17 resultados para Robotic soccer
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
In this paper, we describe our current work on bio-inspired locomotion systems using a deformable structure and smart materials, concretely Shape Memory Alloys, exploring the possibility of building motor-less and gear-less robots. A swimming underwater robot has been developed whose movements are generated using such actuators, used for bending the backbone of the fish, which in turn causes a change on the curvature of the body. This paper focuses on how standard swimming patterns can be reproduced with the proposed design, using an actuation dynamics model identified in prior work.
The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of endurance exercise on jumping and kicking performance in young soccer players. Twenty-one top-class young soccer players (16.1±0.2 years) performed a countermovement jump test and a maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running for 20 min on a treadmill at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate. Two force platforms were used to obtain the following parameters during the countermovement jump: jump height, maximum power, maximum power relative to body mass, maximum vertical ground reaction force, maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass, and maximum vertical ground reaction force applied to each leg. Maximum vertical ground reaction force and maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass applied to the support leg during the kicks were also calculated with a force platform. The kicking motion was recorded using a three-dimensional motion-capture system. Maximum velocity of the ball, maximum linear velocity of the toe, ankle, knee and hip, and linear velocity of the toe at ball contact during the kicks were calculated. Non-significant differences were found in the parameters measured during the countermovement jump and the maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running, suggesting that the jumping and kicking performances of top-class young soccer players were not significantly affected after 20 min treadmill running at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate.
In this paper, we describe our research on bio-inspired locomotion systems using deformable structures and smart materials, concretely shape memory alloys (SMAs). These types of materials allow us to explore the possibility of building motor-less and gear-less robots. A swimming underwater fish-like robot has been developed whose movements are generated using SMAs. These actuators are suitable for bending the continuous backbone of the fish, which in turn causes a change in the curvature of the body. This type of structural arrangement is inspired by fish red muscles, which are mainly recruited during steady swimming for the bending of a flexible but nearly incompressible structure such as the fishbone. This paper reviews the design process of these bio-inspired structures, from the motivations and physiological inspiration to the mechatronics design, control and simulations, leading to actual experimental trials and results. The focus of this work is to present the mechanisms by which standard swimming patterns can be reproduced with the proposed design. Moreover, the performance of the SMA-based actuators’ control in terms of actuation speed and position accuracy is also addressed.
The performance indices are important tools for motion planning and design of robot manipulators. In this paper we present a collection of some of the performance indices that have generated interest in the robotics community. These indices are four different types: kinetostatic performance indices, dynamic performance indices, indices of joint limits, and finally global performance indices. In addition, we review the strategies that have been proposed to solve the problems that occur when the units of the Jacobian matrix elements are not homogeneous. At the end of this paper, we propose a set of global performance indices that can be useful in the design of robot manipulators.
This article presents the design, kinematic model and communication architecture for the multi-agent robotic system called SMART. The philosophy behind this kind of system requires the communication architecture to contemplate the concurrence of the whole system. The proposed architecture combines different communication technologies (TCP/IP and Bluetooth) under one protocol designed for the cooperation among agents and other elements of the system such as IP-Cameras, image processing library, path planner, user Interface, control block and data block. The high level control is modeled by Work-Flow Petri nets and implemented in C++ and C♯♯. Experimental results show the performance of the designed architecture.
Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability in the United States, affecting over 795,000 people annually. In order to regain motor function of the upper body, patients are usually treated by regular sessions with a dedicated physical therapist. A cost-effective wearable upper body orthotics system that can be used at home to empower both the patients and physical therapists is described. The system is composed of a thin, compliant, lightweight, cost-effective soft orthotic device with an integrated cable actuation system that is worn over the upper body, an embedded limb position sensing system, an electric actuator package and controller. The proposed device is robust to misalignments that may occur during actuation of the compliant brace or when putting on the system. Through simulations and experimental evaluation, it was demonstrated i) that the soft orthotic cable-driven shoulder brace can be successfully actuated without the production of off-axis torques in the presence of misalignments and ii) that the proposed model can identify linear and angular misalignments online.
