32 resultados para Radio receivers.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Six-port network is an interesting radiofrequency architecture with multiple possibilities. Since it was firstly introduced in the seventies as an alternative network analyzer, the six-port network has been used for many applications, such as homodyne receivers, radar systems, direction of arrival estimation, UWB (Ultra-Wide-Band), or MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems. Currently, it is considered as a one of the best candidates to implement a Software Defined Radio (SDR). This thesis comprises an exhaustive study of this promising architecture, where its fundamentals and the state-of-the-art are also included. In addition, the design and development of a SDR 0.3-6 GHz six-port receiver prototype is presented in this thesis, which is implemented in conventional technology. The system is experimentally characterized and validated for RF signal demodulation with good performance. The analysis of the six-port architecture is complemented by a theoretical and experimental comparison with other radiofrequency architectures suitable for SDR. Some novel contributions are introduced in the present thesis. Such novelties are in the direction of the highly topical issues on six-port technique: development and optimization of real-time I-Q regeneration techniques for multiport networks; and search of new techniques and technologies to contribute to the miniaturization of the six-port architecture. In particular, the novel contributions of this thesis can be summarized as: - Introduction of a new real-time auto-calibration method for multiport receivers, particularly suitable for broadband designs and high data rate applications. - Introduction of a new direct baseband I-Q regeneration technique for five-port receivers. - Contribution to the miniaturization of six-port receivers by the use of the multilayer LTCC (Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic) technology. Implementation of a compact (30x30x1.25 mm) broadband (0.3-6 GHz) six-port receiver in LTTC technology. The results and conclusions derived from this thesis have been satisfactory, and quite fruitful in terms of publications. A total of fourteen works have been published, considering international journals and conferences, and national conferences. Aditionally, a paper has been submitted to an internationally recognized journal, which is currently under review.


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In this paper we present a novel Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system for accurate indoor localization. The system is composed of a standard Ultra High Frequency (UHF), ISO-18006C compliant RFID reader, a large set of standard passive RFID tags whose locations are known, and a newly developed tag-like RFID component that is attached to the items that need to be localized. The new semi-passive component, referred to as sensatag (sense-a-tag), has a dual functionality wherein it can sense the communication between the reader and standard tags which are in its proximity, and also communicate with the reader like standard tags using backscatter modulation. Based on the information conveyed by the sensatags to the reader, localization algorithms based on binary sensor principles can be developed. We present results from real measurements that show the accuracy of the proposed system.


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In this paper the capabilities of ultra low power FPGAs to implement Wake-up Radios (WuR) for ultra low energy Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are analyzed. The main goal is to evaluate the utilization of very low power configurable devices to take advantage of their speed, flexibility and low power consumption instead of the more common approaches based on ASICs or microcontrollers. In this context, energy efficiency is a key aspect, considering that usually the instant power consumption is considered a figure of merit, more than the total energy consumed by the application.


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In this paper an implementation of a Wake up Radio(WuR) with addressing capabilities based on an ultra low power FPGA for ultra low energy Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is proposed. The main goal is to evaluate the utilization of very low power configurable devices to take advantage of their speed, flexibility and low power consumption instead of the traditional approaches based on ASICs or microcontrollers, for communication frame decoding and communication data control.


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Este Proyecto Investigador se presenta como parte de la documentación requerida para el Concurso de Acceso a plazas de cuerpos docentes universitarios. Centro: E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación. Cuerpo: Profesores Titulares de Universidad. Departamento: Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones (0935). Área de conocimiento: Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones (800). Perfil docente: Radiocomunicaciones; Comunicaciones Móviles. Perfil investigador: Tecnología de las Telecomunicaciones (3325). Dedicación: Completa


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Communications Based Train Control Systems require high quality radio data communications for train signaling and control. Actually most of these systems use 2.4GHz band with proprietary radio transceivers and leaky feeder as distribution system. All them demand a high QoS radio network to improve the efficiency of railway networks. We present narrow band, broad band and data correlated measurements taken in Madrid underground with a transmission system at 2.4 GHz in a test network of 2 km length in subway tunnels. The architecture proposed has a strong overlap in between cells to improve reliability and QoS. The radio planning of the network is carefully described and modeled with narrow band and broadband measurements and statistics. The result is a network with 99.7% of packets transmitted correctly and average propagation delay of 20ms. These results fulfill the specifications QoS of CBTC systems.


