em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In this paper we present a novel Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system for accurate indoor localization. The system is composed of a standard Ultra High Frequency (UHF), ISO-18006C compliant RFID reader, a large set of standard passive RFID tags whose locations are known, and a newly developed tag-like RFID component that is attached to the items that need to be localized. The new semi-passive component, referred to as sensatag (sense-a-tag), has a dual functionality wherein it can sense the communication between the reader and standard tags which are in its proximity, and also communicate with the reader like standard tags using backscatter modulation. Based on the information conveyed by the sensatags to the reader, localization algorithms based on binary sensor principles can be developed. We present results from real measurements that show the accuracy of the proposed system.


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El interés cada vez mayor por las redes de sensores inalámbricos pueden ser entendido simplemente pensando en lo que esencialmente son: un gran número de pequeños nodos sensores autoalimentados que recogen información o detectan eventos especiales y se comunican de manera inalámbrica, con el objetivo final de entregar sus datos procesados a una estación base. Los nodos sensores están densamente desplegados dentro del área de interés, se pueden desplegar al azar y tienen capacidad de cooperación. Por lo general, estos dispositivos son pequeños y de bajo costo, de modo que pueden ser producidos y desplegados en gran numero aunque sus recursos en términos de energía, memoria, velocidad de cálculo y ancho de banda están enormemente limitados. Detección, tratamiento y comunicación son tres elementos clave cuya combinación en un pequeño dispositivo permite lograr un gran número de aplicaciones. Las redes de sensores proporcionan oportunidades sin fin, pero al mismo tiempo plantean retos formidables, tales como lograr el máximo rendimiento de una energía que es escasa y por lo general un recurso no renovable. Sin embargo, los recientes avances en la integración a gran escala, integrado de hardware de computación, comunicaciones, y en general, la convergencia de la informática y las comunicaciones, están haciendo de esta tecnología emergente una realidad. Del mismo modo, los avances en la nanotecnología están empezando a hacer que todo gire entorno a las redes de pequeños sensores y actuadores distribuidos. Hay diferentes tipos de sensores tales como sensores de presión, acelerómetros, cámaras, sensores térmicos o un simple micrófono. Supervisan las condiciones presentes en diferentes lugares tales como la temperatura, humedad, el movimiento, la luminosidad, presión, composición del suelo, los niveles de ruido, la presencia o ausencia de ciertos tipos de objetos, los niveles de tensión mecánica sobre objetos adheridos y las características momentáneas tales como la velocidad , la dirección y el tamaño de un objeto, etc. Se comprobara el estado de las Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores y se revisaran los protocolos más famosos. Así mismo, se examinara la identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID) ya que se está convirtiendo en algo actual y su presencia importante. La RFID tiene un papel crucial que desempeñar en el futuro en el mundo de los negocios y los individuos por igual. El impacto mundial que ha tenido la identificación sin cables está ejerciendo fuertes presiones en la tecnología RFID, los servicios de investigación y desarrollo, desarrollo de normas, el cumplimiento de la seguridad y la privacidad y muchos más. Su potencial económico se ha demostrado en algunos países mientras que otros están simplemente en etapas de planificación o en etapas piloto, pero aun tiene que afianzarse o desarrollarse a través de la modernización de los modelos de negocio y aplicaciones para poder tener un mayor impacto en la sociedad. Las posibles aplicaciones de redes de sensores son de interés para la mayoría de campos. La monitorización ambiental, la guerra, la educación infantil, la vigilancia, la micro-cirugía y la agricultura son solo unos pocos ejemplos de los muchísimos campos en los que tienen cabida las redes mencionadas anteriormente. Estados Unidos de América es probablemente el país que más ha investigado en esta área por lo que veremos muchas soluciones propuestas provenientes de ese país. Universidades como Berkeley, UCLA (Universidad de California, Los Ángeles) Harvard y empresas como Intel lideran dichas investigaciones. Pero no solo EE.UU. usa e investiga las redes de sensores inalámbricos. La Universidad de Southampton, por ejemplo, está desarrollando una tecnología para monitorear el comportamiento de los glaciares mediante redes de sensores que contribuyen a la investigación fundamental en glaciología y de las redes de sensores inalámbricos. Así mismo, Coalesenses GmbH (Alemania) y Zurich ETH están trabajando en diversas aplicaciones para redes de sensores inalámbricos en numerosas áreas. Una solución española será la elegida para ser examinada más a fondo por ser innovadora, adaptable y polivalente. Este estudio del sensor se ha centrado principalmente en aplicaciones de tráfico, pero no se puede olvidar la lista de más de 50 aplicaciones diferentes que ha sido publicada por la firma creadora de este sensor específico. En la actualidad hay muchas tecnologías de vigilancia de vehículos, incluidos los sensores de bucle, cámaras de video, sensores de imagen, sensores infrarrojos, radares de microondas, GPS, etc. El rendimiento es aceptable, pero no suficiente, debido a su limitada cobertura y caros costos de implementación y mantenimiento, especialmente este ultimo. Tienen defectos tales como: línea de visión, baja exactitud, dependen mucho del ambiente y del clima, no se puede realizar trabajos de mantenimiento sin interrumpir las mediciones, la noche puede condicionar muchos de ellos, tienen altos costos de instalación y mantenimiento, etc. Por consiguiente, en las aplicaciones reales de circulación, los datos recibidos son insuficientes o malos en términos de tiempo real debido al escaso número de detectores y su costo. Con el aumento de vehículos en las redes viales urbanas las tecnologías de detección de vehículos se enfrentan a nuevas exigencias. Las redes de sensores inalámbricos son actualmente una de las tecnologías más avanzadas y una revolución en la detección de información remota y en las aplicaciones de recogida. Las perspectivas de aplicación en el sistema inteligente de transporte son muy amplias. Con este fin se ha desarrollado un programa de localización de objetivos y recuento utilizando una red de sensores binarios. Esto permite que el sensor necesite mucha menos energía durante la transmisión de información y que los dispositivos sean más independientes con el fin de tener un mejor control de tráfico. La aplicación se centra en la eficacia de la colaboración de los sensores en el seguimiento más que en los protocolos de comunicación utilizados por los nodos sensores. Las operaciones de salida y retorno en las vacaciones son un buen ejemplo de por qué es necesario llevar la cuenta de los coches en las carreteras. Para ello se ha desarrollado una simulación en Matlab con el objetivo localizar objetivos y contarlos con una red de sensores binarios. Dicho programa se podría implementar en el sensor que Libelium, la empresa creadora