24 resultados para Root system efficiency
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Metal grid lines are a vital element in multijunction solar cells in order to take out from the cell the generated photocurrent. Nevertheless all this implies certain shadowing factor and thus certain reflectivity on cells surface that lowers its light absorption. This reflectivity produces a loss in electrical efficiency and thus a loss in global energy production for CPV systems. We present here an optical design for recovering this portion of reflected light, and thus leading to a system efficiency increase. This new design is based on an external confinement cavity, an optical element able to redirect the light reflected by the cell towards its surface again. It has been possible thanks to the recent invention of the advanced Köhler concentrators by LPI, likely to integrate one of these cavities easily. We have proven the excellent performance of these cavities integrated in this kind of CPV modules offering outstanding results: 33.2% module electrical efficiency @Tcell=25ºC and relative efficiency and Isc gains of over 6%.
This paper proposes an interleaved multiphase buck converter with minimum time control strategy for envelope amplifiers in high efficiency RF power amplifiers. The solution of the envelope amplifier is to combine the proposed converter with a linear regulator in series. High system efficiency can be obtained through modulating the supply voltage of the envelope amplifier with the fast output voltage variation of the converter working with several particular duty cycles that achieve total ripple cancellation. The transient model for minimum time control is explained, and the calculation of transient times that are pre-calculated and inserted into a look-up table is presented. The filter design trade-off that limits capability of envelope modulation is also discussed. The experimental results verify the fast voltage transient obtained with a 4-phase buck prototype.
Energy storage at low maintenance cost is one of the key challenges for generating electricity from the solar energy. This paper presents the theoretical analysis (verified by CFD) of the night time performance of a recently proposed conceptual system that integrates thermal storage (via phase change materials) and thermophotovoltaics for power generation. These storage integrated solar thermophotovoltaic (SISTPV) systems are attractive owing to their simple design (no moving parts) and modularity compared to conventional Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies. Importantly, the ability of high temperature operation of these systems allows the use of silicon (melting point of 1680 K) as the phase change material (PCM). Silicon's very high latent heat of fusion of 1800 kJ/kg and low cost ($1.70/kg), makes it an ideal heat storage medium enabling for an extremely high storage energy density and low weight modular systems. In this paper, the night time operation of the SISTPV system optimised for steady state is analysed. The results indicate that for any given PCM length, a combination of small taper ratio and large inlet hole-to-absorber area ratio are essential to increase the operation time and the average power produced during the night time. Additionally, the overall results show that there is a trade-off between running time and the average power produced during the night time. Average night time power densities as high as 30 W/cm(2) are possible if the system is designed with a small PCM length (10 cm) to operate just a few hours after sun-set, but running times longer than 72 h (3 days) are possible for larger lengths (50 cm) at the expense of a lower average power density of about 14 W/cm(2). In both cases the steady state system efficiency has been predicted to be about 30%. This makes SISTPV systems to be a versatile solution that can be adapted for operation in a broad range of locations with different climate conditions, even being used off-grid and in space applications.
Multijunction solar cells present a certain reflectivity on its surface that lowers its light absorption. This reflectivity produces a loss in electrical efficiency and thus a loss in global energy production for CPV systems. We present here an optical design for recovering this portion of reflected light, and thus leading to a system efficiency increase. This new design is based on an external confinement cavity, an optical element able to redirect the light reflected by the cell towards its surface again. We have proven the excellent performance of these cavities integrated in CPV modules offering outstanding results: 33.2% module electrical efficiency @Tcell = 25 °C and relative efficiency and Isc gains of over 6%
El injerto en hortalizas es uno de los temas de más actualidad en el panorama hortícola, no solo español, sino occidental, y recalcamos occidental, pues en muchos países que no corresponden a ese ámbito, sobre todo asiáticos: Japón, Corea, China, Filipinas, etc., esta es una técnica que cuenta con una gran difusión desde hace décadas, siendo, por ejemplo en Japón, la mayoría de sus cultivos de cucurbitáceas y solanáceas realizados con planta injertada. A finales de los noventa quedó claro que el empleo de bromuro de metilo tenía una fecha de caducidad y que las zonas que tenían una fuerte dependencia de este desinfectante de suelo debían de buscar alternativas a un plazo lo más corto posible, con un punto añadido sobre etapas anteriores, debían ser alternativas lo más respetuosas posible con el medio ambiente y que no incrementaran, de forma importante, los costes de producción. En la zona centro y concretamente en los invernaderos de la Comunidad de Madrid y zonas cercanas de Toledo y Guadalajara el pepino era y es el cultivo predominante, los horticultores empleaban el bromuro de metilo de forma sistemática para desinfectar sus suelos y la desaparición de este producto les planteaba una gran incertidumbre, lo que llevó a que desde diferentes instancias se buscaran diferentes alternativas. Tras analizar las posibilidades que se podían implementar y conocido el buen resultado que había dado el injerto en sandía en Almería, se decidió acometer los trabajos que conforman esta Tesis Doctoral, planteando en la zona, diferentes ensayos con la idea de conocer, si el injerto en pepino, con los cultivares empleados habitualmente, podía ser una alternativa real para los horticultores, tanto de Madrid, como los de las zonas cercanas de Toledo y Guadalajara. Se pretendía conocer sobre todo las repercusiones agronómicas y si esta técnica podría emplearse en solitario o era necesario complementarla con otras alternativas: desinfectantes químicos, solarización, biofumigación e incluso desinfección con vapor de agua. Los ensayos fueron realizados de forma secuencial entre el año 1999 y el 2011, comprobándose en primer lugar que el empleo de portainjertos híbridos de calabaza era posible con