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Este proyecto, titulado “Caracterización de colectores para concentración fotovoltaica”, consiste en una aplicación en Labview para obtener las características de los elementos ópticos utilizados en sistemas de concentración fotovoltaica , atendiendo a la distribución espacial del foco de luz concentrado que generan. Un sistema de concentración fotovoltaica utiliza un sistema óptico para transmitir la radiación luminosa a la célula solar aumentando la densidad de potencia luminosa. Estos sistemas ópticos están formados por espejos o lentes para recoger la radiación incidente en ellos y concentrar el haz de luz en una superficie mucho menor. De esta manera se puede reducir el área de material semiconductor necesario, lo que conlleva una importante reducción del coste del sistema. Se pueden distinguir diferentes sistemas de concentración dependiendo de la óptica que emplee, la estructura del receptor o el rango de concentración. Sin embargo, ya que el objetivo es analizar la distribución espacial, diferenciaremos dos tipos de concentradores dependiendo de la geometría que presenta el foco de luz. El concentrador lineal o cilíndrico que enfoca sobre una línea, y el concentrador de foco puntual o circular que enfoca la luz sobre un punto. Debido a esta diferencia el análisis en ambos casos se realizará de forma distinta. El análisis se realiza procesando una imagen del foco tomada en el lugar del receptor, este método se llama LS-CCD (Difusión de luz y captura con CCD). Puede utilizarse en varios montajes dependiendo si se capta la imagen por reflexión o por transmisión en el receptor. En algunos montajes no es posible captar la imagen perpendicular al receptor por lo que la aplicación realizará un ajuste de perspectiva para obtener el foco con su forma original. La imagen del foco ofrece información detallada acerca de la uniformidad del foco mediante el mapa de superficie, que es una representación en 3D de la imagen pero que resulta poco manejable. Una representación más sencilla y útil es la que ofrecen los llamados “perfiles de intensidad”. El perfil de intensidad o distribución de la irradiancia que representa la distribución de la luz para cada distancia al centro, y el perfil acumulado o irradiancia acumulada que representa la luz contenida en relación también al centro. Las representaciones de estos perfiles en el caso de un concentrador lineal y otro circular son distintas debido a su diferente geometría. Mientras que para un foco lineal se expresa el perfil en función de la semi-anchura del receptor, para uno circular se expresa en función del radio. En cualquiera de los casos ofrecen información sobre la uniformidad y el tamaño del foco de luz necesarios para diseñar el receptor. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una aplicación software que realice el procesado y análisis de las imágenes obtenidas del foco de luz de los sistemas ópticos a caracterizar. La aplicación tiene una interfaz sencilla e intuitiva para que pueda ser empleada por cualquier usuario. Los recursos necesarios para realizar el proyecto son: un PC con sistema operativo Windows, el software Labview 8.6 Professional Edition y los módulos NI Vision Development Module (para trabajar con imágenes) y NI Report Generation Toolkit (para realizar reportes y guardar datos de la aplicación). ABSTRACT This project, called “Characterization of collectors for concentration photovoltaic systems”, consists in a Labview application to obtain the characteristics of the optical elements used in photovoltaic concentrator, taking into account the spatial distribution of concentrated light source generated. A concentrator photovoltaic system uses an optical system to transmit light radiation to the solar cell by increasing the light power density. This optical system are formed by mirrors or lenses to collect the radiation incident on them and focus the beam of light in a much smaller surface area. In this way you can reduce the area of semiconductor material needed, which implies a significant reduction in system cost. There are different concentration systems depending on the optics used, receptor structure or concentration range. However, as the aim is to analyze the spatial distribution, distinguish between two types of concentrators depending on the geometry that has the light focus. The linear or cylindrical concentrator that focused on a line, and the circular concentrator that focused light onto a point. Because this difference in both cases the analysis will be carried out differently. The analysis is performed by processing a focus image taken at the receiver site, this method is called “LS-CCD” (Light Scattering and CCD recording). Can be used in several mountings depending on whether the image is captured by reflection or transmission on the receiver. In some mountings it is not possible to capture the image perpendicular to the receivers so that the application makes an adjustment of perspective to get the focus to its original shape. The focus image provides detail information about the uniformity of focus through the surface map, which is a 3D image representation but it is unwieldy. A simple and useful representation is provided by so called “intensity profiles”. The intensity profile or irradiance distribution which represents the distribution of light to each distance to the center. The accumulated profile or accumulated irradiance that represents the cumulative light contained in relation also to the center. The representation of these profiles in the case of a linear and a circular concentrator are different due to their distinct geometry. While for a line focus profile is expressed in terms of semi-width of the receiver, for a circular concentrator is expressed in terms of radius. In either case provides information about the uniformity and size of focus needed to design the receiver. The objective of this project is the creation of a software application to perform processing and analysis of images obtained from light source of optical systems to characterize.The application has a simple and a intuitive interface so it can be used for any users. The resources required for the project are: a PC with Windows operating system, LabVIEW 8.6 Professional Edition and the modules NI Vision Development Module (for working with images) and NI Report Generation Toolkit (for reports and store application data .)


