7 resultados para Reconfigurations of native North America : an anthology of new perspectives
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Tropospheric phenomena such as clouds and mainly rain cause higher attenuation at Ka-band than at lower frequencies. In this collaborative paper, the main results of four long-term Ka-band propagation campaigns are presented. The experiments are carried out in Ottawa, Canada (satellite Anik F2); Aveiro, Portugal; Madrid, Spain; and Toulouse, France (satellite HotBird 6 in the last three cases) and have been running since 2004 in Aveiro, 2006 in Ottawa and Madrid, and 2008 in Toulouse. After a brief introduction of the experiments, rain rate and excess attenuation results are discussed, first for a common two-year measurement period and later for the whole database available. Seasonal attenuation statistics for Madrid, Ottawa and Aveiro are compared. Finally, fade duration and fade slope statistics derived at three locations are presented and discussed.
Transportation infrastructure is known to affect the value of real estate property by virtue of changes in accessibility. The impact of transportation facilities is highly localized as well, and it is possible that spillover effects result from the capitalization of accessibility. The objective of this study was to review the theoretical background related to spatial hedonic models and the opportunities that they provided to evaluate the effect of new transportation infrastructure. An empirical case study is presented: the Madrid Metro Line 12, known as Metrosur, in the region of Madrid, Spain. The effect of proximity to metro stations on housing prices was evaluated. The analysis took into account a host of variables, including structure, location, and neighborhood and made use of three modeling approaches: linear regression estimation with ordinary least squares, spatial error, and spatial lag. The results indicated that better accessibility to Metrosur stations had a positive impact on real estate values and that the effect was marked in cases in which a house was for sale. The results also showed the presence of submarkets, which were well defined by geographic boundaries, and transport fares, which implied that the economic benefits differed across municipalities.
This paper introduces novel calibration processes applied to antenna arrays with new architectures and technologies designed to improve the performance of traditional earth stations for satellite communications due to the increasing requirement of data capacity during last decades. Besides, the Radiation Group from the Technical University of Madrid has been working on the development of new antenna arrays based on novel architecture and technologies along many projects as a solution for the ground segment in the early future. Nowadays, the calibration process is an interesting and cutting edge research field in a period of expansion with a lot of work to do for calibration in transmission and also for reception of these novel antennas under development.
Los materiales de banda intermedia han atraido la atención de la comunidad científica en el campo de la energía solar fotovoltaica en los últimos años. Sin embargo, con el objetivo de entender los fundamentos de las células solares de banda intermedia, se debe llevar a cabo un estudio profundo de la características de los materiales. Esto se puede hacer mediante un modelo teórico usando Primeros Principios. A partir de este enfoque se pueden obtener resultados tales como la estructura electrónica y propiedades ópticas, entre otras, de los semiconductores fuertemente dopados y sus precursores. Con el fin de desentrañar las estructuras de estos sistemas electrónicos, esta tesis presenta un estudio termodinámico y optoelectrónico de varios materiales fotovoltaicos. Específicamente se caracterizaron los materiales avanzados de banda intermedia y sus precursores. El estudio se hizo en términos de caracterización teórica de la estructura electrónica, la energética del sistema, entre otros. Además la estabilidad se obtuvo usando configuraciones adaptadas a la simetría del sistema y basado en la combinatoria. Las configuraciones de los sitios ocupados por defectos permiten obtener información sobre un espacio de configuraciones donde las posiciones de los dopantes sustituidos se basan en la simetría del sólido cristalino. El resultado puede ser tratado usando elementos de termodinámica estadística y da información de la estabilidad de todo el espacio simétrico. Además se estudiaron otras características importantes de los semiconductores de base. En concreto, el análisis de las interacciones de van der Waals fueron incluidas en el semiconductor en capas SnS2, y el grado de inversión en el caso de las espinelas [M]In2S4. En este trabajo además realizamos una descripción teórica exhaustiva del sistema CdTe:Bi. Este material de banda-intermedia muestra características que son distintas a las de los otros materiales estudiados. También se analizó el Zn como agente modulador de la posición de las sub-bandas prohibidas en el material de banda-intermedia CuGaS2:Ti. Analizándose además la viabilidad termodinámica de la formación de este compuesto. Finalmente, también se