5 resultados para Road Surface Drainage.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Although previous studies report on the effect of street washing on ambient particulate matter levels, there is a lack of studies investigating the results of street washing on the emission strength of road dust. A sampling campaign was conducted in Madrid urban area during July 2009 where road dust samples were collected in two sites, namely Reference site (where the road surface was not washed) and Pelayo site (where street washing was performed daily during night). Following the chemical characterization of the road dust particles the emission sources were resolved by means of Positive Matrix Factorization, PMF (Multilinear Engine scripting) and the mass contribution of each source was calculated for the two sites. Mineral dust, brake wear, tire wear, carbonaceous emissions and construction dust were the main sources of road dust with mineral and construction dust being the major contributors to inhalable road dust load. To evaluate the effectiveness of street washing on the emission sources, the sources mass contributions between the two sites were compared. Although brake wear and tire wear had lower concentrations at the site where street washing was performed, these mass differences were not statistically significant and the temporal variation did not show the expected build-up after dust removal. It was concluded that the washing activities resulted merely in a road dust moistening, without effective removal and that mobilization of particles took place in a few hours between washing and sampling. The results also indicated that it is worth paying attention to the dust dispersed from the construction sites as they affect the emission strength in nearby streets.


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La presente investigación parte del problema en las zonas de clima cálido - húmedo en las cuales se producen impactos asociados a la incomodidad térmica producto de la intensa radiación solar, altas temperaturas y elevada humedad. Estos factores reducen la calidad de los espacios abiertos y desarrollan en la población una actitud de rechazo hacia el uso del microespacio urbano entre edificaciones en los desarrollos urbanos - conjuntos urbanos - , los mismos frecuentemente admiten soluciones que al parecer no contribuyen a la realización de las actividades comunes de esparcimiento de la población residente. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la investigación es profundizar en la temática urbano - ambiental - social y el diseño urbano vinculada a la particularidad morfológica local, las condiciones microclimáticas, el uso del microespacio y los requerimientos de los usuarios. La finalidad de desarrollar estrategias de control microclimático del microespacio entre edificios en clima cálido - húmedo en búsqueda de soluciones óptimas que satisfagan las necesidades de los usuarios de los espacios exteriores en estas áreas residenciales. La investigación se centra en el estudio de las particularidades contextuales relacionadas con el microclima y las características urbanas - morfotipológicas, básicamente los factores microclimáticos (soleamiento y ventilación), los morfológicos y edificatorios y las características de las superficies (pavimentos). En coherencia con el objetivo propuesto el trabajo se desarrolla en cuatro fases: la primera aborda la revisión documental, literatura relevante e investigaciones relativas a la calidad ambiental, medio social, medio físico, el microespacio urbano, control y diseño sostenible, modelización proyectual y estrategias sostenibles; la segunda fase se refiere al marco contextual, características urbanas, datos climáticos locales, planes y procesos urbanos, tipologías y conformación urbana. En esta fase se describe el proceso de selección, análisis y evaluación urbano - ambiental de los casos de estudio (conjuntos residenciales). En la tercera fase se aborda el marco evaluativo y estudio de casos, consideraciones físicas, climáticas y valoración térmico - ambiental de los conjuntos residenciales seleccionados. En esta fase se aplican Técnicas Estadísticas y de Simulación Computacional y se analizan los resultados obtenidos. Finalmente, la cuarta fase propositiva incluye el establecimiento de Estrategias, Principios y Lineamientos de optimación térmica y se exponen las Conclusiones parciales de la tesis, alcances y perspectivas futuras. