13 resultados para Razón dialéctica

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The twentieth century brought a new sensibility characterized by the discredit of cartesian rationality and the weakening of universal truths, related with aesthetic values as order, proportion and harmony. In the middle of the century, theorists such as Theodor Adorno, Rudolf Arnheim and Anton Ehrenzweig warned about the transformation developed by the artistic field. Contemporary aesthetics seemed to have a new goal: to deny the idea of art as an organized, finished and coherent structure. The order had lost its privileged position. Disorder, probability, arbitrariness, accidentality, randomness, chaos, fragmentation, indeterminacy... Gradually new terms were coined by aesthetic criticism to explain what had been happening since the beginning of the century. The first essays on the matter sought to provide new interpretative models based on, among other arguments, the phenomenology of perception, the recent discoveries of quantum mechanics, the deeper layers of the psyche or the information theories. Overall, were worthy attempts to give theoretical content to a situation as obvious as devoid of founding charter. Finally, in 1962, Umberto Eco brought together all this efforts by proposing a single theoretical frame in his book Opera Aperta. According to his point of view, all of the aesthetic production of twentieth century had a characteristic in common: its capacity to express multiplicity. For this reason, he considered that the nature of contemporary art was, above all, ambiguous. The aim of this research is to clarify the consequences of the incorporation of ambiguity in architectural theoretical discourse. We should start making an accurate analysis of this concept. However, this task is quite difficult because ambiguity does not allow itself to be clearly defined. This concept has the disadvantage that its signifier is as imprecise as its signified. In addition, the negative connotations that ambiguity still has outside the aesthetic field, stigmatizes this term and makes its use problematic. Another problem of ambiguity is that the contemporary subject is able to locate it in all situations. This means that in addition to distinguish ambiguity in contemporary productions, so does in works belonging to remote ages and styles. For that reason, it could be said that everything is ambiguous. And that’s correct, because somehow ambiguity is present in any creation of the imperfect human being. However, as Eco, Arnheim and Ehrenzweig pointed out, there are two major differences between current and past contexts. One affects the subject and the other the object. First, it’s the contemporary subject, and no other, who has acquired the ability to value and assimilate ambiguity. Secondly, ambiguity was an unexpected aesthetic result in former periods, while in contemporary object it has been codified and is deliberately present. In any case, as Eco did, we consider appropriate the use of the term ambiguity to refer to the contemporary aesthetic field. Any other term with more specific meaning would only show partial and limited aspects of a situation quite complex and difficult to diagnose. Opposed to what normally might be expected, in this case ambiguity is the term that fits better due to its particular lack of specificity. In fact, this lack of specificity is what allows to assign a dynamic condition to the idea of ambiguity that in other terms would hardly be operative. Thus, instead of trying to define the idea of ambiguity, we will analyze how it has evolved and its consequences in architectural discipline. Instead of trying to define what it is, we will examine what its presence has supposed in each moment. We will deal with ambiguity as a constant presence that has always been latent in architectural production but whose nature has been modified over time. Eco, in the mid-twentieth century, discerned between classical ambiguity and contemporary ambiguity. Currently, half a century later, the challenge is to discern whether the idea of ambiguity has remained unchanged or have suffered a new transformation. What this research will demonstrate is that it’s possible to detect a new transformation that has much to do with the cultural and aesthetic context of last decades: the transition from modernism to postmodernism. This assumption leads us to establish two different levels of contemporary ambiguity: each one related to one these periods. The first level of ambiguity is widely well-known since many years. Its main characteristics are a codified multiplicity, an interpretative freedom and an active subject who gives conclusion to an object that is incomplete or indefinite. This level of ambiguity is related to the idea of indeterminacy, concept successfully introduced into contemporary aesthetic language. The second level of ambiguity has been almost unnoticed for architectural criticism, although it has been identified and studied in other theoretical disciplines. Much of the work of Fredric Jameson and François Lyotard shows reasonable evidences that the aesthetic production of postmodernism has transcended modern ambiguity to reach a new level in which, despite of the existence of multiplicity, the interpretative freedom and the active subject have been questioned, and at last denied. In this period ambiguity seems to have reached a new level in which it’s no longer possible to obtain a conclusive and complete interpretation of the object because it has became an unreadable device. The postmodern production offers a kind of inaccessible multiplicity and its nature is deeply contradictory. This hypothetical transformation of the idea of ambiguity has an outstanding analogy with that shown in the poetic analysis made by William Empson, published in 1936 in his