8 resultados para SENSORY ANALYSIS
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
A protocol of selection, training and validation of the members of the panel for bread sensory analysis is proposed to assess the influence of wheat cultivar on the sensory quality of bread. Three cultivars of bread wheat and two cultivars of spelt wheat organically-grown under the same edaphoclimatic conditions were milled and baked using the same milling and baking procedure. Through the use of triangle tests, differences were identified between the five breads. Significant differences were found between the spelt breads and those made with bread wheat for the attributes ?crumb cell homogeneity? and ?crumb elasticity?. Significant differences were also found for the odor and flavor attributes, with the bread made with ?Espelta Navarra? being the most complex, from a sensory point of view. Based on the results of this study, we propose that sensory properties should be considered as breeding criteria for future work on genetic improvement.
Mealiness is a negative attribute of sensory texture, characterised by the lack of juiciness without variation of total water content in the tissues. In peaches, mealiness is also known as "woolliness" and "leatheriness". This internal disorder is characterised by the lack of juiciness and flavour. In peaches, it is associated with interna browning near the stone and the incapacity of ripening although there is externa ripe appearance. Woolliness is associated with inadequate cold storage and is considered as a physiological disorder that appears in stone fruits when an unbalanced pectolitic enzyme activity during storage occurs (Kailasapathy and Melton, 1992). Many attempts have been carried out to identify and measure mealiness and woolliness in fruits. The texture of a food product is composed by a wide spectrum of sensory attributes. Consumer defines the texture integrating simultaneously all the sensory attributes. However, an instrument assesses one or several parameters related to a fraction of the texture spectrum (Kramer, 1973). The complexity of sensory analysis by means of trained panels to assess the quality of some producing processes, supports the attempt to estimate texture characteristics by instrumental means. Some studies have been carried out comparing sensory and instrumental methods to assess mealiness and woolliness. The current study is centered on analysis and evaluation of woolliness in peaches and is part of the European project FAIR CT95 0302 "Mealiness in fruits: consumer perception and means for detection". The main objective of this study was to develop procedures to detect woolly peaches by sensory and by instrumental means, as well as to compare both measuring procedures.
The effect of the addition of a commercial enriched glutathione inactive dry yeast oenological preparation in the volatile and sensory properties of industrially manufactured rosé Grenache wines was evaluated during their shelf-life. In addition, triangle tests were performed at different times during wine aging (among 1 and 9 months) to determine the sensory differences between wines with and without glutathione inactive dry yeast preparations. Descriptive sensory analysis with a trained panel was carried out when sensory differences in the triangle test were noticed. In addition, consumer tests were performed in order to investigate consumers’ acceptability of wines. Results revealed significant sensory differences between control and glutathione inactive dry yeast wines after 9 months of aging. At that time, glutathione inactive dry yeast wines were more intense in fruity aromas (strawberry, banana) and less intense in yeast notes than control wine. The impact of the glutathione inactive dry yeast in the aroma might be the consequence of different effects that these preparations could induce in wine composition: modification of yeast byproducts during fermentation, release of volatile compounds from inactive dry yeast, interaction of wine volatile compounds with yeast macromolecules from inactive dry yeast and a possible antioxidant effect of the glutathione released by the inactive dry yeast preparation on some specific volatile compounds.
In hot Spanish climate, Toledo, Syrah and Sauvignon blanc Vineyard were treated in pre veraison with yeast derivatives RD-LM and RD- LA to stimulate phenolic and aromatic maturity respectively (application of yeast derivatives specifically designed to be used with the patent foliar application technology WO/2014/024039, Lallemand Inc. Canada). For studied effects in berry and wine composition three harvest time had been done. Experimented yeast derivatives had no significant effects on yield components and vegetative growth in both varieties. The Syrah RD-LM variety presented higher total and extractable anthocyanins and also more amount of tannins, although this last ones are not evident in the sensory analysis. The sensory analysis of wine has given very similar results in both varieties but with significant results in favored by phenols and tannins derived RD- LM and RD-LA respectively.