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos en la investigación demuestran que el análisis en las experiencias de la realidad permiten comprobar que las situaciones y alteraciones ambientales sustanciales, los niveles de afectación térmica y las condiciones de confortabilidad e impacto derivan de las características urbanas, los componentes del microespacio y de las condiciones climáticas las cuales afectan el desarrollo de las actividades y el uso efectivo del microespacio entre edificios. El análisis de los factores morfo - climáticos incidentes y el estudio de los efectos de interacción contribuyen al establecimiento de Principios y Lineamientos para la evaluación y diseño sostenible del microespacio entre edificios y el uso correcto de los elementos del clima en estas áreas urbanas destinadas a la actividad social y al esparcimiento de la población residente. ABSTRACT This research starts from the problem of hot - humid climate zones where impacts related to thermal discomfort are produced as a result from the intense solar radiation and high temperatures and humidity. These factors reduce the quality of open spaces and people develop an attitude of rejection towards the use of urban microspace among buildings within urban developments - urban complexes - . Usually, these complexes admit solutions that apparently do not contribute to the achievement of common leisure activities in the resident dwellers. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to deepen in the urban - environmental - social issue and urban design linked to the local morphological particularity, microclimate conditions, use of microspace and users’ requirements. In order to develop microclimate control strategies of microspace among buildings in hot - humid climate to look for optimal solutions that satisfy users’ needs of outdoors spaces in these residential areas. The research focuses in the study of contextual particularities related to microclimate and urban - morphotypological characteristics. Basically, microclimate (sunlight and ventilation), morphological and building factors as well as road surface characteristics. According to the proposed objective, this research is developed in four phases: the first one considers documentary review, relevant literature and researches related to environmental quality, social environment, physical environment, urban microspace, control and sustainable design, project modelling and sustainable strategies; while the second phase refers to contextual framework, urban characteristics, local climate data, plans and urban processes, typologies and urban structure. In this phase, the process of selection, analysis and urban - environmental evaluation of case studies (residential complexes) is described. The third phase approaches the assessment framework and case studies, physical and climate considerations as well as environmental - thermal evaluation of selected residential complexes. In this phase, statistical techniques and computational simulations are applied. Likewise, results obtained are analysed. Similarly, fourth and proposing phase includes the establishment of strategies, principles and guidelines of thermal optimization and partial conclusions of the thesis, scopes and future perspectives are exposed. Finally, from the results obtained, it is demonstrated that the analysis on reality experiences allow proving that situations and substantial environmental changes, levels of thermal affectations, comfort conditions and impact derive from urban characteristics, microspace components and from climate conditions which affect the development of activities and the effective use of microspace among buildings. The analysis of incidental morpho - climate factors and the study of interaction effects contribute to the establishment of principles and guidelines for the assessment and sustainable design of microspace among buildings as well as the correct use of climate elements in these urban areas oriented to social and leisure activities of resident population.


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No tenemos conocimiento de ninguna red de caminos prerromanos que sirvieran como base de una posible malla territorial de España. Sin embargo, una sociedad prerromana sin caminos, por muy fragmentada y aislada que fuera, es algo improbable y mucho menos en la Edad del Hierro. Por eso en época prerromana existían infinidad de caminos, muchos de los cuales hoy han desaparecido y otros han sobrevivido, casi siempre con sus recorridos mejorados. Los pueblos prerromanos aprovecharon vías naturales de comunicación (ríos, vados, valles, puertos naturales, llanuras, etc.) para tender sus caminos. En sus orígenes no siguieron pautas concretas, si no que los caminos se originaban por el tránsito (de personas, ganados, mercancías, etc.) de un lugar a otro. De este modo la red viaria prerromana era caótica y anárquica: todo camino tenía numerosos ramales y variantes, según las necesidades. Pendientes excesivas, anchuras variables, etc., en decir eran vías espontáneas, surgidas sin ninguna planificación aparente. Los recorridos en general eran cortos, aunque algunas investigaciones actuales están demostrando que algunas de las cañadas ganaderas más importantes, como la Galiana, y de largo recorrido, eran de origen prerromano. En el caso de la península Ibérica, y más concretamente en el caso de la Meseta, el territorio estaba fragmentado en diversos pueblos y tribus, agrupados según criterios étnicos y culturales y con contactos con los pueblos próximos que motivan la preponderancia de caminos de recorrido cortos. Solo la necesidad de llevar los rebaños (de cabras y ovejas sobre todo) desde las serranías en verano a las llanuras en invierno, motivaría viajes más largos en los que algunas cañadas ganaderas jugarían un papel más importante. Con la llegada de los romanaos, se