los cultivares de pepino corto tipo español, mayoritariamente empleados en los últimos años del siglo XX y primeros del XXI, fundamentalmente: Serena. Tras los primeros ensayos, Shintoza parecía el portainjerto híbrido de calabaza (Cucurbita maxima x C. moschata) con mejores perspectivas de empleo, pues presentaba la ventaja adicional de ser bien conocido por los semilleros que producen planta injertada al ser, en esos momentos, el portainjerto más empleado en sandía, lo que garantizaba por su lado, su empleo en pepino, y que los horticultores pudiesen disponer de planta injertada. Más adelante los trabajos se encaminaron hacia la determinación de la densidad y tipo de poda más adecuado para la planta injertada, realizándose múltiples ensayos en esta dirección, que culminaron con la conclusión de que el extravigor que los portainjertos conferían a las plantas permitía conducir estas a dos o más brazos (se suelen emplear dos, por mejor adaptación a los trabajos de manejo de la planta por parte de los agricultores), con lo que se podría disminuir la densidad de planta y por tanto ahorrar en este capítulo, cosa que preocupaba y preocupa a los agricultores. Se llegó a determinar que es posible reducir la densidad de plantación en alrededor de un 25%, estando la densidad de brazos más adecuada entre 3 y 3.5 br•m-2. Tras las primeras decisiones tomadas sobre el portainjerto y la densidad más adecuada, se continuó con el estudio de adaptación de estas propuestas a los nuevos cultivares que las empresas de semillas iban proponiendo y los agricultores adoptando. Estas acciones se complementaron con la introducción de nuevos portainjertos susceptibles de sustituir a Shintoza o rotar con él para cambiar de sistema radicular, lo que es conveniente cuando se emplean, como es el caso, portainjertos que no son resistentes a nematodos, principalmente de la especie Meloidogyne incognita, el mayor problema en la zona, debido al suelo. Cultivares como Trópico, en un primer momento, y Urano y Motril más recientemente, se adaptaron muy bien a esta técnica. Entre los portainjertos que mostraron buena adaptación a la técnica de injerto y suficientemente buena compatibilidad con la mayoría de los cultivares ensayados destacan: RS-841, Strongtosa y Camel. Azman también mostró un comportamiento relevante, pero este portainjerto no podrá ser empleado, al ser recientemente retirado del mercado por la empresa que lo obtuvo y comercializó Aunque no era el objetivo principal de esta Tesis Doctoral, se ha comprobado que puede ser interesante combinar el empleo del injerto con otras técnicas alternativas al bromuro de metilo para superar los problemas debidos a enfermedades del suelo o nematodos, pero debe seguirse trabajando pues este es un tema en continua evolución, tanto si se trata de desinfectantes, a la mayoría de los cuales les está siendo retirado el permiso para su comercialización, como de otros métodos como la biofumigación o el empleo de vapor de agua. Queda muy claro que el injerto puede considerarse entre los métodos respetuosos con el medio ambiente, si no el que más, en lo que alternativas al bromuro de metilo se refiere. También en otro momento, se comprobó que con plantas injertadas es posible reducir el aporte de nutrientes, sobre todo nitrógeno, lo que además de un ahorro supone una mejora más desde el punto de vista medioambiental. En definitiva, queda demostrado que es factible el empleo del injerto en pepino corto tipo español, que las selecciones de los híbridos entre Cucurbita maxima y C. moschata que habitualmente se están empleando en sandía son también de aplicación en estos pepinos y que su empleo puede llevarnos a producciones suficientemente remuneradoras, alargándose en muchos casos el ciclo y no modificando, de forma apreciable, la calidad. Queda también demostrado que aunque los portainjertos no sean resistentes a nematodos, su extravigor les hace desarrollarse, desde el punto de vista productivo, suficientemente, llegando por tanto, a “convivir” con ese problema. Al no ser resistentes los portainjertos, y permanecer e incluso agravarse el problema de nematodos es conveniente poder contar con diferentes portainjertos que nos permitan rotar entre ellos y utilizar diferentes sistemas radiculares que harán menos fácil el parasitismo de los nematodos, como recomiendan los nematólogos que se haga. ABSTRACT Vegetable grafting is one of the most current practices in horticulture, not only in Spain, but also in other Western and Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea, China, the Philippines, etc. This is a decades-old, widespread technique: In fact, most cucurbit and solanaceous crops in Japan and Korea are grafted. At the end of the 1990s, it was clear that methyl bromide had an expiry date. Consequently, the areas strongly dependant on this soil disinfectant had to look for alternatives as quickly as possible. Besides, these had to be as environmentally friendly as possible and should not increase production costs significantly. The cucumber has been and still is the most important crop in greenhouses of the Comunidad de Madrid and in areas near Toledo and Guadalajara. Cucumber growers used methyl bromide systematically to disinfect the soil. The banning of this chemical product brought about uncertainty, which encouraged the search for different alternatives. After analyzing the different possibilities and taking into account the good results of watermelon grafting in Almería, it was decided to carry out the works that make up this doctoral thesis. Different trials were made in order to know if the cultivars used in cucumber grafting might be a real alternative for farmers, not only in Madrid, but also in the areas near Toledo and Guadalajara. The main aim was to assess the agronomic repercussions and whether that technique could be used alone, or if other complementary alternatives, such as chemical disinfectants, solarisation, biofumigation, or even steam disinfection, were necessary. Trials were carried out sequentially from 1999 to 2011. It was observed that the use of pumpkin hybrid rootstocks could be applied to cultivars of Spanish short cucumbers, mainly grown in the late 20th and early 21st centuries eg Serena. After the early trials, Shintoza (Cucurbita maxima x C. moschata), a pumpkin hybrid rootstock, seemed to be the best option, as it had the additional advantage of being well known by nurseries growing grafting plants. Bearing this in mind, Shintoza was then the hybrid rootstock to be used in cucumbers and consequently growers could have grafted plants at their disposal. Later on, research was focused on density and the most adequate type of pruning, by carrying out several trials. These experiments showed that, the extra vigour the rootstocks gave to the plants, allowed them to have two or three stems, (normally nurserymen use two, as it is easier for them to manage the plants). These findings would lead to the lessening the density