3 resultados para São Miguel

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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El objetivo general de este estudio pretende contribuir al conocimiento de la ecología y dasometría de las diferentes formaciones de Juniperus brevifolia(Seub.) Antonie presentes en esta región oriental de la isla de São Miguel(Azores), concretamente en la Zona de Protección Especial para las Aves (ZEPA)Pico da Vara / Ribeira do Guilherme PTZPE0033, como base para evaluar ycaracterizar su estado actual de conservación.


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Accessibility is an essential concept widely used to evaluate the impact of land-use and transport strategies in transport and urban planning. Accessibility is typically evaluated by using a transport model or a land-use model independently or successively without a feedback loop, thus neglecting the interaction effects between the two systems and the induced competition effects among opportunities due to accessibility improvements. More than a mere methodological curiosity, failure to account for land- use/transport interactions and the competition effect may result in large underestimation of the policy effects. With the recent development of land-use and transport interaction (LUTI) models, there is a growing interest in using these models to adequately measure accessibility and evaluate its impact. The current study joins this research stream by embedding an accessibility measure in a LUTI model with two main aims. The first aim is to account for adaptive accessibility, namely the adjustment of the potential accessibility due to the effect of competition among opportunities (e.g., workplaces) as a result of improved accessibility. LUTI models are particularly suitable for assessing adaptive accessibility because the competition factor is a function of the number of jobs, which is related to land-use attractiveness and the number of workers which is related, among other factors, to the transport demand. The second aim is to identify the optimal implementation scenario of policy measures on the basis of the potential and adaptive accessibility and analyse the results in terms of social welfare and accessibility. The metropolitan area of Madrid is used as a case-study and two transport policy instruments, namely a cordon toll and bus frequency increase, have been chosen for the simulation study in order to present the usefulness of the approach to urban planners and policy makers. The MARS model (Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator) calibrated for Madrid was employed as the analysis tool. The impact of accessibility is embedded in the model through a social welfare function that includes not only costs and benefits to both road users and transport operators, but also costs and benefits for the government and society in general (external costs). An optimisation procedure is performed by the MARS model for maximizing the value of objective function in order to find the best (optimal) policy imp lementations intensity (i.e., price, frequency). Last, the two policy strategies are evaluated in terms of their accessibility. Results show that the accessibility with competition factor influences the optimal policy implementation level and also generates different results in terms of social welfare. In addition, mapping the difference between the potential and the adaptive accessibility indicators shows that the main changes occur in areas where there is a strong competition among land-use opportunities.


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La presente investigación propone que la construcción del paisaje -la invención del mismo- es el elemento esencial para la comprensión global de la obra de Miguel Fisac. Se rebela así ante el desprecio "por el paisaje social, humano y físico" que le atribuye a los representantes del Movimiento Moderno. A través de tres ejes, Memoria, Aprendizaje y Experimento, se hilvana un viaje autobiográfico, con salida y regreso a La Mancha. Memoria, que recorre sus vivencias infantiles en intenso contacto con la naturaleza; así como su embelesamiento por la esencia de la arquitectura popular, esa "que hacen el pueblo y el tiempo". Aprendizaje, como un proceso de búsqueda con capacidad para mover los ejes referenciales en relación a su concepción de la arquitectura y a como ésta ha de dialogar con el paisaje: viajes alrededor del mundo, encuentros intelectuales con maestros indiscutibles de la modernidad, y el descubrimiento de otras culturas, materializado a través de la casa tradicional japonesa y de La Alhambra. Y Experimento, donde se concretan los conceptos anteriores a través de una suerte de gramática que el arquitecto utiliza para activar el paisaje, modificarlo, o reinterpretarlo. Todo ello se contrasta en ejemplos paradigmáticos de su arquitectura: el Instituto Laboral de Daimiel (1950-1953), el Centro de Formación del Profesorado de la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid (1952-1957); y en el tránsito producido entre los conjuntos dominicos del Colegio Apostólico de Arcas Reales de Valladolid y el Teologado de Alcobendas (1951-1955). Arquitecturas en las que los citados aprendizajes tamizados en la memoria propicia que el paisaje resuene en ellas, transformando en cuerpo nuevo el alma del pasado. Ejemplos que sustancian un mapa mediante el cual se posibilita, desde el paisaje como herramienta de análisis, una relectura transversal de la obra del maestro daimieleño y que presiente su trayectoria como un proyecto único. ABSTRACT The current research proposes that the landscape construction -its invention- is the essential element for the overall understanding of Miguel Fisac's work. So, he rebels against the thought -attributed to the Modern Movement representatives-, who despise the "social, human, and physical" landscape He uses three aspects to develop his own life journey, which leaves and returns to La Mancha: Memory, Learning and Experimentation. The Memory is a journey inside his childhood, when he was very much in contact with nature; and later, his captivation by the essence of the popular architecture, that one which is "made by people, and by time". The Learning is the process which it has the capacity to move his referential axis relating his own conception of architecture and how it must dialogue with the landscape: journeys around the world, intellectual meetings with the best masters in Modernity and the discovery of other cultures, becoming real in the traditional Japanese house and La Alhambra. And the Experimentation, where these mentioned concepts are concreted through a kind of grammar, with which the architect is able to activate the landscape, modify, or reinterpret it. All of this is reaffirmed in some paradigmatic examples of his best architecture: the Occupational Institute of Daimiel (1950-1953), the Teacher Training Center of the Madrid's University City (1952-1957); and the way between the "Arcas Reales" Apostolic College in Valladolid and the Dominican Theologate in Alcobendas (1951-1955). Architectures that show how the Learning, screened through Memory, promotes that the landscape resonate in them, becoming new body the soul of the past. These examples substantiate a map which allows, from the landscape as a tool of analysis, a cross-reading of the work of this master-architect from Daimiel , and we can sense his career as a unique project.