25 resultados para Qualitative and inductive study
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
We study a reaction–diffusion mathematical model for the evolution of atherosclerosis as an inflammation process by combining analytical tools with computer-intensive numerical calculations. The computational work involved the calculation of more than sixty thousand solutions of the full reaction–diffusion system and lead to the complete characterisation of the ωω-limit for every initial condition. Qualitative properties of the solution are rigorously proved, some of them hinted at by the numerical study
Eutectic rods of Al2O3–Er3Al5O12 were grown by directional solidification using the laser-heated floating zone method at rates in the range 25–1500 mm/h. Their microstructure and mechanical properties (hardness, toughness and strength) were investigated as a function of the growth rate. A homogeneous and interpenetrated microstructure was found in most cases, and interphase spacing decreased with growth rate following the Hunt–Jackson law. Hardness increased slightly as the interphase spacing decreased while toughness was low and independent of the microstructure. The rods presented very high bending strength as a result of the homogeneous microstructure, and their strength increased rapidly as the interphase spacing decreased, reaching a maximum of 2.7 GPa for the rods grown at 750 mm/h. The bending strength remained constant up to 1300 K and decreased above this temperature. The relationship between the microstructure and the mechanical properties was established from the analysis of the microstructure and of the fracture mechanisms
In the present uncertain global context of reaching an equal social stability and steady thriving economy, power demand expected to grow and global electricity generation could nearly double from 2005 to 2030. Fossil fuels will remain a significant contribution on this energy mix up to 2050, with an expected part of around 70% of global and ca. 60% of European electricity generation. Coal will remain a key player. Hence, a direct effect on the considered CO2 emissions business-as-usual scenario is expected, forecasting three times the present CO2 concentration values up to 1,200ppm by the end of this century. Kyoto protocol was the first approach to take global responsibility onto CO2 emissions monitoring and cap targets by 2012 with reference to 1990. Some of principal CO2emitters did not ratify the reduction targets. Although USA and China spur are taking its own actions and parallel reduction measures. More efficient combustion processes comprising less fuel consuming, a significant contribution from the electricity generation sector to a CO2 dwindling concentration levels, might not be sufficient. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies have started to gain more importance from the beginning of the decade, with research and funds coming out to drive its come in useful. After first researching projects and initial scale testing, three principal capture processes came out available today with first figures showing up to 90% CO2 removal by its standard applications in coal fired power stations. Regarding last part of CO2 reduction chain, two options could be considered worthy, reusing (EOR & EGR) and storage. The study evaluates the state of the CO2 capture technology development, availability and investment cost of the different technologies, with few operation cost analysis possible at the time. Main findings and the abatement potential for coal applications are presented. DOE, NETL, MIT, European universities and research institutions, key technology enterprises and utilities, and key technology suppliers are the main sources of this study. A vision of the technology deployment is presented.
An experimental and numerical study of ballistic impacts on steel plates at various temperatures (700ºC, 400ºC and room temperature) has been carried out. The motivation for this work is the blade‐off event that may occur inside a jet engine turbine. However, as a first attempt to understand this complex loading process, a somewhat simpler approach is carried out in the present work. The material used in this study is the FV535 martensitic stainless steel, which is one of the most commonly used materials for turbine casings. Based on material test data, a Modified Johnson‐Cook (MJC) model was calibrated for numerical simulations using the LS‐DYNA explicit finite element code (see Figure 1). To check the mesh size sensitivity, 2D axisymmetric finite element models with three different mesh sizes and configurations were used for the various temperatures. Two fixed meshes with 64 and 128 elements over the 2mm thick plate and one mesh with 32 elements over the thickness with adaptive remeshing were used in the simulations. The formation of adiabatic shear bands in the perforation process has been found critical in order to achieve good results. Adiabatic shear bands are formed by the temperature rise due to the accumulation of plastic strain during impact (see Figure 2). The influence of the thermal softening in the plastic model has hence been analyzed for the room temperature impact tests, where the temperature gradient is highest
The paper presents analytical methods and results for assessing the variation in the concentration of sulphate (and other ions) over space and time in groundwater flowing through a soluble evaporite terrain beneath a dam. The influence of effective porosity, groundwater flow velocity and the specific rate of dissolution (K′) are considered. The theoretical analysis was tested in a scale model simulating a dam constructed on heavily karstified bedrock. A simple and useful method for assessing how much material is lost through dissolution and how the rate of dissolution changes over time is considered in the context of the Caspe Dam, Spain.
