27 resultados para Retaining

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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An approximate procedure for studying harmonic soil-structure interaction problems is presented. The presence of Rayleigh waves is considered and the resulting governing equations of the dynamic soil-structure system are solved in the time domain. With this method the transient and steady states of a vibratory motion and also the nonlinear behaviour of the soil can be studied. As an example, the dynamic earth pressure against a rigid retaining wall is investigated. The loads are assumed to be harmonic Rayleigh waves with both static and dynamic surface surcharges. The dependence of the results on the excitation frequency is shown.


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The design of containment walls suffering seismic loads traditionally has been realized with methods based on pseudoanalitic procedures such as Mononobe- Okabe's method, which it has led in certain occasions to insecure designs, that they have produced the ruin of many containment walls suffering the action of an earthquake. A method is proposed in this papers for the design of containment walls in different soils, suffering to the action of an earthquake, based on the Performance-Based Seismic Design.


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The design of containment walls suffering seismic loads traditionally has been realized with methods based on pseudoanalitic procedures such as Mononobe-Okabe's method, which it has led in certain occasions to insecure designs, that they have produced the ruin of many containment walls suffering the action of an earthquake. The recommendations gathered in Mononobe-Okabe's theory have been included in numerous Codes of Seismic Design. It is clear that a revision of these recommendations must be done. At present there is taking place an important review of the design methods of anti-seismic structures such as containment walls placed in an area of numerous earthquakes, by means of the introduction at the beginning of the decade of 1990 the Displacement Response Spectrum (DRS) and the Capacity Demand Diagram (CDD) that suppose an important change in the way of presenting the Elastic Response Spectrum (ERS). On the other hand in case of action of an earthquake, the dynamic characteristics of a soil have been referred traditionally to the speed of the shear waves that can be generated in a site, together with the characteristics of plasticity and damping of the soil. The Principle of the energy conservation explains why a shear upward propagating seismic wave can be amplified when travelling from a medium with high shear wave velocity (rock) to other medium with lower velocity (soil deposit), as it happened in the earthquake of Mexico of 1985. This amplification is a function of the speed gradient or of the contrast of impedances in the border of both types of mediums. A method is proposed in this paper for the design of containment walls in different soils, suffering to the action of an earthquake, based on the Performance-Based Seismic Design.


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This work is motivated in providing and evaluating a fusion algorithm of remotely sensed images, i.e. the fusion of a high spatial resolution panchromatic image with a multi-spectral image (also known as pansharpening) using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT), an effective approach for conducting an analytic and oversampled wavelet transform to reduce aliasing, and in turn reduce shift dependence of the wavelet transform. The proposed scheme includes the definition of a model to establish how information will be extracted from the PAN band and how that information will be injected into the MS bands with low spatial resolution. The approach was applied to Spot 5 images where there are bands falling outside PAN’s spectrum. We propose an optional step in the quality evaluation protocol, which is to study the quality of the merger by regions, where each region represents a specific feature of the image. The results show that DT-CWT based approach offers good spatial quality while retaining the spectral information of original images, case SPOT 5. The additional step facilitates the identification of the most affected regions by the fusion process.