describió el GaN:Cr como material de banda intermedia, en la estructura zinc-blenda y en wurtztite, usando configuraciones de sitios ocupados de acuerdo a la simetría del sistema cristalino del semiconductor de base. Todos los resultados, siempre que fue posible, fueron comparados con los resultados experimentales. ABSTRACT The intermediate-band materials have attracted the attention of the scientific community in the field of the photovoltaics in recent years. Nevertheless, in order to understand the intermediate-band solar cell fundamentals, a profound study of the characteristics of the materials is required. This can be done using theoretical modelling from first-principles. The electronic structure and optical properties of heavily doped semiconductors and their precursor semiconductors are, among others, results that can be obtained from this approach. In order to unravel the structures of these crystalline systems, this thesis presents a thermodynamic and optoelectronic study of several photovoltaic materials. Specifically advanced intermediate-band materials and their precursor semiconductors were characterized. The study was made in terms of theoretical characterization of the electronic structure, energetics among others. The stability was obtained using site-occupancy-disorder configurations adapted to the symmetry of the system and based on combinatorics. The site-occupancy-disorder method allows the formation of a configurational space of substitutional dopant positions based on the symmetry of the crystalline solid. The result, that can be treated using statistical thermodynamics, gives information of the stability of the whole space of symmetry of the crystalline lattice. Furthermore, certain other important characteristics of host semiconductors were studied. Specifically, the van der Waal interactions were included in the SnS2 layered semiconductor, and the inversion degree in cases of [M]In2S4 spinels. In this work we also carried out an exhaustive theoretical description of the CdTe:Bi system. This intermediate-band material shows characteristics that are distinct from those of the other studied intermediate-band materials. In addition, Zn was analysed as a modulator of the positions of the sub-band gaps in the CuGaS2:Ti intermediate-band material. The thermodynamic feasibility of the formation of this compound was also carried out. Finally GaN:Cr intermediate-band material was also described both in the zinc-blende and the wurtztite type structures, using the symmetry-adapted-space of configurations. All results, whenever possible, were compared with experimental results.
Nowadays, treatment of food allergy only considered the avoidance of the specific food. However, the possibility of cross-reactivity makes this practice not very effective. Immunotherapy may exhibit as a good alternative to food allergy treatment. The use of hypoallergenic molecules with reduced IgE binding capacity but with ability to stimulate the immune system is a promising tool which could be developed for immunotherapy. In this study, three mutants of Pru p 3, the principal allergen of peach, were produced based on the described mimotope and T cell epitopes, by changing the specific residues to alanine, named as Pru p 3.01, Pru p 3.02, and Pru p 3.03. Pru p 3.01 showed very similar allergenic activity as the wild type by in vitro assays. However, Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 presented reduced IgE binding with respect to the native form, by in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo assays. In addition, Pru p 3.03 had affected the IgG4 binding capacity and presented a random circular dichroism, which was reflected in the nonrecognition by specific antibodies anti-Pru p 3. Nevertheless, both Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 maintained the binding to IgG1 and their ability to activate T lymphocytes. Thus, Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 could be good candidates for potential immunotherapy in peach-allergic patients.
Probabilistic graphical models are a huge research field in artificial intelligence nowadays. The scope of this work is the study of directed graphical models for the representation of discrete distributions. Two of the main research topics related to this area focus on performing inference over graphical models and on learning graphical models from data. Traditionally, the inference process and the learning process have been treated separately, but given that the learned models structure marks the inference complexity, this kind of strategies will sometimes produce very inefficient models. With the purpose of learning thinner models, in this master thesis we propose a new model for the representation of network polynomials, which we call polynomial trees. Polynomial trees are a complementary representation for Bayesian networks that allows an efficient evaluation of the inference complexity and provides a framework for exact inference. We also propose a set of methods for the incremental compilation of polynomial trees and an algorithm for learning polynomial trees from data using a greedy score+search method that includes the inference complexity as a penalization in the scoring function.
