3 resultados para Rudolf Schwarz
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
La Capilla de Sogn Benedetg en Sumvitg, parte de la obra temprana de Peter Zumthor, condensa aspectos de sus ideas, de su forma de proyectar y construir, que aún hoy siguen vigentes en él. Los recuerdos de infancia cimientan su enfoque de la arquitectura, en el que trata de reunir trazas de la vida cotidiana, sensible al lugar y utilizando materiales tratados de un modo preciso que bajo la luz adquieren su presencia. Con un lenguaje táctil y tectónico, desde una aproximación fenomenológica, persigue compartir una experiencia multisensorial, englobando percepciones complementarias que trascienden la geometría visual. Como Kahn, se apoya en el pensamiento de Heidegger, y se inspira en la pequeña cabaña que el filósofo habitaba en la Selva Negra, así como en la arquitectura religiosa de Rudolf Schwarz, cuya huella puede apreciarse tanto en el edificio como en los objetos que se encuentran en él. La tensión que genera entre interior y exterior mantiene despiertos los sentidos del visitante, a la vez que las características de la capilla enlazan con un regionalismo integrador que no se aparta de las formas abstractas contemporáneas. : Sogn Benedetg Chapel in Sumvitg, part of the early work of Peter Zumthor, condenses aspects of his ideas and his way of designing and building, which still remain valid today. Remembrances of childhood lay the foundation for his focus to architecture, which involves the collection of daily life traces, sensitive to the place and using materials treated in a precise manner, acquiring their presence under the light. With a tactile and tectonic language, from a phenomenological approach, he seeks to share a multi-sensory experience, encompassing complementary perceptions that transcend the visual geometry. As Kahn does, he relies on Heidegger?s thinking and is inspired by the little hut that the philosopher inhabited in the Black Forest, as well as by Rudolf Schwarz?s religious architecture, whose imprint can be appreciated in both the building and the objects encountered within it. The tension generated between interior and exterior keeps awake the senses of the visitor, while the characteristics of the chapel connect with an integrative regionalism that does not exclude contemporary abstract forms.
This is an account of some aspects of the geometry of Kahler affine metrics based on considering them as smooth metric measure spaces and applying the comparison geometry of Bakry-Emery Ricci tensors. Such techniques yield a version for Kahler affine metrics of Yau s Schwarz lemma for volume forms. By a theorem of Cheng and Yau, there is a canonical Kahler affine Einstein metric on a proper convex domain, and the Schwarz lemma gives a direct proof of its uniqueness up to homothety. The potential for this metric is a function canonically associated to the cone, characterized by the property that its level sets are hyperbolic affine spheres foliating the cone. It is shown that for an n -dimensional cone, a rescaling of the canonical potential is an n -normal barrier function in the sense of interior point methods for conic programming. It is explained also how to construct from the canonical potential Monge-Ampère metrics of both Riemannian and Lorentzian signatures, and a mean curvature zero conical Lagrangian submanifold of the flat para-Kahler space.
RESUMEN. El objeto de la tesis es encontrar y profundizar en el estudio de arquitecturas al margen de la historia de la arquitectura moderna. En concreto aquellos edifi cios en los que la experimentación con el hormigón se convierte en el tema central del proyecto. Son obras singulares, en ocasiones herméticas y enigmáticas, cuyo carácter primitivo es debido necesariamente a las propiedades del material escogido Estas arquitecturas primitivas en hormigón tienen un tratamiento elemental, tosco. El estudio parte de la premisa de que estos rasgos primitivos pueden aparecer de manera voluntaria. Este momento germinal, también presente en los inicios de cada época, no se analizará por tanto como una fase torpe y arcaica por desconocimiento de una técnica más refi nada sino, al contrario, por la clara voluntad de sus arquitectos de utilizar este material antiguo y nuevo. ABSTRACT. The purpose of the thesis is to fi nd and study examples of architecture outside the history of modern architecture, specifi cally those buildings in which experimentation with concrete becomes the focus of the project. Works are sometimes enigmatic, the primitive character is necessarily due to material properties chosen primitive concrete. These architectures have a basic treatment, primary. The study starts from the premise that these primitive features can appear voluntarily. This germinal moment, also present at the beginning of each period, thus will not be discussed as a an archaic and ignorant phase of more refi ned technique, but by the clear will of its architects to use this material old and new.