of the plant and thus reduce costs, something which worried and still worries farmers. It was stated that it would be possible to reduce the density of the plants by about 25%, the optimum density of the stems ranging from 3 to 3.5 stem-m-2. Once decisions were taken both on the rootstock and the appropriate density, we went on to study how to apply these proposals to the new cultivars which the seed companies were proposing and the farmers were applying. These measures were complemented with the introduction of new rootstocks capable of replacing Shintoza, or rotating with it in order to change the root system. This is particularly necessary when rootstocks, non-resistant to nematodes, mainly of the species Meloidogyne incognita, are used. This is the main problem due to the soil of that area. Cultivars such as Trópico, at first, and Urano and Motril, more recently, adapted quite well to this technique. Among the rootstocks which adapted well to grafting and which were compatible with most tested cultivars, were, in particular, RS-841 Strongtosa and Camel. The behaviour of Azman was worth studying, but this rootstock was removed from the market by the company which had bought and commercialized it. Although not the main purpose of the research, it was observed that combining grafting with other alternatives to methyl bromide in order to overcome problems due to soil diseases or nematodes may be worthwhile. However, further research is needed, as this topic is in constant evolution, not only when we come to disinfectants, most of which are being affected by the removal of the permit for commercialization, but also when we refer to other techniques such as biofumigation or the use of steam. Results also showed that grafted plants may reduce the amount of fertilizers, particularly nitrogen, used: This means both saving money and the protection of the environment. We may conclude by saying that grafting Spanish short cucumbers is feasible, that the selections of the hybrids between Cucurbita maxima and C. moschata, habitually used in watermelon grafting, can also be applied to these cucumbers. It can also be concluded that the use of these grafting techniques may lead to profitable yields, by lengthening the growing cycle in many cases and by maintaining the quality to a large extent. Although these rootstocks are not resistant to nematodes, the results showed that their extra vigour enables them to develop in terms of production, and thus they cope with this problem. Since these rootstocks are not resistant to nematodes and the problem with these nematodes may even worsen, it is recommended that different types of rootstocks should be available to enable both the rotation and the use of different root systems, which will encourage the parasitism of nematodes.
This article presents an alternative approach to the decision-making process in transport strategy design. The study explores the possibility of integrating forecasting, assessment and optimization procedures in support of a decision-making process designed to reach the best achievable scenario through mobility policies. Long-term evaluation, as required by a dynamic system such as a city, is provided by a strategic Land-Use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) model. The social welfare achieved by implementing mobility LUTI model policies is measured through a cost-benefit analysis and maximized through an optimization process throughout the evaluation period. The method is tested by optimizing a pricing policy scheme in Madrid on a cordon toll in a context requiring system efficiency, social equity and environmental quality. The optimized scheme yields an appreciable increase in social surplus through a relatively low rate compared to other similar pricing toll schemes. The results highlight the different considerations regarding mobility impacts on the case study area, as well as the major contributors to social welfare surplus. This leads the authors to reconsider the cost-analysis approach, as defined in the study, as the best option for formulating sustainability measures.
Starting on June 2011, NGCPV is the first project funded jointly between the European Commission (EC) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan to research on new generation concentration photovoltaics (CPV). The Project, through a collaborative research between seven European and nine Japanese leading research centers in the field of CPV, aims at lowering the cost of the CPVproduced photovoltaic kWh down to 5 ?cents. The main objective of the project is to improve the present concentrator cell, module and system efficiency, as well as developing advanced characterization tools for CPV components and systems. As particular targets, the project aims at achieving a cell efficiency of at least 45% and a CPV module with an efficiency greater than 35%. This paper describes the R&D activities that are being carried out within the NGCPV project and summarizes some of the most relevant results that have already been attained, for instance: the manufacturing of a 44.4% world record efficiency triple junction solar cell (by Sharp Corp.) and the installation of a 50 kWp experimental CPV plant in Spain, which will be used to obtain accurate forecasts of the energy produced at system level.
n this paper, we present a theoretical model based on the detailed balance theory of solar thermophotovoltaic systems comprising multijunction photovoltaic cells, a sunlight concentrator and spectrally selective surfaces. The full system has been defined by means of 2n + 8 variables (being n the number of sub-cells of the multijunction cell). These variables are as follows: the sunlight concentration factor, the absorber cut-off energy, the emitter-to-absorber area ratio, the emitter cut-off energy, the band-gap energy(ies) and voltage(s) of the sub-cells, the reflectivity of the cells' back-side reflector, the emitter-to-cell and cell-to-cell view factors and the emitter-to-cell area ratio. We have used this model for carrying out a multi-variable system optimization by means of a multidimensional direct-search algorithm. This analysis allows to find the set of system variables whose combined effects results in the maximum overall system efficiency. From this analysis, we have seen that multijunction cells are excellent candidates to enhance the system efficiency and the electrical power density. Particularly, multijunction cells report great benefits for systems with a notable presence of optical losses, which are unavoidable in practical systems. Also, we have seen that the use of spectrally selective absorbers, rather than black-body absorbers, allows to achieve higher system efficiencies for both lower concentration and lower emitter-to-absorber area ratio. Finally, we have seen that sun-to-electricity conversion efficiencies above 30% and electrical power densities above 50 W/cm2 are achievable for this kind of systems.