In the present work a seismic retrofitting technique is proposed for masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames based on the replacement of infill panels by K-bracing with vertical shear link. The performance of this technique is evaluated through experimental tests. A simplified numerical model for structural damage evaluation is also formulated according to the notions and principles of continuum damage mechanics. The proposed model is calibrated with the experimental results. The experimental results have shown an excellent energy dissipation capacity with the proposed technique. Likewise, the numerical predictions with the proposed model are in good agreement with experimental results.
Proper management of the N applied to crops is necessary in order to increase yield, improve water use efficiency (WUE) and reduce the pollutions risks with the least economic, environmental and health costs. A field study with melon crops was conducted during 2005, 2006 and 2007 in central Spain, using 11 different amounts of N. Some environmental indexes have been proposed, to provide an essential tool for determining the groundwater pollution risks associated with common agricultural practices. These indexes are related to variation in the nitrate concentration of drinking water (Impact Index (II)) and groundwater (Environmental Impact Index (EII)). Also, the Management Efficiency (ME) was calculated, which is related to the amount of fruit produced per gram of N leached (Nl). To determine the optimum dose of N, it was also necessary to know the N mineralisation (NM). Our results show that 160 kg ha?1 of available N (Nav) produced the maximum fruit yield (FY), enhanced WUE and gave an NM of 85 kg ha?1, while the impact indexes did not exceed the fixed maximum allowable limits and ME was adequate. The proposed indexes proved to be an effective tool for determining the risk of nitrate contamination and confirmed that the optimum dose of N corresponded to the maximum FY with minimal loss of Nl.
We present a combined magnetooptic and ferromagnetic resonance study of a series of arrays of single-crystalline Fe stripes fabricated by electron beam lithography on epitaxial Au(001)/Fe(001)/MgO(001) films grown by pulsed laser deposition. The analysis of the films revealed a clear fourfold magnetocrystalline anisotropy, with no significant presence of other anisotropy sources. The use of a large series of arrays, with stripe widths between 140 and 1000 nm and separation between them of either 200 nm or 500 nm, allowed studying their magnetization processes and resonance modes as well as the effects of the dipolar interactions on both. The magnetization processes of the stripes were interpreted in terms of a macrospin approximation, with a good agreement between experiments and calculations and negligible influence of the dipolar interactions. The ferromagnetic resonance spectra evidenced two types of resonances linked to bulk oscillation modes, essentially insensitive to the dipolar interactions, and a third one associated with edge-localized oscillations, whose resonance field is strongly dependent on the dipolar interactions. The ability to produce a high quality, controlled series of stripes provided a good opportunity to achieve an agreement between the experiments and calculations, carried out by taking into account just the Fe intrinsic properties and the morphology of the arrays, thus evidencing the relatively small role of other extrinsic factors.