Seven Types of Ambiguity. Empson established different levels of ambiguity and classified them according to their poetic effect. This layout had an ascendant logic towards incoherence. In seventh level, where ambiguity is higher, he located the contradiction between irreconcilable opposites. It could be said that contradiction, once it undermines the coherence of the object, was the better way that contemporary aesthetics found to confirm the Hegelian judgment, according to which art would ultimately reject its capacity to express truth. Much of the transformation of architecture throughout last century is related to the active involvement of ambiguity in its theoretical discourse. In modern architecture ambiguity is present afterwards, in its critical review made by theoreticians like Colin Rowe, Manfredo Tafuri and Bruno Zevi. The publication of several studies about Mannerism in the forties and fifties rescued certain virtues of an historical style that had been undervalued due to its deviation from Renacentist canon. Rowe, Tafuri and Zevi, among others, pointed out the similarities between Mannerism and certain qualities of modern architecture, both devoted to break previous dogmas. The recovery of Mannerism allowed joining ambiguity and modernity for first time in the same sentence. In postmodernism, on the other hand, ambiguity is present ex-professo, developing a prominent role in the theoretical discourse of this period. The distance between its analytical identification and its operational use quickly disappeared because of structuralism, an analytical methodology with the aspiration of becoming a modus operandi. Under its influence, architecture began to be identified and studied as a language. Thus, postmodern theoretical project discerned between the components of architectural language and developed them separately. Consequently, there is not only one, but three projects related to postmodern contradiction: semantic project, syntactic project and pragmatic project. Leading these projects are those prominent architects whose work manifested an especial interest in exploring and developing the potential of the use of contradiction in architecture. Thus, Robert Venturi, Peter Eisenman and Rem Koolhaas were who established the main features through which architecture developed the dialectics of ambiguity, in its last and extreme level, as a theoretical project in each component of architectural language. Robert Venturi developed a new interpretation of architecture based on its semantic component, Peter Eisenman did the same with its syntactic component, and also did Rem Koolhaas with its pragmatic component. With this approach this research aims to establish a new reflection on the architectural transformation from modernity to postmodernity. Also, it can serve to light certain aspects still unaware that have shaped the architectural heritage of past decades, consequence of a fruitful relationship between architecture and ambiguity and its provocative consummation in a contradictio in terminis. Esta investigación centra su atención fundamentalmente sobre las repercusiones de la incorporación de la ambigüedad en forma de contradicción en el discurso arquitectónico postmoderno, a través de cada uno de sus tres proyectos teóricos. Está estructurada, por tanto, en torno a un capítulo principal titulado Dialéctica de la ambigüedad como proyecto teórico postmoderno, que se desglosa en tres, de títulos: Proyecto semántico. Robert Venturi; Proyecto sintáctico. Peter Eisenman; y Proyecto pragmático. Rem Koolhaas. El capítulo central se complementa con otros dos situados al inicio. El primero, titulado Dialéctica de la ambigüedad contemporánea. Una aproximación realiza un análisis cronológico de la evolución que ha experimentado la idea de la ambigüedad en la teoría estética del siglo XX, sin entrar aún en cuestiones arquitectónicas. El segundo, titulado Dialéctica de la ambigüedad como crítica del proyecto moderno se ocupa de examinar la paulatina incorporación de la ambigüedad en la revisión crítica de la modernidad, que sería de vital importancia para posibilitar su posterior introducción operativa en la postmodernidad. Un último capítulo, situado al final del texto, propone una serie de Proyecciones que, a tenor de lo analizado en los capítulos anteriores, tratan de establecer una relectura del contexto arquitectónico actual y su evolución posible, considerando, en todo momento, que la reflexión en torno a la ambigüedad todavía hoy permite vislumbrar nuevos horizontes discursivos. Cada doble página de la Tesis sintetiza la estructura tripartita del capítulo central y, a grandes rasgos, la principal herramienta metodológica utilizada en la investigación. De este modo, la triple vertiente semántica, sintáctica y pragmática con que se ha identificado al proyecto teórico postmoderno se reproduce aquí en una distribución específica de imágenes, notas a pie de página y cuerpo principal del texto. En la columna de la izquierda están colocadas las imágenes que acompañan al texto principal. Su distribución atiende a criterios estéticos y compositivos, cualificando, en la medida de lo posible, su condición semántica. A continuación, a su derecha, están colocadas las notas a pie de página. Su disposición es en columna y cada nota está colocada a la misma altura que su correspondiente llamada en el texto principal. Su distribución reglada, su valor como notación y su posible equiparación con una estructura profunda aluden a su condición sintáctica. Finalmente, el cuerpo principal del texto ocupa por completo la mitad derecha de cada doble página. Concebido como un relato continuo, sin apenas interrupciones, su papel como responsable de satisfacer las demandas discursivas que plantea una investigación doctoral está en correspondencia con su condición pragmática.