This work is related to the output impedance improvement of a Multiphase Buck converter with Peak Current Mode Control (PCMC) by means of introducing an additional power path that virtually increases the output capacitance during transients. Various solutions that can be employed to improve the dynamic behavior of the converter system exist, but nearly all solutions are developed for a Single Phase Buck converter with Voltage Mode Control (VMC), while in the VRM applications, due to the high currents, the system is usually implemented as a Multiphase Buck Converter with Current Mode Control. The additional energy path, as presented here, is introduced with the Output Impedance Correction Circuit (OICC) based on the Controlled Current Source (CCS). The OICC is used to inject or extract a current n-1 times larger than the output capacitor current, thus virtually increasing n times the value of the output capacitance during the transients. Furthermore, this work extends the OICC concept to a Multiphase Buck Converter system while comparing proposed solution with the system that has n times bigger output capacitor. In addition, the OICC is implemented as a Synchronous Buck Converter with PCMC, thus reducing its influence on the system efficiency.
This work is related to the output impedance improvement of a Multiphase Buck converter with Peak Current Mode Control (PCMC) by means of introducing an additional power path that virtually increases the output capacitance during transients. Various solutions that can be employed to improve the dynamic behavior of the converter system exist, but nearly all solutions are developed for a Single Phase Buck converter with Voltage Mode Control (VMC), while in the VRM applications, due to the high currents, the system is usually implemented as a Multiphase Buck Converter with Current Mode Control. The Output Impedance Correction Circuit (OICC) is used to inject or extract a current n-1 times larger than the output capacitor current, thus virtually increasing n times the value of the output capacitance during the transients. Furthermore, this work extends the OICC concept to a Multiphase Buck Converter system while comparing proposed solution with the system that has n times bigger output capacitor. In addition, the OICC is implemented as a Synchronous Buck Converter with PCMC, thus reducing its influence on the system efficiency
This article presents an alternative approach to the decision-making process in transport strategy design. The study explores the possibility of integrating forecasting, assessment and optimization procedures in support of a decision-making process designed to reach the best achievable scenario through mobility policies. Long-term evaluation, as required by a dynamic system such as a city, is provided by a strategic Land-Use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) model. The social welfare achieved by implementing mobility LUTI model policies is measured through a cost-benefit analysis and maximized through an optimization process throughout the evaluation period. The method is tested by optimizing a pricing policy scheme in Madrid on a cordon toll in a context requiring system efficiency, social equity and environmental quality. The optimized scheme yields an appreciable increase in social surplus through a relatively low rate compared to other similar pricing toll schemes. The results highlight the different considerations regarding mobility impacts on the case study area, as well as the major contributors to social welfare surplus. This leads the authors to reconsider the cost-analysis approach, as defined in the study, as the best option for formulating sustainability measures.
El requerimiento de proveer alta frecuencia de datos en los modernos sistema de comunicación inalámbricos resulta en complejas señales moduladas de radio-frequencia (RF) con un gran ancho de banda y alto ratio pico-promedio (PAPR). Para garantizar la linealidad del comportamiento, los amplificadores lineales de potencia comunes funcionan típicamente entre 4 y 10 dB de back-o_ desde la máxima potencia de salida, ocasionando una baja eficiencia del sistema. La eliminación y restauración de la evolvente (EER) y el seguimiento de la evolvente (ET) son dos prometedoras técnicas para resolver el problema de la eficiencia. Tanto en EER como en ET, es complicado diseñar un amplificador de potencia que sea eficiente para señales de RF de alto ancho de banda y alto PAPR. Una propuesta común para los amplificadores de potencia es incluir un convertidor de potencia de muy alta eficiencia operando a frecuencias más altas que el ancho de banda de la señal RF. En este caso, la potencia perdida del convertidor ocasionado por la alta frecuencia desaconseja su práctica cuando el ancho de banda es muy alto. La solución a este problema es el enfoque de esta disertación que presenta dos arquitecturas de amplificador evolvente: convertidor híbrido-serie con una técnica de evolvente lenta y un convertidor multinivel basado en un convertidor reductor multifase con control de tiempo mínimo. En la primera arquitectura, una topología híbrida está compuesta de una convertidor reductor conmutado y un regulador lineal en serie que trabajan juntos para ajustar la tensión de salida para seguir a la evolvente con precisión. Un algoritmo de generación de una evolvente lenta crea una forma de onda con una pendiente limitada que es menor que la pendiente máxima de la evolvente original. La salida del convertidor reductor sigue esa forma de onda en vez de la evolvente original usando una menor frecuencia de conmutación, porque la forma de onda no sólo tiene una pendiente reducida sino también un menor ancho de banda. De esta forma, el regulador lineal se usa para filtrar la forma de onda tiene una pérdida de potencia adicional. Dependiendo de cuánto se puede reducir la pendiente de la evolvente para producir la forma de onda, existe un trade-off entre la pérdida de potencia del convertidor reductor relacionada con la frecuencia de conmutación y el regulador lineal. El punto óptimo referido a la menor pérdida de potencia total del amplificador de evolvente es capaz de identificarse con la ayuda de modelo preciso de pérdidas que es una combinación de modelos comportamentales y analíticos de pérdidas. Además, se analiza el efecto en la respuesta del filtro de salida del convertidor reductor. Un filtro de dampeo paralelo extra es necesario para eliminar la oscilación resonante del filtro de salida porque el convertidor reductor opera en lazo abierto. La segunda arquitectura es un amplificador de evolvente de seguimiento