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Los terremotos constituyen una de las más importantes fuentes productoras de cargas dinámicas que actúan sobre las estructuras y sus cimentaciones. Cuando se produce un terremoto la energía liberada genera movimientos del terreno en forma de ondas sísmicas que pueden provocar asientos en las cimentaciones de los edificios, empujes sobre los muros de contención, vuelco de las estructuras y el suelo puede licuar perdiendo su capacidad de soporte. Los efectos de los terremotos en estructuras constituyen unos de los aspectos que involucran por su condición de interacción sueloestructura, disciplinas diversas como el Análisis Estructural, la Mecánica de Suelo y la Ingeniería Sísmica. Uno de los aspectos que han sido poco estudiados en el cálculo de estructuras sometidas a la acciones de los terremotos son los efectos del comportamiento no lineal del suelo y de los movimientos que pueden producirse bajo la acción de cargas sísmicas, tales como posibles despegues y deslizamientos. En esta Tesis se estudian primero los empujes sísmicos y posibles deslizamientos de muros de contención y se comparan las predicciones de distintos tipos de cálculos: métodos pseudo-estáticos como el de Mononobe-Okabe (1929) con la contribución de Whitman-Liao (1985), y formulaciones analíticas como la desarrollada por Veletsos y Younan (1994). En segundo lugar se estudia el efecto del comportamiento no lineal del terreno en las rigideces de una losa de cimentación superficial y circular, como la correspondiente a la chimenea de una Central Térmica o al edificio del reactor de una Central Nuclear, considerando su variación con frecuencia y con el nivel de cargas. Finalmente se estudian los posibles deslizamientos y separación de las losas de estas dos estructuras bajo la acción de terremotos, siguiendo la formulación propuesta por Wolf (1988). Para estos estudios se han desarrollado una serie de programas específicos (MUROSIS, VELETSOS, INTESES y SEPARSE) cuyos listados y detalles se incluyen en los Apéndices. En el capítulo 6 se incluyen las conclusiones resultantes de estos estudios y recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones. ABSTRACT Earthquakes constitute one of the most important sources of dynamic loads that acting on structures and foundations. When an earthquake occurs the liberated energy generates seismic waves that can give rise to structural vibrations, settlements of the foundations of buildings, pressures on retaining walls, and possible sliding, uplifting or even overturning of structures. The soil can also liquefy losing its capacity of support The study of the effects of earthquakes on structures involve the use of diverse disciplines such as Structural Analysis, Soil Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering. Some aspects that have been the subject of limited research in relation to the behavior of structures subjected to earthquakes are the effects of nonlinear soil behavior and geometric nonlinearities such as sliding and uplifting of foundations. This Thesis starts with the study of the seismic pressures and potential displacements of retaining walls comparing the predictions of two types of formulations and assessing their range of applicability and limitations: pseudo-static methods as proposed by Mononobe-Okabe (1929), with the contribution of Whitman-Liao (1985), and analytical formulations as the one developed by Veletsos and Younan (1994) for rigid walls. The Thesis deals next with the effects of nonlinear soil behavior on the dynamic stiffness of circular mat foundations like the chimney of a Thermal Power Station or the reactor building of a Nuclear Power Plant, as a function of frequency and level of forces. Finally the seismic response of these two structures accounting for the potential sliding and uplifting of the foundation under a given earthquake are studied, following an approach suggested by Wolf (1988). In order to carry out these studies a number of special purposes computer programs were developed (MUROSIS, VELETSOS, INTESES and SEPARSE). The listing and details of these programs are included in the appendices. The conclusions derived from these studies and recommendations for future work are presented in Chapter 6.


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Ciao is a logic-based, multi-paradigm programming system. One of its most distinguishing features is that it supports a large number of semantic and syntactic language features which can be selectively activated or deactivated for each program module. As a result, a module can be written in, for example, ISO-Prolog plus constraints and higher order, while another can be a puré logic module with a different control rule such as iterative deepening and/or tabling, and perhaps using constructive negation. A powerful and modular extensión mechanism allows user-level design and implementation of such features and sub-languages. Another distinguishing feature of Ciao is its powerful assertion language, which allows expressing many kinds of program properties (ranging from, e.g., moded types to resource consumption), as well as tests and documentation. The compiler is capable of statically ñnding violations of these properties or verifying that programs comply with them, and issuing certiñcates of this compliance. The compiler also performs many types of optimizations, including automatic parallelization. It offers very competitive performance, while retaining the flexibility and interactive development of a dynamic language. We will present a hands-on overview of the system, through small examples which emphasize the novel aspects and the motivations which lie behind Ciao's design and implementation.


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It has been shown that it is possible to exploit Independent/Restricted And-parallelism in logic programs while retaining the conventional "don't know" semantics of such programs. In particular, it is possible to parallelize pure Prolog programs while maintaining the semantics of the language. However, when builtin side-effects (such as write or assert) appear in the program, if an identical observable behaviour to that of sequential Prolog implementations is to be preserved, such side-effects have to be properly sequenced. Previously proposed solutions to this problem are either incomplete (lacking, for example, backtracking semantics) or they force sequentialization of significant portions of the execution graph which could otherwise run in parallel. In this paper a series of side-effect synchronization methods are proposed which incur lower overhead and allow more parallelism than those previously proposed. Most importantly, and unlike previous proposals, they have well-defined backward execution behaviour and require only a small modification to a given (And-parallel) Prolog implementation.


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A backtracking algorithm for AND-Parallelism and its implementation at the Abstract Machine level are presented: first, a class of AND-Parallelism models based on goal independence is defined, and a generalized version of Restricted AND-Parallelism (RAP) introduced as characteristic of this class. A simple and efficient backtracking algorithm for R A P is then discussed. An implementation scheme is presented for this algorithm which offers minimum overhead, while retaining the performance and storage economy of sequent ial implementations and taking advantage of goal independence to avoid unnecessary backtracking ("restricted intelligent backtracking"). Finally, the implementation of backtracking in sequential and AND-Parallcl systems is explained through a number of examples.