del sensor que se examinara concienzudamente, ha desarrollado. Esto permitiría que el aparato necesitase mucha menos energía durante la transmisión de información y los dispositivos sean más independientes. Los prometedores resultados obtenidos indican que los sensores de proximidad binarios pueden formar la base de una arquitectura robusta para la vigilancia de áreas amplias y para el seguimiento de objetivos. Cuando el movimiento de dichos objetivos es suficientemente suave, no tiene cambios bruscos de trayectoria, el algoritmo ClusterTrack proporciona un rendimiento excelente en términos de identificación y seguimiento de trayectorias los objetos designados como blancos. Este algoritmo podría, por supuesto, ser utilizado para numerosas aplicaciones y se podría seguir esta línea de trabajo para futuras investigaciones. No es sorprendente que las redes de sensores de binarios de proximidad hayan atraído mucha atención últimamente ya que, a pesar de la información mínima de un sensor de proximidad binario proporciona, las redes de este tipo pueden realizar un seguimiento de todo tipo de objetivos con la precisión suficiente. Abstract The increasing interest in wireless sensor networks can be promptly understood simply by thinking about what they essentially are: a large number of small sensing self-powered nodes which gather information or detect special events and communicate in a wireless fashion, with the end goal of handing their processed data to a base station. The sensor nodes are densely deployed inside the phenomenon, they deploy random and have cooperative capabilities. Usually these devices are small and inexpensive, so that they can be produced and deployed in large numbers, and so their resources in terms of energy, memory, computational speed and bandwidth are severely constrained. Sensing, processing and communication are three key elements whose combination in one tiny device gives rise to a vast number of applications. Sensor networks provide endless opportunities, but at the same time pose formidable challenges, such as the fact that energy is a scarce and usually non-renewable resource. However, recent advances in low power Very Large Scale Integration, embedded computing, communication hardware, and in general, the convergence of computing and communications, are making this emerging technology a reality. Likewise, advances in nanotechnology and Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems are pushing toward networks of tiny distributed sensors and actuators. There are different sensors such as pressure, accelerometer, camera, thermal, and microphone. They monitor conditions at different locations, such as temperature, humidity, vehicular movement, lightning condition, pressure, soil makeup, noise levels, the presence or absence of certain kinds of objects, mechanical stress levels on attached objects, the current characteristics such as speed, direction and size of an object, etc. The state of Wireless Sensor Networks will be checked and the most famous protocols reviewed. As Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is becoming extremely present and important nowadays, it will be examined as well. RFID has a crucial role to play in business and for individuals alike going forward. The impact of ‘wireless’ identification is exerting strong pressures in RFID technology and services research and development, standards development, security compliance and privacy, and many more. The economic value is proven in some countries while others are just on the verge of planning or in pilot stages, but the wider spread of usage has yet to take hold or unfold through the modernisation of business models and applications. Possible applications of sensor networks are of interest to the most diverse fields. Environmental monitoring, warfare, child education, surveillance, micro-surgery, and agriculture are only a few examples. Some real hardware applications in the United States of America will be checked as it is probably the country that has investigated most in this area. Universities like Berkeley, UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) Harvard and enterprises such as Intel are leading those investigations. But not just USA has been using and investigating wireless sensor networks. University of Southampton e.g. is to develop technology to monitor glacier behaviour using sensor networks contributing to fundamental research in glaciology and wireless sensor networks. Coalesenses GmbH (Germany) and ETH Zurich are working in applying wireless sensor networks in many different areas too. A Spanish solution will be the one examined more thoroughly for being innovative, adaptable and multipurpose. This study of the sensor has been focused mainly to traffic applications but it cannot be forgotten the more than 50 different application compilation that has been published by this specific sensor’s firm. Currently there are many vehicle surveillance technologies including loop sensors, video cameras, image sensors, infrared sensors, microwave radar, GPS, etc. The performance is acceptable but not sufficient because of their limited coverage and expensive costs of implementation and maintenance, specially the last one. They have defects such as: line-ofsight, low exactness, depending on environment and weather, cannot perform no-stop work whether daytime or night, high costs for installation and maintenance, etc. Consequently, in actual traffic applications the received data is insufficient or bad in terms of real-time owed to detector quantity and cost. With the increase of vehicle in urban road networks, the vehicle detection technologies are confronted with new requirements. Wireless sensor network is the state of the art technology and a revolution in remote information sensing and collection applications. It has broad prospect of application in intelligent transportation system. An application for target tracking and counting using a network of binary sensors has been developed. This would allow the appliance to spend much less energy when transmitting information and to make more independent devices in order to have a better traffic control. The application is focused on the efficacy of collaborative tracking rather than on the communication protocols used by the sensor nodes. Holiday crowds are a good case in which it is necessary to keep count of the cars on the roads. To this end a Matlab simulation has been produced for target tracking and counting using a network of binary sensors that e.g. could be implemented in Libelium’s solution. Libelium is the enterprise that has developed the sensor that will be deeply examined. This would allow the appliance to spend much less energy when transmitting information and to make more independent devices. The promising results obtained indicate that binary proximity sensors can form the basis for a robust architecture for wide area surveillance and tracking. When the target paths are smooth enough ClusterTrack particle filter algorithm gives excellent performance in terms of identifying and tracking different target trajectories. This algorithm could, of course, be used for different applications and that could be done in future researches. It is not surprising that binary proximity sensor networks have attracted a lot of attention lately. Despite the minimal information a binary proximity sensor provides, networks of these sensing modalities can track all kinds of different targets classes accurate enough.


