vortices at the cylinder lee-side, upstream of the cylinder base, also present finite amplitude oscillations at the higher Reynolds number. The spatial structure of these oscillations, described by the POD modes, is easily differentiated from that of the wake oscillations. Additionally, the frequency spectra associated with the lee-side vortices presents well defined peaks, corresponding to St ≈ 0.11 and its few harmonics, as opposed to the broadband spectrum found at the wake.


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Estimates of effective population size in the Holstein cattle breed have usually been low despite the large number of animals that constitute this breed. Effective population size is inversely related to the rates at which coancestry and inbreeding increase and these rates have been high as a consequence of intense and accurate selection. Traditionally, coancestry and inbreeding coefficients have been calculated from pedigree data. However, the development of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms has increased the interest of calculating these coefficients from molecular data in order to improve their accuracy. In this study, genomic estimates of coancestry, inbreeding and effective population size were obtained in the Spanish Holstein population and then compared with pedigree-based estimates. A total of 11,135 animals genotyped with the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip were available for the study. After applying filtering criteria, the final genomic dataset included 36,693 autosomal SNPs and 10,569 animals. Pedigree data from those genotyped animals included 31,203 animals. These individuals represented only the last five generations in order to homogenise the amount of pedigree information across animals. Genomic estimates of coancestry and inbreeding were obtained from identity by descent segments (coancestry) or runs of homozygosity (inbreeding). The results indicate that the percentage of variance of pedigree-based coancestry estimates explained by genomic coancestry estimates was higher than that for inbreeding. Estimates of effective population size obtained from genome-wide and pedigree information were consistent and ranged from about 66 to 79. These low values emphasize the need of controlling the rate of increase of coancestry and inbreeding in Holstein selection programmes.