El 1 de enero de 2014 entró en vigor la Directiva Europea 2009/128/CE sobre uso sostenible de plaguicidas y el Real Decreto 1311/2012 por el cual se traspone dicha normativa comunitaria al ámbito nacional. Estos reglamentos establecen el marco legal por el que las explotaciones agrícolas deben cumplir los principios generales de la Gestión Integrada de Plagas (GIP). Los principios de la GIP dan preferencia a aquellos métodos de control que sean sostenibles y respetuosos con el medio ambiente, dando prioridad al control biológico, al físico y a otros de carácter no químico. Sin embargo, el uso de insecticidas selectivos con los enemigos naturales es necesario en ocasiones para el adecuado manejo de las plagas en cultivos hortícolas. Por ello, el objetivo general de esta Tesis ha sido aportar conocimientos para la mejora del control de plagas en cultivos hortícolas, mediante la integración de estrategias de lucha biológica, física y química. La primera de las líneas de investigación de esta Tesis se centró en el estudio del efecto de la presencia dos depredadores, larvas Chrysoperla carnea y adultos de Adalia bipunctata, en la dispersión del virus de transmisión no persistente Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) y del virus de transmisión persistente Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV), transmitidos por el pulgón Aphis gosypii en cultivo de pepino. La tasa de transmisión de CMV fue baja para los dos tiempos de evaluación ensayados (1 y 5 días), debido al limitado movimiento de su vector A. gossypii. Las plantas que resultaron infectadas se localizaron próximas a la fuente de inóculo central y la presencia de ambos enemigos naturales no incrementó significativamente el porcentaje de plantas ocupadas por pulgones ni la tasa de transmisión de CMV. Los patrones de distribución de A. gossypii y de CMV tan solo fueron coincidentes en las proximidades de la planta central infectada en la que se liberaron los insectos. En los ensayos con CABYV, la presencia de C. carnea y de A. bipunctata respectivamente provocó un incremento significativo de la dispersión de A. gossypii tras 14 días, pero no tras 7 días desde la liberación de los insectos. La reducción en el número inicial de pulgones en la planta central infectada con CABYV fue siempre mayor tras la liberación de C. carnea en comparación con A. bipunctata. Sin embargo, la tasa de transmisión de CABYV y su distribución espacial no se vieron significativamente modificadas por la presencia de ninguno de los depredadores, ni tras 7 días ni tras 14 días desde el inicio de los ensayos. Al igual que se estudió el efecto de la presencia de enemigos naturales en el comportamiento de las plagas y en la epidemiología de las virosis que transmiten, en una segunda línea de investigación se evaluó el posible efecto del consumo de pulgones portadores de virus por parte de los enemigos naturales. Este trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología del Departamento de Entomología de la Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) (Brasil). En él se evaluó la influencia en los parámetros biológicos del enemigo natural Chrysoperla externa al alimentarse de Myzus persicae contaminados con el virus de transmisión persistente Potato leafroll virus (PLRV). El consumo de M. persicae contaminados con PLRV incrementó significativamente la duración de la fase larvaria, reduciendo también la supervivencia en comparación a otras dos dietas a base de M. persicae no contaminados con el virus y huevos del lepidóptero Ephestia kuehniella. La duración de la fase de pupa de C. externa no difirió significativamente entre las dietas a base de pulgones contaminados con PLRV y pulgones no contaminados, pero ambas fueron menores que con la dieta con huevos de E. kuehniella. Sin embargo, ni la supervivencia en la fase de pupa ni los parámetros reproductivos de los adultos emergidos mostraron diferencias significativas entre las dietas evaluadas. Por el contrario, la supervivencia de los adultos durante los 30 primeros días desde su emergencia sí se vio significativamente afectada por la dieta, siendo al término de este periodo del 54% para aquellos adultos de C. externa que durante su fase larvaria consumieron pulgones con PLRV. Dentro de la GIP, una de las estrategias de carácter físico que se emplean para el control de plagas y enfermedades en cultivos hortícolas protegidos es el uso de plásticos con propiedades fotoselectivas de absorción de la radiación ultravioleta (UV). Por ello, la tercera línea de investigación de la Tesis se centró en el estudio de los efectos directos e indirectos (mediados por la planta) de condiciones especiales de baja radiación UV sobre el crecimiento poblacional del pulgón A. gossypii y los parámetros biológicos del enemigo natural C. carnea, así como sobre las plantas de pepino en las que se liberaron los insectos. Los ensayos se realizaron en jaulones dentro de invernadero, utilizándose en el primero de ellos plantas de pepino