10 resultados para SIROLIMUS-ELUTING STENT

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Purpose: Best percutaneous treatment strategy for lesions in coronary bifurcations is an ongoing subject of debate. There is limited data that analyses the effect of the different bifurcation strategies on coronary flow. Our aim is to evaluate the influence of different bifurcation stenting strategies on hemodynamic parameters, both in the main vessel (MV) and side branch (SB).


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A simple analytical expression has been derived to calculate the characteristics of a wave that reflects at a stent implanted in a uniform vessel. The stent is characterized by its length and the wave velocity in the stented region. The reflected wave is proportional to the time derivative of the incident wave. The reflection coefficient is a small quantity of the order of the length of the stent divided by the wavelength of the unstented vessel. The results obtained coincide with those obtained numerically by Charonko et al. The main simplifications used are small amplitude of the waves so that equations can be linearized and that the length of the stent is small enough so that the values of the wave functions are nearly uniform along the stent. Both assumptions hold in typical situations.


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An important competence of human data analysts is to interpret and explain the meaning of the results of data analysis to end-users. However, existing automatic solutions for intelligent data analysis provide limited help to interpret and communicate information to non-expert users. In this paper we present a general approach to generating explanatory descriptions about the meaning of quantitative sensor data. We propose a type of web application: a virtual newspaper with automatically generated news stories that describe the meaning of sensor data. This solution integrates a variety of techniques from intelligent data analysis into a web-based multimedia presentation system. We validated our approach in a real world problem and demonstrate its generality using data sets from several domains. Our experience shows that this solution can facilitate the use of sensor data by general users and, therefore, can increase the utility of sensor network infrastructures.


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Facilitating general access to data from sensor networks (including traffic, hydrology and other domains) increases their utility. In this paper we argue that the journalistic metaphor can be effectively used to automatically generate multimedia presentations that help non-expert users analyze and understand sensor data. The journalistic layout and style are familiar to most users. Furthermore, the journalistic approach of ordering information from most general to most specific helps users obtain a high-level understanding while providing them the freedom to choose the depth of analysis to which they want to go. We describe the general characteristics and architectural requirements for an interactive intelligent user interface for exploring sensor data that uses the journalistic metaphor. We also describe our experience in developing this interface in real-world domains (e.g., hydrology).


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Recently, we have presented some studies concerning the analysis, design and optimization of one experimental device developed in the UK - GPTAD - which has been designed to remove blood clots without the need to make contact with the clot itself, thereby potentially reducing the risk of problems such as downstream embolisation. Based on the idea of a modification of the previous device, in this work, we present a model based in the use of stents like the SolitaireTM FR, which is in contact with the clot itself. In the case of such devices, the stent is self-expandable and the extraction of the blood clot is faciliatated by the stent, which must be inside the clot. Such stents are generally inserted in position by using the guidewire inserted into the catheter. This type of modeling could potentially be useful in showing how the blood clot is moved by the various different forces involved. The modelling has been undertaken by analyzing the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. We model an artery and blood clot for range of forces for the guidewire. In each case we determine the interaction between blood clot, stent and artery.


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In this article we describe a method for automatically generating text summaries of data corresponding to traces of spatial movement in geographical areas. The method can help humans to understand large data streams, such as the amounts of GPS data recorded by a variety of sensors in mobile phones, cars, etc. We describe the knowledge representations we designed for our method and the main components of our method for generating the summaries: a discourse planner, an abstraction module and a text generator. We also present evaluation results that show the ability of our method to generate certain types of geospatial and temporal descriptions.


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Effective data summarization methods that use AI techniques can help humans understand large sets of data. In this paper, we describe a knowledge-based method for automatically generating summaries of geospatial and temporal data, i.e. data with geographical and temporal references. The method is useful for summarizing data streams, such as GPS traces and traffic information, that are becoming more prevalent with the increasing use of sensors in computing devices. The method presented here is an initial architecture for our ongoing research in this domain. In this paper we describe the data representations we have designed for our method, our implementations of components to perform data abstraction and natural language generation. We also discuss evaluation results that show the ability of our method to generate certain types of geospatial and temporal descriptions.