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En el presente trabajo de tesis se afronta el problema de la optimización de la superficie de grandes antenas reflectoras. Es sabido que los grandes reflectores, formados por una superficie panelada, sufren deformaciones debidas al impacto del viento, a los cambios de temperatura y a los efectos gravitacionales derivados del gran peso de la estructura. Estos efectos hacen que los reflectores pierdan su forma ideal, generalmente de paraboloide, y se reduzca su eficiencia de apertura y, por tanto, se limite la máxima frecuencia de uso de los mismos. Es necesario, por tanto, disponer de técnicas que permitan medir el estado de la superficie de grandes reflectores, y derivar los ajustes necesarios a aplicar sobre los tornillos de soporte de cada uno de los paneles que conforman dicha superficie. De esta manera, se devolvería al reflector su forma óptima y aumentaría la eficiencia de apertura y el rango de frecuencias de uso. Hay que resaltar que el aumento de la eficiencia de un radiotelescopio supone una reducción en el tiempo de integración necesario para la detección de las debilísimas señales generadas por las radiofuentes naturales, ahorrando así valioso tiempo de observación. Además, el incremento en el rango de frecuencias permite la detección de nuevas líneas o especies moleculares en dichas radiofuentes. Tras un primer capítulo introductorio, se presenta, en el capítulo segundo, la geometría de estos grandes reflectores y la influencia de los distintos factores que afectan a la calidad de la superficie de los mismos, como la gravedad, el viento y la temperatura, particularizando para el caso del radiotelescopio de 40 metros del Centro Astronómico de Yebes. En el tercer capítulo, se presentan las diferentes técnicas metrológicas empleadas actualmente para abordar la determinación de estos ajustes, mostrándose las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada una de ellas. Actualmente, la técnica metrológica más precisa y rápida para llevar a cabo esta tarea de caracterización de la superficie de un gran reflector, es la radio-holografía de microondas presentada en el capítulo cuarto. A partir de las medidas proporcionadas por esta técnica, realizadas con la ayuda de un transmisor, y mediante transformaciones de campo, se calculan los errores de la superficie del reflector, respecto al paraboloide ideal, y se derivan los ajustes necesarios. En los capítulos quinto y sexto se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de esta técnica a dos radiotelescopios: el de 30 metros de IRAM en Pico de Veleta (Granada) y los prototipos de 12 metros de las antenas del proyecto ALMA. Por su parte, el capítulo séptimo contiene el núcleo fundamental de esta tesis y presenta el desarrollo de la técnica de radio-holografía de microondas para optimizar la superficie del radiotelescopio de 40 metros del Centro Astronómico de Yebes. Para ello, ha sido necesario diseñar, construir e instalar un receptor de doble canal en banda Ku en foco primario, y la instrumentación asociada para hacer las medidas de amplitud y fase del diagrama de radiación. Además, ha sido necesario desarrollar el software para llevar a cabo las transformaciones de campo y derivar los ajustes de los paneles. De las medidas holográficas iniciales resultó un error de la superficie del radiotelescopio de 485 μm WRMS, respecto al paraboloide ideal en dirección normal. Tras varias iteraciones del proceso de medida y ajuste, se consiguió reducir dicho error a 194 μm WRMS. Esta notable mejora de la calidad de la superficie ha supuesto aumentar la eficiencia de apertura desde 2,6% al 38,2% a 86 GHz, para un receptor a esta frecuencia situado en el foco primario que produjese la misma iluminación que el receptor de holografía. In this thesis the problem of large reflector antenna surface optimization is faced. It is well known that large reflectors, which are made of a panelled surface, suffer from deformations due to the impact of wind, temperature gradients and gravity loads coming from the high weigth of the structure. These effects distort the ideal reflector shape, which is a paraboloid in most cases, hence reducing the aperture efficiency of the reflector and limiting the maximum frequency of operation. Therefore, it is necessary to have some techniques to measure the status of large reflector surfaces and to derive the adjustment values to be applied to the screws that connect the surface panels to the reflector back-up structure. In this way, the reflector would recover its optimum shape and the aperture efficiency and frequency range would increase. It has to be stated that an increment in the radiotelescope aperture efficiency would imply a reduction in the integration time needed to detect such weak signals coming from natural radiosources in space and, hence, an important saving in observation time. In addition, the increase in the frequency range of operation would allow the detection of new molecular lines in those radiosources. After the introduction, the second chapter shows the geometry of large reflector antennas and the impact on its surface quality of different factors like gravity, wind and temperature, particularly for the case of the Centro Astronómico de Yebes 40 meter radiotelescope. The third chapter deals with the different metrology techniques used to determine the panel adjustments, including the advantages and drawbacks of each one Currently, the most accurate and fast metrologic technique to carry out the characterization of large reflector surfaces is microwave radio-holography2, which is shown in chapter four. From the measurements provided by microwave radio-holography, performed with the help of a transmitter, and with the use of field transformations, the reflector surface errors are computed and the panel adjustments are derived. Chapters five and six show the results of holographic measurements applied to two first class radiotelescopes: the IRAM 30 meter radiotelescope and the 12 meter prototype antennas for the ALMA project. Chapter seven contains the main work of this thesis. It presents the development of the microwave radio-holography technique for the optimization of the Centro Astronómico de Yebes 40m radiotelescope. The work implied the design, construction and instalation of a prime focus Ku-band dual channel receiver, together with the associated instrumentation to measure the amplitude and phase of the radiotelescope radiation pattern. In addition, the software to carry out field transformations and screw settings computations was developed too. Initial holography measurements came up with an surface error of 485 μmWRMS in normal direction with respect to the best-fit paraboloid. After a few iterations of the measurementadjustment cycle, the surface error was reduced to 194 μm WRMS. This remarkable improvement in surface quality means an increment in aperture efficiency from 2,6% to 38,2% at 86 GHz, assuming a receiver at this frequency in prime focus position which produces the same illumination as the holography receiver.