de tensión multinivel. Al contrario que los convertidores que usan multi-fuentes, un convertidor reductor multifase se emplea para generar la tensión multinivel. En régimen permanente, el convertidor reductor opera en puntos del ciclo de trabajo con cancelación completa del rizado. El número de niveles de tensión es igual al número de fases de acuerdo a las características del entrelazamiento del convertidor reductor. En la transición, un control de tiempo mínimo (MTC) para convertidores multifase es novedosamente propuesto y desarrollado para cambiar la tensión de salida del convertidor reductor entre diferentes niveles. A diferencia de controles convencionales de tiempo mínimo para convertidores multifase con inductancia equivalente, el propuesto MTC considera el rizado de corriente por cada fase basado en un desfase fijo que resulta en diferentes esquemas de control entre las fases. La ventaja de este control es que todas las corrientes vuelven a su fase en régimen permanente después de la transición para que la siguiente transición pueda empezar muy pronto, lo que es muy favorable para la aplicación de seguimiento de tensión multinivel. Además, el control es independiente de la carga y no es afectado por corrientes de fase desbalanceadas. Al igual que en la primera arquitectura, hay una etapa lineal con la misma función, conectada en serie con el convertidor reductor multifase. Dado que tanto el régimen permanente como el estado de transición del convertidor no están fuertemente relacionados con la frecuencia de conmutación, la frecuencia de conmutación puede ser reducida para el alto ancho de banda de la evolvente, la cual es la principal consideración de esta arquitectura. La optimización de la segunda arquitectura para más alto anchos de banda de la evolvente es presentada incluyendo el diseño del filtro de salida, la frecuencia de conmutación y el número de fases. El área de diseño del filtro está restringido por la transición rápida y el mínimo pulso del hardware. La rápida transición necesita un filtro pequeño pero la limitación del pulso mínimo del hardware lleva el diseño en el sentido contrario. La frecuencia de conmutación del convertidor afecta principalmente a la limitación del mínimo pulso y a las pérdidas de potencia. Con una menor frecuencia de conmutación, el ancho de pulso en la transición es más pequeño. El número de fases relativo a la aplicación específica puede ser optimizado en términos de la eficiencia global. Otro aspecto de la optimización es mejorar la estrategia de control. La transición permite seguir algunas partes de la evolvente que son más rápidas de lo que el hardware puede soportar al precio de complejidad. El nuevo método de sincronización de la transición incrementa la frecuencia de la transición, permitiendo que la tensión multinivel esté más cerca de la evolvente. Ambas estrategias permiten que el convertidor pueda seguir una evolvente con un ancho de banda más alto que la limitación de la etapa de potencia. El modelo de pérdidas del amplificador de evolvente se ha detallado y validado mediante medidas. El mecanismo de pérdidas de potencia del convertidor reductor tiene que incluir las transiciones en tiempo real, lo cual es diferente del clásico modelos de pérdidas de un convertidor reductor síncrono. Este modelo estima la eficiencia del sistema y juega un papel muy importante en el proceso de optimización. Finalmente, la segunda arquitectura del amplificador de evolvente se integra con el amplificador de clase F. La medida del sistema EER prueba el ahorro de energía con el amplificador de evolvente propuesto sin perjudicar la linealidad del sistema. ABSTRACT The requirement of delivering high data rates in modern wireless communication systems results in complex modulated RF signals with wide bandwidth and high peak-to-average ratio (PAPR). In order to guarantee the linearity performance, the conventional linear power amplifiers typically work at 4 to 10 dB back-off from the maximum output power, leading to low system efficiency. The envelope elimination and restoration (EER) and envelope tracking (ET) are two promising techniques to overcome the efficiency problem. In both EER and ET, it is challenging to design efficient envelope amplifier for wide bandwidth and high PAPR RF signals. An usual approach for envelope amplifier includes a high-efficiency switching power converter operating at a frequency higher than the RF signal's bandwidth. In this case, the power loss of converter caused by high switching operation becomes unbearable for system efficiency when signal bandwidth is very wide. The solution of this problem is the focus of this dissertation that presents two architectures of envelope amplifier: a hybrid series converter with slow-envelope technique and a multilevel converter based on a multiphase buck converter with the minimum time control. In the first architecture, a hybrid topology is composed of a switched buck converter and a linear regulator in series that work together to adjust the output voltage to track the envelope with accuracy. A slow envelope generation algorithm yields a waveform with limited slew rate that is lower than the maximum slew rate of the original envelope. The buck converter's output follows this waveform instead of the original envelope using lower switching frequency, because the waveform has not only reduced slew rate but also reduced bandwidth. In this way, the linear regulator used to filter the waveform has additional power loss. Depending on how much reduction of the slew rate of envelope in order to obtain that waveform, there is a trade-off between the power loss of buck converter related to the switching frequency and the power loss of linear regulator. The optimal point referring to the lowest total power loss of this envelope amplifier is identified with the help of a precise power loss model that is a combination of behavioral and analytic loss model. In addition, the output filter's effect on the response is analyzed. An extra parallel damping filter is needed to eliminate the resonant oscillation of output filter L and C, because the buck converter operates in open loop. The second architecture is a multilevel voltage tracking envelope amplifier. Unlike the converters using multi-sources, a multiphase buck converter is employed to generate the multilevel voltage. In the steady state, the buck converter operates at complete ripple cancellation points of duty cycle. The number of the voltage levels is equal to the number of phases according the characteristics of interleaved buck converter. In the transition, a minimum time