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Investigación acerca de la experiencia que, en los años 50, constituyó la construcción de tres ciudades sindicales en tres puntos de la costa española. Se analiza desde la perspectiva del papel que ejercieron como herederas del discurso progresista de la Ciutat de Repos y de Vacances del GATCPAC y el talante desarrollista a que apelaron para el fomento del turismo y del ocio de masas.


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La tesis doctoral titulada “El Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto. Dialéctica entre morfología urbana y tipología edificatoria” analiza el poblado de Caño Roto, un vecindario de vivienda social construido en Madrid entre 1957 y 1963, a partir de la relación entre la edificación y la forma urbana resultante. También, la investigación desarrolla un análisis historiográfico de la obra así como de las condiciones políticas, sociales, económicas y normativas existentes en el momento de su realización, para concluir con un estudio comparativo entre éste y otros proyectos análogos al poblado en aspectos como el marco temporal y geopolítico, los planteamientos urbanísticos y algunas soluciones tipológicas y constructivas. El trabajo pretende, por un lado, profundizar en el conocimiento que se tiene actualmente de esta obra, considerada por muchos como una de las más relevantes de la arquitectura española contemporánea, y, por otro, extraer a partir de su estudio, pautas, criterios y estrategias de diseño urbano que puedan ser extrapolables al proyecto contemporáneo; a fin de superar los actuales, pero obsoletos, modelos de desarrollo. No obstante, sabemos que cualquier respuesta que plantee una vuelta al pasado está condenada al fracaso. Las circunstancias cambian y, en consecuencia, las soluciones no pueden ser las mismas. Pero si las respuestas ya no nos sirven, las preguntas siguen siendo válidas. Quién es el protagonista del diseño urbano en Caño Roto. Cómo conviven el tráfico peatonal y el rodado. Cuál es la densidad del barrio. Cómo se articulan los usos residencial, comercial y dotacional. De qué manera se organiza el tejido urbano. Qué relación existe entre los tipos edificatorios y la morfología urbana resultante; y entre los espacios de uso privado o restringido y los de uso público. Partimos de la hipótesis de que los análisis, reflexiones y resultados derivados de interrogar al poblado de Caño Roto acerca de estas, y otras muchas, cuestiones nos permitirán alcanzar un entendimiento global de la complejidad urbana y nos revelarán, además, propuestas y soluciones que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de nuestras ciudades; ahora y en adelante. ABSTRACT The thesis entitled “El Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto. Dialéctica entre morfología urbana y tipología edificatoria” [Poblado Dirigido of Caño Roto. Dialectic between urban morphology and typology] analyzes Caño Roto, a social housing neighborhood built in Madrid between 1957 and 1963, from the relationship between buildings and the resulting urban form. Also, this research develops a historiographical analysis of this project as well as the social, political, financial and legislative conditions present at time of its construction. This thesis concludes with a comparative study with other similar projects in temporal and geopolitical framework, urban approaches and some typological and constructive solutions. The research aims, on the one hand, to expand the current knowledge about Caño Roto, considered by many as one of the most important project at Spanish contemporary architecture; and, on the other hand, deducing from the study guidelines, criteria and strategies of urban design which can be extrapolated to contemporary architecture and urbanism. This way, we will be able to overcome current, but obsolete development models. However, we know that any response that suggests coming back to the past is destined to failure. Circumstances change and, consequently, solutions cannot be the same. But if the answers do not serve, questions are still right. Who is the protagonist of Caño Roto urban design? How do pedestrian and road traffic coexist together? What is the neighborhood’s density? How are residential, commercial and endowment uses articulated? How is urban fabric organized? What is the relationship between building types and the resulting urban morphology; and between private and public spaces? We start from the hypothesis that analysis, reflections and results arising from questioning Caño Roto about these, and many others, issues will enable us to have a comprehensive understanding of urban complexity, and they will also reveal proposals and solutions which help us to improve the quality of our cities; from now on.


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Walter Gropius o El humanismo de la razón


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Conocido como el arquitecto de la precisión, aquel que sabe que el menos siempre es más y lo demuestra en sus obras, Alberto Campo Baeza es considerado uno de los mejores arquitectos españoles, no sólo en su país sino también en el resto del mundo.