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We describe some of the novel aspects and motivations behind the design and implementation of the Ciao multiparadigm programming system. An important aspect of Ciao is that it provides the programmer with a large number of useful features from different programming paradigms and styles, and that the use of each of these features can be turned on and off at will for each program module. Thus, a given module may be using e.g. higher order functions and constraints, while another module may be using objects, predicates, and concurrency. Furthermore, the language is designed to be extensible in a simple and modular way. Another important aspect of Ciao is its programming environment, which provides a powerful preprocessor (with an associated assertion language) capable of statically finding non-trivial bugs, verifying that programs comply with specifications, and performing many types of program optimizations. Such optimizations produce code that is highly competitive with other dynamic languages or, when the highest levéis of optimization are used, even that of static languages, all while retaining the interactive development environment of a dynamic language. The environment also includes a powerful auto-documenter. The paper provides an informal overview of the language and program development environment. It aims at illustrating the design philosophy rather than at being exhaustive, which would be impossible in the format of a paper, pointing instead to the existing literature on the system.


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We provide an overall description of the Ciao multiparadigm programming system emphasizing some of the novel aspects and motivations behind its design and implementation. An important aspect of Ciao is that, in addition to supporting logic programming (and, in particular, Prolog), it provides the programmer with a large number of useful features from different programming paradigms and styles and that the use of each of these features (including those of Prolog) can be turned on and off at will for each program module. Thus, a given module may be using, e.g., higher order functions and constraints, while another module may be using assignment, predicates, Prolog meta-programming, and concurrency. Furthermore, the language is designed to be extensible in a simple and modular way. Another important aspect of Ciao is its programming environment, which provides a powerful preprocessor (with an associated assertion language) capable of statically finding non-trivial bugs, verifying that programs comply with specifications, and performing many types of optimizations (including automatic parallelization). Such optimizations produce code that is highly competitive with other dynamic languages or, with the (experimental) optimizing compiler, even that of static languages, all while retaining the flexibility and interactive development of a dynamic language. This compilation architecture supports modularity and separate compilation throughout. The environment also includes a powerful autodocumenter and a unit testing framework, both closely integrated with the assertion system. The paper provides an informal overview of the language and program development environment. It aims at illustrating the design philosophy rather than at being exhaustive, which would be impossible in a single journal paper, pointing instead to previous Ciao literature.


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The term "Logic Programming" refers to a variety of computer languages and execution models which are based on the traditional concept of Symbolic Logic. The expressive power of these languages offers promise to be of great assistance in facing the programming challenges of present and future symbolic processing applications in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-based systems, and many other areas of computing. The sequential execution speed of logic programs has been greatly improved since the advent of the first interpreters. However, higher inference speeds are still required in order to meet the demands of applications such as those contemplated for next generation computer systems. The execution of logic programs in parallel is currently considered a promising strategy for attaining such inference speeds. Logic Programming in turn appears as a suitable programming paradigm for parallel architectures because of the many opportunities for parallel execution present in the implementation of logic programs. This dissertation presents an efficient parallel execution model for logic programs. The model is described from the source language level down to an "Abstract Machine" level suitable for direct implementation on existing parallel systems or for the design of special purpose parallel architectures. Few assumptions are made at the source language level and therefore the techniques developed and the general Abstract Machine design are applicable to a variety of logic (and also functional) languages. These techniques offer efficient solutions to several areas of parallel Logic Programming implementation previously considered problematic or a source of considerable overhead, such as the detection and handling of variable binding conflicts in AND-Parallelism, the specification of control and management of the execution tree, the treatment of distributed backtracking, and goal scheduling and memory management issues, etc. A parallel Abstract Machine design is offered, specifying data areas, operation, and a suitable instruction set. This design is based on extending to a parallel environment the techniques introduced by the Warren Abstract Machine, which have already made very fast and space efficient sequential systems a reality. Therefore, the model herein presented is capable of retaining sequential execution speed similar to that of high performance sequential systems, while extracting additional gains in speed by efficiently implementing parallel execution. These claims are supported by simulations of the Abstract Machine on sample programs.