control (MTC) for multiphase converter is originally proposed and developed for changing the output voltage of buck converter between different levels. As opposed to conventional minimum time control for multiphase converter with equivalent inductance, the proposed MTC considers the current ripple of each phase based on the fixed phase shift resulting in different control schemes among the phases. The advantage of this control is that all the phase current return to the steady state after the transition so that the next transition can be triggered very soon, which is very favorable for the application of multilevel voltage tracking. Besides, the control is independent on the load condition and not affected by the unbalance of phase current. Like the first architecture, there is also a linear stage with the same function, connected in series with the multiphase buck converter. Since both steady state and transition state of the converter are not strongly related to the switching frequency, it can be reduced for wide bandwidth envelope which is the main consideration of this architecture. The optimization of the second architecture for wider bandwidth envelope is presented including the output filter design, switching frequency and the number of phases. The filter design area is restrained by fast transition and the minimum pulse of hardware. The fast transition needs small filter but the minimum pulse of hardware limitation pushes the filter in opposite way. The converter switching frequency mainly affects the minimum pulse limitation and the power loss. With lower switching frequency, the pulse width in the transition is smaller. The number of phases related to specific application can be optimized in terms of overall efficiency. Another aspect of optimization is improving control strategy. Transition shift allows tracking some parts of envelope that are faster than the hardware can support at the price of complexity. The new transition synchronization method increases the frequency of transition, allowing the multilevel voltage to be closer to the envelope. Both control strategies push the converter to track wider bandwidth envelope than the limitation of power stage. The power loss model of envelope amplifier is detailed and validated by measurements. The power loss mechanism of buck converter has to include the transitions in real time operation, which is different from classical power loss model of synchronous buck converter. This model estimates the system efficiency and play a very important role in optimization process. Finally, the second envelope amplifier architecture is integrated with a Class F amplifier. EER system measurement proves the power saving with the proposed envelope amplifier without disrupting the linearity performance.
In the past, mining wastes were left wherever they might lie in the surroundings of the mine area. Unfortunately, inactive and abandoned mines continue to pollute our environment, reason why these sites should be restored with minimum impact. Phytoextraction is an environmental-friendly and cost-effective technology less harmful than traditional methods that uses metal hyperaccumulator or at least tolerant plants to extract heavy metals from polluted soils. One disadvantage of hyperaccumulator species is their slow growth rate and low biomass production. Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash, perennial species adapted to Mediterranean climate has a strong root system which can reach up to 3 m deep, is fast growing, and can survive in sites with high metal levels (Chen et al., 2004). Due to the fact that metals in abandoned mine tailings become strongly bonded to soil solids, humic acids used as chelating agents could increase metal bioavailability (Evangelou et al., 2004; Wilde et al., 2005) and thereby promote higher accumulation in the harvestable parts of the plant. The objective of this study was to examine the performance of humic acid assisted phytoextraction using Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash in heavy metals contaminated soils.
La resistencia genética mediada por los genes R es uno de los sistemas de defensa de las plantas frente a patógenos y se activa una vez que los patógenos han superado la defensa basal que otorgan la cutícula y pared celular. Los mecanismos de resistencia genética se inician a su vez, por el reconocimiento de productos derivados de genes de avirulencia de los patógenos (avr) por parte de las proteínas R. Tanto la respuesta de defensa basal como la respuesta de defensa por genes R están influenciadas por patrones de regulación hormonal, que incluye a las principales hormonas vegetales ácido salicílico (SA), ácido jasmónico (JA) y etileno (ET). En tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) uno de los genes R es el gen MiG1, que confiere resistencia a nematodos formadores de nódulos (Meloidogyne javanica, M. incognita y M. arenaria). Uno de los eventos más importantes que caracterizan a la respuesta de resistencia es la reacción hipersensible (HR), que está mediada por la activación temprana de una serie de sistemas enzimáticos, entre los que destaca el de las peroxidasas (PRXs) Clase III. Su función es importante tanto para limitar el establecimiento y expansión del nematodo, al generar ambientes altamente tóxicos por su contribución en la producción masiva de ROS, como por su implicación en la síntesis y depósito de lignina generando barreras estructurales en el sitio de infección. Además de estos mecanismos de defensa asociados a la resistencia constitutiva, las plantas pueden desarrollar resistencia sistémica adquirida (SAR) que en la naturaleza ocurre, en ocasiones, en una fase posterior a que la planta haya sufrido el ataque de un patógeno. Así mismo hay diferentes productos de origen químico como el benzotiadiazol o BTH (ácido S-metil benzol-(1,2,3)-tiadiozole-7-carbónico ester) que pueden generar esta misma respuesta SAR. Como resultado, la planta adquiere resistencia sistémica frente a nuevos ataques de patógenos. En este contexto, el presente trabajo aborda en primer lugar el análisis comparativo, mediante microarrays de oligonucleótidos, de los transcriptomas de los sistemas radicales de plantas de tomate de 8 semanas de edad de dos variedades, una portadora del gen de resistencia MiG1 (Motelle) y otra carente del mismo y, por tanto, susceptible (Moneymaker), antes y después de la infección por M. javanica. Previo a la infección se observó que la expresión de un gran número de transcritos era más acusada en la variedad resistente que en la susceptible, entre ellos el propio gen MiG1 o