The flexural vibration of a homogeneous isotropic linearly elastic cylinder of any aspect ratio is analysed in this paper. Natural frequencies of a cylinder under uniformly distributed axial loads acting on its bases are calculated numerically by the Ritz method with terms of power series in the coordinate directions as approximating functions. The effect of axial loads on the flexural vibration cannot be described by applying infinitesimal strain theory, therefore, geometrically nonlinear strain–displacement relations with second-order terms are considered here. The natural frequencies of free–free, clamped–clamped, and sliding–sliding cylinders subjected to axial loads are calculated using the proposed three-dimensional Ritz approach and are compared with those obtained with the finite element method and the Bernoulli–Euler theory. Different experiments with cylinders axially compressed by a hydraulic press are carried out and the experimental results for the lowest flexural frequency are compared with the numerical results. An approach based on the Ritz formulation is proposed for the flexural vibration of a cylinder between the platens of the press with constraints varying with the intensity of the compression. The results show that for low compressions the cylinder behaves similarly to a sliding–sliding cylinder, whereas for high compressions the cylinder vibrates as a clamped–clamped one.
In this paper, a simulation tool for assisting the deployment of wireless sensor network is introduced and simulation results are verified under a specific indoor environment. The simulation tool supports two modes: deterministic mode and stochastic mode. The deterministic mode is environment dependent in which the information of environment should be provided beforehand. Ray tracing method and deterministic propagation model are employed in order to increase the accuracy of the estimated coverage, connectivity and routing; the stochastic mode is useful for large scale random deployment without previous knowledge on geographic information. Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) and Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing protocol (AODV) are implemented in order to calculate the topology of WSN. Hence this tool gives direct view on the performance of WSN and assists users in finding the potential problems of wireless sensor network before real deployment. At the end, a case study is realized in Centro de Electronica Industrial (CEI), the simulation results on coverage, connectivity and routing are verified by the measurement.
El presente trabajo trata de elementos reforzados con barras de armadura y Fibras Metálicas Recicladas (FMR). El objetivo principal es mejorar el comportamiento a fisuración de elementos sometidos a flexión pura y a flexión compuesta, aumentando en consecuencia las prestaciones en servicio de aquellas estructuras con requerimientos estrictos con respecto al control de fisuración. Entre éstas últimas se encuentran las estructuras integrales, es decir aquellas estructuras sin juntas (puentes o edificios), sometidas a cargas gravitatorias y deformaciones impuestas en los elementos horizontales debidas a retracción, fluencia y temperatura. Las FMR son obtenidas a partir de los neumáticos fuera de uso, y puesto que el procedimiento de reciclado se centra en el caucho en vez que en el acero, su forma es aleatoria y con longitud variable. A pesar de que la eficacia del fibrorefuerzo mediante FMR ha sido demostrada en investigaciones anteriores, la innovación que representa este trabajo consiste en proponer la acción combinada de barras convencionales y FMR en la mejora del comportamiento a fisuración. El objetivo es por tanto mejorar la sostenibilidad del proyecto de la estructura en HA al utilizar materiales reciclados por un lado, y aumentando por el otro la durabilidad. En primer lugar, se presenta el estado del arte con respecto a la fisuración en elementos de HA, que sucesivamente se amplía a elementos reforzados con barras y fibras. Asimismo, se resume el método simplificado para el análisis de columnas de estructuras sin juntas ya propuesto por Pérez et al., con particular énfasis en aquellos aspectos que son incompatibles con la acción de las fibras a nivel seccional. A continuación, se presenta un modelo para describir la deformabilidad seccional y la fisuración en elementos en HA, que luego se amplía a aquellos elementos reforzados con barras y fibras, teniendo en cuenta también los efectos debidos a la retracción (tension stiffening negativo). El modelo es luego empleado para ampliar el método simplificado para el análisis de columnas. La aportación consiste por tanto en contar con una metodología amplia de análisis para este tipo de elementos. Seguidamente, se presenta la campaña experimental preliminar que ha involucrado vigas a escala reducida sometidas a flexión simple, con el objetivo de validar la eficiencia y la usabilidad en el hormigón de las FMR