Comparación de las variables cinemáticas y de frecuencia cardiaca en dos posesiones en fútbol
Sports foundations aiming at promoting sports activities partly outline the nonprofit area with specific concern. This study attempts to know the functions, general interests of professional soccer foundations in Spain, to describe their main characteristics and to ascertain if there are significant differences among them, according to their descriptive features. A document survey and analysis was carried out, with an assistance of own establishment of documental database. The findings not only indicate a significant difference between the classification of Spanish soccer foundations and their antiquities, but also manifest the tendency of the existence of physical person in members of founders with regard to its antiquity. The results of the present work implied that there were great dissimilarities of the elaboration of regulations depending on different regions in Spain.
Artículo Experimental
Plant diseases represent a major economic and environmental problem in agriculture and forestry. Upon infection, a plant develops symptoms that affect different parts of the plant causing a significant agronomic impact. As many such diseases spread in time over the whole crop, a system for early disease detection can aid to mitigate the losses produced by the plant diseases and can further prevent their spread [1]. In recent years, several mathematical algorithms of search have been proposed [2,3] that could be used as a non-invasive, fast, reliable and cost-effective methods to localize in space infectious focus by detecting changes in the profile of volatile organic compounds. Tracking scents and locating odor sources is a major challenge in robotics, on one hand because odour plumes consists of non-uniform intermittent odour patches dispersed by the wind and on the other hand because of the lack of precise and reliable odour sensors. Notwithstanding, we have develop a simple robotic platform to study the robustness and effectiveness of different search algorithms [4], with respect to specific problems to be found in their further application in agriculture, namely errors committed in the motion and sensing and to the existence of spatial constraints due to land topology or the presence of obstacles.
Underwater creatures are capable of high performance movements in water. Thus, underwaterrobot design based on the mechanism of fish locomotion appears to be a promising approach.Over the past few years, researches have been developing underwater robots based on underwatercreatures swimming mechanism.
The development of this work presents the implementation of an experimental platform, which will permit to investigate on a methodology for the design and analysis of a teleoperated system, considering the delay in the communication channel. The project has been developed in partnership with the laboratory of Automatic and Robotics of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Laboratory at the Centro de Tecnologías Avanzadas de Manufactura at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. The mechanical structure of the arm that is located in the remote side has been built and the electric servomechanism has been mounted to control their movement. The experimental test of the Teleoperation system has been developed. The PC104 card commands the power interface and sensors of the DC motor of each articulation of the arm. Has developed the drives for the management of the operations of the master and the slave: send/reception of position, speed, acceleration and current data through a CAN network. The programs for the interconnection through a LAN network, between the Windows Operating System and the Real-time Operating System (QNX), has been developed. The utility of the developed platform (hardware and software) has been demonstrated.
This paper presents the implementation of a robust grasp mapping between a 3-finger haptic device (master) and a robotic hand (slave). Mapping is based on a grasp equivalence defined considering the manipulation capabilities of the master and slave devices. The metrics that translate the human hand gesture to the robotic hand workspace are obtained through an analytical user study. This allows a natural control of the robotic hand. The grasp mapping is accomplished defining 4 control modes that encapsulate all the grasps gestures considered.
Soccer participation worldwide is increasing and every club try to discover new talents. It is well know that there is an important correlation between body composition (BC) and talent detection (TD) and when coaches and selectors choose players, they tend to choose them with optimum BC.
The International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) is an important event where teams from universities design flying autonomous vehicles to overcome the last challenges in the field. The goal of the Seventh Mission proposed by the IARC is to guide several mobile ground robots to a target area. The scenario is complex and not determinist due to the random behavior of the ground robots movement. The UAV must select efficient strategies to complete the mission. The goal of this work has been evaluating different alternative mission planning strategies of a UAV for this competition. The Mission Planner component is in charge of taking the UAV decisions. Different strategies have been developed and evaluated for the component, achieving a better performance Mission Planner and valuable knowledge about the mission. For this purpose, it was necessary to develop a simulator to evaluate the different strategies. The simulator was built as an improvement of an existing previous version.