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In this paper, implementation and testing of non- commercial GaN HEMT in a simple buck converter for envelope amplifier in ET and EER transmission techn iques has been done. Comparing to the prototypes with commercially available EPC1014 and 1015 GaN HEMTs, experimentally demonstrated power supply provided better thermal management and increased the switching frequency up to 25MHz. 64QAM signal with 1MHz of large signal bandw idth and 10.5dB of Peak to Average Power Ratio was gener ated, using the switching frequency of 20MHz. The obtaine defficiency was 38% including the driving circuit an d the total losses breakdown showed that switching power losses in the HEMT are the dominant ones. In addition to this, some basic physical modeling has been done, in order to provide an insight on the correlation between the electrical characteristics of the GaN HEMT and physical design parameters. This is the first step in the optimization of the HEMT design for this particular application.


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The advantages of wireless sensing implemented on the cold chain of fresh products are well known. These sensor systems consist of a combination of delicate internal electronic circuitry enclosed in a special housing unit. Manufacturers however are presented with the challenge that the housing required to withstand the harsh environment in which the sensors are being used all too often take from the functionality of the sensor. Therefore the target of this study is to determine the dynamic behavior and the counteractive effects of the sensor housing on temperature recording accuracy in the wireless nodes of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) semi-passive tags. Two kind of semi-passive Turbo Tags were used (T700 and T702-B), which consisted of sensors with and without a cover, and two kind of WSN nodes, IRIS (sensors Intersema and Sensirion soldered in the motherboard) and NLAZA (Sensirion in a cable and soldered to the motherboard). To recreate the temperature profiles the devices were rotated between a cold room(5 ºC) through a ambient room(23 ºC) to a heated environment (35ºC) and vice versa. Analysis revealed the differences between housing and no housing are 308.22s to 21.99s respectively in the step from 5 to 35 ºC. As is demonstrated in these experiments the influence of the housing significantly hinders sensor accuracy.


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In this paper, we propose a particle filtering (PF) method for indoor tracking using radio frequency identification (RFID) based on aggregated binary measurements. We use an Ultra High Frequency (UHF) RFID system that is composed of a standard RFID reader, a large set of standard passive tags whose locations are known, and a newly designed, special semi-passive tag attached to an object that is tracked. This semi-passive tag has the dual ability to sense the backscatter communication between the reader and other passive tags which are in its proximity and to communicate this sensed information to the reader using backscatter modulation. We refer to this tag as a sense-a-tag (ST). Thus, the ST can provide the reader with information that can be used to determine the kinematic parameters of the object on which the ST is attached. We demonstrate the performance of the method with data obtained in a laboratory environment.


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Intraoral devices for bite-force sensing have several applications in odontology and maxillofacial surgery, as bite-force measurements provide additional information to help understand the characteristics of bruxism disorders and can also be of help for the evaluation of post-surgical evolution and for comparison of alternative treatments. A new system for measuring human bite forces is proposed in this work. This system has future applications for the monitoring of bruxism events and as a complement for its conventional diagnosis. Bruxism is a pathology consisting of grinding or tight clenching of the upper and lower teeth, which leads to several problems such as lesions to the teeth, headaches, orofacial pain and important disorders of the temporomandibular joint. The prototype uses a magnetic field communication scheme similar to low-frequency radio frequency identification (RFID) technology (NFC). The reader generates a low-frequency magnetic field that is used as the information carrier and powers the sensor. The system is notable because it uses an intra-mouth passive sensor and an external interrogator, which remotely records and processes information regarding a patient?s dental activity. This permits a quantitative assessment of bite-force, without requiring intra-mouth batteries, and can provide supplementary information to polysomnographic recordings, current most adequate early diagnostic method, so as to initiate corrective actions before irreversible dental wear appears. In addition to describing the system?s operational principles and the manufacture of personalized prototypes, this report will also demonstrate the feasibility of the system and results from the first in vitro and in vivo trials.


