6 resultados para Physical mechanisms
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Surfactant monolayers are of interest in a variety of phenomena, including thin film dynamics and the formation and dynamics of foams. Measurement of surface properties has received a continuous attention and requires good theoretical models to extract the relevant physico- chemical information from experimental data. A common experimental set up consists in a shallow liquid layer whose free surface is slowly com- pressed/expanded in periodic fashion by moving two slightly immersed solid barriers, which varies the free surface area and thus the surfactant concentration. The simplest theory ignores the fluid dynamics in the bulk fluid, assuming spatially uniform surfactant concentration, which requires quite small forcing frequencies and provides reversible dynamics in the compression/expansion cycles. Sometimes, it is not clear whether depar- ture from reversibility is due to non-equilibrium effects or to the ignored fluid dynamics. Here we present a long wave theory that takes the fluid dynamics and the symmetries of the problem into account. In particular, the validity of the spatially-uniform-surfactant-concentration assumption is established and a nonlinear diffusion equation is derived. This allows for calculating spatially nonuniform monolayer dynamics and uncovering the physical mechanisms involved in the surfactant behavior. Also, this analysis can be considered a good means for extracting more relevant information from each experimental run.
A theory is provided for a common experimental set up that is used to measure surface properties in surfactant monolayers. The set up consists of a surfactant monolayer (over a shallow liquid layer) that is compressed/expanded in a periodic fashion by moving in counter-phase two parallel, slightly immersed solid barriers, which vary the free surface area and thus the surfactant concentration. The simplest theory ignores the fluid dynamics in the bulk fluid, assuming spatially uniform surfactant concentration, which requires quite small forcing frequencies and provides reversible dynamics in the compression/expansion cycles. In this paper, we present a long-wave theory for not so slow oscillations that assumes local equilibrium but takes the fluid dynamics into account. This simple theory uncovers the physical mechanisms involved in the surfactant behavior and allows for extracting more information from each experimental run. The conclusion is that the fluid dynamics cannot be ignored, and that some irreversible dynamics could well have a fluid dynamic origin
The recognition of an increasing and worldwide demand for high quality in fruits and vegetables has grown in recent years. Evidence of severe problems of mechanical damage is increasing, and this is affecting the trade of fruits in European and other countries. The potential market for fresh high-quality vegetables and fruits remains restricted by the lack of quality of the majority of products that reach consumers; this is the case for local as well as import/export markets, so a reduction in the consumption of fresh fruits in favour of other fixed-quality products (dairy in particular) may become widespread. In a recent survey (King, 1988, cited in Bellon, 1989), it appears that, for the moment, one third of the surveyed consumers are still continuing to increase their fresh produce consumption. The factors that appear as being most important in influencing the shopping behaviour of these consumers are taste/flavour, freshness/ripeness, appealing look, and cleanliness. Research on mechanical damage in fruit and vegetables has been underway for several years. The first research made on physical properties of fruits was in fact directed towards analysing the response to slow or rapid loading of selected fruits (Fridley et al, 1968; Horsefield et al., 1972). From that time on, research has expanded greatly, and different aspects of the problem have been approached. These include applicable mechanical models for the contact problem, the response of biological tissues to loading, devices for detecting damage causes in machines and equipment, and procedures for sensing bruises in grading and sorting. This chapter will be devoted to the study of actual research results relative to the cause and mechanisms of mechanical damage in fruits (secondarily in vegetables), the development of bruises in these commodities, the models that have been used up to now, and the different factors which have been recognized as influencing the appearance and development of mechanical damage in fruits. The study will be focused mainly on contact-damage - that is, slow or rapid loads applied to the surface of the products and causing bruises. (A bruise is defined as an altered volume of fruit tissues below the skin that is discoloured and softened.) Other types of mechanical damage, like abrasion and scuffing, punctures and cuts, will be also mentioned briefly.