implantó en Hispania una densa red viaria, cuya construcción se prolongó durante toda la dominación romana, siendo reparadas muchas calzadas y vías en varias ocasiones. En época romana la red caminera era variada y estaba constituida por “las calzadas” que comunicaban puntos importantes, eran muy transitadas, de ahí que la administración romana las mantuviera siempre en buen estado, para asegurar el intercambio comercial entre zonas distintas, cobro de impuestos, etc. “Los caminos de tierra (viae terrenae)” que además de las calzadas, que podemos asemejar a las actuales carreteras de primer y segundo orden, constituían la infinidad de caminos locales y comarcales. Los trazados se realizaron unos en época romana, y otros muchos apoyándose en los caminos de la época prerromana, éstas vías no se realizaban buscando el recorrido más corto entre dos puntos, ni tampoco el más cómodo y con un firme estructural de menor importancia que en las calzadas. Tampoco estaban hechos para un tipo concreto de transporte, por lo que nos encontraríamos algunos que por su anchura permitían el paso de carros, y otros que sólo permitirían el paso a pie, a caballo o en burro. Solían ser, como hemos indicado, caminos de tierra con acabados en zahorras y recorridos en su mayor parte cortos y medianos. Dentro de la malla territorial de España las calzadas constituirían las denominadas “viae publicae” que constituían la red principal y esqueleto vertebrador de Hispania. Los caminos de tierra constituirían los denominados “actus” caminos de carácter regional que configuraban la mayor parte de la red. Muchas de las “viae publicae” y de los “actus” tendrían su origen en las “viae militares” que habrían sido los primeros construidos, apoyándose en muchas ocasiones en los caminos prerromanos, por los romanos para realizar la conquista de Hispania y que luego con la Paz romana habrían tenido otro tipo de uso. Dentro de estas “viae militares” tuvieron una importancia relevancia aquellas que se utilizaron en la conquista de la Celtiberia, culminada con la caída de Numantia. Dentro de ellas tuvo una importancia fundamental la vía romana del río Alhama, objeto de esta Tesis, que facilitaría el desplazamiento de los ejércitos romanos desde Graccurris, primera ciudad romana fundada en el Ebro medio, hasta Numantia. Desde la época Augusta, la vía romana del río Alhama, pasaría a formar parte de los denominados “actus” formando parte de la malla territorial de la Península Ibérica como vía de comunicación entre la Meseta y el Ebro Medio. We do not have knowledge of any network of ways prerromanos that were serving as base of a possible territorial mesh of Spain. Nevertheless, a company prerromana without ways, for very fragmented and isolated that was, is something improbable and great less in the Age of the Iron. Because of it in epoch prerromana existed infinity of ways, many of which today have disappeared and others have survived, almost always with his improved tours. The people prerromanos took advantage of natural routes of communication (rivers, fords, valleys, natural ports, plains, etc.) to stretch his ways. In his origins concrete guidelines did not continue, if not that the ways were originating for the traffic (of persons, cattle, goods, etc.) to and from. Thus the network viaria prerromana was chaotic and anarchic: all way had numerous branches and variants, according to the needs. Excessive slopes, variable widths, etc., in saying were spontaneous routes arisen without no apparent planning. The tours in general were short, though some current investigations are demonstrating that some of the most important cattle glens, as the Galiana, and of crossed length, were of origin prerromano. In case of the Iberian Peninsula, and more concretely in case of the Plateau, the territory was fragmented in diverse peoples and tribes, grouped according to ethnic and cultural criteria and with contacts with the near peoples that motivate the prevalence of short ways of tour. Only the need to take the flocks (of goats and sheeps especially) from the mountainous countries in summer to the plains in winter, would motivate longer trips in which some cattle glens would play a more important paper. With the arrival of the romanos, a dense network was implanted in Roman Spain viaria, whose construction extended during the whole Roman domination, being repaired many causeways and routes in several occasions. In Roman epoch the pertaining to roads network was changed and constituted by " the causeways " that were communicating important points, they were very travelled, of there that the Roman administration was supporting always in good condition, to assure the commercial exchange between different zones, collection of taxes, etc. "The dirt tracks (viae terrenae)" that besides the causeways, which we can make alike to the current roads of the first and second order, were constituting the infinity of local and regional ways. The tracings were realized some in Roman epoch, and great others resting on the ways of the epoch prerromana, these routes were not realized looking for the most short tour neither between points, two nor neither most comfortable