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Location-based services (LBS) highly rely on the location of the mobile user in order to provide the service tailored to that location. This location is calculated differently depending on the technology available in the used mobile device. No matter which technology is used, the location will never be calculated 100% correctly; instead there will always be a margin of error generated during the calculation, which is referred to as positional accuracy. This research has reviewed the eight most common positioning technologies available in the major current smart-phones and assessed their positional accuracy with respect to its usage by LBS applications. Given the vast majority of these applications, this research classified them into thirteen categories, and these categories were also classified depending on their level criticality as low, medium, or high critical, and whether they function indoor or outdoor. The accuracies of different positioning technologies are compared to these two criteria. Low critical outdoor and high critical indoor applications were found technologically covered; high and medium critical outdoor ones weren?t fully resolved. Finally three potential solutions are suggested to be implemented in future smartphones to resolve this technological gap: Real-Time Kinematics Global Positioning System (RTK GPS), terrestrial transmitters, and combination of Wireless Sensors Network and Radio Frequency Identification (WSN-RFID).


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Foliage Penetration (FOPEN) radar systems were introduced in 1960, and have been constantly improved by several organizations since that time. The use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) approaches for this application has important advantages, due to the need for high resolution in two dimensions. The design of this type of systems, however, includes some complications that are not present in standard SAR systems. FOPEN SAR systems need to operate with a low central frequency (VHF or UHF bands) in order to be able to penetrate the foliage. High bandwidth is also required to obtain high resolution. Due to the low central frequency, large integration angles are required during SAR image formation, and therefore the Range Migration Algorithm (RMA) is used. This project thesis identifies the three main complications that arise due to these requirements. First, a high fractional bandwidth makes narrowband propagation models no longer valid. Second, the VHF and UHF bands are used by many communications systems. The transmitted signal spectrum needs to be notched to avoid interfering them. Third, those communications systems cause Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) on the received signal. The thesis carries out a thorough analysis of the three problems, their degrading effects and possible solutions to compensate them. The UWB model is applied to the SAR signal, and the degradation induced by it is derived. The result is tested through simulation of both a single pulse stretch processor and the complete RMA image formation. Both methods show that the degradation is negligible, and therefore the UWB propagation effect does not need compensation. A technique is derived to design a notched transmitted signal. Then, its effect on the SAR image formation is evaluated analytically. It is shown that the stretch processor introduces a processing gain that reduces the degrading effects of the notches. The remaining degrading effect after processing gain is assessed through simulation, and an experimental graph of degradation as a function of percentage of nulled frequencies is obtained. The RFI is characterized and its effect on the SAR processor is derived. Once again, a processing gain is found to be introduced by the receiver. As the RFI power can be much higher than that of the desired signal, an algorithm is proposed to remove the RFI from the received signal before RMA processing. This algorithm is a modification of the Chirp Least Squares Algorithm (CLSA) explained in [4], which adapts it to deramped signals. The algorithm is derived analytically and then its performance is evaluated through simulation, showing that it is effective in removing the RFI and reducing the degradation caused by both RFI and notching. Finally, conclusions are drawn as to the importance of each one of the problems in SAR system design.


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We investigate the sputter growth of very thin aluminum nitride (AlN) films on iridium electrodes for electroacoustic devices operating in the super high frequency range. Superior crystal quality and low stress films with thicknesses as low as 160 nm are achieved after a radio frequency plasma treatment of the iridium electrode followed by a two-step alternating current reactive magnetron sputtering of an aluminum target, which promotes better conditions for the nucleation of well textured AlN films in the very first stages of growth. Solidly mounted resonators tuned around 8 GHz with effective electromechanical coupling factors of 5.8% and quality factors Q up to 900 are achieved.


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In recent years, spacial agencies have shown a growing interest in optical wireless as an alternative to wired and radio-frequency communications. The use of these techniques for intra-spacecraft communications reduces the effect of take-off acceleration and vibrations on the systems by avoiding the need for rugged connectors and provides a significant mass reduction. Diffuse transmission also eases the design process as terminals can be placed almost anywhere without a tight planification to ensure the proper system behaviour. Previous studies have compared the performance of radio-frequency and infrared optical communications. In an intra-satellite environment optical techniques help reduce EMI related problems, and their main disadvantages - multipath dispersion and the need for line-of-sight - can be neglected due to the reduced cavity size. Channel studies demonstrate that the effect of the channel can be neglected in small environments if data bandwidth is lower than some hundreds of MHz.


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The demand for electronic identity has grown as a result of governments? promotion of e-Government, in which the citizen-public administration relationship often has a strictly personal nature and requires digital identification systems that are univocal, secure, and global. The management of this identity by public administrations is an important challenge, accentuated when interoperability among public administrations of different countries become necessary. In this paper current trends in pan-euroean identity management systems are analysized and a outlook of the future European scenary is shown.