los genes PrG1 (o P4), LEJA1 y ER24, lo que indica que, en ausencia de infección, las rutas hormonales del SA, JA y ET están más activas en la raíz de la variedad resistente. Por el contrario, un número mucho menor de transcritos presentaban su expresión más reducida en Motelle que en Moneymaker, destacando un gen de señalización para sintetizar la hormona giberelina (GA). La infección por M. javanica causa importantes cambios transcripcionales en todo el sistema radical que modifican sustancialmente las diferencias basales entre plantas Motelle y Moneymaker, incluida la sobreexpresión en la variedad resistente de los transcritos de MiG1, que se reduce parcialmente, mientras que las rutas hormonales del SA y el JA continuan más activas que en la susceptible (evidente por los genes PrG1 y LEJA1). Además, los cambios asociados a la infección del nematodo se evidencian por las grandes diferencias entre los dos tiempos post-infección considerados, de tal forma que en la fase temprana (2 dpi) de la interacción compatible predomina la sobreexpresión de genes de pared celular y en la tardía (12 dpi) los relacionados con el ARN. En el análisis de la interacción incompatible, aunque también hay muchas diferencias entre ambas fases, hay que destacar la expresión diferencial común de los genes loxA y mcpi (sobrexpresados) y del gen loxD (reprimido) por su implicación en defensa en otras interacciones planta-patógeno. Cabe destacar que entre las interacciones compatible e incompatible hubo muy pocos genes en común. En la etapa temprana de la interacción compatible destacó la activación de genes de pared celular y la represión de la señalización; en cambio, en la interacción incompatible hubo proteínas principalmente implicadas en defensa. A los 12 días, en la interacción compatible los genes relacionados con el ARN y la pared celular se sobreexpresaban principalmente, y se reprimían los de proteínas y transporte, mientras que en la incompatible se sobreexpresaron los relacionados con el estrés, el metabolismo secundario y el de hormonas y se reprimieron los de ARN, señalización, metabolismo de hormonas y proteínas. Por otra parte, la técnica de silenciamiento génico VIGS reveló que el gen TGA 1a está implicado en la resistencia mediada por el gen MiG1a M. javanica. Así mismo se evaluó el transcriptoma de todo el sistema radical de la variedad susceptible tras la aplicación del inductor BTH, y se comparó con el transcriptoma de la resistente. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que el tratamiento con BTH en hojas de Moneymaker ejerce notables cambios transcripcionales en la raíz; entre otros, la activación de factores de transcripción Myb (THM16 y THM 27) y del gen ACC oxidasa. Las respuestas inducidas por el BTH parecen ser de corta duración ya que no hubo transcritos diferenciales comunes a las dos fases temporales de la infección comparadas (2 y 12 dpi). El transcriptoma de Moneymaker tratada con BTH resultó ser muy diferente al de la variedad resistente Motelle, ambas sin infectar, destacando la mayor expresión en el primero del gen LeEXP2, una expansina relacionada con defensa frente a nematodos. Las respuestas inducidas por los nematodos en Moneymaker-BTH también fueron muy distintas a las observadas previamente en la interacción incompatible mediada por MiG1, pues sólo se detectaron 2 genes sobreexpresados comunes a ambos eventos. Finalmente, se abordó el estudio de la expresión diferencial de genes que codifican PRXs y su relación con la resistencia en la interacción tomate/M. javanica. Para ello, se realizó en primer lugar el estudio del análisis del transcriptoma de tomate de la interacción compatible, obtenido en un estudio previo a partir de tejido radical infectado en distintos tiempos de infección. Se han identificado 16 unigenes de PRXs con expresión diferencial de los cuales 15 se relacionan por primera vez con la respuesta a la infección de nematodos. La mayoría de los genes de PRXs identificados, 11, aparecen fuertemente reprimidos en el sitio de alimentación, en las células gigantes (CG). Dada la implicación directa de las PRXs en la activación del mecanismo de producción de ROS, la supresión de la expresión génica local de genes de PRXs en el sitio de establecimiento y alimentación pone de manifiesto la capacidad del nematodo para modular y superar la respuesta de defensa de la planta de tomate en la interacción compatible. Posteriormente, de estos genes identificados se han elegido 4: SGN-U143455, SGN-U143841 y SGN-U144042 reprimidos en el sitio de infección y SGN-U144671 inducido, cuyos cambios de expresión se han determinado mediante análisis por qRT-PCR y de hibridación in situ en dos tiempos de infección (2 dpi y 4 dpi) y en distintos tejidos radicales de tomate resistente y susceptible. Los patrones de expresión obtenidos demuestran que en la interacción incompatible la transcripción global de los 4 genes estudiados se dispara en la etapa más temprana en el sitio de infección, detectándose la localización in situ de transcritos en el citoplasma de las células corticales de la zona meristemática afectadas por el nematodo. A 4 dpi se observó que los niveles de expresión en el sitio de infección cambian de tendencia y los genes SGN-U144671 y SGN-U144042 se reprimen significativamente. Los diferentes perfiles de expresión de los genes PRXs en los dos tiempos de infección sugieren que su inducción en las primeras 48 horas es crucial para la respuesta de defensa relacionada con la resistencia frente a la invasión del nematodo. Por último, al analizar el tejido radical sistémico, se detectó una inducción significativa de la expresión en la fase más tardía de la infección del gen SGN-U144042 en el genotipo susceptible y del SGN-U143841 en ambos genotipos. En este estudio se describe por primera vez la inducción de la expresión sistémica de genes de PRXs en tomate durante la interacción compatible e incompatible con M. javanica lo que sugiere su posible implicación funcional en la respuesta de defensa SAR activada por la infección previa del nematodo. ABSTRACT Plants defend themselves from pathogens by constitutive and/or induced defenses. A common type of induced defense involves plant resistance genes (R), which are normally activated in response to attack by specific pathogen species. Typically, a specific plant R protein recognizes a specific pathogen avirulence (avr) compound. This initiates a complex biochemical cascade inside the plant that results in synthesis of antipathogen compounds. This response can involve chemical signaling, transcription, translation, enzymes and metabolism, and numerous