and with a structural road surface of minor importance that in the causeways. They were not also done for a concrete type of transport, for what some of us would think that for his width they were allowing the step of cars, and others that only would allow the step afoot, astride or in donkey. They were in the habit of being, since we have indicated, dirt tracks with ended in zahorras and tours in his most short and medium. Inside the territorial mesh of Spain the causeways would constitute the called ones "viae publicae" that constituted the principal network and skeleton vertebrador of Roman Spain. The dirt tracks would constitute the "actus” called ways of regional character that were forming most of the network. Many of "viae publicae" and of the "actus" they would have his origin in " viae military" that would have been the first ones constructed, resting on many occasions on the ways prerromanos, for the Romans to realize the conquest of Roman Spain and that then with the Roman Peace they would have had another type of use. Inside these "viae military" had an importance relevancy those that were in use in the conquest of the Celtiberia, reached with Numantia's fall. Inside them a fundamental importance had the Roman route of the river Alhama, object of this Thesis, which would facilitate the displacement of the Roman armies from Graccurris, the first Roman city been founded on the average Ebro, up to Numantia. From the August epoch, the Roman route of the river Alhama, would happen to form a part of the "actus” forming a part of the territorial mesh of the Iberian Peninsula as road link between the Plateau and the Average Ebro.


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The authors are from UPM and are relatively grouped, and all have intervened in different academic or real cases on the subject, at different times as being of different age. With precedent from E. Torroja and A. Páez in Madrid Spain Safety Probabilistic models for concrete about 1957, now in ICOSSAR conferences, author J.M. Antón involved since autumn 1967 for euro-steel construction in CECM produced a math model for independent load superposition reductions, and using it a load coefficient pattern for codes in Rome Feb. 1969, practically adopted for European constructions, giving in JCSS Lisbon Feb. 1974 suggestion of union for concrete-steel-al.. That model uses model for loads like Gumbel type I, for 50 years for one type of load, reduced to 1 year to be added to other independent loads, the sum set in Gumbel theories to 50 years return period, there are parallel models. A complete reliability system was produced, including non linear effects as from buckling, phenomena considered somehow in actual Construction Eurocodes produced from Model Codes. The system was considered by author in CEB in presence of Hydraulic effects from rivers, floods, sea, in reference with actual practice. When redacting a Road Drainage Norm in MOPU Spain an optimization model was realized by authors giving a way to determine the figure of Return Period, 10 to 50 years, for the cases of hydraulic flows to be considered in road drainage. Satisfactory examples were a stream in SE of Spain with Gumbel Type I model and a paper of Ven Te Chow with Mississippi in Keokuk using Gumbel type II, and the model can be modernized with more varied extreme laws. In fact in the MOPU drainage norm the redacting commission acted also as expert to set a table of return periods for elements of road drainage, in fact as a multi-criteria complex decision system. These precedent ideas were used e.g. in wide Codes, indicated in symposia or meetings, but not published in journals in English, and a condensate of contributions of authors is presented. The authors are somehow involved in optimization for hydraulic and agro planning, and give modest hints of intended applications in presence of agro and environment planning as a selection of the criteria and utility functions involved in bayesian, multi-criteria or mixed decision systems. Modest consideration is made of changing in climate, and on the production and commercial systems, and on others as social and financial.


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This paper studies the external costs of surface freight transport in Spain and finds that a reduction occurred over the past 15 years. The analysis yields two conclusions: trucks have experienced a reduction in external costs, and rail has lower externalities. The external costs of road freight transport decrease between 1993 and 2007 (44%). The external costs of rail freight increase by 12%. During this period, the external costs of road freight related to climate increase by 16%, oppositely than those from air pollution and accidents (51 and 44%). The external costs of rail related to pollutant emissions and climate increase by 4% and 43%. Oppositely, the external costs related to accidents decrease by 27%. Road freight generates eight times the external costs of rail, 2.35 Euro cents per tonne kilometre in 2005 (5.6% accidents, 74.7% air pollution and 19.7% climate) vs. 0.28 (13.4% accidents, 53.9% air pollution and 32.7% climate).