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Se realizará un análisis en baja frecuencia del comportamiento de sistemas vibratorios excitados principalmente por un motor eléctrico. El sistema está formado por un motor eléctrico acoplado a un volante de inercia que produce una carga sobre citado motor diferente según las configuraciones adoptadas, todo ello montado sobre una base metálica de acero, soportada esta, mediante resortes de diferente características. El estudio contemplará la identificación de frecuencias de excitación, resonancias, pérdidas de inserción de los sistemas, transmisibilidad, problemas de alineamiento, desajustes, modos propios... para cada una de las diferentes situaciones en las que opera el sistema. ABSTRACT. In this Project will proceed to an behavior analysis of vibrating systems in low frequency mainly excited by an electric motor. The system is comprised of an electric motor coupled to inertial flywheel (o flywheel) which produces a different load upon said engine according to the configurations adopted. This system is mounted on a steel metal base which is supported by springs of different characteristics. This study will consider the excitation frequency identification, system resonances, insertion loss, transmissibility, shaft dealignment, eccentricities, mismatches, modal frequencies of the plate… for each of the situations in which the system operates.


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Systems used for target localization, such as goods, individuals, or animals, commonly rely on operational means to meet the final application demands. However, what would happen if some means were powered up randomly by harvesting systems? And what if those devices not randomly powered had their duty cycles restricted? Under what conditions would such an operation be tolerable in localization services? What if the references provided by nodes in a tracking problem were distorted? Moreover, there is an underlying topic common to the previous questions regarding the transfer of conceptual models to reality in field tests: what challenges are faced upon deploying a localization network that integrates energy harvesting modules? The application scenario of the system studied is a traditional herding environment of semi domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in northern Scandinavia. In these conditions, information on approximate locations of reindeer is as important as environmental preservation. Herders also need cost-effective devices capable of operating unattended in, sometimes, extreme weather conditions. The analyses developed are worthy not only for the specific application environment presented, but also because they may serve as an approach to performance of navigation systems in absence of reasonably accurate references like the ones of the Global Positioning System (GPS). A number of energy-harvesting solutions, like thermal and radio-frequency harvesting, do not commonly provide power beyond one milliwatt. When they do, battery buffers may be needed (as it happens with solar energy) which may raise costs and make systems more dependent on environmental temperatures. In general, given our problem, a harvesting system is needed that be capable of providing energy bursts of, at least, some milliwatts. Many works on localization problems assume that devices have certain capabilities to determine unknown locations based on range-based techniques or fingerprinting which cannot be assumed in the approach considered herein. The system presented is akin to range-free techniques, but goes to the extent of considering very low node densities: most range-free techniques are, therefore, not applicable. Animal localization, in particular, uses to be supported by accurate devices such as GPS collars which deplete batteries in, maximum, a few days. Such short-life solutions are not particularly desirable in the framework considered. In tracking, the challenge may times addressed aims at attaining high precision levels from complex reliable hardware and thorough processing techniques. One of the challenges in this Thesis is the use of equipment with just part of its facilities in permanent operation, which may yield high input noise levels in the form of distorted reference points. The solution presented integrates a kinetic harvesting module in some nodes which are expected to be a majority in the network. These modules are capable of providing power bursts of some milliwatts which suffice to meet node energy demands. The usage of harvesting modules in the aforementioned conditions makes the system less dependent on environmental temperatures as no batteries are used in nodes with harvesters--it may be also an advantage in economic terms. There is a second kind of nodes. They are battery powered (without kinetic energy harvesters), and are, therefore, dependent on temperature and battery replacements. In addition, their operation is constrained by duty cycles in order to extend node lifetime and, consequently, their autonomy. There is, in turn, a third type of nodes (hotspots) which can be static or mobile. They are also battery-powered, and are used to retrieve information from the network so that it is presented to users. The system operational chain starts at the kinetic-powered nodes broadcasting their own identifier. If an identifier is received at a battery-powered node, the latter stores it for its records. Later, as the recording node meets a hotspot, its full record of detections is transferred to the hotspot. Every detection registry comprises, at least, a node identifier and the position read from its GPS module by the battery-operated node previously to detection. The characteristics of the system presented make the aforementioned operation own certain particularities which are also studied. First, identifier transmissions are random as they depend on movements at kinetic modules--reindeer movements in our application. Not every movement suffices since it must overcome a certain energy threshold. Second, identifier transmissions may not be heard unless there is a battery-powered node in the surroundings. Third, battery-powered nodes do not poll continuously their GPS module, hence localization errors rise even more. Let's recall at this point that such behavior is tight to the aforementioned power saving policies to extend node lifetime. Last, some time is elapsed between the instant an identifier random transmission is detected and the moment the user is aware of such a detection: it takes some time to find a hotspot. Tracking is posed as a problem of a single kinetically-powered target and a population of battery-operated nodes with higher densities than before in localization. Since the latter provide their approximate positions as reference locations, the study is again focused on assessing the impact of such distorted references on performance. Unlike in localization, distance-estimation capabilities based on signal parameters are assumed in this problem. Three variants of the Kalman filter family are applied in this context: the regular Kalman filter, the alpha-beta filter, and the unscented Kalman filter. The study enclosed hereafter comprises both field tests and simulations. Field tests were used mainly to assess the challenges related to power supply and operation in extreme conditions as well as to model nodes and some aspects of their operation in the application scenario. These models are the basics of the simulations developed later. The overall system performance is analyzed according to three metrics: number of detections per kinetic node, accuracy, and latency. The links between these metrics and the operational conditions are also discussed and characterized statistically. Subsequently, such statistical characterization is used to forecast performance figures given specific operational parameters. In tracking, also studied via simulations, nonlinear relationships are found between accuracy and duty cycles and cluster sizes of battery-operated nodes. The solution presented may be more complex in terms of network structure than existing solutions based on GPS collars. However, its main gain lies on taking advantage of users' error tolerance to reduce costs and become more environmentally friendly by diminishing the potential amount of batteries that can be lost. Whether it is applicable or not depends ultimately on the conditions and requirements imposed by users' needs and operational environments, which is, as it has been explained, one of the topics of this Thesis.