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El sueño de la razón. Unidad Docente Campo Baeza ETSAM-UPM. Curso Académico 2013-2014


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España se incorporó a la técnica del hormigón armado con más de dos décadas de retraso respecto a Francia o Alemania. En 1890, en Europa se construían ya estructuras de hormigón armado de cierta envergadura y complejidad. En España hubo que esperar hasta 1893 para la primera obra en hormigón armado, que fue un sencillo depósito descubierto en Puigverd (Lérida), ejecutado por el ingeniero militar Francesc Macià con patente Monier. En 1898, de la mano de Hennebique, se empezó la construcción de los dos primeros edificios con estructura de hormigón armado en España. Fueron dos obras puntuales, con proyectos importados de Francia, pero necesarias para introducir de manera definitiva el material. En paralelo, en París, se estaban edificando en hormigón armado la mayoría de los pabellones de la Exposición Universal de 1900. En el cambio de siglo, las construcciones de hormigón armado habían alcanzado ya la madurez proyectual y técnica en Europa. A pesar de la incorporación tardía, se puede constatar por las obras ejecutadas que en un periodo corto de tiempo, entre 1901 y 1906, se alcanzó en España prácticamente el mismo nivel técnico y constructivo que tenían el resto de los países que fueron pioneros en el empleo del hormigón armado. El desarrollo e implantación de una técnica constructiva no es un proceso lineal, y son muchos los factores que intervienen. Las patentes tuvieron una gran importancia en el desarrollo inicial del hormigón armado. Estas ofrecían un producto que funcionaba. Las primeras estructuras de hormigón armado no se calculaban y se construían siguiendo una reglamentación, se compraban. Y el resultado de esa “compra” solía ser, en la mayoría de los casos, satisfactorio. Las patentes vendían sistemas estructurales cuyo funcionamiento estaba corroborado por la experiencia y la pericia de su inventor. Esta investigación parte de la hipótesis de que las patentes sobre cemento y hormigón armado depositadas en España entre 1884 y 1906 fueron uno de los factores que proporcionaron a los técnicos y a las empresas españolas una pericia constructiva sólida en el empleo del hormigón armado. En este trabajo se aborda el estudio del proceso de introducción del hormigón armado en España desde una perspectiva fundamentalmente técnica, incorporando las patentes como una de las razones constructivas que explican su rápida evolución y generalización en un periodo de tiempo breve: 1901-1906. En este proceso se contextualiza y analiza una de las figuras que se considera fundamental en los primeros años del hormigón armado en España, la del ingeniero Juan Manuel de Zafra y Estevan. Esta tesis analiza las patentes de hormigón armado desde el punto de vista estadístico y constructivo. Desde ambas perspectivas se verifica la hipótesis de partida de esta investigación, concluyendo que las patentes fueron una de las razones constructivas de la evolución del hormigón armado en España y de su rápida implantación. ABSTRACT Spain incorporated the reinforced concrete technique more than two decades after France and Germany. In central Europe reinforced concrete structures of considerable size and complexity were being built in 1890, while in Spain it was not until 1893 that the first work, a simple open air water tank, was implemented in Puigverd (Lleida) by the military engineer Francesc Macià with a Monier patent. In 1898 the construction of the first two buildings with reinforced concrete structure in Spain started, with the guidance by Hennebique. They were two isolated cases with projects imported from France, but playing a key role to definitively introduce the material in Spain. In parallel, in Paris, most of the pavilions of the 1900 World Expo were being built in reinforced concrete. At the turn of the century reinforced concrete buildings had reached maturity both as a technology and as a design practice. Despite the late assumption of the material, the works carried out in the very short period between 1901 and 1906 clearly show that Spain reached practically the same technical and constructive level as the other pioneering countries in the use of reinforced concrete. The development and implementation of a constructive technique is never a linear process, there are many factors involved. The patents offered a successful product. Initial reinforced concrete structures were not calculated and built according to regulations, they were bought. And this purchase in most cases was satisfactory for the required use. Patents sold structural systems whose performance was supported by the experience and expertise of its inventor. The hypothesis of this research is based upon the assumption that the cement and concrete patents registered in Spain between 1884 and 1906 were one of the factors that provided Spanish technicians and companies with a solid constructive expertise in the use of reinforced concrete. This investigation studies the introduction of reinforced concrete to Spain from a predominantly technical perspective, incorporating patents as the constructive reason for the rapid evolution and spread in such a short period of time: 1901-1906. Along the way, the role of engineer J. M. de Zafra, generally considered a key agent in the initial years of reinforced concrete in Spain, is contextualized and analyzed. This dissertation analyzes the patents of reinforced concrete from a statistical and constructive point of view. From both perspectives the hypothesis of this research is verified, concluding that patents were one of the constructive reasons for the development of reinforced concrete in Spain.