de dos diferentes tipos, y su comportamiento con respecto a fibras de acero comerciales. Se describe a continuación la campaña principal, consistente en ensayos sobre ocho vigas en flexión simple a escala 1:1 (variando contenido en FRM, Ø/s,eff y recubrimiento) y doce columnas a flexión compuesta (variando contenido en FMR, Ø/s,eff y nivel de fuerza axil). Los resultados obtenidos en la campaña principal son presentados y comentados, resaltando las mejoras obtenidas en el comportamiento a fisuración de las vigas y columnas, y la rigidez estructural de las columnas. Estos resultados se comparan con las predicciones del modelo propuesto. Los principales parámetros estudiados para describir la fisuración y el comportamiento seccional de las vigas son: la separación entre fisuras, el alargamiento medio de las armaduras y la abertura de fisura, mientras que en los ensayos de las columnas se ha contrastado las leyes momento/curvatura, la tensión en las barras de armadura y la abertura de fisura en el empotramiento en la base. La comparación muestra un buen acuerdo entre las predicciones y los resultados experimentales. Asimismo, se nota la mejora en el comportamiento a fisuración debido a la incorporación de FMR en aquellos elementos con cuantías de armadura bajas en flexión simple, en elementos con axiles bajos y para el control de la fisuración en elementos con grandes recubrimientos, siendo por tanto resultados de inmediato impacto en la práctica ingenieril (diseño de losas, tanques, estructuras integrales, etc.). VIIIComo punto final, se presentan aplicaciones de las FMR en estructuras reales. Se discuten dos casos de elementos sometidos a flexión pura, en particular una viga simplemente apoyada y un tanque para el tratamiento de agua. En ambos casos la adicción de FMR al hormigón lleva a mejoras en el comportamiento a fisuración. Luego, utilizando el método simplificado para el análisis en servicio de columnas de estructuras sin juntas, se calcula la máxima longitud admisible en casos típicos de puentes y edificación. En particular, se demuestra que las limitaciones de la práctica ingenieril actual (sobre todo en edificación) pueden ser aumentadas considerando el comportamiento real de las columnas en HA. Finalmente, los mismos casos son modificados para considerar el uso de MFR, y se presentan las mejoras tanto en la máxima longitud admisible como en la abertura de fisura para una longitud y deformación impuesta. This work deals with elements reinforced with both rebars and Recycled Steel Fibres (RSFs). Its main objective is to improve cracking behaviour of elements subjected to pure bending and bending and axial force, resulting in better serviceability conditions for these structures demanding keen crack width control. Among these structures a particularly interesting type are the so-called integral structures, i.e. long jointless structures (bridges and buildings) subjected to gravitational loads and imposed deformations due to shrinkage, creep and temperature. RSFs are obtained from End of Life Tyres, and due to the recycling process that is focused on the rubber rather than on the steel they come out crooked and with variable length. Although the effectiveness of RSFs had already been proven by previous research, the innovation of this work consists in the proposing the combined action of conventional rebars and RSFs to improve cracking behaviour. Therefore, the objective is to improve the sustainability of RC structures by, on the one hand, using recycled materials, and on the other improving their durability. A state of the art on cracking in RC elements is firstly drawn. It is then expanded to elements reinforced with both rebars and fibres (R/FRC elements). Finally, the simplified method for analysis of columns of long jointless structures already proposed by Pérez et al. is resumed, with a special focus on the points that conflict when taking into account the action of fibres. Afterwards, a model to describe sectional deformability and cracking of R/FRC elements is presented, taking also into account the effect of shrinkage (negative tension stiffening). The model is then used to implement the simplified method for columns. The novelty represented by this is that a comprehensive methodology to analyse this type of elements is presented. A preliminary experimental campaign consisting in small beams subjected to pure bending is described, with the objective of validating the effectiveness and usability in concrete of RSFs of two different types, and their behaviour when compared with commercial steel fibres. With the results and lessons learnt from this campaign in mind, the main experimental campaign is then described, consisting in cracking tests of eight unscaled beams in pure bending (varying RSF content, Ø/s,eff and concrete cover) and twelve columns subjected to imposed displacement and axial force (varying RSF content, Ø/s,eff and squashing load ratio). The results obtained from the