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En la última década, los sistemas de telecomunicación de alta frecuencia han evolucionado tremendamente. Las bandas de frecuencias, los anchos de banda del usuario, las técnicas de modulación y otras características eléctricas están en constante cambio de acuerdo a la evolución de la tecnología y la aparición de nuevas aplicaciones. Las arquitecturas de los transceptores modernos son diferentes de las tradicionales. Muchas de las funciones convencionalmente realizadas por circuitos analógicos han sido asignadas gradualmente a procesadores digitales de señal, de esta manera, las fronteras entre la banda base y las funcionalidades de RF se difuminan. Además, los transceptores inalámbricos digitales modernos son capaces de soportar protocolos de datos de alta velocidad, por lo que emplean una elevada escala de integración para muchos de los subsistemas que componen las diferentes etapas. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo de investigación es realizar un estudio de las nuevas configuraciones en el desarrollo de demostradores de radiofrecuencia (un receptor y un transmisor) y transpondedores para fines de comunicaciones y militares, respectivamente. Algunos trabajos se han llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto TECRAIL, donde se ha implementado un demostrador de la capa física LTE para evaluar la viabilidad del estándar LTE en el entorno ferroviario. En el ámbito militar y asociado al proyecto de calibración de radares (CALRADAR), se ha efectuado una actividad importante en el campo de la calibración de radares balísticos Doppler donde se ha analizado cuidadosamente su precisión y se ha desarrollado la unidad generadora de Doppler de un patrón electrónico para la calibración de estos radares. Dicha unidad Doppler es la responsable de la elevada resolución en frecuencia del generador de “blancos” radar construido. Por otro lado, se ha elaborado un análisis completo de las incertidumbres del sistema para optimizar el proceso de calibración. En una segunda fase se han propuesto soluciones en el desarrollo de dispositivos electro-ópticos para aplicaciones de comunicaciones. Estos dispositivos son considerados, debido a sus ventajas, tecnologías de soporte para futuros dispositivos y subsistemas de RF/microondas. Algunas demandas de radio definida por software podrían cubrirse aplicando nuevos conceptos de circuitos sintonizables mediante parámetros programables de un modo dinámico. También se ha realizado una contribución relacionada con el diseño de filtros paso banda con topología “Hairpin”, los cuales son compactos y se pueden integrar fácilmente en circuitos de microondas en una amplia gama de aplicaciones destinadas a las comunicaciones y a los sistemas militares. Como importante aportación final, se ha presentado una propuesta para ecualizar y mejorar las transmisiones de señales discretas de temporización entre los TRMs y otras unidades de procesamiento, en el satélite de última generación SEOSAR/PAZ. Tras un análisis exhaustivo, se ha obtenido la configuración óptima de los buses de transmisión de datos de alta velocidad basadas en una red de transceptores. ABSTRACT In the last decade, high-frequency telecommunications systems have extremely evolved. Frequency bands, user bandwidths, modulation techniques and other electrical characteristics of these systems are constantly changing following to the evolution of technology and the emergence of new applications. The architectures of modern transceivers are different from the traditional ones. Many of the functions conventionally performed by analog circuitry have gradually been assigned to digital signal processors. In this way, boundaries between baseband and RF functionalities are diffused. The design of modern digital wireless transceivers are capable of supporting high-speed data protocols. Therefore, a high integration scale is required for many of the components in the block chain. One of the goals of this research work is to investigate new configurations in the development of RF demonstrators (a receiver and a transmitter) and transponders for communications and military purposes, respectively. A LTE physical layer demonstrator has been implemented to assess the viability of LTE in railway scenario under the framework of the TECRAIL project. An important activity, related to the CALRADAR project, for the calibration of Doppler radars with extremely high precision has been performed. The contribution is the Doppler unit of the radar target generator developed that reveals a high frequency resolution. In order to assure the accuracy of radar calibration process, a complete analysis of the uncertainty in the above mentioned procedure has been carried out. Another important research topic has been the development of photonic devices that are considered enabling technologies for future RF and microwave devices and subsystems. Some Software Defined Radio demands are addressed by the proposed novel circuit concepts based on photonically tunable elements with dynamically programmable parameters. A small contribution has been made in the field of Hairpin-line bandpass filters. These filters are compact and can also be easily integrated into microwave circuits finding a wide range of applications in communication and military systems. In this research field, the contributions made have been the improvements in the design and the simulations of wideband filters. Finally, an important proposal to balance and enhance transmissions of discrete timing signals between TRMs and other processing units into the state of the art SEOSAR/PAZ Satellite has been carried out obtaining the optimal configuration of the high-speed data transmission buses based on a transceiver network. RÉSUMÉ Les systèmes d'hyperfréquence dédiés aux télécommunications ont beaucoup évolué dans la dernière décennie. Les bandes de fréquences, les bandes passantes par utilisateur, les techniques de modulation et d'autres caractéristiques électriques sont en constant changement en fonction de l'évolution des technologies et l'émergence de nouvelles applications. Les architectures modernes des transcepteurs sont différentes des traditionnelles. Un grand nombre d’opérations