Esta tesis pretende demostrar que las bodegas subterráneas suponen un modelo de construcción eficiente y medioambientalmente sostenible para la crianza y el almacenamiento de vinos. Durante la elaboración, crianza y almacenamiento del vino, las condiciones de temperatura y humedad relativa son determinantes en la calidad final del producto. La aparición de defectos en el vino como consecuencia de altas temperaturas durante el proceso crianza es algo conocido desde el siglo pasado, por lo que los enólogos tratan de alcanzar los parámetros que consideran idóneos para una correcta elaboración y envejecimiento del vino recurriendo en la mayoría de las bodegas a la climatización artificial. Las bodegas subterráneas son construcciones históricas en La Rioja y en el conjunto de los pueblos de la Denominación de Origen Calificada Rioja y el objetivo de esta tesis es demostrar que reúnen de forma natural las condiciones idóneas para la crianza del vino debido al diseño de su construcción y sin necesidad de emplear otras energías para conseguirlo. Además, la presencia de estas construcciones en la Denominación de Origen Calificada Rioja supone el origen de la fama de sus caldos y es un patrimonio cultural hoy en día sin explotar. Para demostrar la importancia de estos barrios de bodegas subterráneas, germen de la Denominación de Origen Calificada Rioja, se han inventariado los barrios de todos los municipios acogidos a ésta. Para ello se han visitado todos los municipios y se han fotografiado sus bodegas. En las visitas realizadas durante la catalogación se ha observado que constituyen hoy en día un patrimonio olvidado, que ha evolucionado hacia merenderos o viviendas, incluso en ocasiones abandonadas o derruidas. La conservación de las construcciones se ha cuidado más en la subzona de Rioja Alta, donde aún se pueden encontrar bodegas donde se elabora vino de forma particular, algo más excepcional de encontrar en La Rioja Baja. También se ha observado que los materiales de construcción de los calados empleados en La Rioja Alta suelen ser de piedra labrada o de sillería, mientras que en La Rioja Baja se recurre más a piedra de río o mampostería. Este trabajo se refleja en 2159 fichas que catalogan las bodegas subterráneas localizadas. Con objeto de demostrar que reúnen las condiciones adecuadas para la crianza, se han instalado sensores que han registrado la temperatura y la humedad relativa en las bodegas subterráneas y en bodegas comerciales de las que se diferencian tanto en el diseño constructivo como en las soluciones adoptadas por estas para reunir los parámetros buscados. Los resultados obtenidos en las bodegas subterráneas muestran que estas construcciones tradicionales presentan menos oscilaciones anuales de temperatura y humedad relativa que las salas de crianza de bodegas comerciales, lo que implica una solución constructiva más adecuada para la crianza y conservación del vino. Para corroborar los resultados obtenidos sobre las condiciones interiores, se ha realizado un análisis sensorial de vinos almacenados y criados en bodegas subterráneas comparándolos con los almacenados sin estar sometidos a un control de estos parámetros, como se puede dar en condiciones domésticas, una vez comercializados cuando el enólogo pierde el control sobre ellos. Los resultados demuestran que los vinos almacenados en domicilios particulares presentan diferencias con los almacenados en bodegas subterráneas. Estos resultados son acordes con los datos obtenidos de los sensores colocados en estas bodegas subterráneas, donde la temperatura máxima anual no supera los 20ºC, considerada como umbral máximos permitido durante la crianza por varios autores. ABSTRACT This thesis aims to demonstrate that the underground cellars represent a model of efficient construction and environmentally sustainable for aging and storing wines. During the production, aging and storing wine, temperature and relative humidity are crucial to the final product quality. The appearance of defects in wine as a result of high temperatures during the aging process is something known since the last century, so that winemakers seek to achieve the parameters considered suitable for proper production and aging of wine using the most wineries to artificial air conditioning. The underground cellars are historical buildings in La Rioja and all the peoples of the Designation of Origin Rioja and the aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that naturally meet the conditions for aging wine due to its construction design and without the use of other energy to get it. Furthermore, the presence of these buildings in the Rioja Denomination of Origin represents the origin of the fame of its wines and is a cultural heritage today untapped. To demonstrate the importance of these areas of underground cellars, germ of the Designation of Origin Rioja, they have been inventoried all the districts of municipalities benefiting from this. This will have visited all municipalities and have photographed their cellars. In visits made during cataloging it has been observed that constitute today a forgotten heritage that has evolved to picnic or homes, sometimes even abandoned or demolished. The conservation of the buildings has been more careful in the subzone of Rioja Alta, where you can still find wine cellars where a particular way, something exceptional to find in La Rioja Baja is made. It has also been observed that the building materials used in the drafts La Rioja Alta usually carved stone or masonry, while in La Rioja Baja is most uses of river stone or masonry. This work is reflected in 2159 cataloging records located underground cellars. In order to demonstrate that they meet the conditions suitable for breeding they were installed sensors that recorded the temperature and relative humidity in the underground cellars and commercial wineries which differ both in the building design and the solutions adopted by sought to gather these parameters. The results obtained in the underground cellars show that these traditional buildings have fewer annual fluctuations of temperature and relative humidity of the aging rooms commercial wineries, which implies a more constructive solution suitable for the breeding and conservation of wine. To corroborate the results obtained on domestic conditions, has made a sensory analysis of wines stored and raised underground cellars compared with stored without being subjected to control these parameters, as can occur in domestic conditions, once marketed as winemaker loses control over them. The results show that the wines stored in private homes have differences with those stored in underground cellars. These results are consistent with data obtained from sensors placed in these underground cellars, where the maximum annual temperature is below 20 ° C, considered as maximum allowable threshold for raising by various authors.