main campaign are presented and discussed, with particular focus on the improvement in cracking behaviour for the beams and columns, and structural stiffness for the columns. They are then compared with the proposed model. The main parameters studied to describe cracking and sectional behaviours of the beam tests are crack spacing, mean steel strain and crack width, while for the column tests these were moment/curvature, stress in rebars and crack with at column embedment. The comparison showed satisfactory agreement between experimental results and model predictions. Moreover, it is pointed out the improvement in cracking behaviour due to the addition of RSF for elements with low reinforcement ratios, elements with low squashing load ratios and for crack width control of elements with large concrete covers, thus representing results with a immediate impact in engineering practice (slab design, tanks, integral structures, etc.). Applications of RSF to actual structures are finally presented. Two cases of elements in pure bending are presented, namely a simple supported beam and a water treatment tank. In both cases the addition of RSF to concrete leads to improvements in cracking behaviour. Then, using the simplified model for the serviceability analysis of columns of jointless structures, the maximum achievable jointless length of typical cases of a bridge and building is obtained. In XIIparticular, it is shown how the limitations of current engineering practice (this is especially the case of buildings) can be increased by considering the actual behaviour of RC supports. Then, the same cases are modified considering the use of RSF, and the improvements both in maximum achievable length and in crack width for a given length and imposed strain at the deck/first floor are shown.
As it is well known from the work by Gibbs et al., optical turbulence and periodic oscillations are easily seen in hybrid optical bistable devices when a delay is added to the feedback. Such effects, as it was pointed out by Gibbs, may be used to convert cw laser power into a train of light pulses.
The gust wind tunnel at IDR, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), has been enhanced and the impact of the modification has been characterized. Several flow quality configurations have been tested. The problems in measuring gusty winds with Pitot tubes have been considered. Experimental results have been obtained and compared with theoretically calculated results (based on potential flow theory). A theoretical correction term has been proposed for unsteady flow measurements obtained with Pitot tubes. The effect of unsteady flow on structures and laying bodies on the ground has been also considered. A theoretical model has been proposed for a semi-circular cylinder and experimental tests have been performed to study the unsteady flow effects, which can help in clarifying the phenomenon.
Proper management of the N applied to crops is necessary in order to increase yield, improve water use efficiency (WUE) and reduce the pollutions risks with the least economic, environmental and health costs. A field study with melon crops was conducted during 2005, 2006 and 2007 in central Spain, using 11 different amounts of N. Some environmental indexes have been proposed, to provide an essential tool for determining the groundwater pollution risks associated with common agricultural practices. These indexes are related to variation in the nitrate concentration of drinking water (Impact Index (II)) and groundwater (Environmental Impact Index (EII)). Also, the Management Efficiency (ME) was calculated, which is related to the amount of fruit produced per gram of N leached (Nl). To determine the optimum dose of N, it was also necessary to know the N mineralisation (NM). Our results show that 160 kg ha−1 of available N (Nav) produced the maximum fruit yield (FY), enhanced WUE and gave an NM of 85 kg ha−1, while the impact indexes did not exceed the fixed maximum allowable limits and ME was adequate. The proposed indexes proved to be an effective tool for determining the risk of nitrate contamination and confirmed that the optimum dose of N corresponded to the maximum FY with minimal loss of Nl.
In this work, cracking of concrete due to steel reinforcement corrosion is experimentally and numerically studied. The tests combined accelerated corrosion—to generate the cracks—with impregnation under vacuum with resin containing fluorescein—to enhance their visibility under ultraviolet light. In parallel, a model—called expansive joint element—was developed to simulate the expansion of the oxide and finite elements with an embedded adaptable cohesive crack were used to describe concrete cracking. The results show that a good agreement exists between the experimental and numerical crack patterns, which constitutes promising progress towards a comprehensive understanding of corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced concrete.