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Understanding the molecular programs of the generation of human dopaminergic neurons (DAn) from their ventral mesencephalic (VM) precursors is of key importance for basic studies, progress in cell therapy, drug screening and pharmacology in the context of Parkinson's disease. The nature of human DAn precursors in vitro is poorly understood, their properties unstable, and their availability highly limited. Here we present positive evidence that human VM precursors retaining their genuine properties and long-term capacity to generate A9 type Substantia nigra human DAn (hVM1 model cell line) can be propagated in culture. During a one month differentiation, these cells activate all key genes needed to progress from pro-neural and prodopaminergic precursors to mature and functional DAn. For the first time, we demonstrate that gene cascades are correctly activated during differentiation, resulting in the generation of mature DAn. These DAn have morphological and functional properties undistinguishable from those generated by VM primary neuronal cultures. In addition, we have found that the forced expression of Bcl-XL induces an increase in the expression of key developmental genes (MSX1, NGN2), maintenance of PITX3 expression temporal profile, and also enhances genes involved in DAn long-term function, maintenance and survival (EN1, LMX1B, NURR1 and PITX3). As a result, Bcl-XL anticipates and enhances DAn generation.


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El objetivo del presente proyecto es definir las actuaciones encaminadas a restaurar el sistema actual de defensa del río Ebro en el tramo Pradilla de Ebro- Boquiñeni (Zaragoza), con el propósito de reducir el riesgo por inundaciones en los núcleos de población del mismo nombre, para lo que se ha realizado una campaña de reconocimiento del Terreno mediante técnicas geofísicas. La campaña de prospección ha consistido en la realización de perfiles de tomografía eléctrica para determinar la distribución de los niveles geoeléctricos en la zona obteniéndose la profundidad y variabilidad del nivel freático y la distribución aparente de los niveles biológicos. En base a las anomalías detectadas en las secciones de resistividad se han llevado a cabo ensayos in situ con placa de carga dinámica con el fin de determinar las características portantes de las barreras. La correlación de ambos estudios permite localizar las zonas de debilidad estructural para así poder establecer las recomendaciones oportunas de cara a restaurar los diques de protección, de forma que puedan cumplir con su función de contención frente a los caudales de crecida. ABSTRACT The aim of this project is so define the interventions required to restore the current defense system of Ebro River in the stretch between Pradilla de Ebro and Boquiñeni (Zaragoza), in order to reduce flood risk in the population centers of the same name, for what a soil survey has been done using geophysical techniques. The geophysical prospecting campaign has consisted on the realization of electrical tomography profiles to determine the distribution of due geoelectric levels in the area, the depth and variability of the water table and the distribution of apparent lithology level. Based on anomalies detected in resistivity sections, dynamic loading plate test were carried out in situ in order to determine the load bearing characteristics of the safety barriers. The correlation o f both studies makes possible to locate die areas o f structural weakness, with the objective of establishing appropriate recommendations to restore the embankments so that they can meet their retaining functions against flood flows.


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We studied the situation in Spanish public universities regarding the use of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), as an instrument of control and strategic management. Also, we studied its application to the School of Mines and Energy at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The main advantage of the BSC is that improves the organizational structure of the workplace and the achievement of the objectives that ensure long-term success. First we review the strategy for success used in the Spanish educational system and specifically in the Spanish public universities. Then using the BSC and applying the main strategic lines for the successful management of the School of Mines and Energy at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The strategic lines affect all the college groups and the success of the BSC tool is to increase communication between the faculties, personal auxiliary, students and society in general that make up the university. First we performed a SWOT analysis (DAFO in Spanish) there are proposed different perspectives that focus the long-term strategic objectives. The BSC is designed based on the strategic objectives that set the direction through using indicators and initiatives, the goals are achieved up to the programmed schedule. In the perspective of teaching, objectives are set to update facilities and increase partnerships with other universities and businesses, encouraging ongoing training of staff and improved coordination and internal communication. The internal process perspective aims at improving the marketing, the promotion of the international dimension of the school through strategic alliances, better mobility for students and professors and improved teaching and research quality results. It continues with improving the image of the school between customer?s perspective, the quality perceived by students and the loyalty of the teaching staff by retaining talent. Finally, the financial perspective which should contain costs without harming the quality, improving the employability of students and achieve relevant jobs at teaching and research through international measurement standards.


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The Olvés Church is a Lhree naves basilica. From its construction in 1767, it sufTercd important damages and successivc reparations. The church is built on a claycy hillock on top of the village with vcry fort slopcs. The retaining walls Lhat surround the church havc sufTered movements. A soil sludy was done to know its propcrtics and the reason of the movement. Also, the structural roof is broken and it is not fixed to thc walls that can movc. Thc first phase is done, with a pavcd squa rc ovcr an ancient cemetery. The next phase is a new roof structure to support the lean walls. Al'ter that done, the repair inside can start.