6 resultados para Partners and partnerships

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Spanish Educational Laws have been promoting the widespread use of English; as a result, Spanish Uni versities are looking for ways to give students more international training in order to prepare them for a future that will increasingly involve global problems and partnerships. Therefore, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain (UPM), and the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada (UBCO) have come together to offer opportunities for international collaboration and learning, thus facilitating virtual encounters among Spanish and Canadian students. The Language Exchange Program between the UPM and UBCO acts as a model for sustainability innovation in language and culture engagement as the students can interact with native speakers in communication tasks. This interdisciplinary initiative supports the latest methodological principles observed in the Common European Framework for Languages, such as autonomous and life-long learning, self-assessment and peer-assessment as well as the incorporation of new technologies to the learning process. Additionally the ‘virtual’ mobility is provided at no extra cost. This article presents the preliminary results of two virtual exchange programs that have been offering varied forms of study which are venue-independent, and have clearly expanded the range of scenarios for the students on both sides by promoting collaborative work and cultural exchange.


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The NURISP project aims at developing the European NURESIM reference simulation platform [1] for nuclear reactor. A first version of NURESIM was delivered in 2008. 22 organizations from 14 European countries contribute to the further development of this platform. NURISP also includes a User’s Group (UG) whose members are not NURISP partners and come from the industrial nuclear sector or European and non-European R&D labs. Users can benefit from the use of the NURESIM platform, methods, results and modules and they provide concrete input and feedback on the use of these elements.


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This paper shares our experience with initial negotiation and topic elicitation process for conducting industry experiments in six software development organizations in Finland. The process involved interaction with company representatives in the form of both multiple group discussions and separate face-to-face meetings. Fitness criteria developed by researchers were applied to the list of generated topics to decide on a common topic. The challenges we faced include diversity of proposed topics, communication gaps, skepticism about research methods, initial disconnect between research and industry needs, and lack of prior work relationship. Lessons learned include having enough time to establish trust with partners, importance of leveraging the benefits of training and skill development that are inherent in the experimental approach, uniquely positioning the experimental approach within the landscape of other validation approaches more familiar to industrial partners, and introducing the fitness criteria early in the process.


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El software se ha convertido en el eje central del mundo actual, una compleja creación humana que influye en la vida, negocios y comunicación de todas las personas pertenecientes a la Sociedad de la Información. El rápido crecimiento experimentado en el ámbito del desarrollo software ha permitido la creación de avanzadas estructuras tecnológicas, denominadas “Sistemas Intensivos Software”, capaces de comunicarse con otros sistemas, dispositivos, sensores y personas. A lo largo de los próximos años los sistemas se enfrentarán a una mayor complejidad, surgida de la necesidad de operar en entornos de grandes dimensiones y de comportamientos no deterministas. Los métodos y herramientas actuales no son lo suficientemente potentes para diseñar, construir,implementar y mantener sistemas intensivos software con estas características, y detener la construcción de sistemas intensivos software o construir sistemas poco flexibles o fiables no es una alternativa real. En el desarrollo de “Sistemas Intensivos Software” pueden llegar a intervenir distintas entidades o compañías software que suelen estar en ubicaciones geográficas distintas y constituidas por grandes equipos de desarrollo, multidisciplinares e incluso multilingües. Debido a la criticidad del resultado de las actividades realizadas de forma independiente en el sistema resultante, éstas se han de controlar y monitorizar para asegurar la correcta integración de todos los elementos del sistema completo. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una herramienta software para dar soporte a la gestión y monitorización de la construcción e integración de sistemas intensivos software, siendo extensible también a proyectos de otra índole. La herramienta resultante se denomina Positioning System, una aplicación web del tipo SPA (Single Page Application) creada con tecnología de última generación como el framework JavaScript AngularJS y tecnología de back-end como SlimPHP. Positioning System provee la funcionalidad necesaria para la creación de proyectos, familias y subfamilias de productos que constituyen los productos software de los proyectos creados, así como la gestión de socios comerciales y gestión de contactos de dichos proyectos. Todas estas funcionalidades son fácilmente monitorizadas y controladas por gráficos estadísticos generados para cada proyecto. ABSTRACT Software has become the backbone of today’s world, a complex human creation that has an important impact in the life, business and communication of all people involved with the Information Society. The quick growth that software development has undergone for last years has enabled the creation of advanced technological structures called “Software Intensive Systems”. They are able to communicate with other systems, devices, sensors and people. Next years, systems will face more complexity. It arises from the need of operating systems of large dimensions with non-deterministic behaviors. Current methods and tools are not powerful enough to design, build, implement and maintain software intensive systems; however stopping the development or developing unreliable and non-flexible systems is not a real alternative. Software Intensive Systems” development may involve different entities or software companies which may be in different geographical locations and may be constituted by large, multidisciplinary and even multilingual development teams. Due to the criticality of the result of each conducted activity, independently in the resulting system, these activities must be controlled and monitored to ensure the proper integration of all the elements within the complete system. The goal of this project is the creation of a software tool to support the management and monitoring of the construction and integration of software intensive systems, being possible to be extended to other kind of projects. The resultant tool is called Positioning System, a web application that follows the SPA (Single Page Application) style. It was created with the latest technologies, such as, the AngularJS framework and SlimPHP. The Positioning System provides the necessary features for the creation of projects, families and subfamilies of products that constitute the software products of the created projects, as well as the management of business partners and contacts of these projects. All these features are easily monitored and controlled by statistical graphs generated for each project.