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In this paper, a novel method to simulate radio propagation is presented. The method consists of two steps: automatic 3D scenario reconstruction and propagation modeling. For 3D reconstruction, a machine learning algorithm is adopted and improved to automatically recognize objects in pictures taken from target regions, and 3D models are generated based on the recognized objects. The propagation model employs a ray tracing algorithm to compute signal strength for each point on the constructed 3D map. Our proposition reduces, or even eliminates, infrastructure cost and human efforts during the construction of realistic 3D scenes used in radio propagation modeling. In addition, the results obtained from our propagation model proves to be both accurate and efficient


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Although most of the research on Cognitive Radio is focused on communication bands above the HF upper limit (30 MHz), Cognitive Radio principles can also be applied to HF communications to make use of the extremely scarce spectrum more efficiently. In this work we consider legacy users as primary users since these users transmit without resorting to any smart procedure, and our stations using the HFDVL (HF Data+Voice Link) architecture as secondary users. Our goal is to enhance an efficient use of the HF band by detecting the presence of uncoordinated primary users and avoiding collisions with them while transmitting in different HF channels using our broad-band HF transceiver. A model of the primary user activity dynamics in the HF band is developed in this work to make short-term predictions of the sojourn time of a primary user in the band and avoid collisions. It is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which are a powerful tool for modelling stochastic random processes and are trained with real measurements of the 14 MHz band. By using the proposed HMM based model, the prediction model achieves an average 10.3% prediction error rate with one minute-long channel knowledge but it can be reduced when this knowledge is extended: with the previous 8 min knowledge, an average 5.8% prediction error rate is achieved. These results suggest that the resulting activity model for the HF band could actually be used to predict primary users activity and included in a future HF cognitive radio based station.


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As part of ongoing work to obtain a reliable estimate of the total ice volume of Svalbard glaciers and their potential contribution to sea-level rise, we present here volume calculations, with detailed error estimates, for ten glaciers on western Nordenskiöld Land, central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The volume estimates are based upon a dense net of GPR-retrieved ice thickness data collected over several field campaigns spanning the period 1999-2012. On the basis of the pattern of scattering in theradargrams, we also analyse the hydrothermal structure of these glaciers.


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We address a cognitive radio scenario, where a number of secondary users performs identification of which primary user, if any, is trans- mitting, in a distributed way and using limited location information. We propose two fully distributed algorithms: the first is a direct iden- tification scheme, and in the other a distributed sub-optimal detection based on a simplified Neyman-Pearson energy detector precedes the identification scheme. Both algorithms are studied analytically in a realistic transmission scenario, and the advantage obtained by detec- tion pre-processing is also verified via simulation. Finally, we give details of their fully distributed implementation via consensus aver- aging algorithms.