normalement effectuées par les circuits analogiques a été progressivement alloué à des processeurs de signaux numériques. Ainsi, les frontières entre la bande de base et la fonctionnalité RF sont floues. Les transcepteurs sans fils numériques modernes sont capables de transférer des données à haute vitesse selon les différents protocoles de communication utilisés. C'est pour cette raison qu’un niveau élevé d'intégration est nécessaire pour un grand nombre de composants qui constitue les différentes étapes des systèmes. L'un des objectifs de cette recherche est d'étudier les nouvelles configurations dans le développement des démonstrateurs RF (récepteur et émetteur) et des transpondeurs à des fins militaire et de communication. Certains travaux ont été réalisés dans le cadre du projet TECRAIL, où un démonstrateur de la couche physique LTE a été mis en place pour évaluer la faisabilité de la norme LTE dans l'environnement ferroviaire. Une contribution importante, liée au projet CALRADAR, est proposée dans le domaine des systèmes d’étalonnage de radar Doppler de haute précision. Cette contribution est le module Doppler de génération d’hyperfréquence intégré dans le système électronique de génération de cibles radar virtuelles que présente une résolution de fréquence très élevée. Une analyse complète de l'incertitude dans l'étalonnage des radars Doppler a été effectuée, afin d'assurer la précision du calibrage. La conception et la mise en oeuvre de quelques dispositifs photoniques sont un autre sujet important du travail de recherche présenté dans cette thèse. De tels dispositifs sont considérés comme étant des technologies habilitantes clés pour les futurs dispositifs et sous-systèmes RF et micro-ondes grâce à leurs avantages. Certaines demandes de radio définies par logiciel pourraient être supportées par nouveaux concepts de circuits basés sur des éléments dynamiquement programmables en utilisant des paramètres ajustables. Une petite contribution a été apportée pour améliorer la conception et les simulations des filtres passe-bande Hairpin à large bande. Ces filtres sont compacts et peuvent également être intégrés dans des circuits à micro-ondes compatibles avec un large éventail d'applications dans les systèmes militaires et de communication. Finalement, une proposition a été effectuée visant à équilibrer et améliorer la transmission des signaux discrets de synchronisation entre les TRMs et d'autres unités de traitement dans le satellite SEOSAR/PAZ de dernière génération et permettant l’obtention de la configuration optimale des bus de transmission de données à grande vitesse basés sur un réseau de transcepteurs.


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Esta tesis se centra en el estudio y desarrollo de algoritmos de guerra electrónica {electronic warfare, EW) y radar para su implementación en sistemas de tiempo real. La llegada de los sistemas de radio, radar y navegación al terreno militar llevó al desarrollo de tecnologías para combatirlos. Así, el objetivo de los sistemas de guerra electrónica es el control del espectro electomagnético. Una de la funciones de la guerra electrónica es la inteligencia de señales {signals intelligence, SIGINT), cuya labor es detectar, almacenar, analizar, clasificar y localizar la procedencia de todo tipo de señales presentes en el espectro. El subsistema de inteligencia de señales dedicado a las señales radar es la inteligencia electrónica {electronic intelligence, ELINT). Un sistema de tiempo real es aquel cuyo factor de mérito depende tanto del resultado proporcionado como del tiempo en que se da dicho resultado. Los sistemas radar y de guerra electrónica tienen que proporcionar información lo más rápido posible y de forma continua, por lo que pueden encuadrarse dentro de los sistemas de tiempo real. La introducción de restricciones de tiempo real implica un proceso de realimentación entre el diseño del algoritmo y su implementación en plataformas “hardware”. Las restricciones de tiempo real son dos: latencia y área de la implementación. En esta tesis, todos los algoritmos presentados se han implementado en plataformas del tipo field programmable gate array (FPGA), ya que presentan un buen compromiso entre velocidad, coste total, consumo y reconfigurabilidad. La primera parte de la tesis está centrada en el estudio de diferentes subsistemas de un equipo ELINT: detección de señales mediante un detector canalizado, extracción de los parámetros de pulsos radar, clasificación de modulaciones y localization pasiva. La transformada discreta de Fourier {discrete Fourier transform, DFT) es un detector y estimador de frecuencia quasi-óptimo para señales de banda estrecha en presencia de ruido blanco. El desarrollo de algoritmos eficientes para el cálculo de la DFT, conocidos como fast Fourier transform (FFT), han situado a la FFT como el algoritmo más utilizado para la detección de señales de banda estrecha con requisitos de tiempo real. Así, se ha diseñado e implementado un algoritmo de detección y análisis espectral para su implementación en tiempo real. Los parámetros más característicos de un pulso radar son su tiempo de llegada y anchura de pulso. Se ha diseñado e implementado un algoritmo capaz de extraer dichos parámetros. Este algoritmo se puede utilizar con varios propósitos: realizar un reconocimiento genérico del radar que transmite dicha señal, localizar la posición de dicho radar o bien puede utilizarse como la parte de preprocesado de un clasificador automático de modulaciones. La clasificación automática de modulaciones es extremadamente complicada en entornos no cooperativos. Un clasificador automático de modulaciones se divide en dos partes: preprocesado y el algoritmo de clasificación. Los algoritmos de clasificación basados en parámetros representativos calculan diferentes estadísticos de la señal de entrada y la clasifican procesando dichos estadísticos. Los algoritmos de localization pueden dividirse en dos tipos: triangulación y sistemas cuadráticos. En los algoritmos basados en triangulación, la posición se estima mediante la intersección de las rectas proporcionadas por la dirección de llegada de la señal. En cambio, en los sistemas cuadráticos, la posición se estima mediante la intersección de