plant hormones such as salicylic acid (SA), jasmonates (JA) and ethylene (ET). Induced plant defense can also activate Class III peroxidases (PRXs), which produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), regulate extracellular H2O2, and play additional roles in plant defense. R-gene activation and the resulting induced defense often remain localized in the specific tissues invaded by the plant pathogen. In other cases, the plant responds by signaling the entire plant to produce defense compounds (systemic induction). Plant defense can also be induced by the exogenous application of natural or synthetic elicitors, such as benzol-(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothionic acid. There is much current scientific interest in R-genes and elicitors, because they might be manipulated to increase agricultural yield. Scientists also are interested in systemic induction, because this allows the entire plant to be defended. In this context, one of the aims of this investigation was the transcriptoma analysis of the root systems of two varieties of tomato, the resistant variety (Motelle) that carrier MiG1 and the susceptible (Moneymaker) without MiG1, before and after infection with M. javanica. The overexpression was more pronounced in the transcriptoma of the resistant variety compared with susceptible, before infection, including the MiG1 gene, PrG1 (or P4) genes, LEJA1 and ER24, indicating that hormone SA, JA and ET are active in the resistant variety. Moreover, GA hormone presents an opposite behavior. M. javanica infection causes significant transcriptional changes in both compatible (Moneymaker-M. javanica) and incompatible (Motelle-M. javanica) interaction. In the incompatible transcriptome root system, was notably reduced the expression of the MiG1 gene, and a continuity in the expression of the hormonal pathways of SA and JA. In other hand, transcriptional profile changes during compatible interaction were associated with nematode infection. The large differences between the two times point infection considered (2 dpi and 12 dpi) indicates an overexpression of cell wall related genes in the first phase, and conversely an overexpression of RNA genes in the late phase. Transcriptoma analysis of incompatible interaction, although there were differences between the two phases, should be highlighted the common differential gene expression: loxA and mcpi (overexpressed) and loxD gene (suppressed), as they are involved in defenses in other plant-pathogen interactions. The VIGS tool has provided evidence that TGA 1a is involved in MiG1 mediated resistance to M. javanica. Likewise, the systemic application of BTH was assessed and compared with susceptible and resistant variety. Root system transcriptoma of BTH treatment on leaves showed the activation of Myb transcription factors (THM16 and THM27), the ACC oxidase gene. and the LeEXP2 gene, encoding for an expansin enzyme, related with defense against nematodes. The activation appears to be reduced by subsequent infection and establishment of nematodes. To assist in elucidate the role of tomato PRXs in plant defence against M. javanica, the transcriptome obtained previously from isolated giant cells (GC) and galls at 3 and 7 dpi from the compatible interaction was analysed. A total of 18 different probes corresponding to 16 PRX encoding genes were differentially expressed in infection site compared to the control uninfected root tissues. Most part of them (11) was down-regulated. These results yielded a first insight on 15 of the PRX genes responding to tomato–Meloidogyne interaction and confirm that repression of PRX genes might be crucial for feeding site formation at the initial stages of infection. To study the involvement of PRX genes in resistance response, four genes have been selected: SGN-U143455, SGN-U143841 and SGN-U144042 consistently down-regulated and SGN-U144671 consistently up-regulated at infection site in compatible interaction. The expression changes were determined by qRT-PCR and in situ location at 2 dpi and 4 dpi, and in different root tissues of resistant and susceptible plants. Early upon infection (2 dpi), the transcripts levels of the four genes were strongly increased in infected tissue of resistant genotype. In situ hybridization showed transcript accumulation of them in meristem cortical cells, where the nematode made injury. The results obtained provide strong evidence that early induction of PRX genes is important for defence response of the resistance against nematode invasion. Moreover, the induction patterns of SGN-U144042 gene observed at 4 dpi in distal noninfected root tissue into the susceptible genotype and of SGN-U143841 gene in both genotypes suggest a potential involvement of PRX in the systemic defence response.
Electrical power systems are changing their traditional structure, which was based on a little number of large generating power plants placed at great distances from loads by new models that tend to split the big production nodes in many smaller ones. The set of small groups which are located close to consumers and provide safe and quality energy is called distributed generation (DG). The proximity of the sources to the loads reduces losses associated with transportation and increases overall system efficiency. DG also favors the inclusion of renewable energy sources in isolated electrical systems or remote microgrids, because they can be installed where the natural resource is located. In both cases, as weak grids unable to get help from other nearby networks, it is essential to ensure appropriate behavior of DG sources to guarantee power system safety and stability. The grid codes sets out the technical requirements to be fulfilled for the sources connected in these electrical networks. In technical literature it is rather easy to find and compare grid codes for interconnected electrical systems. However, the existing literature is incomplete and sparse regarding isolated electrical systems and this happens due to the difficulties inherent in the pursuit of codes. Some countries have developed their own legislation only for their island territory (as Spain or France), others apply the same set of rules as in mainland, another group of island countries have elaborated a complete grid code for all generating sources and some others lack specific regulation. This paper aims to make a complete review of the state of the art in grid codes applicable to isolated systems, setting the comparison between them and defining the guidelines predictably followed by the upcoming regulations in these particular systems.