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Cognitive Radio principles can be applied to HF communications to make a more efficient use of the extremely scarce spectrum. In this contribution we focus on analyzing the usage of the available channels done by the legacy users, which are regarded as primary users since they are allowed to transmit without resorting any smart procedure, and consider the possibilities for our stations -over the HFDVL (HF Data+Voice Link) architecture- to participate as secondary users. Our goal is to enhance an efficient use of the HF band by detecting the presence of uncoordinated primary users and avoiding collisions with them while transmitting in different HF channels using our broad-band HF transceiver. A model of the primary user activity dynamics in the HF band is developed in this work. It is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which are a powerful tool for modelling stochastic random processes, and is trained with real measurements from the 14 MHz band.


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In this paper, a novel method to simulate radio propagation is presented. The method consists of two steps: automatic 3D scenario reconstruction and propagation modeling. For 3D reconstruction, a machine learning algorithm is adopted and improved to automatically recognize objects in pictures taken from target region, and 3D models are generated based on the recognized objects. The propagation model employs a ray tracing algorithm to compute signal strength for each point on the constructed 3D map. By comparing with other methods, the work presented in this paper makes contributions on reducing human efforts and cost in constructing 3D scene; moreover, the developed propagation model proves its potential in both accuracy and efficiency.


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A lo largo de este proyecto, se analizarán los comienzos de la radio en las primeras décadas del siglo XX, teniendo como objetivo describir el desarrollo científico-tecnológico y las rivalidades político-militares de las potencias europeas de Reino Unido y Alemania. En primer lugar se verán los precursores de la radio que existían anteriormente al surgimiento de la radiotelegrafía como la telegrafía óptica, la telegrafía eléctrica o el teléfono. Al igual que los primeros investigadores, como James Clerk Maxwell o Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, gracias a los cuales el origen de la radio fue posible. También se analizará el contexto histórico-político de Reino Unido y Alemania donde se muestran las características de las dos grandes potencias del momento, el Imperio Británico y el Imperio Alemán. Además, la cada vez mayor importancia de la telegrafía sin hilos, hará necesaria una organización internacional, dando lugar a las Conferencias Internacionales de Radiotelegrafía y que enfrentarán a estas dos potencias por defender sus intereses. Guillermo Marconi, por parte de Reino Unido, y Telefunken, por parte de Alemania, serán las principales marcas comerciales de radiotelegrafía, no solo en sus respectivos países, sino también en el resto del mundo. Entre ambas compañías se verán las rivalidades por la incesante lucha de patentes, el desarrollo tecnológico y el control de los mercados. También se tratará el enfrentamiento directo que se produjo en la Primera Guerra Mundial, donde la radio jugaría un papel fundamental. Por último, se analizarán los comienzos de la radiodifusión en la segunda década del siglo XX, donde la radio ya estaba consolidada como uno de los medios de comunicación más importante de la época, capaz de llegar a todos los rincones del planeta y perfectamente integrada en la sociedad del momento. ABSTRACT. Throughout this project, it will be analyzed the beginning of the radio in the first decades of the XX century, having as goal to describe the scientific-technological development and the political-militaries opponents of the European’s countries, United kingdom and Germany. Firstly, it will be shown the radio’s precursors before the origin of the wireless telegraphy, like: optical telegraphy, electric telegraphy or telephone. Moreover, it will show the first researchers like: Clerk Maxwell or Heinrich Hertz, thanks to them, the origin of the radio was possible. In addition, it will analyze the historical-political context of United Kingdom and Germany, where it is shown the main features of the Britain Empire and the German Empire. Moreover, the importance of the telegraphy without wire will make necessary and international organization, resulting the International Conferences of Wireless Telegraphy and it will put together these main countries in order to protect their interests. Guglielmo Marconi, by United Kingdom, and Telefunken, by Germany, they will be the main commercials brand of the wireless telegraphy, not only in their countries, but also in all over the world. Between both companies will be seen the main competitions for their patens, the technology development and the market’s control. Moreover, it will be dealt the direct conflict in the First World of War, where the radio has a fundamental role. Finally, it will be analyze the beginning of the wireless broadcasting in the second decade of the XX century, where the radio was established as one of the most important media of the age, able to arrive at every places of the world and it was perfectly integrated in the society of that moment.