BACKGROUND: In this work, the influence of two regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) treatments and three different rootstocks on the quality of pistachios was evaluated by analyzing different parameters: morphological analysis, physicochemical analysis and sensory analysis. RESULTS: The results obtained in terms of the choice of rootstock revealed that Pistacia atlantica had increased production yields, nut weight, mineral content, higher intensities of characteristic sensory attributes and a higher degree of consumer satisfaction, than the other rootstocks studied. Moreover, the results established that the application of RDI on pistachio cultivation had no significant influence on production yield, weight, size, colour, water activity or mineral composition. Furthermore, T1 treatment (stem water potential?-1.3 MPa) resulted in higher intensities of characteristic sensory attributes and a greater level of satisfaction among international consumers. CONCLUSION: These results confirm that the application of deficit irrigation (T1) contributes to an increase in overall product quality. Furthermore, Pistacia atlantica rootstock provided better yield and quality than the other rootstocks studied. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry
En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha estudiado la influencia del cultivar sobre el comportamiento reológico y panadero de cinco cultivares de trigo sembrados en el mismo año y en el mismo ambiente, en condiciones de cultivo ecológico. Tres de ellos eran de trigo panadero (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare), ‘Bonpain’, ‘Craklin’ y ‘Sensas’ y los otros dos de trigo espelta (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta), ‘Espelta Álava’ y ‘Espelta Navarra’. Actualmente, el alohexaploide trigo panadero (2n=6x=42 genomio AABBDD) supone en torno al 90% del trigo cultivado en el mundo. En cambio, el cultivo del trigo alohexaploide espelta (2n=6x=42 genomio AABBDD) se limita a pequeñas regiones de Europa y de América del Norte. En España, el cultivo de trigo espelta se ha mantenido durante años ligado a la región de Asturias, aunque en la actualidad su cultivo está empezando a diversificarse hacia otras regiones. Esto se debe, fundamentalmente, a su potencial nutricional y a su adaptabilidad a condiciones de agricultura sostenible. El reciente resurgimiento de la espelta en productos de panificación, se debe, en gran parte, a la percepción del consumidor de que se trata de un producto ”más saludable” y “más natural” y con menor requerimiento de insumos que los trigos modernos. A medida que el consumo de alimentos a base de harina de espelta aumenta, se plantea la necesidad de evaluar su calidad harino-panadera, nutricional y sensorial en comparación con los productos elaborados con variedades de trigo común. Se caracterizaron las gluteninas de alto peso molecular (HMW) y las puroindolinas de los cinco cultivares. Se evaluó la calidad del grano, la reología de sus masas y se analizó la calidad instrumental y sensorial de sus panes. Para tal fin se ha puesto a punto un protocolo de panificación adecuado a las características particulares de los trigos espelta y se ha propuesto para el análisis sensorial de los panes un protocolo de selección, entrenamiento y validación de jueces. Teniendo en cuenta la composición en gluteninas HMW de los cultivares, se comprobó su influencia en el volumen de sedimentación y en la fuerza panadera. La composición en puroindolinas se vió reflejada en el parámetro dureza del endospermo. Los resultados indicaron que hay diferencias entre trigo panadero y trigo espelta en parámetros como, la tenacidad y el equilibrio de sus masas, la capacidad de absorción de agua de la harina y el comportamiento de la masa durante el amasado. Los trigos espeltas mostraron menor valor en el tiempo en alcanzar la presión máxima y la tolerancia al amasado, mientras que presentaron valores superiores en el decaimiento a los 250 y 450 segundos respectivamente. Respecto a la calidad de los panes elaborados, los trigos espeltas tenían mayor elasticidad en la miga y mayores valores en el área y en el diámetro de sus alveolos. Estas diferencias en la estructura y textura de la miga fueron también detectadas a nivel sensorial por el panel de jueces. Mediante el perfil sensorial descriptivo, se determinó que uno de los dos panes elaborado con trigo espelta (‘Espelta Navarra’) fue el pan más complejo considerando conjuntamente los atributos de aroma y flavor. En este trabajo no se apreciaron diferencias entre