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En cualquier empresa el crecimiento supone una dimensión dinámica, en movimiento más o menos continúo, mientras que el tamaño representa una visión estática de la misma. Desde hace algunos años y en particular en el reciente período (2014-2020) de programación de las políticas de apoyo al desarrollo rural, se está interviniendo sobre el sector cooperativo agroalimentario, priorizando y promoviendo procesos de crecimiento atendiendo al criterio del tamaño en particular. En este trabajo de investigación de Tesis Doctoral se ha querido ahondar en esta cuestión desde un enfoque micro. Para ello se analizan, a nivel de cooperativa, las principales fórmulas de crecimiento desarrolladas por cooperativas hortofrutícolas, no con la pretensión de presentarlo como fenómeno global o receta normativa del cooperativismo agroalimentario, sino como especificidades emergentes del crecimiento cooperativo que no están basados únicamente en el tamaño de las empresas, como a menudo se ilustra desde las administraciones; considerando diversas transformaciones y cambios que estas organizaciones deben desarrollar en el proceso dinámico de crecimiento. Para ello se abordan con una especial atención las implicaciones jurídicas en cada caso y, en este marco, se contemplan diversos estudios vinculados con la evolución de la legislación cooperativa en relación a sus formas de crecimiento en el campo agroalimentario. La contextualización del sector y de los procesos de crecimiento se realiza a nivel europeo y español, prestando especial atención al sector hortofrutícola, para lo cual se han tenido como elementos de apoyo y soporte los informes elaborados dentro del proyecto financiado por la Comisión Europea: Support for Farmers cooperatives (Bijman et al, 2012) y las bases de datos disponibles. El proceso metodológico se ha apoyado en diversas técnicas de investigación social para abordar un análisis empírico a nivel micro basado en tres casos seleccionados como paradigmáticos de integración de cooperativas, sobre los que se realizado una encuesta intensa y un análisis con el Ciclo de Vida de una cooperativa alcanzando resultados sobre la diversidad en las formas de integración y la evolución económico-financiera, social y organizacional que los acompañan, todo ello utilizando una perspectiva histórica de al menos nueve ejercicios ulteriores a los procesos de integración. Las tres cooperativas hortofrutícolas objeto de análisis desarrollan su actividad en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica. Con la identificación de aquellos aspectos más relevantes que pueden haber influido en el desarrollo de estos procesos, el análisis arroja resultados de interés que indican que la legislación actual promueve formas de crecimiento de las cooperativas basadas en la dimensión, sin tener en cuenta otros factores manifiestos de heterogeneidad. La apuesta por la especialización de la empresa cooperativa, incluso recurriendo a la limitación de socios, es una forma de crecimiento sostenible en determinados casos. Como también lo es una mayor implicación de los socios y el desarrollo de mecanismos ágiles para responder rápidamente a los incentivos de un mercado cambiante. La sostenibilidad y la mejora de la salud en los procesos de integración deben apoyarse en mecanismos que generen mayor participación e implicación de su masa social en las estructuras de gobierno para evitar la pérdida de capital social. ABSTRACT In any business growth is a dynamic dimension, in more or less continuous movement, while the size represents a static view of it. In recent years and particularly in the recent period (2014-2020) programming policies to support rural development, are being used to intervene on the agrifood cooperative sector, prioritizing and promoting growth processes by the criterion of size in particular. This research work Doctoral Thesis has aimed to delve into this issue from a micro approach. To this are discussed at the level of cooperative, the main growth formulas developed by a sector of horticultural cooperatives, not with the intention of presenting it as a global phenomenon or policy prescription of the food cooperative, but as emerging specificities of the cooperative growth are not based only in the size of companies, as often it is shown from the authorities, but also consider the transformations and changes that these organizations should develop in the dynamic process of growth. For it dealt with special attention the legal implications in each case and, in this context, they have been contemplated several studies linked to the development of cooperative legislation in relation to their growth forms in the food field. The contextualization of the sector and growth processes is performed at European and state level, paying special attention to horticulture, for which they have been taken as support reports the reports prepared within the project funded by the European Commission: Support for Farmers cooperatives (Bijman et al, 2012) and available databases. The methodology has relied on various techniques of social research to address an empirical micro-level analysis based on three cases selected as paradigmatic integration of cooperatives, on which intensive survey and analysis with the Life Cycle of a cooperative made achieving results on the diversity in the forms of integration and economic and financial, social and organizational evolution that accompany them, all using a historical perspective of at least nine subsequent years to the integration processes. The three analyzed horticultural cooperatives are based in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. With the identification of the most relevant aspects that may have influenced the development of these processes, the analysis yields interesting results that indicate that the current legislation promotes growth forms of cooperatives based on the dimension regardless of other factors of apparent heterogeneity or socio-cultural barriers. The commitment to specialization of the cooperative enterprise, including through limiting partners is a form of sustainable growth in certain cases. As it is also a greater involvement of partners and the development of efficient mechanisms to respond quickly to changing market incentives. Sustainability and health improvement in growth processes must rely on mechanisms that generate greater participation and involvement of its membership in the structures of government, to avoid the lost of social capital.