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Modern sensor technologies and simulators applied to large and complex dynamic systems (such as road traffic networks, sets of river channels, etc.) produce large amounts of behavior data that are difficult for users to interpret and analyze. Software tools that generate presentations combining text and graphics can help users understand this data. In this paper we describe the results of our research on automatic multimedia presentation generation (including text, graphics, maps, images, etc.) for interactive exploration of behavior datasets. We designed a novel user interface that combines automatically generated text and graphical resources. We describe the general knowledge-based design of our presentation generation tool. We also present applications that we developed to validate the method, and a comparison with related work.


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Las enfermedades arteriales vienen presididas por la aterosclerosis, que es un proceso crónico de degeneración, que evoluciona hacia la obstrucción de la luz arterial. La pared de la arteria se engrosa debido al depósito de elementos grasos tales como el colesterol. Los stents intraluminales son diminutas estructuras tubulares autoexpandibles de malla de metal, que se colocan dentro de la arteria coronaria después de una angioplastia con balón para prevenir el cierre de dicha arteria. A pesar de estar diseñados para ser compatibles con el tejido humano, a menudo se da una reacción en cadena de consecuencias indeseables. La reestenosis intra-stent es un problema creciente debido al importante incremento que se ha producido en la utilización del stent intracoronario como forma de revascularización percutánea. Se habla de una incidencia global del 28%, siendo la causa principal de su aparición la proliferación neointimal a través de una compleja cascada de sucesos que pueden tardar meses en desarrollarse. Una de las reacciones más importantes es la trombosis o la formación de una fina capa de coágulo como respuesta a la presencia de un material extraño. Este proceso es multifactorial, y en él intervienen la regresión de la pared como consecuencia del estiramiento previo, la denudación endotelial, lo que permite la agregación plaquetaria, la proliferación neointimal, lo que facilita a los receptores de membrana desencadenar un proceso de agregación posterior y, por último, el remodelado negativo inadecuado de la pared, lo que produce pérdida de luz arterial. Se ha observado frecuentemente que el depósito de ateroma en la pared arterial está relacionado con el valor de los esfuerzos cortantes en la misma. Hay mayores probabilidades de engrosamiento de la pared en las zonas donde son bajos los esfuerzos cortantes, quizá por el mayor tiempo de residencia de las partículas circulantes por el torrente sanguíneo. Si nos centramos en la afirmación anterior, el siguiente paso sería buscar las zonas susceptibles de presentar un valor bajo de dichos esfuerzos. Las zonas potencialmente peligrosas son los codos y bifurcaciones, entre otras. Nos hemos centrado en una bifurcación coronaria, ya que los patrones de flujo que se suelen presentar, tales como recirculación y desprendimiento de vórtices están íntimamente relacionados con las técnicas de implantación de stents en esta zona. Proyectamos nuestros esfuerzos en el estudio de dos técnicas de implante, utilizando un único stent y una tercera a través de una configuración de culotte con el uso de dos stents. El primer caso trata de una bifurcación con un único stent en la rama principal cuyos struts cierran el orificio lateral que da salida a la rama secundaria de la bifurcación, es decir sería un stent sin orificio. El segundo consiste en un único stent también, pero con la diferencia de que éste presenta un orificio de comunicación con la rama lateral. Todas estas técnicas se aplicaron a bifurcaciones de 45º y de 90º. Introdujimos las geometrías -una vez confeccionadas con el código comercial Gambit- en el programa Ansys-Fluent contemplando régimen estacionario. Los resultados obtenidos fueron cotejados con los experimentales, que se realizaron paralelamente, con el fin de corroborarlos. Una vez validados, el estudio computacional ya contó con la fiabilidad suficiente como para abordar el régimen no estacionario, tanto en la versión de reposo como en la de ejercicio –hiperemia- El comportamiento reológico de la sangre para régimen no estacionario en estado de reposo es otra de las tareas abordadas, realizando una comparativa de los modelos Newtoniano, Carreau y Ley de Potencias. Finalmente, en una última etapa, debido a la reciente incursión de los stents diseñados específicamente frente a los convencionales, se aborda el comportamiento hemodinámico de los mismos. Concretamente, se comparó el patrón de