sanas, mientras que en el segundo las plantas de pepino fueron previamente infectadas con CABYV para estudiar de qué manera afectaba la incidencia del virus en las mismas condiciones. Las condiciones de baja radiación UV (bajo plástico Térmico Antivirus®) ejercieron un efecto directo en las fases iniciales del cultivo de pepino, promoviendo su crecimiento, mientras que en fases más avanzadas del cultivo indujeron un aumento en el contenido en nitrógeno de las plantas. Las plantas de pepino que fueron sometidas a mayor intensidad de radiación UV (bajo plástico Térmico Blanco®) al inicio del cultivo mostraron un engrosamiento significativo de las paredes de las células epidérmicas del haz de las hojas, así como de la cutícula. El uso del plástico Térmico Antivirus®, utilizado como barrera fotoselectiva para crear condiciones de baja radiación UV, no alteró con respecto al plástico Térmico Blanco® (utilizado como control) el desarrollo poblacional del pulgón A. gossypii ni los parámetros biológicos evaluados en el depredador C. carnea. En el segundo experimento, realizado con plantas infectadas con CABYV, la incidencia de la virosis enmascaró las diferencias encontradas en experimento con plantas sanas, reduciendo aparentemente la influencia de las distintas condiciones de radiación UV. Por último, para el desarrollo de las estrategias de GIP es importante estudiar los posibles efectos secundarios que los plaguicidas pueden tener en los enemigos naturales de las plagas. Es por ello que en la Tesis se evaluaron la toxicidad y los efectos subletales (fecundidad y fertilidad) de flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona, spirotetramat, sulfoxaflor y deltametrina en los enemigos naturales C. carnea y A. bipunctata. Los efectos secundarios fueron evaluados por contacto residual tanto para larvas como para adultos de ambos enemigos naturales en condiciones de laboratorio. Flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona y spirotetramat fueron inocuos para larvas de último estadio y adultos de C. carnea y A. bipunctata. Por este motivo, estos insecticidas se presentan como buenos candidatos para ser incorporados dentro de programas de GIP en combinación con estos enemigos naturales para el control de plagas de cultivos hortícolas. Sulfoxaflor fue ligeramente tóxico para adultos de C. carnea y altamente tóxico para larvas de último estadio de A. bipunctata. Para A. bipunctata, sulfoxaflor y deltametrina fueron los compuestos más dañinos. Deltametrina fue también el compuesto más tóxico para larvas y adultos de C. carnea. Por tanto, el uso de deltametrina y sulfoxaflor en programas de GIP debería tomarse en consideración cuando se liberasen cualquiera de estos dos enemigos naturales debido al comportamiento tóxico que mostraron en condiciones de laboratorio. ABSTRACT On 1 January 2014 came into effect the Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament about sustainable use of pesticides and the Royal Decree 1311/2012 that transposes the regulation to the Spanish level. These regulations establish the legal framework that agricultural holdings must adhere to in order to accomplish the general principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The guidelines of IPM give priority to sustainable and eco-friendly pest control techniques, such as biological and physical measures. Nevertheless, the use of pesticides that are selective to natural enemies is sometimes a necessary strategy to implement accurate pest management programs in horticultural protected crops. Therefore, the general objective of this Thesis was to contribute to the improvement of pest management strategies in horticultural crops, by means of the integration of biological, physical and chemical techniques. The first research line of this Thesis was focused on the evaluation of the effects of two aphidophagous predators, Chrysoperla carnea larvae and Adalia bipunctata adults, on the spread of the non-persistently transmitted Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Cucumovirus) and the persistently transmitted Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV, Polerovirus), by the aphid vector Aphis gossypii in a cucumber crop under greenhouse conditions. The CMV transmission rate was generally low, both after 1 and 5 days, due to the limited movement of its aphid vector A. gossypii. Infected plants were mainly located around the central virusinfected source plant, and the percentage of aphid occupation and CMV-infected plants did not differ significantly in absence and presence of natural enemies. The distribution patterns of A. gossypii and CMV were only coincident close to the central plant where insects were released. In the CABYV experiments, the presence of C. carnea larvae and A. bipunctata adults induced significant A. gossypii dispersal after 14 days but not after 7 days. The reduction in the initial aphid population established in the central plant was always higher for C. carnea than for