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This paper describes a theoretical model based primarily on transaction costs, for comparing the various tendering mechanisms used for transportation Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects. In particular, the model contrasts negotiated procedures with the open procedure, as defined by the current European Union legislation on public tendering. The model includes both ex ante transaction costs (borne during the tendering stage) and ex post transaction costs (such as enforcement costs, re-negotiation costs, and costs arising from litigation between partners), explaining the trade-off between them. Generally speaking, it is assumed that the open procedure implies lower transaction costs ex ante, while the negotiated procedure reduces the probability of the appearance of new contingencies not foreseen in the contract, hence diminishing the expected value of transaction costs ex post. Therefore, the balance between ex ante and ex post transaction costs is the main criterion for deciding whether the open or negotiated procedure would be optimal. Notwithstanding, empirical evidence currently exists only on ex ante transaction costs in transportation infrastructure projects. This evidence has shown a relevant difference between the two procedures as far as ex ante costs are concerned, favouring the open procedure. The model developed in this paper also demonstrates that a larger degree of complexity in a contract does not unequivocally favour the use of a negotiated procedure. Only in those cases dealing with very innovative projects, where important dimensions of the quality of the asset or service are not verifiable, may we observe an advantage in favour of the negotiated procedure. The bottom line is that we find it difficult to justify the employment of negotiated procedures in most transportation PPP contracts, especially in the field of roads. Nevertheless, the field remains open for future empirical work and research on the levels of transaction costs borne ex post in PPP contracts, as well as on the probabilities of such costs appearing under any of the procurement procedures.