superficies con igual diferencia en el tiempo de llegada (time difference of arrival, TDOA) o diferencia en la frecuencia de llegada (frequency difference of arrival, FDOA). Aunque sólo se ha implementado la estimación del TDOA y FDOA mediante la diferencia de tiempos de llegada y diferencia de frecuencias, se presentan estudios exhaustivos sobre los diferentes algoritmos para la estimación del TDOA, FDOA y localización pasiva mediante TDOA-FDOA. La segunda parte de la tesis está dedicada al diseño e implementación filtros discretos de respuesta finita (finite impulse response, FIR) para dos aplicaciones radar: phased array de banda ancha mediante filtros retardadores (true-time delay, TTD) y la mejora del alcance de un radar sin modificar el “hardware” existente para que la solución sea de bajo coste. La operación de un phased array de banda ancha mediante desfasadores no es factible ya que el retardo temporal no puede aproximarse mediante un desfase. La solución adoptada e implementada consiste en sustituir los desfasadores por filtros digitales con retardo programable. El máximo alcance de un radar depende de la relación señal a ruido promedio en el receptor. La relación señal a ruido depende a su vez de la energía de señal transmitida, potencia multiplicado por la anchura de pulso. Cualquier cambio hardware que se realice conlleva un alto coste. La solución que se propone es utilizar una técnica de compresión de pulsos, consistente en introducir una modulación interna a la señal, desacoplando alcance y resolución. ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on the study and development of electronic warfare (EW) and radar algorithms for real-time implementation. The arrival of radar, radio and navigation systems to the military sphere led to the development of technologies to fight them. Therefore, the objective of EW systems is the control of the electromagnetic spectrum. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) is one of the EW functions, whose mission is to detect, collect, analyze, classify and locate all kind of electromagnetic emissions. Electronic intelligence (ELINT) is the SIGINT subsystem that is devoted to radar signals. A real-time system is the one whose correctness depends not only on the provided result but also on the time in which this result is obtained. Radar and EW systems must provide information as fast as possible on a continuous basis and they can be defined as real-time systems. The introduction of real-time constraints implies a feedback process between the design of the algorithms and their hardware implementation. Moreover, a real-time constraint consists of two parameters: Latency and area of the implementation. All the algorithms in this thesis have been implemented on field programmable gate array (FPGAs) platforms, presenting a trade-off among performance, cost, power consumption and reconfigurability. The first part of the thesis is related to the study of different key subsystems of an ELINT equipment: Signal detection with channelized receivers, pulse parameter extraction, modulation classification for radar signals and passive location algorithms. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a nearly optimal detector and frequency estimator for narrow-band signals buried in white noise. The introduction of fast algorithms to calculate the DFT, known as FFT, reduces the complexity and the processing time of the DFT computation. These properties have placed the FFT as one the most conventional methods for narrow-band signal detection for real-time applications. An algorithm for real-time spectral analysis for user-defined bandwidth, instantaneous dynamic range and resolution is presented. The most characteristic parameters of a pulsed signal are its time of arrival (TOA) and the pulse width (PW). The estimation of these basic parameters is a fundamental task in an ELINT equipment. A basic pulse parameter extractor (PPE) that is able to estimate all these parameters is designed and implemented. The PPE may be useful to perform a generic radar recognition process, perform an emitter location technique and can be used as the preprocessing part of an automatic modulation classifier (AMC). Modulation classification is a difficult task in a non-cooperative environment. An AMC consists of two parts: Signal preprocessing and the classification algorithm itself. Featurebased algorithms obtain different characteristics or features of the input signals. Once these features are extracted, the classification is carried out by processing these features. A feature based-AMC for pulsed radar signals with real-time requirements is studied, designed and implemented. Emitter passive location techniques can be divided into two classes: Triangulation systems, in which the emitter location is estimated with the intersection of the different lines of bearing created from the estimated directions of arrival, and quadratic position-fixing systems, in which the position is estimated through the intersection of iso-time difference of arrival (TDOA) or iso-frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) quadratic surfaces. Although TDOA and FDOA are only implemented with time of arrival and frequency differences, different algorithms for TDOA, FDOA and position estimation are studied and analyzed. The second part is dedicated to FIR filter design and implementation for two different radar applications: Wideband phased arrays with true-time delay (TTD) filters and the range improvement of an operative radar with no hardware changes to minimize costs. Wideband operation of phased arrays is unfeasible because time delays cannot be approximated by phase shifts. The presented solution is based on the substitution of the phase shifters by FIR discrete delay filters. The maximum range of a radar depends on the averaged signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver. Among other factors, the SNR depends on the transmitted signal energy that is power times pulse width. Any possible hardware change implies high costs. The proposed solution lies in the use of a signal processing technique known as pulse compression, which consists of introducing an internal modulation within the pulse width, decoupling range and resolution.