ambos tipos de trigo ni en el contenido en proteína, ni en minerales, ni en la viscosidad de su almidón. ABSTRACT In this Doctoral Thesis, the influence of various cultivars on rheological and baking behavior was studied. Five wheat cultivars were used, all planted in the same year and same organic farming environment. Three were bread wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare), 'Bonpain', 'Craklin' and 'Sensas' and the other two were spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta) , 'Espelta Álava' and 'Espelta Navarra' . Currently, the allohexaploid bread wheat (2n=6x=42 genome AABBDD) represents about 90% of global wheat production. On the other hand, allohexaploid spelt wheat (2n=6x=42 genome AABBDD) is merely produced in small areas of Europe and North America. For many years, the cultivation of spelt wheat in Spain was limited to the region of Asturias, although nowadays its production has begun to spread into other regions. This is owing to its nutritional potential and adaptability to conditions of sustainable agriculture. The recent resurgence of spelt in baking products is mainly due to consumers perception of it, as "healthier" and "more natural", and to the fewer agricultural input requirements compared to modern wheat products. As the consumption of foods made from spelt flour increases, there is a need to assess its baking, nutritional and sensory quality, compared to products made with common varieties of wheat. High molecular weight glutenins and puroindolines from the five cultivars were characterized. The quality of the grain and the rheology of the dough were evaluated and the instrumental and sensory quality of its breads were analyzed. To this end it a baking protocol was appropriately developed to the particular characteristics of spelt wheat and a selection protocol was proposed for the sensory analysis of breads, after proper training and validation of judges. Considering the HMW glutenin composition of the cultivars, the influence on the sedimentation volume and the baking strength was proven. The composition of puroindolines was reflected in the endosperm hardness parameter. The results show that there are differences between bread wheat and spelt wheat on parameters such as the tenacity and tenacity/elasticity ratio of their masses, the water absorption capacity of the flour and the behavior of the dough during kneading. The values for total time to reach maximum pressure and tolerance to mixing were lower for spelt wheat, and higher values were found for the drop at 250 s and 450 s. Regarding the quality of manufactured bread, spelt wheat had the greatest elasticity of the crumb and higher values in the area and diameter of the cells. These differences in the structure and texture of the crumb were also noticed at a sensory level by the panel of judges. It was determined by a descriptive sensory profile that one of the two loaves of bread made with spelt ('Espelta Navarra') was the most complex in the sense of its attributes of scents and flavors altogether. In this study, no differences were appreciated between the two types of wheat or the protein composition, or minerals or viscosity of the starch.
Quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) is used to describe the nature and the intensity of sensory properties from a single evaluation of a product, whereas temporal dominance of sensation (TDS) is primarily used to identify dominant sensory properties over time. Previous studies with TDS have focused on model systems, but this is the first study to use a sequential approach, i.e. QDA then TDS in measuring sensory properties of a commercial product category, using the same set of trained assessors (n = 11). The main objectives of this study were to: (1) investigate the benefits of using a sequential approach of QDA and TDS and (2) to explore the impact of the sample composition on taste and flavour perceptions in blackcurrant squashes. The present study has proposed an alternative way of determining the choice of attributes for TDS measurement based on data obtained from previous QDA studies, where available. Both methods indicated that the flavour profile was primarily influenced by the level of dilution and complexity of sample composition combined with blackcurrant juice content. In addition, artificial sweeteners were found to modify the quality of sweetness and could also contribute to bitter notes. Using QDA and TDS in tandem was shown to be more beneficial than each just on its own enabling a more complete sensory profile of the products.