flujo en un modelo de bifurcación coronaria con los nuevos stents (Stentys) y los convencionales. Se estudiaron cuatro modelos, a saber, stent simple en la rama principal, stent simple en la rama secundaria, culotte desplegando el primer stent en la rama principal y culotte desplegando el primer stent en la rama secundaria. La bifurcación estudiada presenta un ángulo de apertura de 45º y la relación de diámetros de las ramas hija se ajustaron de acuerdo a la ley de Finet. Se recogieron resultados experimentales en el laboratorio y se corrieron simulaciones numéricas con Ansys Fluent paralelamente. Las magnitudes que se tuvieron en cuenta con el fin de ubicar las regiones potencialmente ateroscleróticas fueron los esfuerzos cortantes, vorticidad y caída de presión. ABSTRACT Nowadays, restenosis after percutaneous dilation is the major drawback of coronary angioplasty. It represents a special form of atherosclerosis due to the healing process secondary to extensive vessel trauma induced after intracoronary balloon inflation. The use of coronary stents may decrease the incidence of this phenomenon. Unfortunately, intra-stent restenosis still occurs in 20-30% of the cases following the stent implantation. Most experiments suggest a correlation between low wall shear stress and wall thickness. The preferential locations for the atherosclerotic plaque are bifurcations. The objective of this work is to analyze the local hemodynamic changes caused in a coronary bifurcation by three different stenting techniques: simple stenting of the main vessel, simple stenting of the main vessel with kissing balloon in the side branch and culotte. To carry out this study an idealized geometry of a coronary bifurcation is used, and two bifurcation angles, 45º and 90º, are chosen as representative of the wide variety of real configurations. Both numerical simulations and experimental measurements are performed. First, steady simulations are carried out with the commercial code Ansys-Fluent, then, experimental measurements with PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), obtained in the laboratory, are used to validate the numerical simulations. The steady computational simulations show a good overall agreement with the experimental data. Then, pulsatile flow is considered to take into account the transient effects. The time averaged wall shear stress, oscillatory shear index and pressure drop obtained numerically are used to compare the behavior of the stenting techniques. In a second step, the rheologic behavior of blood was considered comparing Newtonian, Carreau and Power Law models. Finally, as a result of previous investigations with conventional stents and after the recent emergence of several devices specifically designed for coronary bifurcations angioplasty, the hemodynamic performance of these new devices (Stentys) was compared to conventional ones and techniques in a coronary bifurcation model. Four different stenting techniques: simple stenting of the main vessel, simple stenting of the side vessel, culotte deploying the first stent in the main vessel and culotte deploying the first stent in the side vessel have been considered. To carry out this study an idealized geometry of a coronary bifurcation is used. A 45 degrees bifurcation angle is considered and the daughter branches diameters are obtained according to the Finet law. Both experiments in the laboratory and numerical simulations were used , focusing on important factors for the atherosclerosis development, like the wall shear stress, the oscillation shear index, the pressure loss and the vorticity.


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In this work, an analytical method was developed for the determination of pharmaceutical drugs inbiosolids. Samples were extracted with an acidic mixture of water and acetone (1:2, v/v) and supportedliquid extraction was used for the clean-up of extracts, eluting with ethyl acetate:methanol (90:10, v/v).The compounds were determined by gas chromatography?tandem mass spectrometry using matrix-match calibration after silylation to form their t-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives. This method presentsvarious advantages, such as a fairly simple operation for the analysis of complex matrices, the use ofinexpensive glassware and low solvent volumes. Satisfactory mean recoveries were obtained with thedeveloped method ranging from 70 to 120% with relative standard deviations (RSDs) ? 13%, and limitsof detection between 0.5 and 3.6 ng g?1. The method was then successfully applied to biosolids samplescollected in Madrid and Catalonia (Spain). Eleven of the sixteen target compounds were detected in thestudied samples, at levels up to 1.1 ?g g?1(salicylic acid). Ibuprofen, caffeine, paracetamol and fenofibratewere detected in all of the samples analyzed.