Introduction - SiO 2 •Simple composition and structure; Crystalline and amorphous phases •Adequate for atomistic simulations •Abundant in nature. Relevant for many technologies -Irradiation with swift heavy ions: •They provide EXTREME physical conditions •Very high excitation densities similar to high power lasers •Very high local temperatures •By playing with high energy and heavy mass (SHI) : •One can go from low electronic excitations (collisions regime) to high electronic excitations (electronic regime
The effect of the applied stress on the deformation and crack nucleation and propagation mechanisms of a c-TiAl intermetallic alloy (Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn (at. pct)-0.8 vol. pct TiB2) was examined by means of in situ tensile (constant strain rate) and tensile-creep (constant load) experiments performed at 973 K (700 �C) using a scanning electron microscope. Colony boundary cracking developed during the secondary stage in creep tests at 300 and 400 MPa and during the tertiary stage of the creep tests performed at higher stresses. Colony boundary cracking was also observed in the constant strain rate tensile test. Interlamellar ledges were only found during the tensile-creep tests at high stresses (r>400 MPa) and during the constant strain rate tensile test. Quantitative measurements of the nature of the crack propagation path along secondary cracks and along the primary crack indicated that colony boundaries were preferential sites for crack propagation under all the conditions investigated. The frequency of interlamellar cracking increased with stress, but this fracture mechanism was always of secondary importance. Translamellar cracking was only observed along the primary crack.
La presente tesis analiza el efecto del ejercicio físico agudo y la hidratación sobre las concentraciones de homocisteína total (tHcy) y su relación con los parámetros implicados en el metabolismo de la homocisteína como el folato, la vitamina B12, y la creatina en una muestra de varones jóvenes físicamente activos. El trabajo se basa en los resultados del estudio realizado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Para el cual se contó con un total de 29 voluntarios sanos físicamente activos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los principales resultados de esta tesis son: a) Las concentraciones de tHcy aumentaron después del ejercicio agudo tanto tras una prueba de intensidad máxima (VO2max) como una submáxima (65 % of VO2max) en varones físicamente activos independientemente de las sus concentraciones basales de tHcy. b) Las concentraciones de tHcy disminuyeron 2 h después del ejercicio físico aeróbico submáximo tras aplicar un protocolo de hidratación con una bebida para deportistas. c) Un adecuado protocolo de hidratación durante el ejercicio físico agudo previno el aumento de las concentraciones de tHcy hasta 2 h después del ejercicio. d) Las concentraciones de tHcy aumentaron a las 6 h tras la finalización del ejercicio únicamente en los test en los que no se siguió un protocolo de hidratación durante el ejercicio físico. e) A las 24 h tras el ejercicio, las concentraciones de tHcy volvieron a los niveles basales independientemente de si se aplicó un protocolo de hidratación durante el ejercicio o no. f) Es necesario aclarar si existen mecanismos subyacentes relacionados con el riesgo cardiovascular debido al aumento transitorio de las concentraciones de tHcy inducidas por el ejercicio agudo. Se necesitan más estudios que analicen la relación entre las concentraciones de tHcy después del ejercicio físico agudo y la implicación de la creatina, vitamina B12 y folato como parámetros relacionados en el metabolismo de la homocisteína. El efecto agudo del ejercicio físico aumenta las concentraciones de tHcy por encima de los valores recomendados; sin embargo, un adecuado protocolo de hidratación mantiene las concentraciones a niveles basales y previene el posterior aumento en una muestra de varones adultos físicamente activos. ABSTRACT The current thesis analyzes the effect of exercise and hydration on total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations and the relationship with the implicated parameters, like folate, vitamin B12, and creatine in physically active male adults. The work is based on the results of the study conducted at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of the Technical University of Madrid. A total of 29 physically active voluntary healthy males from the Region of Madrid were recruited. The main outcomes of this thesis are: a) tHcy concentrations increased after acute exercise with both, maximal (VO2max) and submaximal (65 % of VO2max) tests in physically active male subjects independently of their baseline tHcy status. b) After 2 h of rehydration with a sport drink, tHcy concentrations, which had previously increased during an acute exercise, decreased significantly, although they didn´t recover to baseline values. c) An adequate hydration protocol during acute aerobic submaximal exercise prevents the increase of tHcy concentrations and maintains these concentrations at baseline up to 2 h post-exercise. d) Serum tHcy concentrations increased after submaximal exercise when the hydration protocol during exercise was not applied. Furthermore, tHcy concentrations reached maximal values 6 h after the end of exercise. e) At 24 h, tHcy concentrations recovered baseline values independently whether or not there was a hydration protocol during exercise. f) There is a need to clarify the underlying mechanisms related to cardiovascular risk due to the transient increase of tHcy concentrations induced by acute exercise. Further research analayzing the relationship between tHcy concentrations after acute exercise and the implication of creatine, vitamin B12 and folate as related parameters in the homocysteine metabolism is needed. Finally, tHcy concentrations increased above the recommended values after an acute aerobic submaximal exercise; nevertheless, a good hydration protocol maintains tHcy concentrations at baseline and prevents the further increase in a sample of physically active male adults.