A. bipunctata. Nevertheless, CABYV spread was not significantly modified by the presence of each predator either in the short term (7 days) or in the long term (14 days). Furthermore, the percentage of CABYV-infected plants did not significantly differ when each natural enemy was present in any evaluation period. It is important to evaluate the influence that natural enemies have on pest dynamics and on the spread of viral diseases, but it should be also taken into account the possible effect on the performance of natural enemies when they feed on preys that act as vectors of viruses. Thus, in a second research line developed in the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Department of Entomology, of the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) (Brazil), it was evaluated the performance of Chrysoperla externa under the condition of consuming Myzus persicae acting as vector of Potato leafroll virus (PLRV). The diet composed of PLRV-infected M. persicae significantly increased the length and reduced the survival rate, of the larval period in regard to the other two diets, composed of non-infected M. persicae and Ephestia kuehniella eggs. The lengths of the pupal stage were not significantly different between the aphid diets, but both were significantly shorter than that of E. kuehniella eggs. Neither pupal survival nor reproductive parameters revealed significant differences among the diets. Nevertheless, the adult survival curves during the first 30 days after emergence showed significant differences, reaching at the end of this interval a value of 54% for those C. externa adults fed on PLRVinfected aphids during their larval period. According to the IPM guidelines, one of the physical strategies for the control of pests and diseases in horticultural protected crops is the use of plastic films with photoselective properties that act as ultraviolet (UV) radiation blocking barriers. In this sense, the third research line of the Thesis dealt with the study of the direct and plant-mediated influence of low UV radiation conditions on the performance of the aphid A. gossypii and on the biological parameters of the natural enemy C. carnea, as well as on the cucumber plants where insects were released. The experiments were conducted inside cages under greenhouse conditions, using for the first one healthy cucumber plants, while for the second experiment the cucumber plants were previously infected with CABYV in order to assess the influence of the virus in the same conditions. The low UV radiation conditions (under Térmico Antivirus® plastic film) seemed to exert a direct effect in the early stages of cucumber plants, enhancing their growth, and in an increasing nitrogen content at further developmental stages. The higher UV radiation exposure (under Térmico Blanco® plastic film) in the early stages of the cucumber crop induced the thickening of the adaxial epidermal cell walls and the cuticle of leaves. The use of Térmico Antivirus® plastic film as a photoselective barrier to induce low UV radiation conditions did not modify, in regard to Térmico Blanco® plastic film (used as control), neither the population development of A. gossypii nor the studied biological parameters of the predator C. carnea. In the second experiment, done with CABYV-infected cucumber plants, the incidence of the virus seemed to mask the direct and plant-mediated influence of the different UV radiation conditions. In last term, for the development of IPM strategies it is important to study the potential side effects that pesticides might have on natural enemies. For this reason, in the Thesis were tested the toxicity and sublethal effects (fecundity and fertility) of flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone, spirotetramat, sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin on the natural enemies C. carnea and A. bipunctata. The side effects of the active ingredients of the insecticides were evaluated with residual contact tests for the larvae and adults of these predators under laboratory conditions. Flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone and spirotetramat were innocuous to last instar larvae and adults of C. carnea and A. bipunctata. Therefore, these pesticides are promising candidates for being incorporated into IPM programs in combination with these natural enemies for the control of particular greenhouse pests. In contrast, sulfoxaflor was slightly toxic to adults of C. carnea and was highly toxic to last instar larvae of A. bipunctata. For A. bipunctata, sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin were the most damaging compounds. Deltamethrin was also the most toxic compound to larvae and adults of C. carnea. In accordance with this fact, the use of sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin in IPM strategies should be taken into consideration when releasing either of these biological control agents, due to the toxic behavior observed under laboratory conditions.